Honestly brutal, Bone results just came in. Might end it.

LL asap or death
Holy fuck 5ft4???? you must be larping or some shit or else its truly fucking over you are the same average height as foids in north america so you wont stand a chance. hopefully you can slavemaxx to afford LL but even that will only get you to 5ft10 with unstable results. IDK why tf everyone is gaslighting him in telling him he has a chance its going to be insanely brutal for this guy, no one will ever take him seriously in life.
dont end it you fucking retard dumbass bitch pussy

ive gotten 23k saved from wage slaving since 17 to 18, i just need 2 more k, you legit are 15 and you can get a job rn

get leg lethening surgery, its safe and you will go from 5,4 to 5,10 and add big boots you can get to 2 inches which is 6ft and use lifts to get to 6,2ft please get LL

i dont get why people say its dangerous i only want to live to 40 over if u want to look old and wrinkly i wanna max out my stats and live until 40 because ill just get ugly asf from then on and i cant live seeing myself look ugly so i hope u do the same thing as me,

u can still do sports and jump dont watch these brainwashing videos saying people go paralyzed from it, its just people wanting to gatekeep it since its such an OP method. the only problem is the price.

the bones fuse back together, and they fuse stronger because they get broken, STRONGER! get a job and start saving, i bet you have a good looking face, usually the shorter, the better looking, and the taller, the uglier/ LETS ASCENDD ALDHAHRANI NIGGAAAAA
jfl at LL to go from manlet to slightly less of a manlet , if ur adult man as 5'10 thats not even that good
If 6ft+ niggas fraud with insoles they will make you look like a child + ur proportions will be fucked up in comparison to someone whos actuatlly 6ft+
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jfl at LL to go from manlet to slightly less of a manlet , if ur adult man as 5'10 thats not even that good
If 6ft+ niggas fraud with insoles they will make you look like a child + ur proportions will be fucked up in comparison to someone whos actuatlly 6ft+
my torso is long my legs are short
my sole purpose in life was to get LL
thats my meaning of life my body was made for this surgery
my torso is long my legs are short
my sole purpose in life was to get LL
thats my meaning of life my body was made for this surgery
whatever makes you happy ig , do you have troubles in everyday life from LL?
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Holy fuck 5ft4???? you must be larping or some shit or else its truly fucking over you are the same average height as foids in north america so you wont stand a chance. hopefully you can slavemaxx to afford LL but even that will only get you to 5ft10 with unstable results. IDK why tf everyone is gaslighting him in telling him he has a chance its going to be insanely brutal for this guy, no one will ever take him seriously in life.
Holy fuck 5ft4???? you must be larping or some shit or else its truly fucking over you are the same average height as foids in north america so you wont stand a chance. hopefully you can slavemaxx to afford LL but even that will only get you to 5ft10 with unstable results. IDK why tf everyone is gaslighting him in telling him he has a chance its going to be insanely brutal for this guy, no one will ever take him seriously in life.
BTW I’m actually 5’3.5 but I js wanted to say I’m 5’4 so at least not everybody here can give more suifuel and instead say something that could benefit me
View attachment 2668984
I’m 5’4, if any1 knowledgeable can please help me out understanding and what I Should do.
blast hgh + AI, probably 2-3 inches if you're lucky. 3 inch lifts, glucosamine to retain night height, stretch to fix posture. Ideally you can fraud to 5'10
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Blast hgh and ai what else is there to do bro?
Thanks bro just trying to give to get a final confirmation before I go to endo and radiologist
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blast hgh + AI, probably 2-3 inches if you're lucky. 3 inch lifts, glucosamine to retain night height, stretch to fix posture. Ideally you can fraud to 5'10
Thanks for the advice
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Thanks bro just trying to give to get a final confirmation before I go to endo and radiologist
That’s good because hgh will make you grow as fast as possibly and ai will make sure your plates hold out as long as possible,eat a lot of food and btw somebody above recommended glucosamine or MSM it can be called do NOT take that it stops growth,only take it after your don’t growing to preserve morning height
Thanks for the advice
yea bro, ur radius and 5th metacarpal are not fully fused yet. You can actually grow a little bit possibly but you absolutely need to blast an aromatase inhibitor as soon as possible, then focus on getting growth hormone, or a hi gh dose peptide stack at least
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That’s good because hgh will make you grow as fast as possibly and ai will make sure your plates hold out as long as possible,eat a lot of food and btw somebody above recommended glucosamine or MSM it can be called do NOT take that it stops growth,only take it after your don’t growing to preserve morning height
yea i meant to say this don't take glucosamine till after ur done with hgh + ai
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That’s good because hgh will make you grow as fast as possibly and ai will make sure your plates hold out as long as possible,eat a lot of food and btw somebody above recommended glucosamine or MSM it can be called do NOT take that it stops growth,only take it after your don’t growing to preserve morning height
Yea bro if you don’t mind can you explain to me how both my brothers grew above 6ft yet I turnt out like this I talked to my doctors and they told me I never had a growth spurt and their is a possibility of it occurring do you think it’s cope and they’re trying js to make me feel better or?
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Yea bro if you don’t mind can you explain to me how both my brothers grew above 6ft yet I turnt out like this I talked to my doctors and they told me I never had a growth spurt and their is a possibility of it occurring do you think it’s cope and they’re trying js to make me feel better or?
Yea bro if you don’t mind can you explain to me how both my brothers grew above 6ft yet I turnt out like this I talked to my doctors and they told me I never had a growth spurt and their is a possibility of it occurring do you think it’s cope and they’re trying js to make me feel better or?
Also, they both had a worse lifestyle than me it’s honestly so confusing.
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Also, they both had a worse lifestyle than me it’s honestly so confusing.
Do you have a big age gap with your brothers?usually the younger the mother is the bigger and stronger the child will be that’s why usually the first child is the tallest,did you lift weights growing up?
Yea bro if you don’t mind can you explain to me how both my brothers grew above 6ft yet I turnt out like this I talked to my doctors and they told me I never had a growth spurt and their is a possibility of it occurring do you think it’s cope and they’re trying js to make me feel better or?
Possible but highly unlikely at that bone age, your igf1 levels are likely tapering off and ur entering the final stages of growth, the majority of ur plates are closed. I don't even see how a good diet/exercise could have caused such a big difference, this is just a rare and very unlucky scenario of brutal genetic recombination almost entirely determining a polygenic trait. Simply said, you got unlucky as shit.
Do you have a big age gap with your brothers?usually the younger the mother is the bigger and stronger the child will be that’s why usually the first child is the tallest,did you lift weights growing up?
lifting weights growing up would not effect anything unless he injured himself by breaking a growth plate. and even if his brothers had a way better diet + lifestyle AND there was a big age gap that would not explain a 9 inch difference among the same generation jfl
lifting weights growing up would not effect anything unless he injured himself by breaking a growth plate. and even if his brothers had a way better diet + lifestyle AND there was a big age gap that would not explain a 9 inch difference among the same generation jfl
It doesn’t explain it but things like heavy deadlifting or any heavy lifting putting pressure on spine can slow growth a lot it’s kind of bro science bc there is very few actual studies on it and it’s hard to prove unless you compare twins but it’s common sense tbh
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It doesn’t explain it but things like heavy deadlifting or any heavy lifting putting pressure on spine can slow growth a lot it’s kind of bro science bc there is very few actual studies on it and it’s hard to prove unless you compare twins but it’s common sense tbh
nigga coulda done everything wrong and it would cost him 5 inches at absolute maximum. he was destined to be this height out the womb
Do you have a big age gap with your brothers?usually the younger the mother is the bigger and stronger the child will be that’s why usually the first child is the tallest,did you lift weights growing up?
5 years from the 6’3 and 7 years from the 6’1
nigga coulda done everything wrong and it would cost him 5 inches at absolute maximum. he was destined to be this height out the womb
lol bro honestly so fucking brutal
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So one of your bothers is a whole foot taller? Wtf bro that’s crazy how tall are your parents then?
Less than 5’8 but I talked to my doctors and they were both like it wouldn’t make sense because it’s not a lucky case
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So one of your bothers is a whole foot taller? Wtf bro that’s crazy how tall are your parents then?
If it was one I woulda understood but TWO who had horrible lifestyles
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lol bro honestly so fucking brutal
yea, it's not over though. like i said i have faith you can grow another inch and a half at least if you do the right things now then fraud another 3. Face is way more important, just try and reach 5'8 frauding, max frame as much as possible and you will be fine.
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yea, it's not over though. like i said i have faith you can grow another inch and a half at least if you do the right things now then fraud another 3. Face is way more important, just try and reach 5'8 frauding, max frame as much as possible and you will be fine.
Since he’s 15 if he does take hgh and ai he can get lucky and reach 5”7-8
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Since he’s 15 if he does take hgh and ai he can get lucky and reach 5”7-8
I'd say he can expect 2 inches of growth if he hops on a legit ai now and legit hgh, but usage will need to continue for 1-2 years. 3 inches if he is lucky
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I'd say he can expect 2 inches of growth if he hops on a legit ai now and legit hgh, but usage will need to continue for 1-2 years. 3 inches if he is lucky
At that point he would be 5”7 and can easily fraud 5”9 and live a normal life tbh
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At that point he would be 5”7 and can easily fraud 5”9 and live a normal life tbh
yep that;s why i think its not over for him, if he discovered this forum two years later it wouldve been worse those inches mean a lot when under 6'
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At that point he would be 5”7 and can easily fraud 5”9 and live a normal life tbh
Thanks to both of you guys @m0ss26 for the advice honestly appreciate it
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yep that;s why i think its not over for him, if he discovered this forum two years later it wouldve been worse those inches mean a lot when under 6'
Soon I’ll hop on gh and AI I’ve already booked an appointment with my endo
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Thanks to both of you guys @m0ss26 for the advice honestly appreciate it
And don’t listen to doctors trying to talk you out of shit like of “hgh can be unhealthy” you only need to blast it for 3 years it can’t do damage in that time so be fast and get on both asap and your gonna be fine
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Soon I’ll hop on gh and AI I’ve already booked an appointment with my endo
Ur endo will likely not approve of starting you on an ai/hgh tbh. my mother is an endo and is pretty blackpilled and even she would be a little hesitant starting somebody with a 16.6 bone age on an aromatase inhibitor specifically. I'd say really try and rally for it so your doc goes for it and your parents are okay with it, if not order off of an underground source like brainlabz for the ai, they are the only source i trust as most others are 50/50. For hgh there are a ton of legit us domestic sources, if that is too expensive the only other thing I'd reccomend is high dose peptides, 2.5 mg cjc dac/week with ipamorelin/ghrp2/ghrp6 injected at 100mcg two-three times a day, that is the only thing that can replicate the igf1 increase hgh gives you, although the peptides will only be 5-7 iu worth of hgh. Ideal scenario you're taking 10-12 IU of straight hgh per day with 1mg/day of letrozole for the strongest effects.
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Ur endo will likely not approve of starting you on an ai/hgh tbh. my mother is an endo and is pretty blackpilled and even she would be a little hesitant starting somebody with a 16.6 bone age on an aromatase inhibitor specifically. I'd say really try and rally for it so your doc goes for it and your parents are okay with it, if not order off of an underground source like brainlabz for the ai, they are the only source i trust as most others are 50/50. For hgh there are a ton of legit us domestic sources, if that is too expensive the only other thing I'd reccomend is high dose peptides, 2.5 mg cjc dac/week with ipamorelin/ghrp2/ghrp6 injected at 100mcg two-three times a day, that is the only thing that can replicate the igf1 increase hgh gives you, although the peptides will only be 5-7 iu worth of hgh. Ideal scenario you're taking 10-12 IU of straight hgh per day with 1mg/day of letrozole for the strongest effects.
Why not Aroamsin 6.25 mg, also since ur mom is endo, can you recommend me sort of what to say to make my endo feel pity and actually prescribe hgh, AI is easy my parents are okay with any orals I take but they just don’t trust injections.
Only right answer is to femboymaxx
Endos will not give him HGH unless its idiopathic short stature (usually under 5') which is not the case. he definitely just got the shit end of the genetic stick, it is not an illness on anything. therefore it is far too expensive and risky to give an otherwise healthy child HGH. this could lead to acromegaly something which doctors DO NOT want to be liable for. I don't understand why everyone is gaslighting him bluepilled asf telling him "its not over" yes it fucking is over he will be absolutely invisible to most women. it fucking sucks and life isnt fair but this is the hard blackpilled truth.
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Endos will not give him HGH unless its idiopathic short stature (usually under 5') which is not the case. he definitely just got the shit end of the genetic stick, it is not an illness on anything. therefore it is far too expensive and risky to give an otherwise healthy child HGH. this could lead to acromegaly something which doctors DO NOT want to be liable for. I don't understand why everyone is gaslighting him bluepilled asf telling him "its not over" yes it fucking is over he will be absolutely invisible to most women. it fucking sucks and life isnt fair but this is the hard blackpilledt
True although dnr a single molecule
this kid has to be larping or some shit 5ft3.5 is like 99.99% percentile of men usually reserved for curry janitors on sum shit
this kid has to be larping or some shit 5ft3.5 is like 99.99% percentile of men usually reserved for curry janitors on sum shit
I’m not larping abused dog lol, I’m actually 5’3.5 lol not even curry
Why not Aroamsin 6.25 mg, also since ur mom is endo, can you recommend me sort of what to say to make my endo feel pity and actually prescribe hgh, AI is easy my parents are okay with any orals I take but they just don’t trust injections.
If ur gonna take aromasin double the dose lol 6.25 is not enough despite what some shit threads on this forum say. The hgh would be easier to convince if ur doc is even somewhat blackpilled, just explain to her how your stature heavily affects your social life and capacity and that there is potential for growth since some of your plates still show they are open. I asked my mom about someone if your exact situation and she said she would put you on hgh, and also some other drug (I forgot the name) if you had early puberty.
Endos will not give him HGH unless its idiopathic short stature (usually under 5') which is not the case. he definitely just got the shit end of the genetic stick, it is not an illness on anything. therefore it is far too expensive and risky to give an otherwise healthy child HGH. this could lead to acromegaly something which doctors DO NOT want to be liable for. I don't understand why everyone is gaslighting him bluepilled asf telling him "its not over" yes it fucking is over he will be absolutely invisible to most women. it fucking sucks and life isnt fair but this is the hard blackpilled truth.
nigga are you retarded 5 Iu hgh a day for a year will not give him acromegaly you are a fear mongering retard that has no idea what he’s talking about.
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If ur gonna take aromasin double the dose lol 6.25 is not enough despite what some shit threads on this forum say. The hgh would be easier to convince if ur doc is even somewhat blackpilled, just explain to her how your stature heavily affects your social life and capacity and that there is potential for growth since some of your plates still show they are open. I asked my mom about someone if your exact situation and she said she would put you on hgh, and also some other drug (I forgot the name) if you had early puberty.

nigga are you retarded 5 Iu hgh a day for a year will not give him acromegaly you are a fear mongering retard that has no idea what he’s talking about.
Thanks for the info, do you recommend me taking 12.5 and if I see an issue with emotion or in general blood work drop it down to 6.25 or js stick with 12.5?
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