Geomaxxing in MENA guide part 1: 🇲🇦🇩🇿🇹🇳 (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia)

They have a "fantasy" of living in the west and strive towards it, yearly family coming in for holiday only serves to reinforce it. Like all problems will fix themselves coming here but really u gotta work super hard too if not harder
Yeah exactly. This is why I rated them low for being passport diggers. Meanwhile other MENAs I've spoken to can be very serious and actually reject the idea of leaving because they realise how much better they have it in their own countries despite being poorer. Turkish women are like this. They're high IQ, educated and very serious people. But there are way more problems with them... I'll outline them in my next episode 😀
I think Moroccans (and maybe all maghrebis) can be divided into 2 or 3 groups. Simply said not religious now and religious later , or religious now and later still.

Oh yeah, here's to dispelling your MENA infatuation
Sounds accurate. I'm ngl I want to not religious now and religious later type. However that doesn't mean I want the type that are fucking around :forcedsmile:
Those disgusting nafris are in France.
They have a "fantasy" of living in the west and strive towards it, yearly family coming in for holiday only serves to reinforce it. Like all problems will fix themselves coming here but really u gotta work super hard too if not harder

I think Moroccans (and maybe all maghrebis) can be divided into 2 or 3 groups. Simply said not religious now and religious later , or religious now and later still.

Oh yeah, here's to dispelling your MENA infatuation
Found @Manchild's alt.
  • JFL
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Yeah exactly. This is why I rated them low for being passport diggers. Meanwhile other MENAs I've spoken to can be very serious and actually reject the idea of leaving because they realise how much better they have it in their own countries despite being poorer. Turkish women are like this. They're high IQ, educated and very serious people. But there are way more problems with them... I'll outline them in my next episode 😀

Sounds accurate. I'm ngl I want to not religious now and religious later type. However that doesn't mean I want the type that are fucking around :forcedsmile:
Those disgusting nafris are in France.
Nah nafri diaspora in general sadly...zina is ever so common. But it's still not the norm ofc far from it
  • +1
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@med Can confirm. :Comfy:
it might sound like larp but there was this cumskin from england who went in international school in my country and "converted" to islam. since my dad was a shit parrent my sister and he ended up in a haram relationship, which was basically doomed from the start because he returned to england and they ended up breaking up online.

eventually, my sister became secular. our family's a disaster, none of the siblings can speak arabic. i’m the only muslim left in my family besides my parents because islam is my only option to ascend. if women were raised in a secular country without any deen they’re practically indistinguishable from white women. jbw sadly applies in this scenario
  • +1
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it might sound like larp but there was this cumskin from england who went in international school in my country and "converted" to islam. since my dad was a shit parrent my sister and he ended up in a haram relationship, which was basically doomed from the start because he returned to england and they ended up breaking up online.

eventually, my sister became secular. our family's a disaster, none of the siblings can speak arabic. i’m the only muslim left in my family besides my parents because islam is my only option to ascend. if women were raised in a secular country without any deen they’re practically indistinguishable from white women. jbw sadly applies in this scenario
Dang, that's br00tal. But I can explain to you why that is.
A lot of jeets or pakistan bhais LARP as moroccan btw
Bro ffs why the fuck would we wanna be you u mixed African mutt fuck :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: fuck off with ur retarded sense of superiority
A lot is a severe over statement there’s larpers of every ethnic race
@Gengar @shia.jihadist
U wan be us Saar Becuz we bold and bootiful- said by every other ethnicity which most look the same in the eyes of a non ethnic :soy:
  • JFL
Reactions: Numb The Pain
Bro ffs why the fuck would we wanna be you u mixed African mutt fuck :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: fuck off with ur retarded sense of superiority
A lot is a severe over statement there’s larpers of every ethnic race
@Gengar @shia.jihadist
U wan be us Saar Becuz we bold and bootiful- said by every other ethnicity which most look the same in the eyes of a non ethnic :soy:
Look at his user title, he's obviously not serious. And he admitted to fall for Bharati propaganda as I explained it to him. :Comfy:
Bro ffs why the fuck would we wanna be you u mixed African mutt fuck :forcedsmile::forcedsmile: fuck off with ur retarded sense of superiority
A lot is a severe over statement there’s larpers of every ethnic race
@Gengar @shia.jihadist
U wan be us Saar Becuz we bold and bootiful- said by every other ethnicity which most look the same in the eyes of a non ethnic :soy:
how would curry stacies feel about you being so disloyal towards them,you have no love for your own women and therefore you are a worthless faggot,inject T asap bhai
Tbf a lot of curry women shit on curry men online and simp for white dudes.

I get where you're coming from but would you say the same to asian dudes who want to mix race since they are the only race where their women literally prefer white dudes over their own men.
read every molecule but unfortunately pretty much every nafri girl in the us is a whore :feelswhy:
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer and SecularIslamist
This is a series of guides detailing my experiences with 100s of MENA women and sharing my intel. This episode is dedicated to nafri women, specifically from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. I have excluded Egypt because I did not have enough data on them nor sought them out. But maybe I will make another thread in due course as they are on my radar since I failed to bag a woman.

DISCLAIMER: This is really a story of both failure and success. I have not met a single MENA female despite speaking to 100s of them on OLD. This is due to combination of reasons ranging from logistical, religious, language barrier, and my own high inhib nature and standards. I'm writing this because I wish I knew this information before hand.

Looks: Algerians and Tunisians clearly fog the women of Morocco based on the face. They are more phenotypically similar to each other unlike Moroccans. The Moroccans have a much higher variable look. On the extreme end there are those who look like lightskin sheeboons while on the other extreme end maybe there are some med passing ones too. This is usually the case the more north you are. Either way I love this pheno, but admittedly it won't be everyone's cup of tea. They are 'brown' but not shitskins. It is rare to see a curry-passing nafri even if they're darker than north Indians and punjabis. Hypergamy does not exist. In fact I've seen LTNs with HTBs and LTBs with HTNs. You would presume in the latter case it's hypergamy. But it's not. They just don't value looks I don't think.

Body: holly fukkkkkkkkkk :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: idk whats in the diet there or maybe its the nigger DNA that is feeding their body proportions. Hourglass figures everywhere!

Communication: Dogshit is an understatement. Even when I match with them on OLD and they are the first to 'like' me they still do not communicate well. If I matched with a 100 girls who liked me FIRST it would go like this:
  • 70 of them won't even read your message.
  • 10 would leave on read and not respond
  • 10 of them you will have a convo with less than 10 messages exchanged.
  • 7-8 of them decent conversations before she decides to also ghost.
  • 2-3 you will get a real conversation out of them.
So you have a 2-3% chance. Maybe even sub-1% because these are girls who were interested in me initially. This is the biggest turn off: they're massive time waster. I've wasted so many hours of my life and mental energy speaking to them. Also you are carrying the convo most of the time. They have doormat personalities. You are the one carrying the convo most of the time.

The only plus I can think of is usually with foreign girls their English is shite. They are no exception. But I have to say it's far better than other MENA countries. French is the second language followed by English. This further limits your pool of available women.

The ideal man / do's and don'ts:

Muslim / religiosity
- sorry kafircels it's joever there is no way around this. Even the most secular ones will not accept a kafir. Hijab / no hijab makes no difference. They are not secular like other Muslim countries. Neither are they as religious as average paki or Saudi. In some occasions they were too religious for me. I'm not even that practicing hence 'secularislamist'. I never like overly religious people because I know it won't work, but one non-hijabi got really angry at me coz I said I struggle to pray 5x a day JFL. Most are likely to be virgins if unmarried, but it's not 100% guaranteed.

Dress code: A tiny minority of them dress inappropriately - as in just like the average western woman. However the vast majority of them dress fine (e.g. no cleavage, tight clothing).

Arabic-speaking: I've not been rejected for this but it's obvious it's a partial failo. I've been asked if I speak Arabic and had groans when I say no.

Pheno: Relatedly. They prefer nafris/ Arabs ofc. However I would say they are the LEAST tribalistic people and least racist. Although I'm sure they dislike blacks. Every girl Ive had a serious convo with sends me videos of interracial marriages with other nationalities. Although it's lifefeul for me as a curry, it's worrying also. They might need a nafri Hitler if swathes of young male immigrants arrive.

Money: This is a another negative. Many girls I've spoken to seem to want to be betabuxxed. This is fine to them as many also expect to live like a housewife. That's a fair deal tbh. But I can't explain to them in this economy in the West it just won't work nor is it expected. This applies to women who are educated and currently work. It's like once they get married they expect to be a housewife. Maybe the case over there but not here. When I tell them they have to work if they immigrate they get a bit turned off. They definitely want a financially stable man. If you're some passportmaxxer who thinks they're gonna have hordes of women at your doorstep because you have citizenship you better think again.

Visamaxxing fraudsters: Many of them are willing to leave their country and immigrate abroad. It's actually shocking. On Muzz I can't believe how many of them state they're willing to move abroad. It strikes me as odd how many of them are willing to leave there family, village and country. They have good family values and they are definitely patriotic judging by the amount of flags I see. I don't know how they square it up with wanting to leave at the same time. I get it's poor country but that doesn't explain it. You definitely need to be aware of visamaxxers chasing citizenship and not you. I've spoken to girls who say 'I need a spousal visa to come to England tee-hee'.


Looks: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Body: ██████████ (10/10)
Communication: ██░░░░░░░░░ (2/10)
Religiosity: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Risk of visa chaser: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Openness to races: █████████░ (8.5/10)
English Language: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Personality: █████░░░░░ (5/10)
Likelihood of virginity: █████████░ (9/10)

Final verdict: 8/10
I recommend this country for financially secure Muslimcels in the West (e.g. myself 😊). If you're not either of these it's pointless tbh. Their families neither they would accept you.

Tagging interested people: @JohnDoe @Gengar @MaghrebGator @kusaila @emeraldglass @wsada @Shahnameh @yeeyeeslayer @Latinolooksmaxxer @gribsufer1 @JohnBaza @Corleone @shia.jihadist

Would appreciate if some of you can validate my claims :feelsyay:

My next thread will be about 🇹🇷 females. Stay tuned! :feelsyay::feelsyay::feelsyay:


Could these women pass as North African Mediterranean?
  • +1
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Yes. Some Amazigh / Kabyle women dress exactly like this or similar colouring. But you wont find them in cities ofc. And they are least likely to geomaxx.

View attachment 3267888
That's crazy that such light coloring survived there. And almost no Negroid features skullwise, that's crazy.

As a Northsea coastal German i find it amazing that such looks still exist on the other side of the Mediterranean :


Tunisia president and first lady
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  • JFL
  • Love it
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@SecularIslamist is it actually possible for Algerian or Tunisian women to look like that?

I'm so mind blown as a North sea German tbh. The average women here is light blonde and blue eyed, though sometimes quite tanned.
Yes absolutely but I would say mostly Tunisia and sub-10%.

Anyway you're German and kafir. No chance. Unless you dawahmaxxx

  • +1
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Anyway you're German and kafir. No chance. Unless you dawahmaxxx
How about an arab passing lightskin curry with an arab name that is also a muslim brother :forcedsmile:
  • Woah
Reactions: SecularIslamist
This is a series of guides detailing my experiences with 100s of MENA women and sharing my intel. This episode is dedicated to nafri women, specifically from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. I have excluded Egypt because I did not have enough data on them nor sought them out. But maybe I will make another thread in due course as they are on my radar since I failed to bag a woman.

DISCLAIMER: This is really a story of both failure and success. I have not met a single MENA female despite speaking to 100s of them on OLD. This is due to combination of reasons ranging from logistical, religious, language barrier, and my own high inhib nature and standards. I'm writing this because I wish I knew this information before hand.

Looks: Algerians and Tunisians clearly fog the women of Morocco based on the face. They are more phenotypically similar to each other unlike Moroccans. The Moroccans have a much higher variable look. On the extreme end there are those who look like lightskin sheeboons while on the other extreme end maybe there are some med passing ones too. This is usually the case the more north you are. Either way I love this pheno, but admittedly it won't be everyone's cup of tea. They are 'brown' but not shitskins. It is rare to see a curry-passing nafri even if they're darker than north Indians and punjabis. Hypergamy does not exist. In fact I've seen LTNs with HTBs and LTBs with HTNs. You would presume in the latter case it's hypergamy. But it's not. They just don't value looks I don't think.

Body: holly fukkkkkkkkkk :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: idk whats in the diet there or maybe its the nigger DNA that is feeding their body proportions. Hourglass figures everywhere!

Communication: Dogshit is an understatement. Even when I match with them on OLD and they are the first to 'like' me they still do not communicate well. If I matched with a 100 girls who liked me FIRST it would go like this:
  • 70 of them won't even read your message.
  • 10 would leave on read and not respond
  • 10 of them you will have a convo with less than 10 messages exchanged.
  • 7-8 of them decent conversations before she decides to also ghost.
  • 2-3 you will get a real conversation out of them.
So you have a 2-3% chance. Maybe even sub-1% because these are girls who were interested in me initially. This is the biggest turn off: they're massive time waster. I've wasted so many hours of my life and mental energy speaking to them. Also you are carrying the convo most of the time. They have doormat personalities. You are the one carrying the convo most of the time.

The only plus I can think of is usually with foreign girls their English is shite. They are no exception. But I have to say it's far better than other MENA countries. French is the second language followed by English. This further limits your pool of available women.

The ideal man / do's and don'ts:

Muslim / religiosity
- sorry kafircels it's joever there is no way around this. Even the most secular ones will not accept a kafir. Hijab / no hijab makes no difference. They are not secular like other Muslim countries. Neither are they as religious as average paki or Saudi. In some occasions they were too religious for me. I'm not even that practicing hence 'secularislamist'. I never like overly religious people because I know it won't work, but one non-hijabi got really angry at me coz I said I struggle to pray 5x a day JFL. Most are likely to be virgins if unmarried, but it's not 100% guaranteed.

Dress code: A tiny minority of them dress inappropriately - as in just like the average western woman. However the vast majority of them dress fine (e.g. no cleavage, tight clothing).

Arabic-speaking: I've not been rejected for this but it's obvious it's a partial failo. I've been asked if I speak Arabic and had groans when I say no.

Pheno: Relatedly. They prefer nafris/ Arabs ofc. However I would say they are the LEAST tribalistic people and least racist. Although I'm sure they dislike blacks. Every girl Ive had a serious convo with sends me videos of interracial marriages with other nationalities. Although it's lifefeul for me as a curry, it's worrying also. They might need a nafri Hitler if swathes of young male immigrants arrive.

Money: This is a another negative. Many girls I've spoken to seem to want to be betabuxxed. This is fine to them as many also expect to live like a housewife. That's a fair deal tbh. But I can't explain to them in this economy in the West it just won't work nor is it expected. This applies to women who are educated and currently work. It's like once they get married they expect to be a housewife. Maybe the case over there but not here. When I tell them they have to work if they immigrate they get a bit turned off. They definitely want a financially stable man. If you're some passportmaxxer who thinks they're gonna have hordes of women at your doorstep because you have citizenship you better think again.

Visamaxxing fraudsters: Many of them are willing to leave their country and immigrate abroad. It's actually shocking. On Muzz I can't believe how many of them state they're willing to move abroad. It strikes me as odd how many of them are willing to leave there family, village and country. They have good family values and they are definitely patriotic judging by the amount of flags I see. I don't know how they square it up with wanting to leave at the same time. I get it's poor country but that doesn't explain it. You definitely need to be aware of visamaxxers chasing citizenship and not you. I've spoken to girls who say 'I need a spousal visa to come to England tee-hee'.


Looks: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Body: ██████████ (10/10)
Communication: ██░░░░░░░░░ (2/10)
Religiosity: ████████░░░ (7/10)
Risk of visa chaser: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Openness to races: █████████░ (8.5/10)
English Language: ████████░░░ (8/10)
Personality: █████░░░░░ (5/10)
Likelihood of virginity: █████████░ (9/10)

Final verdict: 8/10
I recommend this country for financially secure Muslimcels in the West (e.g. myself 😊). If you're not either of these it's pointless tbh. Their families neither they would accept you.

Tagging interested people: @JohnDoe @Gengar @MaghrebGator @kusaila @emeraldglass @wsada @Shahnameh @yeeyeeslayer @Latinolooksmaxxer @gribsufer1 @JohnBaza @Corleone @shia.jihadist

Would appreciate if some of you can validate my claims :feelsyay:

My next thread will be about 🇹🇷 females. Stay tuned! :feelsyay::feelsyay::feelsyay:
Can an Arab slay Jewish girls in Israel ?
  • JFL
Reactions: silently_said and SecularIslamist
@SecularIslamist is it actually possible for Algerian or Tunisian women to look like that?

I'm so mind blown as a North sea German tbh. The average women here is light blonde and blue eyed, though sometimes quite tanned.
Dude the entirety of North Africa is basically pre New World Brazil.

Germans were in North Africa centuries ago, Vandals for instance
  • So Sad
  • Hmm...
Reactions: silently_said and SecularIslamist
What betabuxxing rate did they quote you?

I’d say £500-1,000 is affordable for me and makes it worth it.
Dude the entirety of North Africa is basically pre New World Brazil.

Germans were in North Africa centuries ago, Vandals for instance
Vandals left no significant impact on the Maghrebi gene pool. Light features are present in populations that do not have Indo European ancestry. For example Western Hunter Gatherers (which constitute a large % of Iberomaurusian DNA), were shown to have blue eyes, and pale skin comes from Anatolian Farmers. inb4 barbary/arab slave trade
People say this shit in order to make the conclusion that the "white passing" amongst us are nothing more than Germanic rapebabies. They also say the same thing happened as a result of the French occupation, ev&doe the Cremieux Decree kicked anybody of French ancestry out and marriages between locals and pied noir were not permitted
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  • +1
Reactions: AverageMoroccan
Vandals left no significant impact on the Maghrebi gene pool. Light features are present in populations that do not have Indo European ancestry. For example Western Hunter Gatherers (which constitute a large % of Iberomaurusian DNA), were shown to have blue eyes, and pale skin comes from Anatolian Farmers. inb4 barbary/arab slave trade
People say this shit in order to make the conclusion that the "white passing" amongst us are nothing more than Germanic rapebabies. They also say the same thing happened as a result of the French occupation, ev&doe the Cremieux Decree kicked anybody of French ancestry out and marriages between locals and pied noir were not permitted
I never said they made a significant impact, but they did make some impact however small.
  • +1
Reactions: silently_said
I never said they made a significant impact, but they did make some impact however small.
fair, although i don't think it's as large as some people say, like some mfs think all kabayles are descended from them
  • +1
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I have had people who wanted to geomaxx in Dagestan. Jfl. Imagine fighting against some Ogre without moustache. People are delusional. Except Asians I have never seen any other Ethnic pushing their daughters to marry outside and when they try, they get killed
jfl this is funny, please tell me who is the retard that seriously wanted to geomax to dagestan, imagine being this suicidal, what an absolute retard holy shit
i geniuenly think the average adult on this website would lose brutally a fight against a kid there (10-13)
  • JFL
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jfl this is funny, please tell me who is the retard that seriously wanted to geomax to dagestan, imagine being this suicidal, what an absolute retard holy shit
i geniuenly think the average adult on this website would lose brutally a fight against a kid there (10-13)
I have seen this a lot

Beleive me many arabs have a fetish for muslim girls in Chechnya, Dagestan.

Most probably this happened after khabib got famous .

I think curry muslims don't do this shit .

But I have seen thousands of curry muslims going crazy for Bosnian muslim foids in youtube comment section
for some reason

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I have seen this a lot

Beleive me many arabs have a fetish for muslim girls in Chechnya, Dagestan.

Most probably this happened after khabib got famous .

I think curry muslims don't do this shit .

But I have seen thousands of curry muslims going crazy for Bosnian muslim foids in youtube comment section
for some reason

I don't think Khabib frenzy or Russian Muslims are well known. Are they villager or western curries? The internet has done untold damage and there is more to come. Look at what happened when Pakistan in Abbotabad started watching Ertugrul. They started thinking Turkey - a literal kafir country is some Islamic empire JFL.

The same has happened amongst western Muslims (Arab / Curry) with Chechens and Bosnians maybe due to genocide. However, the villager back in Bangladesh has no fucking clue who either of them are. Once they do it'll be over.
  • +1
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Me too but no kafirs sorry. I know showing cleavage, tight yoga pants and they still want (somewhat) religious Chaddam.
To get Berber Princess ill convert to be somewhat religious like this guy

  • WTF
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