hezbollah mushrik cunts getting obliterated rn

iranian org depleting a 1st world country supported by the west. OK BRO
yes, they already had close to a million reverse immigration. their economic plans were fucked.

they will suffer the same fate as ksa and uae in war against houthis.
Reality: Israel winning.
Reality: Iran watching out
Reality: Hamas destroyed
Reality: Lebanon is a mess and Hezbollah getting rekt

You can do your mental gymnastics. You don't win wars like that.
how they are winning when they failed to ethnically cleanse gaza and make hamas surrender? hamas still has military capabilities. they are uploading videos of blowing up merkava tanks an stuff. they are like taliban they can rebuild and fight forever.
  • JFL
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I hate to say this is true
You just see reality for what it is. This guy thinking Israel being nuked but they're 'hiding' it all and talking about people leaving the country (1m he said) but they're about to hit their all time peak (10m) that guy is clueless. I mean it's kind of sad that he's settling for what Hezbollah and Hamas doing as a 'Win' meanwhile Iran just watching from the side, don't want to get involve, gaslighthing their proxies.
If I were to be a Muslim I would actually hate him for gaslighthing my people but because I couldn't care less, he's a useful idiot.
  • +1
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yes, they already had close to a million reverse immigration. their economic plans were fucked.

they will suffer the same fate as ksa and uae in war against houthis.
jfl uae and ksa are pretty much european countries now while yemeni houthis are the ones rotting in sandals wake tf up man we've been defeated
how they are winning when they failed to ethnically cleanse gaza and make hamas surrender? hamas still has military capabilities. they are uploading videos of blowing up merkava tanks an stuff. they are like taliban they can rebuild and fight forever.
Aight, enough. You are clearly a retarded coper and logic wouldn't penetrate your brain. OP is a Muslim but he's pragmatic. That's the only way you're going to have any chance. If you view a clear loss as a win, you're doomed beyond the doom that is happening right now.
Aight, enough. You are clearly a retarded coper and logic wouldn't penetrate your brain. OP is a Muslim but he's pragmatic. That's the only way you're going to have any chance. If you view a clear loss as a win, you're doomed beyond the doom that is happening right now.
refute my arguments?
I wouldn't say israel is really favored by god judging by the amount of lgbtq and endless wars but you do you
You think I think Isreal and the Jews are favoured by god :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Lmfao, fuck the Zionist rabbinic faggots I side with Muslims more than Jews as crazy as that sounds. I’m simply meming saying that the Jews are fucking everybody up where in this is god mentioned? I’m simply stating they cucked us all and that’s not a lie
Muslims got the highest rates of gay porn views (google it) muh propaganda
and the wars you talking about is them winning time and time again. You're muslim, you'll know.

Caging again.
6 day war….
  • +1
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refute my arguments?
"muh israel is censoring damage". nigga how can someone refute this? I'll tell you what I can refute, any claim that we're winning this war. where are the children being killed? our land. where is the destruction and mass chaos? our land. who has the f35 and satellites? them. who has sandals and rc planes with c4 strapped on to them? jfl us. its over
  • +1
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refute my arguments?
I can't. You're delusional. I can say anything and you would make stuff up. I will give you a clue, a win doesn't mean you killed every little rat. A win means that rockets don't fly over Israel from the south anymore. They don't have a leadership anymore. It means the top rat is hiding and barely communicating with the world. It means that Gaza is 80% rubble. It means that It'll take them decades to recover. It means that Israel is going to have full control over the Egyptian border and that's the end of their smuggling.

The reason why I can't debate a person like you is that you're emotional and not practical at all. I saw some of your comments in the past. You will now accuse me of running for not debating your delusions but that's actually a smart thing to do. Just like how I'm not going to explain the situation to my dog. Although I have to admit he's probably smarter than you. Waiting for your cheeky comment to ignore.
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using a Quranic verse to argue against another?
this is why you need the Prophet ﷺ and his Ahlulbayt to teach you what these verses mean

Allah Azzawajal needs no one to be able to answer your prayer
but Allah has chosen His pure servants as a means for us sinners to get closer to him

dancing is haram

Ahmed and Ibn al-Dhahhak narrated from Ali (AS): “I entered on the prophet ﷺ and his eyes were flooded, I said: Oh! Prophet of Allah, anyone made you angry? Why are your eyes flooded? He said: Gabriel just left me telling me that al-Hussain will be killed by the river Euphrates. He (the Prophet ﷺ) said: So he (Gabriel) said: Do you want me to let you smell his dirt (from his burial pot)? I said: Yes! He reached with his hand and grabbed and handful of dirt and gave it to me. So I could not help it and my eyes were flooded.” [Thakhaer al-Uqba, Muhibbuldeen al-Tabari, p. 148.]

JFL at being 'sunni' and making fun of the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ

hitting oneself is a natural response to grief and Aisha did it according to sunni sources at the death of the Prophet ﷺ

when have we 'fought sunnis' without them attacking us first

"traitors to the muslim ummah" :forcedsmile: don't see any sunni militias fighting israel right now mate
Sunnis always initiated wars against the Shia I ain’t even Muslim and I know this. Maybe it’s cos Sunnis are jealous Shiah’s are higher IQ on avg

Shihas are neo-platonists and Sunnis are basically idiots who have the same issue as the trinity they hate as they have REAL distinctions in Allahs attributes and Allah the entity himself but get mad with Christian’s for having distinctions in the essence and persons
  • JFL
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"muh israel is censoring damage". nigga how can someone refute this? I'll tell you what I can refute, any claim that we're winning this war. where are the children being killed? our land. where is the destruction and mass chaos? our land? who has the f35 and satellites? them. who has sandals and rc planes with c4 strapped on to them? jfl us. its over
low iq as fuck again. they literally failed ethnically cleansing gaza and making hamas surrender . there are still more than 100 hostages there. and they are not gonna defeat hezbollah. its much easier to feed hezbollah through syria, and that place is better for guerilla warfare than gaza.

also iran has satellites and access to russian satellites and has signed a deal for advanced fighter jets and helicopters from russia. and on nuclear threshold. and controls 605 of middle east with proxies.
low iq as fuck again. they literally failed ethnically cleansing gaza and making hamas surrender . there are still more than 100 hostages there. and they are not gonna defeat hezbollah. its much easier to feed hezbollah through syria, and that place is better for guerilla warfare than gaza.

also iran has satellites and access to russian satellites and has signed a deal for advanced fighter jets and helicopters from russia. and on nuclear threshold. and controls 605 of middle east with proxies.
You're psychotic.
  • +1
Reactions: geenk worg
low iq as fuck again. they literally failed ethnically cleansing gaza and making hamas surrender . there are still more than 100 hostages there. and they are not gonna defeat hezbollah. its much easier to feed hezbollah through syria, and that place is better for guerilla warfare than gaza.

also iran has satellites and access to russian satellites and has signed a deal for advanced fighter jets and helicopters from russia. and on nuclear threshold. and controls 605 of middle east with proxies.
failed to ethnically cleanse gaza? guess what they failed at? conquering mars and jupiter.

the whole israel is trying to genocide and ethnically cleanse gaza is cope and is not true, honestly if they wanna ethnically cleanse gaza that would be much easier for them to do than what they're doing now. iran's military is dogshit with roman empire age equipment, nuclear state in mumbai. please wake up, people like you living in fairy tales is why we'll keep getting slapped on our asses
  • +1
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A win means that rockets don't fly over Israel from the south anymore.
lets see what happens about that
They don't have a leadership anymore.
thats not how guerrila militias operate they will easily replace them. look at 2006 war. or taliban.
It means the top rat is hiding and barely communicating with the world. It means that Gaza is 80% rubble.
their tunnels are mostly ok and israel still cant take back hostages.
It means that It'll take them decades to recover. It means that Israel is going to have full control over the Egyptian border and that's the end of their smuggling.
sinwar will not accept that.
failed to ethnically cleanse gaza? guess what they failed at? conquering mars and jupiter.

the whole israel is trying to genocide and ethnically cleanse gaza is cope and is not true, honestly if they wanna ethnically cleanse gaza that would be much easier for them to do than what they're doing now. iran's military is dogshit with roman empire age equipment, nuclear state in mumbai. please wake up, people like you living in fairy tales is why we'll keep getting slapped on our asses
Mirin such cold and calculated observation from a Muslim.
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failed to ethnically cleanse gaza? guess what they failed at? conquering mars and jupiter.

the whole israel is trying to genocide and ethnically cleanse gaza is cope and is not true, honestly if they wanna ethnically cleanse gaza that would be much easier for them to do than what they're doing now.
that was their main goal retard look at the few months of the war.
iran's military is dogshit with roman empire age equipment, nuclear state in mumbai. please wake up, people like you living in fairy tales is why we'll keep getting slapped on our asses
iran is top 1 missile power in the region and top 3 drone power alongside turkey and israel. the only problem is air force which they signed advanced fighter jet and helicopters with russia. and yes iran is nuclear threshold state.

where are you from btw? andwhy you hate iran and its "proxies"?
that was their main goal retard look at the few months of the war.

iran is top 1 missile power in the region and top 3 drone power alongside turkey and israel. the only problem is air force which they signed advanced fighter jet and helicopters with russia. and yes iran is nuclear threshold state.

where are you from btw? andwhy you hate iran and its "proxies"?
iranis killed muslims far more than jews did + this is just how it is, forget my hate to iran this is indeed the reality of the situation.
how exactly?
syria the alliance with bashar el assad? slaughtering sunnis and massacering them, the hezbollah of lebanon making the country an absolute shithole with their corruption, killing sunnis in iraw, collaborating with the americans now and allowing the maghul to enter baghdad then. dirty and ugly history.
why israel has not made him accept it?
Are you stupid? he's not a rational person. He's willing to die and not agree to terms. But that don't matter. Look what happened to Gaza because of him. Look what happened to his movement because of him. Look at the situation. Getting him right now is about revenge and not anything 'practical are you really that slow? he's powerless. Right now all that he's busy with is to stay alive and avoid joining his friends in hell.
that was their main goal retard look at the few months of the war.
Wait. Are you trolling? or you don't understand that they spoke big to their citizens after a brutal and shocking attack? they knew damn well it's not going to happen. They also never said they're going to remove them from their lands. Israel never said that. They talked about a siege, not about moving them to Mars. That's also what they did, a siege. You just making stuff up. I think you might looking at specific retarded politicians and you color it for all of Israel mentality. You think that the Jews are as impulsive as the Muslims, that's your mistake. They're cold and calculated. They knew what they're doing, and they said it's going to take years. I know there's no logic with you, I'm typing it for the reader.
  • +1
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jew larper😹 thought you guys had high iq.
nothing I would like to see more than the rise of islam and the absolute destruction of everything the current world order stands for. but this is not the way, shias will not get us victory, nor will these democratic muslim larping. we need to stand under the banner of tawheed, destroy the borders that separate us and fight as one islamic ummah, embracing science and knowledge
syria the alliance with bashar el assad? slaughtering sunnis and massacering them, the hezbollah of lebanon making the country an absolute shithole with their corruption, killing sunnis in iraw, collaborating with the americans now and allowing the maghul to enter baghdad then. dirty and ugly history.
iran first advised bashar not to engage in war. keep in mind people he killed were proxies of us,israel,roaches,khaliji arabs. funded,armed and trained by them. what he should've done about armed people trying to overthrow his government?
iran first advised bashar not to engage in war. keep in mind people he killed were proxies of us,israel,roaches,khaliji arabs. funded,armed and trained by them. what he should've done about armed people trying to overthrow his government?
bashar is an alawite kaffir. yes he should let him overthrow his government and rot in the shittiest ditch in hell. you are retarded
nothing I would like to see more than the rise of islam and the absolute destruction of everything the current world order stands for. but this is not the way, shias will not get us victory, nor will these democratic muslim larping. we need to stand under the banner of tawheed, destroy the borders that separate us and fight as one islamic ummah, embracing science and knowledge
im thinking you're brainwashed by sunni government propaganda by people who lost the middle east cold war and seethe for iran and the shia militias who defeated them. they were the ones who funded isis. i mean khaliji arabs and the roach erdogan.

iran and its axis are the only non cucked actors in the middle east. like it or not.

outcome of this war and one in ukraine will change how other arab countries behave. will they remain slaves to us or act like iran and north korea and russia.
bashar is an alawite kaffir. yes he should let him overthrow his government and rot in the shittiest ditch in hell. you are retarded
iran had no choice. you think they should let their ally country fall and get replaced by enemy?
im thinking you're brainwashed by sunni government propaganda by people who lost the middle east cold war and seethe for iran and the shia militias who defeated them. they were the ones who funded isis. i mean khaliji arabs and the roach erdogan.

iran and its axis are the only non cucked actors in the middle east. like it or not.

outcome of this war and one in ukraine will change how other arab countries behave. will they remain slaves to us or act like iran and north korea and russia.
"sunni" goverments are even bigger traitors, khaleeji arabs should be erased off the globe. isis was fought by 155 countries, by a coalition that israel AND russia AND iran AND khaleeji both had partaken in directly sending their OWN fighter jets and soldiers.
iran had no choice. you think they should let their ally country fall and get replaced by enemy?
keep justifying for your enemy, the blood of syrian children is not of less worth than our beloved children of gaza. the children of syria will ask you about this infront of allah. death to iran and their dogs and death to israel. death to those who slow us down
  • Ugh..
Reactions: vaseqmoherad
"sunni" goverments are even bigger traitors, khaleeji arabs should be erased off the globe.
isis was fought by 155 countries, by a coalition that israel AND russia AND iran AND khaleeji both had partaken in directly sending their OWN fighter jets and soldiers.
different fronts were funded by different governments. for example israel trained al nusra to fight hezbollah from east.
I find it funny that the same people calling Muslims pathetic and weak would be the same people CRYING and SCREECHING if Iran/Hezbollah launched a serious attack on Israel. Remember how you guys cried last year when Hamas conducted its attack in October?

The muslims are too concerned with playing nice, which I agree is pretty cucked. They should just level all of Israel with no mercy, as that is the only thing Jews deserve.
keep justifying for your enemy, the blood of syrian children is not of less worth than our beloved children of gaza. the children of syria will ask you about this infront of allah. death to iran and their dogs and death to israel. death to those who slow us down
us started that war. keep in mind iran was against military action by bashar.
Ever since the 6 day war that region has been a joke at Israel’s mercy
  • +1
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I find it funny that the same people calling Muslims pathetic and weak would be the same people CRYING and SCREECHING if Iran/Hezbollah launched a serious attack on Israel. Remember how you guys cried last year when Hamas conducted its attack in October?

The muslims are too concerned with playing nice, which I agree is pretty cucked. They should just level all of Israel with no mercy, as that is the only thing Jews deserve.
no muslim is concerned with playing nice. what hamas and hezbollah put to show in the past year is literally their full power. they are weaker than what everyone thought
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: geenk worg and vaseqmoherad
op you clearly dont know shit about syrian civil war and brainwashed by anti shia propaganda.
Ever since the 6 day war that region has been a joke at Israel’s mercy
leaders are israeli puppets, american bases are literally within these countries. israel needs not to conquer the arabs because it already did
  • +1
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op you clearly dont know shit about syrian civil war and brainwashed by anti shia propaganda.
fuck the shia and fuck your retarded brain that refuses to understand the true potential of this ummah. rise above all of this refuse to have your wars fought by weak retard mushriks. unite under islam.
fuck the shia and fuck your retarded brain that refuses to understand the true potential of this ummah. rise above all of this refuse to have your wars fought by weak retard mushriks. unite under islam.
so you are against shias? then why are you talking about uniting?

no muslim is concerned with playing nice. what hamas and hezbollah put to show in the past year is literally their full power. they are weaker than what everyone thought
hezbollah has only fired katyushas, and recently fajr rockets. wait for ballistic missiles and ground operation.
so you are against shias? then why are you talking about uniting?
shias are not muslims. unite under true islam, destroy shiasim and kick the enemies out
hezbollah has only fired katyushas, and recently fajr rockets. wait for ballistic missiles and ground operation.
if there is a right time to do so, then I think its now.
  • Ugh..
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no muslim is concerned with playing nice. what hamas and hezbollah put to show in the past year is literally their full power. they are weaker than what everyone thought
Hezbolah has thousands of missiles that can reach anywhere in Israel, but they have chosen not to fire them. Are you just retarded? How are they showing their "full power" ?
Hezbolah has thousands of missiles that can reach anywhere in Israel, but they have chosen not to fire them. Are you just retarded? How are they showing their "full power" ?
you think israel is spending billions of dollars bombing snack shacks and KFCs in lebanon? are you fucking stupid? the whole point of the israel mass attack is to destroy any chance hezbollah does any real damage
apparently half of their military capabilities were annihilated in the past few days.

as much as I am happy to see these subhuman murderers get smashed to pieces, I am also truly embarrassed. no one is ever going to take muslims and arabs seriously after this. Imagine THE biggest "muh axis of resistance" in the region and arguably the most armed and best equipped "terrorist" org in the world supported by iran regime got demolished with that much ease, without putting much of a fight just like their hamas coward friends, with iran knowing damn well not to try anything funny because they'll get bombed back to the stone age. this ummah is cooked beyond belief, everyday the gap between us and the west increases, and it will continue to do so if we keep following those who lead us today, everyday we stray away from allah. its truly over.

@shia.jihadist hoping they didnt drone you yet bro
Who told you that they have been getting annihilated?

Are you listening to Jew propaganda?
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shias are not muslims. unite under true islam, destroy shiasim and kick the enemies out
you are against muslims. us and israel benefit most rom sunni shia conflict.
if there is a right time to do so, then I think its now.
agree and i hope they do it soon. quality ofstrikes are higher in recent days since they are using heavier and better fajr rockets. there was a high qulity drone attack by iraqi resistence too yesterday.
Who told you that they have been getting annihilated?

Are you listening to Jew propaganda?
I cant recall where have I heard it, could be wrong.

but from the scale of the attacks and the lack of proper hezb response makes me think its true

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