Has social media made height & frame irrelevant


Deleted member 5393

Feb 21, 2020
guys who are manlets or skinny af with wet noodle arms can do well through social media/tinder cuz of face. You see it all the time with these tiktok guys who IRL are like 5ft9 and 120pounds

they might look pathetic IRL but social media has basically made face the only thing that matters
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height was always irrelevant
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I disagree
It's because it's way harder to judge frame and height on social media

Just try to guess a females height and weight from irl vs social media

Height and frame matter so much irl
They are the biggest dimorphic traits, afterall theres a reason they even are dimorphic traits
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I disagree
It's because it's way harder to judge frame and height on social media

Just try to guess a females height and weight from irl vs social media

Height and frame matter so much irl
They are the biggest dimorphic traits, afterall theres a reason they even are dimorphic traits
but so much interaction these days is through instagram/snap/tinder where people only see face making it even more important than it really is
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I disagree
It's because it's way harder to judge frame and height on social media

Just try to guess a females height and weight from irl vs social media

Height and frame matter so much irl
They are the biggest dimorphic traits, afterall theres a reason they even are dimorphic traits
Cope 5’6.5” is slayer height
  • JFL
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but so much interaction these days is through instagram/snap/tinder where people only see face making it even more important than it really is
I see this point
But if you say you're 6'4 and she sees you're 5'7 on a date it's over
Face is important as long as the interaction remains online and frame/height isn't
I will agree that it distorted the image girls have of men
They think all the Chad's online are tall and think theres a lot of big good looking Chad's irl when there isn't
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It still matters but as always, face >>> everything else

chase hudson has a bottom decile frame and no muscle mass, yet look on his ig and see how girls think of him
It still matters but as always, face >>> everything else

chase hudson has a bottom decile frame and no muscle mass, yet look on his ig and see how girls think of him
he doesnt even look that good, see many guys like that
If you ever want to be taken seriously by people around you then you need some height and frame.
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If you ever want to be taken seriously by people around you then you need some height and frame.
+Deep voice
Positive tilt
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Jacked manlets can get famous on insta because of their body then slay from it
I've probably mentioned countless times on here that I was the only person I've seen in my gym to shoulder press 45kg dumbbells yet I look like a lanklet in photos because of 6.5" wrists and 6'8 wingspan
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Jacked manlets can get famous on insta because of their body then slay from it
I've probably mentioned countless times on here that I was the only person I've seen in my gym to shoulder press 45kg dumbbells yet I look like a lanklet in photos because of 6.5" wrists and 6'8 wingspan
I’m sorry for what I said to u
Jacked manlets can get famous on insta because of their body then slay from it
I've probably mentioned countless times on here that I was the only person I've seen in my gym to shoulder press 45kg dumbbells yet I look like a lanklet in photos because of 6.5" wrists and 6'8 wingspan
Well shouldrr press is front delts which is useless for a good physique

if u curl 35kg dumbbells that would actuslly say something

and u look like a lanklet cuz u have small arms and no chest
true but what what if you have face and body like me , is that overkill? genuine question

  • JFL
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I disagree
It's because it's way harder to judge frame and height on social media

Just try to guess a females height and weight from irl vs social media

Height and frame matter so much irl
They are the biggest dimorphic traits, afterall theres a reason they even are dimorphic traits


This is entirely subjective of course, but at 6'4 I seriously feel being tall is even more beneficial now than it used to be. I think tiktok thirsting and snapchat game is very effective at getting women, but all the girls lusting for shorter guys can't help but biologically crave tall and strong men. Its as if mogging doubled in efficacy.

And it makes perfect sense. Girls go on tinder and gets disappointed time and time again by guys having perfected their angles and "game", but with short stature that doesn't help much. Back in the day, girls wouldn't be duped into meeting up with shorter guys. They would just walk up to the tall guys. Now, they keep meeting short guys online, being disappointed time and time again. When they do see a tall guy, his status is further elevated by the scarcity being more obvious than it would've been back in the day.

To anyone saying height doesn't matter, the amount of cope and delusion needed to utter that statement is actually infathomable.
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How do these twinks with mediocre faces get 4 million followers
jeff seid have these followers , even less actually 3,9 ml and jeff seid absolutely brutally destroy these pathetic twinks wtf DDDD;
Jeff sexy
brutal mog bro
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jeff seid have these followers , even less actually 3,9 ml and jeff seid absolutely brutally destroy these pathetic twinks wtf DDDD;
View attachment 401370 brutal mog bro
He mogs them not only facially but also body ofc. He could probably break these tiktok twinks pencil necks in 1 punch
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height was always irrelevant
My 5'9" blonde, german, quite good looking workmate, who gets often approached and has recently inherited a lot of money, now has a 5'6" - 5'7 "ethnic manlet boyfriend without any income. He is at most (!) average looking and a few years younger then her, explain me that shit.
Where is the blackpill now?
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He mogs them not only facially but also body ofc. He could probably break these tiktok twinks pencil necks in 1 punch
Jeff laugh
  • JFL
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My 5'9" blonde, german, quite good looking colleague, who gets often approached and has recently inherited a lot of money, now has a 5'6" - 5'7 "ethnic manlet boyfriend without any income. He is at most (!) average looking and a few years younger then her, explain me that shit.
Where is the blackpill now?

I can conjure up some obscure examples about a 300lb borderline retard getting with a cute big tiddy thick booty gamer girl i.e the incels dream, but it doesn't really pose an argument about the actual preferences of women.

Ask yourself this: Based on seeing this girl getting a subhuman boyfriend, do you now believe aesthetics, money and height is irrelevant? Do you think he just gamed her hard af? Or do you think this example is probably an outlier, with many possible explanations that doesn't really apply to the general population?
Pathetic pic
i would rope after a similar pic probably
  • JFL
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Ask yourself this: Based on seeing this girl getting a subhuman boyfriend, do you now believe aesthetics, money and height is irrelevant? Do you think he just gamed her hard af? Or do you think this example is probably an outlier, with many possible explanations that doesn't really apply to the general population?
Sure, looks matter a lot! I just want to say you don't have to be 6'4" 7PSL to be successful. Maybe she's a bit muddy in the brain, because her ex-boyfriend is with another colleague of us :forcedsmile:
Sure, looks matter a lot! I just want to say you don't have to be 6'4" 7PSL to be successful. Maybe she's a bit muddy in the brain, because her ex-boyfriend is with another colleague of us :forcedsmile:

The blackpill is very real, however its a macro scale concept. On a micro scale, redpill thinking does have its place. Mainly working as an extention of the blackpill i.e to inflate status. Some examples, like subhuman indian janitor getting with hot blonde stacy is just beyond rationalising, but yeah.

And obviously most people aren't 6'4 7PSL, and most guys just want to have a decent shot at allright looking girls, not being able to have the world at their feet like a true Chad. So to get a decent gf, then you can be a well groomed, average looking guy with a well paying job. But even then you're constantly at the threat of being mogged by a Chad just literally stealing your gf.
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Well kind of
Online face is essentia

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