i hate going to a protestant church

Ah I see. I’m sedevecantist catholic
Christos Anesti brother, may holy mother Theotokos pray for us sinners and may angel Micheal slay the demons that haunt us in Gods name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Amen.
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You know. The problem aren't these Quranist (even in the West). No one takes them seriously anyway. Not even progressive liberal cucks.

It's these Salafis who suffer from the exact same mentality. Abdal.Hakim Murad break this mentality down the best:

He says it's a "protestant error" at 1:51 😂

  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Christos Anesti brother, may holy mother Theotokos pray for us sinners and may angel Micheal slay the demons that haunt us in Gods name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit Amen.
Are you ever worried about choosing the wrong denomination and going to hell? What does eo think about Catholicism and sedevecantism?
He says it's a "protestant error" at 1:51 😂

This. And as I said any form of Protestantism leads to a degradation of purity in SOYciety.


this curry whore
IMG 9359

Protestantism mindset leads you to accepting gods of Hindus and Sikhs
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  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
Are you ever worried about choosing the wrong denomination and going to hell? What does eo think about Catholicism and sedevecantism?
Don’t know much about sedevecantism. I have worried about choosing the wrong religion but not sect. I did my reasarch into the history of Christianity and came to the conclusion that Eastern Orthodoxy is the closest to what the early Christian’s would have been and is what the apostles would be if they were resurrected today.

Catholics me and orientals have deviated from the righteous path and added in heretical doctrines. Protestantism is pure heresy simple as that.

Islams a false religion here’s 5 reasons, its theology says the bible is right and the bible says islams false so islams false. Yes its own theology destroys itself.

2 metaphysically Islam makes no sense their gods is fully transcendent with no similarity and way to interact with his creations and yet the Quran is his words and thoughts…. Yeah 🤔 yeah aight bruh

There’s more but I can’t be arsed rn
You wanna know why…. Because Islam teaches you to lie about your past :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Christianity teaches you to be honest and forefront with your shortcomings

Muslim women are told by Quran (or is it hadit) to lie or not disclose their past. In Christianity you’re encouraged to tell people your negatives. I tell my priest before Eucharist im addicted to porn and the devil asmodius attacks me with lust every day
That’s definitely not Islam, I have read the Qur’an in English so I know what is said, in general terms. You are either talking about a hadith wherein a man told another man who was interested in a woman for someone else that she had had pre-marital sex and he got scolded by it for Abu Bakr or the hadith where a man told the prophet about his sin and was met with silence or something. In the case of the first hadith, one could argue they were criticized for telling a person who has no need to know such information as they are not the ones marrying them. In that fashion, he is basically gossiping and gossiping is discouraged. If one sees the hadith and think it means that one should lie, then they got to the wrong conclusion; and they are corrupting Islam by claiming it’s okay to lie. But sadly, most muzzies think like you do. Lying is a sin in Islam, but I’m sure there are situations where a white lie could be excused; but it doesn’t apply in this context.
That’s definitely not Islam, I have read the Qur’an in English so I know what is said, in general terms. You are either talking about a hadith wherein a man told another man who was interested in a woman for someone else that she had had pre-marital sex and he got scolded by it for Abu Bakr or the hadith where a man told the prophet about his sin and was met with silence or something. In the case of the first hadith, one could argue they were criticized for telling a person who has no need to know such information as they are not the ones marrying them. In that fashion, he is basically gossiping and gossiping is discouraged. If one sees the hadith and think it means that one should lie, then they got to the wrong conclusion; and they are corrupting Islam by claiming it’s okay to lie. But sadly, most muzzies think like you do. Lying is a sin in Islam, but I’m sure there are situations where a white lie could be excused; but it doesn’t apply in this context.
Must be Hadith then but your Sheieks agree with me on this
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar
Don’t know much about sedevecantism. I have worried about choosing the wrong religion but not sect. I did my reasarch into the history of Christianity and came to the conclusion that Eastern Orthodoxy is the closest to what the early Christian’s would have been and is what the apostles would be if they were resurrected today.

Catholics me and orientals have deviated from the righteous path and added in heretical doctrines. Protestantism is pure heresy simple as that.

Islams a false religion here’s 5 reasons, its theology says the bible is right and the bible says islams false so islams false. Yes its own theology destroys itself.

2 metaphysically Islam makes no sense their gods is fully transcendent with no similarity and way to interact with his creations and yet the Quran is his words and thoughts…. Yeah 🤔 yeah aight bruh

There’s more but I can’t be arsed rn
We basically believe that the seat has been vacant since 1958 and don’t submit to antipope Francis.
  • +1
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We basically believe that the seat has been vacant since 1958 and don’t submit to antipope Francis.
Oh, are you those eastern cathokics? I’ll be honest I don’t know why you lot don’t just become EO you guys have almsot the exact same religion as us. Or are you one of those sects of Catholics that have rebelled against the holy “SEE” is it called HOME or something lol

Yeah I know your sect just searched them up lmfao. Yeah you lot are on the right path but you should throw away thenpapacy and become EO the papacy hasn’t been the same since 1054
Must be Hadith then but your Sheieks agree with me on this

That’s literally the simp sheikh I mentioned yesterday. :fuk:

Just lol at that so-called “scholar.” No wonder the muzzie community is so degen.
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Must be Hadith then but your Sheieks agree with me on this

That’s literally the simp sheikh I mentioned yesterday. :fuk:

Just lol at that so-called “scholar.” No wonder the muzzie community is so degen.
Forget yesterday, I mentioned it hours ago, apparently. I forgot that I did. Just lol at my brain.

  • +1
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That’s literally the simp sheikh I mentioned yesterday. :fuk:

Just lol at that so-called “scholar.” No wonder the muzzie community is so degen.

Forget yesterday, I mentioned it hours ago, apparently. I forgot that I did. Just lol at my brain.

Me and my Muslim buddi laugh with this guys. He was like “why debate Christian’s they can’t even explain the trinity themslevs” absolute bonkers, lemme ask an Muslim to explain Allah in full detail and they will fail because nothing is like him and there’s complete dissimilarity to him and creation lol 😂 and that’s partially due to Islamic metaphysics and Philosophy being so bullshit
Me and my Muslim buddi laugh with this guys. He was like “why debate Christian’s they can’t even explain the trinity themslevs” absolute bonkers, lemme ask an Muslim to explain Allah in full detail and they will fail because nothing is like him and there’s complete dissimilarity to him and creation lol 😂 and that’s partially due to Islamic metaphysics and Philosophy being so bullshit
I think he was created by the Jews to destabilize the Islamic community; make degeneracy rampant and acceptable so the downfall of the community can take place. It’s joever. The Jews won again. :feelswah:
Oh, are you those eastern cathokics? I’ll be honest I don’t know why you lot don’t just become EO you guys have almsot the exact same religion as us. Or are you one of those sects of Catholics that have rebelled against the holy “SEE” is it called HOME or something lol

Yeah I know your sect just searched them up lmfao. Yeah you lot are on the right path but you should throw away thenpapacy and become EO the papacy hasn’t been the same since 1054
I’m pretty sure the orthodox do some pagan stuff that’s why I’m not orthodox
I think he was created by the Jews to destabilize the Islamic community; make degeneracy rampant and acceptable so the downfall of the community can take place. It’s joever. The Jews won again. :feelswah:
Nar I think it’s legit I remeber the paki foid after busting her in the toilet I said to her if she’d ever tell her future husband and she said in Islam you don’t have to tell him JACK SHIT. Her current Muslim Arab BF will NEVER KNOW HIS WIFE WAS FUCKED 2 seconds before taking a shit in the toilet by me.

Christian foids HAVE TO CONFESS (Protestants don’t because they are heretics who only follow 1/3rd of Christianity) to their priest their sins
I’m pretty sure the orthodox do some pagan stuff that’s why I’m not orthodox
Like what? We don’t do any pagan shit TF you on about :ROFLMAO:. We are the closest to the Apostollic fathers and teachings unlike you Catholics who added shit and removed stuff Willy nilly like the books of the bible, Filioque, papal supremacy and infallibility Lumen gentium 16 and the fact that every pope dontraeicts the other popes of the past such as Crixtius the 3rd saying Islams a pagan religion but now the pope says it’s Kosher….

Our church hasn’t changed anything from the Echumenical councils not a SINGLE THING. The church fathers would look at every church and the only one they’d recognise is the EO church
Nar I think it’s legit I remeber the paki foid after busting her in the toilet I said to her if she’d ever tell her future husband and she said in Islam you don’t have to tell him JACK SHIT. Her current Muslim Arab BF will NEVER KNOW HIS WIFE WAS FUCKED 2 seconds before taking a shit in the toilet by me.

Christian foids HAVE TO CONFESS (Protestants don’t because they are heretics who only follow 1/3rd of Christianity) to their priest their sins
She’s full of shit, JFL. It’s got nothing to do with religion. She just knows that if a guy knows about her past (and especially if someone gets dicked down by a cumskin or nigger or whatever) that he would divorce her (assuming her husband-to-be will be Pakistani, let’s be honest it most likely will be her cousin Abdul). They say this shit because it benefits them.
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
She’s full of shit, JFL. It’s got nothing to do with religion. She just knows that if a guy knows about her past (and especially if someone gets dicked down by a cumskin or nigger or whatever) that he would divorce her (assuming her husband-to-be will be Pakistani, let’s be honest it most likely will be her cousin Abdul). They say this shit because it benefits them.
She doesn’t even know pakis do inbreeding I asked her about it and she was genuinely clueless. I laugh @ her. She won’t marry an curry she hates curry men she is BBC Arab Latino and Turk (if Turk is Darkskin) only

stupid bitch thinks Arabs treat women differently than Pakistani men 😂🤣 women are so retarded. Anywyas I respect that foid the saved me from inceldom for 3 months may Allah bless her inshallaahhahahahahahwhwhashhwhahahahahahaahhahahaha
She doesn’t even know pakis do inbreeding I asked her about it and she was genuinely clueless. I laugh @ her. She won’t marry an curry she hates curry men she is BBC Arab Latino and Turk (if Turk is Darkskin) only

stupid bitch thinks Arabs treat women differently than Pakistani men 😂🤣 women are so retarded. Anywyas I respect that foid the saved me from inceldom for 3 months may Allah bless her inshallaahhahahahahahwhwhashhwhahahahahahaahhahahaha
That pajeeta will be marrying her cousin, she has no choice. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: They don’t get to marry out often, it’s quite rare that it happens. IRL I know only like 3 couples. Two are married to a Dutch guy, and one to a Turk. :Comfy:

She better hope her cousin will never find out about that one nigger from before. Shit will hit the fan. :ogre: That’s why she will use religion to guilt-trip him if he ever asks or dares to ask her. I know these kinda foids, they’re everywhere in the muzzie community.
  • WTF
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That pajeeta will be marrying her cousin, she has no choice. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: They don’t get to marry out often, it’s quite rare that it happens. IRL I know only like 3 couples. Two are married to a Dutch guy, and one to a Turk. :Comfy:

She better hope her cousin will never find out about that one nigger from before. Shit will hit the fan. :ogre: That’s why she will use religion to guilt-trip him if he ever asks or dares to ask her. I know these kinda foids, they’re everywhere in the muzzie community.
Don’t speak about her like that she gave this incel a chance to get pussy :feelswah:

Even though she gave me ptsd and treated me like shit it doesn’t Mattah I got vagina whenever I wanted thorefore she treated me better than 99% of women
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar
i’m at church rn and forced to go to protestant church by family

the sermon is on by faith alone, i have to sit here listening to a sermon i completely disagree with for 2 hours :incel:
That’s very sad tbh, Protestant churches scare me theologically.
  • +1
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That’s very sad tbh, Protestant churches scare me theologically.
Theologically. Emotionally, metaphysically and logically. Protestantism has no grounds to exist
Theologically. Emotionally, metaphysically and logically. Protestantism has no grounds to exist
Real. They say the Church has no authority. (Jesus quite literally said it did). Then continue to only follow the book, and disregard what they don’t like. Even when there was no indication that they should follow the Bible solely. Prots are a joke.
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