hezbollah mushrik cunts getting obliterated rn

thats great. but you could still be biased, factors other than religion is taken into acc in this argument.
Sure, but less bias than somebody who's attached fully to a specific religion. Everybody is biased to some extent, I agree.
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Your interaction is cute ngl :feelshah:
Buuu buuuuuh Allah can do everything but Allah cannot become a manning he so please because Allah is all knowing all wise and powerful so he isn’t able to become a man that’s ridiculous astarfrullah
Buuu buuuuuh Allah can do everything but Allah cannot become a manning he so please because Allah is all knowing all wise and powerful so he isn’t able to become a man that’s ridiculous astarfrullah
Sure, but less bias than somebody who's attached fully to a specific religion. Everybody is biased to some extent, I agree.
Welll if I had the choice and had to choose between following the greatest human to ever exist who never sinned who did something nobody else has done before which is rise from the dead and raise the dead Lazarus

Or follow a warlord caravan raiding Arab who claimed he was possessed by a djinn and then went on to genocide Christian’s and Jews allow slavers and sex slavery couldn’t even follow his own rules that’s why he had 11 wives and then fucked an 9yr old at age of 53

I know which one ima choose. Not trying go get u to convert but ffs it’s so clear Mo is a false prophet
  • JFL
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You both should marry ngl. We'll get you a Jewish rabbi. That way, everybody is happy.
Mashalllagahahahahahaha cannot wait @DNRDniggerking when should we set up ?
  • JFL
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Mashalllagahahahahahaha cannot wait @DNRDniggerking when should we set up ?
@DNRDniggerking He's making fun of you. He said Mashallah like it's gay to marry a man. He didn't say in Jesus name. I would put him in his place before it's getting too deep. I have a feeling he would be an abusive husband.
@DNRDniggerking He's making fun of you. He said Mashallah like it's gay to marry a man. He didn't say in Jesus name. I would put him in his place before it's getting too deep. I have a feeling he would be an abusive husband.
I’m a real Muslim that’s why, he’s a fake Muslim, I love god more than him and submit to god more than him I’m a true Muslim he’s a fake one that’s why he’s mushriek
Jews die and browns die its a win win :feelsautistic:
@DNRDniggerking He's making fun of you. He said Mashallah like it's gay to marry a man. He didn't say in Jesus name. I would put him in his place before it's getting too deep. I have a feeling he would be an abusive husband.
ok grAY
Why are we arguing about shitty modern politics anyways lol? Jews force us to be abused dogs and browns infest our countries.
just false takfir then say 'keep coping saar' theory

may Allah سبحان وتعالى guide you
التوسل لغير الله شرك. شتم عرض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم شرك. الروافض مشركين
Why are we arguing about shitty modern politics anyways lol? Jews force us to be abused dogs and browns infest our countries.
maybe tell your nordic aryan giga pure blue eyes friends to stop sending weapons to israel? maybe your grandfather shouldn't have supported the rise of the israeli state? maybe you shouldn't have embraced shitty democracy? the blood of all these people are on white man's hand, you have handed the world over to the jews and immigration is nature's payback
التوسل لغير الله شرك. شتم عرض رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم شرك. الروافض مشركين
how is cursing someone shirk :lul::lul::lul: do you know what shirk means?

and no one is calling other than Allah
the Messenger ﷺ and his holy progeny are our wasilah to Allah

يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَٱبْتَغُوٓا۟ إِلَيْهِ ٱلْوَسِيلَةَ وَجَـٰهِدُوا۟ فِى سَبِيلِهِۦ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ ٣٥
O believers! Be mindful of Allah and seek what brings you closer to Him and struggle in His Way, so you may be successful.

also im not arab
maybe tell your nordic aryan giga pure blue eyes friends to stop sending weapons to israel? maybe your grandfather shouldn't have supported the rise of the israeli state? maybe you shouldn't have embraced shitty democracy? the blood of all these people are on white man's hand, you have handed the world over to the jews and immigration is nature's payback
dude thinks its the whites fault, my dads side of family immigrated from sweden to american in the 20's I dont have any direct lineage that were WW2 veterans, Jews are the ones genociding whites.
Ngl the Jews played them both. Hamas is pretty much destroyed. Hezbollah is beyond embarrassed and got his capabilities reduced by 50% in 2 days. And Iran just watching it happen, not even reacting beyond that pathetic attack with 99% of the missiles getting intercepted and it doesn't matter if planned or not. When Israel go in, they do shit. Even after all of that noise, Israel assassinated their top guest at a sacred place where guests tend to rest. Truly JFL. Israel warned Iran through the US that if Iran fucks with them again, they're going to destroy a huge percentage of the oil fields. Hence why Iran stuttering.
Isreal are true chads :lul:
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how is cursing someone shirk :lul::lul::lul: do you know what shirk means?
sorry my bad. I meant to say kufr

the rest of your yap is shia cope to justify calling for other than allah when in need.


And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein

do you need to call god through ali RA (dead) or hussein RA (dead) when he is so close to you? shirk. dancing around their quboor and crying while slapping your head off. all sins and your whole sect is just overall very misguided in addition to fighting the sunnis and being traitors to the muslim ummah over the centuries. disgusting people
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Isreal are true chads :lul:
Muslims thought they can trick the Jews, they went ultra instinct

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Damn your comments became shorter and shorter. I nuked 90% of your verbal capabilities.
defo bro. destroyed me by telling me to get married to another forum schizo. or especially when you said christianity is superior to islam because christians worship jews and jews are winning the war, very smart!!
  • +1
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defo bro. destroyed me by telling me to get married to another forum schizo. or especially when you said christianity is superior to islam because christians worship jews and jews are winning the war, very smart!!
You're losing in and out. IRL and on the forum. Brutal.
Muslims thought they can trick the Jews, they went ultra instinct

JFL at the 9 y.o mentality. trick the jews? seriously? anime kids ffs
  • JFL
Reactions: Caspian
JFL at the 9 y.o mentality. trick the jews? seriously? anime kids ffs
Kek at your coping. You take it literally in order to cope, wtf?!! are u talking about anime?!! it's not even real!!

dude thinks its the whites fault, my dads side of family immigrated from sweden to american in the 20's I dont have any direct lineage that were WW2 veterans, Jews are the ones genociding whites.
guess who fought the nazis and protected the jews?
  • +1
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JFL at the 9 y.o mentality. trick the jews? seriously? anime kids ffs
And yes they tried to trick the Jews. They wanted to create a total war (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yeman, with Iran help) but nobody truly helped them. Hezbollah toy with them but now that it got serious, you see the results (your thread, own words)
The Jews in the US.
RETARD. was churchill jewish? also the whole army was white, only leaders were jews? remember your argument before? JFL retardd contradicting his own logic for the 3rd time
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Muslims thought they can trick the Jews, they went ultra instinct

another Goyim L

First the Christian’s of Europe took an Jewish L

And now the mudslimes of Mena are taking another L

Another undisputed chosen people Pill
  • +1
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RETARD. was churchill jewish? also the whole army was white, only leaders were jews? remember your argument before? JFL retardd contradicting his own logic for the 3rd time
Abstract thinking 404
another Goyim L

First the Christian’s of Europe took an Jewish L

And now the mudslimes of Mena are taking another L

Another undisputed chosen people Pill
I wouldn't say israel is really favored by god judging by the amount of lgbtq and endless wars but you do you
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I wouldn't say israel is really favored by god judging by the amount of lgbtq and endless wars but you do you
Muslims got the highest rates of gay porn views (google it) muh propaganda
and the wars you talking about is them winning time and time again. You're muslim, you'll know.

Caging again.
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And We have already created man and know what his soul whispers to him, and We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein
using a Quranic verse to argue against another?
this is why you need the Prophet ﷺ and his Ahlulbayt to teach you what these verses mean
do you need to call god through ali RA (dead) or hussein RA (dead) when he is so close to you?
Allah Azzawajal needs no one to be able to answer your prayer
but Allah has chosen His pure servants as a means for us sinners to get closer to him
dancing around their quboor
dancing is haram
Ahmed and Ibn al-Dhahhak narrated from Ali (AS): “I entered on the prophet ﷺ and his eyes were flooded, I said: Oh! Prophet of Allah, anyone made you angry? Why are your eyes flooded? He said: Gabriel just left me telling me that al-Hussain will be killed by the river Euphrates. He (the Prophet ﷺ) said: So he (Gabriel) said: Do you want me to let you smell his dirt (from his burial pot)? I said: Yes! He reached with his hand and grabbed and handful of dirt and gave it to me. So I could not help it and my eyes were flooded.” [Thakhaer al-Uqba, Muhibbuldeen al-Tabari, p. 148.]

JFL at being 'sunni' and making fun of the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ
slapping your head off
hitting oneself is a natural response to grief and Aisha did it according to sunni sources at the death of the Prophet ﷺ
fighting the sunnis and being traitors to the muslim ummah over the centuries. disgusting people
when have we 'fought sunnis' without them attacking us first

"traitors to the muslim ummah" :forcedsmile: don't see any sunni militias fighting israel right now mate
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"traitors to the muslim ummah" :forcedsmile: don't see any sunni militias fighting israel right now mate
everything you said can be refuted by simple google search but the last thing is just beyond stupid. isnt hamas considered sunni? and do you consider the embarassement you call hezbollah fighting? go learn what "fighting" means from the mujahideen of fallujah and afghanistan, then compare both.
they are doing fine and bombing israel 24/7.
  • JFL
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everything you said can be refuted by simple google search
but the last thing is just beyond stupid. isnt hamas considered sunni? and do you consider the embarassement you call hezbollah fighting? go learn what "fighting" means from the mujahideen of fallujah and afghanistan, then compare both.
hamas is funded by iran

lol even if hezbollah are sending one man to die against israel its better than what all sunni countries have done combined

last time i checked iran and hezbollah aren't getting funded by the united states

quite to the contrary, the us has provided over 150 billion USD to the jewish state of israel which you expect hezbollah to compete against

just make fun of martyrs being murdered by muslim-hating jews because muh they is mushrik saar theory :soy:
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bombing them using shitty fireworks that either fall in lebanon or get intercepted
katyushas are for depleting irom dome missiles, they are using heavier fajr 5 rockets recently watch some of the videos of desructions. keep in mind israel censors the damage.
  • JFL
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katyushas are for depleting irom dome missiles, they are using heavier fajr 5 rockets recently watch some of the videos of desructions. keep in mind israel censors the damage.
Censoring damage :lul:

You can't censor the damage in Lebanon, can you? because it's real.

hamas is funded by iran

lol even if hezbollah are sending one man to die against israel its better than what all sunni countries have done combined

last time i checked iran and hezbollah aren't getting funded by the united states

quite to the contrary, the us has provided over 150 billion USD to the jewish state of israel which you expect hezbollah to compete against

just make fun of martyrs being murdered by muslim-hating jews because muh they is mushrik saar theory :soy:
as a sunni i admit iran and resistence mogs sunni governments to suicide.
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Censoring damage :lul:

You can't censor the damage in Lebanon, can you? because it's real.
its literally the rule in israel idiot. if hezbollah wasnt able to fight israel they would've just gave up. watching too much goytimes.
  • JFL
Reactions: geenk worg
its literally the rule in israel idiot. if hezbollah want able to fight israel they would've just gave up. watching too much goytimes.
Reality: Israel winning.
Reality: Iran watching out
Reality: Hamas destroyed
Reality: Lebanon is a mess and Hezbollah getting rekt

You can do your mental gymnastics. You don't win wars like that.
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katyushas are for depleting irom dome missiles, they are using heavier fajr 5 rockets recently watch some of the videos of desructions. keep in mind israel censors the damage.
iranian org depleting a 1st world country supported by the west. OK BRO
Reality: Israel winning.
Reality: Iran watching out
Reality: Hamas destroyed
Reality: Lebanon is a mess and Hezbollah getting rekt

You can do your mental gymnastics. You don't win wars like that.
I hate to say this is true

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