First client on Fiverr who I've had to rate that was a girl. How do we assess this one Team Autist?

2728359 20210425 170433

2728359 20210425 170433 2

  • JFL
Reactions: Fiqh, Jason Voorhees, proudretard and 12 others
get ready for this to be cross-posted to Vindicta and FDS
  • JFL
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The definition of a goblina
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: IndianJock and MiroslavBulldosex
So wait, I overrated?
I think so. She is ugly, short, and has shit body. Also a shitskin. I don't see what saves her from being a subhuman.
To me 1/10 means deformed, 2/10 means subhuman.
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
So wait, I overrated?

2 is deformity tier
nah i think you rated 3.5 correctly. 1 would be legit facial deformity like Downs Syndrome. 2 would be literally morbidly obese so 3-3.5 is her correct rating

EDIT: maybe .5 point decrease more due to her race
  • +1
Reactions: LooksmaxxHopeful, Preoximerianas and MakinItHappenReturn
did you tell her its over?
I know guys that are in ltr with 150 kg landwhales
Not pump and dump, but ltr

She probably has high standards or a bad personality. Should work on her attitude and her standards

Good analysis but I disagree that an average looking guy wouldnt bang her. Tbf im probs a shade above average and Id say she is still worse than the ugliest ever girl I fucked
She's below average for a woman but I know women in her looks range married to tall normies and high tier normies. She's most likely rejecting normies on Tinder. Ain't no way this woman is lonely when there are 1000s of normies who would LTR in an instant. Normies are incels in 2022 and would gladly take her up for a relationship. She's not even a proper landwhale - this proper landwhale is dating a gymcelled HTN
  • +1
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: closedplatecel, Jason Voorhees, johncruz12345 and 10 others
Should have mentioned skin too
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas and MakinItHappenReturn
I think so. She is ugly, short, and has shit body. Also a shitskin. I don't see what saves her from being a subhuman.
To me 1/10 means deformed, 2/10 means subhuman.

20211231 161706 2

Her fat doesn't distribute to her lower body as she revealed, but she does have chest.

I thought a 2/10 would be something like this:


While something 3/10ish this:

3/10 Tinder Girl Experiment - WOMEN HAVE INFINITE DATING POWER - YouTube
  • JFL
Reactions: wew.lad
So wait, I overrated?

2 is deformity tier
No imo this is the case you are spot on 3/10.

Deformed is 1/10. But 2/10 needs to have a way too serious flaws, like missing teeth. :unsure:
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345, Preoximerianas, metagross and 2 others
nigga you completely destroyed her life:ROFLMAO:
View attachment 1526101

She's below average for a woman but I know women in her looks range married to tall normies and high tier normies. She's most likely rejecting normies on Tinder. Ain't no way this woman is lonely when there are 1000s of normies who would LTR in an instant. Normies are incels in 2022 and would gladly take her up for a relationship. She's not even a proper landwhale - this proper landwhale is dating a gymcelled HTN

Exception =/= rule

by this logic you can post a picture of some reccesed faggot with a a cute girl and claim the entirety of inceldom an dhypergamy is a meme?
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas, IndianJock, alriodai and 3 others
No imo this is the case you are spot on 3/10.

Deformed is 1/10. But 2/10 needs to have a way too serious flaws, like missing teeth. :unsure:

Well I went 3.5 face and 3 SMV but yeah
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16380
Exception =/= rule

by this logic you can post a picture of some reccesed faggot with a a cute girl and claim the entirety of inceldom an dhypergamy is a meme?
I get it but the girl in OP could easily get a normie to commit - she's not deformed nor is she a proper landwhale. Getting a tall and attractive white guy may be a problem for her but she can get a normie to HTN ethnic guy easily.
  • +1
Reactions: johncruz12345
I get it but the girl in OP could easily get a normie to commit - she's not deformed nor is she a proper landwhale.

Well you are saying one thing and she is living proof that what you say is wrong.

She is 26 and never had a boyfriend.

You talk in theory and she proves in reality.

This is categorically speaking what one would deem a 'femcel'
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas, IndianJock and Deleted member 16380
all she has to do is lose weight and hairline lowering
You know it's tough, as much as I want to say this is horrible, she asked for it and clearly expected this kind of response and somehow this is the kind of thing you need to kick you in to gear and fix your issues. Right now she probably just sits eating junk food watching Netflix wondering when her prince will save her, but she needs to make the prince want her.

This can have a seriously negative affect on someone who you randomly approach on the street and start telling them this shit, but if she paid for it, she's clearly insecure and wants to fix her issues, which is a good sign... paying for someone to tell you this means you'll pay to get it fixed.

She's certainly not the best of what she can be. If she sticks to your recommendations and works out to get to her healthiest weight. Eat's a healthy diet. Fixes her hairline (maybe even bangs? straighten her hair to get a better haircut?).

Once she lowers the weight, she will see more bones in her faces, she has a wide palate and a good smile, that's a good start. If she gets a better haircut, better fashion, and cleaning her skin with a decent skin-care routine and again, a healthy diet. I can see her being close to Kerry Washington.

I'm a believer in the fact that you can go a long way by finding a celebrity/model/actor that looks similar to you, because they've been taught or taught themselves how to master the phenotype/looks they are giving, and she has similar facial features to Kerry Washington, if she lost the weight, worked out, cleaned her skin and fixed her hair, she could easily looksmax this.


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  • +1
Reactions: closedplatecel, Jason Voorhees, Preoximerianas and 5 others
Well you are saying one thing and she is living proof that what you say is wrong.

She is 26 and never had a boyfriend.

You talk in theory and she proves in reality.

This is categorically speaking what one would deem a 'femcel'
She's most likely a mentalcel - a socially awkward, introverted or autistic girl with no active social life and browses reddit all day. Well-adjusted NT girls who are not deformed or morbidly obese don't have a hard time getting men at all. Hell, I've seen women who look worse than her with onlyfans and shit. I used to read the femcel sub on reddit and most of them admitted to being social awkward, shy and non-NT. Which well-adjusted NT girl would pay for a face rating? It's quite obvious she's a mentalcel.
  • +1
Reactions: closedplatecel, Jason Voorhees, johncruz12345 and 3 others
She's most likely a mentalcel - a socially awkward, introverted or autistic girl with no active social life and browses reddit all day. Well-adjusted NT girls who are not deformed or morbidly obese don't have a hard time getting men at all. Hell, I've seen women who look worse than her with onlyfans and shit. I used to read the femcel sub on reddit and most of them admitted to being social awkward, shy and non-NT. Which well-adjusted NT girl would pay for a face rating? It's quite obvious she's a mentalcel.

Valid point. She did seem pretty rigid in her conversation and shit.

I do think however that the personality is partly a product of the looks. Much to do with her looks.

Are these girls of similar phenotype or white?
  • +1
Reactions: ROTTING
You know it's tough, as much as I want to say this is horrible, she asked for it and clearly expected this kind of response and somehow this is the kind of thing you need to kick you in to gear and fix your issues. Right now she probably just sits eating junk food watching Netflix wondering when her prince will save her, but she needs to make the prince want her.

This can have a seriously negative affect on someone who you randomly approach on the street and start telling them this shit, but if she paid for it, she's clearly insecure and wants to fix her issues, which is a good sign... paying for someone to tell you this means you'll pay to get it fixed.

She's certainly not the best of what she can be. If she sticks to your recommendations and works out to get to her healthiest weight. Eat's a healthy diet. Fixes her hairline (maybe even bangs? straighten her hair to get a better haircut?).

Once she lowers the weight, she will see more bones in her faces, she has a wide palate and a good smile, that's a good start. If she gets a better haircut, better fashion, and cleaning her skin with a decent skin-care routine and again, a healthy diet. I can see her being close to Kerry Washington.

I'm a believer in the fact that you can go a long way by finding a celebrity/model/actor that looks similar to you, because they've been taught or taught themselves how to master the phenotype/looks they are giving, and she has similar facial features to Kerry Washington, if she lost the weight, worked out, cleaned her skin and fixed her hair, she could easily looksmax this.

Exceptional post. Agree with the sentiments. You've been level-headed and treated her with respect as we all should.

Just because she can get non-strings attached sex as easily as Chadlites swiping on hookup apps doesn't mean she must be hated on. That isn't a plus for a girl and I'm sure she doesn't view it as one as she most revealed in our discussion. Women don't 'need' sex and they aren't as horny as us. Meaningless fucking doesn't satisfy them the way it can us.
  • +1
Reactions: aesthetic beauty, Preoximerianas, alriodai and 1 other person
Valid point. She did seem pretty rigid in her conversation and shit.

I do think however that the personality is partly a product of the looks. Much to do with her looks.

Are these girls of similar phenotype or white?
Most of the girls in the femcel sub were ethnic, but the sub had some white girls (mostly obese nerdy type). I do agree that her personality is strongly correlated to her looks. Ethnic women who grew in all white suburbs and went to all white schools usually get bullied and develop very low self-esteem as a result and this girl looks like the type who grew in such an environment. Low self-esteem + social awkwardness = femcel.
  • +1
Reactions: aesthetic beauty, Preoximerianas, Landorus and 3 others
View attachment 1526013

How the fuck did you rate this abomination 3.5/10

Huge overrate honestly
Borderline subhuman tier, 1.5/10 max. Even that might be too much.
She's a deformed goblin monster. Only feeling like hitting her with a stick, no sexual attraction at all.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: IndianJock and CtrlAltDelete
agree with 3/10 but id consider that femcelite territory not low tier becky.
Why didn't you ask her for nudes for a more complete judgement?
Her breasts could still compensate for her frame and face and make her NT.

Also JFL at that smile. :lul::lul:
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas, .🇹🇩. and BearBoy
all she had to is install tinder and she's set.
Women can't be incels
still over for her looks but dating she will be fine
It never began for her. She was born and it was over. Just fucking Lol. Stupid ugly whore
What's her ethnicity?
agree with 3/10 but id consider that femcelite territory not low tier becky.

Yeah same. That's why I said 0.5pts BELOW low tier Becky. Gave her 3.5 and 3 SMV
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 11610
She actually doesn't look superbad imo, i mean shes not ugly at all tbh. Can get a boyfriend easily if she loose weight and start working out focus on high rep squats, basic weight lifting more towards glutes area.

I think you forgot one important part thats failos her really bad. Her skin is utter terrible. The complexion is horrible.

Advice her to go on a proper skin care routine based on her skin issues.

Tretinoin as a start.
together with a simple cleanser and moisturizer, spf based for her skin.

Also her hair, tell her to straighten it. And fringe to cover the forehead. Will make a big increase in her attractiveness. It looks horrible.

She is beyond saving.
how much you charge for this service ?
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas, BearBoy and StrangerDanger
Well you are saying one thing and she is living proof that what you say is wrong.

She is 26 and never had a boyfriend.

You talk in theory and she proves in reality.

This is categorically speaking what one would deem a 'femcel'
Yet she isnt virgin, she probably wants a chad who is tall and has better looks, @fogdart has some truth in what he is saying

No issue for a woman to get a boyfriend in 2022
  • +1
Reactions: Preoximerianas and fogdart
She looks like Mr bean :lul:
God daaamn she is ugly I feel bad for her
women do not have infinite smv no
Not sure if it's the white knight in me, but I don't condone such brutality lmao. :feelswhy:
Yeah I don't either, and like another person said it's completely unnecessary also, men need to know about their flaws because it determines their dating success, women can have dating success regardless of what they look like
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16571
nigga you completely destroyed her life:ROFLMAO:
He wasn't incorrect though. In his analysis.
It is, what it is

Still. She has more SMV than us. She can go on Tinder, and have plenty matches an so on.
Ltr, is a different ballgame though
  • +1
Reactions: LooksmaxxHopeful and MakinItHappenReturn
Her "Weaknesses" Section is longer than this entire thread.

She's Sub 5 for sure.

And likely cannot softmaxx any level, she needs surgery to ascend at ALL.
View attachment 1526100

Her fat doesn't distribute to her lower body as she revealed, but she does have chest.

I thought a 2/10 would be something like this:


While something 3/10ish this:

3/10 Tinder Girl Experiment - WOMEN HAVE INFINITE DATING POWER - YouTube
Someone should unironically run a tinder experiment with those 2/10 pictures.

In fact I think I might do that
  • JFL
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