Gymmaxxing is the best thing to do if you're average looking

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A gymmaxed normie is someone like Yuyevon and Chalamet
That's your opinion tho not a fact. Women aren't looking at every feature of your face thinking "hmm is he normie chadlite or chad?"

You're either hot in their eyes or you're not
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exactly same thing how most men would rather fuck this girlView attachment 1020614 over alien model meghan roche View attachment 1020615

View attachment 1020616 Women want to be dominated by high sex appeal men like jason momoa over twink barrett View attachment 1020620

male modelling is a gay industry anyways, it's not what women actually find attractive, they just choose men with weird alien striking features

I said gymmaxxing works if you're average looking not ugly

taking status out of the equation You're really trying to say that gigatwink rat faced Timothee Chamalet would get more girls than gymmaxxed normie View attachment 1020621 View attachment 1020622 JFL

This guy mogs Timothee to the grave

this, the average dude is skinny fat, low sex appeal af

@Gargantuan, @Kingkellz, @SubhumanCurrycel, @Yuyevon, @tyronelite, @Hozay , @Biggdink, @RealLooksmaxxer
Facts. Niggas forgetting women want to feel protected too. Bitches preferences change from teen to adulthood.

Timothee would get bullied to the grave
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That's your opinion tho not a fact. Women aren't looking at every feature of your face thinking "hmm is he normie chadlite or chad?"

You're either hot in their eyes or you're not
Timothee would get bullied to the grave

honestly bro I'm pretty sure most of the people who hate on gymmaxxing are skinny twigs, who have no clue about body halo, since they've never expirienced it with girls feeling up on them complementing their muscles, which happens a lot for gymmaxxed normies
jfl this ugly disgusting framecel kike rat would be nothing without status
imagine thinking he would mog
@Yuyevon irl 6'4 Jacked, vs this 5'9 twink, anybody with a brain knows girls over the age of 16 would pick yuyevon,
hell even in HS girls like jock chads
over prettyboys, only middle school girls would want gigatwinks
Why Is Muscularity Sexy? Tests of the
Fitness Indicator Hypothesis

View attachment 1020712

honestly man this forum is dumb af, gymmaxxing is cope bro, I'm done with these niggas man, they literally don't know shit
@Biggdink, @Hozay, @goat2x, @looksmaxxer234, @kjsbdfiusdf, @brbbrah
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no shit my responses are "negative" when people are saying clearly isnt true.
What he said its ture for SOME guys, but not all. I happen to be part of the "not all" so his advicew "just gymmaxx" wont work for me
What ever works for you bro? Sorry but we can’t help you I think
What ever works for you bro? Sorry but we can’t help you I think
Becoming facially better looking would work for me. Or becoming taller. Or simply looking whiter.
Becoming facially better looking would work for me. Or becoming taller. Or simply looking whiter.
surgery bro. I know who you are. I’ve talked to you earlier too (somewhere else, but you didn’t take the steps I advised, maybe you did, but didn’t internalise it), but you have a fucked up victim mindset. This is the only reply ive seen of yours that has some semblance of hope in it. So do it bro. Become facially better looking. Get taller. Get whiter. And like you said, everything don’t work on/for everyone. And this “but, but” attitude not only distances people from you sinec they start thinking “theres no point talking to this guy because he’s just gonna find an excuse instead of a way”, the insidious part is that you start thinking “theres no point” which you clearly have, but this reply gives *me* hope that you still might just do whatever works best you can to “ascend”, because a few months passed now since we talked and I hope you’ve made some gains in whatever, looks, gym, career, game etc. good luck. Maybe try some dumb shit like tony robbins blessings meditation (it just snaps you fr through an action of gratitude. You cannot see anything better happening because you are stuck mentally at the lowest possible plane and you can see inly what’s wrong with you. Sure maybe you are the least psl on here and your finances are fucked and so is your relationship with your parents and friends, but there’s someone worse off than you. Dont knock grace. I’m not religious at all, but there is a thing called grace. This site is grace. This info is grace. Use it)
What you forget is that those guys don't have an average face. Even if I get Jared Padalecki's body, I don't have his face, so it isn't going to look the same at all. Normies focus too much on their body and not enough on their face and that is a huge mistake since the face matters more.

However, gymmaxxing is still important because it fixes posture, makes you look tough and it can compensate to a certain extent, just like a girl who has an average face but amazing body would be seen as very attractive, this also applies to men.

To look your best, you need to fix both your body and your face, that is the only way to looksmax effectively. The problem is that some ugly features are impossible to fix, like my recessed upper face for example. So, we can't all be Chads, but we can at least aim to be the best version of ourselves and that is all that matters in the end.
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honestly bro I'm pretty sure most of the people who hate on gymmaxxing are skinny twigs, who have no clue about body halo, since they've never expirienced it with girls feeling up on them complementing their muscles, which happens a lot for gymmaxxed normies
jfl this ugly disgusting framecel kike rat would be nothing without status View attachment 1020751 imagine thinking he would mog
@Yuyevon irl 6'4 Jacked, vs this 5'9 twink, anybody with a brain knows girls over the age of 16 would pick yuyevon,
hell even in HS girls like jock chads View attachment 1020754 over prettyboys, only middle school girls would want gigatwinks

honestly man this forum is dumb af, gymmaxxing is cope bro, I'm done with these niggas man, they literally don't know shit
@Biggdink, @Hozay, @goat2x, @looksmaxxer234, @kjsbdfiusdf, @brbbrah
Talking to you is literally a waste of fucking time.

The entire thread (and other threads) you keep spamming motte and bailey fallacy. One strong claim, and one weak. Every time someone attacks the weak one, you defend the strong one thats simillar enough, but different.

Your motte: Gym is good for you, it will make you look better. NOONE IS CONTESTING THIS CLAIM. WE ALL AGREE.


And every fucking time someone attacks your untrue, weak "gym ascends incels" argument, you hide behind your "gym will make you look better" argument that is objectively true.

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