Honestly brutal, Bone results just came in. Might end it.

Why not Aroamsin 6.25 mg, also since ur mom is endo, can you recommend me sort of what to say to make my endo feel pity and actually prescribe hgh, AI is easy my parents are okay with any orals I take but they just don’t trust injections.
I asked my mom about someone hypothetically in your exact situation and she said she would be fine putting you on hgh, and also some other drug (I forgot the name) if you had a precocious puberty. She said based on the fact your siblings are way taller you could have had precocious puberty which is where your test levels rise too fast as you go through puberty and fuse most of your plates too early, that was her guess though, she said your situation was extremely unusual considering the height of parents and siblings. Don’t bother with any retard telling you a year of hgh growth will give you acromegaly Ive seen tons of bodybuilders use hgh and be fine after.
Thanks for the info, do you recommend me taking 12.5 and if I see an issue with emotion or in general blood work drop it down to 6.25 or js stick with 12.5?
Start at 12.5 if you get very bad sides drop the dose. I highly doubt you will get bad sides off that though considering it’s a normal dose and you need to kill as much estrogen as possible.
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I asked my mom about someone hypothetically in your exact situation and she said she would be fine putting you on hgh, and also some other drug (I forgot the name) if you had a precocious puberty. She said based on the fact your siblings are way taller you could have had precocious puberty which is where your test levels rise too fast as you go through puberty and fuse most of your plates too early, that was her guess though, she said your situation was extremely unusual considering the height of parents and siblings. Don’t bother with any retard telling you a year of hgh growth will give you acromegaly Ive seen tons of bodybuilders use hgh and be fine after.
Honestly interesting, I didn’t experience any signs of puberty until the age of 14 to know
such as body hair and other factors, thanks for asking your mom and everything I really appreciate you bro
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Start at 12.5 if you get very bad sides drop the dose. I highly doubt you will get bad sides off that though considering it’s a normal dose and you need to kill as much estrogen as possible.
I dont think you realized but even giving him HGH would only give him like 1-2 inches of height based on how close those growth plates are fusing. boys are done growing by 16-17
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Endos will not give him HGH unless its idiopathic short stature (usually under 5') which is not the case. he definitely just got the shit end of the genetic stick, it is not an illness on anything. therefore it is far too expensive and risky to give an otherwise healthy child HGH. this could lead to acromegaly something which doctors DO NOT want to be liable for. I don't understand why everyone is gaslighting him bluepilled asf telling him "its not over" yes it fucking is over he will be absolutely invisible to most women. it fucking sucks and life isnt fair but this is the hard blackpilled truth.
If he does not grow whatsoever he is fucked even with maximum frauding, if he can get 2-3 inches he’ll be fine, this is not bluepilled cope. If this nigga is not curry/Latino being 5’3 is very fucking abnormal and considering he has plates open, if he makes a sob case to a good endo there shouldn’t be an issue giving him entry dose hgh.
Honestly interesting, I didn’t experience any signs of puberty until the age of 14 to know
such as body hair and other factors, thanks for asking your mom and everything I really appreciate you bro
Yea that was a shot in the dark tbh it’s just very hard to see such drastic difference in family.
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I dont think you realized but even giving him HGH would only give him like 1-2 inches of height based on how close those growth plates are fusing. boys are done growing by 16-17
Yea, I am aware it is unlikely but any growth would be good for him. 1.5 inches of growth and 3 inch lifts would bump him to barely livable height of 5’8.
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If he does not grow whatsoever he is fucked even with maximum frauding, if he can get 2-3 inches he’ll be fine, this is not bluepilled cope. If this nigga is not curry/Latino being 5’3 is very fucking abnormal and considering he has plates open, if he makes a sob case to a good endo there shouldn’t be an issue giving him entry dose hgh.

Yea that was a shot in the dark tbh it’s just very hard to see such drastic difference in family.
if he is in the US or Canada no reputable endo will give him HGH. I can guarantee that. If he lives in a european country, possibly, as they are a bit more liberal in their healthcare prescriptions. Its just the matter that HGH is insanely expensive to synthesize and reserved for important patients only, especially under public healthcare. But definitely do not buy HGH off of sketchy websites or on the dark web. that is a n absolute recipe for disaster.
if he is in the US or Canada no reputable endo will give him HGH. I can guarantee that. If he lives in a european country, possibly, as they are a bit more liberal in their healthcare prescriptions. Its just the matter that HGH is insanely expensive to synthesize and reserved for important patients only, especially under public healthcare. But definitely do not buy HGH off of sketchy websites or on the dark web. that is a n absolute recipe for disaster.
My mom has the biggest private endocrinology practice in the biggest city in our state (USA) and she said she would prescribe him hgh in that scenario so I will trust her judgment over yours. It being expensive to synthesize doesn’t mean shit, the government/insurance won’t be covering much of the cost anyway, unless, like you said, he is extremely young and has genuine idiopathic short stature. Lots of medications are expensive as shit doesn’t mean it’s not prescribed if patient has money. “Reserved for important patients only” is one of the most retarded things I’ve heard jfl, if the doctor finds it appropriate to prescribe it will be, who will stop them? The growth hormone police who are making sure only “important” people get it? If it can make a borderline ISS nigga grow, it should be used. Middle aged men use hgh for Hrt pretty commonly and are fine. I will however second your last statements, only place you should consider buying hgh is highly repped underground labs that are vetted for on super picky narcy forums like mesorx etc.
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Whats your morning height?
Glucosamine + chondroitin can help you retain that extra height, also go see the amnesia elevator shoe thread that adds 4.2 inches to height.
If not enough you can always get LL
Whats your morning height?
Glucosamine + chondroitin can help you retain that extra height, also go see the amnesia elevator shoe thread that adds 4.2 inches to height.
If not enough you can always get LL
5’4, both of those speed up growth plate fusion, I would rather stay getting bullied and no respect rather than frauding 4 inches. LL will never be an option unfortunately.
5’4, both of those speed up growth plate fusion, I would rather stay getting bullied and no respect rather than frauding 4 inches. LL will never be an option unfortunately.
“fake it till you make it”
View attachment 2668984
I’m 5’4, if any1 knowledgeable can please help me out understanding and what I Should do.
Inversion tables can gain you at least an inch in spine length… Use mk677 liquid form (do your research on it so you don’t get diabetes), you could use GH or any other peptide but this alone will not make you grow… next thing is you stretch your feet while sleeping… (Vitrubian Man Method) then you do sprints, jumping, bike seat, and leg kicking
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Hey little abused pig, @mayo mogger is you all do laugh at peoples threads?
im 5'6 aswell its a laugh at you with pity bhai , it never began for us manlets
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