goyslop is so addicting

Dude organs are literally better than the meat itself r u good

show me ONE source that proves ur body can “make” nutrients

6 months is pretty long lol

Science is based upon trial and error that lead to facts. It’s not based upon what people report they did. All of the studies you mentioned, which was none, are based upon REPORTS, not observation in a lab.
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I have a hormone panel coming back soon, I will tell you how my free test is when I get it

Not sure my diet is considered keto since I drink milk. My total carbohydrate intake is capped at 50g per day though which some would consider keto, and I am lactose intolerant, so lactose carbs usually act as a source of 'dietary fiber'(in that they are a fermentable substrate in the gut) rather than as an energy source. My protein is also quite high though, and I presume my liver has adapted to increase gluconeogenesis since I don't really feel low energy from my diet.
its not keto. I only eat about 20-90 carbs a day which isnt considered keto but low carb

wtf is gluconeogebesis? All i know is after atleast 6 months of keto ur free test is shit
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So you mean to say our species specific diet is to throw away the most nutrient dense parts of the animals and to only eat the protein and fat while ignoring any micronutrients?
Humans evolved to eat the muscle meats and associated fats of large ruminant animals, not organs. You can eat organs however, just don’t base your diet around them.
its not keto. I only eat about 20-90 carbs a day which isnt considered keto but low carb

wtf is gluconeogebesis? All i know is after atleast 6 months of keto ur free test is shit
Gluconeogenesis is the process of creating sugars from other energy substrates like proteins and fats.
  • +1
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thats never gonna happen cause it’s nonsense and unrealistic, just go by the 6 month one and take what u want from it 🤷‍♂️

You still never gave me a solid answer about the nutrition, there are nutrients you will 100% be deficient in with carnivore, what do u do
  • +1
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Humans evolved to eat the muscle meats and associated fats of large ruminant animals, not organs. You can eat organs however, just don’t base your diet around them.
Muscle meat/fat makes up the majority of my diet, I just don't see how I would get things like vitamin a, calcium, copper, etc if I was only eating that, so I tend to have liver on occasion, brain, eggs, fermented milk products, etc.
  • +1
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how does that even work
  • +1
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Muscle meat/fat makes up the majority of my diet, I just don't see how I would get things like vitamin a, calcium, copper, etc if I was only eating that, so I tend to have liver on occasion, brain, eggs, fermented milk products, etc.
Humans evolved to eat the muscle meats and associated fats of large ruminant animals, not organs. You can eat organs however, just don’t base your diet around them.
bro this guy never takes into account nutrients lol

there r nutrients which are impossible to get from only meat

one time this mf said “broooo ur body will just create the nutrients!!”

Also fucking retard open ANY book humans have been eating from nose to tail since the beginning of time
  • +1
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I'm feasting on goyslop especially processed foods like chips and chocolates and fast food which I used to eat rarely in a year, also I get strong craving for it. What could be the cause, maybe I am living in a tier 1 city flooded with this kinda stuff or eating habits...
  • +1
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thats never gonna happen cause it’s nonsense and unrealistic, just go by the 6 month one and take what u want from it 🤷‍♂️

You still never gave me a solid answer about the nutrition, there are nutrients you will 100% be deficient in with carnivore, what do u do
False, absolutely false. Eating our species specific diet known as carnivores lacks not one single nutrient that humans need to thrive.

Science isn’t based on associations and guesses. It’s based on empirical, hard evidence that can’t be refuted. Yes, there will NEVER be hard science evidence because it’s impossible to keep someone locked in a laboratory for their entire lives watching their every move to eliminate all variables.
Muscle meat/fat makes up the majority of my diet, I just don't see how I would get things like vitamin a, calcium, copper, etc if I was only eating that, so I tend to have liver on occasion, brain, eggs, fermented milk products, etc.
Eating a vast amount of copper is detrimental in the long run. Take Paul Saladino for example. He was a strict carnivore years ago and his skin was fairly good. However, he based his entire diet around ground beef and liver. He was eating way too much protein compared to animal fat. This is why he went back to fruits, and the glycation damage over the years is showing.
False, absolutely false. Eating our species specific diet known as carnivores lacks not one single nutrient that humans need to thrive.
vit c? K1? Folate? Vit e? Potassium? Manganese?

And u dont eat organs either no? How about vit A, calcium (only if ur eating fucking fishbones lmao)

Without dairy ur cucking ur calcium and magnesium lol
  • +1
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False, absolutely false. Eating our species specific diet known as carnivores lacks not one single nutrient that humans need to thrive.

Science isn’t based on associations and guesses. It’s based on empirical, hard evidence that can’t be refuted. Yes, there will NEVER be hard science evidence because it’s impossible to keep someone locked in a laboratory for their entire lives watching their every move to eliminate all variables.
I was definitely deficient on calcium after only eating meat fat and eggs for awhile. It caused intense cramping that was only corrected by re-introducing a calcium source. Egg shells worked, but they caused me constipation. Milk/fermented milk works better for me, and really doesn't increase my total load of carbohydrate since I am lactase deficient.
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I was definitely deficient on calcium after only eating meat fat and eggs for awhile. It caused intense cramping that was only corrected by re-introducing a calcium source. Egg shells worked, but they caused me constipation. Milk/fermented milk works better for me, and really doesn't increase my total load of carbohydrate since I am lactase deficient.
You were just eating more protein than fat, that’s why you’re craving the milk.
You were just eating more protein than fat, that’s why you’re craving the milk.
I can promise you that a fat deficiency was not causing cramping. My protein to fat ratios tend to be around 60-70% fat by calories, so this is patently false.
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i binge ate and got bloated again after seeing results from calorie deficit, how can i stop being a fucking retard who relapses on unhealthy food
work out more and keep the goyslop out of the house aswell as having a cheat meal every week
  • +1
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I can promise you that a fat deficiency was not causing cramping. My protein to fat ratios tend to be around 60-70% fat by calories, so this is patently false.
Well, you already lost all of your credibility by spouting that nonsense of “eating calories”. Calories are units of heat energy that come AFTER the food has been eaten.
  • JFL
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I don’t care about the quality of the food

I only care about the calorie count
  • Ugh..
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Ok, I guess you are just trolling then.
I’m not trolling. You just are suffering from Dunning-Kruger. You need to stop speaking on nutrition from this point on.
are you tracking every single macro, how much are you eating and how much did u over eat
no just calories and protein im new to this, idk i overate foe the past 3 days i was on vacation
  • +1
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Eating a vast amount of copper is detrimental in the long run. Take Paul Saladino for example. He was a strict carnivore years ago and his skin was fairly good. However, he based his entire diet around ground beef and liver. He was eating way too much protein compared to animal fat. This is why he went back to fruits, and the glycation damage over the years is showing.
i’m curious what do u eat in a day
  • +1
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are you tracking every single macro, how much are you eating and how much did u over eat
You can not track energy. It’s impossible so don’t even believe that lie anymore.
You can not track energy. It’s impossible so don’t even believe that lie anymore.
HOLY SHIT WHATA. FUCKING RETARD 😭😭😭😭 @TheLookInYourEyes wallahi i’m finished
  • JFL
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I eat 1 time a day because I eat meat, eggs, and butter until satiety.
like exactly what u eat, top round or what? And whats ur body fat %
HOLY SHIT WHATA. FUCKING RETARD 😭😭😭😭 @TheLookInYourEyes wallahi i’m finished
Energy is a construct. You can’t even define what energy really is. It’s not something that has one value characteristic.
  • +1
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HOLY SHIT WHATA. FUCKING RETARD 😭😭😭😭 @TheLookInYourEyes wallahi i’m finished
I didn't realize I was getting trolled so I got mogged.
I just put him on ignore tbh jfl at this
  • +1
  • JFL
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like exactly what u eat, top round or what? And whats ur body fat %
I eat ribeyes, New York strips, t-bones, ground beef, grass fed butter, and pasture raider eggs. I cook all of my meals at home. I don’t use any oils or seasoning. I also never eat out.
Energy is a construct. You can’t even define what energy really is. It’s not something that has one value characteristic.
more people have lost weight with a caloric deficit than carnivore

Theres not 1 person who hasnt lost fat with a real caloric deficit, there are many who havent lost a pound with full carnivore
  • +1
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You guys are so smart
  • JFL
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I eat ribeyes, New York strips, t-bones, ground beef, grass fed butter, and pasture raider eggs. I cook all of my meals at home. I don’t use any oils or seasoning. I also never eat out.
What sports do u play
I eat ribeyes, New York strips, t-bones, ground beef, grass fed butter, and pasture raider eggs. I cook all of my meals at home. I don’t use any oils or seasoning. I also never eat out.
all raw? And whats ur body fat %
I didn't realize I was getting trolled so I got mogged.
I just put him on ignore tbh jfl at this
nonono he actually believes rhis, we always argue on and off

He’s been on the site for a while spouting this shit
  • +1
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You’re just too low IQ and incompetent.
you are stuipid faggot ofcourse you gonna lose weight by eating OMAD and eating high fat and high protein and in a calorie deficit, also jfl at you lack of hormone production due to your lack of carbs i never want to hear even a breath from you you clueless fuck
more people have lost weight with a caloric deficit than carnivore

Theres not 1 person who hasnt lost fat with a real caloric deficit, there are many who havent lost a pound with full carnivore
False, and demonstrably false.

1. Weight is consisted of water, muscle, fat, and bone.

2. Losing weight isn’t indicated that you’re losing fat. You could be losing something else aswell.

3. If you go on a strict carnivore diet, you WILL lose fat and total weight. It’s inevitable.

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