Germans singing "Germany for Germans, inmigrants out"

IMG 2205
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Mohammeds mad his people are getting kicked out en masse :p
not a single arab has been kicked out of germany what r u on abt :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
ye but historically they were created by white people for white people,

for example australia literally had a white australia policy since it's inception for over a century that was only abolished in like the 70s

ironic you say this becuase the colonial possesions you mentioned has a stronger white identity and sense of white nationalism than europe
My nibba then I hope you don't mind when nonwhites are doing the same thing to you. While it may not be outright physical conquest, nonwhites settling in the US thereby potentially demographically changing the population to an nonwhite/ white 50/50 population, or even potentially overtaking the whites by becoming the majority, is a soft form of conquest. Whites did the same thing to the native Americans, it wasn't all physical conquest, majority of the native Americans were displaced and driven out by an overwhelming successive amount of european colonial immigration from all over Europe (not just Britain).

If you aren't OK with this then be prepared for potential societal collapse and anarchy.
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i identify more as white.
Sure identify as white, as if that magically wipes off the 50% sub Saharan african DNA in you :lul::lul:
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  • JFL
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My nibba then I hope you don't mind when nonwhites are doing the same thing to you. While it may not be outright physical conquest, nonwhites settling in the US thereby potentially demographically changing the population to an nonwhite/ white 50/50 population, or even potentially overtaking the whites by becoming the majority, is a soft form of conquest. Whites did the same thing to the native Americans, it wasn't all physical conquest, majority of the native Americans were displaced and driven out by an overwhelming successive amount of european colonial immigration from all over Europe (not just Britain).

If you aren't OK with this then be preparing for potential societal collapse and anarchy.
im not fucking white nigga how many times do i have to tell you
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Adolf approves
IMG 9574
White people colonized these lands, they conquered them and settled them, and developed them into the countries they are today. Despite the ancient past, today America (and Canada, Australia, Russian Siberia, etc.) is absolutely a white country, if you’re an ethnic you are ultimately a guest. you were brought over in the first place because white people allowed you to be brought over as workers, and you are allowed to continue to exist there because of white people’s consent. If white people say “no” then you have absolutely no right to live in these countries.
My nibba then I hope you don't mind when nonwhites are doing the same thing to you. While it may not be outright physical conquest, nonwhites settling in the US thereby potentially demographically changing the population to an nonwhite/ white 50/50 population, or even potentially overtaking the whites by becoming the majority, is a soft form of conquest. Whites did the same thing to the native Americans, it wasn't all physical conquest, majority of the native Americans were displaced and driven out by an overwhelming successive amount of european colonial immigration from all over Europe (not just Britain).

If you aren't OK with this then be prepared for potential societal collapse and anarchy.
  • So Sad
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and what are you?
Show ur skin colour and ball sack on the side like ur mutt brother did up in the thread playa @yeeyeeslayer
  • JFL
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all of them are genetic trash shitskins
Peace? @yeeyeeslayer @The Grinch :feelshah:
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@The Grinch rekt me :feelswah:
he's good at that

i remember seething for him when i didn't know him well and fell for his rage baits
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  • JFL
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yeah fucking legit, eastern europe (west asia) is soon going to be a warzone, jfl at living here.
slavic men are going to be deported from the netherlands/germany soon and sent to the frontlines in ukraine/eastern europe.

I need to escape. Idk about USA man, they probably hate slavs too there, bunch of fuckin racist cunts.

I am thinking more, south-america. Argentina or some shit. Bolivia. We have some members from there, we need to move there ASAP and save ourselves.
I gurantee you white europeans will feel more sympathetic to you as a slav, compared to some random brown curry. As long as you don't look like some mongoloid hybrid Russian, you should be fine.
  • So Sad
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I gurantee you white europeans will feel more sympathetic to you as a slave, compared to some random brown curry. As long as you don't look like some mongoloid hybrid Russian, you should be fine.
he looks 100% instinguishable from any north western european lol he's crying for no reason
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How does this concern any non-German out there?
Like if you are Italian or French, what do you get out of it?
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Based. We need this in the US.
The US was and always has been a melting pot, there was no such thing as a homogeneous society in america....
  • Hmm...
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The US was and always has been a melting pot, there was no such thing as a homogeneous society in america....
Let me clarify. US needs Illegal Aliens Out.
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that plus rescind daca, get rid of the h1b program, total immigration moratorium, and then a repatriation program for ethnics to go back to their homelands :Comfy::Comfy:
Stfu. America belongs to us black people as well, we helped build it
  • JFL
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Is that german lady single? I hope she is looking for polish guys to apologise for ww2 in a very well mannered way
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it's over for me as a slavic man living in the netherlands

where do I go?

Time to geomax @AlexBrown84 help me where the fuck I go? white people are turning against me
what do you like

and what do you want out of geomaxxing
Idc if they kick out immigrants but I still wanna be able to visit and shit y’know, like see the Berlin gate or the cologne cathedral
thats no problem, the problem is that foreigners that come to europe to live try to culturalize cities like in sweden so it creates multiculturalism and this leads to a progressive degradation of the european culture
All talk and no action


@murdah the two ethnicity in Europe one day. Mulatto and Aryan.

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