I don’t know why blackpillers resent women



Leader of the LASACKRO gang, outlaw in the west 🔫🤠
Aug 1, 2022
The sad reality is it’s nobodies fault

If you start to view humans as the animals we are it makes sense why women select attractive men and are creeped out by ugly men

Firstly they can only reproduce once a year so they look for the faces with the best indicators of health, hunting success with height etc

The reason they are automatically afraid of ugly men is because they many times forcefully impregnated these women taking away their choice

Basically every selective reaction we have is pure evolution
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If anything what we should hate is evolution and how cruel it is since at the end of the day there’s no reason to resent people who are slaves to it
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I live in a shithole where women choose ugly braindead retards instead of me, I resent my country and I resent the women in it, I don’t resent the entire female gender that would be absurd

And no it’s not muh evolution it’s societal brainwashing and culture
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I live in a shithole where women choose ugly braindead retards instead of me, I resent my country and I resent the women in it, I don’t resent the entire female gender that would be absurd
Some countries likely urs too still limit their natural choice due to needing financial sustainability etc

In the west where women have the freedom to work and study they end up just doing what their evolved sexual selection tells them
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But only looks aren’t necessarily a representation of good genetics if foids actually cared about genetic quality they wouldn’t go for borderline retarded criminals and underweight prettyboy’s
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I live in a shithole where women choose ugly braindead retards instead of me, I resent my country and I resent the women in it, I don’t resent the entire female gender that would be absurd

And no it’s not muh evolution it’s societal brainwashing and culture
why are you always blaming your location for being incel? just admit youre subhuman. you wouldnt have problems getting laid if you really do mog those guys
everyone here should slit their throat
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i feel like that's pseudoscience as well. there's no evolutrionary advantage in breeding with a pretty face. if anything they should choose the stronger, more intelligent male
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It's not that simple, females don't even know what they want
why are you always blaming your location for being incel? just admit youre subhuman. you wouldnt have problems getting laid if you really do mog those guys
Some projecting basement dweller telling me to call myself subhuman lol ok

The guys who get laid here are the real subhumans, not me or you, no idea why you have such a cucked thought process
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Some projecting basement dweller telling me to call myself subhuman lol ok
your every post on this forum is complaining about society and being incel, i think youre the one whos projecting
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your every post on this forum is complaning about society and being incel, i think youre the one whos projecting
Yes I despise society, what about it, doesn’t mean I’m a cuck who calls myself subhuman or beats myself up for being incel.
why would you not resent a person that is the literal embodiment of a system you despise?
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if i was a psychopath who killed people due to nature would people not resent me?
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Yes I despise society, what about it, doesn’t mean I’m a cuck who calls myself subhuman or beats myself up for being incel.
you despise society cause you dont have the looks
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The sad reality is it’s nobodies fault
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you despise society cause you dont have the looks
Nope I’d still despise it even if I woke up with a chad face tomorrow, nice try bud, maybe one day you’ll get it right
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you really thought you owned me with this sentence jfl
I already said I don’t have any issues with my looks it’s literally just society and laws that I despise. I have bigger issues than looks. Not sure why that’s so hard for you to understand, but makes sense if you’re a zero IQ tiktok shit for brains kid
The sad reality is it’s nobodies fault

If you start to view humans as the animals we are it makes sense why women select attractive men and are creeped out by ugly men

Firstly they can only reproduce once a year so they look for the faces with the best indicators of health, hunting success with height etc

The reason they are automatically afraid of ugly men is because they many times forcefully impregnated these women taking away their choice

Basically every selective reaction we have is pure evolution
I blame men. Weak men who ALLOW women too much freedom. A woman should not be without a husband or a father to make her decisions for her.
if i was a psychopath who killed people due to nature would people not resent me?
Interesting argument but the difference there is psychopaths go against what most humans find normal

It’s merely the majority hating u for doing something unimaginable for normal humans

With sexual selection it’s something most ppl present

If the majority where psychopaths it would be different
The sad reality is it’s nobodies fault

If you start to view humans as the animals we are it makes sense why women select attractive men and are creeped out by ugly men

Firstly they can only reproduce once a year so they look for the faces with the best indicators of health, hunting success with height etc

The reason they are automatically afraid of ugly men is because they many times forcefully impregnated these women taking away their choice

Basically every selective reaction we have is pure evolution
I still fucking resent them. I'm not in the business of liking those who don't like me.
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women select attractive men and are creeped out by ugly men
Why should I not resent a species that is disgusted by my existence?
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> I don’t know why blackpillers resent women

> literally coming from an attractive guy who gets preferential treatment by women.

you will never relate to the pain of being ugly
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i dont know why people call it the "blackpill" like what you need to be handsome to get girls? no shit
Cope thread that explanation is just a usage of selective narratives to justify their current degeneracy

By that same line of thinking incels just hate them because they grew up traumatized for an inherent need for sex with women that is not satisfied by them even though they are naturally programmed to do so but they reject it for selfish reasons

But the subject is way more complex than that and can't be addressed without mentioning the elites and (((them)))
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Interesting argument but the difference there is psychopaths go against what most humans find normal

It’s merely the majority hating u for doing something unimaginable for normal humans

With sexual selection it’s something most ppl present

If the majority where psychopaths it would be different
what about animals? do you not feel resentful at a tiger because it was “evolutionary” meant to eat your friend?
Based whitepilled thread. Ive been saying this since I found out about blackpill. If I had so much choices, I would also only go for the most atractive girls. Or at least atractive enough in comarission to the other women. But I hate the fact that Im what I am. I unironically believe hating women for most 'cels is just projection, and what they do really hate is the fact that they are unatractive
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i feel like that's pseudoscience as well. there's no evolutrionary advantage in breeding with a pretty face. if anything they should choose the stronger, more intelligent male
Facial symmetry correlates with good health. Youthful, symmetrical face means that you're in good physical condition.
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Facial symmetry correlates with good health. Youthful, symmetrical face means that you're in good physical condition.
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: plenty of subhumans living to 100 Years old
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:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: plenty of subhumans living to 100 Years old
There's actually evolutionary/survival advantage in being attractive. An attractive face means that you're young and it's water(obvious) that youth is where you reach physical prime(you can run, jump, throw punches, almost everything). Symmetrical face is considered to be attractive but i think it means good healthy genetics since facially-deformed people are often genetic diseases or from inbreeding. And chad traits are caused by high testosterone such as jawline, hunter eyes, tallness, robust bones and high testosterone means you're more aggressive, strong, fast which means that you have higher chance of survival in wild.
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There's actually evolutionary/survival advantage in being attractive. An attractive face means that you're young and it's water(obvious) that youth is where you reach physical prime(you can run, jump, throw punches, almost everything). Symmetrical face is considered to be attractive but i think it means good healthy genetics since facially-deformed people are often genetic diseases or from inbreeding. And chad traits are caused by high testosterone such as jawline, hunter eyes, tallness, robust bones and high testosterone means you're more aggressive, strong, fast which means that you have higher chance of survival in wild.
Plenty of Ogre top tier athletes. And if the youth in itself Is valuable, there should be no young jncels
Some projecting basement dweller telling me to call myself subhuman lol ok

The guys who get laid here are the real subhumans, not me or you, no idea why you have such a cucked thought process
There’s no way ‘subhumans’ do better then wjayever the hell you are. Bc what you’re saying makes 0 sense
Plenty of Ogre top tier athletes. And if the youth in itself Is valuable, there should be no young jncels
Bro, humans back in the day were primitive cave-dwelling monkeys, so we've evolved to be attracted to stacy/chad traits because chads had higher chance of survival in the wild. Those whatever old athletes or old subhuman living 100 years are just modern things.
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The sad reality is it’s nobodies fault

If you start to view humans as the animals we are it makes sense why women select attractive men and are creeped out by ugly men

Firstly they can only reproduce once a year so they look for the faces with the best indicators of health, hunting success with height etc

The reason they are automatically afraid of ugly men is because they many times forcefully impregnated these women taking away their choice

Basically every selective reaction we have is pure evolution
They are treated badly by women or they are frustrated from lack of success/unfavorable treatment.
what about animals? do you not feel resentful at a tiger because it was “evolutionary” meant to eat your friend?
If it’s normal for them no

Point is it’s not very smart to blame someone who follows their evolutionary instincts for something
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But only looks aren’t necessarily a representation of good genetics if foids actually cared about genetic quality they wouldn’t go for borderline retarded criminals and underweight prettyboy’s
This probably explains it

There’s no way ‘subhumans’ do better then wjayever the hell you are. Bc what you’re saying makes 0 sense
I already said I live in a shithole where the girls have retardedly low standards. Genuine subhumans get laid here. Everyone here gets laid besides me
Women are hypergamous whores
Pump and dump them all they deserve it
unless shes a virgin
i feel like that's pseudoscience as well. there's no evolutrionary advantage in breeding with a pretty face. if anything they should choose the stronger, more intelligent male
Evolution is retarded.
Genuine subhumans get laid here. Everyone here gets laid besides me
If anything that makes you subhuman of subhumans. Dont flatter yourself being a chad in a subhuman society if you arent treated like one jfl
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I already said I live in a shithole where the girls have retardedly low standards. Genuine subhumans get laid here. Everyone here gets laid besides me
Nothing u are saying makes sense if u mog every subhuman in ur country u must be the campion word record holder of autism if ur incel
women should have no rights and the only ones I resent are the ones that wouldn’t fuck me
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If it’s normal for them no

Point is it’s not very smart to blame someone who follows their evolutionary instincts for something
that’s just you being weird then most people would put down a pit bull that ate their baby
i hate their nature
I think I prefer the openly misognystic angry blackpillers to the detached "it is, what it is" blackpillers. The angry ones seem more honest.
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that’s just you being weird then most people would put down a pit bull that ate their baby
Nigga humans don’t respect animal nature idk what ur rambling about

People put down animals for being animals u can argue even most criminals are genetically disposed to be like that but the fact humans resent them is due to being abnormal to human norms what most ppl do

Basically what I’m saying is to not focus on a gender when the true culprit is how life itself was formed here on earth

My views are quite unique since I don’t think any lifeform has true freedom at the end of the day we are what we are born as or what we are put through

The world wouldn’t work if u judge people by these standards since nobody would be at fault of anything but as blackpillers we know why sexual selection works this way
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