For teenagers wanting to do PEDS



Sep 11, 2024
First off, I am not a doctor and this is for educational purposes, not medical advice.

Secondly, I gotta to state the obvious. DOING ANY PEDS AS A TEENAGER IS STUPID, that being said if your still committed to doing peds this post is your you.

DO NOT TOUCH SARMS. Unless you are going to take the most mild sarm on the market (ac262) its not worth it.
This is a looksmaxxing forum, I see countless posts about androgenic shit for bone mass, testosterone maxxing, dick size, etc. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY YOU DONT TOUCH SARMS.
Sarms are not steroids, meaning they don't have the 4 carbon ring base. This means that they cannot be converted to estrogen or DHT in your body.
DHT is the more potent form of testosterone, a fraction of your test will be converted to DHT via the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme.
DHT is responsible for all masculinization during puberty, for example voice pitch, facial hair, pubic hair, and genital size.
SARMS SUPPRESS TESTOSTERONE, this is a known fact and the suppressed testosterone will lead to less DHT meaning you are potentially stunting your genital growth which nobody wants.

What is the solution if you still want to do PEDS?

The solution would be a different type of oral called pro-hormones. These are precursors to steroids that once you take, your body will convert into a steroid. They are more similar to steroids and sarms in the way that you will get suppressed. And similar to steroids in the sense that there are many different types.
With all the different types you need to do research, some convert into estrogen and not DHT, some convert into DHT and not estrogen.
PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. The one I used which converts into DHT but not estrogen is called dymethazine.
Some prohormones will be way sketchier than others, and expect gains near steroids, however I believe this could be a safer alternative during puberty however if there is anything I missed or some of my information is wrong please let me know.
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I know I also didn't comment on the effects sarms vs steroids has on SHBG but I didn't see how it was relevant apart from growth plates closing from sarms due to the spike in free test
Young people who take sarms dont realize they will be part of a clinical study in 30 years when they find out the dangerous effects of those research chemicals.

Also ive heard that DMZ mostly puts on water weight. Are there any sides?
Young people who take sarms dont realize they will be part of a clinical study in 30 years when they find out the dangerous effects of those research chemicals.

Also ive heard that DMZ mostly puts on water weight. Are there any sides?

To be honest I don't believe sarms are that harmful when used in the right context. That being said using when your a teenager most likely without access to a testosterone base is definitely not the right context so I agree 100%.
I have been on 250mg of DMZ for a little over 8 weeks. No test base used, no enclomiphene. I have not noticed any suppression, I haven't gained water weight really and for the most part I would say its actually a dryer compound. I had a higher amount of hair falling out but balding isn't genetic in my family so it was nothing bad at all. Don't want to go TMI, I don't have any bloodwork so I don't know anything for sure, but my lower region still works absolutely fine.
The gains are really not anything crazy. I did actually do a cycle of AC262 before this cycle and the gains I experienced from that were better. However DMZ is the only prohormone I have experience with and its one of many.
just do test retard
just do test retard
Post is for younger people, obviously not wanting to inject but yes I agree and I should have clarified in the post. Weird as hell for calling me a retard but you do you bro
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Weird as hell for calling me a retard
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What I did was stupid and got health complications from it but I have a big dick and look dimorphic but young at the same time. Perhaps shut my shut down or something after taking it :lul:

I think I should fix my shit cuz I never felt regular after that
Post is for younger people, obviously not wanting to inject but yes I agree and I should have clarified in the post. Weird as hell for calling me a retard but you do you bro
Lol you got bodied bro ngl

@Kelly Oubre Jr why did u do him like that? :lul: even more funny cuz he got offended
Lol you got bodied bro ngl

@Kelly Oubre Jr why did u do him like that? :lul: even more funny cuz he got offended

I didn't get offended by someone on the internet calling me a retard, I just didn't see a point in him doing it
What I did was stupid and got health complications from it but I have a big dick and look dimorphic but young at the same time. Perhaps shut my shut down or something after taking it :lul:

I think I should fix my shit cuz I never felt regular after that

What did you take?
Don't see how that has any relevancy to my knowledge :p
i didnt say anything about yout knowledge retard im saying thats the reason you said its "weird as hell" for calling you a retard stupid faggot
i didnt say anything about yout knowledge retard im saying thats the reason you said its "weird as hell" for calling you a retard stupid faggot
dude your being a meanie :rage:

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