How To Really Increase Height (EVEN AFTER PUBERTY)



why kill yourself? you never had life JFL 😂
May 10, 2023
:yes: Yes you heard that right, you can grow taller after your plates close. All of the following methods that are listed below will help you increase your height whether you are still going through puberty or have closed plates. Now before I begin, if you are just here to read two words and type "cope" then just leave. If you are actually interested and will actually try these methods to improve your stature then read on. I advise taking a notepad so you can write down the methods.

(y) Why Trust Me?
Well for starters, I myself am trying and still using these methods to increase my height and have significantly increased height. Not just by like half a inch or some shit. I will tell you what I did and provide proof and science (although some bro-science will be included). I will also debunk common height myths and help you learn some things. I am currently 6'3 with my goal being 6'5-6'6. Before starting this, I was about 5'11

Now you can take this chart with a grain of salt if you want but these are measurements to the top of my head, I am also using this for my own personal tracking. I will try and get a physical this year or next year and update this since I know it isn't the best proof.
Last Updated: 6/4/2023 7:38 PM 📅

Now what do you say we get to the tutorial? :unsure:

During puberty, there are various ways to improve height growth, some ways people don't know and some common ones, we will be talking about how to actually increase height growth during puberty and things that hinder growth.

To give you a basic understanding of what triggers growth during adolescence:
  • Human Growth Hormone :love:
  • Thyroid Hormone :D
  • Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) :love:
  • Estrogen :sick:
  • Testosterone :)
  • MK677 :love:
Most people think the only hormonal factor for growth is Human Growth Hormone but a lot of things play in part. Thyroid Hormone helps ensure that your body's tissues and cells are working properly. Thyroid also helps with bone growth and development as well as muscle development. Thyroid Hormone is almost as important as HGH and without it you will probably be short. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 and HGH are (sorta) the same thing. Your liver converts HGH into IGF1 and that is what causes bones and things to grow. Estrogen is the female sex hormone produced by the body. Most people don't know that estrogen actually stimulates some growth during puberty. The only reason why high estrogen is bad for height growth is that it will also cause your plates to close quicker. Testosterone is the male sex hormone produced by the body. It, like estrogen does trigger bone growth through increasing IGF-1 although it is very miniscule. Testosterone too high is actually bad because it will cause your plates to close quicker just like estrogen. It is best to not worry about increasing testosterone since it barely does anything anyways and it simply triggers IGF-1 slightly while in turn closing your plates faster. MK677 is the final hormone in the list and it is like IGF-1. However, MK677 DIRECTLY stimulates HGH which will in turn will stimulate IGF-1.

Now there are other hormones and things that help with growth but they do very little or are unknown, and they basically all just work to stimulate IGF-1.

Basically what we need to do is increase IGF-1 and Thyroid-Hormone and minimize estrogen. Doing this will maximize or even increase your maximum natural growth potential.

So how do we actually increase IGF-1? Here are all the ways
  1. Exercise: Regular exercise, especially strength training, can stimulate the production of IGF-1
  2. Sleep: Getting enough restful sleep has been shown to increase IGF-1 levels.
  3. Diet: Consuming a diet that is rich in protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and zinc can promote IGF-1 production. Foods such as meat (especially red meat, lamb, pork), milk (milk actually directly has IGF-1), fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Foods that contain leucine and omega 3s help stimulate IGF-1 production
  4. Taking IGF-1 and/or MK677 directly: Unlike Injecting HGH, You can simply buy IGF-1 nd MK677 online. You can get it for less than 100 buck
  5. Preworkout Shit: Creatine, Whey Protein, and colostrum, have been shown to increase IGF-1 production
  6. Sun Exposure: Vitamin D from the sun stimulates IGF-1 Production
Also don't believe anyone who tells you "don't drink milk because muh estrogen". Although it is true that it does have estrogen, the levels are so low that it wouldn't even impact your estrogen levels especially if you aren't drinking a shit ton. Not only that but your body knows how to regulate hormone levels anyways. The only foods you need to be worrying about are products like soy which contain phytoestrogens.

So how do we actually increase Thyroid Hormone? Here are all the ways
  1. Diet: Foods high in iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron. Some examples are seafood, eggs, nuts, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.
  2. Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Honestly don't do this unless you have low levels

So how do we actually decrease Estrogen? Here are all the ways
  1. Have healthy weight: Body fat contains enzymes that convert other hormones into estrogen.
  2. Exercise: Decreases bodyfat as well as decreasing insulin resistance.
  3. Healthy Diet: Eating a diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can help regulate hormone production and decrease estrogen levels.
  4. Manage stress: Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that increase estrogen production.
  5. Lower alcohol and caffeine: Both of these have been shown to increase estrogen production.
  6. Aromatase Inhibitors: Arotamese Inhibitors block an enzyme called aromatese which stimulates estrogen production

Now here is the part you guys are asking for. I am not going to include leg-lengthening surgery as you all know that by now. How do you improve height growth after puberty? Well let's first discuss why height growth actually stops and what we would need to do to increase it.

There are 2 basic reasons why growth stops:
  1. Growth Plate Closure: Growth Plates are basically the developing tissue at the ends of your bones. As you grow, your growth plates produce new bone tissue and it is then added to the bone which makes it longer. When puberty is done, the growth plates begin to close and eventually disappear
  2. Growth Hormone Production Declines: After plates close, your growth hormone production is slowed down
So basically what we need to do is increase Growth Hormone as well as stimulate new bone tissue. To increase Growth Hormone, just follow the steps in the "Height Growth During Development" part above.

Now that you have growth hormone running through your body, you still need to stimulate new bone tissue. Luckily there is a way to do this.

Creating New Bone Tissue
:no:Warning: Creating access bone tissue in the growth plate during early development could possibly cause early growth plate closure.
Your bones are amazing. Whenever your bone is under an external force or stress, it will stimulate the growth of new bone tissue just like growth plates. When loads are applied to bones during activities like weight bearing exercise, the bone cells respond by laying down new tissue throughout the bone but mostly in the specific area. If you apply a load to an area, not only will it get more denser but over time more thicker. Applying mechanical loading in theory can increase bone size. In fact it has also been tested on mice (Click To View). We are not entirely sure if it would work at the same levels of bone formation on a human.

So how do you actually apply mechanical loads to stimulate new tissue?
  1. LSJL with hand clamp: Get a Irwin Quick Grip and clamp just below the end of your bones (see image)
  2. Torsional Loading: Exercises that involve twisting or a rotational movement cause bone torsion. Some examples are golf swings, tennis serves, baseball/shotput throws, medicine ball twists, lunges with a twist (to put more force, twist your legs/foot), leg press with a twist, jumping lunges, leg curl with a twist, Bulgarian split squats with a twist, rotational burpees, swimming. Doing all of this with a weight will also increase the load. Also please do not hurt yourself
  3. Weight-Bearing excercises: Excercises that involve running, walking, and standing, put load on bones and create new tissue
  4. Whole Body Vibration: Whole body vibration will put a load on the bone and possibly stimulate new growth
  5. Electrical Stimulation: Applying a electrical current to a bone can promote bone growth and healing. (DONT SHOCK YOURSELF OR DO DUMB SHIT)

If I find other ways to stimulate new bone formation, I will add it here. Also, Please do not hurt yourself.

If there is any new information, something that needs correction, if you have questions, or if there's any way I could make this better please pm me. Love all of you brahs and hope you ascend and slay soon! :heart: Also please go outside and don't dedicate 24/7 to height growth and looksmaxxing.


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All cope, just use @5.5psl heightmaxxing guide
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Man rack illustration The National and Domestic
  • JFL
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Cope cope harder
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  • WTF
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how long has it been sinc you started?
I did this and can confirm it works. Let the copers miss out on the height gains me and the heightmaxxing squad have mad and will make in the future.
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I did this and can confirm it works. Let the copers miss out on the height gains me and the heightmaxxing squad have mad and will make in the future.
jfl if u call urself a hard looksmaxxer/blackpiller but wont do shit just because its not fully backed by science
  • +1
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jfl if u call urself a hard looksmaxxer/blackpiller but wont do shit just because its not fully backed by science
I did it though? I agree with you? What are you on about.
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a little under 2 years
this may be annoying but would you be kind enough to reveal to me your routine/routines that were used? (durations and frequencies)

when did you first notice a sure gain?

4 inches in a little under 2 years is completely practical. if i knew this was true, oh how happy i would be!
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ik i was talking about them
I read every last word and I love it, but a part of what u wrote leads me to believe U may know about some bone mashing ish, i left it in the past but do u think bone smashing zygos is a good idea ??
I gained 2 cms and an increase in foot size after fucking around with thyroid hormones but I got lots of hair fall so never again.
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this may be annoying but would you be kind enough to reveal to me your routine/routines that were used? (durations and frequencies)

when did you first notice a sure gain?

4 inches in a little under 2 years is completely practical. if i knew this was true, oh how happy i would be!
this may be annoying but would you be kind enough to reveal to me your routine/routines that were used? (durations and frequencies)

when did you first notice a sure gain?

4 inches in a little under 2 years is completely practical. if i knew this was true, oh how happy i would be!
I did all the methods in the “during puberty” combined with after puberty. Thats kinda the point lol. Increase hgh while stimulating new bone tissue
I did all the methods in the “during puberty” combined with after puberty. Thats kinda the point lol. Increase hgh while stimulating new bone tissue
that was assumed. but how long each day? how many days a week?
  • +1
Reactions: mvp2v1
I read every last word and I love it, but a part of what u wrote leads me to believe U may know about some bone mashing ish, i left it in the past but do u think bone smashing zygos is a good idea ??
Never smash around your eye area. It will not make your eyes aesthetically better even assuming it works. In theory it will increase the thickness but the risks are high and even then you will look weird
that was assumed. but how long each day? how many days a week?
The nutritional shit i just did every day. Id drink milk, get a healthy diet, and also took a multivitamin. For the loading i did running as well as the lsjl irwin loading. However i did all of these just some i didnt do everyday
  • +1
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For the loading i did running as well as the lsjl irwin loading. However i did all of these just some i didnt do everyday
and around how much time typically did you do these loading methods?
  • +1
Reactions: mvp2v1
Never smash around your eye area. It will not make your eyes aesthetically better even assuming it works. In theory it will increase the thickness but the risks are high and even then you will look weird
I’ve been doing eyelid pulling and practice relaxing my eyebrows, it wouldn’t be for my eye area, it’s be for the zygos themselves so my cheeks look more hollow
and around how much time typically did you do these loading methods?
Like 20 minutes sometimes a little less sometimes a little more. Atleast 10 tho
  • +1
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Like 20 minutes sometimes a little less sometimes a little more. Atleast 10 tho
damn thats incredibly practical. i might reattempt heightmaxxing when i have time
:yes: Yes you heard that right, you can grow taller after your plates close. All of the following methods that are listed below will help you increase your height whether you are still going through puberty or have closed plates. Now before I begin, if you are just here to read two words and type "cope" then just leave. If you are actually interested and will actually try these methods to improve your stature then read on. I advise taking a notepad so you can write down the methods.

(y) Why Trust Me?
Well for starters, I myself am trying and still using these methods to increase my height and have significantly increased height. Not just by like half a inch or some shit. I will tell you what I did and provide proof and science (although some bro-science will be included). I will also debunk common height myths and help you learn some things. I am currently 6'3 with my goal being 6'5-6'6. Before starting this, I was about 5'11

View attachment 2241390 Now you can take this chart with a grain of salt if you want but these are measurements to the top of my head, I am also using this for my own personal tracking. I will try and get a physical this year or next year and update this since I know it isn't the best proof.
Last Updated: 6/4/2023 7:38 PM 📅

Now what do you say we get to the tutorial? :unsure:

During puberty, there are various ways to improve height growth, some ways people don't know and some common ones, we will be talking about how to actually increase height growth during puberty and things that hinder growth.

To give you a basic understanding of what triggers growth during adolescence:
  • Human Growth Hormone :love:
  • Thyroid Hormone :D
  • Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) :love:
  • Estrogen :sick:
  • Testosterone :)
  • MK677 :love:
Most people think the only hormonal factor for growth is Human Growth Hormone but a lot of things play in part. Thyroid Hormone helps ensure that your body's tissues and cells are working properly. Thyroid also helps with bone growth and development as well as muscle development. Thyroid Hormone is almost as important as HGH and without it you will probably be short. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 and HGH are (sorta) the same thing. Your liver converts HGH into IGF1 and that is what causes bones and things to grow. Estrogen is the female sex hormone produced by the body. Most people don't know that estrogen actually stimulates some growth during puberty. The only reason why high estrogen is bad for height growth is that it will also cause your plates to close quicker. Testosterone is the male sex hormone produced by the body. It, like estrogen does trigger bone growth through increasing IGF-1 although it is very miniscule. Testosterone too high is actually bad because it will cause your plates to close quicker just like estrogen. It is best to not worry about increasing testosterone since it barely does anything anyways and it simply triggers IGF-1 slightly while in turn closing your plates faster. MK677 is the final hormone in the list and it is like IGF-1. However, MK677 DIRECTLY stimulates HGH which will in turn will stimulate IGF-1.

Now there are other hormones and things that help with growth but they do very little or are unknown, and they basically all just work to stimulate IGF-1.

Basically what we need to do is increase IGF-1 and Thyroid-Hormone and minimize estrogen. Doing this will maximize or even increase your maximum natural growth potential.

So how do we actually increase IGF-1? Here are all the ways
  1. Exercise: Regular exercise, especially strength training, can stimulate the production of IGF-1
  2. Sleep: Getting enough restful sleep has been shown to increase IGF-1 levels.
  3. Diet: Consuming a diet that is rich in protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and zinc can promote IGF-1 production. Foods such as meat (especially red meat, lamb, pork), milk (milk actually directly has IGF-1), fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Foods that contain leucine and omega 3s help stimulate IGF-1 production
  4. Taking IGF-1 and/or MK677 directly: Unlike Injecting HGH, You can simply buy IGF-1 nd MK677 online. You can get it for less than 100 buck
  5. Preworkout Shit: Creatine, Whey Protein, and colostrum, have been shown to increase IGF-1 production
  6. Sun Exposure: Vitamin D from the sun stimulates IGF-1 Production
Also don't believe anyone who tells you "don't drink milk because muh estrogen". Although it is true that it does have estrogen, the levels are so low that it wouldn't even impact your estrogen levels especially if you aren't drinking a shit ton. Not only that but your body knows how to regulate hormone levels anyways. The only foods you need to be worrying about are products like soy which contain phytoestrogens.

So how do we actually increase Thyroid Hormone? Here are all the ways
  1. Diet: Foods high in iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron. Some examples are seafood, eggs, nuts, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.
  2. Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Honestly don't do this unless you have low levels

So how do we actually decrease Estrogen? Here are all the ways
  1. Have healthy weight: Body fat contains enzymes that convert other hormones into estrogen.
  2. Exercise: Decreases bodyfat as well as decreasing insulin resistance.
  3. Healthy Diet: Eating a diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can help regulate hormone production and decrease estrogen levels.
  4. Manage stress: Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that increase estrogen production.
  5. Lower alcohol and caffeine: Both of these have been shown to increase estrogen production.
  6. Aromatase Inhibitors: Arotamese Inhibitors block an enzyme called aromatese which stimulates estrogen production

Now here is the part you guys are asking for. I am not going to include leg-lengthening surgery as you all know that by now. How do you improve height growth after puberty? Well let's first discuss why height growth actually stops and what we would need to do to increase it.

There are 2 basic reasons why growth stops:
  1. Growth Plate Closure: Growth Plates are basically the developing tissue at the ends of your bones. As you grow, your growth plates produce new bone tissue and it is then added to the bone which makes it longer. When puberty is done, the growth plates begin to close and eventually disappear
  2. Growth Hormone Production Declines: After plates close, your growth hormone production is slowed down
So basically what we need to do is increase Growth Hormone as well as stimulate new bone tissue. To increase Growth Hormone, just follow the steps in the "Height Growth During Development" part above.

Now that you have growth hormone running through your body, you still need to stimulate new bone tissue. Luckily there is a way to do this.

Creating New Bone Tissue
:no:Warning: Creating access bone tissue in the growth plate during early development could possibly cause early growth plate closure.
Your bones are amazing. Whenever your bone is under an external force or stress, it will stimulate the growth of new bone tissue just like growth plates. When loads are applied to bones during activities like weight bearing exercise, the bone cells respond by laying down new tissue throughout the bone but mostly in the specific area. If you apply a load to an area, not only will it get more denser but over time more thicker. Applying mechanical loading in theory can increase bone size. In fact it has also been tested on mice (Click To View). We are not entirely sure if it would work at the same levels of bone formation on a human.

So how do you actually apply mechanical loads to stimulate new tissue?
  1. LSJL with hand clamp: Get a Irwin Quick Grip and clamp just below the end of your bones (see image)View attachment 2241661
  2. Torsional Loading: Exercises that involve twisting or a rotational movement cause bone torsion. Some examples are golf swings, tennis serves, baseball/shotput throws, medicine ball twists, lunges with a twist (to put more force, twist your legs/foot), leg press with a twist, jumping lunges, leg curl with a twist, Bulgarian split squats with a twist, rotational burpees, swimming. Doing all of this with a weight will also increase the load. Also please do not hurt yourself
  3. Weight-Bearing excercises: Excercises that involve running, walking, and standing, put load on bones and create new tissue
  4. Whole Body Vibration: Whole body vibration will put a load on the bone and possibly stimulate new growth
  5. Electrical Stimulation: Applying a electrical current to a bone can promote bone growth and healing. (DONT SHOCK YOURSELF OR DO DUMB SHIT)

If I find other ways to stimulate new bone formation, I will add it here. Also, Please do not hurt yourself.

If there is any new information, something that needs correction, if you have questions, or if there's any way I could make this better please pm me. Love all of you brahs and hope you ascend and slay soon! :heart: Also please go outside and don't dedicate 24/7 to height growth and looksmaxxing.

I can’t take this site seriously
:yes: Yes you heard that right, you can grow taller after your plates close. All of the following methods that are listed below will help you increase your height whether you are still going through puberty or have closed plates. Now before I begin, if you are just here to read two words and type "cope" then just leave. If you are actually interested and will actually try these methods to improve your stature then read on. I advise taking a notepad so you can write down the methods.

(y) Why Trust Me?
Well for starters, I myself am trying and still using these methods to increase my height and have significantly increased height. Not just by like half a inch or some shit. I will tell you what I did and provide proof and science (although some bro-science will be included). I will also debunk common height myths and help you learn some things. I am currently 6'3 with my goal being 6'5-6'6. Before starting this, I was about 5'11

View attachment 2241390 Now you can take this chart with a grain of salt if you want but these are measurements to the top of my head, I am also using this for my own personal tracking. I will try and get a physical this year or next year and update this since I know it isn't the best proof.
Last Updated: 6/4/2023 7:38 PM 📅

Now what do you say we get to the tutorial? :unsure:

During puberty, there are various ways to improve height growth, some ways people don't know and some common ones, we will be talking about how to actually increase height growth during puberty and things that hinder growth.

To give you a basic understanding of what triggers growth during adolescence:
  • Human Growth Hormone :love:
  • Thyroid Hormone :D
  • Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) :love:
  • Estrogen :sick:
  • Testosterone :)
  • MK677 :love:
Most people think the only hormonal factor for growth is Human Growth Hormone but a lot of things play in part. Thyroid Hormone helps ensure that your body's tissues and cells are working properly. Thyroid also helps with bone growth and development as well as muscle development. Thyroid Hormone is almost as important as HGH and without it you will probably be short. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 and HGH are (sorta) the same thing. Your liver converts HGH into IGF1 and that is what causes bones and things to grow. Estrogen is the female sex hormone produced by the body. Most people don't know that estrogen actually stimulates some growth during puberty. The only reason why high estrogen is bad for height growth is that it will also cause your plates to close quicker. Testosterone is the male sex hormone produced by the body. It, like estrogen does trigger bone growth through increasing IGF-1 although it is very miniscule. Testosterone too high is actually bad because it will cause your plates to close quicker just like estrogen. It is best to not worry about increasing testosterone since it barely does anything anyways and it simply triggers IGF-1 slightly while in turn closing your plates faster. MK677 is the final hormone in the list and it is like IGF-1. However, MK677 DIRECTLY stimulates HGH which will in turn will stimulate IGF-1.

Now there are other hormones and things that help with growth but they do very little or are unknown, and they basically all just work to stimulate IGF-1.

Basically what we need to do is increase IGF-1 and Thyroid-Hormone and minimize estrogen. Doing this will maximize or even increase your maximum natural growth potential.

So how do we actually increase IGF-1? Here are all the ways
  1. Exercise: Regular exercise, especially strength training, can stimulate the production of IGF-1
  2. Sleep: Getting enough restful sleep has been shown to increase IGF-1 levels.
  3. Diet: Consuming a diet that is rich in protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and zinc can promote IGF-1 production. Foods such as meat (especially red meat, lamb, pork), milk (milk actually directly has IGF-1), fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Foods that contain leucine and omega 3s help stimulate IGF-1 production
  4. Taking IGF-1 and/or MK677 directly: Unlike Injecting HGH, You can simply buy IGF-1 nd MK677 online. You can get it for less than 100 buck
  5. Preworkout Shit: Creatine, Whey Protein, and colostrum, have been shown to increase IGF-1 production
  6. Sun Exposure: Vitamin D from the sun stimulates IGF-1 Production
Also don't believe anyone who tells you "don't drink milk because muh estrogen". Although it is true that it does have estrogen, the levels are so low that it wouldn't even impact your estrogen levels especially if you aren't drinking a shit ton. Not only that but your body knows how to regulate hormone levels anyways. The only foods you need to be worrying about are products like soy which contain phytoestrogens.

So how do we actually increase Thyroid Hormone? Here are all the ways
  1. Diet: Foods high in iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron. Some examples are seafood, eggs, nuts, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.
  2. Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Honestly don't do this unless you have low levels

So how do we actually decrease Estrogen? Here are all the ways
  1. Have healthy weight: Body fat contains enzymes that convert other hormones into estrogen.
  2. Exercise: Decreases bodyfat as well as decreasing insulin resistance.
  3. Healthy Diet: Eating a diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can help regulate hormone production and decrease estrogen levels.
  4. Manage stress: Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that increase estrogen production.
  5. Lower alcohol and caffeine: Both of these have been shown to increase estrogen production.
  6. Aromatase Inhibitors: Arotamese Inhibitors block an enzyme called aromatese which stimulates estrogen production

Now here is the part you guys are asking for. I am not going to include leg-lengthening surgery as you all know that by now. How do you improve height growth after puberty? Well let's first discuss why height growth actually stops and what we would need to do to increase it.

There are 2 basic reasons why growth stops:
  1. Growth Plate Closure: Growth Plates are basically the developing tissue at the ends of your bones. As you grow, your growth plates produce new bone tissue and it is then added to the bone which makes it longer. When puberty is done, the growth plates begin to close and eventually disappear
  2. Growth Hormone Production Declines: After plates close, your growth hormone production is slowed down
So basically what we need to do is increase Growth Hormone as well as stimulate new bone tissue. To increase Growth Hormone, just follow the steps in the "Height Growth During Development" part above.

Now that you have growth hormone running through your body, you still need to stimulate new bone tissue. Luckily there is a way to do this.

Creating New Bone Tissue
:no:Warning: Creating access bone tissue in the growth plate during early development could possibly cause early growth plate closure.
Your bones are amazing. Whenever your bone is under an external force or stress, it will stimulate the growth of new bone tissue just like growth plates. When loads are applied to bones during activities like weight bearing exercise, the bone cells respond by laying down new tissue throughout the bone but mostly in the specific area. If you apply a load to an area, not only will it get more denser but over time more thicker. Applying mechanical loading in theory can increase bone size. In fact it has also been tested on mice (Click To View). We are not entirely sure if it would work at the same levels of bone formation on a human.

So how do you actually apply mechanical loads to stimulate new tissue?
  1. LSJL with hand clamp: Get a Irwin Quick Grip and clamp just below the end of your bones (see image)View attachment 2241661
  2. Torsional Loading: Exercises that involve twisting or a rotational movement cause bone torsion. Some examples are golf swings, tennis serves, baseball/shotput throws, medicine ball twists, lunges with a twist (to put more force, twist your legs/foot), leg press with a twist, jumping lunges, leg curl with a twist, Bulgarian split squats with a twist, rotational burpees, swimming. Doing all of this with a weight will also increase the load. Also please do not hurt yourself
  3. Weight-Bearing excercises: Excercises that involve running, walking, and standing, put load on bones and create new tissue
  4. Whole Body Vibration: Whole body vibration will put a load on the bone and possibly stimulate new growth
  5. Electrical Stimulation: Applying a electrical current to a bone can promote bone growth and healing. (DONT SHOCK YOURSELF OR DO DUMB SHIT)

If I find other ways to stimulate new bone formation, I will add it here. Also, Please do not hurt yourself.

If there is any new information, something that needs correction, if you have questions, or if there's any way I could make this better please pm me. Love all of you brahs and hope you ascend and slay soon! :heart: Also please go outside and don't dedicate 24/7 to height growth and looksmaxxing.
But you still get a love react for being so nice and thoughtful 😊
View attachment 2242837

I can’t take this site seriously
Looks stupid asf admittedly but it worked for me. Its no risk high reward. Even if u dont get much taller st the same level i did at very least your bones will be much denser. Its worth giving it a shot for a month-year and seeing how much height u gain
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I’ve been doing eyelid pulling and practice relaxing my eyebrows, it wouldn’t be for my eye area, it’s be for the zygos themselves so my cheeks look more hollow
Well the zygos will get denser and thicker over time. The only issue you will have to worry about is
1. Assymetrical: your bones dont regenerate/lay cells at the same rate. One side of face might grow bigger faster than the other
2. Actually causing injury: if you actually end up fracturing your bone then thats not good.

Ur best bet for improved zygos without risk is either getting surgery or taking igf/hgh/mk677
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:yes: Yes you heard that right, you can grow taller after your plates close. All of the following methods that are listed below will help you increase your height whether you are still going through puberty or have closed plates. Now before I begin, if you are just here to read two words and type "cope" then just leave. If you are actually interested and will actually try these methods to improve your stature then read on. I advise taking a notepad so you can write down the methods.

(y) Why Trust Me?
Well for starters, I myself am trying and still using these methods to increase my height and have significantly increased height. Not just by like half a inch or some shit. I will tell you what I did and provide proof and science (although some bro-science will be included). I will also debunk common height myths and help you learn some things. I am currently 6'3 with my goal being 6'5-6'6. Before starting this, I was about 5'11

View attachment 2241390 Now you can take this chart with a grain of salt if you want but these are measurements to the top of my head, I am also using this for my own personal tracking. I will try and get a physical this year or next year and update this since I know it isn't the best proof.
Last Updated: 6/4/2023 7:38 PM 📅

Now what do you say we get to the tutorial? :unsure:

During puberty, there are various ways to improve height growth, some ways people don't know and some common ones, we will be talking about how to actually increase height growth during puberty and things that hinder growth.

To give you a basic understanding of what triggers growth during adolescence:
  • Human Growth Hormone :love:
  • Thyroid Hormone :D
  • Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1) :love:
  • Estrogen :sick:
  • Testosterone :)
  • MK677 :love:
Most people think the only hormonal factor for growth is Human Growth Hormone but a lot of things play in part. Thyroid Hormone helps ensure that your body's tissues and cells are working properly. Thyroid also helps with bone growth and development as well as muscle development. Thyroid Hormone is almost as important as HGH and without it you will probably be short. Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 and HGH are (sorta) the same thing. Your liver converts HGH into IGF1 and that is what causes bones and things to grow. Estrogen is the female sex hormone produced by the body. Most people don't know that estrogen actually stimulates some growth during puberty. The only reason why high estrogen is bad for height growth is that it will also cause your plates to close quicker. Testosterone is the male sex hormone produced by the body. It, like estrogen does trigger bone growth through increasing IGF-1 although it is very miniscule. Testosterone too high is actually bad because it will cause your plates to close quicker just like estrogen. It is best to not worry about increasing testosterone since it barely does anything anyways and it simply triggers IGF-1 slightly while in turn closing your plates faster. MK677 is the final hormone in the list and it is like IGF-1. However, MK677 DIRECTLY stimulates HGH which will in turn will stimulate IGF-1.

Now there are other hormones and things that help with growth but they do very little or are unknown, and they basically all just work to stimulate IGF-1.

Basically what we need to do is increase IGF-1 and Thyroid-Hormone and minimize estrogen. Doing this will maximize or even increase your maximum natural growth potential.

So how do we actually increase IGF-1? Here are all the ways
  1. Exercise: Regular exercise, especially strength training, can stimulate the production of IGF-1
  2. Sleep: Getting enough restful sleep has been shown to increase IGF-1 levels.
  3. Diet: Consuming a diet that is rich in protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and zinc can promote IGF-1 production. Foods such as meat (especially red meat, lamb, pork), milk (milk actually directly has IGF-1), fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, and vegetables. Foods that contain leucine and omega 3s help stimulate IGF-1 production
  4. Taking IGF-1 and/or MK677 directly: Unlike Injecting HGH, You can simply buy IGF-1 nd MK677 online. You can get it for less than 100 buck
  5. Preworkout Shit: Creatine, Whey Protein, and colostrum, have been shown to increase IGF-1 production
  6. Sun Exposure: Vitamin D from the sun stimulates IGF-1 Production
Also don't believe anyone who tells you "don't drink milk because muh estrogen". Although it is true that it does have estrogen, the levels are so low that it wouldn't even impact your estrogen levels especially if you aren't drinking a shit ton. Not only that but your body knows how to regulate hormone levels anyways. The only foods you need to be worrying about are products like soy which contain phytoestrogens.

So how do we actually increase Thyroid Hormone? Here are all the ways
  1. Diet: Foods high in iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron. Some examples are seafood, eggs, nuts, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables.
  2. Thyroid Hormone Therapy: Honestly don't do this unless you have low levels

So how do we actually decrease Estrogen? Here are all the ways
  1. Have healthy weight: Body fat contains enzymes that convert other hormones into estrogen.
  2. Exercise: Decreases bodyfat as well as decreasing insulin resistance.
  3. Healthy Diet: Eating a diet rich in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats can help regulate hormone production and decrease estrogen levels.
  4. Manage stress: Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that increase estrogen production.
  5. Lower alcohol and caffeine: Both of these have been shown to increase estrogen production.
  6. Aromatase Inhibitors: Arotamese Inhibitors block an enzyme called aromatese which stimulates estrogen production

Now here is the part you guys are asking for. I am not going to include leg-lengthening surgery as you all know that by now. How do you improve height growth after puberty? Well let's first discuss why height growth actually stops and what we would need to do to increase it.

There are 2 basic reasons why growth stops:
  1. Growth Plate Closure: Growth Plates are basically the developing tissue at the ends of your bones. As you grow, your growth plates produce new bone tissue and it is then added to the bone which makes it longer. When puberty is done, the growth plates begin to close and eventually disappear
  2. Growth Hormone Production Declines: After plates close, your growth hormone production is slowed down
So basically what we need to do is increase Growth Hormone as well as stimulate new bone tissue. To increase Growth Hormone, just follow the steps in the "Height Growth During Development" part above.

Now that you have growth hormone running through your body, you still need to stimulate new bone tissue. Luckily there is a way to do this.

Creating New Bone Tissue
:no:Warning: Creating access bone tissue in the growth plate during early development could possibly cause early growth plate closure.
Your bones are amazing. Whenever your bone is under an external force or stress, it will stimulate the growth of new bone tissue just like growth plates. When loads are applied to bones during activities like weight bearing exercise, the bone cells respond by laying down new tissue throughout the bone but mostly in the specific area. If you apply a load to an area, not only will it get more denser but over time more thicker. Applying mechanical loading in theory can increase bone size. In fact it has also been tested on mice (Click To View). We are not entirely sure if it would work at the same levels of bone formation on a human.

So how do you actually apply mechanical loads to stimulate new tissue?
  1. LSJL with hand clamp: Get a Irwin Quick Grip and clamp just below the end of your bones (see image)View attachment 2241661
  2. Torsional Loading: Exercises that involve twisting or a rotational movement cause bone torsion. Some examples are golf swings, tennis serves, baseball/shotput throws, medicine ball twists, lunges with a twist (to put more force, twist your legs/foot), leg press with a twist, jumping lunges, leg curl with a twist, Bulgarian split squats with a twist, rotational burpees, swimming. Doing all of this with a weight will also increase the load. Also please do not hurt yourself
  3. Weight-Bearing excercises: Excercises that involve running, walking, and standing, put load on bones and create new tissue
  4. Whole Body Vibration: Whole body vibration will put a load on the bone and possibly stimulate new growth
  5. Electrical Stimulation: Applying a electrical current to a bone can promote bone growth and healing. (DONT SHOCK YOURSELF OR DO DUMB SHIT)

If I find other ways to stimulate new bone formation, I will add it here. Also, Please do not hurt yourself.

If there is any new information, something that needs correction, if you have questions, or if there's any way I could make this better please pm me. Love all of you brahs and hope you ascend and slay soon! :heart: Also please go outside and don't dedicate 24/7 to height growth and looksmaxxing.
you grew because ur still 17 and plates close at around 18 all of the shit that u just mentioned only works with open plates, if u do it with closed plates then ull just ruin ur body shit thread
I gained 2 cms and an increase in foot size after fucking around with thyroid hormones but I got lots of hair fall so never again.
elab u made me interested
  • +1
Reactions: looksmidder
Good thread OP
One question tho
Can i grow atleast 2 inches to jump from 5 11 to 6 1 at 18yo?
My dad is 5 10 and mom 5 4 but i am taller than all my family(cousins,uncles,aunts,etc)
  • +1
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increasing thyroid will just make u grow faster wont actually make u grow taller than ur potential unless u use ai's
what did u took and what dosage?
what did u took and what dosage?
ask @Shitfacegoodbod=mog
he uses thyroid hormones for heightmaxxing

all im gonna say is that its not worth it, u can and probably will lose hair and get bulging eyes
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ask @Shitfacegoodbod=mog
he uses thyroid hormones for heightmaxxing

all im gonna say is that its not worth it, u can and probably will lose hair and get bulging eyes
he wont answer to a bluecel jfl
u get bulging eyes if u take too much
say "daddy rakshit plz"

and the point of using thyroid hormones to heightmax is to take too much

literally pointless if u dont self induce hyperthyroidism
wouldn t hyperthyroidism cause wider facial bones if u have the genes for it since it s promoting bone growth both vertical horizontal and thickness?
didn t u take it or it s just knowledge
Looks stupid asf admittedly but it worked for me. Its no risk high reward. Even if u dont get much taller st the same level i did at very least your bones will be much denser. Its worth giving it a shot for a month-year and seeing how much height u gain
Did you chevk if your growth plates were closed?

What age did you start method 3?

The LSJL methods seems to have very low success stories in forums
you grew because ur still 17 and plates close at around 18 all of the shit that u just mentioned only works with open plates, if u do it with closed plates then ull just ruin ur body shit thread
Nah i was most likely fully closed. When i started i hadnt grown for 2 years, i already had my growth spurt. On top of that my test levels were high. And most people plates close around 16
Did you chevk if your growth plates were closed?

What age did you start method 3?

The LSJL methods seems to have very low success stories in forums
Reason why LSJL fails for most is
1. Not doing enough
Most niggas do it for like a week and expect results. U need to do it for a couple months to a year. On top of that you need to combine lsjl with other loading methods and exercise to maximize results
2. Proper nutrition
Bones wont grow if you arent getting adequate nutrients, which is why in the lsjl tutorial i included to follow the one above
3. Increase hgh
Most people dont have high hgh levels after puberty which would make it not even work
  • +1
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wouldn t hyperthyroidism cause wider facial bones if u have the genes for it since it s promoting bone growth both vertical horizontal and thickness?
didn t u take it or it s just knowledge
Thyroid hormone helps with facial development so yea
  • +1
Reactions: HalfGypsyMogger
increasing thyroid will just make u grow faster wont actually make u grow taller than ur potential unless u use ai's
Yeah thats why i said its pretty much useless to get thyroid therapy unless u are defficient. Read the tutorial nigga jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: vyirus
Good thread OP
One question tho
Can i grow atleast 2 inches to jump from 5 11 to 6 1 at 18yo?
My dad is 5 10 and mom 5 4 but i am taller than all my family(cousins,uncles,aunts,etc)
Yea I am willing to bet if you actually do what this thread says and not just type “jfl cope” you will gain atleast 1 inch maybe more. Obviously dont hurt yourself. You can also boost another inch by taking glucosamine sulfate to strengthen tendons and decompress
  • +1
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Reason why LSJL fails for most is
1. Not doing enough
Most niggas do it for like a week and expect results. U need to do it for a couple months to a year. On top of that you need to combine lsjl with other loading methods and exercise to maximize results
2. Proper nutrition
Bones wont grow if you arent getting adequate nutrients, which is why in the lsjl tutorial i included to follow the one above
3. Increase hgh
Most people dont have high hgh levels after puberty which would make it not even work
I believe in loading ans Wolfs Law because I bonesmashed in an intelligent manner to achieve better zygomatic projection.
How old are you though? No shit you still grow if you're 15
Yeah thats why i said its pretty much useless to get thyroid therapy unless u are defficient. Read the tutorial nigga jfl
i wasnt talking to u
wouldn t hyperthyroidism cause wider facial bones if u have the genes for it since it s promoting bone growth both vertical horizontal and thickness?
didn t u take it or it s just knowledge
lol no
hyperthyroidism is just speeding up ur growth

if ur meant to be wide then ur gonna be wide, but faster. thats it jfl unless u take something to make it so u dont stop growing
lol no
hyperthyroidism is just speeding up ur growth

if ur meant to be wide then ur gonna be wide, but faster. thats it jfl unless u take something to make it so u dont stop growing
Well I m meant to be wide as my dad and mom has wider skull than me but smaller bones
so hyperthyroidism can help me actually?
Well I m meant to be wide as my dad and mom has wider skull than me but smaller bones
so hyperthyroidism can help me actually?
dude its not gonna help u in any way if u take the thyroid hormone by itself, its just gonna speed ur growth up

if u were to be finished growing facially at 20 and u take thyroid hormones ur just gonna be finished growing earlier, thats it, ur gonna look the exact same, but at a younger age
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