How to be popular and have girls love your personality

No personality for my face.

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npd is the opposite of what he said to do all u do is try to prove ur better than everyonie but tbh ion think u have it
i do try to do that, why do you think im not popular
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Reactions: isis_Bleach
but instead geared towards making the other person feel good about themselves is a key life skill.
Tbh my female friends always compliment me on this and I’m low agreeableness naturally

Not even joking

But I’ve never gotten pussy from it so I think you’re larping

I am extraverted, have few friends but some of them female, LTN

This is a good guide for making friends but acting like an agreeable faggot never got me pussy
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  • JFL
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Society is built around women and their needs so acting more like this will not only get you friends but also mean by virtue of girls now thinking you have "good vibes" that you will be able to get girls that normally would never have considered you due to your looks level
None of this works if you’re black btw
  • JFL
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Reactions: Pikabro, GetShrekt and ItsOVERBuddyBoyos
Tbh my female friends always compliment me on this and I’m low agreeableness naturally

Not even joking

But I’ve never gotten pussy from it so I think you’re larping

I am extraverted, have few friends but some of them female, LTN

This is a good guide for making friends but acting like an agreeable faggot never got me pussy

Most guys are too low agreeableness so I'm advocating faking it to practice the skills over time.

"Acting like an agreeable faggot" JFL

In life you can get other people to do things for you if they like you enough.

This extends way further than sex.
How do you get a job than you are not the most qualified candidate for?

If you can get the interviewers to like you and build a bond and the more aspie more qualified candidate does not. You will be hired over them. Same with promotions etc

Ngl I do this tho

So you shoot your shot and when its doesn't work you just take the whole situation as an L like most guys.

But you miss the opportunity to use this girls as a passport to all the other women she knows

Every popular guy tends to have the same pattern.
A core group of his boys. With perhaps one or two close female friends.
An extensive group of females that they know in passing

None of this works if you’re black btw

I'm not white.
I'm Pakistani.

  • +1
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Most guys are too low agreeableness so I'm advocating faking it to practice the skills over time.

"Acting like an agreeable faggot" JFL

In life you can get other people to do things for you if they like you enough.

This extends way further than sex.
How do you get a job than you are not the most qualified candidate for?

If you can get the interviewers to like you and build a bond and the more aspie more qualified candidate does not. You will be hired over them. Same with promotions etc

So you shoot your shot and when its doesn't work you just take the whole situation as an L like most guys.

But you miss the opportunity to use this girls as a passport to all the other women she knows

Every popular guy tends to have the same pattern.
A core group of his boys. With perhaps one or two close female friends.
An extensive group of females that they know in passing

I'm not white.
I'm Pakistani.
Yea all I’m saying is being agreeable and a good listener won’t get you pussy

I don’t deny it can help you with jobs and making friebds

The reason I say it won’t work for blacks is cuz blacks are expected to be hard and not take shit and be masculine more than any other race. Any amount of friendliness as a black man repulses is women.

My strategy tbat worked for me back in the day did have elements of this tbh, but also “being the group leader”

All I’m saying is no guy ever got pussy from being a good listener

But if your goal is to make friends go ahead
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview and ItsOVERBuddyBoyos
Yea all I’m saying is being agreeable and a good listener won’t get you pussy

I don’t deny it can help you with jobs and making friebds

The reason I say it won’t work for blacks is cuz blacks are expected to be hard and not take shit and be masculine more than any other race. Any amount of friendliness as a black man repulses is women.

My strategy tbat worked for me back in the day did have elements of this tbh, but also “being the group leader”

All I’m saying is no guy ever got pussy from being a good listener

But if your goal is to make friends go ahead
Thoughts? @tyronelite
Thoughts? @tyronelite
Yeah being agreeable definitely won’t get you quick pussy

But for social circle & networking it’s good

But at the same time you don’t want to be too agreeable to the point you’re changing your views completely to appease them.

Then you’re just a nice guy who’ll do whatever to be accepted
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Not a letter
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, ItsOVERBuddyBoyos and Xangsane
A lot of the forum seems to not understand social circle maxxing and social dynamics as a whole.
Having a good social life, and other people care about you is one of the key pillars to having a happy life.

This is long but if you are someone who : - Only has a few friends / or no close friends
- You have no female friends
- You are introverted or autistic
- Don't have a HTN+ face to just carry you in life

Then this could really help you if you apply it to your real life


So the essential ingredients to being 'NT' & popular is being high in agreeableness + being low in neuroticism

Thinking about how the other person is feeling and then responding in ways that are not geared towards reality but instead geared towards making the other person feel good about themselves is a key life skill.

It's free to give someone good feelings and in return they will gift you with favours , loyalty and social status.

Of course, this sort of thinking comes much more naturally to the more socially inclined gender, women.
And I'm certain any data of personality tests will show woman as far more agreeable on average than men.

Being agreeable means sometimes letting shit slide, that would make a more alpha red piller chimp out
It means going out of your way to be conscious of how others are feeling, making sure people are not feeling excluded from the group, making sure people feel heard and valued etc.

This doesn't really fit with the tough alpha masculinity men are usually bombarded with, and is associated with women which is why i think people here calling it the feminine brain and calling autistic behaviour super masculine.

Which btw is funny as fuck because autistic people are neurotic as fuck and being low in neuroticism is a key trait to being seen as manly be women.
Girls can afford to be neurotic and worry about stupid shit, but if you ever show that side of you to a woman she will think you're weak.

When talking to a girl, the "more masculine brain" dude is going to be results focused and tunnel vision on the result her wants, her having sex with him. Plus depending on his aspieness/neuroticism he will have all sorts of weird thoughts clouding up his mind at the same time. If this type of guy doesn't get the result he wants, sex, from the girl he might not even ever speak to her again

The "more feminine brain" dude when talking to a girl is going to be focused on making her feel comfortable, conscious of if she is having fun and tunnel vision on just being likeable. These guys will smile way more, they will listen to what she is actually saying more rather than waiting for their turn to speak, they will be more open with their gestures etc and being low in neuroticism they will appear calm, instead of nervous or creepy.

One guy is bringing positive energy or as girls like to call it "good vibes" so even if she doesnt like your looks, or for any reason doesnt want to hook up. Its still a win because she likes you as a person now.

I would describe what you want to be as Benevolent Masculinity you try to raise people up and be get them to be loyal to you.
however of course the issue with this is you could look too soft, if you don't bitchslap people down when they try to test you.

But heres the beauty of it. Because you have been fostering relationships with both men and women and have been considerate to their feelings, you are a person they like being around because you never bitch and moan about life and always make them feel better about themselves and less insecure.

When someone does try to test you, the entire social group will rally your defence so you don't even need to do anything. There's no bigger mog in life than the entire group telling you they all prefer someone else to you.

So i used to hang around with the UK equivalent of frat bros all the time.
While yes, you're correct they can form deep deep bonds with the boys
and in a party scene like unis their behaviour is acceptable and so they can succeed socially.

However, Frat guys who don't have high agreeableness and low neuroticism will struggle in social situations that aren't a house party.

These are the ones that are seen as douchebags and girls see them as having a shitty personality.
They can hook up at uni sure, but no quality girl will date these guys.

Of course there are Frat boy type who do have high agreeableness and low neuroticism, and these guys are seen by the girls as "not being like those other guys" or "one of the good ones"
They tend to end up at the top of the hierarchy of guys since they are the ones with extended females in their social circle and can bring chicks to a party.

Also once out of the uni binge drinking culture these guys leave the other frat guys in the dust because they can adapt to differing social situations. You'll see this as you get older and societal expectations change.

Society is built around women and their needs so acting more like this will not only get you friends but also mean by virtue of girls now thinking you have "good vibes" that you will be able to get girls that normally would never have considered you due to your looks level
mirin taking your time but being non neurotic is extremely hard. so over. but im agreeable tho
  • +1
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If you are an autist/non-NT don’t bother with this shit, I spent year researching how to be popular amongst people, made many female and male friends both on purpose and accidentally, I genuinely dislike them all and they become a nuisance to deal with, cutting them off isn’t easy, they can persistent.
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Reactions: p0lishsubhuman, Daniel Plainview, dimorphism and 2 others
Sub HTN Guys
So for Sub HTN Guys the current dating climate is the roughest its ever been.
If you're MTN normie face and below, you're main avenues are be born tall, be born white or gymmaxx
and even then you will struggle against the HTN+ guys.

While of course being less attractive will mean girls are way less likely to want to hook up or even date you.
I do believe that if you were to follow my points here, you would have a much larger social circle than you would have naturally had , which means any girl who associates with you is far less likely to get clowned on by her friends since you are somewhat popular at least.

Also i think that if you seem like a decent, fun & confident guy you would get girls who would usually overlook you due to your looks, they would now consider you as a potential boyfriend option. And for most MTN and below guys their main goal should be aiming to get a good LTR rather than trying to become tinder slayers where they have to compete with top tier guys, you would always be fighting for the scraps in that situation.

The FriendZone

So i'm not one of those people who believes guys and girls can't be friends.
I don't want to fuck my female friends, they provide other useful social benefits to have around

I'm not advocating to go and do favours for some chick who gives no fucks about you.

While yes you should try to get into the habit of thinking about what the other persons wants and how to get them on your side etc.
Your main aim is to try to come across a confident, fun and cool person to be around.
So you go around making friends, and you would prioritise the most useful to you, so other good looking and social guy are great because being around them not only can you watch how they do it but you also get invited way more places and girls think its a falio if you friends are dweebs.

Of course the main group you want to be making friends with is girls.

So in this situation redpillers/alpha male types would go straight up to the hot girl, be overly pushy and sexual and get their ass rejected if not chad.

What i'm saying is if you focus on being a fun and positive to be around as possible and you treat women nicely , even ugly women you will have more success.
So i would keep my cards close to my chest and not just outwardly let a girl you just met know you want to fuck her, because that seems desperate. You just make yourself seem appealing by looking as good as you physically can and acting as "NT" as you possibly can, for the girls you want to fuck you should flirt but never make it too overt, leave plausible deniability that you were just being friendly. This way if she doesn't reciprocate interest you didn't get rejected.

This should be water, like checking if a girl is comfortable with your physical touch before going in for a kiss to prevent awkward situations
Girls use the strategy well, and you can just steal it and adapt it against them because most guy can't hide their desperation.

So we have some girls who might reciprocate interest that you can hook up with.
But what about all the other girls who didn't show you interest, and even the ugly girls i said you should be nice to ?
Well these girls operate as your passport into more female social groups.

If you have no female friends you are forced to rely on picking up girls at clubs, OLD or fucking PUA.

Of course the hotter girls you can get as your friends the better since even having them around you and being able to bring them along to parties with you will increase you social standing with the other top lads you're also trying to impress.

But lookism affects women too, so having more plain female friends has the advantages of, less competition since guys aint really talking to them like that plus they are way more likely than hotter girls to feel almost indebted towards you and will be more loyal since they receive less positive reinforcement than hot girls.

But these female friends will give you social proof and knowing them will provide you with endless opportunities to meet other girls. Even something as simple as you stop to say hello to the one chick you kinda know and now you can get introduced to all these others girls shes hanging with that you didn't know.

Getting to girls this way is obviously vastly superior to just cold approaching in clubs.
and IMO is even better advice for MTN/HTN guys since chad can just cold approach anyway.

So in terms of the "friendzone" you aren't supposed to be these girls simp you're just an guy she kinda knows.

Your close friend group should be made of the highest tier guys you can get.

Also for some of the less experienced people just having a female friend and being around her should help them understand women a little better.

Yeah, i admit i can only theorise about what a shorter guy should do since i've never been short.

My uni experience also showed me the other side of racetax.
I was in an almost entirely white environment, so this ends up working in your favour since you are much more memorable when people even meet you once at a party, and there's lots of white chads but there's like very few if any ethnic ones so alot of girls just get funnelled towards you in that situation.

Low inhib = Low neuroticism.
if you were overly in your mind and overthinking everything you wouldn't have been able to do this.
Just approach will increase your chances as long as you are at least higher tier MTN overall.

Using it in real life

i wouldn't characterise it as using the friend zone, you're not like talking to this girl endlessly and waiting for one day where you make your move. its more using girls to introduce you to more girls and to get them to vouch for you.

One real life recent example, this overweight LTB chick who was pretty cool personality, she was initiating a lot of convos with me out of the blue so I know that she wants to hook up.

But instead of doing what some people here might do and just reject her, i just enjoy her company strictly platonically.
However, i make sure that i make it ambiguous to her so she thinks she has a chance.
She then invites me to her birthday party.
I get introduced to all her friends, at the party there's like 1 hot chick , 1 decent chick and others all mid or below.

So instead of just paying attention to the hot one, which would annoy all her other friends, i focus on just being the center on attention, telling stories, being animated, bringing hype to the party basically.
This way all the friends have a good impression on me.

Also in this situation there are of course other guys at the party, but I'm not going to go out my way to include them.

It sounds bad but you only really help someone when there's a possible benefit to you. Its natural, altruism vs egoism or some other bullshit psychology principle.

I made sure to try and monopolise as much of the girls attention, and of course as the night progresses and you've laid the foundation work, you are now in with everyone, so you can find moments to try and build a flirty connection with the hot girl and i did and fucked the hot friend of the LTB who invited me.
I don’t even know how to make foid friends jfl
Redditors would say "women are just people incel, talk to them as you would anyone" but this is inexpressibly retarded. All my interests are masculine lone wolf tier. I have nothing in common with foids.
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I don’t even know how to make foid friends jfl
Redditors would say "women are just people incel, talk to them as you would anyone" but this is inexpressibly retarded. All my interests are masculine lone wolf tier. I have nothing in common with foids.
Nothing to talk to a girl about?

The easiest topic is probably movies / tv shows.
So you should have seen whatever the recent hype shows were such stranger things/ squid game for example.
This are super basic standard.

But for even better results the two best things to watch and be able to discuss are:

- Crime Documentaries : Girls love shows like this, so keeping up with them is useful. For example the Jeffrey Dahmer one is on Netflix right now and loads of girls will be watching.

- Trashy reality TV : Something like 90Day Fiance is really good since has so many meme worthy moments and you don't even have to watch the show. Can just watch the clips on YouTube and you will know most of the main characters.
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Reactions: GetShrekt, Daniel Plainview, Deleted member 9779 and 2 others
A lot of the forum seems to not understand social circle maxxing and social dynamics as a whole.
Having a good social life, and other people care about you is one of the key pillars to having a happy life.

This is long but if you are someone who : - Only has a few friends / or no close friends
- You have no female friends
- You are introverted or autistic
- Don't have a HTN+ face to just carry you in life

Then this could really help you if you apply it to your real life


So the essential ingredients to being 'NT' & popular is being high in agreeableness + being low in neuroticism

Thinking about how the other person is feeling and then responding in ways that are not geared towards reality but instead geared towards making the other person feel good about themselves is a key life skill.

It's free to give someone good feelings and in return they will gift you with favours , loyalty and social status.

Of course, this sort of thinking comes much more naturally to the more socially inclined gender, women.
And I'm certain any data of personality tests will show woman as far more agreeable on average than men.

Being agreeable means sometimes letting shit slide, that would make a more alpha red piller chimp out
It means going out of your way to be conscious of how others are feeling, making sure people are not feeling excluded from the group, making sure people feel heard and valued etc.

This doesn't really fit with the tough alpha masculinity men are usually bombarded with, and is associated with women which is why i think people here calling it the feminine brain and calling autistic behaviour super masculine.

Which btw is funny as fuck because autistic people are neurotic as fuck and being low in neuroticism is a key trait to being seen as manly be women.
Girls can afford to be neurotic and worry about stupid shit, but if you ever show that side of you to a woman she will think you're weak.

When talking to a girl, the "more masculine brain" dude is going to be results focused and tunnel vision on the result her wants, her having sex with him. Plus depending on his aspieness/neuroticism he will have all sorts of weird thoughts clouding up his mind at the same time. If this type of guy doesn't get the result he wants, sex, from the girl he might not even ever speak to her again

The "more feminine brain" dude when talking to a girl is going to be focused on making her feel comfortable, conscious of if she is having fun and tunnel vision on just being likeable. These guys will smile way more, they will listen to what she is actually saying more rather than waiting for their turn to speak, they will be more open with their gestures etc and being low in neuroticism they will appear calm, instead of nervous or creepy.

One guy is bringing positive energy or as girls like to call it "good vibes" so even if she doesnt like your looks, or for any reason doesnt want to hook up. Its still a win because she likes you as a person now.

I would describe what you want to be as Benevolent Masculinity you try to raise people up and be get them to be loyal to you.
however of course the issue with this is you could look too soft, if you don't bitchslap people down when they try to test you.

But heres the beauty of it. Because you have been fostering relationships with both men and women and have been considerate to their feelings, you are a person they like being around because you never bitch and moan about life and always make them feel better about themselves and less insecure.

When someone does try to test you, the entire social group will rally your defence so you don't even need to do anything. There's no bigger mog in life than the entire group telling you they all prefer someone else to you.

So i used to hang around with the UK equivalent of frat bros all the time.
While yes, you're correct they can form deep deep bonds with the boys
and in a party scene like unis their behaviour is acceptable and so they can succeed socially.

However, Frat guys who don't have high agreeableness and low neuroticism will struggle in social situations that aren't a house party.

These are the ones that are seen as douchebags and girls see them as having a shitty personality.
They can hook up at uni sure, but no quality girl will date these guys.

Of course there are Frat boy type who do have high agreeableness and low neuroticism, and these guys are seen by the girls as "not being like those other guys" or "one of the good ones"
They tend to end up at the top of the hierarchy of guys since they are the ones with extended females in their social circle and can bring chicks to a party.

Also once out of the uni binge drinking culture these guys leave the other frat guys in the dust because they can adapt to differing social situations. You'll see this as you get older and societal expectations change.

Society is built around women and their needs so acting more like this will not only get you friends but also mean by virtue of girls now thinking you have "good vibes" that you will be able to get girls that normally would never have considered you due to your looks level

Just be a pussy theory.
Im too autistic to be not autistic
drowning by water
  • JFL
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@Indo_Chad @MakinItHappenReturn @FailedNormieManlet @Xangsane @Zer0/∞ @House Lannister @Vain786 @pretty boy @justinzayn @PrinceLuenLeoncur @Chinacurry @Chadethnic101 @Niko69

Apologies to anyone i missed

Also @Preston if it can be moved to BOB since i think its useful especially for the younger users, i would appreciate it.
I’m so sorry for not reading all this shit when you tagged me first time. Having read it all I can say HIGH IQ BAHAI JAAANI.

I agree with the frat boy stuff, I do think looks play a role, i natrally look “cool” very “NT” even though I’m not so I natrally attract chads to me and frat types not in a gay way but as in a buddy way in uni I prettymuch hanged out with Chads and ethnic social maxxers XD without trying even though they realised I was prob not 100% like them my kindness and cool demeanour is what kept them around. Girls also thought I was “cute” I guess so that helped me not be alienated
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This is literally me and you have posted cope sir.
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  • JFL
Reactions: isis_Bleach, Deleted member 9779 and Looks Forever
It's either looks or a certain personality type/natural charisma and lust for life that you have to be born with
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im literally very 90th percentile in neurotism and 3rd in being agreeable :confused:
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview and Danish_Retard
why the hell is this pinned?
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Pikabro, HerpDerpson, GetShrekt and 1 other person
TLDR; Just Don't Be Autistic Bro!
even if you weren't autistic you still look this
good luck not having every social interaction you participate in not become a roast session of you, you fucking subhuman ganges abomination
  • JFL
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Reactions: Pikabro, EverythingMattersCel, Daniel Plainview and 5 others
Literally an outright bluepilled thread about personality

No, you're just too low sentience to understand.
Plenty of other people finding it useful.

You are not stuck as you are. Do you really think that you can't improve at anything?

and as for @Zer0/∞
yes, i'm saying that if he lost weight, did the softmaxxes this site is build around, and tried to make an effort to be social with others. that his life would be way better

2896859 FaceApp 1653155218838
Last edited:
  • Woah
Reactions: rand anon
you said what i've been thinking but with the correct vocabulary and more depth. nice thread, i agree with eveything
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Reactions: infini and ItsOVERBuddyBoyos
Too long text for me to read sorry but my advice on this is basically just inject Testosterone

Testosterone plays a huge role on your behaviour n personality n social rank in social hierarchy

It's a known scientific fact that men with higher Testosterone achieve higher social status and also mates more women/are better at courting women

@Over @GetShrekt @Vampiremaxxer
  • JFL
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Reactions: Enlil, isis_Bleach and ItsOVERBuddyBoyos
You laugh react cause you propably think "Testosterone is just a meme" or something but do you have any actual arguments against this? Propably not
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, GetShrekt, Enlil and 1 other person
Honestly this is good advice. Amazes me how people seem to ignore nuance in human interactions and see the disagreeable masc guy as being a "stud." Rubbing your masculinity and aggression in people's face will attract girls with mental deficiencies, and will garner you immediate disrespect and disdain from guys. It's a great way to ostracize yourself. Being agreeable is an incredibly useful skill in interpersonal relationships, as long as you don't become a pushover.


I disagree with your sentiment about low neuroticism being necessary, neuroticism and anxiousness is not a "female" trait, or just "being worked up over some stupid shit" it's self-doubt. Self-doubt and vulnerability is how you connect with people in a way that's deeper than just talking about your interests. As long as you approach your neuroticism with recognition and a bit of lightheartedness and humor, it can be a halo rather than a failo.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 32954
100% legit guide. Can you give me some examples in which this personality would be important?

Also how do you exactly practice this personality?
A lot of the forum seems to not understand social circle maxxing and social dynamics as a whole.
Having a good social life, and other people care about you is one of the key pillars to having a happy life.

This is long but if you are someone who : - Only has a few friends / or no close friends
- You have no female friends
- You are introverted or autistic
- Don't have a HTN+ face to just carry you in life

Then this could really help you if you apply it to your real life


So the essential ingredients to being 'NT' & popular is being high in agreeableness + being low in neuroticism

Thinking about how the other person is feeling and then responding in ways that are not geared towards reality but instead geared towards making the other person feel good about themselves is a key life skill.

It's free to give someone good feelings and in return they will gift you with favours , loyalty and social status.

Of course, this sort of thinking comes much more naturally to the more socially inclined gender, women.
And I'm certain any data of personality tests will show woman as far more agreeable on average than men.

Being agreeable means sometimes letting shit slide, that would make a more alpha red piller chimp out
It means going out of your way to be conscious of how others are feeling, making sure people are not feeling excluded from the group, making sure people feel heard and valued etc.

This doesn't really fit with the tough alpha masculinity men are usually bombarded with, and is associated with women which is why i think people here calling it the feminine brain and calling autistic behaviour super masculine.

Which btw is funny as fuck because autistic people are neurotic as fuck and being low in neuroticism is a key trait to being seen as manly be women.
Girls can afford to be neurotic and worry about stupid shit, but if you ever show that side of you to a woman she will think you're weak.

When talking to a girl, the "more masculine brain" dude is going to be results focused and tunnel vision on the result her wants, her having sex with him. Plus depending on his aspieness/neuroticism he will have all sorts of weird thoughts clouding up his mind at the same time. If this type of guy doesn't get the result he wants, sex, from the girl he might not even ever speak to her again

The "more feminine brain" dude when talking to a girl is going to be focused on making her feel comfortable, conscious of if she is having fun and tunnel vision on just being likeable. These guys will smile way more, they will listen to what she is actually saying more rather than waiting for their turn to speak, they will be more open with their gestures etc and being low in neuroticism they will appear calm, instead of nervous or creepy.

One guy is bringing positive energy or as girls like to call it "good vibes" so even if she doesnt like your looks, or for any reason doesnt want to hook up. Its still a win because she likes you as a person now.

I would describe what you want to be as Benevolent Masculinity you try to raise people up and be get them to be loyal to you.
however of course the issue with this is you could look too soft, if you don't bitchslap people down when they try to test you.

But heres the beauty of it. Because you have been fostering relationships with both men and women and have been considerate to their feelings, you are a person they like being around because you never bitch and moan about life and always make them feel better about themselves and less insecure.

When someone does try to test you, the entire social group will rally your defence so you don't even need to do anything. There's no bigger mog in life than the entire group telling you they all prefer someone else to you.

So i used to hang around with the UK equivalent of frat bros all the time.
While yes, you're correct they can form deep deep bonds with the boys
and in a party scene like unis their behaviour is acceptable and so they can succeed socially.

However, Frat guys who don't have high agreeableness and low neuroticism will struggle in social situations that aren't a house party.

These are the ones that are seen as douchebags and girls see them as having a shitty personality.
They can hook up at uni sure, but no quality girl will date these guys.

Of course there are Frat boy type who do have high agreeableness and low neuroticism, and these guys are seen by the girls as "not being like those other guys" or "one of the good ones"
They tend to end up at the top of the hierarchy of guys since they are the ones with extended females in their social circle and can bring chicks to a party.

Also once out of the uni binge drinking culture these guys leave the other frat guys in the dust because they can adapt to differing social situations. You'll see this as you get older and societal expectations change.

Society is built around women and their needs so acting more like this will not only get you friends but also mean by virtue of girls now thinking you have "good vibes" that you will be able to get girls that normally would never have considered you due to your looks level
Either Phenibut for better personality with same looks or improve looks for your personality to be perceived way better
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview
This is water

Also I'm an extreme introvert and have no problem making friends and getting girls OP
i do try to do that, why do you think im not popular
Jfl @ believing the personality disorders doctors hand out. They just want you out of their office.
So the essential ingredients to being 'NT' & popular is being high in agreeableness + being low in neuroticism
The being high in agreeableness part is something that you cannot fake imo. I think people who are like that just are like that. It is very difficult to act like something which you are not.
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OP is right abour neuroticism, nobody likes a constant worrier.

However with agreeableness I think something else is going on. When you’re not the high-status guy in a group, the group basically forces you to be agreeable (aka take shit and become a servant for everyone else) as a condition of staying in it. As soon as you become disagreeable the group starts to pressure you, or you risk getting kicked out.

If you’re not walking into the group with super high status already, you have two options:

(1) say fuck it, I’m going to be disagreeable, and don’t try to become a member of the group in the first place until you have huge status walking into it (this is good for uni circles, for instance, where you can ‘move’ friend groups to an extent), or

(2) be agreeable and be part of the group, doing the bare minimum to stay in. Meanwhile find out how to rise in the ranks and become the top guy (or guys) and once you’ve reached the top you can let your natural disagreeability out and nobody will say shit. This works well for groups you have to be part of (extended family, work, and so on)

Source: have been high, medium, and low status (and kicked out lol) in my school to uni to early work days and this is what I noticed about the difference in my experiences as each.
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview and Danish_Retard
The being high in agreeableness part is something that you cannot fake imo. I think people who are like that just are like that. It is very difficult to act like something which you are not.
I think you can do it to an extent but you absolutely feel like a pathetic piece of dirt. The way to stay sane is to realise your easy-going agreeableness is temporary whilst you gain status in the group and move up the ranks.
that's the thing, you can't unless ur naturally inclined too. This thread just broke down what being NT is, but there is no solution to become NT

I’m neurotic and disagreeable. My brain is incel through and through; my beliefs, worldview, values, ideology, etc. all are inceloconservative as fuck. And I will die on these hills. If you disagree with my views, fuck you. I have a very fuck-you and my-way-or-highway mindset, but I desperately want to be liked. I guess I can’t have my cake and eat it too.
  • So Sad
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Yeah being agreeable definitely won’t get you quick pussy

But for social circle & networking it’s good

But at the same time you don’t want to be too agreeable to the point you’re changing your views completely to appease them.

Then you’re just a nice guy who’ll do whatever to be accepted

Its a balance.
I find that in mixed gender friend groups like if you're a reasonably good looking confident guy it makes alot of people seethe inside secretly so they always trying to take you down and snake you.

but if you butter these people up they switch into being your biggest supporters since they have low self esteem.

making people feel good about themselves if free, but it pays so many dividends in return for doing it

simple rule is if someone approaches you and they're being polite then be kind

if some guy tries to shitalk, then you put him into his place with your words. violence should only ever be implied. don't throw hands in public, if you want to do something you wait until there's no cameras/people especially girls and then deal with em

if some girls tries to shitalk, its a bit more difficult, here you can use you words but everything is kinda rigged agaisnt you, you need to be careful not to come across as the bad guy in the situation as she will naturally play the victim if she even gets a tiny chance. So in this situation its great to have other women who are your friends come to your defence.
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Danish_Retard and tyronelite
Its a balance.
I find that in mixed gender friend groups like if you're a reasonably good looking confident guy it makes alot of people seethe inside secretly so they always trying to take you down and snake you.

but if you butter these people up they switch into being your biggest supporters since they have low self esteem.

making people feel good about themselves if free, but it pays so many dividends in return for doing it

simple rule is if someone approaches you and they're being polite then be kind

if some guy tries to shitalk, then you put him into his place with your words. violence should only ever be implied. don't throw hands in public, if you want to do something you wait until there's no cameras/people especially girls and then deal with em

if some girls tries to shitalk, its a bit more difficult, here you can use you words but everything is kinda rigged agaisnt you, you need to be careful not to come across as the bad guy in the situation as she will naturally play the victim if she even gets a tiny chance. So in this situation its great to have other women who are your friends come to your defence.
Yeah I’ve never had issues from both genders

And it def helps when people think you’re good looking & assume you’re already confident.
  • +1
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A lot of the forum seems to not understand social circle maxxing and social dynamics as a whole.
Having a good social life, and other people care about you is one of the key pillars to having a happy life.

This is long but if you are someone who : - Only has a few friends / or no close friends
- You have no female friends
- You are introverted or autistic
- Don't have a HTN+ face to just carry you in life

Then this could really help you if you apply it to your real life


So the essential ingredients to being 'NT' & popular is being high in agreeableness + being low in neuroticism

Thinking about how the other person is feeling and then responding in ways that are not geared towards reality but instead geared towards making the other person feel good about themselves is a key life skill.

It's free to give someone good feelings and in return they will gift you with favours , loyalty and social status.

Of course, this sort of thinking comes much more naturally to the more socially inclined gender, women.
And I'm certain any data of personality tests will show woman as far more agreeable on average than men.

Being agreeable means sometimes letting shit slide, that would make a more alpha red piller chimp out
It means going out of your way to be conscious of how others are feeling, making sure people are not feeling excluded from the group, making sure people feel heard and valued etc.

This doesn't really fit with the tough alpha masculinity men are usually bombarded with, and is associated with women which is why i think people here calling it the feminine brain and calling autistic behaviour super masculine.

Which btw is funny as fuck because autistic people are neurotic as fuck and being low in neuroticism is a key trait to being seen as manly be women.
Girls can afford to be neurotic and worry about stupid shit, but if you ever show that side of you to a woman she will think you're weak.

When talking to a girl, the "more masculine brain" dude is going to be results focused and tunnel vision on the result her wants, her having sex with him. Plus depending on his aspieness/neuroticism he will have all sorts of weird thoughts clouding up his mind at the same time. If this type of guy doesn't get the result he wants, sex, from the girl he might not even ever speak to her again

The "more feminine brain" dude when talking to a girl is going to be focused on making her feel comfortable, conscious of if she is having fun and tunnel vision on just being likeable. These guys will smile way more, they will listen to what she is actually saying more rather than waiting for their turn to speak, they will be more open with their gestures etc and being low in neuroticism they will appear calm, instead of nervous or creepy.

One guy is bringing positive energy or as girls like to call it "good vibes" so even if she doesnt like your looks, or for any reason doesnt want to hook up. Its still a win because she likes you as a person now.

I would describe what you want to be as Benevolent Masculinity you try to raise people up and be get them to be loyal to you.
however of course the issue with this is you could look too soft, if you don't bitchslap people down when they try to test you.

But heres the beauty of it. Because you have been fostering relationships with both men and women and have been considerate to their feelings, you are a person they like being around because you never bitch and moan about life and always make them feel better about themselves and less insecure.

When someone does try to test you, the entire social group will rally your defence so you don't even need to do anything. There's no bigger mog in life than the entire group telling you they all prefer someone else to you.

So i used to hang around with the UK equivalent of frat bros all the time.
While yes, you're correct they can form deep deep bonds with the boys
and in a party scene like unis their behaviour is acceptable and so they can succeed socially.

However, Frat guys who don't have high agreeableness and low neuroticism will struggle in social situations that aren't a house party.

These are the ones that are seen as douchebags and girls see them as having a shitty personality.
They can hook up at uni sure, but no quality girl will date these guys.

Of course there are Frat boy type who do have high agreeableness and low neuroticism, and these guys are seen by the girls as "not being like those other guys" or "one of the good ones"
They tend to end up at the top of the hierarchy of guys since they are the ones with extended females in their social circle and can bring chicks to a party.

Also once out of the uni binge drinking culture these guys leave the other frat guys in the dust because they can adapt to differing social situations. You'll see this as you get older and societal expectations change.

Society is built around women and their needs so acting more like this will not only get you friends but also mean by virtue of girls now thinking you have "good vibes" that you will be able to get girls that normally would never have considered you due to your looks level
not reading anything non related to looks on forum
My KANG genetics just tell me this slow life history strategy is wrong for me. BRB youngboy nba maxxing
just be confident
Fuck that. I’d rather keep my hobbies and loner mentality | small circle than conform to society.

I don’t want to be another cocka-followcel so I can get that little bit of validation and sex from fegenerates.
and by the way i got more friends when i acted as my true dark triad evil self when i was junkie. now me having discipline has cucked my true personality to death.

be yourself bros. good thread
If you have to read all that to make friends, don't even try it jfl
making friends is about having value, in comparison to your peers or other people and looking decent. That why guys struggle alot when they get past puberty and get older. When your very young everyone is of smimilar ranks, they havn't grown enough to show really bad facial flaws. Everyone is broke.

Folks start to seperate as they get older in rank. if you stay fit and healthy and looksmax till the day you die, and work out putting yourself out there once in a while, you will find as you get older your peers will gravitate to you as people looks start to fall off and they face hardships in life. Thats why ages 13-23 are the most brutal for men in terms of socializing and mating. Once your value starts to stand-out in comparison to your peers now all the women are interested and your male peers want to be around you.
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If you know what NT stands for, you already failed

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