How the fck am I not good looking enough to get even a crumb of attention from a low value girl?!

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Cuck narrow mouth + aspie soulless stare + pale skin = permavirgin
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You look average-ish. Welcome to the reality of the current dating market for men.

If you want to slay, you have to lean into your positives. My advice for you:

- grow facial hair if you can, use minoxidil if necessary. Just for heavy stubble though
- Get tattoos: sleeve, upper arm, back, fuck even neck
- Start dressing like a truly douchebro guy - conform to fashion but go a step further. Wear bracelets etc
- Start lifting weights to gain muscle, will take 1-2 years to build a significantly better physique if done correctly. Don't get fat though
- Start personalitymaxxing. It may sound like redpill bs but if you are non NT, lack confidence etc. and aren't able to reliably fake it, its gonna fuck your chances up unless you are literally PSL 8 chad.
- Always have good haircut, wear cologne etc. everything to create the illusion that you are a pussy slayer

While taking these steps, you'll have to practice meeting and fucking women. Honestly this is possible even now. Go on tinder, take every single girl you match with and ask them to come over to your place, implying you're having sex. If they aren't immediately responsive, ghost them. For this to work, tinder profile obviously need to be on point.

Once corona restrictions are lifted, go out clubbing and make attempts at girls you find only borderline attractive, just to gain experience and comfort. Bring fat / ugly chicks home and have sex with them.

As your SMV slowly increases, so does your experience and it snowballs.
1 no way am I going to lure fat and ugly people to some place. The mental strain from getting physical with people id have to take viagra for would be sht. I mean who in their right mind would force themselves to bang people they don't want to touch.. imagine the post nut clarity, you'd hate yourself and live with disgust. And always remember you're company and body is so worthless you give it away to people who you don't even want anything from... All to say you had experience. Yeah the whole point in doing that act besides having kids is because you find the other person attractive. You suggest I do something to make me hate myself and rid any self worth I had left?? Might aswell be hiring hookers at that point.
There are no "corona restrictions" this is newzealand. Bars are open, no "clubs" here. Even if those assh0le bouncers were to let me in I still get height mogged by most people of both genders and I'm invisible so bars are useless. Been there tried that for years. No looks. No conversations, nothing...

Lifting weights is useless unless you use steroids and even then for a guy like me who is isn't tall and has a small frame you couldn't tell when I had clothes on anyway. Gym is useless unless you have a good body frame and even then you probably still won't get noticed or matched without a good face. Females will still always go for a tall lean guy who has bigger frame arms etc who hasn't been to the gym over some 5'9 guy who you can barely tell lifts while dressed.also I don't have 2 years for that. I'm already borderline too old for females and bars. Id look older and be too old then. Not to mention I'm unwell in 2 years I might be screwed up. So I don't have that kind of time. Natural lifting is a joke unless you have a decent frame and large limbs.

I wouldn't do tattoos for religious purposes and even if I did I wear long sleeves so you'd never see anyway. Neck tattoos?! Are you mad.. there's no fucking way id be one of those degenerates, yuck I look at those kind of people like trash cause they are low class as fck. Absolute garbage.. I see those idiots and think what the hell is wrong with them. Noones attracted to that sht, and skin scribbles regardless don't make you attractive. If you have noticed I wear collared shirts and stuff I try to look presentable not a fucking loser with a neck tattoo. Next you'll be telling me to try meth.

Facial hair is for creeps and it makes you look older. You're telling me one of the people I'd look down on.

Also trying to bang a large number is degenerate and pointless. Half you fucks don't get it.. it's not a game, a competition. It's an emotional act not a fucking recreational activity.

It's all a waste of time there's too much competition and I was never visible unless it was a time when they'd see me and react negatively.

I'm either going to walk up to some slag on the street and try pay hr 10 grand to bang or I'm going to give up and call it a life. This disgusting act has taken up way too many of my years obsessing over and ruined my mental state.

By the way, as for fucking blaming my looks I made a tinder experiment with this guy who is obviously attractive physically and he still was only matching with asians and foreigners. Only white girls hed match with we're over 30 or fat. Only a couple of others and they were plain. Don't blame me. Blame the females
You look average-ish. Welcome to the reality of the current dating market for men.

If you want to slay, you have to lean into your positives. My advice for you:

- grow facial hair if you can, use minoxidil if necessary. Just for heavy stubble though
- Get tattoos: sleeve, upper arm, back, fuck even neck
- Start dressing like a truly douchebro guy - conform to fashion but go a step further. Wear bracelets etc
- Start lifting weights to gain muscle, will take 1-2 years to build a significantly better physique if done correctly. Don't get fat though
- Start personalitymaxxing. It may sound like redpill bs but if you are non NT, lack confidence etc. and aren't able to reliably fake it, its gonna fuck your chances up unless you are literally PSL 8 chad.
- Always have good haircut, wear cologne etc. everything to create the illusion that you are a pussy slayer

While taking these steps, you'll have to practice meeting and fucking women. Honestly this is possible even now. Go on tinder, take every single girl you match with and ask them to come over to your place, implying you're having sex. If they aren't immediately responsive, ghost them. For this to work, tinder profile obviously need to be on point.

Once corona restrictions are lifted, go out clubbing and make attempts at girls you find only borderline attractive, just to gain experience and comfort. Bring fat / ugly chicks home and have sex with them.

As your SMV slowly increases, so does your experience and it snowballs.

Cuck narrow mouth + aspie soulless stare + pale skin = permavirgin
Go fuck yourself with a hot iron or fight me motherfcker maybe I should just fucking go to the middle east and have bitches for slaves then
I don't get it.. am I ugly or just unusual looking? I think I look decent here.. a shtload better than I used to (which isn't saying much though) but I wouldn't of thought I still wouldn't be good enough..

My crappy tinder got 2 likes in the first 24 hours, from what I could see one of them looked like a female shrek.
Tried badoo (full of unsightly people) and got 1 like (from the same alternative looking strange person who liked me years ago so I deleted it)

Went to heaps of bars and town the other night, couldn't even get a female to look at me, yet apparently pubs and bars are where you're supposed to meet females.

What do I do, do u look that fckng bad or is it my age... I mean if online dating won't work, real life won't work all I can do is maybe travel to somewhere without technology where girls don't have all the options..
>two likes
>no attention
You should get attention from girls. I think I'm not better looking than you or at least not much yet I get a lot of IOIs - or then I can't rate guys. You are better than average but not chad.

Do you go out? Do you have a good, confident posture?
Lower third is the answer

Get skinnier, you need that V-Shaped curve from chin jawline

Also online dating gets harder and harder and harder every single year, its getting absurd

Mewing for Hollow Cheeks Featured
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Take more NT pics and you’re guaranteed to get a couple of matches
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Chadlite in first pic, high tier normie in the others. It’s weird you don’t get matches on tinder though, when even others with shit basement selfies who don’t even look that good can get almost 100 in a day. You could also be legitimately autistic or high inhib, especially when you can’t even score women at bars. There could be many reasons. Change haircut though, change clothing style a bit as well. Also increase sex appeal since you’re low smv atm. Don’t worry about iois irl; most men don’t get them.
  • +1
Reactions: sandcelmuttcel and .👽.
Bro are u serious u look average at the very least. I'm like you normal looking but get very little matches, dating apps are some sick game lmao
Holy crap I just read the whole thread this guy has issues
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Reactions: Preoximerianas, Be_ConfidentBro, Deleted member 5185 and 1 other person
Weird man, you fog me hard and even i get matches. Maybe you are shadowbanned on tinder? Did you try different apps? Or create a new tinder account?

And yea you are HTN so you wont get approached in bars, maybe once every 2 months or so. You need to approach them, it is what it is.

You need better pics: where you do stuff idk. It will boost your matches but even guys with autistic pics like yours get many matches (i mean @SendMePicsToRate ).
Go fuck yourself with a hot iron or fight me motherfcker maybe I should just fucking go to the middle east and have bitches for slaves then
Damn you really can't take a joke jfl, maybe if you weren't such an estrogenic bitch you wouldn't be incel.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5185
BenedictCumberbatchmaxx and get a better haircut. Also the most important thing is that don't try to look like a non NT.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer and sandcelmuttcel
you look like an aspie in some of these tbh. Your clothing choices also look like shit very faggy. Your face is normie level and the haircut is ass. A little looksmaxxing and you'll be fine rn just low smv and some easy fix flaws.
Asshole let's see how you fucking dress
  • JFL
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Asshole let's see how you fucking dress
suck my fucking cock faggo this goof rat dresses like a pride supporter from the 70s ill fucking skin you and him alive throw ur bodies in rubbing alcohol all while i fuck ur mothers into oblivion you fucking bastard
Bro u are looking too white, u should tanmaxxing first
You can't even speak properly you worthless piece of shit. I dress better than 90% of guys who go out cause those fuckwits just wear a plain t-shirt. They're all damn clones and you wouldn't say any of that shit to me if you were in front of me or I'd grab your head and ram it into the closest hard object
suck my fucking cock faggo this goof rat dresses like a pride supporter from the 70s ill fucking skin you and him alive throw ur bodies in rubbing alcohol all while i fuck ur mothers into oblivion you fucking bastard
suck my fucking cock faggo this goof rat dresses like a pride supporter from the 70s ill fucking skin you and him alive throw ur bodies in rubbing alcohol all while i fuck ur mothers into oblivion you fucking bastard
Do yourself a favor and drink pesticide you oxygen wasting reprobate
very strong mental issues
won't listen to anyone's advice, very narcissistic, gives bad vibes, autistic and boring selfies.. I would stay away from u
I've read through this read the OP genuinely has some deep seated mental issues that he has to work through but won't for some reason. But that's besides the points, why are you even on this forum? It's a genuine honest to the Universe question. You've lashed out in pure rage, even straight threatened some of the people giving you advice. Was their delivery cringe and autistic? 100% but that's to be expect from most of the basement dwellers on here.

Like I have to agree with a lot of the people posting, you're fairly tall (5'9) and with lifts could easily fraud to 5'11 and then claim to be 6'0. You have sorta thick eyebrows that can be improve upon, are white, and have a decent jawline. But I have to agree with the other commenters that your fashion sense is decent at best, your hair could use some major work, and that your facial expression/pose is awful. But the way you've reacted to some of the people who've pointed this out, it's wild.

I kinda feel like you're deeply narcissistic, like you give off a "I'm perfect and my issues are because of woman for not seeing my perfection" but I'm not a therapist so it's just a thought. You want sex with someone you're actually attracted to and not some ugly fat whore off the street which isn't wrong. But years of rampant porn addiction and probably finding God have caused you to despise the idea of sex, thinking it is some abomination of an act that Humans are forced to do.

Really the only thing that can be said is what you said right here because you're too narcissistic and black pilled to accept any of the advice anyone is going to give you on here:

I'm either going to walk up to some slag on the street and try pay hr 10 grand to bang or I'm going to give up and call it a life. This disgusting act has taken up way too many of my years obsessing over and ruined my mental state.
You look fine, I’m 99% sure you’re autistic (literally or figuratively) and that’s what’s causing you trouble.
If even the damn incel of this place are giving me sht then no wonder no females ever look at me.. what the fuck.. I can't understand what's actually bad looking about myself physically, besides my nose
Bro it’s also the Energy ngl
But it’s really crazy that you don’t get a Foid to look at you
I'm going to find where you live and fucking shank you in front of your family
You are seriously delusional. You ask a question, and people answer honestly, on a forum that's all about honesty and not blue pilled feel good shit. If you want to hear "Oh you're so handsome, some day the right girl will come along" blue pilled bullshit then post your shit on reddit.

It's hard to accept your flaws, and how others honestly perceive you, and depending on the flaw, even harder to fix. But if you don't have the emotional fortitude for that, then this isn't the place for you.

Your face is heavily asymmetrical. You have some skin issue between your eyebrows. Your lips are too thin. Maybe you can find fixes for those things. But your SMV is equal to the girls that you match with. Women don't have to get thin, or put in effort to get a guy of your SMV because they are the choosers. Men of dating age, are generally all looks maxing for the chance of a girl even looking at them. You have competition. The hotter girls choose hotter guys than you. I know it's hard to hear, but it's the truth.
I don't get it.. am I ugly or just unusual looking? I think I look decent here.. a shtload better than I used to (which isn't saying much though) but I wouldn't of thought I still wouldn't be good enough..

My crappy tinder got 2 likes in the first 24 hours, from what I could see one of them looked like a female shrek.
Tried badoo (full of unsightly people) and got 1 like (from the same alternative looking strange person who liked me years ago so I deleted it)

Went to heaps of bars and town the other night, couldn't even get a female to look at me, yet apparently pubs and bars are where you're supposed to meet females.

What do I do, do u look that fckng bad or is it my age... I mean if online dating won't work, real life won't work all I can do is maybe travel to somewhere without technology where girls don't have all the options..
3 things:

1. Feminism.
2. Technology.
3. Alt leftism.

These 3 things do not help men at all. And are a disaster for men dating wise. In my view the bigger issues facing our gender in dating is in part due to the large scale societal ramifications in the current culture. Your looks will always be important but - you can't drive a Lamborghini without the car keys.
I don't get it.. am I ugly or just unusual looking? I think I look decent here.. a shtload better than I used to (which isn't saying much though) but I wouldn't of thought I still wouldn't be good enough..

My crappy tinder got 2 likes in the first 24 hours, from what I could see one of them looked like a female shrek.
Tried badoo (full of unsightly people) and got 1 like (from the same alternative looking strange person who liked me years ago so I deleted it)

Went to heaps of bars and town the other night, couldn't even get a female to look at me, yet apparently pubs and bars are where you're supposed to meet females.

What do I do, do u look that fckng bad or is it my age... I mean if online dating won't work, real life won't work all I can do is maybe travel to somewhere without technology where girls don't have all the options..
In 2021 unless u are prime Cavill tier with professionally taken photos ur gonna have ~1% match rate with low-tier becky ethnics

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