i hate going to a protestant church

never directly says it. there are teachings of Mohammed in the Quran as well and the Quran references to that.
What’s funny is Quran only Muslims are more orthodox to Islam than protescucks are to Christianity. If our apostles were resurrected they’d spit in every Protestants eye
I literally just said this…. :hnghn:

I tagged him because he’s Muslim and I like him even if he’s an heretic by orthodox islamic standards
Yeah you posted while I was typing.

never directly says it. there are teachings of Mohammed in the Quran as well and the Quran references to that.
It literally directly says it just because you contradict it doesn't make it true. Quran has very little to do with law or the shari'ah (which is a human understanding of the divine laws) the prophets example and pattern of living (as cited) was to be followed and the hadiths are therefore the source of that example.

Anyway I can't reason with a protestant cuck. @PrinceLuenLeoncur I understand why you hate these niggas.
  • JFL
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My oneitis goes to church and she dresses like a whore EVEN going to church
oh boy you dont even wanna know what churches and religion in general is like here in brazil
Yeah you posted while I was typing.

It literally directly says it just because you contradict it doesn't make it true. Quran has very little to do with law or the shari'ah (which is a human understanding of the divine laws) the prophets example and pattern of living (as cited) was to be followed and the hadiths are therefore the source of that example.

Anyway I can't reason with a protestant cuck. @PrinceLuenLeoncur I understand why you hate these niggas
JFL I used to believe in faith and works, but then I realized it was heretic, and what you are doing right now is a herecy. Because you assume the Quran meant something when it never did.

You, as a Muslim, are supposed to follow the Quran as it is and never interpret it in your own way. I shouldn't be teaching you this.

Also, as far as I know, you have a girlfriend or something. I saw your thread before, which directly goes against your own book you niggercuck
to follow Islam you DO NOT need hadiths you're so ignorant lmfao

Hadith is just a book like talmud to understand the Quran and teachings of their prophet, Quran is literally the word of God according to Islamic beliefs it is a complete book and it is all a muslim needs to go to Jannah, they are not the SAME you heretic monkey
Based, you’re my new bhai here. How do you know it better than the muzzie and the christcuck? :feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsgood:
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Wtf are you talking about. Literally 100% of Muslims who have even elementary understanding of Islam don't deny hadiths. If you come across a lay Muslim IRL (like @Gengar ) but he's at a mosque folding his arms or has been circumcised he tacitly follows the hadiths whether he acknowledges it or not.
Cope. Just because not everyone is from your sect, doesn’t mean those people are are wrong. @Funnyunenjoyer1 knows his stuff, unlike you.
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Yeah you posted while I was typing.

It literally directly says it just because you contradict it doesn't make it true. Quran has very little to do with law or the shari'ah (which is a human understanding of the divine laws) the prophets example and pattern of living (as cited) was to be followed and the hadiths are therefore the source of that example.

Anyway I can't reason with a protestant cuck. @PrinceLuenLeoncur I understand why you hate these niggas.

I agree. I can’t stand niggers who only follow religion half baked.

Protestants are much worse because those cunts have economic power (the west) and use their cancer to try heathenise other Christian’s who are innocent and if you want to know what their cancer leads to go look at their countries now they are having debates over if gay priests are allowed 😂🤣 that’s what Protestantism and Quran onlyism leads too these are problems my church will never ever have to speak about because it’s nonsensical

This is what heresy leads to. Fracturing And god removing his hand of protection from you. Yes I consider Catholics heretics as well but I can accept they have Apostolic succession and are real Christian’s they just have courrpted beliefs and traditions but the root is pure and true

And tbf the Hadiths are a meme book so they have an excuse to dismiss the Hadiths it just means they cannot be true Muslims
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Nope. You need the Hadiths to follow Mohammed and to follow Islam properly you need Hadiths that’s why said @Gengar is a heretic like you are for Christian’s. Allah in their book says follow Mohamed’s teachings examples etc and that’s only in Hadiths.

But why am I suprised that an heretic would try to convince @Gengar to disobey Allah?
Nah, just take the L. @Funnyunenjoyer1 is right. Not sure what you two have been arguing about initially but “muh you need hadith to be a muzzie” is a cope.
JFL I used to believe in faith and works, but then I realized it was heretic, and what you are doing right now is a herecy. Because you assume the Quran meant something when it never did.

You, as a Muslim, are supposed to follow the Quran as it is and never interpret it in your own way. I shouldn't be teaching you this.
Lmao so somehow the last 1400 years they all just mis-read the Qur'an and they read something it never was meant to be. JFL just kys protestantcuck
Also, as far as I know, you have a girlfriend or something. I saw your thread before, which directly goes against your own book you niggercuck
I don't. Unless you mean I mentioned I've had pre-marital sex in which case yes I have and repented. Those who repent and do good are forgiven.
  • Ugh..
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"O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result."

"There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often."

How do you follow and obey the messenger? Hadiths duh?:soy:
Hahahaha you are so stupid. I think you’re just trolling at this point. :feelshah:
I don't. Unless you mean I mentioned I've had pre-marital sex in which case yes I have and repented. Those who repent and do good are forgiven.
Who says you have actually been forgiven? Did God tell you in your dreams? Shirk moment.

@Funnyunenjoyer1 This is the guy who’s trying to school me on religion. Just LOL.
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Based, you’re my new bhai here. How do you know it better than the muzzie and the christcuck? :feelsgood::feelsgood::feelsgood:
He is an orthocuck, he believes whatever his church feeds him, which I get because people become brainwashed by others.

The only true way you can go with religion is by studying the book on your own and analyzing it in detail without others telling you what this book is meant to tell you.
  • +1
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I agree. I can’t stand niggers who only follow religion half baked.

Protestants are much worse because those cunts have economic power (the west) and use their cancer to try heathenise other Christian’s who are innocent and if you want to know what their cancer leads to go look at their countries now they are having debates over if gay priests are allowed 😂🤣 that’s what Protestantism and Quran onlyism leads too these are problems my church will never ever have to speak about because it’s nonsensical
Yeah it's the same. This quran only movement is almost always a western phenomenon.

IN FACT, there was an American progressive Muslim group who nailed to the door some kind of manifesto to an Islamic centre or something like Martin Luther 😂 😂 😂

I'll see if I can find the video
This is what heresy leads to. Fracturing And god removing his hand of protection from you. Yes I consider Catholics heretics as well but I can accept they have Apostolic succession and are real Christian’s they just have courrpted beliefs and traditions but the root is pure and true
My thought same with Shia although I don't consider them heretic just misguided.

And tbf the Hadiths are a meme book so they have an excuse to dismiss the Hadiths it just means they cannot be true Muslims
This "excuse" are just their modern sensibilities. Obviously as a non-Muslim you'll see their rejection as valid but for Muslims it's not

That's not to say it's not like Muslims don't acknowledge some hadiths are weak and false. Even the most conservative Hanbali wouldn't deny it.
Nah, just take the L. @Funnyunenjoyer1 is right. Not sure what you two have been arguing about initially but “muh you need hadith to be a muzzie” is a cope.
He’s wrongs he’s just an retard who belives that proclaiming you love god basically proclaiming Christian Shahada your saved and will go heaven regardless of how you live life :ROFLMAO::forcedsmile:

But that’s not what god says, that’s not what is taught. We are taught if you have faith it will be expressed in your works aka TRADITION, going church, fasting (i bet you didn’t even know Christians fasted did you but due to Protestants never doing it) and much more like saintly veneration.

And it will also show in submission to gods will aka doing good deeds.

Protestants neglect this and then wonder why their countries are hot spots for hedonism :feelsuhh:

And yes @SecularIslamist is correct to be an orthodox Muslim you need Hadiths every Muslims agrees with this. Many Muslims I know would call you Kafir for this. I have no dog in the race here as in my eyes all Muslims are heathens so it doesn’t matter I jsut see heathens calling heathens, heathens :ROFLMAO:
  • +1
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He is an orthocuck, he believes whatever his church feeds him, which I get because people become brainwashed by others.

The only true way you can go with religion is by studying the book on your own and analyzing it in detail without others telling you what this book is meant to tell you.
No wonder they’re on the same team now, they’re the opposite sides of the same coin.

Secular is just like that; he just listened to what he’s fed, just like most muzzies. Zero critical thinking whatsoever. That’s why I call him braindead, along with most muzzies.

You make the most sense here. I completely agree with your take. If I recall correctly, even Islam encourages one to study one’s religion; instead of merely blindly accepting things.
  • JFL
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Who says you have actually been forgiven? Did God tell you in your dreams? Shirk moment.

@Funnyunenjoyer1 This is the guy who’s trying to school me on religion. Just LOL.
I never said I wasm People have been forgiven for it numerous ways. Or the requisite punishment has been applied (usually flogging or prison time) for pre-marital.
He’s wrongs he’s just an retard who belives that proclaiming you love god basically proclaiming Christian Shahada your saved and will go heaven regardless of how you live life :ROFLMAO::forcedsmile:

But that’s not what god says, that’s not what is taught. We are taught if you have faith it will be expressed in your works aka TRADITION, going church, fasting (i bet you didn’t even know Christians fasted did you but due to Protestants never doing it) and much more like saintly veneration.

And it will also show in submission to gods will aka doing good deeds.

Protestants neglect this and then wonder why their countries are hot spots for hedonism :feelsuhh:

And yes @SecularIslamist is correct to be an orthodox Muslim you need Hadiths every Muslims agrees with this. Many Muslims I know would call you Kafir for this. I have no dog in the race here as in my eyes all Muslims are heathens so it doesn’t matter I jsut see heathens calling heathens, heathens :ROFLMAO:
I can ask any Islamic scholar they will say you don't have to follow hadiths but they are strongly encouraged to read.

you're a faggot for assuming the book and not taking it directly what it tells you especially in Islam.
  • JFL
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He’s wrongs he’s just an retard who belives that proclaiming you love god basically proclaiming Christian Shahada your saved and will go heaven regardless of how you live life :ROFLMAO::forcedsmile:

But that’s not what god says, that’s not what is taught. We are taught if you have faith it will be expressed in your works aka TRADITION, going church, fasting (i bet you didn’t even know Christians fasted did you but due to Protestants never doing it) and much more like saintly veneration.

And it will also show in submission to gods will aka doing good deeds.

Protestants neglect this and then wonder why their countries are hot spots for hedonism :feelsuhh:

And yes @SecularIslamist is correct to be an orthodox Muslim you need Hadiths every Muslims agrees with this. Many Muslims I know would call you Kafir for this. I have no dog in the race here as in my eyes all Muslims are heathens so it doesn’t matter I jsut see heathens calling heathens, heathens :ROFLMAO:
But what does it matter what those muzzies have to say? They takfir anyone who doesn’t agree with them, because they are all braindead.

@Funnyunenjoyer1 is making a lot of sense when he says one should not blindly accept things; instead, one must study what they believe in. I am sure even you can agree with this. After all, isn’t that how you came to be what you are now?
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No wonder they’re on the same team now, they’re the opposite sides of the same coin.

Secular is just like that; he just listened to what he’s fed, just like most muzzies. Zero critical thinking whatsoever. That’s why I call him braindead, along with most muzzies.

You make the most sense here. I completely agree with your take. If I recall correctly, even Islam encourages one to study one’s religion; instead of merely blindly accepting things.
Okay shaykh al-Islam
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I never said I wasm People have been forgiven for it numerous ways. Or the requisite punishment has been applied (usually flogging or prison time) for pre-marital.
Who says those people have actually been forgiven? God did not tell you, so don’t pretend you know what will happen to people. It’s disgusting. 🤢
No wonder they’re on the same team now, they’re the opposite sides of the same coin.

Secular is just like that; he just listened to what he’s fed, just like most muzzies. Zero critical thinking whatsoever. That’s why I call him braindead, along with most muzzies.

You make the most sense here. I completely agree with your take. If I recall correctly, even Islam encourages one to study one’s religion; instead of merely blindly accepting things.
I even said to you just then that If I were Muslim I’d also discard the Hadiths how could you forget this… I’m simply saying if I were Muslim I’d accept being an heretic because I don’t deem the Hadiths reliable and I view the stories in there too fantastical and absurd to even give any credence to. The Hadiths imo do more to harm Islam than good.

@Funnyunenjoyer1 however cannot do shit as the church is the one that handed HIM THE FUCKING BIBLE HE LOVES TO QUOTE FROM. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: See how retarded Protestants are now. Infact the protcucka altered some translations of the bible and also removed over 10 books lmfao :ROFLMAO: YES 10 BOOKS FROM THE BIBLE THEY REMOVED and MARTIN LUTHER THE POS BITCH a would had removed some form the New Testament like Titus because it contradicts the protescuck view of Sola Fide.

Point is Muslims have reason to be Quran only even if they are heretics because Hadiths are bullshit.

But prots have 0 reason to exist :hnghn: they are jsut heretics for heretic sake
Okay shaykh al-Islam
@Funnyunjoyer1 See? This is what these muzzies do. Totally incapable of thinking for themselves. The muzzie community is probably the most brainless on this planet.
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I even said to you just then that If I were Muslim I’d also discard the Hadiths how could you forget this… I’m simply saying if I were Muslim I’d accept being an heretic because I don’t deem the Hadiths reliable and I view the stories in there too fantastical and absurd to even give any credence to. The Hadiths imo do more to harm Islam than good.

@Funnyunenjoyer1 however cannot do shit as the church is the one that handed HIM THE FUCKING BIBLE HE LOVES TO QUOTE FROM. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: See how retarded Protestants are now. Infact the protcucka altered some translations of the bible and also removed over 10 books lmfao :ROFLMAO: YES 10 BOOKS FROM THE BIBLE THEY REMOVED and MARTIN LUTHER THE POS BITCH a would had removed some form the New Testament like Titus because it contradicts the protescuck view of Sola Fide.

Point is Muslims have reason to be Quran only even if they are heretics because Hadiths are bullshit.

But prots have 0 reason to exist :hnghn: they are jsut heretics for heretic sake
You know I’m generally a forgetful person, so things slip my mind often. But anyway, why should I accept being a “heretic” just because a bunch of brainless idiots are telling me so? That is a defeatist mentality. I’m pessimistic, sure, but only because I tell myself to be pessimistic. I’m not pessimistic because others have negative opinions about me. See what I’m trying to hint at?
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I agree. I can’t stand niggers who only follow religion half baked.
That’s why I can’t take the muzzie degens seriously myself. To make matters worse, they LARP the hardest about being pious. :fuk:
  • +1
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Who says those people have actually been forgiven? God did not tell you, so don’t pretend you know what will happen to people. It’s disgusting. 🤢
The Quran literally talks about forgiveness for certain people who repented. No one knows who specifically. So much for a "Quranist" :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

"And it is He who accepts repentance from his servants and pardons misdeeds, and He knows what you do."

"Do they not know that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and receives charities and that Allah is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful?"
  • JFL
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That’s why I can’t take the muzzie degens seriously myself. To make matters worse, they LARP the hardest about being pious. :fuk:
Hardcore muzzies follow a strict geographical religion.
Common muslims do drugs.
Only family men/women i respect
  • +1
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You know I’m generally a forgetful person, so things slip my mind often. But anyway, why should I accept being a “heretic” just because a bunch of brainless idiots are telling me so? That is a defeatist mentality. I’m pessimistic, sure, but only because I tell myself to be pessimistic. I’m not pessimistic because others have negative opinions about me. See what I’m trying to hint at?
Because unfortunately you’re told to follow the Hadiths in the Quran as that’s the only way you have info on the teachings of the prophet. The problem here is there is no structured epistemic crition in which you can disregard SOME Hadiths you don’t like for ones you do. That’s the problem, and tbh I do belive some of the Hadiths are legit but SOME OTHER ones are definitely fantastical stories and unfortunately they are considered “Sahih” that’s why Shiah’s disregard Abu bukhari they say he went chenille in old age.

I even told you myself if I were Muslim I’d also be Quran only. And yes I’d accept id be a heretic to Muslims but why would I care? Sunnis literally try defend a man who ducked a 9 yr old girl as the Hadiths say lol 😂. At least you DONT HAVE TO DEFEND THAT IF YOU DISREGARD HADITHS you can just say what @yeeyeeslayer says which is “DIDNT HAPPEN BROOOO” :feelshmm:.
  • +1
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That’s why I can’t take the muzzie degens seriously myself. To make matters worse, they LARP the hardest about being pious. :fuk:
I never larp about being pious. I stay away from heresy at least. Meanwhile you told me you haven't prayed in like a year. JFL.
  • JFL
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The Quran literally talks about forgiveness for certain people who repented. No one knows who specifically. So much for a "Quranist" :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

"And it is He who accepts repentance from his servants and pardons misdeeds, and He knows what you do."

"Do they not know that Allah accepts repentance from His servants and receives charities and that Allah is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful?"
Yes, but when were you told that the forgiveness had been extended to a specific person?

You shouldn’t keep committing shirk so shamelessly like this.
Hardcore muzzies follow a strict geographical religion.
Common muslims do drugs.
Only family men/women i respect
Most muzzies are retarded a la SecularIslamist and nearly everyone else on this dump. :ogre:
Because unfortunately you’re told to follow the Hadiths in the Quran as that’s the only way you have info on the teachings of the prophet. The problem here is there is no structured epistemic crition in which you can disregard SOME Hadiths you don’t like for ones you do. That’s the problem, and tbh I do belive some of the Hadiths are legit but SOME OTHER ones are definitely fantastical stories and unfortunately they are considered “Sahih” that’s why Shiah’s disregard Abu bukhari they say he went chenille in old age.

I even told you myself if I were Muslim I’d also be Quran only. And yes I’d accept id be a heretic to Muslims but why would I care? Sunnis literally try defend a man who ducked a 9 yr old girl as the Hadiths say lol 😂. At least you DONT HAVE TO DEFEND THAT IF YOU DISREGARD HADITHS you can just say what @yeeyeeslayer says which is “DIDNT HAPPEN BROOOO” :feelshmm:.
Where in the Qur’an does it say we have to follow hadiths? Yes, I do think some hadiths are legit, others aren’t, even if supposedly “sahih.” But according to braindead muzzies like Secular, that makes me a “Quranist.” :fuk:

I agree with the Shi’a opinion, which is to say that a marriage wasn’t consummated with a 9 year old, but rather a teenage woman. Which, of course, is not problematic, especially not during times when things different and people married in their teenage years rather than in their twenties and thirties.
Yes, but when were you told that the forgiveness had been extended to a specific person?

You shouldn’t keep committing shirk so shamelessly like this.
Are you retarded? Are you even the Quranist you claim?

People sin and the best they can do is sincerely repent, do good and hope they are forgiven. What don't you understand about this.

No one knows who has specifically been forgiven or not.
I never larp about being pious. I stay away from heresy at least. Meanwhile you told me you haven't prayed in like a year. JFL.
@Funnyunjoyer1 @PrinceLuenLeoncur Behold, the average muzzie; making fun of one’s shortcomings instead of trying to encourage them in a positive way to change their ways. See why I don’t like these hypocrites?
That’s why I can’t take the muzzie degens seriously myself. To make matters worse, they LARP the hardest about being pious. :fuk:
This is how I feel about Protestants. They tend to be the biggest larpers and the most like warm. All zeal no knowledge as St Paul says.

And tbh every sect and faith has shit adherents we call them “cultural Christians” or “cultural Muslims” the Muslim Pakistan girl I dated fitted this catagory I’d sleep @ her house for 4 days str8 never saw her pray once.
I never larp about being pious. I stay away from heresy at least. Meanwhile you told me you haven't prayed in like a year. JFL.
See what I mean. That’s what heresy does. It breaks down the faith and makes one’s zeal and knowledge as dull as a cheap plastic knife. Traditions exist for a reason to temper your faith and knowledge like an constantly expensive master crafted sharpened ornamental sword

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Are you retarded? Are you even the Quranist you claim?

People sin and the best they can do is sincerely repent, do good and hope they are forgiven. What don't you understand about this.

No one knows who has specifically been forgiven or not.
That’s what I have been saying here. Good job, boy, now you are speaking my tongue. You were the one saying earlier that people have been forgiven, retard. Go read back your messages to confirm it yourself.
Disgusting filthy heretic faggot. Romans speaking about works is referring to mosaic law so don’t even go there I’ll HUMILIATE YOU same with Ephesians. Are you an idiot, oh I can’t wait for the day of judgement for you protescucks to be rejected for not LIVING THE FAITH through Jesus and jsut proclaiming the faith.

Protescuck bitch ANATHEMA, REPENT.

James 2:14-17
14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? 17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

1John 3:18
Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
Hey Saar are you a catholic?
This is how I feel about Protestants. They tend to be the biggest larpers and the most like warm. All zeal no knowledge as St Paul says.

And tbh every sect and faith has shit adherents we call them “cultural Christians” or “cultural Muslims” the Muslim Pakistan girl I dated fitted this catagory I’d sleep @ her house for 4 days str8 never saw her pray once.

See what I mean. That’s what heresy does. It breaks down the faith and makes one’s zeal and knowledge as dull as a cheap plastic knife. Traditions exist for a reason to temper your faith and knowledge like an constantly expensive master crafted sharpened ornamental sword

Yeah, all communities have them but the hypocrisy is amplified in the muzzie community. The same foid you mentioned would be LARPing as a pious muzzie once cousin Ahmed comes along to marry; and she’s going to be hiding her degenerate past. At least Christian women would have the decency to say upfront that they lived a degenerate life before.
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i’m at church rn and forced to go to protestant church by family

the sermon is on by faith alone, i have to sit here listening to a sermon i completely disagree with for 2 hours :incel:
just close your eyes tbh protestant churches look like shit (on purpose too idk why)
  • JFL
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Hey Saar are you a catholic?
EO. Roman Catholicism is corrupted which is why Protestantism even began as a response to the heretical teachings of the RC church. But RCs are still apostolic and have direct claim to the church of Jesus Christ. Protestants should had became EO instead of creating their nonsensical Protestantism which is now over tens of thousands of denominations (most are simple cults)
EO. Roman Catholicism is corrupted which is why Protestantism even began as a response to the heretical teachings of the RC church. But RCs are still apostolic and have direct claim to the church of Jesus Christ. Protestants should had became EO instead of creating their nonsensical Protestantism which is now over tens of thousands of denominations
Ah I see. I’m sedevecantist catholic
  • +1
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See what I mean. That’s what heresy does. It breaks down the faith and makes one’s zeal and knowledge as dull as a cheap plastic knife. Traditions exist for a reason to temper your faith and knowledge like an constantly expensive master crafted sharpened ornamental sword
You know. The problem aren't these Quranist (even in the West). No one takes them seriously anyway. Not even progressive liberal cucks.

It's these Salafis who suffer from the exact same mentality. Abdal.Hakim Murad break this mentality down the best:

Yeah, all communities have them but the hypocrisy is amplified in the muzzie community. The same foid you mentioned would be LARPing as a pious muzzie once cousin Ahmed comes along to marry; and she’s going to be hiding her degenerate past. At least Christian women would have the decency to say upfront that they lived a degenerate life before.
You wanna know why…. Because Islam teaches you to lie about your past :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Christianity teaches you to be honest and forefront with your shortcomings

Muslim women are told by Quran (or is it hadit) to lie or not disclose their past. In Christianity you’re encouraged to tell people your negatives. I tell my priest before Eucharist im addicted to porn and the devil asmodius attacks me with lust every day

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