Girls don't GIVE A FUCK how much money you have in 2025 retards



Too high IQ to post here or waste any time anymore
Jan 5, 2025
I was paying in line and see the glaringly obvious differences in wealth between each customer. You can see how rich/poor one is by how much they clearly SPEND.

Some pay pay for carts full of shit -- some people, like me who are poor, go up with a few items most times. Or you use fucking EBT/food stamp while they use AMEX & got no issues.

Now, people here (idiots) will say, "muh muh, women look for wealth indicators in determining attractiveness, blah, blah." But here's reality for you ... You're WRONG.

And guess what, stupid? HOW MUCH YOU CAN SPEND IS A WEALTH INDICATOR. Buying $500+ dollars of groceries means you're WELL OFF. Poor folks can't do that normally.

No poor motherfuckers spending tons of money shopping. So in a clear and OBVIOUS sense women can indicate wealth very easily AND IN VERY MANY DIFFERENT PLACES/CIRCUMSTANCES be it at school, work, any social event, fine dining, restaurants, outings, car dealers, you name it. Seeing wealth is not attractive to most girls/women at all. AT ALL!


Women do not VALUE money when money IS NOT A NEED, i.e., women with higher socioeconomic backgrounds do not CARE if you are lower class, middle class, or upper class (not that any of these exist -- it's basically rich and poor, and nothing much in-between in 2025 USA). Only broke, desperate, depraved women seek out wealthy men to turn their lives around. Women who have a roof over their head, family, etc. do not normally give two shits if you're broke or wealthy, or work for $15 an hour $150 an hour at the end of the day.

Women are not looking at your clothes and shit and going, "Oh my God! He wears On Cloud, Banana Republic & buys at Whole Foods? I want him now!" It ain't the money, bro.

JFL. Women themselves have been saying it ... They don't care if you have wealth and show it off. To many women it's a TURN OFF to see some old, disgusting slob throw money on fancy cars and shit. Why would that turn them on? It's fucking money, retard, not alpha-traits, good looks, or mate value. Talking about money in female attraction is OUT OF TOUCH.

Only gold digging women chase men with just money, which makes up for like 1% of normal women. Most women want vibes, decent enough looks/being "her type" or alpha-traits, dark-triad, criminal shit, or just some pretty boy Chad or whatever, basic social skills, THAT'S IT. She doesn't give a flying fuck if you spend 200% more of your money on designer ahh, fake ahh, wannabe ahh clothes. She wants you to be a man, look good, and do basic shit men do.

Once you realize this you'll save your shekel-shrouded, shit-stained Rupees and work on your 5'3" height or disgusting Indian looking face & maybe ascend, rather than being another retarded, out of touch stick in the mud, try hard ahh nigga trying drip, car, "attitude" when you ain't even in the Draft yet, niggga.... You niggas out the picks & pretending like you're up on the plate.
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you really finna make me read all that bro ? for some reason i feel like so little happened in such a mass wall of text, im gonna have to not read this one, sorry champ
  • JFL
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I was paying in line and see the glaringly obvious differences in wealth between each customer.

Some pay pay for carts full of shit -- some people, like me who are poor, go up with a few items most times.

Now, people here (idiots) will say, "muh muh, women look for wealth indicators in determining attractiveness, blah, blah."

But guess what, stupid? HOW MUCH YOU CAN SPEND IS A WEALTH INDICATOR. Buying $500+ dollars of groceries means you're WELL OFF.

No poor motherfuckers spending tons of money shopping. So in a clear and OBVIOUS sense women can indicate wealth very easily AND IN VERY MANY DIFFERENT PLACES/CIRCUMSTANCES be it at school, work, any social event, fine dining, restaurants, outings, car dealers, you name it.

Women do not VALUE money when money IS NOT A NEED, i.e., women with higher socioeconomic backgrounds do not CARE if you are lower class, middle class, or upper class (not that any of these exist -- it's basically rich and poor, and nothing much in-between in 2025 USA).

Women are not looking at your clothes and shit and going, "Oh my God! He wears On Cloud, Banana Republic & buys at Whole Foods? I want him now!"

JFL. Women themselves have been saying it ... They don't care if you have wealth and show it off. To many women it's a TURN OFF to see some old, disgusting slob throw money on fancy cars and shit. Why would that turn them on? It's fucking money, retard, not alpha-traits, good looks, or mate value.

Only gold digging women chase men with just money, which makes up for like 1% of normal women. Most women want vibes, decent enough looks/being "her type" or alpha-traits, dark-triad, criminal shit, or just some pretty boy Chad or whatever, basic social skills, THAT'S IT. She doesn't give a flying fuck if you spend 200% more of your money on designer ahh, fake ahh, wannabe ahh clothes. She wants you to be a man, look good, and do basic shit men do.

Once you realize this you'll save your shekel-shrouded, shit-stained Rupees and work on your 5'3" height or disgusting Indian looking face & maybe ascend, rather than being another retarded, out of touch stick in the mud, try hard ahh nigga trying drip, car, "attitude" when you ain't even in the Draft yet, niggga....
If you were in a pagani that wouldn’t happen
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Poor people cope
What color is your Bugatti?
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and your name is “talesfromtheslums” bro like come on
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Poor people cope
What color is your Bugatti?
View attachment 3409936

What color is his?


You old ahh niggas on here talking about money, cars, shit. How old are you? Are you really that far out of date to think in terms of wealth pertaining to attraction rather than actual things, like how you look, act, and what vibe/energy you give off? Wake up bro.

This is 2025. This is not the 1940s Depression era where wealth was the difference from impoverished and blooming. You either rich and nobody gives AF because they're poor and out of their line, or you're poor like most and you're around other poor people & that's it.

People date in their assumed class, or fuck in their assumed class, so wealth is more of a social circle kind of terms than an attractant.

So rich with rich, poor with poor, etc. That's how it is for 99% of people, meaning your "wealth" or lack thereof isn't a dealbreaker usually.
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Cope cus when women reach 25 they start looking for men with good financial success, looks is law around 15-25. They want to settle. They do not care if the husband is obese if he can make money. They will still having sex with men who they want but not LTR.
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This is stupid becase indirectly even if women didn't care you still need enough financial freedom to have time while still being in a good spot financially to be able to date and interact with lots of women without worrying about financial issues or having to work like 10 hours or smthing everyday just to survive :forcedsmile:
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you really finna make me read all that bro ? for some reason i feel like so little happened in such a mass wall of text, im gonna have to not read this one, sorry champ
hey bro
You got all of this from looking at customers in line in the grocery store?

I have been rejected many times because I don't have a car and I'm poor. Money is a factor.

If you're wearing stained, old clothes, that matters. If you can't afford lasik and you wear glasses, or you walk around with blurry vision that matters.

Or if your jaw or teeth aren't perfect, that matters and that usually requires money.

It takes money to nutritionmax, looksmax, locationmax, and have time and money to date.

There are TONs of LTN doctors with Stacy wives.

You say super cars don't attract women, but they do but what attracts girls more than that is mansion parties, having a pool, and having a hot tub.

Being able to spend 500$ on groceries means nothing. Money can be turned into looks, status, and setting up situations to attract women.
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tales from the slimy shit filled sewers in udaipur
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Cope cus when women reach 25 they start looking for men with good financial success, looks is law around 15-25. They want to settle. They do not care if the husband is obese if he can make money. They will still having sex with men who they want but not LTR.

Time to touch grass, man.

Tell me you don't talk to people or go outside without telling me you don't talk to people or get out much.

You're stuck on "muh blackpill" on page one.

Turn that shit and learn to put common sense together.
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BTW, I'm a tall decent looking white guy, but no car and poor.

I lost a girl to a very old guy, that's fat and short, and looks much worse than me, but he's rich and has a mansion and drives nice cars.

If you think money doesn't matter, you don't have enough of it.
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It matters in extremes, very poor vs very rich.

But it doesn't matter much for most.

The guy that makes 150k is not going to get a big boost in smv in comparison with the guy that makes only 90k. That was just an example.

To get girls Status (being popular irl and on social media plus preselection) > Looks > Money

I think money matters more to keep the girl than to get her.

I would argue the job is more important than the money to impress her.
The top earning garbage men make more than some lawyers, but every foid would still prefer the lawyer.
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BTW, I'm a tall decent looking white guy, but no car and poor.

I lost a girl to a very old guy, that's fat and short, and looks much worse than me, but he's rich and has a mansion and drives nice cars.

If you think money doesn't matter, you don't have enough of it.

This isn't your journal, bro.

Go cry about your delusions & demons in another thread.
But it doesn't matter much for most.

That's the point.

Extremes are exceptions and should be disregarded in the face of the reality for most.

For most guys it's their looks and pre selection like you said.

Bragging about Money itself is a red flag to majority of women. If any guy here thinks waving around money gets many normal women they are out of touch. Women run far from this as it's a weird thing suggesting a guy is a con.

Legit men with big resources don't scream about it from the fucking rooftops like autist nutjobs. It's a red flag to most women & an ick usually.
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This isn't your journal, bro.

Go cry about your delusions & demons in another thread.
So your personal experience is evidence, but my personal experience is not?

You're dumb as fuck if you think money doesn't matter in attracting women. All of civilization wouldn't exist if money didn't matter in attracting women. Men wouldn't become CEOs, or start companies, or build the world.
That's the point. Extremes are exceptions and should be disregarded in the face of the majority of reality.
If you discount extremes then in the best case scenario you'll live an average life.
Like I said before, go touch a little grass.
I have been rejected by many girls for being poor. I know because they change their minds only after finding out I'm poor.

I almost certainly have more experience with women than you do.
I have been rejected by many girls for being poor.
You are poor to the point of not even having a car so you are part of the extremes.

But in general money is still easily less important to get girls than status and looks.

Social proof/Pre-selection brainwashes foids into thinking the guy is more attractive. Money doesn't have that kind of power outside of the very rich.
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You are poor to the point of not even having a car so you are part of the extremes.
But in general money is still easily less important to get girls than status and looks.
I don't deny that but it matters, especially at the extreme ends of the spectrum, very poor and very rich.
Social proof/Pre-selection brainwashes foids into thinking the guy is more attractive. Money doesn't have that kind of power outside of the very rich.
Exactly. If there's guys out there that think that because they moved up to senior manager at the warehouse that it'll make a difference in their dating lives that's retarded.

But you leverage money into fame, status, and faking preselection. Throwing massive parties in your mansion is going to attract some hot women, provided you have a good body and all the basics.
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I don't deny that but it matters, especially at the extreme ends of the spectrum, very poor and very rich.

Exactly. If there's guys out there that think that because they moved up to senior manager at the warehouse that it'll make a difference in their dating lives that's retarded.

But you leverage money into fame, status, and faking preselection. Throwing massive parties in your mansion is going to attract some hot women, provided you have a good body and all the basics.

Bro you keep talking of mansions and supercars and shit.

All you're doing is proving to everyone you're out of touch....

Muh muh I'm tall and good-looking but poor so everyone hates me....

Shut the fuck up and quit crying bullshit.
Bro you keep talking of mansions and supercars and shit.

All you're doing is proving to everyone you're out of touch....
Are you saying mansions and super cars don't attract any attractive women?

So Dan Bilzerian would still have slept with thousands of women if just some computer programmer making 60K a year?

You think Marc Zuckerberg's wife would have married him if he wasn't a millionaire? She waited until his net worth hit a billion to marry him.

Or how about this guy:


Yah, he totally slays because he's so good looking. Nothing to do with his money or status.

Muh muh I'm tall and good-looking but poor so everyone hates me....

Shut the fuck up and quit crying bullshit.
My personal experience doesn't seem to be something you can relate to, but are you seriously going to say Bruno diferente would be slaying hot girls if he was poor?
Are you saying mansions and super cars don't attract any attractive women?

So Dan Bilzerian would still have slept with thousands of women if just some computer programmer making 60K a year?

You think Marc Zuckerberg's wife would have married him if he wasn't a millionaire? She waited until his net worth hit a billion to marry him.

Or how about this guy:


Yah, he totally slays because he's so good looking. Nothing to do with his money or status.

My personal experience doesn't seem to be something you can relate to, but are you seriously going to say Bruno diferente would be slaying hot girls if he was poor?

Dan Bilzerian was all a show. JFL if you believe this fake social media God lifestyle crap.

It's all for show. Real slayers rarely post their lives and most are not famous or rich. Instagram is the fake reality delusionpill to convince lonely losers like yourself with no sense of reality that some stupid dude with a beard who poses and models in pics with women is some UberChad anyone logged outside of Instagram gives a single fuck about.

You know Bilzerian paid ALL of the women you see in every photo and video of him with? No women were crawling to him. It was all for show, advertising, promotion. No women would go to his "mansion" (fake, he doesn't have any jfl if you believe that) for free. They were all Instagram models trying to promote themselves off his fake gimmick or Dubai toilet whores. Never any normal girls.

He literally only was with fucking hookers and the pics were all just for show to promote the fake Dubaipill celebrity lifestyle propaganda pedo machine shit like Tate and other major fakers do.
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You got all of this from looking at customers in line in the grocery store?

I have been rejected many times because I don't have a car and I'm poor. Money is a factor.

If you're wearing stained, old clothes, that matters. If you can't afford lasik and you wear glasses, or you walk around with blurry vision that matters.

Or if your jaw or teeth aren't perfect, that matters and that usually requires money.

It takes money to nutritionmax, looksmax, locationmax, and have time and money to date.

There are TONs of LTN doctors with Stacy wives.

You say super cars don't attract women, but they do but what attracts girls more than that is mansion parties, having a pool, and having a hot tub.

Being able to spend 500$ on groceries means nothing. Money can be turned into looks, status, and setting up situations to attract women.

Not having enough money failos you hard and your first five paragraphs reflect that. Not having the basics down guarantees low SMV.

But then you go on to talk about super cars and mansions, which is a whole different level of money that 99% have no chance to attain.

It’s barely worth thinking about anyway, you may make terrible sacrifices of money, time and pain to get surgeries or destroy your health and lifetime with roids, but these ARE at least choices that we as incels believe we can make to gain a competitive advantage.

You CANT just choose to become rich. For every success story there’s a thousand failures. You can not just grind your way into wealth. That’s a lie that men are sold by scammers. Your competition is literally every normie.
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yeah quit coping fucking homeless
we already know that you are in debt to the bank
  • JFL
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I ain't reading allat chief. But I agree
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Bro is chimping out over people’s credit cards and groceries 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • JFL
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yeah quit coping fucking homeless
we already know that you are in debt to the bank

Women fuck homeless Chads all the time. Meanwhile your ugly ahh even with some spending bucks still likely gets no free poon.

Normshits only use money to betabux and spend, spend, SPEND. Women don't really give a fuck unless you're too broke to hide it, which is VERY UNLIKELY spot to be in. Many broke niggas can pull, as not being pathetic typa poorcels, but the bottom line girls hardly give a fuck.
  • +1
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I ain’t reading allat, seriously tho why did you make it so big it took me like 2 extra mins to read lol.
Holy shiet nigga, I was right all along! 2025cels do mog!
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You are based bro

This shit life is all about being a chad

All those well off cucks can only dream about being sexually desired, a girl staring at you with nothin more that extreme lust

Post 11622 0 1446439032 67753

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I was paying in line and see the glaringly obvious differences in wealth between each customer. You can see how rich/poor one is by how much they clearly SPEND.

Some pay pay for carts full of shit -- some people, like me who are poor, go up with a few items most times. Or you use fucking EBT/food stamp while they use AMEX & got no issues.

Now, people here (idiots) will say, "muh muh, women look for wealth indicators in determining attractiveness, blah, blah." But here's reality for you ... You're WRONG.

And guess what, stupid? HOW MUCH YOU CAN SPEND IS A WEALTH INDICATOR. Buying $500+ dollars of groceries means you're WELL OFF. Poor folks can't do that normally.

No poor motherfuckers spending tons of money shopping. So in a clear and OBVIOUS sense women can indicate wealth very easily AND IN VERY MANY DIFFERENT PLACES/CIRCUMSTANCES be it at school, work, any social event, fine dining, restaurants, outings, car dealers, you name it. Seeing wealth is not attractive to most girls/women at all. AT ALL!


Women do not VALUE money when money IS NOT A NEED, i.e., women with higher socioeconomic backgrounds do not CARE if you are lower class, middle class, or upper class (not that any of these exist -- it's basically rich and poor, and nothing much in-between in 2025 USA). Only broke, desperate, depraved women seek out wealthy men to turn their lives around. Women who have a roof over their head, family, etc. do not normally give two shits if you're broke or wealthy, or work for $15 an hour $150 an hour at the end of the day.

Women are not looking at your clothes and shit and going, "Oh my God! He wears On Cloud, Banana Republic & buys at Whole Foods? I want him now!" It ain't the money, bro.

JFL. Women themselves have been saying it ... They don't care if you have wealth and show it off. To many women it's a TURN OFF to see some old, disgusting slob throw money on fancy cars and shit. Why would that turn them on? It's fucking money, retard, not alpha-traits, good looks, or mate value. Talking about money in female attraction is OUT OF TOUCH.

Only gold digging women chase men with just money, which makes up for like 1% of normal women. Most women want vibes, decent enough looks/being "her type" or alpha-traits, dark-triad, criminal shit, or just some pretty boy Chad or whatever, basic social skills, THAT'S IT. She doesn't give a flying fuck if you spend 200% more of your money on designer ahh, fake ahh, wannabe ahh clothes. She wants you to be a man, look good, and do basic shit men do.

Once you realize this you'll save your shekel-shrouded, shit-stained Rupees and work on your 5'3" height or disgusting Indian looking face & maybe ascend, rather than being another retarded, out of touch stick in the mud, try hard ahh nigga trying drip, car, "attitude" when you ain't even in the Draft yet, niggga.... You niggas out the picks & pretending like you're up on the plate.
Bitches don’t care if you wear a incelex zestona 500 or drive a Lambortion masturbatari diddyablo 57’.

While vedid fresh and shit fanboys buy their “uuuuhhh urrrrghhh oLd MaHnEaYyYy” china suits, and style their wolf of wall street from temu looking haircuts, hoes skip their recessed asses for chaddrone who wears a value village jacket and jokes about his 35.99$ bank balance.

Moneymaxxing only matters to the extent it lets you get stuff you genuinely want, provides a comfortable life for you, and allows you to looksmaxx. JFL at retards selling their souls to Mercedes car dealerships for 0 down 650$ weekly payments on their Mercedes C class AMG MLK special edition that looks like every other car on the road and handles close enough when they could’ve bought it used and maybe a Jaw surgery with the saving to ascend their sex starved asses.
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Women fuck homeless Chads all the time. Meanwhile your ugly ahh even with some spending bucks still likely gets no free poon.

Normshits only use money to betabux and spend, spend, SPEND. Women don't really give a fuck unless you're too broke to hide it, which is VERY UNLIKELY spot to be in. Many broke niggas can pull, as not being pathetic typa poorcels, but the bottom line girls hardly give a fuck.
i dont even have money
i have just 400 dollars to live in a month thats miserable and yes im a fucking subhuman dont need to make me remember :feelswhy:
What color is his?


You old ahh niggas on here talking about money, cars, shit. How old are you? Are you really that far out of date to think in terms of wealth pertaining to attraction rather than actual things, like how you look, act, and what vibe/energy you give off? Wake up bro.

This is 2025. This is not the 1940s Depression era where wealth was the difference from impoverished and blooming. You either rich and nobody gives AF because they're poor and out of their line, or you're poor like most and you're around other poor people & that's it.

People date in their assumed class, or fuck in their assumed class, so wealth is more of a social circle kind of terms than an attractant.

So rich with rich, poor with poor, etc. That's how it is for 99% of people, meaning your "wealth" or lack thereof isn't a dealbreaker usually.
If she’s with you for money, that’s no girlfriend, that’s a prostitute.

Only attractive men will ever feel true, genuine, primal lust. Everything else is a second place consolation prize
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@Jason Voorhees I Never Understood Retards Think People are Making Money For Getting Women. Like does it not feel good when you buy a Patek or AP. Feeling Cold Metal Shifters on your GT3RS. Living in a Mansion with a Personal Chef and Housemaids. Vacation to Monaco or Mykonos.
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I was paying in line and see the glaringly obvious differences in wealth between each customer. You can see how rich/poor one is by how much they clearly SPEND.

Some pay pay for carts full of shit -- some people, like me who are poor, go up with a few items most times. Or you use fucking EBT/food stamp while they use AMEX & got no issues.

Now, people here (idiots) will say, "muh muh, women look for wealth indicators in determining attractiveness, blah, blah." But here's reality for you ... You're WRONG.

And guess what, stupid? HOW MUCH YOU CAN SPEND IS A WEALTH INDICATOR. Buying $500+ dollars of groceries means you're WELL OFF. Poor folks can't do that normally.

No poor motherfuckers spending tons of money shopping. So in a clear and OBVIOUS sense women can indicate wealth very easily AND IN VERY MANY DIFFERENT PLACES/CIRCUMSTANCES be it at school, work, any social event, fine dining, restaurants, outings, car dealers, you name it. Seeing wealth is not attractive to most girls/women at all. AT ALL!


Women do not VALUE money when money IS NOT A NEED, i.e., women with higher socioeconomic backgrounds do not CARE if you are lower class, middle class, or upper class (not that any of these exist -- it's basically rich and poor, and nothing much in-between in 2025 USA). Only broke, desperate, depraved women seek out wealthy men to turn their lives around. Women who have a roof over their head, family, etc. do not normally give two shits if you're broke or wealthy, or work for $15 an hour $150 an hour at the end of the day.

Women are not looking at your clothes and shit and going, "Oh my God! He wears On Cloud, Banana Republic & buys at Whole Foods? I want him now!" It ain't the money, bro.

JFL. Women themselves have been saying it ... They don't care if you have wealth and show it off. To many women it's a TURN OFF to see some old, disgusting slob throw money on fancy cars and shit. Why would that turn them on? It's fucking money, retard, not alpha-traits, good looks, or mate value. Talking about money in female attraction is OUT OF TOUCH.

Only gold digging women chase men with just money, which makes up for like 1% of normal women. Most women want vibes, decent enough looks/being "her type" or alpha-traits, dark-triad, criminal shit, or just some pretty boy Chad or whatever, basic social skills, THAT'S IT. She doesn't give a flying fuck if you spend 200% more of your money on designer ahh, fake ahh, wannabe ahh clothes. She wants you to be a man, look good, and do basic shit men do.

Once you realize this you'll save your shekel-shrouded, shit-stained Rupees and work on your 5'3" height or disgusting Indian looking face & maybe ascend, rather than being another retarded, out of touch stick in the mud, try hard ahh nigga trying drip, car, "attitude" when you ain't even in the Draft yet, niggga.... You niggas out the picks & pretending like you're up on the plate.

I read every word and you're right. MONEY IS COPE. It's all about the way that you LOOK. These guys DON'T understand. Fuck em
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You got all of this from looking at customers in line in the grocery store?

I have been rejected many times because I don't have a car and I'm poor. Money is a factor.

If you're wearing stained, old clothes, that matters. If you can't afford lasik and you wear glasses, or you walk around with blurry vision that matters.

Or if your jaw or teeth aren't perfect, that matters and that usually requires money.

It takes money to nutritionmax, looksmax, locationmax, and have time and money to date.

There are TONs of LTN doctors with Stacy wives.

You say super cars don't attract women, but they do but what attracts girls more than that is mansion parties, having a pool, and having a hot tub.

Being able to spend 500$ on groceries means nothing. Money can be turned into looks, status, and setting up situations to attract women.

You're just ugly bro, money doesn't matter in 2025. They just saw you as betabuxx
being rich is a falio, broke chad has no issues, girls want to fix not be comfortable
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I was paying in line and see the glaringly obvious differences in wealth between each customer. You can see how rich/poor one is by how much they clearly SPEND.

Some pay pay for carts full of shit -- some people, like me who are poor, go up with a few items most times. Or you use fucking EBT/food stamp while they use AMEX & got no issues.

Now, people here (idiots) will say, "muh muh, women look for wealth indicators in determining attractiveness, blah, blah." But here's reality for you ... You're WRONG.

And guess what, stupid? HOW MUCH YOU CAN SPEND IS A WEALTH INDICATOR. Buying $500+ dollars of groceries means you're WELL OFF. Poor folks can't do that normally.

No poor motherfuckers spending tons of money shopping. So in a clear and OBVIOUS sense women can indicate wealth very easily AND IN VERY MANY DIFFERENT PLACES/CIRCUMSTANCES be it at school, work, any social event, fine dining, restaurants, outings, car dealers, you name it. Seeing wealth is not attractive to most girls/women at all. AT ALL!


Women do not VALUE money when money IS NOT A NEED, i.e., women with higher socioeconomic backgrounds do not CARE if you are lower class, middle class, or upper class (not that any of these exist -- it's basically rich and poor, and nothing much in-between in 2025 USA). Only broke, desperate, depraved women seek out wealthy men to turn their lives around. Women who have a roof over their head, family, etc. do not normally give two shits if you're broke or wealthy, or work for $15 an hour $150 an hour at the end of the day.

Women are not looking at your clothes and shit and going, "Oh my God! He wears On Cloud, Banana Republic & buys at Whole Foods? I want him now!" It ain't the money, bro.

JFL. Women themselves have been saying it ... They don't care if you have wealth and show it off. To many women it's a TURN OFF to see some old, disgusting slob throw money on fancy cars and shit. Why would that turn them on? It's fucking money, retard, not alpha-traits, good looks, or mate value. Talking about money in female attraction is OUT OF TOUCH.

Only gold digging women chase men with just money, which makes up for like 1% of normal women. Most women want vibes, decent enough looks/being "her type" or alpha-traits, dark-triad, criminal shit, or just some pretty boy Chad or whatever, basic social skills, THAT'S IT. She doesn't give a flying fuck if you spend 200% more of your money on designer ahh, fake ahh, wannabe ahh clothes. She wants you to be a man, look good, and do basic shit men do.

Once you realize this you'll save your shekel-shrouded, shit-stained Rupees and work on your 5'3" height or disgusting Indian looking face & maybe ascend, rather than being another retarded, out of touch stick in the mud, try hard ahh nigga trying drip, car, "attitude" when you ain't even in the Draft yet, niggga.... You niggas out the picks & pretending like you're up on the plate.
literally cap money means more than looks
Just not true.

So when you see some dude driving a lambo down the street he could just be super poor, right?

LOL retard. Even if rented it cost SHIT TON of money.

Even if he personally isn't wealthy someone still must be to pay for his car, i.e., family.

Nobody poor can afford a high class lifestyle even if through "credit" or borrowed. Only the privileged (wealthy) get that option.

And don't give me the whole "muh poor people got iphones."

An iPhone isn't so expensive that only rich can have them, unlike luxury or constant buys.
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So when you see some dude driving a lambo down the street he could just be super poor, right?

LOL retard. Even if rented it cost SHIT TON of money.

Even if he personally isn't wealthy someone still must be to pay for his car, i.e., family.

Nobody poor can afford a high class lifestyle even if through "credit" or borrowed. Only the privileged (wealthy) get that option.
No shit. Most rich people don't spend retardedly though. Contrary to what you believe. Being rich isn't conducive "buying/renting lambos". In general, rich people won't buy flashy stuff and show off, especially if the money was hard earned. (Miami and Los Angeles are exceptions).

What you said "You can see how rich/poor one is by how much they clearly SPEND" is just wrong though.

There are plenty of Swiss Billionaires driving shit cars and trying to propel their wealth stealthily into the next generation, onto their kin. Buying lambos is probably the dumbest thing someone could do when it comes to retaining wealth.
I was paying in line and see the glaringly obvious differences in wealth between each customer. You can see how rich/poor one is by how much they clearly SPEND.

Some pay pay for carts full of shit -- some people, like me who are poor, go up with a few items most times. Or you use fucking EBT/food stamp while they use AMEX & got no issues.

Now, people here (idiots) will say, "muh muh, women look for wealth indicators in determining attractiveness, blah, blah." But here's reality for you ... You're WRONG.

And guess what, stupid? HOW MUCH YOU CAN SPEND IS A WEALTH INDICATOR. Buying $500+ dollars of groceries means you're WELL OFF. Poor folks can't do that normally.

No poor motherfuckers spending tons of money shopping. So in a clear and OBVIOUS sense women can indicate wealth very easily AND IN VERY MANY DIFFERENT PLACES/CIRCUMSTANCES be it at school, work, any social event, fine dining, restaurants, outings, car dealers, you name it. Seeing wealth is not attractive to most girls/women at all. AT ALL!


Women do not VALUE money when money IS NOT A NEED, i.e., women with higher socioeconomic backgrounds do not CARE if you are lower class, middle class, or upper class (not that any of these exist -- it's basically rich and poor, and nothing much in-between in 2025 USA). Only broke, desperate, depraved women seek out wealthy men to turn their lives around. Women who have a roof over their head, family, etc. do not normally give two shits if you're broke or wealthy, or work for $15 an hour $150 an hour at the end of the day.

Women are not looking at your clothes and shit and going, "Oh my God! He wears On Cloud, Banana Republic & buys at Whole Foods? I want him now!" It ain't the money, bro.

JFL. Women themselves have been saying it ... They don't care if you have wealth and show it off. To many women it's a TURN OFF to see some old, disgusting slob throw money on fancy cars and shit. Why would that turn them on? It's fucking money, retard, not alpha-traits, good looks, or mate value. Talking about money in female attraction is OUT OF TOUCH.

Only gold digging women chase men with just money, which makes up for like 1% of normal women. Most women want vibes, decent enough looks/being "her type" or alpha-traits, dark-triad, criminal shit, or just some pretty boy Chad or whatever, basic social skills, THAT'S IT. She doesn't give a flying fuck if you spend 200% more of your money on designer ahh, fake ahh, wannabe ahh clothes. She wants you to be a man, look good, and do basic shit men do.

Once you realize this you'll save your shekel-shrouded, shit-stained Rupees and work on your 5'3" height or disgusting Indian looking face & maybe ascend, rather than being another retarded, out of touch stick in the mud, try hard ahh nigga trying drip, car, "attitude" when you ain't even in the Draft yet, niggga.... You niggas out the picks & pretending like you're up on the plate.
Of course there is always an exception for certain people. If a women likes you enough she will even pay for YOU. I have been that exception a few times but just because women or a girl allows you to not have to worry about what you have doesn't mean you shouldn't try to be wealthy. When I was younger I had plenty of women that have bought me plane tickets to go see them. These tickets costing upwards to 1k. Money i didn't have to just spend at will. Even hotel rooms. Food. All paid for.

My ignorance allowed me to think "ha that just means I'm valuable". Now that I'm older I realize I was being a bum. I feel extremely ashamed that I didn't spend my own money out of integrity.

Just because you can be an exception a few times doesn't mean you always should be. Whether they say it or not a girl will appreciate you have money. Some women just like being care givers. Don't take advantage of it.
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Of course there is always an exception for certain people. If a women likes you enough she will even pay for YOU. I have been that exception a few times but just because women or a girl allows you to not have to worry about what you have doesn't mean you shouldn't try to be wealthy. When I was younger I had plenty of women that have bought me plane tickets to go see them. These tickets costing upwards to 1k. Money i didn't have to just spend at will. Even hotel rooms. Food. All paid for.

My ignorance allowed me to think "ha that just means I'm valuable". Now that I'm older I realize I was being a bum. I feel extremely ashamed that I didn't spend my own money out of integrity.

Just because you can be an exception a few times doesn't mean you always should be. Whether they say it or not a girl will appreciate you have money. Some women just like being care givers. Don't take advantage of it.

Fuck outta here with that capitalist pig, oligarch mentality. Men (& women) do better with SOCIALISM or ANARCHO-CAPITALISM.

But the system we're in now in U.S.A, U.K., etc.? This is an OLIGARCH. We cannot ever thrive until FREEDOM IS ACHIEVED.
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