Girls tell me to shave off my beard because it makes me look old..



Adidasmaxxed Chad
Dec 8, 2018
Little do they know is that i am only having a sculpted beard because of shitty lower third. Girls think Crimson Chin from Timmy Turner gonna pop out looking like a netflix main character when you shave your beard off

Get on Minoxidil asap and beardmax if you have shitty mandible length and ramus height

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A ballpark age you should try to look is early 30s.
Try to look older or younger accordingly.
it looks like it can be cleaner though just shape it up
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Little do they know is that i am only having a sculpted beard because of shitty lower third. Girls think Crimson Chin from Timmy Turner gonna pop out looking like a netflix main character when you shave your beard off

Get on Minoxidil asap and beardmax if you have shitty mandible length and ramus height

just shave bro!
Little do they know is that i am only having a sculpted beard because of shitty lower third. Girls think Crimson Chin from Timmy Turner gonna pop out looking like a netflix main character when you shave your beard off

Get on Minoxidil asap and beardmax if you have shitty mandible length and ramus height

beards kill your pretty boy look. The only people attracted to beards are 25+ year old roasties
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beards kill your pretty boy look. The only people attracted to beards are 25+ year old roasties
Whats the alternative, showing your recessed lower third?
actual good looking beard
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beards kill your pretty boy look. The only people attracted to beards are 25+ year old roasties
Bro I am 28, what you talking about pretty boy look
I am happy to get rated early 20s
A ballpark age you should try to look is early 30s.
Try to look older or younger accordingly.
No way should you look early 30's you should look like your 25 that is the ideal age. You should be able to say you are 20 and have people believe and be able to say you are 30 and have them believe it
No way should you look early 30's you should look like your 25 that is the ideal age. You should be able to say you are 20 and have people believe and be able to say you are 30 and have them believe it

Better to look 20, zoomer girls are extremely ageist now, I’ve seen ages as young as 23 described as “old” by teenagers.

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