face fat is brutal



Apr 24, 2023
i don’t know if it’s diet, genetic or skinny fat frame that’s causing it but it’s decending me harddd and has done for a while now, i consume a lot of processed foods but so do other people and there face don’t seem to be as chubby as mine, maybe it’s because i’ve not worked out in a few weeks. bro science af but seems to me like my face gets leaner when i’m training regularly and eating good, looks like my face is 20%+ bf but rest of me is probably 16, maybe bad face fat genetics ova for me

help me fix i had one banana today and my face is still chalked
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also to add to this i’ve been decently lean before and my face was still puffy and carried fat it could be genetics tbh actually so over if it is
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less sodium do cardio is all i can tell u
, my shi bloated up tremendously these past 3 weeks
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yup tell me about it bro. i store sooo much fat in my cheeks and lower third
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You're bodyfat % is higher than you think it is. Start eating clean, exercising and get leaner
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at 15% body fat if I’m on a long and hard cut, I get so much cortisol bloat that only disappears after carb loading or with alcohol

fuck cortisol bloat
less sodium do cardio is all i can tell u
, my shi bloated up tremendously these past 3 weeks
thing is i need to bulk because of low muscle mass but my psl is gunna take an even further dive than it already is i will look spherical in the face
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thing is i need to bulk because of low muscle mass but my psl is gunna take an even further dive than it already is i will look spherical in the face
lean bulk and PEDs
yup tell me about it bro. i store sooo much fat in my cheeks and lower third
i’ve always thought your face was decently lean tbh and i do look young for it at my age i get mistaken for 17 most of the time
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Fix your diet, it's not normal to get bloated after eating. Consuming too much sodium, sugar, fiber and diary will make you bloated. If you are overweight go on a calorie deficit and eat a lot of protein and some fat but no carbs
  • +1
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You're bodyfat % is higher than you think it is. Start eating clean, exercising and get leaner
it probably is higher to be honest when i cut down more my face did get lean but still not what i want
Fix your diet, it's not normal to get bloated after eating. Consuming too much sodium, sugar, fiber and diary will make you bloated. If you are overweight go on a calorie deficit and eat a lot of protein and some fat but no carbs
i do eat a lot of carbs to be honest probably 60% of my diet is carbs and a lot are processed too.
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20%+ bf but rest of me is probably 16, maybe bad face fat genetics ova for me

help me fix i had one banana today and my face is still chalked
Can relate to this, just put your head down and cut till you can see abs unflexed in all lighting ( aka 12%)

To help with the psychological aspect I just let my beard grow so I’m not obsessed with all the changes in my face during the cut.
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i’ve always thought your face was decently lean tbh and i do look young for it at my age i get mistaken for 17 most of the time
yeah not lean for 14% bf tho. yes man i’ve also had to deal with looking young for my whole life. one of the biggest failos imaginable from the ages 13-19ish debatably. straight curse, borderline as bad as manlet tier when ur 16 and look 12
lean bulk and PEDs
might have to hop on something but i’m weak af hardly gymcelled but times running out i’m 21 and need to catch up + i’ve got a friend that can get me peds anytime i need. highly considering it
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self inject lipolysis like me and u dont need to worry about face fat or debloating
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might have to hop on something but i’m weak af hardly gymcelled but times running out i’m 21 and need to catch up + i’ve got a friend that can get me peds anytime i need. highly considering it
just don’t be a retard and take all the necessary precautions. pm me if u need help deciding on what ur going to take/precautions i’ll help as much as possible.
Different people store bodyfat in different areas of their body because of genetics.

But if you want to look good you have to burn off all the excess bodyfat everywhere, so you have to consume less calories than you're burning.
self inject lipolysis like me and u dont need to worry about face fat or debloating
To everyone injecting shit for dissolving fat in their faces, you want a high number of fat cells but all of them should be shrunken/small in size.

Just my opinion observing aesthetic lean faces and versus gaunt unaesthetic faces
i don’t know if it’s diet, genetic or skinny fat frame that’s causing it but it’s decending me harddd and has done for a while now, i consume a lot of processed foods but so do other people and there face don’t seem to be as chubby as mine, maybe it’s because i’ve not worked out in a few weeks. bro science af but seems to me like my face gets leaner when i’m training regularly and eating good, looks like my face is 20%+ bf but rest of me is probably 16, maybe bad face fat genetics ova for me

help me fix i had one banana today and my face is still chalked
Yeah well genetics are a big part of it. Processed foods have ingredients that cause weight gain, water retention, and inflammation like added sodium, refined carbohydrates and sugars and different genetics = different carb/fat metabolism & different hormonal regulations.

I used to be very lean and had a relatively defined face but not the most bone density, after bulking I had a lot more fat in my face but if you can regulate your key hormones/fluids in your body you should be good.

You're going to need to track & optimise these ones:
- growth hormone
you've probably heard of it before, but it's essential for stimulating growth, cell regeneration, and metabolism.. By promoting the breakdown of stored fats aka lipolysis it can lead to reduced facial fat when balanced.
Easy ways to maximise GH is like HIIT 4x a week, Ashwagandha to reduce cortisol -> reducing stress, 7-9 hrs of sleep, 12-16hr intermittent fasting (also useful later ima mention why below somewhere), reduce/cut out alcohol and reduce caffeine because it can affect your sleep patterns, get more sunlight (wear spf) + take vitamin d supplements, smaller balanced meals rather than few large ones and obviously don't be obese

- thyroid hormones (t3 and t4)
simply put, thyroid hormones play a big role in regulating your metabolism, so make sure to keep them stable and optimal, better metabolism = can prevent further accumulation of fat in your face.
Make sure to have enough iodine intake in your meals (dairy, fish) but don't have too much because it can disrupt t3 and t4 too so I'd do thorough research to find the optimal amounts for you based on your genetics/ethnicity and current weight and stuff. Do everything mentioned for growth hormone too, alongside making sure you aren't taking any meds that affect thyroid production (antithyroids). You can take thyroid supplements (in moderation) like selenium, zinc, and L-tyrosine, but again do research on how much you need based on your "stats".

- testosterone
do i need to explain why

- insulin
when insulin levels are high due to from things such as too much carbohydrate intake or insulin resistance, it can lead to more fat storing in your face.
Limit your refined carb intake bro, really easy fix and major habit for most. Eat some fruits/complex carbs. Have low-glycemic foods which basically means they cause slower/gradual increases in blood sugar so less insulin is secreted. Again, do everything I've mentioned above because they are good habits anyway. You should stick to intermittent fasting aswell, lowering insulin levels will increase fat burning so youre body can use stored fat for energy when you're fasting, I'd start off small with the 16hr fast / 8 hr window to eat and then adjust to whatever you think'll work best.

- leptin
leptin regulates appetite and energy balances, so optimal levels means your brain won't be going crazy about if it has enough energy stored so that means you won't have to fight urges overeating which obviously mean you're going to accumlate more fat in the face.
Honestly by doing good habits in general you should be fine, you can look into leptin supplements to supress appetite but that's overkill unless you're someone who's very obese.

- adiponectin
adiponectin is a hormone that's secreted by fat cells and they help regulate glucose levels & fatty acid breakdown. Higher levels = lower body fat % and lower chances of obesity diseases.
You should be working out for at least 200 minutes a week (just under 30 mins a day so if you're not working out this much you need to hop off this website and go to the gym). You need omega-3 fatty acids in your diet such as fatty fish or walnuts.

Do facial excersises, gua sha, drink 4L min a day and regular excersise and you're good bro. You gotta be consistent. You could look into aggressive cutting but that'll mess with your hormones so either have a mind of steel or take it slow (not turtle slow, still fast but reasonable), good luck though. Genetics play a big part but different genetics are good just depends on how you play the cards you've been dealt with.
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Yeah well genetics are a big part of it. Processed foods have ingredients that cause weight gain, water retention, and inflammation like added sodium, refined carbohydrates and sugars and different genetics = different carb/fat metabolism & different hormonal regulations.

I used to be very lean and had a relatively defined face but not the most bone density, after bulking I had a lot more fat in my face but if you can regulate your key hormones/fluids in your body you should be good.

You're going to need to track & optimise these ones:
- growth hormone
you've probably heard of it before, but it's essential for stimulating growth, cell regeneration, and metabolism.. By promoting the breakdown of stored fats aka lipolysis it can lead to reduced facial fat when balanced.
Easy ways to maximise GH is like HIIT 4x a week, Ashwagandha to reduce cortisol -> reducing stress, 7-9 hrs of sleep, 12-16hr intermittent fasting (also useful later ima mention why below somewhere), reduce/cut out alcohol and reduce caffeine because it can affect your sleep patterns, get more sunlight (wear spf) + take vitamin d supplements, smaller balanced meals rather than few large ones and obviously don't be obese

- thyroid hormones (t3 and t4)
simply put, thyroid hormones play a big role in regulating your metabolism, so make sure to keep them stable and optimal, better metabolism = can prevent further accumulation of fat in your face.
Make sure to have enough iodine intake in your meals (dairy, fish) but don't have too much because it can disrupt t3 and t4 too so I'd do thorough research to find the optimal amounts for you based on your genetics/ethnicity and current weight and stuff. Do everything mentioned for growth hormone too, alongside making sure you aren't taking any meds that affect thyroid production (antithyroids). You can take thyroid supplements (in moderation) like selenium, zinc, and L-tyrosine, but again do research on how much you need based on your "stats".

- testosterone
do i need to explain why

- insulin
when insulin levels are high due to from things such as too much carbohydrate intake or insulin resistance, it can lead to more fat storing in your face.
Limit your refined carb intake bro, really easy fix and major habit for most. Eat some fruits/complex carbs. Have low-glycemic foods which basically means they cause slower/gradual increases in blood sugar so less insulin is secreted. Again, do everything I've mentioned above because they are good habits anyway. You should stick to intermittent fasting aswell, lowering insulin levels will increase fat burning so youre body can use stored fat for energy when you're fasting, I'd start off small with the 16hr fast / 8 hr window to eat and then adjust to whatever you think'll work best.

- leptin
leptin regulates appetite and energy balances, so optimal levels means your brain won't be going crazy about if it has enough energy stored so that means you won't have to fight urges overeating which obviously mean you're going to accumlate more fat in the face.
Honestly by doing good habits in general you should be fine, you can look into leptin supplements to supress appetite but that's overkill unless you're someone who's very obese.

- adiponectin
adiponectin is a hormone that's secreted by fat cells and they help regulate glucose levels & fatty acid breakdown. Higher levels = lower body fat % and lower chances of obesity diseases.
You should be working out for at least 200 minutes a week (just under 30 mins a day so if you're not working out this much you need to hop off this website and go to the gym). You need omega-3 fatty acids in your diet such as fatty fish or walnuts.

Do facial excersises, gua sha, drink 4L min a day and regular excersise and you're good bro. You gotta be consistent. You could look into aggressive cutting but that'll mess with your hormones so either have a mind of steel or take it slow (not turtle slow, still fast but reasonable), good luck though. Genetics play a big part but different genetics are good just depends on how you play the cards you've been dealt with.
bro wrote a thread under a thread
You're bodyfat % is higher than you think it is. Start eating clean, exercising and get leaner
Some people just have shit body fat dist

Thank god my fat dist is top tier i have hollow cheeks at 25% but i think it’s a double edged sword cuz if i lean down i wont lose much in my face
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just don’t be a retard and take all the necessary precautions. pm me if u need help deciding on what ur going to take/precautions i’ll help as much as possible.
yeah i’m not dumb but i’ll shoot you a dm we can discuss a little if you want bcos i’m thinking about doing it
bro wrote a thread under a thread
Lol made a thread for it now after realising it could be useful for people:

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Yeah well genetics are a big part of it. Processed foods have ingredients that cause weight gain, water retention, and inflammation like added sodium, refined carbohydrates and sugars and different genetics = different carb/fat metabolism & different hormonal regulations.

I used to be very lean and had a relatively defined face but not the most bone density, after bulking I had a lot more fat in my face but if you can regulate your key hormones/fluids in your body you should be good.

You're going to need to track & optimise these ones:
- growth hormone
you've probably heard of it before, but it's essential for stimulating growth, cell regeneration, and metabolism.. By promoting the breakdown of stored fats aka lipolysis it can lead to reduced facial fat when balanced.
Easy ways to maximise GH is like HIIT 4x a week, Ashwagandha to reduce cortisol -> reducing stress, 7-9 hrs of sleep, 12-16hr intermittent fasting (also useful later ima mention why below somewhere), reduce/cut out alcohol and reduce caffeine because it can affect your sleep patterns, get more sunlight (wear spf) + take vitamin d supplements, smaller balanced meals rather than few large ones and obviously don't be obese

- thyroid hormones (t3 and t4)
simply put, thyroid hormones play a big role in regulating your metabolism, so make sure to keep them stable and optimal, better metabolism = can prevent further accumulation of fat in your face.
Make sure to have enough iodine intake in your meals (dairy, fish) but don't have too much because it can disrupt t3 and t4 too so I'd do thorough research to find the optimal amounts for you based on your genetics/ethnicity and current weight and stuff. Do everything mentioned for growth hormone too, alongside making sure you aren't taking any meds that affect thyroid production (antithyroids). You can take thyroid supplements (in moderation) like selenium, zinc, and L-tyrosine, but again do research on how much you need based on your "stats".

- testosterone
do i need to explain why

- insulin
when insulin levels are high due to from things such as too much carbohydrate intake or insulin resistance, it can lead to more fat storing in your face.
Limit your refined carb intake bro, really easy fix and major habit for most. Eat some fruits/complex carbs. Have low-glycemic foods which basically means they cause slower/gradual increases in blood sugar so less insulin is secreted. Again, do everything I've mentioned above because they are good habits anyway. You should stick to intermittent fasting aswell, lowering insulin levels will increase fat burning so youre body can use stored fat for energy when you're fasting, I'd start off small with the 16hr fast / 8 hr window to eat and then adjust to whatever you think'll work best.

- leptin
leptin regulates appetite and energy balances, so optimal levels means your brain won't be going crazy about if it has enough energy stored so that means you won't have to fight urges overeating which obviously mean you're going to accumlate more fat in the face.
Honestly by doing good habits in general you should be fine, you can look into leptin supplements to supress appetite but that's overkill unless you're someone who's very obese.

- adiponectin
adiponectin is a hormone that's secreted by fat cells and they help regulate glucose levels & fatty acid breakdown. Higher levels = lower body fat % and lower chances of obesity diseases.
You should be working out for at least 200 minutes a week (just under 30 mins a day so if you're not working out this much you need to hop off this website and go to the gym). You need omega-3 fatty acids in your diet such as fatty fish or walnuts.

Do facial excersises, gua sha, drink 4L min a day and regular excersise and you're good bro. You gotta be consistent. You could look into aggressive cutting but that'll mess with your hormones so either have a mind of steel or take it slow (not turtle slow, still fast but reasonable), good luck though. Genetics play a big part but different genetics are good just depends on how you play the cards you've been dealt with.
high iq reply thank you sir
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Different people store bodyfat in different areas of their body because of genetics.

But if you want to look good you have to burn off all the excess bodyfat everywhere, so you have to consume less calories than you're burning.
yeah it’s brutal because some people can have a higher bf and leaner face just by genetics
yeah it’s brutal because some people can have a higher bf and leaner face just by genetics
That's me, but I store all my fat in my mid section, so I could have a lean face and arms but look pregnant.

I get female attention if I'm hiding my belly well, under a coat or something. But if my belly is visible that attention becomes disgust.

So I still have to get to 10% bodyfat like every one else. I might be at 16% now, I'm not sure. I'm cutting but it's very hard. Lots of poor sleep, hunger, low energy, even if I'm just at calorie maintenance (not gaining), so I'm slowly loosing weight, and hoping that my body will get use to 10-12% once I get down to that range, and hold it for a year or two.
That's me, but I store all my fat in my mid section, so I could have a lean face and arms but look pregnant.

I get female attention if I'm hiding my belly well, under a coat or something. But if my belly is visible that attention becomes disgust.

So I still have to get to 10% bodyfat like every one else. I might be at 16% now, I'm not sure. I'm cutting but it's very hard. Lots of poor sleep, hunger, low energy, even if I'm just at calorie maintenance (not gaining), so I'm slowly loosing weight, and hoping that my body will get use to 10-12% once I get down to that range, and hold it for a year or two.
Can you pm physique?
Can you pm physique?
No. I don't send my pic.

My current physique is kindof like this guys before:

Primefitnesstraining 28dayfatfast 3

Taller, with smaller arms, but I've been lifting for twenty years.

Maybe a bigger rounder belly. It's 42 inches. :( Down from 44 inches, and 10lbs heavier, two months ago.
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No. I don't send my pic.

My current physique is kindof like this guys before:

View attachment 2894707

Taller, with smaller arms, but not that small, I've been lifting for twenty years.

Maybe a bigger rounder belly. It's 42 inches. :( Down from 44 inches, and 10lbs heavier, two months ago.
How does he have a belly at 9,9% doesn’t make sense, his actual body fat is probably higher.
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How does he have a belly at 9,9% doesn’t make sense, his actual body fat is probably higher.
Maybe. I still have a similar belly at 11% bodyfat. I know it's accurate because I got a full Dexa scan with a bod-pod you go in, that accurately measures body volume.

Having more non-bodyfat weight, makes bodyfat percentage lower. So having more muscle, denser bones, being taller, will result in a lower bodyfat percentage, Even though you might have the same size belly.

So for some people to look and feel healthy it would make sense for them to be at a lower bodyfat percentage.

But he could also be using a less accurate measure such as a bodyfat scale.
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i don’t know if it’s diet, genetic or skinny fat frame that’s causing it but it’s decending me harddd and has done for a while now, i consume a lot of processed foods but so do other people and there face don’t seem to be as chubby as mine, maybe it’s because i’ve not worked out in a few weeks. bro science af but seems to me like my face gets leaner when i’m training regularly and eating good, looks like my face is 20%+ bf but rest of me is probably 16, maybe bad face fat genetics ova for me

help me fix i had one banana today and my face is still chalked
Taking aromasin and 5ar enhancers plus following the debloat guides in here will dissolve ur facial fat
Maybe. I still have a similar belly at 11% bodyfat. I know it's accurate because I got a full Dexa scan with a bod-pod you go in, that accurately measures body volume.
Dexa isn’t an accurate measurement too since it has a large margin for error.

Having more non-bodyfat weight, makes bodyfat percentage lower. So having more muscle, denser bones, being taller, will result in a lower bodyfat percentage, Even though you might have the same size belly.
It doesn’t necessarily make you lower bodyfat, but it does make you SEEM lower bodyfat.

So someone might look 15% while he is 20% in reality due to denser bones, more muscle mass and so on.
So for some people to look and feel healthy it would make sense for them to be at a lower bodyfat percentage.
Not that it would make you necessarily physically healthy, but mentally it definitely does for most people.
But he could also be using a less accurate measure such as a bodyfat scale.
Dexa isn’t an accurate measurement too since it has a large margin for error.

My mistake. It was a bodpod, not a dexascan. It was a long time ago.
It doesn’t necessarily make you lower bodyfat, but it does make you SEEM lower bodyfat.

So someone might look 15% while he is 20% in reality due to denser bones, more muscle mass and so on.
It's the opposite.

Take someone with a fixed bodyfat, and muscle mass.
increase their muscle mass, or bone density.
Now their bodyfat percentage is lower, even though it's the same number of pounds of fat, because their total non-fat mass has increased.

Which is why bodyfat percentage can be deceptive.

Not that it would make you necessarily physically healthy, but mentally it definitely does for most people.
It's speculative, But I believe lower bodyfat (male model levels), is optimum for health.

There was a Korean study I came across many years ago, that put people in clusters, 15% bodyfat, 20% bodyfat, 25% bodyfat, and 30% bodyfat, based on which bodyfat percentage they were closest too.

The 20% group was healthier than the 25% group.
The 15% group was healthier than the 20% group.

I plotted the health outcomes of those clusters on a graph, and found a linear trend line, with no diminishing returns. Which leads me to believe that 10% bodyfat is likely associated with healthier outcomes than the 15% group.

I know it's correlation, not causation, so the bodyfat could be a net protective against unhealthy habits. Bodyfat generates tons of hormones and cytokines, that have all different functions, some positive, some negative.

I suspect excess bodyfat is a net negative on male health because of how attractive women find low bodyfat males. It "could" be culture, but I don't think that's the case, I think it's a biological sign of health.

The pro-fat woke movement, has pushed this idea that humans were once attracted to bodyfat because it was a sign of wealth, and only after food became abundant did low bodyfat become attractive.

But like everything the pro-fat movement pushes it's all baseless propaganda. You only need to look at Greek statues, to see even long ago, low bodyfat muscular was seen as attractive in men.

Or the V-Cut in Indian statues from over a thousand years ago. If not low bodyfat, at least low mid section bodyfat.

The pro-fat movement Cherri picks statues, articles, and paintings, as there have always been chubby chasers throughout history, because some people have a higher genetically driven need to pick a partner that can survive a famine, that's not the general trend in any culture.

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