Final decision: Getting my midface implants revised/enhanced in March

You aren't going to listen to us anyways and will get more implants despite having an abhorrent eye area that every single person agrees you should focus on first.
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Those implants how they are with vertically narrow, low UEE blue eyes = slayer

Did you see the first photo in the series I posted, though? Maybe the lighting is just shit, but it looks like there's hardly any definition at all:

You seriously don't think that more projection and a bit more of a chiseled, angular look to my midface would benefit my looks? @KEy21
I had custom midface and chin implant surgery back in March 2019, and some of you may recall that over the last few months, I've been debating back-and-forth over whether I should go back to Dr. Y to have the midface implants either enhanced with an additional 2-3 mm-thick layer of silicone or revised completely. I know that most of you have told me to just leave well enough alone and focus on fixing my eye area, but I have decided to go back in March 2020 to have my midface implants enhanced with an additional layer of silicone. I will also be having the rest of the wraparound jaw implant that was designed for me placed as well.

While I definitely think my midface looks improved as compared to what it looked like pre-surgery, I just want a more noticeably chiseled appearance. At 3.5 mm of augmentation and 5.5 mm of augmentation, respectively, on the left and right sides of the face, there's just not enough forward projection to really make the implant work stick out. I also want a bit more lateral projection on the zygomatic arches.

To provide some photo-based justification of why I want the midface implants to be further augmented, see the series of photos below that I just took tonight:

As you can see in the first photo with zero frauding whatsoever in natural lighting, you can see the slightest hint of malar definition in the upper-midface region, but it's just not quite there. At the same time, I think it's easy to see how just a few more mm of forward projection would bring out the (currently slight) degree of definition that's there already and really make it "pop."

Also, in photos two and three, I'm grasping the soft tissues that lie over my zygos and pulling them forward by maybe 3 mm at the most to give you an idea of how a bit more augmentation could create a more angular, chiseled look.

Yes, I know that the eye area is very subhuman, but it's important that I leave the eye area surgeries for last since any surgeries that are performed via a lower eyelid incision (such as midface implant surgery) are likely to compromise the results of any eyelid procedures that Dr. Taban will perform.

Also, I realize that this is an autistic thing to fixate on, but I've wanted this surgery for WAY too long (since 2012) to not be fully satisfied with the results. Another way to look at it is like this -- since a few more mm of augmentation would really make my face look more masculine and chiseled, it's almost like I'm leaving a lot of looksmaxxing potential on the table to NOT go back and have the implants touched-up. And since I'll be getting the rest of my jaw implant placed anyways, it shouldn't be too expensive since it will technically just be an add-on procedure.

Anyways, I realize this is one of those tl;dr outpourings, but I just had to get this off my chest. Most people I know IRL (including those who know I've had surgery) honestly tell me they can't even tell the difference except when I'm in certain lighting conditions and/or after I've lost a bunch of temporary water weight.

Have a good rest of your weekend

(BTW, the redness/irritation above my upper lip is from Retin-A use)

your whole face is good besides eyes

worry about eyes

u mog me to the moon
You aren't going to listen to us anyways and will get more implants despite having an abhorrent eye area that every single person agrees you should focus on first.

I agree that the eye area is beyond unattractive. The only reason I'm putting off the surgery to get it overhauled is because Taban himself told me that if there's ANYTHING else I want done that involves making a lower eyelid incision (e.g., midface implant revision/augmentation), then I need to get that done first and then go back to him for eye work. He said this is because any lower eyelid incisions that are made after I get my eye area surgery could ruin the results of what he (Taban) achieves.

So in other words, once I get my eye area overhaul surgery, there's no going back and doing any other procedures on my midface. I'm going to have to accept and live with the results I have now (or waste money getting fillers for the rest of my life).

Besides, I'm not talking about delaying it for years or something. At the most, I'd be having to delay the eye area surgery to early next fall. I'll be finishing grad school in May, getting licensed, and then finding a job. Starting salaries in my field range from $90k-$130k+, so it's not like I won't be in a position to be afford to get all this stuff done. If I play my cards right, there's a chance I'll be getting a gov't. job paying $100k+ with 30 days of PTO to start and full federal benefits, so it will actually be easier to afford to go to Taban and whoever else if I wait a few months.
Didn't read all the comments following the post- sorry I'm a little ADHD

Looking good though. Sounds like you got a good handle on the surgeries so I can't give any advice on that.
Should hairstyle max w/ something like this:
Head Shaving Low Maintenance Haircut
Buzz Cut Shaved Sides Line Up

I'm guessing it might not work out though cause you probably have a high paying job that won't let you.
your whole face is good besides eyes

worry about eyes

u mog me to the moon

Thanks for the compliment I guess, but if you had paid thousands for custom midface implant surgery, wouldn't you want more chiseled, noticeable results?
Your midface is good enough if you fix your eye area. If you feel you still have time to ascend, go with your plan. Heck if you're still single at 31 what difference does it make waiting until 33. Either way I think you will have mental problems that will never go away, with or without a girlfriend. The mental damage has been done, so might as well maximize your looks potential.

@SurgerySoon can you post that morph of yours with blue eyes
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Didn't read all the comments following the post- sorry I'm a little ADHD

Looking good though. Sounds like you got a good handle on the surgeries so I can't give any advice on that.
Should hairstyle max w/ something like this:
View attachment 148457View attachment 148458
I'm guessing it might not work out though cause you probably have a high paying job that won't let you.

I appreciate the hairstyle suggestion. Ironically enough, other people have actually suggested that I get a similar haircut, or maybe a variation of the "fuckboy" haircut (short/faded on the sides, long top). I actually don't have a high-paying job yet, but I'll be finishing graduate school this May and should be starting my career by early next fall. Depending on where I end up working, I've been told that those types of haircuts would probably be considered unprofessional, which sucks.
Your midface is good enough if you fix your eye area. If you feel you still have time to ascend, go with your plan. Heck if you're still single at 31 what difference does it make waiting until 33. Either way I think you will have mental problems that will never go away, with or without a girlfriend. The mental damage has been done, so might as well maximize your looks potential.

@SurgerySoon can you post that morph of yours with blue eyes

@SHARK I agree that a lifetime of getting zero validation, affection, or even the slightest indicator that a girl was attracted to me during my developmental years has inflicted permanent, irreversible psychological damage. I also agree that at this point I might as well maximize my looks potential. The way I see it is, while other guys in their 30s are starting families, developing dad bods, and becoming just generally "blah" and unattractive, I'll be putting my money and efforts towards becoming as attractive as I can realistically become for a guy in my age bracket. This is going to sound kind of sad, but it kind of gives me something to look forward to in life -- like something to look forward to making constant progress with.

BTW, I actually won't even have to wait until I'm 33 to get my eye area overhaul surgery with Taban. The delay would actually only be maybe 3-6 months, so I should be in a position to get it done sometime next fall or possibly even late summer. If I can cuck the few family members I still keep in touch with to send me graduation money this May, the delay might be even shorter.

Here's the morph; I have to give credit to Lookism user SansDopamine (anyone been in touch with him since the forum coup?) for creating it. He not only morphed the eyes but also lowered my gonial angles and made my nostrils just a bit narrower:

Screenshot 20190522 005011 Chrome

@KEy21 @Amnesia what do you think of the morph? I showed it to Taban and he said that even though he probably can't make me look "exactly" like that, he can probably get me pretty damn close
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  • +1
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Bro fix your eyes and don’t fixate on augmenting an already successful surgery and running the risk of infection and having to remove your existing implants

Imagine going back to your pre surgery midface with a mountain of debt - the marginal potential benefit is not worth the risk

Also, you may be able to augment your zygos or whatever in the future through an incision in your mouth

What you think would look objectively better now might not matter to you at all when you see how much better you look after going to Taban
  • +1
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Bro fix your eyes and don’t fixate on augmenting an already successful surgery and running the risk of infection and having to remove your existing implants

Imagine going back to your pre surgery midface with a mountain of debt - the marginal potential benefit is not worth the risk

Also, you may be able to augment your zygos or whatever in the future through an incision in your mouth

What you think would look objectively better now might not matter to you at all when you see how much better you look after going to Taban

Those are valid considerations to keep in mind, but this is how I look at it -- imagine how much better I'd look after going to Taban AND getting some additional augmentation from Dr. Y. Besides, I'm going to be going back to him to get the rest of my jaw implant placed, so I think it would be sort of a missed opportunity to not add the extra bit of augmentation to the implants that would really make them look perfect.

BTW, I don't think the implants can be augmented via intraoral incisions because of the lateral arch component.
Also, FWIW, even my family members (who were originally against the notion of me getting ANY surgeries) agreed that I didn't really get a worthwhile result and that it wouldn't hurt to consider going back to get the implants touched up.
Thanks for the compliment I guess, but if you had paid thousands for custom midface implant surgery, wouldn't you want more chiseled, noticeable results?
I think if u touched ur mid face anymore it would look worse

your eye area and rounded hairline are the only 2 flaws I see off hand
I think if u touched ur mid face anymore it would look worse

your eye area and rounded hairline are the only 2 flaws I see off hand

Unfortunately I have always had a rounded hairline with a strong widows peak (even since I was a kid). Will be getting eye area fixed after finalizing the midface.
Those are valid considerations to keep in mind, but this is how I look at it -- imagine how much better I'd look after going to Taban AND getting some additional augmentation from Dr. Y. Besides, I'm going to be going back to him to get the rest of my jaw implant placed, so I think it would be sort of a missed opportunity to not add the extra bit of augmentation to the implants that would really make them look perfect.

BTW, I don't think the implants can be augmented via intraoral incisions because of the lateral arch component.
Also, FWIW, even my family members (who were originally against the notion of me getting ANY surgeries) agreed that I didn't really get a worthwhile result and that it wouldn't hurt to consider going back to get the implants touched up.

You should ask Dr. Y if they can be placed orally

I went to Taban for almond eye + infraorbital rim implants and am going to see Eppley for wraparound jaw + zygomatic arch/malar implants soon

He is placing the zygo implant through an intra oral incision

If it’s possible, I’d go to Taban first, you will see a significant improvement in your face whereas the implants will be marginal in comparison. So much so that you might just not want any further surgery after Taban
You should ask Dr. Y if they can be placed orally

I went to Taban for almond eye + infraorbital rim implants and am going to see Eppley for wraparound jaw + zygomatic arch/malar implants soon

He is placing the zygo implant through an intra oral incision

If it’s possible, I’d go to Taban first, you will see a significant improvement in your face whereas the implants will be marginal in comparison. So much so that you might just not want any further surgery after Taban

Good luck with your surgeries. I'm surprised that Eppley said the implants can be placed via an intraoral incision; my midface implants had to be placed via a lower eyelid incision (I think this has also been the case for several other guys who have gotten cheek/zygo implants with Eppley). Hopefully he's able to follow through on that. My eyes were stitched shut for 5 days after my surgery, which sucked.

I agree that I'll get the most improvement from the procedures I'll have done with Taban, but I'm the kind of person whose mental afflictions over this sort of thing are so significant and relentless that I don't think I'll ever be satisfied until I get at least a little more definition and angularity (maybe 20-30% more) from my midface implants.

Are you happy with the results of your almond eye surgery with Taban? Do you have any pics you can share?
Jesus Christ this is beyond pathetic, you need to watch some RSD videos and work on the inner you lmao no surgey is going to fix how mentally fucked You are, responding with 5 paragraphs essays, you look facially decent (don’t know
Body and height) but the second you talk or the way u carry yourself must dry up alll vaginas within a mile radius
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Jesus Christ this is beyond pathetic, you need to watch some RSD videos and work on the inner you lmao no surgey is going to fix how mentally fucked You are, responding with 5 paragraphs essays, you look facially decent (don’t know
Body and height) but the second you talk or the way u carry yourself must dry up alll vaginas within a mile radius

Regardless of personality, I want to look better than "facially decent." It's not even about girls at the heart of it TBH

Edit: And most of my "5 paragraph essays" are responses to multiple posts that were automatically merged into one post
Regardless of personality, I want to look better than "facially decent." It's not even about girls at the heart of it TBH
Well guess what, it’s not possible to have elite facial aesthetics through surgery maybe 100 years from but not now, elite facial aesthetics are born not made by a surgeon. Be happy you look decent
Regardless of personality, I want to look better than "facially decent." It's not even about girls at the heart of it TBH

Edit: And most of my "5 paragraph essays" are responses to multiple posts that were automatically merged into one post
I’m just saying the 5 paragraph essays are indicative of ur obbesive personality. You should get therapy not surgey other wise you’ll never be happy. If you were ugly I would totally understand your obsession but this is just sad
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Well guess what, it’s not possible to have elite facial aesthetics through surgery maybe 100 years from but not now, elite facial aesthetics are born not made by a surgeon. Be happy you look decent

Maybe it isn't possible to get elite facial aesthetics through surgery, but it's definitely possible to get better than "decent" facial aesthetics through surgery.

BTW, it is actually possible to get close to elite facial aesthetics through surgery; it just takes extremely invasive procedures such as osteotomies (which I'm not opposed to getting).

Just out of curiosity, how are you so certain that I fit the profile of someone who somehow doesn't have the potential to become better-looking through surgery? Maybe you'll end up being right, but I'm always curious to hear about the reasoning behind those statements. How can you or anyone else honestly know what is or isn't achievable via surgery?
Maybe it isn't possible to get elite facial aesthetics through surgery, but it's definitely possible to get better than "decent" facial aesthetics through surgery.

BTW, it is actually possible to get close to elite facial aesthetics through surgery; it just takes extremely invasive procedures such as osteotomies (which I'm not opposed to getting).

Just out of curiosity, how are you so certain that I fit the profile of someone who somehow doesn't have the potential to become better-looking through surgery? Maybe you'll end up being right, but I'm always curious to hear about the reasoning behind those statements. How can you or anyone else honestly know what is or isn't achievable via surgery?
Can you show me one legit example of a person getting movie star good looks through surgery? No , elite facial aesthetics is about ratios and is more complex than i for sure know. So ya give me one example of a person who was average and became elite looking
Can you show me one legit example of a person getting movie star good looks through surgery? No , elite facial aesthetics is about ratios and is more complex than i for sure know. So ya give me one example of a person who was average and became elite looking

Check out Dr. Raffaini's before/after photo gallery:

Other maxfac surgeons such as Dr. Sailer have very impressive before/after photo examples of me -- and the kicker is, almost all of these patients had WORSE starting points than me.

... So yeah, the fact that "elite facial aesthetics is more complex than you for sure know" isn't the same thing as definitively knowing what can or can't be achieved via surgery. The whole point of invasive osteotomies is to correct functional issues AND alter the fundamental ratios/proportions of the face, depending on the individual surgeon's philosophy.
Check out Dr. Raffaini's before/after photo gallery:

Other maxfac surgeons such as Dr. Sailer have very impressive before/after photo examples of me -- and the kicker is, almost all of these patients had WORSE starting points than me.

... So yeah, the fact that "elite facial aesthetics is more complex than you for sure know" isn't the same thing as definitively knowing what can or can't be achieved via surgery. The whole point of invasive osteotomies is to correct functional issues AND alter the fundamental ratios/proportions of the face, depending on the individual surgeon's philosophy.
Not one movie star was seen. Since you like quoting “all of these patients have WORSE starting points than me”. Yes that’s my point, going from ugly to decent is possible, decent to elite is not
Not one movie star was seen. Since you like quoting “all of these patients have WORSE starting points than me”. Yes that’s my point, going from ugly to decent is possible, decent to elite is not

In my opinion, those people ended up looking better than "decent" post-surgery.

Ok, I get it, you don't think I have the potential to become any better-looking than simply "decent." That's your opinion and you're entitled to it... and yet at the same time, you have ZERO evidence that indicates that I have no capacity whatsoever to become better-looking (not necessarily "movie star elite").

It's almost funny that half the forum is utterly convinced that I don't have what it takes to become anymore attractive WHATSOEVER than I already am, and yet at the same time, nobody can actually point to any features/elements of my face and say "this/that is why you will never be anymore attractive than you are now."

It's really an interesting proposition for a thought experiment if you think about it
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Actually, I just took another look at Raffaini's before/afters -- patient #3 ascended from straight ugly to literal Stacy, and the male patient either became a Chad or, at minimum, a Chad-lite. The other female patients also became above-average attractive (aside from the fact that patient 5 is "old").
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Problem is with surgery after surgery you can degrade the tissue and run into complications... it's not like swapping out speakers in a car or something. I would just fix your eye area as your bones look above average already.
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Problem is with surgery after surgery you can degrade the tissue and run into complications... it's not like swapping out speakers in a car or something. I would just fix your eye area as your bones look above average already.

That's a good point; I'll be sure to ask Dr. Y about it. Also, I don't want the revision surgery to result in so much scar tissue build-up that it results in Taban not being able to do as good of a job with overhauling my eye area. Still, though, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop thinking about it until I get the revision surgery.

Here's another way to look at it -- when you've wanted something for years, you sort of start seeing a certain desired outcome in your mind prior to surgery. In fact, I used to hold the tissues of my face in certain ways so as to simulate the changes I'd hope to get from the implants. So it's not necessarily that the results don't look "good" as they are now... it's more an issue of not getting the results I wanted in the first place. I just remember how excited I was a year ago that I had finally scheduled the surgery, and I was simply expecting a more noticeable and dramatic look than this.

I'll put it like this: even my family members (who were originally steadfast opposed to me getting surgery) agree that it's at least worth looking into what a revision could accomplish. It's like my results are almost, but not quite there.
That's a good point; I'll be sure to ask Dr. Y about it. Also, I don't want the revision surgery to result in so much scar tissue build-up that it results in Taban not being able to do as good of a job with overhauling my eye area. Still, though, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop thinking about it until I get the revision surgery.

Here's another way to look at it -- when you've wanted something for years, you sort of start seeing a certain desired outcome in your mind prior to surgery. In fact, I used to hold the tissues of my face in certain ways so as to simulate the changes I'd hope to get from the implants. So it's not necessarily that the results don't look "good" as they are now... it's more an issue of not getting the results I wanted in the first place. I just remember how excited I was a year ago that I had finally scheduled the surgery, and I was simply expecting a more noticeable and dramatic look than this.

I'll put it like this: even my family members (who were originally steadfast opposed to me getting surgery) agree that it's at least worth looking into what a revision could accomplish. It's like my results are almost, but not quite there.
I’m not sure if you spoke on this, but do you plan on having the rest of your jaw implant inserted during the same surgery? Also, can I ask what the design looks like for the jaw implant, how many mm of width on each side?
I’m not sure if you spoke on this, but do you plan on having the rest of your jaw implant inserted during the same surgery? Also, can I ask what the design looks like for the jaw implant, how many mm of width on each side?

Yeah, I am planning on having the rest of the jaw implant placed during the same surgery. I'll pictures of it below. Remember, I already have the chin portion of the implant in my face already (it was placed during my first surgery), so I'll just be getting the remaining two halves of the jaw implant placed.

I don't have pics on my computer that include the measurements, but I do have them on my phone, so I'll post them in about 5 minutes when I have my phone on me...
Here are photos of the implant. A lot of people think that the amount of width that the implants will add (8 mm and 9 mm on each side) is a bit much, but Dr. Y said he can carve off some of the lateral projection from the implant at the time of surgery. I do think that the height the implants are going to add to make my angles lower will look good, as I have relatively high jaw angles naturally.

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Yeah, I am planning on having the rest of the jaw implant placed during the same surgery. I'll pictures of it below. Remember, I already have the chin portion of the implant in my face already (it was placed during my first surgery), so I'll just be getting the remaining two halves of the jaw implant placed.

I don't have pics on my computer that include the measurements, but I do have them on my phone, so I'll post them in about 5 minutes when I have my phone on me...
Here are photos of the implant. A lot of people think that the amount of width that the implants will add (8 mm and 9 mm on each side) is a bit much, but Dr. Y said he can carve off some of the lateral projection from the implant at the time of surgery. I do think that the height the implants are going to add to make my angles lower will look good, as I have relatively high jaw angles naturally.

View attachment 149187

Thanks for sharing. As you mentioned, I would recommend you have him carve the implant as that’s a lot of width considering your jawline is already pretty good. I know someone in real life who had 4mm of width on each side, in hindsight he would only add 1mm to make it 5. Even just the 4 gave a decent improvement.
Thanks for sharing. As you mentioned, I would recommend you have him carve the implant as that’s a lot of width considering your jawline is already pretty good. I know someone in real life who had 4mm of width on each side, in hindsight he would only add 1mm to make it 5. Even just the 4 gave a decent improvement.

Yeah, my understanding is that he usually errs on the side of adding too much as opposed to too little width since the implants can always be reduced in size. Also, I like how the implant straightens out the body of my jawline, which is a bit curved now and makes my face look kind of round, especially from farther away.

Also, he said the effects of the jaw implant should make my midface look more hollowed out and defined, so I guess it will complement my midface implants in a way.
@Amnesia @KEy21 what do you guys think of the design/dimensions of the jaw implant that was designed for me (keep in mind I already have the chin component in my face)? Do you agree that a few mm of width should be shaved off?
First off, there's a shockingly large amount of blue pilled garbage advice itt I would expect from reddit not a PSL site, muh work on inner confidence, muh watch RSD. Fuck off faggots, hes already invested into surgery hes asking for surgery advice if you have none to give gtfo.

So there's a few issues I see, lets use this pic as reference

2v1WhUJ 2

Your zygos are already wider than your jawline, going for anymore lateral projection would be bad and look uncanny. I think the main issue is that Cavill and Cruise have higher set zygos than you do and so you are never going to get the look they have with yours. We both have low set zygos so I know how it goes. Honestly it's just cause you're holding fat in your face, you need a leaner malar region and buccal region dude. If those areas were leaner the skin would fold in and reveal the zygos better. That is what a natural gl midface region would do, if you compensate by just trying to get more projection with implant its gunna look unnatural IMO.

Dunno if I am articulating it well enough heres a pic to try and show what I am talking about where the malar region is so lean you see the anterior projection better simply cause it's so lean.

4767456414 1464a39fe8 b

I could be wrong but that's how I see it, just need a leaner face somehow.

The pic where you're pinching your skin to give the illusion of zygos is unrealistic cause again, that requires your zygos to literally be higher set then they are man.

Your face below the eyes all looks good
First off, there's a shockingly large amount of blue pilled garbage advice itt I would expect from reddit not a PSL site, muh work on inner confidence, muh watch RSD. Fuck off faggots, hes already invested into surgery hes asking for surgery advice if you have none to give gtfo.

So there's a few issues I see, lets use this pic as reference

View attachment 149308

Your zygos are already wider than your jawline, going for anymore lateral projection would be bad and look uncanny. I think the main issue is that Cavill and Cruise have higher set zygos than you do and so you are never going to get the look they have with yours. We both have low set zygos so I know how it goes. Honestly it's just cause you're holding fat in your face, you need a leaner malar region and buccal region dude. If those areas were leaner the skin would fold in and reveal the zygos better. That is what a natural gl midface region would do, if you compensate by just trying to get more projection with implant its gunna look unnatural IMO.

Dunno if I am articulating it well enough heres a pic to try and show what I am talking about where the malar region is so lean you see the anterior projection better simply cause it's so lean.

View attachment 149314 View attachment 149315

I could be wrong but that's how I see it, just need a leaner face somehow.

The pic where you're pinching your skin to give the illusion of zygos is unrealistic cause again, that requires your zygos to literally be higher set then they are man.

Your face below the eyes all looks good

Appreciate the feedback. Actually believe it or not, the area of skin I'm grabbing and bringing forward is exactly where the implants are LOL. I know it looks like I'm grabbing skin that's higher up than the zygos, but it's literally right where the implants are. Also, the ogee curve is kind of subdued/conservative from the 3/4, perspective, so that's another reason why I think maybe a few more mm of projection could look good (I could be wrong though).

To give you an example of what I mean in terms of my zygo placement, check out this photo where I'm putting my finger right below the zygo:

20191028 232258

As you can see, my finger pushes in right below the area where I pushed the skin forward in the other photo. Maybe I'm off base here and it isn't possible to get more forward projection, but I'll see what Dr. Y says at least.

I agree that I'm carrying too much fat in my cheeks, but even though I do lots of cardio and working out at the gym, it never goes away. Obviously buccal/perioral fat removal is the answer here, but I'm just afraid of looking older as a result of removing fat from my face.

I agree that too much width is a bad idea, but don't you think it would look good to lower the jaw angles a little bit so that the ramus isn't so steep? I also feel like this would allow the midface tissues to naturally "sink" in more and create more of a hollow look. Also, haven't you noticed how steep my jawline is from the side? Don't you think it would look good to lower it by maybe 5 mm?
Do you have a profile pic you can send over again, dunno if I have one on hand from you or at least a pic showing your ramus/gonial angle?

You need leanness man, I know its super autistic but look at these starvation victims, malar leanness is key for you to get that hollow look, look at these two guys I circled, thats what we all need, but its genetic, I mean look at that guy in the mid, hes starving too yet has a bloated chubby face, it's a fucking crapshoot


Also Im not kidding when i say your facial structure reminds me of Cruise in this interview

Do you have a profile pic you can send over again, dunno if I have one on hand from you or at least a pic showing your ramus/gonial angle?

You need leanness man, I know its super autistic but look at these starvation victims, malar leanness is key for you to get that hollow look, look at these two guys I circled, thats what we all need, but its genetic, I mean look at that guy in the mid, hes starving too yet has a bloated chubby face, it's a fucking crapshoot

View attachment 149337
Also Im not kidding when i say your facial structure reminds me of Cruise in this interview

@Amnesia I will definitely take any comparison to Cruise as a compliment, although I honestly don't see it LOL.

I agree 100% with you that leanness is key to getting the hollow look. The issue for me is the fact that I am genetically pre-disposed to holding lots of fat in my cheeks (like the middle guy in the photo you posted). In fact, even back when I was lean as hell during my Anavar cycle last summer, I still had fat ass cheeks. I guess I'm just going to have to decide whether or not it's worth risking making myself look older in order to get more chiseled cheeks.

Here is a profile pic I just took of myself in the mirror:

20191029 000457

Do you see how the jaw line is kind of steep as it goes from the chin to the jaw angle? On the other hand, Cruise's jawline is less steep but without looking blocky. That's basically what Dr. Y said he was going for -- lowering the jaw angles, making the jawline itself less steep, but not going so low with the angles that it makes my head look blocky. I feel like my head looks sort of unbalanced/disproportioned by having such a steep jawline, almost like a huge portion of my skull didn't develop.

Also, you can kind of see the hollows under my eye, which is another reason I want more forward projection (not just for the malar/zygo area).

BTW, you've seen the morph that SansDopamine from Lookism created for me where he overhauled my eye area and lowered my jaw angles, right? Here is a side-by-side comparison of the morph next to the post-surgery photo it was made from:


Do you see how it kind of balances out my whole face and skull better to have the lower jaw angles? (Obviously the eye area looks 1000x better too LOL)

Also, here's another morph that SansDopamine made for me about a year ago (this was pre-surgery):

EyeJawCheeks Morph

He morphed three things in that photo: my jaw angles (made them lower), my zygos, and my eyes. Again, don't you think it balances out my face better to have lower jaw angles? Also, look at how sharp the additional zygo width makes my face look. Now do you see how another few mm of zygo projection could be an improvement as long as it's not overdone? (both in the forward and lateral directions)
How do you create that steep look though? Do you have to lengthen the ramus?

Also have you ever posted on jawSurgeryForums at all to get their perspective?
How do you create that steep look though? Do you have to lengthen the ramus?

Also have you ever posted on jawSurgeryForums at all to get their perspective?

Yeah, I did post on JawSurgeryForums but got spewed with a bunch of bluepilled BS nonsense ("you already look pretty good, you're crazy for getting surgery!" "what a joke!" "you should be thankful for what you have!" blah blah blah). Those morons actually tracked down my Lookism account and branded me as a troll because of my motives in life.

To answer your question about how to create the steep look, I think it mostly comes from lowering the jaw angles as well as the body (I.e., jawline) of the jaw. I'm not sure if you saw it, but a few posts up I posted the jaw implant design that Dr. Y created for me with measurements included:

As you can see, he'll be lowering one side by 5 mm, and the other side by 7 mm. I could be wrong, but it seems like it would be lowering my jaw angles by just enough to make my face look more masculine and balanced but without looking too square or blocky. So maybe it will give me more of a Tom Cruise head shape? Maybe like a poor man's TC?

Also, I watched some of the interview you posted with Tom Cruise. Do you notice how he has way more lateral projection of the zygos than me, but it doesn't look weird or unnatural? Don't you think I would benefit from maybe 2 more mm of lateral projection at least?

I'm trying to stay positive here, but I honestly think there's no way around it.... I was simply underdone.
Lighting can play a huge role in how zygos look too though, bathroom lighting which is only frontal vs studio which is multi angle.

I dunno man. I do think that that morph does look good with the jaw being steep but in terms of the zygo projection I just don't know it's hard to say whether you're trying to create hollowness from a lack of projection or lack of low bf, I think it's the latter.


Im kinda hopping on the train of you just need to fix your eyes man, I mean it's the most important component of your face, O Pry himself lacks lateral zygo projection completely and achieves a hollow look from leanness alone


Lighting can play a huge role in how zygos look too though, bathroom lighting which is only frontal vs studio which is multi angle.

I dunno man. I do think that that morph does look good with the jaw being steep but in terms of the zygo projection I just don't know it's hard to say whether you're trying to create hollowness from a lack of projection or lack of low bf, I think it's the latter.

View attachment 149359

Im kinda hopping on the train of you just need to fix your eyes man, I mean it's the most important component of your face, O Pry himself lacks lateral zygo projection completely and achieves a hollow look from leanness alone


View attachment 149360

In terms of the jaw, I just feel like by having such high jaw angles, it makes my skull almost look too short and gives me an overall cuck vibe, like sort of a naive, innocent, unassuming aura. It's hard to explain but I think that by having lower jaw angles, it just makes my head look more "complete," like I have an overall more assertive look or something. Maybe it's just more photogenic in general.

I agree that lighting makes a big difference when it comes to making cheeks look hollowed, but even in that photo you posted of Tom Cruise in the side-by-side comparison with my photo, his zygos look better due to having a few more mm of lateral projection. I mean I know it's a hyper-autistic thing to worry about, but think about how much more masculine and assertive it would look if I had even just 2 mm of additional lateral projection. It sounds like a petty thing to worry about, but I look at it like this... if I'm going to spend the time, money, and risk to undergo surgery, then I'm going to get the goal I set out to achieve originally, not settle for a result that "looks good enough."
I dont think Tom Cruises are THAT much wider if at all, he just is leaner in the face under the zygos which makes them look like they pop more.

Heres a better comparison pic since they are similar angles (picture taken from a lower angle looking up at the face)

But yes his jaw is a bit steeper

I dont think Tom Cruises are THAT much wider if at all, he just is leaner in the face under the zygos which makes them look like they pop more.

Heres a better comparison pic since they are similar angles (picture taken from a lower angle looking up at the face)

But yes his jaw is a bit steeper

View attachment 149368

Yeah, I see that Cruise's face is leaner. I still can't help but think that just a little more lateral (as well as anterior) projection would look good though, LOL. I guess I'm the kind of person who has to learn the hard way about this shit, LOL. Also, do you see the hollowness under my eyes (especially the right one)? I think that's another indication that I need more forward projection of the implants.

Even if I tell Dr. Y to shave off most of the lateral projection, I'm definitely getting the rest of the jaw implant put in. My whole skull just looks too cuck-y as it is, like a little bitch skull.

Also, HOLY SHIT, I need a lip lift as well. My philtrum is just way too long. It may even be worth looking into getting a nose job to make my nose a little narrower (this was done in the morph for me as well).
That undereye hollowness is due to your fat pads breaking off and moving down your face, the same thing has happened to me recently now that I am older

Unless you have pics of when you were a lot younger and it looks completely diff I dunno
That undereye hollowness is due to your fat pads breaking off and moving down your face, the same thing has happened to me recently now that I am older

Unless you have pics of when you were a lot younger and it looks completely diff I dunno

Damn, so the fat pads are only going to move lower as I get older, right? Wonder if it's too early for a blepharoplasty
Damn, so the fat pads are only going to move lower as I get older, right? Wonder if it's too early for a blepharoplasty


Yeah but also bathroom lighting highlights undereye hollowness more than any other form so I wouldnt worry about it

Yeah but also bathroom lighting highlights undereye hollowness more than any other form so I wouldnt worry about it

I think that's another reason why my implant results are so underwhelming. I originally consulted with Dr. Y back in 2015 and sent him photos that were taken at that time, so apparently he designed implants with the 2015 version of how I looked in mind. In other words, if I've lost 2-3 mm of soft tissue projection since then, that would explain why the implants seem to lack 2-3 mm of projection -- because he designed them to look good in a younger version of my face, back before I had lost some soft tissue thickness.
@Amnesia Someone just posted this guy's pic (not sure of name) in another thread:


He's another example of someone who has more lateral zygo projection/flare-out like I'm going for
Hey man,

Your coming eyelid retraction surgery may help with the undereye hollows as it is a form of midface lift of the undereye tissues. It did help me quite a bit in that regard.

How long is your philtrum in mms btw? I agree you could benefit from a conservative lip lift and it's quite a simple procedure.

I already told you before what I think of this midface revision think and it seems you're only looking for someone to confirm what is already in your mind and won't listen to anyone else. But the eye surgery is really the only thing you should focus on, anything else is irrelevent next to it. Your midface projection, both lateral and forward, is already on par with Cruise as far as I'm concerned, I don't personally see how more projection would make a significant difference on the positive side.
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Hey man,

Your coming eyelid retraction surgery may help with the undereye hollows as it is a form of midface lift of the undereye tissues. It did help me quite a bit in that regard.

How long is your philtrum in mms btw? I agree you could benefit from a conservative lip lift and it's quite a simple procedure.

I already told you before what I think of this midface revision think and it seems you're only looking for someone to confirm what is already in your mind and won't listen to anyone else. But the eye surgery is really the only thing you should focus on, anything else is irrelevent next to it. Your midface projection, both lateral and forward, is already on par with Cruise as far as I'm concerned, I don't personally see how more projection would make a significant difference on the positive side.

This is true... most good looking guys IRL don't have super sharp zygos they just have good eye area and non-recessed lower third. Your bones look great in the pic above just fix your eye area.
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Bottom line, what's more important to you, what's the purpose of all this, to achieve your ideal look or to up your slaying potential? Even amongst the top men who fuck hella girls, only a small percentage of them have flanged zygos like what you're going for, it's not by any means necessary for sex appeal.

Strong jawline, width and good/striking eye area is what is attractiveness. There are countless examples of real life slayers with little to no zygo arch or ogee curve

No zygo projection, yet this is a very attractive artist rendition of a man, why, striking eye area with facial width wide jaw, wide neck wide zygos but not flanged or even creating hollowness.


Increasing your sex appeal is gunna all come down to your eyes not another 2mm projection of zygos.

Edit: another thing, there are plenty of ppl with more hollowing than your cheeks with less pronounced zygos than you have, it's a facial fat thing with you man, you have way stronger zygos than I do btw
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Edit 2: Do what you wanna do, but imo its not gnna increase your attractiveness
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