Exploring Hinduism, Hinduism megathread

If Protestants are opposed to the image/idol of Jesus on a Crucifix why do they place importance on the Crucifixion? Shouldn't reenactments of Crucifixion instill devotion to Christ as the Saviour?
What is the logic for God to assume a form and die painfully in order to absolve sins?

Why should God suffer for my evil deeds? Aren't my own faults, my own faults? Why should God pay the price for it?

It's just an Old Testament idea. "blood sacrifice"
Someone needs to pay the price for your sins, or else the concept of justice in Hinduism is completely flawed. It doesn’t necessarily have to be god, but it needs to be someone capable, someone sinless/perfect for it. It’s not just an Old Testament idea.

IRL, if you commit a crime, someone pays the bail for you so that you can get out of jail. The same applies to divine justice, you need someone to pay the price for your sins so you are freed from punishment, which can make you end up in hell… UNLESS you are telling me that even wicked sinners are given a spot in eternal paradise, and that Hindu gods are totally fine with humans sinning and committing atrocities on earth against each other.

Crucifixion of Christ is just an "emotional" thing.
No it isn’t. It’s prophetic and his crucifixion was promised 1000 years ago before the 1st century. Christ was the only perfect being who is able to pay the price for everyone’s sins as he himself was god incarnate and he didn’t commit any sins himself, thus he had the ability to pay the bail divine justice demanded in the first place.
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  • Hmm...
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If Protestants are opposed to the image/idol of Jesus on a Crucifix why do they place importance on the Crucifixion? Shouldn't reenactments of Crucifixion instill devotion to Christ as the Saviour?
It’s because you are wrong in so many ways. Any statue of any man is forbidden in Christianity. One cannot call himself a Christian if he had a statue of Jesus, or just a statue of Jesus on a cross. Statues and idols are pagan. Statues, no matter what they are of house demons in them. Breaking idols is the most godly thing to do. Crucifixion is what should be placed importance on as that is the sacrifice. But I’ll tell you, no Christian is allowed to wear jewellery, or even a pendant representing an empty a cross tied to his neck, it is strictly forbidden.

Re-enactments of the event should represent devotion, but you cant just sin and do whatever you want if that personally reminds you of god. Gods will must be done.

The crucifix represents the anti-christ actually. It shows that Christ has not risen, because a little figure of Christ is still represented on the cross (in a crucifix). Only an empty cross signifies that Jesus has risen from the dead and saved humanity.

I will not be answering any more of your questions in public.
  • Hmm...
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- saint worship

For some reason people visit graves and feel the holiness and capitulate to worshipping the saints themselves

Which must be very disappointing for the saint himself because the life and works of the saint is to worship God

The saint is just of a higher spiritual rank than you. He is an example, an embodiment of spirituality. His job is to inspire you to be more like him. I.e Holy.

You see the saint in real life when he was alive, he is immersed in God, then you think "this man is very holy".

It's okay to visit and reside in graves to be spiritual. It's okay to pray(to God) at graves. What's the difference between that and praying with a living worshipper together with them?

The problem comes when you worship the saint in place of God and ask the saint for blessings instead of from God.

Asking saints for blessings is the same as asking someone else to pray for you. It is spiritual deficiency on your part. Doesn't God know you want a prayer to be answered?

That's like there is 3 people; A, B and C. A needs help from C and shouts loudly to both B and C that he needs help. Telling B is pointless when only C can help. A constantly asks B for help which only C can fulfill. B keeps telling C for A's sakes. When C solves the problem. B gets the credit. - this is saint worship

But some people, once the saint dies, they deify the saint himself. What was supposed to lead you to God, becomes God Himself.
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Responding to Islam, Bhagavad Gita seems to support a Salafi approach.

- rationalistic approach
- speculative theology
- scholarly interpretation

Are all advised to be discarded for just pure submission to God.

As per verse

But then we can also ask, why not rationalism when God gave us a mind to think?

Or what's wrong with speculative theology if it leads us to God.

The point is; "if it leads you to God and helps you focus on Him, then it is useful"
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Responding to Islam - if Muhammad can be a prophet, why not you or me?

Why Allah chose Muhammad over everyone else to be a prophet?

"the different Gods and Goddesses may be different aspects of a single Supreme Being"

That's right. A theology where an attribute of God, such as Him bestowing knowledge, personified as a particular form regarding that attribute i.e. Saraswati where that form and it's parts symbolize the numerous facets of that particular attribute of that Supreme Being is "Polytheistic" lmao

A Jew wrote that article.

- the soul was more pure and untainted before it became embodied

- no worries, the soul just has to engage in spiritual deeds in the waking state

- not doing spiritual things is weakness of the soul

- the man who conquers his mind, conquers everything, nothing can ever overcome him

- falling prey to lust, a man loses himself, becomes destroyed in the process, he kills his very soul. To see the futility and insanity of this. This is wisdom.

- there is nothing more pathetic than being a slave to the senses and the mind

- the only way to overcome passions is to do penance/austerities/self restraint

- becoming a Rishi is the most spiritual thing in all of existence

- the indulgence of sense-pleasure depends upon the proximity and persistence of that thing, you do not know how long it will last, it can disappear anytime, it's disappearance will cause grief and sense of loss and you will long for it

- it is just a creature that loses itself because it lost its mind to something that it could not attain or lost

- something like money, which you have to strain yourself to acquire and it wastes your time, and it is not Kshatriyan/Brahmin and since you are not Omniscient or control the universe you can never preserve it permnanently
Intelligence is just a tool to connect to God.

It's like idol worship, for focus and concentration.

Mysticism destroys Philosophy. Just like Ghazali demolished Philosophy.
You must watch your thoughts rise in your mind and ignore them. Let them disappear by not giving them any attention. The more you do the more you let them grow and the stronger they will become. And they will reappear under conditions conducive for them like seeds in soil that are rained.
The Kshatriya is just some guy who goes from one end of the universe to the other and confronts everything that stands in his way and opposes him. Nothing wears him out. Nothing dissuades him. Just a conqueror.
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The Kshatriyas need Brahmins to use their power of prayer to gain victory.

But the Brahmins don't need Kshatriyas.

The Kshatriyas will always pray for success and victory because these things are very important for them.

Like Andrew Tate says "train, Allah, train, Allah"

My soul seems to be trapped in this body for some reason. I seem to be trapped in this universe for some reason.

There are things that I do know and I do not know, there are things that I can do and cannot do, I cannot control all of reality, there will forever be things outside of me. I can never guarantee anything with absolute certainty for all of eternity.

Thinking is alot easier than praying.

Can a brain which is within this universe, a product of the processes of this universe, a part of this universe, completely re-create this universe?

Is there an equation for an intelligence that can transcend this universe and come up with its own laws of physics and make them real?
The oldest form of structurted apartheid in known human history. Indo-Aryan chads mixed with the previous indus valley niggas, reformed society into a hierarchical system with the most abo niggas being relegated to either peasants or outcasts/slaves and the most "NE europe" blooded niggas (AKA the indo-aryans) making themselves the kings and priests caste. No its not a coincidence no matter what ugly hindu dindus tell you, that the higher you go on the caste system the higher amounts of NE Europe and Caucasian dna you'll get, and the lower you go, the more Abo ancestry you get and lower NE Europe and Caucasian you'll get.
NO Nigga, this is jewsih shit, they literally introduced the caste system as we know it today during British Rule, Earlier the caste system was based on your qualifications, do some research before making a shit reply to this.
NO Nigga, this is jewsih shit, they literally introduced the caste system as we know it today during British Rule, Earlier the caste system was based on your qualifications, do some research before making a shit reply to this.
Britishers ruled more than half of the world and decided to drop the precious caste bomb on India? Well that is totally believable huh
When there is no war, when there is no stress or threat in the environment, people become weak and complacent.

There is nothing forcing them.

How can military become more advanced in strategies, tactics, training and weapons without creating them in REAL LIFE war scenarios?

You can never hypothesize enemies.

You can never understand what a real fight feels like without a resisting opponent in sparring crushing you.

Before UFC, NOBODY knew which was the best style. In the early days of UFC, BJJ dominated and destroyed every other style.

Now it is ONLY a PART of MMA.

It is all entirely unpredictable.

My dear "Ramu kaka"

Here is a homo sapiens with his bow and arrow in a phase of homo sapiens evolution.


Do you know all the incarnations of Vishnu reflect the different stages of human evolution?

Did you know that?


- I think it talks about the most distinct phases in human evolution
- I think it talks about the most pivotal stages
- I think it talks about the most influential stages, like maybe that defines the next stage of evolution or something
- maybe it transforms?
- maybe these are inbuilt and we can never erase them from our genes
- like still we are cladistically fish, "matsya"
My dear "Ramu kaka"

Do you know all the incarnations of Vishnu reflect the different stages of human evolution?

Dear Singaporean curry

Varaha Avatar Story Dashavatar Lord Vishu

At what points in human evolution did our species become a pig?
Enjoy this shit bitch.


"Star Wars is one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time"

"Something in built within humans", "something that speaks to them"

"Second highest grossing film franchise"

- maybe those humans who do not become like Kalki will die out
- maybe all humans have the Kalki nature within them?

Opposite arguments: Star Wars does not have a horse

Star Wars is a light sabre not a medieval sword

Counter arguements: training with a light sabre is no different from training with a common sword of some kind
Dear Singaporean curry

View attachment 2095395

At what points in human evolution did our species become a pig?

Pigs are one of the most genetically related species to primates.

What about pigs have relevance to human genes and nature?

Where did humans and pigs branch off?

What does the physgionomy and behaviour of pigs have to do with humans?

The previous stage was "amphibians" or "kurma" transition from sea to land.

So pigs represent land dwelling mammals.
Britishers ruled more than half of the world and decided to drop the precious caste bomb on India? Well that is totally believable huh
Nigger, Caste system already existed in India, but not on the basis of birth, it existed on the basis of skill.
F’kin NIgger read some shit about the topic before barking again.
Meaningless time consuming autistic replies Smh.
  • WTF
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Nigger, Caste system already existed in India, but not on the basis of birth, it existed on the basis of skill.
F’kin NIgger read some shit about the topic before barking again.
Meaningless time consuming autistic replies Smh.
No proof whatsoever lol, your bitch ass is just trying to cope at this point, happy manusmruti dahan diwas
Pigs are one of the most genetically related species to primates.

What about pigs have relevance to human genes and nature?

Where did humans and pigs branch off?

What does the physgionomy and behaviour of pigs have to do with humans?

The previous stage was "amphibians" or "kurma" transition from sea to land.

So pigs represent land dwelling mammals.

Alot of animals share DNA with humans doesnt mean its some miracle, varhara was just a avatar you people trying to find reasoning to glorify it is funny
These are the same redditors that you make fun of incel, jfl at you despising jews and then falling to their propaganda.
All these are reddit memes and liberals(yes the same degenerate liberals) that oppose their own roots due to the English Education Policy by McCauley.
Answers to all your soycuck tier pics-

(A)sati- https://qr.ae/preV4

(B)Dowry- India had a concept of Sree-Dhan that the Bride’s parents gave to her so that she remained independent after marrige and
didn’t become a liability on the Husband in financial terms, Dowry is an European concept slapped on Indians by the britishers.



5262D510 C614 46AD 9DB3 026A9C1C7A0D

**Cultural Assimilation of Nepal-
d) Tl;Dr- Dowry and Caste system manifested into Nepal as it was colonised politically by the British, by influencing the leaders etc.
#If you don’t want to read all the links, read the first one and this reference from Wikipedia-

Muluki Ain (1854)​

The Nepali civil code Muluki Ain was commissioned by Jung Bahadur Rana after his European tour and enacted in 1854. The law also comprised Prāyaścitta (avoidance and removal of sin) and Ācāra (the customary law of different castes and communities).

It was an attempt to include the entire Hindu as well as non-Hindu population of Nepal of that time into a single hierarchic civic code from the perspective of the Khas rulers. Terai and Newar Brahmins and Kshatriyas were officially placed below their Khas equivalents. Similarly, serious limitations and oversights of this code include the complete exclusion of the large middle-ranking Terai groups. Most notable contradiction is the inclusion of previously non-Hindu tribes "Adivasi Janajati" groups, as well as non-Nepalis including Muslims and Europeans into the hierarchical fold.[1][12]

(2)Parshuram cursing Karna- https://qr.ae/preV5i , https://qr.ae/preV5Y (more detailed)

(3)Dronacharya & Eklavya- https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&r...=bLK8UhV0DXI&usg=AOvVaw138opxMXCYz0irYVb-Bdq5

(4)again sati, jfl at you falling for these.

You can include stuff from all types of Hinduism hating subreddits and western Propaganda pieces & can delude yourself as much you want but I can debunk ‘em anytime and everytime.
Now kindly, I’m busy, have college entrance exam in 2 months, wish me luck, good luck, sorry for being rude before, wasn’t too Hindu-ic
of me.
The Diaz bros are the hardest motherfuckers in the whole of UFC.

They have such high pain tolerance, face all busted and bloodied.

Everybody in the UFC respects them.

Can you imagine like a real gangster becoming a police officer?
I want to achieve 1 year of no fap.
Why not try to become a Brahmin? Think of becoming a Brahmin. Do Brahmin things. Live a pure Brahmin life.

Take on a Brahmin identity. Which is not a material identity but a spiritual identity.
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Everyone is a slave to their nature. No one can ever escape it.

Why else is each person different from another.
Having problems in life is both a curse and a blessing. A curse because you are suffering. A blessing because it is like drawing a cow to the cowpen with straw. You are "going back to God/Kali".
If I were an incel. I would monkmaxx. No pussy just renounce everything and become spiritual.
These are the same redditors that you make fun of incel, jfl at you despising jews and then falling to their propaganda.
Britishers ruled more than half of the world and decided to drop the precious caste bomb on India? Well that is totally believable huh
why do so many people associate caste with hinduism? the oppressive caste has nothing to do with hinduism, it was purely meant to divide people based on profession. however corrupt brahmin priests slowly spread the ideology that other professions were "lower" or "worse" than what they did and they use the idea of god to narrate this bullshit. slowly they built a hierarchy of professions with brahmins at the top. soon they made it impossible to change professions (and in doing so also made it impossible to change caste) by forcing sons to do the jobs of their fathers.
no hindu script ever promotes oppression or cruelty.
dont blame hinduism, blame the corrupt hindus.
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The sufferings of my life are so great that I can't even bring myself to pray. I just lie on my bed with crippling depression.
why do so many people associate caste with hinduism? the oppressive caste has nothing to do with hinduism, it was purely meant to divide people based on profession. however corrupt brahmin priests slowly spread the ideology that other professions were "lower" or "worse" than what they did and they use the idea of god to narrate this bullshit. slowly they built a hierarchy of professions with brahmins at the top. soon they made it impossible to change professions (and in doing so also made it impossible to change caste) by forcing sons to do the jobs of their fathers.
no hindu script ever promotes oppression or cruelty.
dont blame hinduism, blame the corrupt hindus.

To test if caste system actually has any basis in reality:

Ask all Indians to pray or meditate or do tapas for as long as they can or do philosophy.

See if the non-Brahmins can outperform the "so-called" Brahmins.

To-date, not a single Shudra has written commentaries or tried to interpret the scriptures.

Why is that?

Have you seen Shudras trying to promote religion or living spiritual lives?

Exceptions are probably select few saints or sadhus/babas.
When the problems of life as numerous and overwhelming there is no way except to become a spiritual renunciate, a religious recluse.
why do so many people associate caste with hinduism? the oppressive caste has nothing to do with hinduism, it was purely meant to divide people based on profession. however corrupt brahmin priests slowly spread the ideology that other professions were "lower" or "worse" than what they did and they use the idea of god to narrate this bullshit. slowly they built a hierarchy of professions with brahmins at the top. soon they made it impossible to change professions (and in doing so also made it impossible to change caste) by forcing sons to do the jobs of their fathers.
no hindu script ever promotes oppression or cruelty.
dont blame hinduism, blame the corrupt hindus.
If the scriptures are corrupted it cant be trusted litterally anything it could 'not' be the word of God
If the scriptures are corrupted it cant be trusted litterally anything it could 'not' be the word of God
same could be said for the opposite, it cannot be said decisively; so it also does not give anyone the right to tell that hinduism directly caused it.
There was a Rishi in the Mahabharata that copulated with his wife in the appearance of deer. I think physical appearances are meaningless for them.
same could be said for the opposite, it cannot be said decisively; so it also does not give anyone the right to tell that hinduism directly caused it.
Actually no, other texts are not infiltrated by outside ideologies, Qur'an claim to have never change and its backed up by proof that dates back to the prophet , if you religion claims that just provide the source bhai

Maybe i was wrong in the hinduism caused it, its called brahmanism for a reason ig, still casteism is dirt thats been there since ages
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same could be said for the opposite, it cannot be said decisively; so it also does not give anyone the right to tell that hinduism directly caused it.
Do you think manusmruti is corrupted by brahmins?
Do you think manusmruti is corrupted by brahmins?
maybe? but manusmriti is outright wrong and evil. manusmriti is a 'smriti' which is just a persons views on society and thus does not represent hinduism. vedas are the primary texts of hinduism. manusmriti fundamentally opposes the vedas and gita in many ways. manusmriti is very similar to corrupt brahminism where people just drive narratives just for their benefit.
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Actually no, other texts are not infiltrated by outside ideologies, Qur'an claim to have never change and its backed up by proof that dates back to the prophet , if you religion claims that just provide the source bhai
i wasnt talking about the quran. i dont know much about islam so im not qualified to speak about it either.
when i said 'the same goes for the opposite' i meant that there is no specific text in vedas to prove that hinduism promoted caste division.
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Do you think manusmruti is corrupted by brahmins?
Actually no, other texts are not infiltrated by outside ideologies, Qur'an claim to have never change and its backed up by proof that dates back to the prophet , if you religion claims that just provide the source bhai

Maybe i was wrong in the hinduism caused it, its called brahmanism for a reason ig, still casteism is dirt thats been there since ages
If the scriptures are corrupted it cant be trusted litterally anything it could 'not' be the word of God

Nigga you didn’t asnwer me cuz you had NOTHING to answer, now stop spreading your shit motherfucker.
If you're having a bad day, or are bored and don't know what to do or feel lost or whatever.

Just try praying for 10 minutes.

Prayer has a compounding effect.

One prayer is enough to put you in a spiritual flow state, to give you a taste of prayer, to help you build spiritual momentum.
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Remember, you might lose your kingdom or your wealth but you never lose in spiritual practices. One step is all it takes.:feelsokman:
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