How to take the most of being tall? Currently 100% rejection rate



Aug 23, 2023
KHV 23-year-old white man living in Scandinavia. 6'5, 205lbs.
I've tried to approach various girls over the years, totaling about 50 now. Most of them were average or slightly below average, and many of them were Asian. I also tried all the dating apps, but my rejection rate has been 100% so far. I've only gotten to the first date twice and the second date once. That's it.

I constantly hear all the talk about how girls like average tall dudes or simp over them, but I haven't been able to find ANY of them. I even lived a short span in Japan before I graduated and still got rejected all the time. My standards aren't that high, I'm not fat, I'm in decently good shape and outlift most of my friends, I make decent money, and I groom and dress nicely. So what the fuck am I doing wrong? According to r/shortguys I should be drowning in matches on Tinder, but I have an empty inbox.
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being tall is only a halo if you live in a midget country like america, everyone being tall is a given in scandinavia.
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being tall is only a halo if you live in a midget country like america, everyone being tall is a given in scandinavia.
he said 6'5 though, that isn't just "tall" it's super tall
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KHV 23-year-old white man living in Scandinavia. 6'5, 205lbs.
I've tried to approach various girls over the years, totaling about 50 now. Most of them were average or slightly below average, and many of them were Asian. I also tried all the dating apps, but my rejection rate has been 100% so far. I've only gotten to the first date twice and the second date once. That's it.

I constantly hear all the talk about how girls like average tall dudes or simp over them, but I haven't been able to find ANY of them. I even lived a short span in Japan before I graduated and still got rejected all the time. My standards aren't that high, I'm not fat, I'm in decently good shape and outlift most of my friends, I make decent money, and I groom and dress nicely. So what the fuck am I doing wrong? According to r/shortguys I should be drowning in matches on Tinder, but I have an empty inbox.
Must be completely subhuman
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he said 6'5 though, that isn't just "tall" it's super tall
like 10% of the population in these countries is 6'5 or above.

it's super tall on a global level, it's every few guys in this part of the world.
like 10% of the population in these countries is 6'5 or above.

it's super tall on a global level, it's every few guys in this part of the world.
Top 2% in Scandinavia. But even then, I failed in Japan which was a midget country. RIP my back tho
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Top 2% in Scandinavia. But even then, I failed in Japan which was a midget country. RIP my back tho
it's like 7 or 8% here among the youth from official statistics, I can't imagine it's much lower there.

japs don't like dating out of their group, the chinese are the same, only countries like thailand are different.
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height only halos your face

if your face is complete shit, your height is for nothing

also 6'5 is freakish tall already
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Must be completely subhuman
This is what I've been thinking too. But objectively I don't have that many flaws. I've already looksmaxed for over a year. I have good hair, no hairline recession, decent frame and decent amount of muscle from gymcelling like no tomorrow, I have clear skin from tretinoin (thanks to this forum), white and straight teeth, thick eyebrows, hunter eyes, etc... The only thing I lack is a prominent jaw, but mine is still average or slightly below
This is what I've been thinking too. But objectively I don't have that many flaws. I've already looksmaxed for over a year. I have good hair, no hairline recession, decent frame and decent amount of muscle from gymcelling like no tomorrow, I have clear skin from tretinoin (thanks to this forum), white and straight teeth, thick eyebrows, hunter eyes, etc... The only thing I lack is a prominent jaw, but mine is still average or slightly below
Yes a shit jaw is a falio, makes you look like a pussy you need a wide prominent jaw

Look into jaw implants
Send pic becuase if u have 0% youre either visibly autistic or sub 5 face
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Yes a shit jaw is a falio, makes you look like a pussy you need a wide prominent jaw

Look into jaw implants
I can't get even a fat Asian without a jaw implant? It's not that bad tho.
Bhai you must be visibly retarded or subhuman because theres no way what do you look like
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Bhai you must be visibly retarded or subhuman because theres no way what do you look like
I'm not visibly retarded or subhuman. Averageish face. I'd be a retard to post my face here tho
All about face.
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Iranmaxxxing or death
Maybe I could ascend in South Asia? The one girl I got on 2 dates was Vietnamese. She was maybe a 3/10, but still fuckable I think.
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Just get jacked and go to a club and just stand there at that point
Are you very autistic or extremely ugly? I legit dont see how this is possible otherwise, especially if you're asking ugly bitches and asian girls since you're white
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Are you very autistic or extremely ugly? I legit dont see how this is possible otherwise, especially if you're asking ugly bitches and asian girls since you're white
I'm not extremely ugly like mentioned previously. Might be slightly autistic, but you can't see it in pictures
Top 2% in Scandinavia. But even then, I failed in Japan which was a midget country. RIP my back tho
fell for the white tall guy slayer in japan try losing weight. or maybe you're genuinly repuslive how you look like
KHV 23-year-old white man living in Scandinavia. 6'5, 205lbs.
I've tried to approach various girls over the years, totaling about 50 now. Most of them were average or slightly below average, and many of them were Asian. I also tried all the dating apps, but my rejection rate has been 100% so far. I've only gotten to the first date twice and the second date once. That's it.

I constantly hear all the talk about how girls like average tall dudes or simp over them, but I haven't been able to find ANY of them. I even lived a short span in Japan before I graduated and still got rejected all the time. My standards aren't that high, I'm not fat, I'm in decently good shape and outlift most of my friends, I make decent money, and I groom and dress nicely. So what the fuck am I doing wrong? According to r/shortguys I should be drowning in matches on Tinder, but I have an empty inbox.
nice larp nigga
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What is Iranmaxxing?
Iranian girls love JBW.They are the only girls who prefer white men.Even white turkish girls prefer shitskins.
Shitskins and blacks rule this world except iran.Iranian girls want white men
fell for the white tall guy slayer in japan try losing weight. or maybe you're genuinly repuslive how you look like
I'm not overweight to begin with. I'd just look skinny af. I was skinny af in Japan. Took a break from the gym and didn't eat enough. Maybe I do look repulsive, but only girls see it.
Start off by raising your standards and stop approaching nasty chinks. (Literally what is possessing you to?)

Your approaching ugly ass roasties , and hiring their self esteem.

Go for an actual attractive white Stacy. Why? Because she’s probably been approached so many times, if she rejects you , she’s rejected hundreds of other men beforehand, and if she accepts it, she’s finally choosing you.

If ur 6’5 and white, should be no reason to be attempting to date disgusting ass chinks and Becky tier women
Start off by raising your standards and stop approaching nasty chinks. (Literally what is possessing you to?)

Your approaching ugly ass roasties , and hiring their self esteem.

Go for an actual attractive white Stacy. Why? Because she’s probably been approached so many times, if she rejects you , she’s rejected hundreds of other men beforehand, and if she accepts it, she’s finally choosing you.

If ur 6’5 and white, should be no reason to be attempting to date disgusting ass chinks and Becky tier women
So if I get rejected by ugly chicks, I should start approaching hot chicks? What kind of fuckery is that?
nigga stop bullshitting at 6'5 you would literally be a god in Japan even with a subhuman face
Not true bro. I got 3 matches in Tinder (only one of who I got on a date with) even with Tinder gold. I was in all kinds of University circles and stuff and still only managed to get 1 girl's number and on a date and then she ghosted me. Height doesn't matter that much there when it comes to dating. It's all face
So if I get rejected by ugly chicks, I should start approaching hot chicks? What kind of fuckery is that?

Getting rejected by hot chicks is less brutal, since you weren’t expecting to get them anyway

Getting rejected by ugly chicks is just sad asf
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Getting rejected by hot chicks is less brutal, since you weren’t expecting to get them anyway

Getting rejected by ugly chicks is just sad asf
That's true. But, your chances are better with ugly chicks
You must be a giga subhuman if u get rejected at 6'5

Kill yourself asap
KHV 23-year-old white man living in Scandinavia. 6'5, 205lbs.
I've tried to approach various girls over the years, totaling about 50 now. Most of them were average or slightly below average, and many of them were Asian. I also tried all the dating apps, but my rejection rate has been 100% so far. I've only gotten to the first date twice and the second date once. That's it.

I constantly hear all the talk about how girls like average tall dudes or simp over them, but I haven't been able to find ANY of them. I even lived a short span in Japan before I graduated and still got rejected all the time. My standards aren't that high, I'm not fat, I'm in decently good shape and outlift most of my friends, I make decent money, and I groom and dress nicely. So what the fuck am I doing wrong? According to r/shortguys I should be drowning in matches on Tinder, but I have an empty inbox.
You must be very non nt
KHV 23-year-old white man living in Scandinavia. 6'5, 205lbs.
I've tried to approach various girls over the years, totaling about 50 now. Most of them were average or slightly below average, and many of them were Asian. I also tried all the dating apps, but my rejection rate has been 100% so far. I've only gotten to the first date twice and the second date once. That's it.

I constantly hear all the talk about how girls like average tall dudes or simp over them, but I haven't been able to find ANY of them. I even lived a short span in Japan before I graduated and still got rejected all the time. My standards aren't that high, I'm not fat, I'm in decently good shape and outlift most of my friends, I make decent money, and I groom and dress nicely. So what the fuck am I doing wrong? According to r/shortguys I should be drowning in matches on Tinder, but I have an empty inbox.
You must be giga subhuman
If face isn't everything and height and race and other stuff plays a role
Even if I was, that still doesn't explain why I get no matches on dating apps
Even if I was, that still doesn't explain why I get no matches on dating apps
Pm ur face bruh, there’s no way ur failing with Asian girls with ur stats
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You aren't doing it right

You're supposed to move to an Asian shithole first
tall copers on suicide watch here
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how bad is your face? Because someone who is 6’5 even in Nordic countries is still tall af.

Also are you a mentalcel?

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