Everything I learned on this site (Part 2)



Oct 15, 2024
Use Bright mode pls thread won't look good dark mode sry. Note: Ytb videos wont show so just right clic on them and copy paste URL
This megathread will cover all the principles ranged alphabetically to optimize one’s health, looks and overall sexual market value. All the information here is a compilation of interesting threads aswell as responses which are the most relevant for self-improvement in the most concise way possible (minimum ramblings). There will be several parts.
I should specify that I didn’t involve any hardmaxxing method such as surgery or steroids which may make many users here upset. Anyways let’s go
(Bluepilled) advice :

Styling Hair​

Hair Care Routine​


Giving yourself a haircut (Head) (https://www.bostonmagazine.com/life-style/2020/04/27/mens-home-haircut/)
Back of the neck hair (https://www.byrdie.com/how-to-shave-the-back-of-your-own-neck-2326481)
Pubic Hair (https://gillette.com/en-us/shaving-tips/manscaping/pubic-hair-shaving)
Get rid of hair long term (https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-remove-hair-permanently#hair-removal-options)

Now to blackpilled advice :derminator 2+ biotin+ head massages+avoid perpermint oil !

Try balayam yoga.
Do the exercise for 10 minutes twice a day - before breakfast in the morning and before dinner at night.
neck massages everyday.

Hair care products

There are a LOT of hair products, but don't be discouraged. I have listed them all right here; if you hear of an hair product but it isn't in this list, assume it's not as necessary. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you understand that you won't get beautiful hair by being stingy; supermarket hair products are watered down and rarely effective. It is a wise idea to invest money in quality hair products if you are serious about your hair. Choose high-quality products that professionals use in their salons and you will avoid wasting your money on useless snake oil that gives no results.
  • Shampoo: it is used to clean your scalp, not your hair. If applied directly to hair it will strip it of its natural oils, making it dry and ugly. Shampoo is the first product you apply when washing your hair. It is washed out of your hair after being applied.​
  • Conditioner: it is used to restore strength and moisture to your hair, not your scalp. If applied to your scalp it will clog the follicles, leading to dandruff. Conditioner is the second product you apply when washing your hair, right after shampoo. It is washed out of your hair after being applied.​
  • Leave-in conditioner: it is used to seal moisture inside your hair strand, making sure it does not escape the hair, ensuring it remains healthy and beautiful. Unlike a Conditioner, a Leave-in Conditioner is NOT washed out of your hair after being applied.​
  • Hair oil: it is used to seal moisture into particularly vulnerable areas, such as your hair ends and, to a lesser extent, your hair mids. It helps fight frizziness and protect your hair. It is NOT washed out of your hair after being applied.​
  • Blow dry cream: it is used to protect your wet hair before you blow dry it; when wet, your hair is at its most vulnerable and it will always require protection. It is not washed out of your hair after being applied.​
  • Heat protectant: it is used to protect your dry hair before you use a flat iron on it. Heat is very dangerous for your hair and it can lead to damage if you do not properly protect your hair with a heat protectant. It is not washed out of your hair after being applied.​
  • Hair mask: it is used to repair damaged hair or fix certain hair problems. Hair masks can be applied to wet or dry hair and are generally left on for a long period of time before you wash them out.​

Washing your hair correctly is simple but most people do it wrong. It should be done this way:

Phase I - Shampooing
Gently wet your hair with lukewarm water for 1 minute allowing it to open up. Put shampoo on your scalp and gently rub it with your fingertips all over the scalp; this is a good time to have a scalp massage as well since you're basically already doing it. Keep rubbing gently until the shampoo forms a lather, once you're done (shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes even with a scalp massage), wash it all off.

Phase II - Conditioning
Gently squeeze
your hair to remove excess water. Do NOT pull, scratch or twist. Just gently squeeze your hair inbetween your palms. Once you got most of the water out, apply conditioner to your hair and NOT to your scalp. Leave it on for 2 to 10 minutes, then wash it off with cold water.

Drying your hair is the hardest part and the one where most people do the most damage. When wet, your hair is in its most vulnerable state and should be treated like glass: that means you must be super gentle with it.

There are two main ways you can dry your hair: Blow Drying and Air Drying.

Blow Drying will require good technique but allows you to change your hair's pattern. Blow Drying will require a blow drying cream and a quality blow drier as well. It is impossible to properly explain how to blow dry in written form, so you will need to find tutorials elsewhere; YouTube should have plenty of options.

Air Drying will require a microfiber towel for optimal results. Once you are out of the shower, gently squeeze water out of your hair by hand, then gently pat your hair with your microfiber towel until it's about 60 to 80% dry. Apply your leave-in conditioner, then you can wrap your hair in another microfiber towel (one that's not wet) and leave it on to dry for a few hours. Alternatively, you can leave your hair uncovered right after you apply your leave-in conditioner, but I wouldn't recommend it as you'll need hair that's in PERFECT health to avoid it losing moisture.

Some people wrongfully assume Air Drying is damaging because your hair remains wet for too long, or that Blow Drying applies unnecessary heat to your hair.
Both are wrong. Either way of drying is perfectly fine.
Just make sure to use a blow-dry cream and good technique when blow drying to ensure no heat damage. If instead you decide to air dry, just keep in mind the shape your hair dries in is the way your hair will stay - you obviously won't get to decide your hair's shape if you air dry it and don't use heat on it right after.

Styling refers to all procedures that are not meant to fundamentally change your hair's structure but merely the way it looks. The most common ways of styling your hair are connected to the use of heat. There are countless heat tools one can use, but the most effective, safe and widely used is the Flat Iron. I will skip the specifics or heat hair tools as you need an actual video to see the technique in action; what I want to focus on is ensuring styling won't damage your hair.
Information on the various procedures you can use to change your hair pattern through heat can be found elsewhere.

To protect hair from heat damage, follow these FOUR rules:
Rule 1: I will NOT apply heat to my hair when it is wet, greasy/unwashed, or already damaged.
Rule 2: I will NOT use heat styling more than twice a week, and I will avoid morning touch-ups.
Rule 3: I will always use a Heat Protectant before heat styling, and an hair oil right after heat styling.
Rule 4: To ensure heat styling lasts as long as possible, I will only use heat right after I washed and dried my hair.

Using a Heat Protectant: Spray from afar so that the spray can actually become a cloud and coat your hair in a wide area. A few sprays for each section should be sufficient; heat protectant should not be felt on your hair and it shouldn't make your hair greasy - you don't have to SEE IT on your hair to know it's there, and if you go overboard, you will make your hair greasy and heavy and that will negatively impact your heat styling. Once it's been sprayed, brush your hair to coat it evenly and proceed with your heat styling.

Biologically speaking, your hair is fairly useless, but it is a good way to instantly tell if an organism is in good health or not, since it's one of the first things your body ditches when it feels threatened. That is why so many diseases cause hair loss, and why you can even lose hair from a sudden debilitating shock, like surgery. Veterinarians routinely gauge a pet's health by the state of its fur, and humans are not different. Hair is a quick way to tell the health state of its owner throughout a long period of time... as such, one of its foundations is good habits for your overall health.
  • Diet: A balanced diet with plenty of protein and omega-3 will ensure optimal hair growth. Focus on fatty fish, nuts, eggs, avocados, sweet potatoes, meat.​
  • Water: Drink 3+ liters of water a day to ensure optimal liquid intake.​
  • Sleep: Sleep 8hr+ a day, in a slightly cold room, in complete silence and darkness, and following regular sleep patterns (go to sleep and wake up at roughly the same hours throughout the entire week).​
  • Sun: Direct sunlight can damage hair through a process similar to bleaching; protect your hair, wear hats, or just avoid frying it under intense sun for too long.​
  • Swimming: Salt water (from the sea) and chloride (from swimming pools) can damage your hair in the long run; moreover, wetting your hair too often can also lead to breakage and damage.​
  • Tying your hair: When at home, try to never tie your hair. When outside, avoid tight hairstyles as they can lead to hair loss and breakage. Ponytails should be low-set, not high-set; this applies minimal stress to hair follicles.​
  • Hair ties: Never use low quality hair ties and stay away from those with little metallic pieces in them. Use scrunchies if possible, as they are less damaging to hair.​
  • Scalp massages: Massaging your scalp relieves tension and fosters hair growth; a good rule of thumb is having a relaxing scalp massage every time you shampoo.​
  • Brushing: Avoid brushing your hair too much and only use quality brushes. Never brush when wet if you can avoid it.​
  • Touching your hair: Avoid touching and pulling on your hair, as well as scratching your scalp.​
  • Towels: Only use microfiber towels in your hair as they prevent frizz and breakage.​
  • Pillowcases: Only use silk pillowcases as they prevent frizz and breakage.​
  • Combs: Use wide-toothed ones.​

your hair

You will have to spend a lot of time and some money on your hair, trying many different products and improving your routine little by little. For some, it's a quick process, while the unlucky ones will take a long time to find a routine that works for them. It is better to start this process as soon as possible, since it will be a long journey.
Your process will be based on the Scientific Method: you will...
  1. Study your hair to see where you can improve it.​
  2. Formulate an hypothesis as to what is wrong with it.​
  3. Choose a product/routine to attempt to fix it.​
  4. Implement that routine for a certain amount of time, taking notes on what is working and what is not.​
  5. Review the data to see what worked and what didn't, and start the process again until you obtain satisfying results.
    Most people think there are four hair types: straight, wavy, curly and kinky.
    This is wrong, because these are hair patterns, not types. A hair's pattern only tells you the shape of your hair; a hair type tells you what product you need to use, and since our goal is creating beautiful hair, that is what we need to consider!
    In order to improve our hair, we must forget hair patterns and focus on two main features that are often overlooked: thickness and porosity.​

Thickness - the width of your hair strands.
To find out the width, start by taking a single strand of hair and laying it flat on a table.
If you can barely see the hair or feel it between your fingertips, then you have fine hair.
If the hair strand looks thick and appears to be textured, then the hair is coarse.
If your hair is somewhere in-between, then you have a medium width.

Porosity - your hair’s ability to absorb moisture or product.
An easy way to determine your hair’s porosity is by placing a single strand of hair into a bowl of water.
If the hair sinks to the bottom, your hair has a high porosity as it’s absorbing all the moisture.
If your hair floats on top of the water, your hair has a low porosity and doesn’t absorb moisture easily.
Lastly, if the hair floats somewhere in the middle of the water, it has a medium porosity meaning that it is well balanced.

Note that your porosity levels may change; high porosity is generally caused by damage, whereas healthy hair tends to be on the low porosity side.

Hair Diagnosis

After Part I, you should have discovered 2 pieces of information, i.e. your hair's thickness and porosity. Let us now have a look at what your problems are, and how to fix them in a way that is tailored to your hair's specific structure and needs.

The tables below will give indications related to three main elements:
Amount of Product: each ▮ represents a dime-sized dollop of product. This can be increased or reduced based on your hair length, obviously - if your hair goes past your neck, use more. If it doesn't, use less. A bit of mental flexibility is required here!
Weight/Thickness of Product: refer to product description; ▮ products are almost watery, ▮▮▮▮▮ products are super thick or very oily.
Shampooing Frequency: each ▮ represents how many days per week you should shampoo.

Types of Hair Issues
The most common hair issues can be classified in three major groups: Dryness, Oiliness, Hair Loss, Scalp Issues.
  • Dryness refers to hair that looks somewhat like straw; it is dull, brittle and split. It does not shine and it does not flow. Dry hair is especially ugly right after washing, and extreme dryness is usually a sign of hair damage.​
  • Oiliness refers to the opposite; hair that is flat, heavy, and which looks and feels gross and dirty. Oily hair is especially annoying because it requires frequent washes, and gets greasy really quickly.​
  • Hair Loss refers to the lack of hair itself rather than its quality. Hair loss can be caused by hormones (male and female pattern baldness), skin conditions (sebhorreic dermatitis), autoimmune diseases (alopecia areata) and poor habits (lack of nutrients/sleep).​
  • Scalp Issues refers to problems that arise from an unbalanced scalp environment, such as dandruff and itching.​
Note that while most people generally suffer from only one of the three issues discussed in part I, many issues can coexist; for example, you may have oily roots and dry ends, or suffer from extreme dryness right after washing which quickly turns into excess oiliness.

The most common cause of dryness is some level of hair damage. Hair can be damaged by a variety of things; external agents, sunlight, bleaching, tight hairstyles, pulling... the list is endless. Solutions for dryness are generally quite simple but are slightly different based on your specific hair.
Amount of Product
Weight/Thickness of Product
Shampooing Frequency
Fine: ▮▮
Fine: ▮▮▮
Medium: ▮▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮▮▮
Fine: ▮▮
Medium: ▮▮
Coarse: ▮
Fine: ▮▮▮
Medium: ▮▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮▮▮
Fine: ▮▮
Medium: ▮
Coarse: ▮
Fine: ▮▮▮▮
Medium: ▮▮▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮▮▮
Fine: ▮
Medium: ▮
Coarse: ▮

Fixing Damage
Particularly persistent dryness may be caused by some extent of damage. Damage is a bit harder to fix, but it is not impossible. Just keep in mind that hair that has been damaged too severely will never go back to 100%; you will have to wait and grow it out again. This is the case for aggressive bleaching.
I recommend using Olaplex n.3 Hair Perfector to fix hair damage, as damaged hair is simply unable to retain moisture and will always revert to being dry, no matter how well you take care of it. That is because damaged hair is filled with microscopic holes that leak moisture; this product will plug those holes and allow your hair to retain moisture again. It is exceptionally effective and it will give some results from the very first try, peaking after 1-3 months of consistent use (the more damaged your hair is, the longer it will take).
You can follow this tutorial for what regards this specific product:

Oiliness is typically caused by a wide array of things. Fixing it requires a holistic approach that ensures optimal scalp environment (not oily nor too dry) as well as meticulous product choice that can give moisture to hair without making it greasy.
Note: Oiliness may also be caused by hormones, and there is no real fix for that besides the help of a dermatologist.

Amount of Product
Weight/Thickness of Product
Shampooing Frequency
Fine: ▮
Medium: ▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮
Fine: ▮
Medium: ▮
Coarse: ▮
Fine: ▮▮▮ or even ▮▮▮▮
Medium: ▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮
Fine: ▮▮
Medium: ▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮▮
Fine: ▮
Medium: ▮
Coarse: ▮
Fine: ▮▮▮
Medium: ▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮
Fine: ▮▮
Medium: ▮▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮▮▮
Fine: ▮▮
Medium: ▮▮
Coarse: ▮▮
Fine: ▮▮
Medium: ▮▮
Coarse: ▮

Hair loss
There are a lot of resources on this website that already discuss this problem in-depth. I believe in a practical approach based on reality rather than experimental drugs and unproven anecdotes. Hair loss is a complex problem and this is not the right place to discuss possible cures; I will, however, take some time to dispel some harmful myths related to hair loss.

Myth 1: Hair loss comes from your mother's side
There are a lot of very complex reasons for this, but the truth is that this claim is mostly false. Your mother's side is responsible for a bigger amount of genes that may carry the balding gene but they're not the only ones. The real truth of the matter is that predicting hair loss is impossible, it can strike randomly, skip generations, and act in very strange and unpredictable ways. All we can do is look for signs and take action.

Myth 2: Hair loss will always slowly result in a norwood 7 / completely bald head
Not all forms of hair loss are the same. Many people begin balding around the end of puberty (age 18 to 22) and towards middle age (40s), but in many cases hair loss simply stops after a certain point. That's why so many trichologists believe in the idea of a "mature hairline"; it is a statistical fact that the vast majority of men experience SOME extent of hair loss that makes one's hairline a bit higher than when they were teenagers, but which doesn't necessarily progress further.
This isn't completely well understood yet since "mature hairlines" tend to present a set of characteristics that sets them apart from male pattern baldness, but it is an indicator that not all forms of hair loss are the same, even when caused by testosterone or DHT.

Myth 3: Hair loss only affects men
Simply put: women are affected too, since testosterone is also in their system. They're just affected a LOT less often, in slightly different patterns, and they're really good at hiding/camouflaging it. Plus they also wear wigs without a second thought. As a matter of fact, Minoxidil is routinely prescribed to women too, and sometimes even Finasteride.

Myth 4: Hair loss medication doesn't work / is too risky
Hair loss medication isn't perfect but it does work and carries minimal risks.
There are a lot of people who use minoxidil and have excellent results, and who can stop or even reverse their hair loss without even using stronger medication like finasteride.
The same can be said for Finasteride; we have all heard the horror stories, but I'd like to stress that statistically speaking most people who start taking finasteride pills get excellent results and keep living their lives without any issues. It is important to gauge risks with a clear head instead of being carried away by feelings.

Now that these clarifications are out of the way, I will merely list what is KNOWN to work reasonably well.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor and take no responsibility for what you are going to do with the information provided below.
Possible side effects
Scalp Massages
Effective at restoring blood flow and reducing fibrosis. Somewhat effective at regrowing hair.

It can help make other treatments more effective by ensuring optimal scalp health.​
Only requires a few minutes when you are shampooing.​
Ketoconazole Shampoo
Mildly effective at slowing Male Pattern Baldness, or stopping it in very light cases.​
Extremely drying to hair.
Generally very harsh to your scalp.
It is generally not ideal to use this for long periods of time, as it is mostly an anti-fungal remedy.​
Derma rolling
Effective at inducing mild hair regrowth even alone, but especially useful to turn a minoxidil non-responder into a responder.​
Needles too big may cause damage to the hair follicle, which if repeated may become permanent loss of said hair follicle.

Chronic tears
in the scalp may also induce some form of fibrosis or even more serious conditions (more research is needed in this respect).​
Generally done professionally, but you can easily do it with yourself by using a plastic tool (properly disinfected and replaced every few months) or a specialized machine (Derminator).​
Very effective at regrowing hair in roughly 50% of men. Non-responders may attempt to turn into responders by Derma-Rolling or using Tretinoin.​
Mild irritation on scalp skin.

Anecdotal evidence related to collagen loss and dark circles has no scientific validity, UNLESS applied to the face to stimulate beard/eyebrow/eyelash growth, in which case said side effects may be explained by the alcoholic content of Minoxidil drying out the face's skin.​
Comes in two different percentages; 2% and 5%. 5% is generally as safe as 2% but more effective.

Can be taken orally or topically. Topical version is generally preferred since it is safer. Oral version is not FDA approved and carries a series of health risks, especially related to heart health.

In most cases, minoxidil induces hair shedding for a few weeks before the new strengthened hair can grow. Said hair becomes permanent after roughly 2 years, but it is recommended to keep using Minoxidil indefinitely to be completely sure the user won't revert to their original hair state when treatment is discontinued.​
Finasteride (needs prescription and medical supervision)
Effective at stopping Male Pattern Baldness in the majority of cases, and even reversing it in the lighter cases.​
Erectile dysfunction, reduced fertility (both reversible if treatment is discontinued).

Contrary to popular opinion, side effects are quite rare, and life-lasting side effects are exceptionally rare.​
Can be taken orally or topically. Oral version is generally preferred.​
Dutasteride (experimental drug)
Extremely effective at stopping Male Pattern Baldness in the vast majority of cases, and even reversing it in the lighter cases.
Finasteride's side effects, but generally stronger.​
Not FDA-approved and thus relatively difficult to predict; make use of this at your own risk.
This drug has a profound effect on the androgenic pathway that leads to sebum production too, which should help with acne as well.​

Scalp Issues

Every single common scalp condition, from itching to dandruff, has one culprit: Sebhorreic Dermatitis. As a matter of fact, 11% of people worldwide suffer from this condition, although it is most common in people between age 30 and 60.
The extent of a person's vulnerability to Sebhorreic Dermatitis influences the way it manifests. In the lightest cases, it will simply manifest as itching. In moderate cases, it will be dandruff. In more serious situations it can cause redness and extreme itching as well as huge inflamed flakes.

Following this guide religiously will help keep most of these symptoms in check; I recommend switching your shampoo for a HIGH QUALITY PROFESSIONAL/MEDICAL SHAMPOO (not one you can find at the supermarket!) that is specifically made for people with dandruff/itching/sebhorreic dermatitis.
Another viable option is selecting a super delicate shampoo meant for newborns, the ones specifically made to wash out cradle cap; this kind of shampoo is extremely gentle and can restore health and vitality to a suffering scalp.

If your sebhorreic dermatitis is particularly aggressive, I recommend seeking the help of a dermatologist.


Product Recommendations

This section will give you a quick overview of the most effective products you can buy to fix your issues; HOWEVER you must keep in mind that this is just a very generic guideline and you will have to try many different products over a sufficiently long period of time before you find something that works for YOU and YOUR hair. In other words, this is a starting point - you are meant to research and experiment yourself.

Type of Product
Fine or Medium Hair
Coarse Hair
Kerastase is generally good*.​
Kerastase is generally good*.​
Kerastase is generally good*.​
Kerastase is generally good*.​
Leave-in Conditioner​
PUREOLOGY Color Fanatic​
PUREOLOGY Color Fanatic​
Hair Oil​
Olaplex n.7​
Moroccanoil Treatment Original​
Blow Dry Cream​
Redken Big Blowout​
Redken Frizz Dismiss Rebel Tame Cream​
Heat Protectant​
Olaplex n.6 (all heat)
Good Hair Day's Bodyguard (for ironing)​
Moroccanoil Perfect Defense​
Hair Mask​
Anything with​
Anything with Coconut Oil.​
Damage Repairing pre-wash treatment​
Olaplex n.3**​
Olaplex n.3**​
*They offer a wide selection of quality products; make sure to select one that is appropriate to your hair requirements.
**Last year, Olaplex reformulated this product as it contained "Lilian", a fragrance that was European health inspectors found to be harmful to fertility when exposed to it over very long periods of time. This was not a serious issue at all, but Olaplex still recalled all products containing it and reformulated n.3 for sales worldwide. So if you see people saying Olaplex gives you cancer, you can rest easy knowing that it's all been solved.

Coconut-oil maxxing :

What coconut oil should I use?

Cold-pressed, 100% pure organic coconut oil. It's not expensive at all, while hair masks based on coconut oil can get expensive. I personally mix in a bit of castor oil too before using it, but coconut oil only is also fine.

How should I use it?

The optimal way to use coconut oil is a weekly hair mask. You will need:
  • 1 to 5 teaspoons of coconut oil (depending on hair length). Do not apply too much oil or it will be a pain to wash it out. The idea here is covering your hair in a thin layer of oil, not having it become a oily soaked mess.​
  • A night-cap to keep your hair covered during the night.​
  • A hair tie, hair pins, or anything you might need to use to tie your hair (if it doesn't stay put by itself).​
  • A wide-toothed comb.​
After you've washed your face and are done with your evening routine, before going to bed, go through the following steps.
  1. De-tangling: Using your wide-toothed comb, thoroughly de-tangle your hair. It is important to de-tangle before oiling the hair.​
  2. Wetting: Using lukewarm water, wet your hands and pass them through your hair. It does not need to be soaking wet, just a little wet.​
  3. Applying coconut oil: Put one teaspoon of coconut oil in your hands, rub them together to heat it up, and gently apply it to your hair by working the oil in from the top to the ends. Coconut oil does not need to be applied directly to the scalp. You might find it easier to apply it if you work in sections, especially if you have long hair.​
  4. Massaging: Gently massage your scalp to improve blood circulation for around 5 minutes.​
  5. Securing it for the night: Tie it neatly (not tightly) and put your night-cap on. The night-cap will make sure the heat allows for better absorption and it will prevent you from leaving coconut oil on the bed and pillow.​
  6. The morning after: In the morning, wash your hair as you normally would. First, rinse the coconut oil off with warm/cool water (avoid a strong water jet: water needs to gently wash it out) working through your hair with your fingers. Then, apply shampoo (don't go overboard with shampoo or you'll negate the coconut oil's effects: apply shampoo to the SCALP, not to the HAIR LENGTHS. Shampoo does not need to stay on your scalp for long: after a minute or so, wash it out gently). Then, conditioner, and leave it on for 5 minutes. Wash it off gently once again, and finally dry your hair.

    Note: This is basically a hair mask. Doing this more than once a week won't yield additional results on the long run.​
Blackpilled basics if you wanna minimalistmax on haircare and still manage to have goop hair quality:

1-the water you use on your hair: apply filters to the source of where your water comes from


1-stop using shampoo:
Now for stopping shampoo dont go cold turkey, progressively cut down using shampoo day by day until you reach 1 time per month. it took me 8 months to quit shampoo, it takes time.
2-stop using other hair products: Hairstyling products,conditioners, etc.
3-avoid wetting your hair too much wet down hair around 4 times a week.
4-avoid heat damage from the sun and hairstyling tools:.Avoid being in the sun for too long because it will damage your hair badly. Wear caps
Also hair styling tools will be your worst enemy.
5-avoid touching and playing with your hair too much

Every morning or night hang your head over your bed. This will move a lot of blood into your head. Using the fingerpads on your fingers NOT THE NAILS, massage your scalp. Go in every direction, break it up, etc. Do this for around 3-5 minutes. Do this for another 5 minutes while standing.

Products that I read from threads :

Nizoral 2%
Go to a chemist or pharmacist near you and ask for ketoconazole shampoo 20mg they should give it to you over the counter


1. Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate or 2.Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)

3. Parabens​

4. Sodium Chloride​

5. Polyethylene Glycols (PEG)​

6+7. Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA)​

8. Formaldehyde​

9. Alcohol​

Most alcohols have a drying effect, and the higher up in the ingredients list they appear, the more alcohols the product contains. Some alcohols that are not as bad for dry hair begin with a “C” or an “S,” like Cetearyl alcohol and Stearyl alcohol. They can actually help your hair retain moisture. The ones that are bad if you already have dry hair usually have a “prop” in their name, like Isopropyl alcohol or propanol.

10. Synthetic Fragrances​

11. Synthetic Colors​

12. Dimethicone​

13. Cocamidopropyl Betaine​

14. Triclosan​

15. Retinyl Palmitate

16.Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer

17.Pentylene glycol
18.Pottasium sorbate:- toxic to liver and organ system

List of supplements that can help with the health of your hair:
-Biotin (minimum 12,000mcg)
-Ashwagandha (or any other apoptogenic herbs)
-Nettle Tea
-Milk Thistle

Last resort thread:
over for closed-platecels tbh. Just have good height genetics bro

@Freakforlife stretches JFL

1.I do tadasana and hold it for 30 seconds,since u are new you can hold it to 15 seconds and later slowly increase the hold to 30 seconds,1 minute,2 minute,as much as you think will be good.
If you feel pain the whole day or for for 4-6 hours after the exercise then u should stop the exercies for a day or two until u get well,then resume your routine but keep the hold time a bit low like 20-30 seconds,but situations like this don't usually happen
In the beggining you can do this hold for 15-20 seconds 5-10 times a day
If you feel a lot of pain just after doing these stretches just lay down straight on your back and the pain will go away
2. Hanging on a bar/rod:-- this one is good for straightening your back but dosent give you much height with easy intensity,To gain height u will have to increase the intensity and timing of the hangs to 30 seconds-1 minute per hang,hanging usually alone isn't much beneficial but its better to combine it with tadasana and other exercises i will tell u.
3.touching points on the wall:- this one sounds weird but i made it up myself,but i am sure many other people do it too
This can be done in different ways.
1.stand in front of the wall with your face towards it and bring yourself closer to the wall so that your body is your body is touching it for support,then try to touch points on the wall,lift one of your hands up to a higher height and you will feel the body stretching,then lift your other hand to the same height as your first hand or u can lift even Higher than it,and hold this position for some time,since u are a beginner,do it for 5-10 seconds until u cant stand anymore and the pain in your back muscles is too much this will stretch your body very intensely.
Release it and repeat for 5-10 times,this was 1 entire session of 30-60 seconds,now do 5-10 sessions like this depending on your capability,keep it to 3-5 times in the beginning and u can increase it later as your muscles develop in the back and your body becomes suited to it
2.repeat all the stuff and steps in point(1) but do this with your back and hips in contact with the wall/touching the wall for support, being against the wall is necessary because i helps to support the weight of your body and prevents u from falling
3. Now you can do both (1) and (2) in 2 different ways,you can keep your legs down or you can stand tip-toes for more intense stretches,both normal and tiptoes are useful in different ways and you can do them one after the Other.
4.Holding your position for a fixed time would have the best effect(start from a low time 15s,30s and gradually
work your way up)but dont overdo it and if you feel too much pain sleep for 15-30 minutes
or rest until you are good to go again.
Each exercise do 5-6 sets per day
Do 1/3rd of the routine at morning,1/3rd in the afternoon and the rest 1/3 at night.
Slowly increase the duration and rep count

My personal daily posturemaxing routine (high effort not for every-one) :

Hardcore rotters with shitty posture can gain up to 3 inches in height having perfect posture

I also do this on week-ends :

Also supplement glucosamine sulfate can increase your spinal height by strenghtening cartilage but https://looksmax.org/threads/heightmax-theory-cartilage-growth-inversion.424337/#post-7317358

Some insights : you shouldn't take glucosamine if you want to grow taller in your legs even now
You could take it later anyways when you are done growing in your legs and the plates there have sealed


https://looksmax.org/threads/my-4-inch-elevator-shoe-demonstration-video.288284/ <--JFL

Height-Boosting Shoes and Sneakers | Conzuri

Tall Men Shoes - Insoles & Men's Shoes to Make You Taller


Always lay down in prone position as much as possible.​

Limit your exercise sessions to 60 minutes or less. Exercise at high-intensity, no more than 2 or 3 times weekly. Do all aerobic exercise (except for warm-ups and cool-downs) on separate days (or at least at separate times during the day) from strength training. For optimum fitness, change your exercise regimen every eight to twelve weeks.
Workout no more than 3/4 times weekly, as a natural you need recovery. Focus on progressive overload.
Lifting heavy weights for short repetitions (6 reps) increases testosterone production the most.

Practise the superman pose daily, by inhaling your lungs with oxygen to maximum capacity. It has been proven that standing tall, straight and brave increases testosterone levels.
The best example, 18 year old Steve Reeves:


Pro -tip from users :

would recommend buying a redlight device (which has complete opposite effect and will achieve what you intend) and using it on balls from a good distance 10 minutes per day, this will actually enhance the mitochondria function in your testicles.

Sprint train 2 week.

Ice pack your balls for 10-20 mins 3x everyday. Put an ice pack up against your underwear and just gently press up on it.

(Get in the sun as much as physically possible)←not ideal for anti-aging

Keeping your balls cool all the time istay away from really hot baths showers etc. I personally have it around luke warm so not uncomfortable then right at the end I tilt the head to my balls and put it as cold as possible for 1-2 mins.

Drinking 4-5 RAW eggs everyday will increase your testosterone levels a lot

Citrus fruits and Oranges
Cut Junk food & soy.
K2 topical on balls
Red light on balls
Sun balls
-Seafood and shellfish
Go to bed early, etc
Hot peppers
Plenty of egg consumption
Chrysin, Boron, DIM, Magnesium.
45 minute gym intervals
Plenty of raw fats
Improving liver health and gallstones, etc.
Lowering cortisol (forest walks, painting, deep sleep)
DSIP peptides, clomid, etc.
Eat testicles (don't eat more than 3 days in a row) can supress your natty production
Semen retention
Iciing balls and testicular massages
RAW MEAT & SUN/RAW FATS=best way to increase testosterone
Bone broth/Bone marrow
Improve the health of the Liver and Gonads
Raw unsalted butter
Tribulus Territeris
Avoid EMF, painkillers, & anti-biotics

Pomegranate juice! ~300mL a day. This is the best so far I think, on par with zinc
Zinc chelate 25-50mg a day
Potassium from bananas and potatoes
Heaps of broccoli
Heaps of sun


Vitamin D 10k IU/day
K2 MK7 500mcg (every other day)
KSM-66 ashwaganda 1g/day (cycle 5 days on 2 days off)
Tongkat Ali 500mg/day (cycle 5 days on 2 days off)
Zinc Citrate 30mg/day
Magnesium Glycinate 500mg/day (before bed)​

debloating guide : https://looksmax.org/threads/facial...-keep-your-face-chiseled-at-all-times.602710/

Everybody knows about chewing so I’ll give the advanced techniques (water for 3 digit IQ users) :

Bite on sports mouthguard
Massage your masseters after chewing or it'll pull your face backwards

high speed jaw opening exercise: '' The exercise schedule consisted of 3 sets of 20 repetitions each of rapid and maximum jaw-opening movement with a 10-second interval between sets. The exercise was performed twice daily for 4 weeks.''

You can get used to PERMANENTLY jutting downwards around 3 mm and forwards the same without any problems

Mewing(98% cope)

best guide : https://looksmax.org/threads/mewing-ultra-guide-2021-maxhelp-technique.336726/ (although for the posture part follow my routine which is more complete)

Form a ball, Press it to the hard palate, flatten it with your tongue, pick it with the tip of the tongue and push forward to stretch it, your tongue will get into a perfect mewing position.)

Didn’t include bonesmashing nor face/thumbpulling as it makes 0 sense to me, even mewing is far fetched after childhood tbh

Spend atleast 20 mins a day career, money, and finance maxxing. You can start small by saving just 5-10% of your paychecks and using your free time wisely by studying both micro and macro economics and picking up a few personal finance books and courses. A great book I'd recommend is "Basic economics" by Thomas Sowell.

These two are def my fav because they're made for overachievers (people who want to retire before 40):

Other subs:

Some websites:
/Ways to invest/
-Real estate
-Stocks/Mutual fund/startup investing
-Other means of cash flow

/Wageslaving(field), Salaryslaving (house)/
-Best degrees of the future
-Best Degreeless jobs (trades, apprenticeship,etc)
-Job maxxing tips (resume, skill building, etc)
-Study hacks for those learning/skill building


Also $=7,500 or less $$= 75,000 or less, and $$$=over 75,000

Layman: basically taking advantages and making profit off of rises and dips in currencies’ value against another, with the help of margin trading, you be able to leverage position worth $100k with just 1-3k

Skillset: Develop your skills on this godsent site called babypips.com Its way of teaching mimick the America 12 year education program, starting you from preschool (intro) to high school (sentimental and fundamental trading, you will by then master technical trading prior to this.

Minimum capital required:500-3k
Potential profit: $-$$

Additional Note: If you can make money on forex without learning through an automated trading software from someone you trust or copy trading of top traders. But I highly recommend trading manual and learning the skill for yourself

A)STACKING/HODL: To buy and hold cryptocurrency. One does this when he feels the value of a crypto will go. Best places to learn what coins are the best bet for hodling are bitcointalk, 4chan finance, and r/cryptocurrency as many accurate predictions about potential 10-100x coin from here were found. Capital requirements and potential profit varies.
Recommendation: Buy quantum resilient coins like IOTA and QRL, some low supply coins in the top 100, and some bitcoin wouldn’t hurt.

B)DAY TRADING: Margin trade coins on platforms like Bittrex and PrimeXBT. Here are some technical analysis patterns to help you with trading

The Blockgeek site is a huge source to learn almost everything about cryptocurrency. I recommend it for those who wish to max out their crypto knowledge, it’s six dollar a month

C) ICO, IEO, STO FLIPPING: to purchased coins in it initial offering stage where it’s usually the cheapest and to sell during the period it hit the exchange or when it more available to the masses. Coins usually increase in value when the demand increases, and exchange adoption of course contribute to higher demand this higher value. To flip is to use both the profits and initial investment from one offering as a whole initial investment in another.

A)FLIPPING: to buy and fix a property and sell it for a higher price
Minimum Capital Required: $-$$$ (one can obtain a property without spending a fortune through government auction, tax liens and inheritance)
Potential Profit: $$-$$$

B)WHOLESALING: earning profits by the process of selling contracts (which states your ownership to the property and your right to give it to another buyer; assignment or double closed) with a distressed seller to a cash buyer
Minimum Capital Required: $ (not more than 1k tbh)
Potential profit: $-$$
Get this free ebook that thoroughly breaks down each step in completely a wholesale deal. It teaches overturning objections, determined a property value, etc

Get Your FREE eBook!

C)RENTING AND LEASING: to finance a property from a seller below or at the market value and make cashflow from renting it out to tenants.

Skillset: All further info and guide can be found on MYREIPRO AND PROPSTREAM. Both are the top smart real estate investing software that aids users in finding properties information and contact for wholesaling, flipping and R/L deals. I also recommend joining a club to network and possibly find an already established investor that need an assist and get paid

REIPro - Powerful Real Estate Investing Software



1) Options and 2) Divendend investing


How to get started:

Minimum Capital Required: 2k-5k
Potential Profit: $-$$$


B)DROPSHIPPING: Drop shipping is a supply chain management method in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock but instead transfers the customer orders and shipmentdetails to either the manufacturer, another retailer, or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. With this e-commerce method, the retailer hardly loses money
Minimum Capital Required: $
Potential Profit: $-$$$



Minimum Capital Required: $3k+ ATM financing

D)Search Engine Optimization (learned this two days ago from a user here so I don’t know much, but for those interested)





Kennisgeving voor omleiding

JOB SKILL MAXING:https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/improve-your-chances-of-being-hired/


According to Upwork, these are the top 20 fastest-growing skills for freelancers. If you're looking for a way to gain an edge or remain competitive, it might be time to pick up a few.

It’s not very hard saving money, you just got to develop the habit of doing it. If you’re the type to spend money easily it may take time getting adjust but overtime you will find out for yourself how your apprecbenefits of saving overcomes the urges for unnecessary want

How To Save Money Fast | 100 Ways to Save Money | The Simple Dollar


1. At first when you don't have a lot of experience or budget. Yes, it will take a good amount of work. Now it is set up on autopilot really

2. My VA does everything for me right now. I showed him how to log into my Open AI account and generate the article. Basically, the process is to first the article keyword/topic -> Write a good headline -> create a content brief -> generate the article using Open Ai -> Optimize the article for ranking using SurferSEO (or Market Muse if you really got money like that). Then publish.

All of that takes 20-30 minutes per article. That's what the VA does for me. The average salary in the Philippines is like $6-$7k per year. I pay my guy $700-$800 per month (depending on how much work he gets done) and he gets to work from home. The dude is pretty happy about it. You can find them on Onlnejobs.ph

3. I have something called an "authority site". It is a website that covers multiple niches. Instead a website about protein powder. And authority site would be a website about bodybuilding (you could cover many topics within bodybulding. fitness, recipes, training, etc).

I have a list of 30K keywords to create content on. You can find keywords using Ahrefs or PAA (people also ask questions on google). For example, If you search "best face cleanser for men". All those extra questions that pop up under People also ask are more article ideas.

4. As for the surfer limits, You can reach out to the company to get a custom quote if you want. I have 3 business accounts on surfer they are $199 each, $600 is worth it based on what it does. If you don't have the budget you can use group buys from Toolsurf.com Much cheaper. This way I can publish 150-300 articles per month on my site.

5. Aging just means letting website remain in Google's index for a period of time. If you want to check if a site is indexed.

Type this in google


Secret Method for Cheap Laser-Targeted Facebook Ads | Looksmax.org - Men's Self-Improvement & Aesthetics

Book recommandations :

Malcolm Gladwell - Blink : the power of thinking without thinking -
Andrew Hallam - Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School
Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Anders Ericsson - Peak How to Master Almost Anything
Robert Greene - The 48 laws of power
Timothy Gallwey - The Inner Game of Tennis

- The 33 Strategies Of War, by Robert Greene
- The 48 Laws of Power, also by Robert Greene
- Propaganda, by Edward Bernays
- Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
- Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley
- The Prince, by Niccolò Machiavelli
- Rules for Radicals, by Saul Alinsky
- The Art of War, by Sun Tzu

A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel
Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller
Beating the Street by Peter Lynch
The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb
Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Taleb
The Elements of Investing: Easy Lessons for Every Investor by Burton Malkiel & Charles Ellis
Winning the Loser's Game: Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing by Charles Ellis
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clarson (doesn't directly pertain to investing)
The alchemist

1. The Art of the Deal - Donald Trump
2. Swim with the Sharks - Harvey Mackay
3. Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt - Harvey Mackay
4. Bogle on Mutual Funds - John Bogle
5. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
6. The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need - Andrew Tobias
7. Die Broke - Stephen Pollan and Mark Levine
8. The Millionaire Next Door - Thomas Stanley
9. Den of Thieves - James B. Stewart
10. Monkey Business - John Rolfe and Peter Troob
11. Inside Out - Dennis Levine
12. Confessions of a Street Trader - Jim Cramer
13. Liar's Poker - Michael Lewis
14. King Icahn - Mark Stevens
15. Bringing Down the House - Ben Mezrich
16. The Zeroes - Randall Lane
17. The Predators' Ball - Connie Bruck
18. Only the Paranoid Survive - Andy Grove
19. F.I.A.S.C.O. : The Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader - Frank Partnoy
20. Who Moved My Cheese? - Spencer Johnson and Ken Blanchard
21. How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
23. The Prince - Machiavelli
24. The Metrosexual Guide to Style - Michael Flocker
25. The Dirt - Motley Crue
26. You Can Negotiate Anything - Herb Cohen
27. Private Parts - Howard Stern
28. Miss America - Howard Stern
29. The Way Things Ought To Be - Rush Limbaugh
30. See I Told You So - Rush Limbaugh
31. Trading With the Enemy - Nicholas W. Maier
32. The Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi
33. The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life - Alice Schroeder

The Rational Male, Rollo Tomassi.
Models, Mark Manson.
The Mystery Method, Erik Von Markovik.
Magnetic Messaging, Bobby Rio.
Sex God Method (2nd Ed.), Daniel Rose. (tbh jfl)​
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Ychassa, Kao, wsada and 2 others
The Art of the Deal - Donald Trump
Secret technique (autism) 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes You lay down on your bed and let your head hang over the edge. Then start hard mewing to the point where you can feel something in the back of your head.
Ice pack your balls for 10-20 mins 3x everyday. Put an ice pack up against your underwear and just gently press up on it.
  • JFL
Reactions: fluoride1337, Kao and averagenormie
The mewing technique is pure autism I agree jfl.
stop making guides man, you joined a day ago, absolutely anything you say is common knowledge here. go read some spring linker medical journals/anatomy if you want to gain some insight
stop making guides man, you joined a day ago, absolutely anything you say is common knowledge here. go read some spring linker medical journals/anatomy if you want to gain some insight
I've been a long time lurker here.Most info here is literally from BOTB threads
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Kao, wsada and Spidermanne2returns
You're a goat, I hope you have an amazing day and life
  • Love it
Reactions: Spidermanne2returns
high speed jaw opening exercise: '' The exercise schedule consisted of 3 sets of 20 repetitions each of rapid and maximum jaw-opening movement with a 10-second interval between sets
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Kao and Shortking14

high-speed jaw-opening exercise resulted in increased elevation velocity of the hyoid bone during swallowing, indicating its role in effectively strengthening the fast-twitch muscle fibers of suprahyoid muscles. Furthermore, since the rest position of the hyoid bone appeared to have improved, this exercise may be especially useful in elderly individuals with a lower position of the hyoid bone at rest and those with decreased elevation of the hyoid bone during swallowing, which are known to be associated with an increased risk of aspiration.

If you are desperate you can try it. More useful than gua shua bullshit

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