Fundamental Islam vs Fundamental Christianity



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Oct 15, 2019
When it comes to women suppression (necessary) why do people always claim radical Islam is better for it?

Go back to the 17th century Christianity and you will see it is just as based
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Traditional Christianity is better because it doesn't have inbreeding.

Both aren't ideal though. We should have no restrictions on dating so Women can be as much of eugenicists as they want.
  • JFL
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Traditional Christianity is better because it doesn't have inbreeding.

Both aren't ideal though. We should have no restrictions on dating so Women can be as much of eugenicists as they want.
They are Eugenicist on arbitrary random body measurements though.

How does Hdught, dick size, facial beauty eugenics help anything?
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  • Hmm...
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They are Eugenicist on arbitrary random body measurements though.

How does Hdught, dick size, facial beauty eugenics help anything?
Beauty is good. Fuck having an ugly population.

A population of only chads and stacies would be like a utopia. We need eugenics from the individual and the state.
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  • JFL
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Christianity is superior because it dont have polygamy something that benefit women and only top tier men
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 14693, Deleted member 17791 and PubertyMaxxer
Beauty is good. Fuck having an ugly population.

A population of only chads and stacies would be like a utopia. We need eugenics from the individual and the state.
Well its all relative. Eugenics and lookism discrimination can continue until forever with this thinking. There will always be relatively more beautiful, tall, broad people. Top X %
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 17791
Well its all relative. Eugenics and lookism discrimination can continue until forever with this thinking. There will always be relatively more beautiful, tall, broad people. Top X %
I don't care, good. Lets keep looksmaxing the population ad infinitum.
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  • JFL
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I hate it when Westoids claim that Islam is "based and redpilled" when in reality it only seeks to destroy all civilization that isn't inherently Islamic.

>t. has been battling with Islam for 1400 years
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muh jew god is better than your jew god

oh wait... :feelsmega:
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Behold! The Jewish Jesus | Christianity | The Guardian
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Is Allah a Different God Than the Biblical God? | Church Life Journal |  University of Notre Dame
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In Full View: Saturn's Streaming Hexagon (black and white) | NASA Solar  System Exploration
Tin Foil Hat With Sam Tripoli Podcast - #247: The Black Cube with The Edge  Of Wonder's Rob Counts and Ben Chasteen | Pandora
Why the Gaza settlers wear cubes on their heads.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 14693 and Psychophilly
When it comes to women suppression (necessary) why do people always claim radical Islam is better for it?

Go back to the 17th century Christianity and you will see it is just as based
Because no one practices radical christianity anymore. They are all LGBT+ inclusive cucks that are only christian on paper.

You can move to fundamental muslim country and still live by your values in your normal day. Try that in any christian country and you‘ll be jailed for „abuse“
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Reactions: Psychophilly and PubertyMaxxer
I hate it when Westoids claim that Islam is "based and redpilled" when in reality it only seeks to destroy all civilization that isn't inherently Islamic.

>t. has been battling with Islam for 1400 years
I love Christian Caucasians (Armenians, Georgians, South Russians) aswell as Christian Balkan people (Bulgarian, Greek, Yugoslavs) .

They fought for their culture, Race, Identity etc while "woke" Westerners commit demographic suicide by Mass immigration and ultralow birth rates
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They are Indo-Europeans in name only and they're literally the cousin offshoots of Assyrians. They are the Jews of the Caucasus, because they really do have no homeland.
Because no one practices radical christianity anymore. They are all LGBT+ inclusive cucks that are only christian on paper.
In Europe most muslim have sex outside marriage in muslim country they have polygamy.

Both suck at the moment but the true form of Christianity mogs
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Because no one practices radical christianity anymore. They are all LGBT+ inclusive cucks that are only christian on paper.
That's the problem. Bring back radical Christiany.

We see how well Radical Islam is working in Muslim countries. Sky high birth rates, still a homogeneous national identity, No feminist bullshit.

Radical Christianity that takes some positive aspects of it while leaving out the retarded ones like inbreeding, polygamy etc is ideal.
  • JFL
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South Russians
Those are what we call "North Caucasians".
If you call them anything but their name (Avar, Nakh, etc.), they will unironically stab you.
We're the only normal ones here.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
That's the problem. Bring back radical Christiany.

We see how well Radical Islam is working in Muslim countries. Sky high birth rates, still a homogeneous national identity, No feminist bullshit.

Radical Christianity that takes some positive aspects of it while leaving out the retarded ones like inbreeding, polygamy etc is ideal.
The birth rate is change and decreasing Unless the country gets poor. Muslim countries aren't homogenus and femnism is rising
  • So Sad
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Muslim countries aren't homogenus
That's the thing: They don't see themselves as different people under Islam. Islam says that a black nigger who believes in Allah is equal to a blue eyed Syrian woman, as they're both the children of the same god.
Christianity isn't the same.
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Reactions: Deleted member 17676 and PubertyMaxxer
They are Indo-Europeans in name only and they're literally the cousin offshoots of Assyrians. They are the Jews of the Caucasus, because they really do have no homeland.
Do Georgians have blue eyes, brown hair or are they more swarthy like Arabs?
Do Georgians have blue eyes, brown hair or are they more swarthy like Arabs?
It depends on which part of Georgia you're referring to.
In the East, about 20% of the population has blue eyes, maybe less. Similarly with hair.
In the West (where I'm from), about one in every three has blue eyes. Blonde hair is a bit rarer.
There's not much of a North/South divide as much as there's a West/East one.
In Tbilisi about 40% of people I know have blue eyes, though do keep in mind that this perception of mine is a bit one-sided.
This is the average phenotype.
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Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Islam is better because women have less rights :feelskek:
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17676 and PubertyMaxxer
It depends on which part of Georgia you're referring to.
In the East, about 20% of the population has blue eyes, maybe less. Similarly with hair.
In the West (where I'm from), about one in every three has blue eyes. Blonde hair is a bit rarer.
There's not much of a North/South divide as much as there's a West/East one.
In Tbilisi about 40% of people I know have blue eyes, though do keep in mind that this perception of mine is a bit one-sided.
This is the average phenotype.
View attachment 1943932
Its actually ironic and sad at the same time how an average Georgian is "whiter" than an average Swedish/French since those countries accepted too many African/MENA immigrants and have barely native Europeans left.
The birth rate is change and decreasing Unless the country gets poor. Muslim countries aren't homogenus and femnism is rising
Muslim countries are very homogenous if you don‘t count expat professional and philipino work slaves.

they don‘t mix with the local population either, just a servant class.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Its actually ironic and sad at the same time how an average Georgian is "whiter" than an average Swedish/French since those countries accepted too many African/MENA immigrants and have barely native Europeans left.
Don't go too far into those eschatological things.
Yes, London is no longer White, and so is Birmingham or Liverpool, but the UK is still 87% White British.
We've got time to wake them up against the international Jew.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Don't go too far into those eschatological things.
Yes, London is no longer White, and so is Birmingham or Liverpool, but the UK is still 87% White British.
We've got time to wake them up against the international Jew.
If Georgia prospers and offers welfare (unlikely) it will unironically also be flooded by shitskins and Muslims aswell.

Poor non-welfare white nations like Russia, Balkan are currently very lucky.

As a native German its horrifying being a ethnic minority once you leave your rural area and enter big west German cities.
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Reactions: Decretum1483 and Corleone
If Georgia prospers and offers welfare (unlikely) it will unironically also be flooded by shitskins and Muslims aswell.
საქართველო is far from prosperity. Our gov't is completely kiked and I have no hope that it'll get any better as long as the RF exists. Technically we are a Social Democracy, but the government is too corrupt to distribute any welfare to people who really need it (the elderly).
Also, the country is already 10% Muslim, but most of them aren't precising as 95% of them are Azerbaijanis.
Shitskins aren't such a rare sight either, I see one everyday, even.
10 years ago this would've been incredible.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Poor non-welfare white nations like Russia, Balkan are currently very lucky.
Russia is not majority White I believe, even in the Western cities.
There are many Armenians, Kazakhs, North Caucasians, etc.
Russia is not majority White I believe, even in the Western cities.
There are many Armenians, Kazakhs, North Caucasians, etc.
White is a spectrum. Many different ethnicities fall under the category white that are completely forgotten and ignored in the Americas.

Then there a transitory ethnicities located at the European continent natural borders (Mediterranean Sea, Balkan and Caucasus mountains) that prevented migration of non-Europeans for thousands of years of evolution.

Those transitory ethnicities may be considered white by some and ethnic by others.

Only in the past few hundred years with increased mobility and connectivity migration of low IQ ugly (Muslim) non-Europeans into the European continent was possible and is threatening to destroy million years of evolution.
Christ always.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer and LiteralCaucasian
Jfl talk about a hot take :feelsuhh:
Let me school you, lad.

Jews hating other jews??? oh my Oy Vey!:soy:

By all means buddy broyo, school me some more with
Water Day Loop GIF by Pi-Slices
I don't already know...

And before you try to pull another sub room temperature iq jew tier argument out of your ass like somehow that "Yeshu" doesn't mean "Yeshua"...
or "b- bu- but muh (((context)))"...

Look, I get that at the end of the day religion really is just a personal choice and all that, but why in the fuck would anyone ever want to practice the religion of an evil people that tried to destroy them?

Especially when those same monsters even used your ancestors' own people to force it upon the rest of them; indoctrinating the young after slaughtering their parents and bribing the powerful after seducing their greedy hearts.

I used to think I could make that choice but then I realized I actually couldn't, because at best it'd just be naive for me to do by ignoring how my family was forced into one of these various cults of that bastard Shem, and at worst it'd just be a very cucked thing for me to do by choosing to do so in the end anyway while still knowing this.

Oh and one more thing...

I disavow everything that's been said in this thread as I am now a proud Jewish man and have unironically converted to judaism.

I am not a racist, bigot, hateful, xenophobic, misogynist etc.

Nor am I suicidal or prone to any preexisting health conditions. I'm also an excellent and very safe driver that gets my brakes checked routinely.

Everything I've said previously was just a joke to farm reacts as has always been the case and always been stated in my signature.
  • +1
Reactions: Corleone
As a native German its horrifying being a ethnic minority once you leave your rural area and enter big west German cities.
Feel the same, even though I‘m half-ethnic myself
  • +1
Reactions: Decretum1483 and PubertyMaxxer
Jfl talk about a hot take :feelsuhh:

Jews hating other jews??? oh my Oy Vey!:soy:

By all means buddy broyo, school me some more with
Water Day Loop GIF by Pi-Slices
I don't already know...

Look, I get that at the end of the day religion really is just a personal choice and all that, but why in the fuck would anyone ever want to practice the religion of an evil people that tried to destroy them?

Especially when those same monsters even used your ancestors' own people to force it upon the rest of them; indoctrinating the young after slaughtering their parents and bribing the powerful after seducing their greedy hearts.

I used to think I could make that choice but then I realized I actually couldn't, because at best it'd just be naive for me to do by ignoring how my family was forced into one of these various cults of that bastard Shem, and at worst it'd just be a very cucked thing for me to do by choosing to do so in the end anyway while still knowing this.

Oh and one more thing...

I disavow everything that's been said in this thread as I am now a proud Jewish man and have unironically converted to judaism.

I am not a racist, bigot, hateful, xenophobic, misogynist etc.

Nor am I suicidal or prone to any preexisting health conditions. I'm also an excellent and very safe driver that gets my brakes checked routinely.

Everything I've said previously was just a joke to farm reacts as has always been the case and always been stated in my signature.
Oh that's very nice didn't read but quite nice
So tell me, seed of Satan, why do you hate God so much?
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Reactions: Decretum1483
only place Christians can marry multiply wives is skyrim. while i can do it now as we speak, i can do it at the same time with just one wedding.
my wives wont have my permission to go outside to even be exposed of chad, they wont have permission to watch TV/internet. if i marry a X years old, i can raise her to have no concept of chad whatsoever.
these are not theories, these are facts while for Christians it's just theories on old papers.
Semantics me
Semitics me
Irony me?
Nice take retard
Jfl I'm never disappointed in the amount of mental gymnastics you copers always go through just to avoid associating your Semtic religion with its [also Semtic] predecessor, especially it already claims to do so itself...

Matthew 5:17
“Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”

So long as you worship the Semitic Hebrew kike whatever the fuck semantic jew God of Abraham,
you'll always be worshiping the God of the Jews.
Semantics me
Semitics me
Irony me?

Jfl I'm never disappointed in the amount of mental gymnastics you copers always go through just to avoid associating your Semtic religion with its [also Semtic] predecessor, especially it already claims to do so itself...

Matthew 5:17
“Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”

So long as you worship the Semitic Hebrew kike whatever the fuck semantic jew God of Abraham,
you'll always be worshiping the God of the Jews.
"Judaism" is a corruption of Christianity and came after it.

Any thorough explanation would fall to deaf, ethnic ears, so I'm not going to bother.
Beauty is good. Fuck having an ugly population.

A population of only chads and stacies would be like a utopia. We need eugenics from the individual and the state.
so based

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