Gymceling is a bad way to looksmax if you have sub-normie tier looks

Gymcelling is always useful because its better to have a good body than having a skinny fat body, but that being said, its indeed true that gymcelling works better for people who already have a good frame and decent height

If you are narrow framed than you are fucked because broad shoulders are very important for women and no gym will make your bones grow

Yes you can roid and put large shoulder muscles, but it will probably look uncanny and unnatural

Just look at this two guys bodies:

The first one has broad shoulders naturally due to his bone strucuture, his body is naturally v shaped. The second guy doesnt have the proper bone strucuture to pull a v shaped body, so he needs to put lots of muscles to create the ilusion of broad shoulders + narrow waist. But the result is very unaesthetic and uncanny. No woman would prefer the second body over the first one. Thats the importance of frame.
What if you have wide hips but narrow waist?
It actually could
Fat can make your face wider
It’s not the gymcelling that makes you fat JFL

It’s stupidly eating fuck loads of food that does that. Just lift and eat at caloric maintenance or small defect.
Protein Powder? Creatine? Those are all proven to work supplements, I don't take creatine but protein powder is great for getting in my daily intake.
Don’t drink calories and you should be getting Your protein from natural sources
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Don’t drink calories and you should be getting Your protein from natural sources
I do eat a lot of beans and steak and chicken breast and tuna, protein powder is just my extra little boost.
Imagine not gymmaxxing you are retarded if you don't since it's a great easy way to raise one's PSL other benefits like increased metabolism, increased T, being healthy.
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high levels of cope
You will never put on enough muscle naturally that people will notice you lift.
Most retarded statement I might have ever heard.

Steroids are also not worth it because they are expensive and illegal, and because taking them will fuck up your hormonal system for the rest of your life.


i just realized some fucking retard bumped this thread to say cope jfl
Gymmaxing without being single digit body fat is not gymmaxing.
Postureceling is where it's at. In this era 99% of people got cuck forward head posture from computers, phones, and physical labour that require you to bend. So pretty much everybody....
Posture max for 2 hours a day and 100% during the night to have godly mythological hero posture
you probably gonna get 1-2 inches in height depends how bad your posture which is alone better than anything you could achieve at the gym even with steroids

Also did you ever wonder how some people are stronger even tho they are smaller/ less muscular? It's their posture. mechanical advantage wins over brute strength with better, more efficient leverage you can apply force more efficiently than awkward bad crooked way that most people do thanks to their horrible posture

JFL if you are not like this 24/7

Just don't spread this top tier gigarare info anywhere we don't want to increase average height by 2 inches world wide and have people walking around with demigod posture, let us, the autist of this world, dominant the normies through posture alone by walking around with slave owner posture near these normie slave cuck posture you mog them to moon and back just with your presence
Probably the most cringe post i have red in my entire life
Nothing is sadder then when someone finds a magic cure online and makes it the be all end all
like nofap, gut health, meditation or some fucking cringe cope that no slayer irl ever did

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