How I saved myself from becoming a Manlet (Heightmaxxing)

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  • +1
Reactions: sqwashy and tempelcat4
work out 1x a week more is not needed if your on gh, youll get lean and defined just from the gh alone
I want to build mass though, to improve frame

would taking sarms be dumb while on gh?
I want to build mass though, to improve frame

would taking sarms be dumb while on gh?
Taking any type of steroid to boost height wont do shit, youll grow an inch maybe rapidly and then its done whilst if u never took steroids u would grow more just in a slower phase
you didnt save yourself from manlet your dad's seed did
  • +1
Reactions: Aero
you didnt save yourself from manlet your dad's seed did
you know my family genes better than me? If i didnt change on things in my life id stay a 5’10 manlet and I know how shit it is to be short
you know my family genes better than me? If i didnt change on things in my life id stay a 5’10 manlet and I know how shit it is to be short
you think you gained 6 inches by sleeping and just eating.

stfu greycel that is impossible, you are just lucky that one chad spermcel impregnated your mom
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Taking any type of steroid to boost height wont do shit, youll grow an inch maybe rapidly and then its done whilst if u never took steroids u would grow more just in a slower phase
Bro what? I meant taking steroids for muscle mass while taking gh so I grow my height and muscle at the same time
I have a big head and tiny body help
you think you gained 6 inches by sleeping and just eating.

stfu greycel that is impossible, you are just lucky that one chad spermcel impregnated your mom
ARE U FUCKING RETARDED? I said i did the complete opposite i did drugs i smoked cigarettes i starved myself and i didnt sleep
My friend and his family are all bellow 5'4 but his uncle went to a Scandinavian countrie and became like 6'3, growth spurt at like 19-20
My friend and his family are all bellow 5'4 but his uncle went to a Scandinavian countrie and became like 6'3, growth spurt at like 19-20
And people will still say its genetics
And people will still say its genetics
Bro genetics matter a lot but this story is interesting, idk what y'all eat in 1st world countries
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
might be a retarded question but what if you move to a norhtern european country while in puberty? will there be any changes?
same parents but a 15yo manlet, fuck this shit someone must've cursed me
Some ppl still grow til 25. My brother was growing later than me. I piqued height at 19ish. He was still growing at 21
  • Hmm...
Reactions: wastedspermcel
Some ppl still grow til 25. My brother was growing later than me. I piqued height at 19ish. He was still growing at 21
My father grew till 20 apparently, and he was a manlet at my age
ARE U FUCKING RETARDED? I said i did the complete opposite i did drugs i smoked cigarettes i starved myself and i didnt sleep
how did you grow so much then? Clearly it's not your genetics
My father grew till 20 apparently, and he was a manlet at my age
Yeah I mean my dad told me due to trash diet from back home he was “malnourished” when he came to America in his late teens he noticed more growth everywhere due to the highly gmo diet and the Nebraskan farmers controlling the food diet pushing wheat which was pumped with vitamins and such.
Yeah I mean my dad told me due to trash diet from back home he was “malnourished” when he came to America in his late teens he noticed more growth everywhere due to the highly gmo diet and the Nebraskan farmers controlling the food diet pushing wheat which was pumped with vitamins and such.
the best way to know where I'm at is to get a knee xray to calculate bone age
might be a retarded question but what if you move to a norhtern european country while in puberty? will there be any changes?
If ur young then yes, thats why geography is ur destiny
  • JFL
Reactions: Codeinlover
If ur young then yes, thats why geography is ur destiny
over. I'm 15 and moving to a northern european country soon, is there a chance or nah?
ARE U FUCKING RETARDED? I said i did the complete opposite i did drugs i smoked cigarettes i starved myself and i didnt sleep
you completely miss my point, the first part is irrelavant.
I am saying you are lucky that you grew that tall.

that you lived unhealthy only proves my point so stfu greycel
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
Heightmaxxing is cope it's just genetic luck, my dad is 5'7 my mom is 5'3 i am 6'4 (almost 18)
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora and wastedspermcel
you completely miss my point, the first part is irrelavant.
I am saying you are lucky that you grew that tall.

that you lived unhealthy only proves my point so stfu greycel
maybe instead of coping listen to my tips you bitchass nigglet
maybe instead of coping listen to my tips you bitchass nigglet
What fucking tips man you think I don’t know this basic ass advice.

It’s genetics incel.
Wrote a whole ass thread to explain that height is genetic

BOTB this guys!
Both of you faggots sub 5’10 reading with your ass
I’m 5’9.5 but guess how tall my parents are.

5’5.5 dad (JFL) and 5’5 mom, it’s all genetics buddy with maybe a slight percent from diet and sleep.
I’m 5’9.5 but guess how tall my parents are.

5’5.5 dad (JFL) and 5’5 mom, it’s all genetics buddy with maybe a slight percent from diet and sleep.
Parents height has nothing to do with childs heigh, maybe ur father was supposed to be 6ft but he stunted his growth, his genetics doesnt change he can still give his child the tall gene
  • JFL
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how do i lose muscle
First of all of my personal experience and you can also see it you look at teenager bodybuilder, they are all shorter than the average

Excessive physical activity during childhood and adolescence may negatively affect body growth and adolescent development. Excessive exercise is associated with delayed pubertal changes. Sports that emphasize strict weight control in the setting of high-energy output are of particular concern.

Studies of male scholastic wrestlers have shown decreased linear growth during the sports season with catch-up growth during the postseason.

Studies of elite female gymnasts and dancers have likewise demonstrated delayed growth and pubertal maturation during periods of intense training
instead of smoking i just zyn
Is this really what happened to you?
Yeah tbh now that I think about it, I saw pictures of my parents when they were younger (late teens I'd say maybe early 20s) holy fuck where did it go wrong, God must've cursed me, I must've been a serial rapist in my past life:lul:
No larp 5’7 mother give birth to 6’1+ kids
yeah it's usually the mother height that influences a lot. its better to have both parents 5'8 than to have 6 ft dad and 5'3 mom
Weightlifting- Might be true but idk I grew from 5'7 to 5'11 and i was working out on and off but just dont do weighted squats or DL. Do some relaxed excercizes imo and focus on pullups.

Sugar- Processed sugar is pure garbage but healthy sugar is very important, aka simple carbs and even complex carbs its a source of energy. Dont hop on a carnivore diet

Diet- Eat anything and eat more meats. Meats are just simply healthier. dont go vegan.

Location- Then explain why serbians are taller than northern finnish people and eskimos. Its mainly about diet and that colder climate = colder body = more testosterone and sperm. So stay cool. About the study done in japan id say the same and also there is neglegible difference between north and south japan. Also australians are taller than the portuguese even though australians live closer to the equator. I can find countless examples to disprove this but Im not saying its false it might honestly be true.

Sleep- Nah it isnt cope. 9-10hrs is ideal. Anything above 10hrs is a waste of time imo

Yes and genes do matter

About the not giving a fuck part Id say just measure it once every 6 months and stop caring for the rest. Also 1 inch more wont turn you from an incel to a gigachad.
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
what the fuck is this thread?
I’m 5’9.5 but guess how tall my parents are.

5’5.5 dad (JFL) and 5’5 mom, it’s all genetics buddy with maybe a slight percent from diet and sleep.
it is all genetics, 6'4 here dad is 5'7 mom is 5'3
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
Lol, my mom say the same thing that you said in the end
Kind of true sugar is sugar in my opinion doesnt matter the source unless its synthetically made.
low iq, theres different forms of sugars dumass, overdosing sucrose wont boost your height jfl. Fructose and a little glucose is optimal
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
When i was 14 i was 5 10 now im 17 and im 6,4 nigga do j realise how retarted that sound u literally got older u were in puberty
Average geneticel telling you to eat sugar and not sleep. Def just taking out comp
  • +1
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Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
TLDR; OP had a growth spurt and is too autistic to understand it but blames cutting out sugar for his height gains
  • +1
Reactions: Pandora and truecel12
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
Why would u quit wrestling that’s cucked
First of all of my personal experience and you can also see it you look at teenager bodybuilder, they are all shorter than the average

Excessive physical activity during childhood and adolescence may negatively affect body growth and adolescent development. Excessive exercise is associated with delayed pubertal changes. Sports that emphasize strict weight control in the setting of high-energy output are of particular concern.

Studies of male scholastic wrestlers have shown decreased linear growth during the sports season with catch-up growth during the postseason.

Studies of elite female gymnasts and dancers have likewise demonstrated delayed growth and pubertal maturation during periods of intense training
interesting, but
1. elite level wrestlers lost weight to make weight / fit into weight classes. notice that they catch up growth during the post season, when they eat a lot but still train (just not as much).
2. elite gymnasts lose a lot of weight / overtrain and this inhibits growth.

also most of the people that i know that go to the gym are all tall on average (probably because the only people who go to the gym where i live are athletes).
work out 1x a week more is not needed if your on gh, youll get lean and defined just from the gh alone
maybe when you get off. gh bloats me.
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
So should you gym or not coz the study says it doesn't effect height

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