Has anyone here tried appetite suppressors?



mod. Username: Lorsss
Sep 19, 2018
the most popular appetite suppressor supplements are Spirulina, 5-HTP and Chromium Picolinate.

Stimulants like Nicotine, ephedrine and amphetamines suppress appetite much better, but they also have a vasoconstrictor effect that accelerates skin agin
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From my personal experience, Ephedrine HCl and Armodafinil will curb your appetite to 0.
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From the chemical side of things the best appetite suppressor I tried was the ephedrine+caffeine stack, but it's not healthy and made me feel strung out like a junkie. Why use drugs to overcome what is essentially nothing more than carb addiction? You wake up starving because your glycogen depletes itself overnight due to being carb adapted. It's impossible to go more than a few hours without food with that kind of metabolism adapted to modern foods. The easiest way to naturally suppress appetite is to eat satiating NATURAL foods high in protein and fat.
From my personal experience, Ephedrine HCl and Armodafinil will curb your appetite to 0.
Does it work with normal Modafinil too?
From what i've read, armodafinil can be bad for the liver.
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Just don't eat fucking fat pig, you just a sugar addict who lay down when you don't have 50mg of carbs the morning

Or smoke a cig the morning
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Where should one get ephedrine?
you have two option to get real ephedrine: deep web (it is extremely overpriced) or growing an ephedra plant at home.
I bought 100 ephedra seeds from amazon for 8 euros
Appetite suppression isn't necessary but caffeine, vitamin C and of course drugs like amphetamine work for many people.
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Appetite suppression isn't necessary but caffeine, vitamin C and of course drugs like amphetamine work for many people.
the problem is caffeine inhibits collagen productions for days
I think you can buy it OTC in the US.
No. Ephedrine used to be OTC in US, but was made prescription like 10 years ago because it was being used to make Meth. Pseudoephedrine is OTC in the US, it is a stimulate, but not as good as Ephedrine. Pseudoephedrine (Seudafed) although it does not require a prescription, purchases are recorded by Federal database.
I have used nearly every fat burner and appetite suppressant. I use nicotine and Phentermine as my preferred appetite suppressants. Ephedrine is impossible to get here in Australia. But Nicotine Gum Patches and Phentermine are obtainable. Combining those two, I can go in a pretty severe caloric deficit.
the most popular appetite suppressor supplements are Spirulina, 5-HTP and Chromium Picolinate.

Stimulants like Nicotine, ephedrine and amphetamines suppress appetite much better, but they also have a vasoconstrictor effect that accelerates skin agin
just dont eat theory
Amphetamin or Ritalin won't accelerate skin aging, if you get enough nutrients.
how long does their affect last and any sides ?
Just drink so much water that there’s no room for other food
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What about apple vinegar or something? It was discussed as a natural appetite suppressor in forums to counteract the ghrelin side effects from MK-677
Most effective appetite suppressant is controlling urself for a few days you'll automatically get almost 0 appetite. I had to forcefully feed myself just 1000calories a day when I was shredding. Your brain and stomach size will adjust to the new food intake, tl:dr eat more nutrition dense food that takes up less space in the stomach it'll also take longer to digest cause of the density keeping you fuller for longer. what you want is high protein high fat high fibre and very few carbs.
Man if you cant even control your hunger it never even begun.
FFS shoe some self descipline

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