i hate going to a protestant church

You know the annoying thing with these idiots. Is that their mindset is why the west is dogshit in 2024.

Their mentality is so dumbed down “MUH FAITH ALONE” truly retarded they don’t do any of the ACTIONS needed to be saved they don’t do any of the actual WORKS god wants us to do to be saved and live through him by the Holy Spirit.

Instead they smoke weed, fornicate pray in mosques, let Muslims marry their daughters, allow the secularists to seperate church and state allow LGBTQ in their churches and look at what we have. This is the proof that FAITH ALONE IS DEAD WITHOUT WORKS. You can call Jesus all you want but you do NOT LOVE HIM he will reject you and say Matthew 7:21 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

@Funnyunenjoyer1 heed this warming heretic. Cease your rebellion and repent
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Disgusting filthy heretic faggot. Romans speaking about works is referring to mosaic law so don’t even go there I’ll HUMILIATE YOU same with Ephesians. Are you an idiot, oh I can’t wait for the day of judgement for you protescucks to be rejected for not LIVING THE FAITH through Jesus and jsut proclaiming the faith.

Protescuck bitch ANATHEMA, REPENT.

James 2:14-17
14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

1John 3:18
Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

ONE and only WORK only from Jesus Himself and can you guess what it was?.
John 6:28-29
Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”
fucking imbecile faggot, read the gospel and teachings of Jesus again before you call me slurs
i’m at church rn and forced to go to protestant church by family

the sermon is on by faith alone, i have to sit here listening to a sermon i completely disagree with for 2 hours :incel:
Go to a catholic one brother, also your parents cant force you its your choice to give your heart to Christ.
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You know the annoying thing with these idiots. Is that their mindset is why the west is dogshit in 2024.

Their mentality is so dumbed down “MUH FAITH ALONE” truly retarded they don’t do any of the ACTIONS needed to be saved they don’t do any of the actual WORKS god wants us to do to be saved and live through him by the Holy Spirit.

Instead they smoke weed, fornicate pray in mosques, let Muslims marry their daughters, allow the secularists to seperate church and state allow LGBTQ in their churches and look at what we have. This is the proof that FAITH ALONE IS DEAD WITHOUT WORKS. You can call Jesus all you want but you do NOT LOVE HIM he will reject you and say Matthew 7:21 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

@Funnyunenjoyer1 heed this warming heretic. Cease your rebellion and repent

"And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me,(Once saved always saved) but raise them up at the last day."

"For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”
Go to a catholic one brother, also your parents cant force you its your choice to give your heart to Christ.
last sunday i did, im starting a year - two year program with a catholic church, it was much better than a protestant church

i wish i could’ve went to a orthodox church though
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I believe the Churches brainwash people and make them heretic like you Prince, they are sent from the Devil themselves.

A lot of rape and pedophilia in Churches especially the Catholic ones
  • JFL
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ONE WORK only from Jesus.
John 6:28-29
Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”
No :feelsuhh: idiot your misinterpreting scripture like a typical heretic. Read the entire text in its entirety as to what Jesus is referring to. Once you do that you’ll realise we Catholics (I use this to refer to all ancient churches from Rome, orthodox, orientals)

Protestants believe that, once saved, any works you do are just evidence that you are, indeed saved. If you don't do good works, then it doesn't seem like Christ is "completing the good work He started in you."

Catholics believe it's a synergistic relationship. We believe, and through Christ, we are compelled to do works, which makes us stronger in our faith, which makes us do more works, etc. It also works the other way, if we stop living out our faith, our Faith lessens and sin takes hold of the void where the Faith was. In essence, we can reject the free gift of Salvation (because Christ won't force Himself on us).

So, to the point: We totally agree with John 6:29. We totally agree that belief in God is a reason He sent us. BUT, it's not the only reason.

Look to [Ephesians 2:10]. Paul's talking about the importance of belief, but then says we were created to do good works in Christ.

Look to [Hebrews 6:4-6]. Paul (or his protege who is probably writing Hebrews) makes it clear that those who he is writing to are believers. Look at the language in verses 4 and 5. They believe. But then they reject that belief and fall away.

Paul makes it clear that Faith without love is worthless.[1 Corinthians 13:2] says you could have Faith that could move mountains but without love it's worthless. So, how do we Love God? Let's ask Him: [John 14:15] tells us, to love Him (and make our Faith worth something), we must keep His commands!
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last sunday i did, im starting a year - two year program with a catholic church, it was much better than a protestant church

i wish i could’ve went to a orthodox church though
Tbh I don’t mind Catholics only the trad ones who are papists. I see Catholicism as a stepping stone to the true Byzantine Church. So don’t fret brother even Protestants are saved they just are less saved than us due to not adhering to the commandments as well but as we are saved by grace of God through faith which expresses itself in works you are in the right path, trust in the Holy Ghost pray on it and he will deliver you and guide you, do not fret for God is with us always
No :feelsuhh: idiot your misinterpreting scripture like a typical heretic. Read the entire text in its entirety as to what Jesus is referring to. Once you do that you’ll realise we Catholics (I use this to refer to all ancient churches from Rome, orthodox, orientals)

Protestants believe that, once saved, any works you do are just evidence that you are, indeed saved. If you don't do good works, then it doesn't seem like Christ is "completing the good work He started in you."

Catholics believe it's a synergistic relationship. We believe, and through Christ, we are compelled to do works, which makes us stronger in our faith, which makes us do more works, etc. It also works the other way, if we stop living out our faith, our Faith lessens and sin takes hold of the void where the Faith was. In essence, we can reject the free gift of Salvation (because Christ won't force Himself on us).

So, to the point: We totally agree with John 6:29. We totally agree that belief in God is a reason He sent us. BUT, it's not the only reason.

Look to [Ephesians 2:10]. Paul's talking about the importance of belief, but then says we were created to do good works in Christ.

Look to [Hebrews 6:4-6]. Paul (or his protege who is probably writing Hebrews) makes it clear that those who he is writing to are believers. Look at the language in verses 4 and 5. They believe. But then they reject that belief and fall away.

Paul makes it clear that Faith without love is worthless.[1 Corinthians 13:2] says you could have Faith that could move mountains but without love it's worthless. So, how do we Love God? Let's ask Him: [John 14:15] tells us, to love Him (and make our Faith worth something), we must keep His commands!
Did Jesus take sins and judgment from the people, yes or no?

If yes, then why the fuck are we arguing? The point of Jesus dying on the cross was that he took it upon himself so that we would be cleansed from our sins and the judgement.

Jesus also said to be perfect like your heavenly father, which means that you shall not commit a single sin, but realistically, this will never be the case in human history as we are all sinners. So does that mean we don't get to go to heaven then none of us?
faith is the root, good works are the fruit
No :feelsuhh: idiot your misinterpreting scripture like a typical heretic. Read the entire text in its entirety as to what Jesus is referring to. Once you do that you’ll realise we Catholics (I use this to refer to all ancient churches from Rome, orthodox, orientals)

Protestants believe that, once saved, any works you do are just evidence that you are, indeed saved. If you don't do good works, then it doesn't seem like Christ is "completing the good work He started in you."

Catholics believe it's a synergistic relationship. We believe, and through Christ, we are compelled to do works, which makes us stronger in our faith, which makes us do more works, etc. It also works the other way, if we stop living out our faith, our Faith lessens and sin takes hold of the void where the Faith was. In essence, we can reject the free gift of Salvation (because Christ won't force Himself on us).

So, to the point: We totally agree with John 6:29. We totally agree that belief in God is a reason He sent us. BUT, it's not the only reason.

Look to [Ephesians 2:10]. Paul's talking about the importance of belief, but then says we were created to do good works in Christ.

Look to [Hebrews 6:4-6]. Paul (or his protege who is probably writing Hebrews) makes it clear that those who he is writing to are believers. Look at the language in verses 4 and 5. They believe. But then they reject that belief and fall away.

Paul makes it clear that Faith without love is worthless.[1 Corinthians 13:2] says you could have Faith that could move mountains but without love it's worthless. So, how do we Love God? Let's ask Him: [John 14:15] tells us, to love Him (and make our Faith worth something), we must keep His commands!
are you fucking copying this shit from some website? you can't even fucking argue and you throw out some random verses from the old testament from some shitty website

I believe the Churches brainwash people and make them heretic like you Prince, they are sent from the Devil themselves.

A lot of rape and pedophilia in Churches especially the Catholic ones
Now you’re calling Jesus a liar ? :hnghn:

Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[c] in heaven.”


Now I ask you filthy heretic. How do you know the bible you have is divinely inspired? Where and who did you get it from? What reason do you have to even trust the gospels are the divinely inspired word of god? Which groups were at the 7 ecumenical councils ? What do the church founding fathers and disciples of the apostles say? What does Paul and Peter say regarding our faith and if Sola Scriptura is true? Or did Paul and Peter make it clear that to be Christian you MUST go church and engage in the activities?

🤔 he’ll even the Jews get much of their teaching orally and traditionally not found in the Torah. Even Muslims @Gengar @SecularIslamist can confirm they even get their teachings not just from the Quran but also Hadiths and traditions.

Only Protestants seem to think the bible is the only thing you need when it’s clear from Jesus, the apostles and their deciples which have a chain to church fathers all agreed that the Church, traditions and Bible are all equally important. You Protestants are only 1/3rd Christian

Now you’re calling Jesus a liar ? :hnghn:

Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[c] in heaven.”


Now I ask you filthy heretic. How do you know the bible you have is divinely inspired? Where and who did you get it from? What reason do you have to even trust the gospels are the divinely inspired word of god? Which groups were at the 7 ecumenical councils ? What do the church founding fathers and disciples of the apostles say? What does Paul and Peter say regarding our faith and if Sola Scriptura is true? Or did Paul and Peter make it clear that to be Christian you MUST go church and engage in the activities?

🤔 he’ll even the Jews get much of their teaching orally and traditionally not found in the Torah. Even Muslims @Gengar @SecularIslamist can confirm they even get their teachings not just from the Quran but also Hadiths and traditions.

Only Protestants seem to think the bible is the only thing you need when it’s clear from Jesus, the apostles and their deciples which have a chain to church fathers all agreed that the Church, traditions and Bible are all equally important. You Protestants are only 1/3rd Christian

Nooooo Christian bhais why are you fighting? :feelswhy:
Now you’re calling Jesus a liar ? :hnghn:

Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[c] in heaven.”


Now I ask you filthy heretic. How do you know the bible you have is divinely inspired? Where and who did you get it from? What reason do you have to even trust the gospels are the divinely inspired word of god? Which groups were at the 7 ecumenical councils ? What do the church founding fathers and disciples of the apostles say? What does Paul and Peter say regarding our faith and if Sola Scriptura is true? Or did Paul and Peter make it clear that to be Christian you MUST go church and engage in the activities?

🤔 he’ll even the Jews get much of their teaching orally and traditionally not found in the Torah. Even Muslims @Gengar @SecularIslamist can confirm they even get their teachings not just from the Quran but also Hadiths and traditions.

Only Protestants seem to think the bible is the only thing you need when it’s clear from Jesus, the apostles and their deciples which have a chain to church fathers all agreed that the Church, traditions and Bible are all equally important. You Protestants are only 1/3rd Christian

when the catholic priest or the pope touches children and rapes them Is that also keeping the gates of hell away from the church?:lul:

Jesus intended the Church to be perfect, however humans ruined it like you, very hard to find a church these days that is literally meant to do whatever it's supposed to do to serve Jesus Christ.
🤔 he’ll even the Jews get much of their teaching orally and traditionally not found in the Torah. Even Muslims @Gengar @SecularIslamist can confirm they even get their teachings not just from the Quran but also Hadiths and traditions.
@Gengar is a Quranist :lul:

Not even the most progressive liberals are Quranists JFLL
Now you’re calling Jesus a liar ? :hnghn:

Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[c] in heaven.”


Now I ask you filthy heretic. How do you know the bible you have is divinely inspired? Where and who did you get it from? What reason do you have to even trust the gospels are the divinely inspired word of god? Which groups were at the 7 ecumenical councils ? What do the church founding fathers and disciples of the apostles say? What does Paul and Peter say regarding our faith and if Sola Scriptura is true? Or did Paul and Peter make it clear that to be Christian you MUST go church and engage in the activities?

🤔 he’ll even the Jews get much of their teaching orally and traditionally not found in the Torah. Even Muslims @Gengar @SecularIslamist can confirm they even get their teachings not just from the Quran but also Hadiths and traditions.

Only Protestants seem to think the bible is the only thing you need when it’s clear from Jesus, the apostles and their deciples which have a chain to church fathers all agreed that the Church, traditions and Bible are all equally important. You Protestants are only 1/3rd Christian

The Bible is the ultimate authority of Christianity NOT NOWDAYS CORRUPTED CHURCHES.
@Gengar is a Quranist :lul:

Not even the most progressive liberals are Quranists JFLL
Whatever my personal beliefs are, that’s irrelevant - he tagged me as well because it’s about being able to confirm that most muzzies get their teachings from hadiths as well. Use your brain for once. 🤦‍♂️
i’m at church rn and forced to go to protestant church by family

the sermon is on by faith alone, i have to sit here listening to a sermon i completely disagree with for 2 hours :incel:

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i wish i could’ve went to a orthodox church though
Unlucky for you. Since i live in Kazakhstan, there are a lot of orthodox churches in my city due to Russian colonization. Then again i'm an atheist. I left islam at 16.
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Whatever my personal beliefs are, that’s irrelevant - he tagged me as well because it’s about being able to confirm that most muzzies get their teachings from hadiths as well. Use your brain for once. 🤦‍♂️
'muh muh my personal belief' 'only god can judge me'. All Muslims belong to a tradition. Not a one man band sect.

Most Muslims do get teachings from hadith, you don't. So I was saying it's irrelevant to tag you. I'm fact you have more in common with Protestants :ROFLMAO:
'muh muh my personal belief' 'only god can judge me'. All Muslims belong to a tradition. Not a one man band sect.

Most Muslims do get teachings from hadith, you don't. So I was saying it's irrelevant to tag you. I'm fact you have more in common with Protestants :ROFLMAO:
You are like the average muzzie; braindead and stupid. Explains why you’re such a simp, too. :forcedsmile:
Now you’re calling Jesus a liar ? :hnghn:

Matthew 16:18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock[a] I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b] shall not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed[c] in heaven.”


Now I ask you filthy heretic. How do you know the bible you have is divinely inspired? Where and who did you get it from? What reason do you have to even trust the gospels are the divinely inspired word of god? Which groups were at the 7 ecumenical councils ? What do the church founding fathers and disciples of the apostles say? What does Paul and Peter say regarding our faith and if Sola Scriptura is true? Or did Paul and Peter make it clear that to be Christian you MUST go church and engage in the activities?

🤔 he’ll even the Jews get much of their teaching orally and traditionally not found in the Torah. Even Muslims @Gengar @SecularIslamist can confirm they even get their teachings not just from the Quran but also Hadiths and traditions.

Only Protestants seem to think the bible is the only thing you need when it’s clear from Jesus, the apostles and their deciples which have a chain to church fathers all agreed that the Church, traditions and Bible are all equally important. You Protestants are only 1/3rd Christian

we are not fucking muslims or jews to do shit and then get rewarded for it by getting accepted in heaven.


therefore there is none
You are like the average muzzie; braindead and stupid. Explains why you’re such a simp, too. :forcedsmile:
Whatever man it's not even arguable your position.
Whatever man it's not even arguable your position.
I don’t care for your worthless opinions, I was tagged so I could confirm a simple fact. Then you started sperging out like you always do. :ROFLMAO:
i was talking to a deacon of the catholic church i went to about history and theology and he brung up how martin luther was very antisemitic

i gave him some of these quotes from the talmud and hinted at the jewpill

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some of these quotes

he’s buying the talmud to see what’s in it

he already read a ton of theology books even the quran to see what they believe

he said that sounds like stuff out the quran :feelskek:
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I don’t care for your worthless opinions, I was tagged so I could confirm a simple fact. Then you started sperging out like you always do. :ROFLMAO:
No, you was tagged for the wrong reason. That's the actual fact of the matter. I was pointing that out.
Nope. You are simply too much of a retard.
Read and comprehend the original post @PrinceLuenLeoncur made. Please enlighten me as to you fit into that.
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@Gengar is a Quranist :lul:

Not even the most progressive liberals are Quranists JFLL
Im prob part of the reason for that as I have showed him the Hadiths are a meme book and hoendtly one of the biggest reasons as to why Islam will never be taken seriously. Your Hadiths Memenise Islam, Shiah’s have it better as they reject the meme sterling himself Bukhari but they still adhere to Muslim which is also full of amazing Memes

For example, Musa beating a running rock due to it showing him naked with a scrotal hernia.

Or Abu joining a monkey stoning monkies for Zina

After you read this shit it’s no wonder you’d discard the Hadiths as a whole when these are all considered “Sahih” even the one where Mohammed does Wudu in menstrual water with dead bodies and says “all water is pure”

According to the Hadiths Mohammed thought he was possessed (we Christian’s belive this to be legit and Mohammed was indeed possessed by devil lol)

Point being @Gengar has every reason to ignore the Hadiths validity as they are memes and came 250+ years after your prophet and that’s why your greatest apologist and scholar Shuab Ali wants to reform the Hadiths because even he knows it will never be taken seriously by the academic world lmfao :ROFLMAO:
we are not fucking muslims or jews to do shit and then get rewarded for it by getting accepted in heaven.


therefore there is none
You are Muslims but worse at least Muslims follow an extra meme book they use for law. Your worse as a protescuck your entire faith is based on a book given to you by the “courrpted pedo church” your worldview cannot even validate the integrity of lmfao 🤣

@noobs this is how you get protescucks to concede in a debate this is how you buck break them
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@SecularIslamist would get stoned too if he walked past. :feelswhy:
The issue for Muslims is without Hadiths island BARELY an organised religion. Lol which destoyes much of its integrity 🤷‍♂️. I know so much about your religion because I considered converting at one time until I digged and came to accept Orthodoxy as the only truth
The issue for Muslims is without Hadiths island BARELY an organised religion. Lol which destoyes much of its integrity 🤷‍♂️. I know so much about your religion because I considered converting at one time until I digged and came to accept Orthodoxy as the only truth
You have some knowledge but you do give it your own spin to further your agenda. For instance, saying that the prophet was possessed by the devil, when he wasn’t. But I like the idea of making fun of hadiths as these muzzies act like it’s holy like the Qur’an is. :forcedsmile:
You have some knowledge but you do give it your own spin to further your agenda. For instance, saying that the prophet was possessed by the devil, when he wasn’t. But I like the idea of making fun of hadiths as these muzzies act like it’s holy like the Qur’an is. :forcedsmile:
Nope your prophet according to the Hadiths SAID HE THOUGHT HE WAS POSSESED BY DJINN. Not only that but he was strangled and beaten by “Gabriel” lol 😂 if you idiots think it’s Gabriel who came to Mo, who beat him to write verses of the Quran even though he couldn’t read and write. He used to go up to mountains and think about roping but “Gabriel” would stop him just before he’d jump lol

Your BOOK says this YOUR HADITH says this. And now do you realise why anybody Athiedt or Christian who knows their own religion moderately would refuse to join Islam?

And the Quran is riddled with contradictions and arbitrary meanings that could be misconstrued as something else due to no elaboration in the text.

My bible has been raped by academics since the 18hundreds and still to this day every FAULT they have found has been debunked. Yes EVERY SINGLE ONE. I can confidently say the Bible has 0 contradictions but it does have nebulous meanings in parts due to cultural understanding of our generation and Bronze Age Jews as well as translational errors/meaning differences.
Nope your prophet according to the Hadiths SAID HE THOUGHT HE WAS POSSESED BY DJINN. Not only that but he was strangled and beaten by “Gabriel” lol 😂 if you idiots think it’s Gabriel who came to Mo, who beat him to write verses of the Quran even though he couldn’t read and write. He used to go up to mountains and think about roping but “Gabriel” would stop him just before he’d jump lol

Your BOOK says this YOUR HADITH says this. And now do you realise why anybody Athiedt or Christian who knows their own religion moderately would refuse to join Islam?

And the Quran is riddled with contradictions and arbitrary meanings that could be misconstrued as something else due to no elaboration in the text.

My bible has been raped by academics since the 18hundreds and still to this day every FAULT they have found has been debunked. Yes EVERY SINGLE ONE. I can confidently say the Bible has 0 contradictions but it does have nebulous meanings in parts due to cultural understanding of our generation and Bronze Age Jews as well as translational errors/meaning differences.
“According to the hadiths.”

Say no more. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
“According to the hadiths.”

Say no more. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
To follow Islam properly you need Hadiths so yes you are a heretic as much as an Protescuck is an heretic for not following the church and Traditions so yes @SecularIslamist afterall Allah says in your Quran to follow the life and teachings of Mohammed which can only be found in Hadiths 🤷‍♂️

So yes by Islamic standards your an heretic
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To follow Islam properly you need Hadiths so yes you are a heretic as much as an Protescuck is an heretic for not following the church and Traditions so yes @SecularIslamist afterall Allah says in your Quran to follow the life and teachings of Mohammed which can only be found in Hadiths 🤷‍♂️

So yes by Islamic standards your an heretic
Now I’m getting takfir’d by the muzzie and the christcuck. :feelscry: Unholy combination. :feelswhy:
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Im prob part of the reason for that as I have showed him the Hadiths are a meme book and hoendtly one of the biggest reasons as to why Islam will never be taken seriously. Your Hadiths Memenise Islam, Shiah’s have it better as they reject the meme sterling himself Bukhari but they still adhere to Muslim which is also full of amazing Memes

For example, Musa beating a running rock due to it showing him naked with a scrotal hernia.

Or Abu joining a monkey stoning monkies for Zina

After you read this shit it’s no wonder you’d discard the Hadiths as a whole when these are all considered “Sahih” even the one where Mohammed does Wudu in menstrual water with dead bodies and says “all water is pure”

According to the Hadiths Mohammed thought he was possessed (we Christian’s belive this to be legit and Mohammed was indeed possessed by devil lol)

Point being @Gengar has every reason to ignore the Hadiths validity as they are memes and came 250+ years after your prophet and that’s why your greatest apologist and scholar Shuab Ali wants to reform the Hadiths because even he knows it will never be taken seriously by the academic world lmfao :ROFLMAO:
Not gonna bother with hour drivel, but Gengar who rejects hadiths - how is he any different to Protestants. They also walked away from the traditional understanding thinking their interpretation of the bible were supreme. Martin cuck Luther was the one who gave impetus to these liberal movements. You tagged him but he's not what you think he is - although he likes to act Islamic here. Despite the fact that vast majority of laws are derived from hadiths. He wouldn't even know how to pray - not that he ever does.
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You are Muslims but worse at least Muslims follow an extra meme book they use for law. Your worse as a protescuck your entire faith is based on a book given to you by the “courrpted pedo church” your worldview cannot even validate the integrity of lmfao 🤣

@noobs this is how you get protescucks to concede in a debate this is how you buck break them
You are a Muslim because you believe your works get you to heaven JFL, when the point of Christianity is that Jesus literally took all our sins with him so we could go to heaven. UNDERSTAND IT THAT CHRISTIANITY REVOLVES AROUND JESUS AND NOT AROUND YOUR GOOD DEEDS you heretic Muzzie

You're a hypocritical Muslim disguised as a Christian. True Christians know salvation is a gift from God itself and is not earned like Muslims earn it.
To follow Islam properly you need Hadiths so yes you are a heretic as much as an Protescuck is an heretic for not following the church and Traditions so yes @SecularIslamist afterall Allah says in your Quran to follow the life and teachings of Mohammed which can only be found in Hadiths 🤷‍♂️

So yes by Islamic standards your an heretic
to follow Islam you DO NOT need hadiths you're so ignorant lmfao

Hadith is just a book like talmud to understand the Quran and teachings of their prophet, Quran is literally the word of God according to Islamic beliefs it is a complete book and it is all a muslim needs to go to Jannah, they are not the SAME you heretic monkey
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to follow Islam you DO NOT need hadiths you're so ignorant lmfao

Hadith is just a book like talmud to understand the Quran and teachings of their prophet, Quran is literally the word of God according to Islamic beliefs it is a complete book and it is all a muslim needs to go to Jannah, they are not the SAME you heretic monkey
Wtf are you talking about. Literally 100% of Muslims who have even elementary understanding of Islam don't deny hadiths. If you come across a lay Muslim IRL (like @Gengar ) but he's at a mosque folding his arms or has been circumcised he tacitly follows the hadiths whether he acknowledges it or not.
Wtf are you talking about. Literally 100% of Muslims who have even elementary understanding of Islam don't deny hadiths. If you come across a lay Muslim IRL (like @Gengar ) but he's at a mosque folding his arms or has been circumcised he tacitly follows the hadiths whether he acknowledges it or not.
show me in the quran where it says you have to follow haidths?

if it doesn't say in the quran it means you don't need to do it as simple as that.
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to follow Islam you DO NOT need hadiths you're so ignorant lmfao

Hadith is just a book like talmud to understand the Quran and teachings of their prophet, Quran is literally the word of God according to Islamic beliefs it is a complete book and it is all a muslim needs to go to Jannah, they are not the SAME you heretic monkey
Nope. You need the Hadiths to follow Mohammed and to follow Islam properly you need Hadiths that’s why said @Gengar is a heretic like you are for Christian’s. Allah in their book says follow Mohamed’s teachings examples etc and that’s only in Hadiths.

But why am I suprised that an heretic would try to convince @Gengar to disobey Allah?
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show me in the quran where it says you have to follow haidths?

if it doesn't say in the quran it means you don't need to do it as simple as that.

"O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result."

"There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often."

How do you follow and obey the messenger? Hadiths duh?:soy:
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Not gonna bother with hour drivel, but Gengar who rejects hadiths - how is he any different to Protestants. They also walked away from the traditional understanding thinking their interpretation of the bible were supreme. Martin cuck Luther was the one who gave impetus to these liberal movements. You tagged him but he's not what you think he is - although he likes to act Islamic here. Despite the fact that vast majority of laws are derived from hadiths. He wouldn't even know how to pray - not that he ever does.
I literally just said this…. :hnghn:

I tagged him because he’s Muslim and I like him even if he’s an heretic by orthodox islamic standards
Nope. You need the Hadiths to follow Mohammed and to follow Islam properly you need Hadiths that’s why said @Gengar is a heretic like you are for Christian’s. Allah in their book says follow Mohamed’s teachings examples etc and that’s only in Hadiths.

But why am I suprised that an heretic would try to convince @Gengar to disobey Allah?
You don't need it. I don't know if your retarded or not but Quran is their complete book. Quran 6:114-115 is cited as evidence for the Quran being "fully detailed"

if you're true muslim you must do only whatever Quran tells you to do, however Quran never says you should read the hadiths
"O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result."

"There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often."

How do you follow and obey the messenger? Hadiths duh?:soy:
never directly says it. there are teachings of Mohammed in the Quran as well and the Quran references to that.
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Now I’m getting takfir’d by the muzzie and the christcuck. :feelscry: Unholy combination. :feelswhy:
I’m not “Takfiring” you I’m simply saying to orthodox Muslims YOU ARE A HERETIC. To both Shia and Sunnis.

Same way 75% of Christian’s consider Protestants the worst all nicene orthodox Christian’s because they spit on 2 of our foundations, the church and Tradition’s. And look where that has led protescucks today they are allowing LGBTQ seperated church from state, allowed Muslims like you to marry their daughters with no reprocussion and many more they are heretics it is what it is

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