Honestly brutal, Bone results just came in. Might end it.



Fake it till you make it.
Jul 24, 2023
IMG 7597

I’m 5’4, if any1 knowledgeable can please help me out understanding and what I Should do.
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: zeshama, WhiteGoodman, mayo mogger and 6 others
BRUTAL,only option is LL
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman, tombradylover, CristianT and 15 others
run an estrogen inhib dm for source and help if u need
  • +1
Reactions: PseudoMaxxer
BRUTAL,only option is LL,even if you got double the possible height off LL you would still be average
Did you even read it?
dont end it you fucking retard dumbass bitch pussy

ive gotten 23k saved from wage slaving since 17 to 18, i just need 2 more k, you legit are 15 and you can get a job rn

get leg lethening surgery, its safe and you will go from 5,4 to 5,10 and add big boots you can get to 2 inches which is 6ft and use lifts to get to 6,2ft please get LL

i dont get why people say its dangerous i only want to live to 40 over if u want to look old and wrinkly i wanna max out my stats and live until 40 because ill just get ugly asf from then on and i cant live seeing myself look ugly so i hope u do the same thing as me,

u can still do sports and jump dont watch these brainwashing videos saying people go paralyzed from it, its just people wanting to gatekeep it since its such an OP method. the only problem is the price.

the bones fuse back together, and they fuse stronger because they get broken, STRONGER! get a job and start saving, i bet you have a good looking face, usually the shorter, the better looking, and the taller, the uglier/ LETS ASCENDD ALDHAHRANI NIGGAAAAA
  • +1
  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: zeshama, lwlaiet060920, CristianT and 23 others
try to get to 5’8 atleast with hgh and ai
  • +1
Reactions: Aero, yirma19, m0ss26 and 2 others
dont end it you fucking retard dumbass bitch pussy

ive gotten 23k saved from wage slaving since 17 to 18, i just need 2 more k, you legit are 15 and you can get a job rn

get leg lethening surgery, its safe and you will go from 5,4 to 5,10 and add big boots you can get to 2 inches which is 6ft and use lifts to get to 6,2ft please get LL

i dont get why people say its dangerous i only want to live to 40 over if u want to look old and wrinkly i wanna max out my stats and live until 40 because ill just get ugly asf from then on and i cant live seeing myself look ugly so i hope u do the same thing as me,

u can still do sports and jump dont watch these brainwashing videos saying people go paralyzed from it, its just people wanting to gatekeep it since its such an OP method. the only problem is the price.

the bones fuse back together, and they fuse stronger because they get broken, STRONGER! get a job and start saving, i bet you have a good looking face, usually the shorter, the better looking, and the taller, the uglier/ LETS ASCENDD ALDHAHRANI NIGGAAAAA
OVER for you too
  • JFL
Reactions: BowlCutMogger
dont end it you fucking retard dumbass bitch pussy

ive gotten 23k saved from wage slaving since 17 to 18, i just need 2 more k, you legit are 15 and you can get a job rn

get leg lethening surgery, its safe and you will go from 5,4 to 5,10 and add big boots you can get to 2 inches which is 6ft and use lifts to get to 6,2ft please get LL

i dont get why people say its dangerous i only want to live to 40 over if u want to look old and wrinkly i wanna max out my stats and live until 40 because ill just get ugly asf from then on and i cant live seeing myself look ugly so i hope u do the same thing as me,

u can still do sports and jump dont watch these brainwashing videos saying people go paralyzed from it, its just people wanting to gatekeep it since its such an OP method. the only problem is the price.

the bones fuse back together, and they fuse stronger because they get broken, STRONGER! get a job and start saving, i bet you have a good looking face, usually the shorter, the better looking, and the taller, the uglier/ LETS ASCENDD ALDHAHRANI NIGGAAAAA
5'4 to 5'10 lmao. plus lifts?? Lmao. This will only maybe look somewhat proportional if op has a 6 foot wingspan and an abnormally long torso for his height. Even then expect to never be able to sprint, jump, change direction or coordinate properly ever again
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman, Kazakh Theist, shogrim and 4 others
just become a cartel bad boy
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: 6foot3Mediterranean, mirrormogger and BowlCutMogger
5'4 to 5'10 lmao. plus lifts?? Lmao. This will only maybe look somewhat proportional if op has a 6 foot wingspan and an abnormally long torso for his height. Even then expect to never be able to sprint, jump, change direction or coordinate properly ever again
proof ur larping ll is safe
  • +1
Reactions: CristianT and justropemaxbro
I think spine growth plate closes later. Not sure.
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman and m0ss26
Start saving for LL
  • +1
Reactions: Abhorrence, CristianT, Detective and 2 others
ll is the only hope, you can cope with microfactures in the meanwhile tho.
  • +1
Reactions: Egyptianmogger
dont end it you fucking retard dumbass bitch pussy

ive gotten 23k saved from wage slaving since 17 to 18, i just need 2 more k, you legit are 15 and you can get a job rn

get leg lethening surgery, its safe and you will go from 5,4 to 5,10 and add big boots you can get to 2 inches which is 6ft and use lifts to get to 6,2ft please get LL

i dont get why people say its dangerous i only want to live to 40 over if u want to look old and wrinkly i wanna max out my stats and live until 40 because ill just get ugly asf from then on and i cant live seeing myself look ugly so i hope u do the same thing as me,

u can still do sports and jump dont watch these brainwashing videos saying people go paralyzed from it, its just people wanting to gatekeep it since its such an OP method. the only problem is the price.

the bones fuse back together, and they fuse stronger because they get broken, STRONGER! get a job and start saving, i bet you have a good looking face, usually the shorter, the better looking, and the taller, the uglier/ LETS ASCENDD ALDHAHRANI NIGGAAAAA
4Inch height fraud is uncanny asf, you obviously never tried it
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman, flxsh and Deleted member 51465
5'4 to 5'10 lmao. plus lifts?? Lmao. This will only maybe look somewhat proportional if op has a 6 foot wingspan and an abnormally long torso for his height. Even then expect to never be able to sprint, jump, change direction or coordinate properly ever again
as if proportions ever matter, you can be lanklet and mog due to height
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: WhiteGoodman, BowlCutMogger and Deleted member 51465
proof ur larping ll is safe
the black dude who lengthened from 5'6 to 6 foot has a tiktok and he literally cant even fucking walk properly and barely go up the stairs. And he had an abnormmally long wingspan and still looks like a fucking alien. and this is months after everything is healed. Forget about any type of athleticism. LL is not safe stop spreading this propaganda its a meme surgery, even people who only get leg discrepencys fixed and no height gained get fucked up.
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman, m0ss26 and rand anon
dont end it you fucking retard dumbass bitch pussy

ive gotten 23k saved from wage slaving since 17 to 18, i just need 2 more k, you legit are 15 and you can get a job rn

get leg lethening surgery, its safe and you will go from 5,4 to 5,10 and add big boots you can get to 2 inches which is 6ft and use lifts to get to 6,2ft please get LL

i dont get why people say its dangerous i only want to live to 40 over if u want to look old and wrinkly i wanna max out my stats and live until 40 because ill just get ugly asf from then on and i cant live seeing myself look ugly so i hope u do the same thing as me,

u can still do sports and jump dont watch these brainwashing videos saying people go paralyzed from it, its just people wanting to gatekeep it since its such an OP method. the only problem is the price.

the bones fuse back together, and they fuse stronger because they get broken, STRONGER! get a job and start saving, i bet you have a good looking face, usually the shorter, the better looking, and the taller, the uglier/ LETS ASCENDD ALDHAHRANI NIGGAAAAA
dont end it you fucking retard dumbass bitch pussy

ive gotten 23k saved from wage slaving since 17 to 18, i just need 2 more k, you legit are 15 and you can get a job rn

get leg lethening surgery, its safe and you will go from 5,4 to 5,10 and add big boots you can get to 2 inches which is 6ft and use lifts to get to 6,2ft please get LL

i dont get why people say its dangerous i only want to live to 40 over if u want to look old and wrinkly i wanna max out my stats and live until 40 because ill just get ugly asf from then on and i cant live seeing myself look ugly so i hope u do the same thing as me,

u can still do sports and jump dont watch these brainwashing videos saying people go paralyzed from it, its just people wanting to gatekeep it since its such an OP method. the only problem is the price.

the bones fuse back together, and they fuse stronger because they get broken, STRONGER! get a job and start saving, i bet you have a good looking face, usually the shorter, the better looking, and the taller, the uglier/ LETS ASCENDD ALDHAHRANI NIGGAAAAA
I do have an above average looking face tbh,
but that’s nothing when I’m this short
Idk why I’am even like this both my brothers r above 6ft
brutal sorry for you boyo only thing i can think of us that u have a growth deficiency other than that i’m not sure why ur midget
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman
brutal sorry for you boyo only thing i can think of us that u have a growth deficiency other than that i’m not sure why ur midget
Ima book an appointment to endo soon
Train, if you're fat it can hinder hormones, if you're well off buy hgh,
Unirocannly my brother who’s very fat turnt 6’1 and my other brothers who skinny pure bones turnt 6’3
Don't get LL, max out ur face
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman and jabaduk
What’s the point of my face when I am this short lol even girls in my school r taller than me
LL has a long way to go before it's safe to even consider

You will never be a slayer, but if u max out ur face (htn +) you'll get by in the dating market
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman and Lethbridge
LL has a long way to go before it's safe to even consider

You will never be a slayer, but if u max out ur face (htn +) you'll get by in the dating market
lol what’s the point after I turn 18 I’ll just careermax considering life ends during highschool
  • JFL
Reactions: rand anon
lol what’s the point after I turn 18 I’ll just careermax considering life ends during highschool
Wrong, u can still turn it around in college, assuming ur maxxed out before u enroll. It def ends after college though
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman
Wrong, u can still turn it around in college, assuming ur maxxed out before u enroll. It def ends after college though
Parents will disown me if I get facial surgery for aesthetic purposes lol
Wrong, u can still turn it around in college, assuming ur maxxed out before u enroll. It def ends after college though
Also it would be so fucking awkward to be facially good looking and 5’5
just inject anyways, you might as well
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman and m0ss26
Parents will disown me if I get facial surgery for aesthetic purposes lol
That's ur problem to deal with, u need to prioritize what's more important to u, ur parent's approval or ascension
Also it would be so fucking awkward to be facially good looking and 5’5
room temp iq take
Why the hell would it be awkward, genes are random, there are ugly tall people, ugly short people, gl & tall, etc
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman and Lethbridge
That's ur problem to deal with, u need to prioritize what's more important to u, ur parent's approval or ascension

room temp iq take
Why the hell would it be awkward, genes are random, there are ugly tall people, ugly short people, gl & tall, etc
Nigga u good lmfao getting disowned by my family and having no where to live is less important than minor ascension that won’t even get me anything but used pussy?
That's ur problem to deal with, u need to prioritize what's more important to u, ur parent's approval or ascension

room temp iq take
Why the hell would it be awkward, genes are random, there are ugly tall people, ugly short people, gl & tall, etc
it would tbh, uni is purely careermaxxing, highschool is where it’s important to slay and even here im non-nt asf I can’t even talk to the teachers properly
used pussy?
Even chad gets used pussy jfl

Nigga u good lmfao getting disowned by my family and having no where to live i

if ur family would disown u and kick u to the curb just for something ur doing to improve ur quality of life, I'd question how good ur folks rly are

less important than minor ascension that won’t even get me anything but used pussy?
I never said it had to be minor, hardmaxx ur face as much as u can

it would tbh, uni is purely careermaxxing
Cracking Up Lol GIF

lmao I can't even, u shouldn't hve asked for advice then if ur unwilling to do jack
  • +1
Reactions: WhiteGoodman and mirrormogger
^niggas still worry about jumping and sprinting like it’s something u do everyday jfl, prolly last time I jumped was in middle school during PE classes, all u need is to train shoulder upper chest and lats anyway, people here forgot it’s not D1 forum or some shit
  • +1
Reactions: SurgeryEnjoyer
these niggas say get LL even tho they don't know how expensive it is
  • +1
Reactions: justropemaxbro
^niggas still worry about jumping and sprinting like it’s something u do everyday jfl, prolly last time I jumped was in middle school during PE classes, all u need is to train shoulder upper chest and lats anyway, people here forgot it’s not D1 forum or some shit
Being height has nothing to do with sports? Who even brought sports or gym into this)
View attachment 2668984
I’m 5’4, if any1 knowledgeable can please help me out understanding and what I Should do.
you better not fucking give up bro

remember, you don’t have to attract every woman, just one good one

put yourself out there, you got this
  • +1
Reactions: mirrormogger and Lethbridge
you better not fucking give up bro

remember, you don’t have to attract every woman, just one good one

put yourself out there, you got this
Yea hopefully it’s not over just yet; I’ll book an appointment with endo soon

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