Gymcel is an easy looksmax, ending the debate

JFL at white boys thinking all blacks look the same :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:.

Also post the picture of the "dark traid" guy that you saw.
What white boys? I am a blackcel. Not African-american, just AFRICAN
What white boys? I am a blackcel. Not African-american, just AFRICAN
Oh nevermind.

Either way, post the "dark skin dark traid" guy that you saw
Oh nevermind.

Either way, post the "dark skin dark traid" guy that you saw
fuck can't find it was couple months back, maybe it was before you revealed how you look like with ppl speculating on your looks.
fuck can't find it was couple months back, maybe it was before you revealed how you look like with ppl speculating on your looks.
It probably was tbh
Dwayne Johnson is a confirmed steroid user (he admitted himself). So if you are using him as an example might aswell clarify that you mean roiding, not necessairily gymcelling.

In terms of size increase it is:

Gymcel + Roid > Exercise + Roid > Gymcel > Roid > Exercise >Nothing

Most people don't have the time, discipline and energy to stick to a dedicated bodybuiler gymcel + diet routine. They will peak at "exercise 4 times a week and eat more protein". Roiding without exercise will give you more gains than that.
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Dwayne Johnson is a confirmed steroid user (he admitted himself). So if you are using him as an example might aswell clarify that you mean roiding, not necessairily gymcelling.

In terms of size increase it is:

Gymcel + Roid > Exercise + Roid > Gymcel > Roid > Exercise >Nothing

Most people don't have the time, discipline and energy to stick to a dedicated bodybuiler gymcel + diet routine. They will peak at "exercise 4 times a week and eat more protein". Roiding without exercise will give you more gains than that.
hence thats what im doing lol
"Gymcelling totally will ascend you bro!"
View attachment 467022
(Picture taken June 1st 2020) This is me at 5'9" 166lbs (~14% bf) and I'm still incel.

Don't ever expect to look good in a T shirt if you gymcel natty.

If youre gonna gymcel natty, just focus on strength instead. Better to be strong and look like shit/small than be weak and look like shit/small.

Didn't you claim you could deadlift 243kg after 2 years of lifting at 75kg bodyweight? Going to need proof of that. Impressive if true.
Didn't you claim you could deadlift 243kg after 2 years of lifting at 75kg bodyweight? Going to need proof of that. Impressive if true.
*2.5 years, not 2.

Anyways, I'll PM you the link if you want
"easy" lol. takes at least 2 years consistent to even look like u lift while wearing a shirt
Sorry. BUT

WTF, are you doing wearing a T-shirt LIKE THAT, if you are GYMMAXXED????

Tight fitting clothes, are then yoiur best friend.
Floppy clothes is for fatties and sknny fatties.
Does this work for gymmaxxing manlets too?
Does this work for gymmaxxing manlets too?
For dating. Being manlet is game over. And with manlet don't mean 5'7 orso. But like 5'4.
Unless you are white, then as manlet you can still locationmaxxing to like Philippines or something.

As manlet. Adding muscle is legit though, for among men and getting respect. Respect from both mam and women.
Because manlet and gymmaxxed. Most guys and girls won't dare to mess with you, like they will when you are regular sized.
So imo, still worth it to gymmaxx as a short man.

Actually as a manlet you need gymmaxxing the most. For still being seen as a man, a threath, a worthy of respect man.

At least that is my opinion and observations.
I have heard multiple times now that gymcelling is cope, by some skinnyfat bitches chilling in their moms basement.

Their arguments, equally retarded! Last thing I heard was "muh, chico said he doesnt need to gymcel". If you look like chico, ignore my thread and Ill gladly get the fuck out.

If now, muscles are evolutionarily a symbol that you can get plenty of nutrition, you are intimidating and strong.

View attachment 467002
no joke, I genuinely believe more women would chose the guy on the right
Jfl at spending 1.5 hours in the gym 4 days a week to attain a physique even half as good as a physique required to turn your body into a halo. noone will ever look like the rock, such a waste of fking time if you don't love the gym, you can't even get big naturally, what a joke
you literally have to devote your life to the gym for 4-5 years to get a physique that makes you look like you lift in the first place.
Jfl at spending 1.5 hours in the gym 4 days a week to attain a physique even half as good as a physique required to turn your body into a halo. noone will ever look like the rock, such a waste of fking time if you don't love the gym, you can't even get big naturally, what a joke
you literally have to devote your life to the gym for 4-5 years to get a physique that makes you look like you lift in the first place.
lol my physique is decent just from sarms and pullups
lol my physique is decent just from sarms and pullups
Imagine wasting the potential of SARMS by just doing pullups. If you do SARMS you owe it to yourself to trihard diet wise and gym wise.
There's no reason not to gymmaxx, even if you don't want to look bulky you can still look more shapely and toned. I guarantee there is no aesthetic downside to having a fit body, there are different types of fit bodies though.
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Tri's, Pec's, Abd's, Delt's. Scap's, Lat's
you aren’t looksmaxing if you aren’t working out
thats right but it also depends on your genetics or frame for example how fast you build muscle, etc.
If you have a face, body is not important at all. If you don’t have a face then gym is ok
GYMCELLING is the best and cheapest way to looksmax.
The problem (if you doing it without steroids) is that you need A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT to do it.

Whoever is the bitch that say that gymcelling is cope, is a manlet, a mordor ork or both of them
Whoever you are, gymcelling will increase INSANELY the respect you generate in other males, and the attention from females

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If you have a face, body is not important at all. If you don’t have a face then gym is ok

The biggest and most stupid comment in the whole forum (and trust me bro, its hard)
Face is KEY, but having good face and SHITTY body will make you look disgusting in a lot of scenarios
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"Gymcelling totally will ascend you bro!"
View attachment 467022
(Picture taken June 1st 2020) This is me at 5'9" 166lbs (~14% bf) and I'm still incel.

Don't ever expect to look good in a T shirt if you gymcel natty.

If youre gonna gymcel natty, just focus on strength instead. Better to be strong and look like shit/small than be weak and look like shit/small.
Sorry but you are not very muscular. You are probably more like 17-18% body fat and 166Lbs is a low weight, especially on that high of a body fat. I am not much better than you but I want to say that this is not natty limit, you just trained and ate shitty probably like me. Look up Omar Isuf, thats how you can look with 5'9/5'10 height and very good training. Its a big improvement in looks but its not gonna make you a chad if you are subhuman beforehand. The better you look in without gym the more you will benefit from it.
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Sorry but you are not very muscular. You are probably more like 17-18% body fat and 166Lbs is a low weight, especially on that high of a body fat. I am not much better than you but I want to say that this is not natty limit, you just trained and ate shitty probably like me. Look up Omar Isuf, thats how you can look with 5'9/5'10 height and very good training. Its a big improvement in looks but its not gonna make you a chad if you are subhuman beforehand. The better you look in without gym the more you will benefit from it.
Lol I'm 14-15% bodyfat with a 28-29 inch waist.

Also I mainly focus on strength not size. I can PM you video links of my lifts.
Lol I'm 14-15% bodyfat with a 28-29 inch waist.

Also I mainly focus on strength not size. I can PM you video links of my lifts.
Yeah pm me your body(nohomo). I didn't doubt your strength, strength doesn't correlate soo much with size as many think. I said that you are not gymmaxxed and that you could be bigger and leaner if you would train and eat better.
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Yeah pm me your body(nohomo). I didn't doubt your strength, strength doesn't correlate soo much with size as many think. I said that you are not gymmaxxed and that you could be bigger and leaner if you would train and eat better.
JFL how am I not gymmaxxed properly with a 535lb / 243kg deadlift.
JFL how am I not gymmaxxed properly with a 535lb / 243kg deadlift.

WHEN U WALK AROUND the city who the fuck cares about how much u lift?
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WHEN U WALK AROUND the city who the fuck cares about how much u lift?
tbh youre right but how can you say my training is bad when I reached that strength in less than 2.5 years (DL was done in march) at a relatively light weight and young age. I was 17 when I did the DL and I'm 18 now.

Also I have gotten bigger because before I started lifting I was weighing 135lbs lol
tbh youre right but how can you say my training is bad when I reached that strength in less than 2.5 years (DL was done in march) at a relatively light weight and young age. I was 17 when I did the DL and I'm 18 now.

Also I have gotten bigger because before I started lifting I was weighing 135lbs lol

I wasnt the one who said u trained bad
But if u wanna looksmax with gym, just focus on hypertrophy, thats what i did, and maaaan, is savage the difference i got from females
Good luck ma bro
I wasnt the one who said u trained bad
But if u wanna looksmax with gym, just focus on hypertrophy, thats what i did, and maaaan, is savage the difference i got from females
Good luck ma bro
Thanks bro and btw strength training does involve some hypertrophy because you can't just train with 3-5 rep sets forever or do it for everything lol.
Thanks bro and btw strength training does involve some hypertrophy because you can't just train with 3-5 rep sets forever or do it for everything lol.

Yes ofc, i agree
But full routine around hypertrophy will lead to more gains, which means more pussy and more respect from males
Yes ofc, i agree
But full routine around hypertrophy will lead to more gains, which means more pussy and more respect from males
At my height (5'9") you think going from 165lb 14%bf to 175lb 14%bf would make me ascend? I doubt it tbh. I'm a KHHV with zero sexual contact.

Also there's not much more to gain after 2-3 years of lifting (strength or size wise). I started lifting on October 2017, so that means I'll be at 3 years in October 2020 which is only a few months away.
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