Genes= everything

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I had the same environment of my brother (and the same parents) and he grew 4in more than me,bigger wrists,basically the same face but rearranged in a much more pleasant way
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I had the same environment of my brother (and the same parents) and he grew 4in more than me,bigger wrists,basically the same face but rearranged in a much more pleasant way
genetics boyo. he got the better of the bunch. look at seth and steph curry.
You guys realize that’s the 0.001 percent right?

so fucking idiots in this thread. i’ll just show the most attractive males to prove my point :feelsuhh:
“the mews” lol

idk what this is telling me.
wait it's called "stability of maxillary expansion and tongue posture"

it doesnt correlate that much but it has something

anyway MSE (maxillary skeletal expander) is literal proof and tongue posture does it naturally, except it also provides pressure both upwards and forwards rather than just lateral expansion
okay so ur not that retarded
I've known about mewing for longer than lookism or the blackpill. I only figured out about lookism from doing research into forward growth.

I'm ded srs probably ~130 iq currently due to rotting I'm probably considerably lower tho
  • +1
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Genetics are NOT everything, this idea has been debunked so many times it's legit boring by now.
Legit. Genetics = Mostly just horomone levels

Just Inject yourself with horomones to compensate for shit genetics. Can't fix low prenatal T but you can fix actual low T. Especially effective during teen years so long as you're tall enough to not worry about being stunted a bit for facial aesthetics
  • +1
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Legit. Genetics = Mostly just horomone levels

Just Inject yourself with horomones to compensate for shit genetics. Can't fix low prenatal T but you can fix actual low T. Especially effective during teen years so long as you're tall enough to not worry about being stunted a bit for facial aesthetics
You are the dumbest user in this thread rn. I mean that too. “I have studies but I won’t show them.”

“Genes are likely to influence more than one facial trait. For instance, PAX3 gene is associated with eye to nasion distance, prominence of the nasion and eye width, sides of the walls of the nose, and the prominence of the nose tip. Similarity, the naso-labial angle will be associated with the nose prominence and DCHS2 is linked to both traits.”

“Some reported genes appear to influence different parts of the genes. PRDM16 is linked to the length and prominence of the nose as well as the width of the altar. SOX9 is thought to be related to the shape of the ala and nose tip, variation in SUPT3H is thought to influence naso-labial angle and shape of the bridge of the nose, while centroid size and allometry have been linked to PDE8A and SCHIP17 genes. Eye width and ear - nasion distance and nasion zygoma - eyes distance are linked to C50rf50. A significant number of genes are integrally involved in cranial neural crest cells and patternation of the craniofacial complex.”

“Generally, most modifiable environmental factors have only SUBTLE EFFECTS ON THE FACE.”

Here’s the link to the article with over 140 sources.
Your study basically just states that every human has a base (asians for example may have a higher IPD than your average white guy, what a surprise) and only mentions severe environmental factors such as prenatal alcohol/nicotine exposure, I also love how you quoted that last part (in bolding style) when they're literally not even mentioning what modifiable factors should be included. Damn, you really got me here. Good job.

i called you out for being dumb and you come at me for thinking that i think i’m smart. looks like i hit a nerve :forcedsmile:

“do you actually think i’m gonna waste my time going to a folder where i have all my evidence?”

BTW nice straw man jfl. you know it’s over when they attack u instead of the message.
Considering you seem to be so desperate I'll let you refute mine:

Factors influencing prenatal testosterone(2d4d ratio is heritable too as obviously stated here, never said genetics mean NOTHING, but environment obviously has it's impact on this considering phtalates used in substances. Even then the heritable is questionable considering women with low 2d4d ratios most likely also produce more test during pregnancy etc)

Does milk make children grow? Relationships between milk consumption and height in NHANES 1999-2002.

Breast-feeding and deleterious oral habits in mouth and nose breathers

Primate experiments on oral respiration.

Human mandibular shape is associated with masticatory muscle force

Prenatal testosterone exposure is related to sexually dimorphic facial morphology in adulthood

Second-to-fourth digit ratio and facial shape in boys: the lower the digit ratio, the more robust the face.

The effect of mouth breathing versus nasal breathing on dentofacial and craniofacial development in orthodontic patients.


Influence of Mouth Breathing on the Dentofacial Growth of Children: A Cephalometric Study

Oh and there was also an article from the 80s which noted an increase in brachycephalics because of back sleeping being promoted, couldn't find the pic for that now.
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gonna have to disagree with this one boss

  • +1
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Your study basically just states that every human has a base (asians for example may have a higher IPD than your average white guy, what a surprise) and only mentions severe environmental factors such as prenatal alcohol/nicotine exposure, I also love how you quoted that last part (in bolding style) when they're literally not even mentioning what modifiable factors should be included. Damn, you really got me here. Good job.

Considering you seem to be so desperate I'll let you refute mine:

Factors influencing prenatal testosterone(2d4d ratio is heritable too as obviously stated here, never said genetics mean NOTHING, but environment obviously has it's impact on this considering phtalates used in substances. Even then the heritable is questionable considering women with low 2d4d ratios most likely also produce more test during pregnancy etc)

Does milk make children grow? Relationships between milk consumption and height in NHANES 1999-2002.

Breast-feeding and deleterious oral habits in mouth and nose breathers

Primate experiments on oral respiration.

Human mandibular shape is associated with masticatory muscle force
View attachment 156883

Prenatal testosterone exposure is related to sexually dimorphic facial morphology in adulthood

Second-to-fourth digit ratio and facial shape in boys: the lower the digit ratio, the more robust the face.
View attachment 156888

The effect of mouth breathing versus nasal breathing on dentofacial and craniofacial development in orthodontic patients.


Influence of Mouth Breathing on the Dentofacial Growth of Children: A Cephalometric Study

Oh and there was also an article from the 80s which noted an increase in brachycephalics because of back sleeping being promoted, couldn't find the pic for that now.
Lmao, do you really think citing the same study twice makes you look any smarter? :feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
gonna have to disagree with this one boss

View attachment 156893
Oh no, I'm sure it's his genetics magically promoting his jaw and entire chin to fall back
bro skepticism is accepted and should be endorsed but this is just being retarded, c'mon show's over things have been repeated over & over, just accept it buddy boyo ded srs ngl
  • +1
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bro skepticism is accepted and should be endorsed but this is just being retarded, c'mon show's over things have been repeated over & over, just accept it buddy boyo ded srs ngl
  • JFL
Reactions: Traxanas
Genetic potential does not exist.

Let me say it again: genetic potential does not exist.

Genes give you a blueprint, a foundation. The rest is environment. The only potential you have is environmental potential.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: mattzdeb and Deleted member 685
If you believe that genetics is everything than what are you doing in this site?
I thought this site was created for people who want to get better lookswise,not those who have given up
  • +1
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If you believe that genetics is everything than what are you doing in this site?
I thought this site was created for people who want to get better lookswise,not those who have given up
it’s a blackpill so it’s suppose to be depressing and defeatist.
Your study basically just states that every human has a base (asians for example may have a higher IPD than your average white guy, what a surprise) and only mentions severe environmental factors such as prenatal alcohol/nicotine exposure, I also love how you quoted that last part (in bolding style) when they're literally not even mentioning what modifiable factors should be included. Damn, you really got me here. Good job.

Considering you seem to be so desperate I'll let you refute mine:

Factors influencing prenatal testosterone(2d4d ratio is heritable too as obviously stated here, never said genetics mean NOTHING, but environment obviously has it's impact on this considering phtalates used in substances. Even then the heritable is questionable considering women with low 2d4d ratios most likely also produce more test during pregnancy etc)

Does milk make children grow? Relationships between milk consumption and height in NHANES 1999-2002.

Breast-feeding and deleterious oral habits in mouth and nose breathers

Primate experiments on oral respiration.

Human mandibular shape is associated with masticatory muscle force
View attachment 156883

Prenatal testosterone exposure is related to sexually dimorphic facial morphology in adulthood

Second-to-fourth digit ratio and facial shape in boys: the lower the digit ratio, the more robust the face.
View attachment 156888

The effect of mouth breathing versus nasal breathing on dentofacial and craniofacial development in orthodontic patients.


Influence of Mouth Breathing on the Dentofacial Growth of Children: A Cephalometric Study

Oh and there was also an article from the 80s which noted an increase in brachycephalics because of back sleeping being promoted, couldn't find the pic for that now.
@SayNoToRotting watch how I destroyed this utter retard thinking he knows shit. Suddenly this wannabe NT lsd/acid/shrooms junkie doens't come over that smart anymore
it’s a blackpill so it’s suppose to be depressing and defeatist.
Realism doesn't directly equal depression and defeatism, stop only thinking in absolutes
  • +1
  • JFL
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bc i’m looksmaxxing and i have good genes so this post doesn’t affect me jfl
Hahahaha you cannot even make this shit genes are not everything after all?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Traxanas and Deleted member 685
Genetic potential does not exist.

Let me say it again: genetic potential does not exist.

Genes give you a blueprint, a foundation. The rest is environment. The only potential you have is environmental potential.
dude I'm kinda glad you are here, I sense ur powerlevel is high, are you in your mid 20s? I feel like you're the only one here who has the most knowledge based on your previous posts, hopefully u dont go away
  • +1
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Hahahaha you cannot even make this shit genes are not everything after all?
they are a lot. probably 80%. your pheno, facial structure, dick size, height, mental illnesses are all genetic.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel, tryingtofindsolution and Deleted member 685
Hahahaha you cannot even make this shit genes are not everything after all?
dude the guy wanted to get some dopamine hit from getting reactions on his new found based shit he thinks it is, when it's just been repeated over a 100 times in the PSL forums and have been humorously debunked
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  • JFL
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I love how literally every single argument used by guys like this is anecdotal. LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE TIME HAHAHA
If it's my personal case how can I make it non-anecdotal though? How can I scientifically "prove" what happened to me is true?
If it's my personal case how can I make it non-anecdotal though? How can I scientifically "prove" what happened to me is true?

If it's my personal case how can I make it non-anecdotal though? How can I scientifically "prove" what happened to me is true?
EDIT: Yeah nvm I get your point now, sorry it's 1 am and I feel braindead by now it's time to hit the bed
Legit. Genetics = Mostly just horomone levels

Just Inject yourself with horomones to compensate for shit genetics. Can't fix low prenatal T but you can fix actual low T. Especially effective during teen years so long as you're tall enough to not worry about being stunted a bit for facial aesthetics
Can this work at 17/18 I’m 16 rn I’m 6’2” I would be chad with a bit higher t face
Genetic potential does not exist.

Let me say it again: genetic potential does not exist.

Genes give you a blueprint, a foundation. The rest is environment. The only potential you have is environmental potential.
You just said it gives you a blueprint dumbass
From being an athlete to being a Chad to being mentally healthy ITS ALL GENES.

If your parents were subhumans, it’s over.

Chads are born, not made. Tall people are born, not made. Good lucking people are born, not made. Athletes are born, not made. Your destiny is practically set in stone when you come out of our mother. The most brutal pill of all is you don’t have as much control over your life as you think and you can’t change a lot of the things you were given.

Absolutely brutal. It’s the hierarchy of life. Society and media tries to tell us “everyone is equal!” We are not equal. Some people are inferior to others. Some are superior. The age of technology has allowed us to realize how inferior we are to others and hence the push to make everything think “we are equal.”

Most people will live bland and uneventful lives. The minority of people will live shitty lives. And the other minority will live extravagant and successfully. It is what it is.

So you mean to tell me it took you years to realize this?
  • +1
Reactions: hebbewem
So you mean to tell me it took you years to realize this?
why are you telling me this jfl. tell it to everyone coping in my thread
stop acting like its all genetics. with perfect posture and strong tongue from young age I would be fucking gl, but I mouth breathed and take full responsibility for that. With higher prenatal t Id probably have better proportions, but I maxed my t during puberty so I look more masculine. I could have eaten like crap and gotten fat with unhealthy lifestyle and shit hormones but I didn't. I could have roped, but I didn't

You are 100% retarded. I hope you are joking. You would have ended up the EXACT same. Also lol at thinking you can influence the testosterone levels you were exposed to in the womb. The effect diet had had on your masculinity is ZERO (unless we are talking about overfeeding and obesity)
why are you telling me this jfl. tell it to everyone coping in my thread

You mean there are people in here trying to refute that genetics determine pretty much all the important aspects of your life (dating/sex, academic success, happiness/mental health)? If so, either insult them and cut them short or completely ignore them.
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I ran a couple that lasting for hours at a time stupid fucking faggot you actually think running has any detrimental effects it’s legit all good effects increases hgh and helps heart etc you can’t even lower your test at that age you prob one of those people who think lifting weights and no fap is going to increase test and make you Connor Mcgregor pernamently like it doesn’t go back down shorty after . Every young white kid in my suburban neighborhood is skinny running around hours a day mouth open playing football but yeah they are prob just fucjing their lives up lowering muscle mass and test at 11 years old .
First off calm yp tits, I ran too when I was young, I just don think it helped me. Second pff, stop atacking
i will say gl people tend to mouth breath.
Just kill me. Yo, this forum...
You are 100% retarded. I hope you are joking. You would have ended up the EXACT same. Also lol at thinking you can influence the testosterone levels you were exposed to in the womb. The effect diet had had on your masculinity is ZERO (unless we are talking about overfeeding and obesity)

You mean there are people in here trying to refute that genetics determine pretty much all the important aspects of your life (dating/sex, academic success, happiness/mental health)? If so, either insult them and cut them short or completely ignore them.
You underestimate nutrition. Also, fuck no I raised t during puberty, not in the womb, where did you read that. There are so many foods raising or lowering t effectively, and you eat on a daily basis. The. T during puberty was associated with facial bone growth, only low IQ fags cant trace that
dude I'm kinda glad you are here, I sense ur powerlevel is high, are you in your mid 20s? I feel like you're the only one here who has the most knowledge based on your previous posts, hopefully u dont go away
Thank you Trax. Betamanlet lives to serve.
Yes, most of them run whole day playing football lol.
Aight, but during rest I dont know any who mouthbreath. Also that just shows how good sports is for you
If it's my personal case how can I make it non-anecdotal though? How can I scientifically "prove" what happened to me is true?
Research, coherences, biological functions, orthodontic ideas, studies, not being retarded...
Coping hard
I love it when high IQ graycels counter my thought out post, backed up by science with responses of equally high iq. Also what would I be coping for, I love my life
Last edited:
Aight, but during rest I dont know any who mouthbreath. Also that just shows how good sports is for you

Research, coherences, biological functions, orthodontic ideas, studies, not being retarded...

I love it when high IQ graycels counter my thought out post, backed up by science with responses of equally high iq. Also what would I be coping for, I love my life
Don’t bother responding to this shit thread anymore, I already refuted their bullshit
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if you saw me and saw how i grew up, you would know environment is massive cope

there are lots of things outside of your control, like early stage development etc

people love to think god had bigger ideas for them, coping 101 for braindeads
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and Deleted member 2486
true except for rare cases of genetic recombination
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel
Genetics are NOT everything, this idea has been debunked so many times it's legit boring by now.


How do you know its his dad?
Genes/DNA = Data on a DVD or the raw binary of a computer application.

Epigenome = The DVD player or the CPU your application runs on.

Genome = Instruction set architecture (x86/PowerPC).

TCFs and DNA Methylation = Comparible to IL (intermediate language) which allows low level instructions to be converted into code so it can be executed by a compiler.

Epigenome (The CPU) is where the compiler is installed and where our processors run.

The final application's interaction with the CPU and all of it's ancillaries, along with it's interactions with the rest of the internet (rest of the world), with time/durability/reliability/sustainability being factors. What applications can you run for 50 years straight? You'd consume tons of power and would need a strong datacentre w/ servers (ie: resilient and powerful Epigenome).

All these factors and many more matter.

DNA is just our binary data. Just like 0s and 1s that are converted into something that can be of utility. By itself, it's nothing. It needs to be expressed. And needs to be expressed in the best way possible.

Imagine running a program on Windows 95 with shit internet connection and no supporting software/hardware which the program needs? Your program will run like shit, or won't run at all. Someone with the exact same program can reap the benefits of it if ran in an environment which allows for success.

Even converting the 0s and 1s to some readable high level code, takes a lot. It's taken for granted. The Epigenome, Genome, TCFs, DNA Methylation etc aren't even considered the "environment". They're intrinsic factors which are incredibly important for turning those 0s and 1s into a REAL utility as an application. It's the same as turning your DNA data into who you actually are.

Even when you're fully created and can function; you need to interact with your environment in a way that lets you prosper.

DNA is not everything at all. It's just the binary data of your being. Useless on it's own. Static information which is readable in a near infinite amount of variations, which can be expressed in a near infinite number of ways.
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Genes/DNA = Data on a DVD or the raw binary of a computer application.

Epigenome = The DVD player or the CPU your application runs on.

Genome = Instruction set architecture (x86/PowerPC).

TCFs and DNA Methylation = Comparible to IL (intermediate language) which allows low level instructions to be converted into code so it can be executed by a compiler.

Epigenome (The CPU) is where the compiler is installed and where our processors run.

The final application's interaction with the CPU and all of it's ancillaries, along with it's interactions with the rest of the internet (rest of the world), with time/durability/reliability/sustainability being factors. What applications can you run for 50 years straight? You'd consume tons of power and would need a strong datacentre w/ servers (ie: resilient and powerful Epigenome).

All these factors and many more matter.

DNA is just our binary data. Just like 0s and 1s that are converted into something that can be of utility. By itself, it's nothing. It needs to be expressed. And needs to be expressed in the best way possible.

Imagine running a program on Windows 95 with shit internet connection and no supporting software/hardware which the program needs? Your program will run like shit, or won't run at all. Someone with the exact same program can reap the benefits of it if ran in an environment which allows for success.

Even converting the 0s and 1s to some readable high level code, takes a lot. It's taken for granted. The Epigenome, Genome, TCFs, DNA Methylation etc aren't even considered the "environment". They're intrinsic factors which are incredibly important for turning those 0s and 1s into a REAL utility as an application. It's the same as turning your DNA data into who you actually are.

Even when you're fully created and can function; you need to interact with your environment in a way that lets you prosper.

DNA is not everything at all. It's just the binary data of your being. Useless on it's own. Static information which is readable in a near infinite amount of variations, which can be expressed in a near infinite number of ways.
This has to be the best explanation I've ever read. I wasn't kidding when I said you were the smarter guy on here.
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This has to be the best explanation I've ever read. I wasn't kidding when I said you were the smarter guy on here.
Glad you like my explanation :) I'm a complete beginner when it comes to computer science but I can imagine this will make a lot of sense to people who understand the analogies and similarities I brought up.
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