Having a legit LTR relationship in 2019 is damn near impossible.



mentally ill subhuman
Jan 13, 2019
Everyone has their own goals from looksmaxxing, but for those of us who'd like a legit LTR, I think you'll be able to agree with my sentiments. Life experiences that have led me to the blackpill have me micro-analyzing everything. It's for the better, ultimately, but can be very bleak when it comes to dating. I'm tired of sluts. Not saying I'm a gigachad or whatever, but it gets old and it's boring. You quickly realize just how undateable most women are. Whether it's them having taken 50+ cocks before you, the constant need for validation and attention, aloofness to life in general, and lack of planning for a future. And even if you do get into a LTR, it's a constant mog or be mogged situation. You're NEVER safe. She can go on any dating app and find a male model in a day. Women have much more of an abundance mentality than men tbh. It's a bad sign being on here and seeing some of you guys who should have no problem with women, but struggle (mental problems aside). Knowing I'll never be truly loved or appreciated by someone of the opposite sex because of hypergamy is depressing. Idc who you are, you can have all copes and money in the world, but that right there...It sucks tbh. Rant over.
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muslimmaxxing is the future.
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if you want a safe LTR you need to date down several points :/
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I completely agree with this, there is no point of LTR:s anymore because foids have too many options.
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Knowing I'll never be truly loved or appreciated by someone of the opposite sex because of hypergamy is depressing
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if you want a safe LTR you need to date down several points :/
That's the thing, men shouldn't have to. And even if you date down that much and aren't the giggiest Chad she's ever seen, you're still not in the clear.
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That's the thing, men shouldn't have to. And even if you date down that much and aren't the giggiest Chad she's ever seen, you're still not in the clear.

It depends a lot on country/culture actually, more westernised countries tend to have looser LTRs. Here in my country LTR is not as big of a cope tbh, i see several ongoing looksmatched LTRs @ young people (Hungary / eastern EU). I think a lot of slavic countries tend to be similar, but I can imagine USA having it twice as bad, for example.
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I'm in a legit LTR now and also had similar relationships before. All girls involved are average looking, introvert and have more or less parents issues. Like my current gf who has an alcoholic abusive mom which is why she often gets emotional and needs protection.

If you're dealing with women who are "normal", i.e. party animals, Instagram bimbos, huge social circles, cock carousel then LTR with them is pretty much unimaginable. I've had experience with escorts who are not only physically impressive, but also well-educated and have very strong personality. I have to say such women are simply incapable of loving any men. You might think they love chads but they're only using them as disposable dildos. Obtaining veritable lust from chads and material support from rich men, these bitches are living their lives on princess mode. They don't love nobody.
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It depends a lot on country/culture actually, more westernised countries tend to have looser LTRs. Here in my country LTR is not as big of a cope tbh, i see several ongoing looksmatched LTRs @ young people (Hungary / eastern EU). I think a lot of slavic countries tend to be similar, but I can imagine USA having it twice as bad, for example.
Good point. I live in the USA and degeneracy is around every damn corner. I liked it at one point, but now that I'm getting older I see it for what it is. It's engrained from a very young age.
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When people (girls AND guys) aren't social shamed for being degenerate, this is what happens. Ultimately culture has to change where dressing in miniskirts and talking about dicks in your Tinder bio make you ostracized. Currently you are celebrated for being like that, and so people will continue to do it. It's all fun and games until you realize you will never be able to form strong relationships, which brings fulfillment to people.
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simps ruined the world
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bitches are living their lives on princess mode. They don't love nobody.
Thats exactly what the girl has her in bio that I showed you
It depends a lot on country/culture actually, more westernised countries tend to have looser LTRs. Here in my country LTR is not as big of a cope tbh, i see several ongoing looksmatched LTRs @ young people (Hungary / eastern EU). I think a lot of slavic countries tend to be similar, but I can imagine USA having it twice as bad, for example.
Yeh In US tinder is more used aswell imo.

Its not that bad in Balkans really, theres hope but for us its a failure. Where are you from?
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The biggest thing is that a foid prefers a ONS with a chad to a month of sexual relationship with a normie-tier looking guy. Thats partially a consequence of sexual abundance for foids, and its also exacerbated by the way their preferences for top males work. In contrast to that I think in most cases an average guy would prefer a month of sex with a pleasant foid to having an ONS with 6.5psl foid.
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God damnit, I'm my own worse enemy tbh. Got this sloot lined up to come over. Should I ditch her and study chemistry, boyos? Or do I smash?
I'm in a legit LTR now and also had similar relationships before. All girls involved are average looking, introvert and have more or less parents issues. Like my current gf who has an alcoholic abusive mom which is why she often gets emotional and needs protection.

If you're dealing with women who are "normal", i.e. party animals, Instagram bimbos, huge social circles, cock carousel then LTR with them is pretty much unimaginable. I've had experience with escorts who are not only physically impressive, but also well-educated and have very strong personality. I have to say such women are simply incapable of loving any men. You might think they love chads but they're only using them as disposable dildos. Obtaining veritable lust from chads and material support from rich men, these bitches are living their lives on princess mode. They don't love nobody.
I would be perfectly fine with an average chick of actual substance instead of another NPC foid. You've got a good thing it sounds like.
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Bump. Reminder that you'll never be truly loved.
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Fuark... Ridiculously depressing post but true nonetheless.
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Culture certainly plays a large role in this promiscuity conundrum we've found ourselves in. There is a litany of research that shows that "most" people are much happier in exclusive relationships, at least for a time. The time frame seems to be of some debate, with some showing the "honeymoon" effect wearing off in 1 year but up to as many 5 years. Some research of long married couples who claim to still be in love actually show the same areas of the brain activate during fMRI as newly in love partners. However, cultural phenomenons like sex and the city and tinder and feminism like to push the short term mating strategy as being for everyone. While certainly a large number of people find this enticing, a large number also do not and it ends up leaving them unfulfilled, even in studies of millennials.

New research has found a strong correlation to a mutation in the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) and promiscuity. Those with this mutation seem to derive more pleasure from short term hedonism than delayed, longer term gratification. It also highly correlates to being flaky, a partier, and generally unstable in life.

I think the abundance of promiscuity we're seeing is both cultural, but also genetic, and it is now that society is saying it's ok to be loose, that many of these people with mutated dopamine pathways are able to act on their impulses.
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I read a Story recently where the mother divorced her husband with 2 kids. Her words were like this. "I cant describe it but i just dont feel happy anymore its not him he tries his best but i think there is something else in this life for me so its better to divorce him instead of getting depressed."

I wanted to punch my monitor reading this. What she really means "I want a chad cock who disrespects me so i get some drama in my life. The value of my husband equals that of an ant in my eyes"

Reminder to NEVER get married and NEVER get kids.
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LTR is cuckoldry anyway tbh
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I completely agree with this, there is no point of LTR:s anymore because foids have too many options.

Good news on the horizon, I hear there's gonna be a rise in serial killers in the future. I wonder if the two are correlated.
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Culture certainly plays a large role in this promiscuity conundrum we've found ourselves in. There is a litany of research that shows that "most" people are much happier in exclusive relationships, at least for a time. The time frame seems to be of some debate, with some showing the "honeymoon" effect wearing off in 1 year but up to as many 5 years. Some research of long married couples who claim to still be in love actually show the same areas of the brain activate during fMRI as newly in love partners. However, cultural phenomenons like sex and the city and tinder and feminism like to push the short term mating strategy as being for everyone. While certainly a large number of people find this enticing, a large number also do not and it ends up leaving them unfulfilled, even in studies of millennials.

New research has found a strong correlation to a mutation in the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) and promiscuity. Those with this mutation seem to derive more pleasure from short term hedonism than delayed, longer term gratification. It also highly correlates to being flaky, a partier, and generally unstable in life.

I think the abundance of promiscuity we're seeing is both cultural, but also genetic, and it is now that society is saying it's ok to be loose, that many of these people with mutated dopamine pathways are able to act on their impulses.
Awesome post, high IQ. I'm lazy right now, so if you wouldn't mind linking me some of those studies that would be appreciated.
The Ayatollah did nothing wrong
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