good looking loser (tired of this shit bro)



Cool hand in a cruel world.
Apr 24, 2021
I cannot stand this anymore. I've been on this forum since late 2019, implemented as much of the advice as I can and yet here I am, still on nights out struggling more while any fucking girl who's above a 4/10 (not including makeup) can seemingly get whoever the fuck she wants.

this is me

IMG 3666

I'm 180cm tall but I use lifts to get to a flat six foot. I'm 75kg, around 12 percent bf with a 21 inch bideltoid. Yeah i;m not that big but I thought my face made up for it tbh, maybe i'm wrong.

surely this should be enough right? no. I've often been approached for modelling jobs before and have even done a couple of small ones. I am genuinely NT, I wasn't the most popular guy in high school but I did well. Hell, even all of my girlfriends have been high quality, 8/10 and above, intelligent, funny etc.

but i cannot pull for shit in nightclubs. bars, I can do fine in but there is practically no bars in the spanish town I now live in. I cannot pull and I dont know what the fucking problem is. I decided to install tinder yesterday so I'll see how that goes but my expectations are fucking low.

btw if you have any tips for my face they would be appreciated

sorry for the vent but ive wanted to make this thread for a while
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  • JFL
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Reactions: poopoohead, descension, Deleted member 23558 and 3 others
Are you low inhib?
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Reactions: descension
you might be autistic
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  • JFL
Reactions: descension, PrinceLuenLeoncur, dopaminebeyondfried and 2 others
Nice larp bro
  • +1
Reactions: descension
Are you low inhib?
generally, yes. sometimes on nights out I get shy tbh but if I had the chance i would fly a plane drunk off my ass
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: descension and Deleted member 19294
idk what the problem is maybe change your approaching style
  • +1
Reactions: descension
idk what the problem is maybe change the your approaching style
I dont approach typically.Maybe thats my problem? Usually I wait for girls to come to me, thats what happens with any of the hookups i do have
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Reactions: descension and aesthetic beauty
fishing for compliments
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Reactions: descension and albe.ORG
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I dont approach typically.Maybe thats my problem? Usually I wait for girls to come to me, thats what happens with any of the hookups i do have
unless your a total chad than your not getting approached by women
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: descension and Allornothing
Cual es vuestro nombre?

Mi recomendacion es dejar de preocuparte por getting women. Media and incels makes it look like getting women is the same as finding the Holy Grail or something like that. I'm at a moment in my life right now, where I don't want to have a girlfriend nor get laid because I have to get ready for my summer internship in Yale, I have to start the CEH hacking modules 1-20, and prepare for the TOEFL.

Also, you are not even an incel man. You've had 8/10 girlfriends and shit, you are genuenly good looking. You are tired of what? Not getting laid every night? Use your right hand with some lotion.

Give yourself something to do.
Like fixing the small asymetry of your eyebrows. Takes 15 minutes.
  • Woah
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Reactions: descension and aesthetic beauty
there's a reason you're here, you might be mentally ill or just extremly insecure which is what i'm guesing
I came here to improve my face, I did. You'd want to see the way I looked before I found this forum.
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  • +1
Reactions: descension
I cannot stand this anymore. I've been on this forum since late 2019, implemented as much of the advice as I can and yet here I am, still on nights out struggling more while any fucking girl who's above a 4/10 (not including makeup) can seemingly get whoever the fuck she wants.

this is me

View attachment 2857737

I'm 180cm tall but I use lifts to get to a flat six foot. I'm 75kg, around 12 percent bf with a 21 inch bideltoid. Yeah i;m not that big but I thought my face made up for it tbh, maybe i'm wrong.

surely this should be enough right? no. I've often been approached for modelling jobs before and have even done a couple of small ones. I am genuinely NT, I wasn't the most popular guy in high school but I did well. Hell, even all of my girlfriends have been high quality, 8/10 and above, intelligent, funny etc.

but i cannot pull for shit in nightclubs. bars, I can do fine in but there is practically no bars in the spanish town I now live in. I cannot pull and I dont know what the fucking problem is. I decided to install tinder yesterday so I'll see how that goes but my expectations are fucking low.

btw if you have any tips for my face they would be appreciated

sorry for the vent but ive wanted to make this thread for a while

You’re ugky asf
  • +1
Reactions: descension
I came here to improve my face, I did. You'd want to see the way I looked before I found this forum.
just ltr tbh, personally i've never liked going to club because i'm insecure and shy, all the girls that I had sex with said I was their crush and gave me an ioi and it was good life having a gf having sex 5 times a day, now i'm alone n shit sucks
  • +1
Reactions: descension
just ltr tbh, personally i've never liked going to club because i'm insecure and shy, all the girls that I had sex with said I was their crush and gave me an ioi and it was good life having a gf having sex 5 times a day, now i'm alone n shit sucks
but that was in highschool
  • +1
Reactions: descension
New forum mentalcel
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Reactions: descension and butterworld
Cual es vuestro nombre?

Mi recomendacion es dejar de preocuparte por getting women. Media and incels makes it look like getting women is the same as finding the Holy Grail or something like that. I'm at a moment in my life right now, where I don't want to have a girlfriend nor get laid because I have to get ready for my summer internship in Yale, I have to start the CEH hacking modules 1-20, and prepare for the TOEFL.

Also, you are not even an incel man. You've had 8/10 girlfriends and shit, you are genuenly good looking. You are tired of what? Not getting laid every night? Use your right hand with some lotion.

Give yourself something to do.
Like fixing the small asymetry of your eyebrows. Takes 15 minutes.
never noticed they were assymetric.

I know im not an incel, yes, im tired of not getting laid whenever I want to.
  • +1
Reactions: descension
just ltr tbh, personally i've never liked going to club because i'm insecure and shy, all the girls that I had sex with said I was their crush and gave me an ioi and it was good life having a gf having sex 5 times a day, now i'm alone n shit sucks
not sure the ltr life is for me tbh. I always back out of my relationships.
  • +1
Reactions: descension
Good looking cutecel with facial growth
Your nose is failing your face too much
  • +1
Reactions: descension
  • +1
Reactions: descension
Mogs me hard.
  • +1
Reactions: descension and Klasik616
Good looking cutecel with facial growth
Your nose is failing your face too much
nah the pics are just bad, It's not ideal but it fits my face. irl its genuinely not even worth getting rhino on.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: descension and Klasik616
How do I get a hair like you? What products do you use or it is genetic
I blowdry my hair every day.
shampoo bars, deep conditioner without parabens or sulphates.
Dry shampoo!!!
light hair paste
  • +1
Reactions: descension
I blowdry my hair every day.
shampoo bars, deep conditioner without parabens or sulphates.
Dry shampoo!!!
light hair paste
Damn I do the same except for the blowdry but my hair sucks, I want to have a hair like Dellisola he mogs.
Images 100
You need to be a threatening dom masc guy for nightclubs, which you're obviously not. You look like a little bitch tbh ngl. :lul:
You need to be a threatening dom masc guy for nightclubs, which you're obviously not. You look like a little bitch tbh ngl. :lul:
Post your face too, then you can talk shit.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: descension and Primalsplit
OP seems like ego maniac. What's wrong with being in an LTR with a good looking gf that genuinely loves you and you like spending time with that is more than what 99% of men will ever experience in their lives but even that isn't enough for OP
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: proxyy, dna_cel, TUSSELEIF and 2 others
OP seems like ego maniac. What's wrong with being in an LTR with a good looking gf that genuinely loves you and you like spending time with that is more than what 99% of men will ever experience in their lives but even that isn't enough for OP
Hey you might be right but I don’t think I am. The reason I can’t have an ltr is because of my job. I’m never living in the same country, moving maybe once a year at the minute. I had a girl who I loved who I wanted to stay with in a long distance capacity since I would travel home for a couple weeks every three months or so but we both knew it wouldn’t work.

Now I just cry myself to sleep.
  • +1
Reactions: dna_cel, Deleted member 65208 and aesthetic beauty
I cannot stand this anymore. I've been on this forum since late 2019, implemented as much of the advice as I can and yet here I am, still on nights out struggling more while any fucking girl who's above a 4/10 (not including makeup) can seemingly get whoever
Yeah no one can compete with a woman’s smv. Even Maher would lose to an obese woman. Comparing your smv to a woman will put you in an asylum.
the fuck she wants.

this is me

View attachment 2857737

I'm 180cm tall but I use lifts to get to a flat six foot. I'm 75kg, around 12 percent bf with a 21 inch bideltoid. Yeah i;m not that big but I thought my face made up for it tbh, maybe i'm wrong.

surely this should be enough right? no. I've often been approached for modelling jobs before and have even done a couple of small ones. I am genuinely NT, I wasn't the most popular guy in high school but I did well. Hell, even all of my girlfriends have been high quality, 8/10 and above, intelligent, funny etc.

It’s perspective too. High smv dudes get a lot of women but that’s in the aggregate over time. Most men are incels who don’t get anything. The gap isn’t just in volume/quality but between getting and not getting bitches.
but i cannot pull for shit in nightclubs. bars, I can do fine in but there is practically no bars in the spanish town I now live in. I cannot pull and I dont know what the fucking problem is.
Nightclubs are very height centric. There are ways to get around that but for people who’s smv relies on face it isn’t a 1 to 1 correlation.
I decided to install tinder yesterday so I'll see how that goes but my expectations are fucking low.
That will help. That and ig. Bumble/Hinge too.
btw if you have any tips for my face they would be appreciated

sorry for the vent but ive wanted to make this thread for a while

That’s the nature of the beast. It isn’t that chad fucks every woman it’s that he appeals to enough women to get a decent body count/quality partner over time.

Do you have a social circle? Are you in college?
Last edited:
  • JFL
Reactions: Allornothing
Yeah no one can compete with a woman’s smv. Maher would lose to an obese woman. Comparing your smv to a woman will put you in an asylum.

It’s perspective too. High smv dudes get a lot of women but that’s in the aggregate over time. Most men are incels who don’t get anything. The gap isn’t just in volume but between getting and not getting bitches.

Nightclubs are very height centric. There are ways to get around that but for people who’s smv relies on face it isn’t the best example.

That will help. That and ig. Bumble/Hinge too.

That’s the nature of the beast. It isn’t that chad fucks every woman it’s that he appeals to enough women to get a decent body count/quality partner.
Do you have a social circle? Are you in college?
The PUA mentioned
IMG 0588

IMG 0587
Leave the site and NTmaxx, no shot you're good looking and you rot
Yeah no one can compete with a woman’s smv. Even Maher would lose to an obese woman. Comparing your smv to a woman will put you in an asylum.

It’s perspective too. High smv dudes get a lot of women but that’s in the aggregate over time. Most men are incels who don’t get anything. The gap isn’t just in volume/quality but between getting and not getting bitches.

Nightclubs are very height centric. There are ways to get around that but for people who’s smv relies on face it isn’t a 1 to 1 correlation.

That will help. That and ig. Bumble/Hinge too.

That’s the nature of the beast. It isn’t that chad fucks every woman it’s that he appeals to enough women to get a decent body count/quality partner over time.

Do you have a social circle? Are you in college?
The only decent answer to this thread, cheers mate.

Yes I’m in college but it’s a very small college (less than 900 people) and it’s 80 percent women to 20 percent men so it can be weird. Don’t want to say what I do as not to doxx myself but in my line of work you get a lot of fags and weirdos.
I have many close friends, but they are seperate, not all in one friend group. Back home in Ireland though I do have multiple friends groups. I am nt, but the nature of my college doesn’t make things easy
  • +1
Reactions: aesthetic beauty
You’re a htn due to ratios and short skull.

When you say you don’t pull what do you actually mean? Like girls don’t approach you there or what?

Jfl at crying when you’ve had gfs. Mogs the average user to suicide.
  • +1
Reactions: proxyy and Zizou
OP seems like ego maniac. What's wrong with being in an LTR with a good looking gf that genuinely loves you and you like spending time with that is more than what 99% of men will ever experience in their lives but even that isn't enough for OP
Stopped taking this thread seriously at "Hell, even all of my girlfriends have been high quality, 8/10 and above, intelligent, funny etc". Thought it was another decent looking autist but nope
  • +1
Reactions: Subhuman232
you might be autistic
Which is why I say autism is just as debilitating to getting pussy as being an 3/10

I’d argue 50% of incels are normal and slightly above avg guys who are non NT
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