gymcelling question

got a question, since u seem to be knowledgable about that stuff, @copingvolcel

what is ur opinion on just working on delts, upper chest, back? i mean those are the most desired muscles, right?
would me only training them give me assymetrys?

Also, im 59kgs at 189 rn, and recently bought some test and deca off the internet, and it arrived today. whats ur opinion on supplementing roids, with me only focusing on those muscles? And since i dont like to diet, would dirtybulking help me?

I plan on 500mg test e e5d, 750mg deca e5d, whats ur thoughts on that?
It has nothing to do with mind muscle connection.

The only correct explanation for your problem is either that you used bad form OR you are arm dominant, which means that when you do chin ups, your arms do most of the work, and it's the same with the bench press and other big compound lifts involving the upper body.

Most guys are chest dominant, which means that their problem is the opposite, which is where isolation exercises for the arms come into play to fix individual weaknesses.

The best way to fix your neck posture is to strengthen your neck by doing neck curls, neck extensions and neck side raises for 4 sets of 25 reps for 3-5 days per week. And, according to AlphaDestiny, the neck is the fastest growing muscle group and it gets strong really quickly too so you should never neglect it. You don't need a neck harness when starting out, you just need to have access to plates.
Then you lie down on a bench, put a 2.5 lb plate on your forehead and do the exercise.
Neck curls are done lying down on your back and neck extensions are done lying down on your stomach.

Here is a guide to follow for neck training:

As for your shoulders, you can strengthen them by getting strong at the standing overhead press (an exercise that very few people in commercial gyms use even though it is the most effective shoulder exercise):

For your back, I recommend you do chin ups and bent over rows. Chin ups train the lats and bent over rows train the upper back and traps.
So, if you do both, you will have a very strong back. Strong back muscles make it impossible to have bad back posture and it completely removes back pain for the rest of your life.

Also, if your posture is so bad that it prevents you from using proper form on the squat and deadlift. You can do leg curls and leg press instead for the meantime, but once your posture is fixed, start doing squats and deadlifts and that will give you a very impressive lower body to go with your strong upper body.

Your first post with legit advice bro i’m doing the neck exercises but my scm muscle is pretty tight And i get headaches when doing neck extension. the doc told me to do chin tucks and they have done nothing to me.
fucking hell man essays do a TLDR
View attachment 1250429
The placement of the band barely makes any diffrence

i agree with you on this one kind off yes they should train diffrently but time under tension do matter since your trying to make your muscles work under the whole set and really stretch and contract and not just make the muscles work for 1 second and be done i guess its just a matter of a opinion.
Although you are correct that it doesn't make much of a difference which height you put the band at, I wasn't talking about that.
What I was saying is that if you stand 5 meters away from the band, there will be more band tension than if you are 1 meter away from it.

So, the best way to make progress with bands is to stand further away each time you do them, or simply do more reps.
The main problem with only doing band exercises though is that it is very difficult to control the band because of the way that they work. It is not like moving a barbell against the force of gravity, it is much more difficult and if you don't even know how to do progressive overload with them, then they are a waste of time. Bands are useful but most people use them the wrong way.

As for time under tension, like I said, if you are doing the reps in a controlled fashion with proper form, it is impossible to do them too fast, so doing them in a much slower way isn't going to cause more muscle growth because what matters most is the amount of weight that you lift, not the amount of time that you lift them for. Doing reps that are too fast can lead to injury however, but doing reps that are too slow can lead to unnecessary plateaus and a high risk of tendonitis, which means that if you do reps that are too slow, you risk being unable to recover.

Soreness doesn't mean muscle growth, soreness just means you did more than your body was used to doing, so if you're always sore and you've been training for a while now, it isn't a good thing at all.

Also, most of what I talk about on the subject of bodybuilding and lifting in general is not based on my personal experiences but research that I did on the subject from reputable sources of information, especially good fitness channels like AlphaDestiny, Omarisuf, Scott Herman and Natural Hypertrophy. And, although you may claim the same, the difference is that your knowledge comes from fake naturals, not real naturals so you take your information from the wrong places.

Most guys on this forum share very bad fitness advice and that is because most of them look up to fake naturals for advice and there are very few of those guys who actually give true advice that works for naturals, that is because fake naturals got their results from drugs, so they have no clue how a natural needs to train to make good progress.
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got a question, since u seem to be knowledgable about that stuff, @copingvolcel

what is ur opinion on just working on delts, upper chest, back? i mean those are the most desired muscles, right?
would me only training them give me assymetrys?

Also, im 59kgs at 189 rn, and recently bought some test and deca off the internet, and it arrived today. whats ur opinion on supplementing roids, with me only focusing on those muscles? And since i dont like to diet, would dirtybulking help me?

I plan on 500mg test e e5d, 750mg deca e5d, whats ur thoughts on that?
I am just realizing now that I never actually answered your question.

I will do that right now without judging. The back is actually made of 3 muscle groups: the lats, the upper back and the lower back.

Delts: Overhead Press and Lateral Raises

Upper chest: Incline bench press

Lats: Chin ups and/or Pull ups

Upper Back: Bent-Over Rows

Lower Back: Deadlift

So, to recap:

Overhead Press
Lateral Raises
Incline Bench Press
Chin ups/Pull Ups
Bent-Over Rows

If you only do those exercises, your main weaknesses will be your quads and your arms. To fix them, you would need to add squats, curls and tricep extensions.

The lower back is a small muscle group but you shouldn't neglect it because training it will cure back pain for the rest of your life, and it will give you better posture.
The deadlift will also give you big glutes (butt muscles), and big hamstrings (Back of your legs).

So, you'll look massive from the back and from the side, but not from the front.
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Your first post with legit advice bro i’m doing the neck exercises but my scm muscle is pretty tight And i get headaches when doing neck extension. the doc told me to do chin tucks and they have done nothing to me.

Yeah, I had a similar problem when doing neck training, which is what forced me to stop.

Doing neck training gave me nausea to the point where after only 1 set of neck curls or neck extensions, when I was standing up, I felt like throwing up. And I got headaches sometimes too.

So, I did research on that and what I found is that it's due to posture and because the neck training is done lying down which can cause motion sickness.

There were a few people who recommended to use the neck flex neck harness instead because it makes you do the exercises while either standing up or sitting down. This cures the motion sickness, which means you don't have to worry about nausea or headaches anymore.

The neck flex cost me around 170$ after shipping and taxes, so it isn't cheap but at least it allows you to grow your neck to its maximum potential without causing you unnecessary pain and discomfort.

Also, personally, I highly doubt that doing stretching exercises will fix your problem because without added resistance, posture usually can't be changed. Most doctors who recommend specific exercises to fix posture have no idea how the muscles in the body works. Doctors are only good at curing illnesses or helping people with broken limbs or other health issues like that, they are no experts in physiology.
For that, you would need to see a physiotherapist instead, but it is also highly likely that your problem can be fixed through direct neck work done with a neck harness.
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The Ultimate Guide to Gymmaxxing:

You need to work the entire body, not just a few muscle groups otherwise you will get muscular imbalances which will give you a high risk of injury and make you look weird. However, when you will have reached a higher level, you will be able to focus on the specific muscle groups that you prefer.

The upper chest doesn't count as a muscle group, doing flat bench press with a 1-2 second pause on the chest (powerlifting method) will grow your upper chest as much as the rest of the chest. The best way to train your delts is to do overhead press and get really strong at it. If you get to a 200 lb overhead press, you will have huge shoulders, there is no doubt about that. Isolation movements like lateral raises or front raises don't do much and should never be prioritized over the main compound movements.

The best way to work the back is to do barbell bent-over rows in the beginning (with a straight back to prevent injury), then you can do chin ups or pull ups when you are strong enough to do a lot.

You shouldn't be taking steroids this early because you haven't even gained 80% of your muscular potential, you should at least reach what is known as the advanced level of strength before you even consider taking steroids. Taking steroids will not only make you surpass your natural limit but it will also make you reach your muscular potential for steroids and after that point, you won't be able to make progress and you won't be able to stop injecting or you risk losing all your gains. When you add to that all the negative side effects (that ruin your health) that steroids cause, they really aren't worth the trouble. You can get a really good physique naturally.

You can calculate your lifting level for each lift by entering your stats here:

Most people in commercial gyms are not even at the intermediate level on upper body lifts or novice level for lower body lifts even though they have been lifting for years, so they will be impressed if you have advanced numbers because to them, those numbers are impossible, in reality though, they are achievable within 3 years of proper hard training.

The main reasons why most naturals don't have a great physique is because they don't focus on the main compound movements, they don't address their weaknesses later on, they are unable to stay consistent with their training for more than a few months, they never improve their form and they waste their time cutting and bulking.

I never made a lot of progress in the past 4 years because I wasn't consistent for most of the time, I didn't train effectively because I was following bad programs, I was struggling to eat enough and to sleep enough, and most of all, I was impatient and wasted a lot of time bulking and cutting when I really should have just focused on getting stronger.

Gaining 1lb per week is a bad idea for most guys, it is only useful if you are really skinny and underweight, otherwise you are better off aiming for a 0.5 lb per week weight gain, and if you're already at a high body fat (fat face and belly), you need to maintain your weight while gymmaxxing, doing so will make you gain muscle while losing fat, your weight will stay the same but your body will change and you will look differently in the mirror, that is what matters the most.

For your program I recommend that you do this 5 day Upper Lower Program:

Monday (Upper):

Overhead Press 3-5x6-10
Bench Press 3-5x6-10
Barbell Rows 3-5x6-10
Barbell Curl 3-5x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 3-5x8-12

Tuesday (Lower):

Squat 3-5x6-10
Deadlift 3-5x6-10
Calf Raises 3-5x8-12

Thursday (Upper):

Overhead Press 3-5x6-10
Bench Press 3-5x6-10
Barbell Rows 3-5x6-10
Barbell Curl 3-5x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 3-5x8-12

Friday (Lower):

Squat 3-5x6-10
Deadlift 3-5x6-10
Calf Raises 3-5x8-12

Saturday (Upper):

Overhead Press 3-5x6-10
Bench Press 3-5x6-10
Barbell Rows 3-5x6-10
Barbell Curl 3-5x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 3-5x8-12

-Overhead press will build your entire shoulders
-Bench Press will build your entire chest
-Barbell rows will build your entire back
-Barbell Curls will build your entire biceps (1/3 of the arm)
-Skullcrushers will build your entire triceps (2/3 of the arm)
-Squats will build your quads (front part of legs) and glutes (butt muscles)
-Deadlifts will build your hamstrings (back part of legs), lower back (prevents injuries), glutes and forearms, they will also improve your grip

PS: If you want to train your neck, do neck curls and neck extensions at the end of the workout to avoid ruining your progress on the other lifts, do 4 sets of 20-25.

So, as you can see, with all those exercises, you can train your entire body. The exercise selection is low because the volume and the frequency are kept high, this allows you to add 5 lbs to your squat and deadlift every workout (10 lbs per week) and 5-10 lbs to your upper body lifts every week (for better progression on upper body lifts, use 1.25 lb microplates, buy them from Amazon).

You will make progress by aiming to do as many reps as possible, so you must pick a weight that allows you to do 6-10 reps for compound movements and 8-12 reps for isolation exercises, if you did 10 reps in the 1st set, your 2nd set might be only 8 reps, and your 3rd set might be 7 reps, then your 4th might be 6 reps, so you should add weight when your last set is 2 reps higher than the lowest number of the rep range, so 8 for 6-10 and 10 for 8-12, by doing this, you will stay in the rep range.

You can customize the program to suit your needs by adding or removing sets depending on your ability to recover, the more sets you are able to do, the better your progress will be because higher volume leads to more gains, higher frequency leads to faster progress which is why you do all the upper body lifts 3 times per week and the lower body lifts 2 times per week. There is an emphasis on the upper body for aesthetics without neglecting the lower body, this is not like Starting Strength or Stronglifts which make you focus on the legs. For women, it would be more beneficial to do the opposite since the lower body is more important for them.

Once you become an intermediate lifter, this program may stop working, if that happens, just split your sets of compound movements with a variation, so if you do 4 sets of bench press usually, do 2 sets of bench press and 2 sets of close grip bench press, doing this will help you get unstuck, and the same logic can be applied to every other lift, the main downside with variations is that you need to learn a new exercise and that can take time, but unfortunately, you can't keep getting stronger without variations or different rep ranges when you reach higher levels because your body will stop adapting to the training stimulus.

If you're wondering how a gym noob like me who can't even bench 135 lbs for reps knows so much about training, it is because I have been researching this topic since 2016 but I have not stayed consistent for all this time, I have put more effort into researching and trying out many different things than I have spent staying on one program for a long period of time and because of that lack of consistency and that lack of patience, I have never gotten past the novice level. Most people (me included) can reach the intermediate level in 1 year or less if they do everything properly, those who have a good coach who is at least as knowledgeable as I am would fit into that category.

To learn proper form, here is what you need to do:

1) Watch some tutorials on youtube
2) Film yourself while doing each lift
3) Go on and make a reddit account if you don't already have one
4) Make a thread asking for a form check with your video.
5) Do a new thread for each lift with your video and ask for advice. They will give you really good advice to improve, then you can repeat this process until they tell you that you are using perfect form. You can also ask me for a form check if you want, I'd be happy to help.

Here are the best tutorials you can watch for those exercises:

Bench Press:

Barbell Bent-Over Row:

Overhead Press:



Bicep Curls:

Skullcrushers (dumbbell or ez curl bar):

If you have any questions about this huge guide or anything else, just ask.

I don't understand the rep and weight per rep part

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