I am one of the ugliest men to ever exist. Yet I still have an okay life.

It's somewhat insane honestly. I never believed I was the ugliest kid in my school, yet I was the one who had dedicated hate-fangroups, while others didnt.

I was also quite aggressive and willing to fight. When guys bullied me in my face I would start a fist-fight, etc. I wasn't this meek weak loser people could just fuck with in my face. I would fight them.

But people would talk all kinds of trash behind my back, make websites like this, etc. But if it didn't happen in my face I wouldn't care that much and I wouldn't fight them for it, etc.

I probably should've just beaten the living shit out of the girl that made that website tbh. But just didn't care that much anymore at that point.

I had my online videogame life. Going to school was just cope to please my parents and social life there was just NPCs I didn't care about.
Girls hating you never means you're ugly. It means you were a bad boi. :feelshehe:
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston
As a fellow low trust uggo I completely agree

You can enjoy everything in life as a ugly low trust guy but don’t go near females because you will be treated harshly because of your ugly low trust face.

I’m either completely invisible or i get massive IODS for simply exciting and having a hard to look at face
  • Love it
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As a fellow low trust uggo I completely agree

You can enjoy everything in life as a ugly low trust guy but don’t go near females because you will be treated harshly because of your ugly low trust face.

I’m either completely invisible or i get massive IODS for simply exciting and having a hard to look at face
Yeah that's the exact experience nowadays.

As a low trust ugly adult man, people leave you alone so you can basically do whatever you want in life.
But the IODS can be incredibly brutal when you do try to socialize. And in general people are uninviting, unwelcoming and cold/distant. People distrust you and hold bad opinions of you.

It's a very lonely and painful life, but it's liveable tbh.
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  • +1
Reactions: nofap
Yeah that's the exact experience nowadays.

As a low trust ugly adult man, people leave you alone so you can basically do whatever you want in life.
But the IODS can be incredibly brutal when you do try to socialize. And in general people are uninviting, unwelcoming and don't invite you anywhere. People distrust you and hold bad opinions of you.

It's a very lonely and painful life, but it's liveable tbh.
Yeah people have a kind off distrust or something, you can see it by their demeanor and in their eyes. You’re literally a villain in their eyes.

Fucked up tbh, and there’s nothing we can do about it because we only become more low trust with age due to balding losing youthfulness and getting uglier. It’s only going to get worse and worse for us.
  • +1
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Yeah people have a kind off distrust or something, you can see it by their demeanor and in their eyes. You’re literally a villain in their eyes.
Yup, very relatable. Some people the way they look at me, their facial expression, I just know they think of me as a villain.

Fucked up tbh, and there’s nothing we can do about it because we only become more low trust with age due to balding losing youthfulness and getting uglier. It’s only going to get worse and worse for us.
Yes this is true. Once lose our youthfulness, we have nothing going for us in terms of social vibe anymore.

People can still see you as somewhat aloof/unserious, a student, young guy, inexperienced, innocent due to looking young.

Once we become older and this innocence is gone, then we will truly be socially isolated.

We need to work on finding better copes so that we can survive.
  • +1
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i saw one pic where he had an insane jaw and decent zygos he looked leanmaxxed tho idk if that was when he was young tho. Perhaps he was ugly when young that def can leave a scar on ur mental health no doubt
You sound fucking retarded my doody
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston
idk i have nights like that too. Sometimes I get approached left and right by really hot girls and other times I'm invisible or getting iods from ltbs. Makes no sense. My life is an emotional rollercoaster controlled by supernatural forces. I'm either winning or losing, rarely anything in between. This is why I'm exploring witchcraft
i can relate somewhat, because I have a couple of rare, really good experiences. But they are just so incredibly rare.

No ioi's at all on a night, etc. no success whatsoever. That's the norm. Being approached would be an insane exception, but yeah it could happen I guess.

Like this rave I went to where I ended up cuddling and making out with 2 JBs. It was insane and made me feel like I was some chad.

But then since this rave in april 2023, I've never had anything like this ever happen again anymore. It was just one lucky fluke, It's not part of my normal life.

time to explore witchcraft to fight trueceldom ngl.
you don't believe me?

the website was literally named 'King-Myname.nl'.

and it was like 15 different women posting ugly photos of me they would get online from photo albums my school would post from events/trips/parties etc. And then they would talk in the comment section under the photo about how ugly I am and how much they hate me.

Mirin' the effort and dedication women will go through to bully an ugly subhuman like me.
Completely justifiable ER.
  • +1
Reactions: incel194012940 and MoggerGaston
do you notice random stares and looks of disgust in public?

I’m always focused on whatever task I want done but my attention always gets diverted and I look back at them

I went to go shopping yesterday after waging and as I was pulling into a spot I got the mouth curled grimace of disgust from a female before leaving my car

so I just drove home instead lol
  • +1
Reactions: nofap, NONE, slavicpsycho and 1 other person
do you notice random stares and looks of disgust in public?

I’m always focused on whatever task I want done but my attention always gets diverted and I look back at them

I went to go shopping yesterday after waging and as I was pulling into a spot I got the mouth curled grimace of disgust from a female before leaving my car

so I just drove home instead lol
yes, very noticeable. Interaction with women should be avoided at all cost as a subhuman tbh
  • +1
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Reactions: nofap, Clown Show and incel194012940
do you notice random stares and looks of disgust in public?

I’m always focused on whatever task I want done but my attention always gets diverted and I look back at them

I went to go shopping yesterday after waging and as I was pulling into a spot I got the mouth curled grimace of disgust from a female before leaving my car

so I just drove home instead lol
It's so fucking disgusting what happens to you and me on a regular basis.

You go shopping and some random woman looks at you and is absolutely disgusted and openly show you her disgust, she doesn't even hide it.
Fuck man, hope next time you just do your thing and just laugh at it. It's a clown world we are living in after all. Have to put in an effort to not take this bullshit too seriously.

JFL man, I wish we lived in a society in which it was acceptable to punch a whore like that in the face. But that would fuck up your life so all we can do is try to not take it seriously since women are dumb whores who shouldn't be taken seriously. (and a lot of men are too)

It can only be attributed to women too honestly. Men are much more kind to ugly human beings, although they will also treat men worse than women, and treat ugly men worse than non-ugly men.
But only women are these shallow vapid whores that will do it so openly and with such blatant disgust, even towards strangers they aren't even interacting with

The female gender should be eradicated once we get artificial wombs.
  • +1
Reactions: incel194012940
The ugliest btw :

4100754 1714401668770
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: k99, nofap and Mewton
Same here man, same here...

Although I now live relatively comfy, I don't do any physical labor, I have saved up a good amount of money, I eat good food, I have gaming PC, it is still insane what I have gone through life so far.

I will probably make a thread if I gather the nerves but damn, I have gone through childhood bullying, brutal humiliations, some family problems, drug and alcohol abuse in teen years, severe mental illness in teen years, having acne problems, balding, wageslaving in a big depressing city, being lonely, being non NT, having rapid fire non stop rejections no matter what I do, still being de facto virgin at 26, just recently I thought that things were going good with some foid only to get rejected and cucked in the most brutal and soul crushing way possible, etc.

I am trying my best to cope and enjoy my free time, but I have essentially given up on foids. Something good in that sphere will probably never happen, if it was supposed to it should have already happened and I really can't bring myself to dumpster dive, I don't want to humiliate myself any further...

I think that all of this shit is impossible to happen unless you are the absolute bottom 5% subhuman, which I probably am, no way that this can happen to a regular person.

People literally rope from 10 times lesser problems in life and I have also thought about suicide several times. My face became disfigured from severe depression that I experienced in the last few weeks. I should just accept that it's absolutely over and cope the rest of my life in peace...
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  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston and nofap
It's so fucking disgusting what happens to you and me on a regular basis.

You go shopping and some random woman looks at you and is absolutely disgusted and openly show you her disgust, she doesn't even hide it.
Fuck man, hope next time you just do your thing and just laugh at it. It's a clown world we are living in after all. Have to put in an effort to not take this bullshit too seriously.

JFL man, I wish we lived in a society in which it was acceptable to punch a whore like that in the face. But that would fuck up your life so all we can do is try to not take it seriously since women are dumb whores who shouldn't be taken seriously. (and a lot of men are too)

It can only be attributed to women too honestly. Men are much more kind to ugly human beings, although they will also treat men worse than women, and treat ugly men worse than non-ugly men.
But only women are these shallow vapid whores that will do it so openly and with such blatant disgust, even towards strangers they aren't even interacting with

The female gender should be eradicated once we get artificial wombs.
Usually it just is what it is but it was a hard day and I just wanted to buy some ice cream to relax

I’m glad we have the knowledge not to betabux women like that and come home to looks of disgust and transgender son if unlucky everyday
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Shut the fuck up retard you're above average
  • JFL
Reactions: nofap
You know the saying: 'You're so ugly, only your mother would love you.'? I was too ugly for my mother to love me.
I had a website made about me in high-school, dedicated to me, where people would post photos of me and talk about how ugly and disgusting I am.
Who has had that happen to them? You have to be an ugly subhuman truecel beast for that to happen. Like me.
KHHV at 23.5 yo

I know I am one of the ugliest men to have ever lived on this planet due to these simple facts, yet I still have a decent life.

I have a 12hour/week job that gives me enough money to live.
I have a decent place to live in a good location.
I go to parties/raves on drugs/alcohol on my own all the time and I have a good time there.
I chill all day long just playing videogames, drinking and doing drugs. Listening to techno music.

Despite being one of the ugliest human beings to have ever lived, my life is okay. Not great, but very livable for now. It has its moments.

It's not over buddyboyos. blackpill might be just cope in the end because in 2024 you don't need to actually socialize with people anymore to live a good life.

Avoid women at all cost ofcourse, they can't stand ugly subhumans like us having an okay life and having good times.
if you had my face for one day you would jump off a cliff.
  • So Sad
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Shut the fuck up retard you're above average
Stop gaslighting him
He’s barley a mtn with ltn appeal due to low trust features
Every post he makes about struggling in life because of his looks is justified
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: MoggerGaston and St.TikTokcel
Slavic men are very ugly so he’s not lying
You know the saying: 'You're so ugly, only your mother would love you.'? I was too ugly for my mother to love me.
I had a website made about me in high-school, dedicated to me, where people would post photos of me and talk about how ugly and disgusting I am.
Who has had that happen to them? You have to be an ugly subhuman truecel beast for that to happen. Like me.
KHHV at 23.5 yo

I know I am one of the ugliest men to have ever lived on this planet due to these simple facts, yet I still have a decent life.

I have a 12hour/week job that gives me enough money to live.
I have a decent place to live in a good location.
I go to parties/raves on drugs/alcohol on my own all the time and I have a good time there.
I chill all day long just playing videogames, drinking and doing drugs. Listening to techno music.

Despite being one of the ugliest human beings to have ever lived, my life is okay. Not great, but very livable for now. It has its moments.

It's not over buddyboyos. blackpill might be just cope in the end because in 2024 you don't need to actually socialize with people anymore to live a good life.

Avoid women at all cost ofcourse, they can't stand ugly subhumans like us having an okay life and having good times.
Polish men are very ugly it’s not your fault it’s those Polish Slavic genes.
I am a kissless touchless lookless talkless virgin at 25 years old unless you count the 50 whores I paid to fuck
I am a kissless touchless lookless talkless virgin at 25 years old unless you count the 50 whores I paid to fuck

this dog literally mogs us

dogpill is so brutal
  • JFL
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