hezbollah mushrik cunts getting obliterated rn



master of the human experience.
Aug 13, 2024
apparently half of their military capabilities were annihilated in the past few days.

as much as I am happy to see these subhuman murderers get smashed to pieces, I am also truly embarrassed. no one is ever going to take muslims and arabs seriously after this. Imagine THE biggest "muh axis of resistance" in the region and arguably the most armed and best equipped "terrorist" org in the world supported by iran regime got demolished with that much ease, without putting much of a fight just like their hamas coward friends, with iran knowing damn well not to try anything funny because they'll get bombed back to the stone age. this ummah is cooked beyond belief, everyday the gap between us and the west increases, and it will continue to do so if we keep following those who lead us today, everyday we stray away from allah. its truly over.

@shia.jihadist hoping they didnt drone you yet bro
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  • JFL
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how exactly are hezbollah members committing shirk?
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anyone who destroys zionists are good
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apparently half of their military capabilities were annihilated in the past few days.

as much as I am happy to see these subhuman murderers get smashed to pieces, I am also truly embarrassed. no one is ever going to take muslims and arabs seriously after this. Imagine THE biggest "muh axis of resistance" in the region and arguably the most armed and best equipped "terrorist" org in the world supported by iran regime got demolished with that much ease, without putting much of a fight just like their hamas coward friends, with iran knowing damn well not to try anything funny because they'll get bombed back to the stone age. this ummah is cooked beyond belief, everyday the gap between us and the west increases, and it will continue to do so if we keep following those who lead us today, everyday we stray away from allah. its truly over.

@shia.jihadist hoping they didnt drone you yet bro

Good, remember kids if and once Muslims get power they will oppress all of us so it’s in our unrest to ensure Pisslam remains weak
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Ngl the Jews played them both. Hamas is pretty much destroyed. Hezbollah is beyond embarrassed and got his capabilities reduced by 50% in 2 days. And Iran just watching it happen, not even reacting beyond that pathetic attack with 99% of the missiles getting intercepted and it doesn't matter if planned or not. When Israel go in, they do shit. Even after all of that noise, Israel assassinated their top guest at a sacred place where guests tend to rest. Truly JFL. Israel warned Iran through the US that if Iran fucks with them again, they're going to destroy a huge percentage of the oil fields. Hence why Iran stuttering.
  • JFL
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hezbollah are subhumans who got obliterated with ease

i didnt even think it was THAT easy for Israel to destroy them
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Ngl the Jews played them both. Hamas is pretty much destroyed. Hezbollah is beyond embarrassed and got his capabilities reduced by 50% in 2 days. And Iran just watching it happen, not even reacting beyond that pathetic attack with 99% of the missiles getting intercepted and it doesn't matter if planned or not. When Israel go in, they do shit. Even after all of that noise, Israel assassinated their top guest at a sacred place where guests tend to rest. Truly JFL.
embarrasing, they should all commit mass suicide
hezbollah are subhumans who got obliterated with ease

i didnt even think it was THAT easy for Israel to destroy them
I was surprised aswell. they shouldn't have fucked around

Good, remember kids if and once Muslims get power they will oppress all of us so it’s in our unrest to ensure Pisslam remains weak
oppress all of you? when did I mention anything relating to that? also if oppression = eradicating degeneracy and preventing crime then I am all for it you can go kys
He prob doesn’t know what the word means…
retard hezbollah are mushrikeen shia are mushriks who curse the wife of the prophet and ask for help from dead humans please fuck off trying to educate me about islam right after insulting it
oppress all of you? when did I mention anything relating to that? also if oppression = eradicating degeneracy and preventing crime then I am all for it you can go kys
Islam is I aerially degenerate so yes I want that gone as well as crime. Your gay religion allows abortion, child marriage and create an unequal society it’s degenerate based off that alone many Other things make Islam degen but I’m too lazy to even bother digging in my memory card to spit that out.
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retard hezbollah are mushrikeen shia are mushriks who curse the wife of the prophet and ask for help from dead humans please fuck off trying to educate me about islam right after insulting it
Learn your fucking book you stupid bitch imagine having me educate you on your own scriptures @yeeyeeslayer @shia.jihadist look at how brain dead Sunnis are

Quran 3:169–170
"Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah".
IMG 0572
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Islam is I aerially degenerate so yes I want that gone as well as crime. Your gay religion allows abortion, child marriage and create an unequal society it’s degenerate based off that alone many Other things make Islam degen but I’m too lazy to even bother digging in my memory card to spit that out.
extremely smart argument taking your own moral compass and applying it on islam. we derive our morality from islam, nothing is degenerate unless islam states it to be. keep following your jewish laws
Learn your fucking book you stupid bitch imagine having me educate you on your own scriptures @yeeyeeslayer @shia.jihadist look at how brain dead Sunnis are

Quran 3:169–170
"Think not of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; They rejoice in the bounty provided by Allah".
View attachment 3197328
are you stupid? do you even understand how deep this can get? does whoever who claim to fight for allah actually fight for him? you are BRAINDEAD.
extremely smart argument taking your own moral compass and applying it on islam. we derive our morality from islam, nothing is degenerate unless islam states it to be. keep following your jewish laws
Islam is degenerate based on the laws established by god. Ofc Islams a demonic cult started by an possessed man who openly admitted to being possessed calls Mohammed who had liaisons with an Demon larping as Gabriel.

My moral basis is from Christianity not modern rabbinic Judaism worldview which is also degenerate JUST LIKE ISLAM where you can fuck 3yr olds according to Talmud and humans who aren’t Jews are equal to Cattle. Both your religions are satanic pagan bullshit from Baal and Mamon demon gods. Kill yourslef
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Muslims debate scriptures and Jews debate deadly weapons. Brutal.
  • JFL
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are you stupid? do you even understand how deep this can get? does whoever who claim to fight for allah actually fight for him? you are BRAINDEAD.

Yes I’m aware and shias are Muslims just like you. Sure not the same denomination and theologically you differ as well as in your Fiqh but reality remains the same your both Islamic demon worshippers that’s how it is. And they follow the Quran and your QURAN STATES THOSE WHO GO TO ALLAH ARE NOT DEAD SO GET FUCKING RKT BY A KAFFIR YOU STUPID PISSLAM DONKEY
Islam is degenerate based on the laws established by god. Ofc Islams a demonic cult started by an possessed man who openly admitted to being possessed calls Mohammed who had liaisons with an Demon larping as Gabriel.

My moral basis is from Christianity not modern rabbinic Judaism worldview which is also degenerate JUST LIKE ISLAM where you can fuck 3yr olds according to Talmud and humans who aren’t Jews are equal to Cattle. Both your religions are satanic pagan bullshit from Baal and Mamon demon gods. Kill yourslef
christianity, JFL. watered down religion changed every now and then to fit the times. from crusaders with strong famillies ruling the world to jesus is gay and love thy neighbor. WEAK! useless religion with no affect on the real world whatsoever, this alone disproves your religion, at least someone in the modern world still believes in islam and still is fighting for it.

Yes I’m aware and shias are Muslims just like you. Sure not the same denomination and theologically you differ as well as in your Fiqh but reality remains the same your both Islamic demon worshippers that’s how it is. And they follow the Quran and your QURAN STATES THOSE WHO GO TO ALLAH ARE NOT DEAD SO GET FUCKING RKT BY A KAFFIR YOU STUPID PISSLAM DONKEY
you worship a jewish man. YOU LITERALLY WORSHIP A JEW. I am not even debating you. any shia who stands with this cunt on any point is a traitor and a backstabber just like his ancestors
Muslims debate scriptures and Jews debate deadly weapons. Brutal.
brootal reality someone nuke the middle east already end our misery
  • JFL
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christianity, JFL. watered down religion changed every now and then to fit the times. from crusaders with strong famillies ruling the world to jesus is gay and love thy neighbor. WEAK! useless religion with no affect on the real world whatsoever, this alone disproves your religion, at least someone in the modern world still believes in islam and still is fighting for it.
Nar I’m not Protestant or Roman Catholic so that bullshit doesn’t work on me sorry speak to them if you wanna bring up “watered down” dogma and religion doesn’t apply to me.

Christianity is still largest religion lol 😂 Christian nations are more spread out and more then Islamic ones

Our nations are richer :lul:

This alone proves Islam is a joke of a religion and false. Your religion is the religion of satan, and people do fight for Christianity everyday I am fighting for it right now are you retarded?
IMG 0546

Brutal map for Pisslam
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Nar I’m not Protestant or Roman Catholic so that bullshit doesn’t work on me sorry speak to them if you wanna bring up “watered down” dogma and religion doesn’t apply to me.

Christianity is still largest religion lol 😂 Christian nations are more spread out and more then Islamic ones

Our nations are richer :lul:

This alone proves Islam is a joke of a religion and false. Your religion is the religion of satan, and people do fight for Christianity everyday I am fighting for it right now are you retarded?
View attachment 3197348
Brutal map for Pisslam
your "nations" are nor christian, stop with this cope please. how many christians are actually christians lol? you know damn well its cope please dont be this retarded
you worship a jewish man. YOU LITERALLY WORSHIP A JEW. I am not even debating you. any shia who stands with this cunt on any point is a traitor and a backstabber just like his ancestors
And you claim to be the inheritors of a Jewish religion :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: what was Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? They were Jews :lul::lul::lul::lul:

I worship god and God alone. God in his infinite power became man that man was known as Jesus. Now you can continue to cry and attack strawmans but it won’t change the fact that Mohammed fucked little kiddies and is a pedophile burning in hell forever
And Jews obliterating the Middle East. Hench Christianity > Islam

Simple math.
lol hitler obliterated jews
so paganism and nazi occultism > judaism

and since christians worship a jew

judaism > christianity

so paganism > judaism > christianity > islam

simple math?
And Jews obliterating the Middle East. Hench Christianity > Islam

Simple math.
A toddler could tell you this. Then again the toddler would be scared OP would rape her like he did Aisha and if a boy would be scared some Arab man would suck on his younger like Mohammed did to little Hassan :lul::lul::lul:

IMG 0573

And you claim to be the inheritors of a Jewish religion :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: what was Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? They were Jews :lul::lul::lul::lul:

I worship god and God alone. God in his infinite power became man that man was known as Jesus. Now you can continue to cry and attack strawmans but it won’t change the fact that Mohammed fucked little kiddies and is a pedophile burning in hell forever
  • JFL
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6 million?
You talk about the battle, not the war as a whole. Right now Germany giving billions to Israel. Nazis are no more. Zionists on top. Your brain is limited. The Jews won WW2 Idk how else can you cope. Yes 6 million of them died. And? they still made it, pushing the US to help the UK and intervene themselves and what not. Your history is weak.
You talk about the battle, not the war as a whole. Right now Germany giving billions to Israel. Nazis are no more. Zionists on top. Your brain is limited. The Jews won WW2 Idk how else can you cope. Yes 6 million of them died. And? they still made it, pushing the US to help the UK and intervene themselves and what not. Your history is weak.
ok now we're playing this game? saying something retarded and then when I apply your same not so smart logic as a counter argument you start being smart? what you said is water, but what you said down here is literal clinical retardedness
And Jews obliterating the Middle East. Hench Christianity > Islam

Simple math.
ok now we're playing this game? saying something retarded and then when I apply your same not so smart logic as a counter argument you start being smart? what you said is water, but what you said her is literal clinical retardedness
What game? mine makes sense even as a joke. Yours is false so it's not funny jfl.
@geenk worg I will wait for you to fix the photo.
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Btw the Nazis were Christian, not pagens. You talk about few schizos. The literal nazi army believed in Jesus.
used christianity ≠ actual christians.
please read a book about the actual leadership
JFL the whole world been waiting for these retards since oct 7 fuck these embarassing cunts hope they get boiled
"we will destroy the zionist entity and humiliate them and our brave jihadists will behead them and throw them into the sea"
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  • JFL
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used christianity ≠ actual christians.
please read a book about the actual leadership
I know what u talking about. The army itself was Christian. A few top dogs were not. That's what I also said. But the Aura of the army was Christian because every soldier believed in Jesus, retard. Hitler and his friends were afraid to go against the church and they thought it's more pragmatic to have a Christian army. The people wouldn't go with the pagen shit. Once again, your brain fooled you.
I'm agnostic. I don't believe in any religion. Therefore I view them with cold precision unlike you and your friend.
thats great. but you could still be biased, factors other than religion is taken into acc in this argument.

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