I haven’t eaten anything in 3 days

Testostrone is in the depths of hell. You’re not eating nearly enough nutrients to have optimal hormone levels

Also ur metabolism is cucked ur gonna become skinny fat
Fr, I'm speaking for myself too I used to starve myself to 57kg and very lean bodyfat percentage and my testosterone, libido and general wellbeing were gone,even my hair started falling out due to lack of nutrients from a calorie deficit.
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Milk and cookies. Went from 60 to 75kg. Was coping that i should gain weight i lost from getting surgery. I eat perfect before dinner non processed protein rich diet. But end up having 2000 cal+ of cookies in dinner 😂
Wow. My goal weight is 60 kg and I’m “afraid” I’ll just go back to having 15 kg added when I eat normally again. Cookies and milk sounds really good though, what kinda cookies did you have? I used to eat nothing but garbage when I was younger but seems like age has caught up to me.
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Ok Rajesh.
77E1F803 CC05 4686 A245 5E2078F56D21
do I mog?
Fr, I'm speaking for myself too I used to starve myself to 57kg and very lean bodyfat percentage and my testosterone, libido and general wellbeing were gone,even my hair started falling out due to lack of nutrients from a calorie deficit.
How long were you on the calorie deficit for and what did you eat? What weight did you start at? In 2019 I also leanmaxxed, went from 70 kg to 52 kg. Took me like two and a half months. Then in 2022 I just started rotmaxxing at home and eating a shit ton of food and I became 87.5 kg at my heaviest.
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Wow. My goal weight is 60 kg and I’m “afraid” I’ll just go back to having 15 kg added when I eat normally again. Cookies and milk sounds really good though, what kinda cookies did you have? I used to eat nothing but garbage when I was younger but seems like age has caught up to me.
IMG 4713
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  • Ugh..
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I was already a skinnyfatcel before I started. :lul: And more emphasis on fat than skinny.

And yes everyone deals with bloatmaxxing in general but I would deal with it more. Stop hating nigga!

How long were you on the calorie deficit for and what did you eat? What weight did you start at? In 2019 I also leanmaxxed, went from 70 kg to 52 kg. Took me like two and a half months. Then in 2022 I just started rotmaxxing at home and eating a shit ton of food and I became 87.5 kg at my heaviest.
For a very long time like 4 months, I was obsessed from every calorie I ate, tried to burn any extra I might added but my energy was struggling due to lack of carbs and fats and depleted glycogen jfl I tried to eat 60% of protein for my daily macros just to get the satiety effect jfl. My body would use most of the protein I didn't need for gluconeogenesis, just to keep me working :lul: also sleep quality was shit, my cortisol spiked in 3am with a hungry stomach
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Wow. My goal weight is 60 kg and I’m “afraid” I’ll just go back to having 15 kg added when I eat normally again. Cookies and milk sounds really good though, what kinda cookies did you have? I used to eat nothing but garbage when I was younger but seems like age has caught up to me.
Cutting out processed food, will significantly improve your wellbeing. I don't advise for any diet, even a fucking carnivore diet or keto is something I would advise to try if you wanna lose weight without wrecking your metabolism, cutting calories and still eating junk food will lead to weight gain even bigger than the one you started with
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For a very long time like 4 months, I was obsessed from every calorie I ate, tried to burn any extra I might added but my energy was struggling due to lack of carbs and fats and depleted glycogen jfl I tried to eat 60% of protein for my daily macros just to get the satiety effect jfl. My body would use most of the protein I didn't need for gluconeogenesis, just to keep me working :lul: also sleep quality was shit, my cortisol spiked in 3am with a hungry stomach
Is it because you didn’t train your body for it? I sleep just the way I did before my leanmaxxing process and I fap just as much as I did before. What kind of specific food did you eat though? And what’s your weight now?
Cutting out processed food, will significantly improve your wellbeing. I don't advise for any diet, even a fucking carnivore diet or keto is something I would advise to try if you wanna lose weight without wrecking your metabolism, cutting calories and still eating junk food will lead to weight gain even bigger than the one you started with
That is if I go back to my regular eating habits, I’m definitely gonna gain a lot more, I know this. That’s why I’m aiming for 60 kg instead of stopping now at 73 kg. I would just gain what I lost haha. I’m doing OMAD, what I like about it is you can eat whatever you want. Still, I’m in a calorific deficit because I don’t want to gain the weight that I lost now. Gotta keep soldiering on.
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Is it because you didn’t train your body for it? I sleep just the way I did before my leanmaxxing process and I fap just as much as I did before. What kind of specific food did you eat though? And what’s your weight now?
I ate chicken and broccoli and fiberous vegetables with soluble fibre also I consumed a lot of psyllium to fill my stomach basically to stimulate ghrelin like GLP-1 effect :lul: ate 1200 calories every single day for 7 days. I am 65kg rn
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I ate chicken and broccoli and fiberous vegetables with soluble fibre also I consumed a lot of psyllium to fill my stomach basically to stimulate ghrelin like GLP-1 effect :lul: ate 1200 calories every single day for 7 days. I am 65kg rn
That's good, so you didn't really ate trash food. I'd definitely gain 5 kg probably if I ate 1200 kcal for an entire week, JFL. Perhaps even 10 kg because like you say, my metabolism is nuked. How much did you gain from that week? And are you still leanmaxxing, if so how?
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It’s joever. :Comfy:

I’m around 73 kg. :feelscry:

I’m going to have a cheat day tomorrow, probably. Korean fried chicken. :Comfy:

And if not, I’ll just have something else.

It’s a cheat day even though I’ve not eaten in 3 days because I normally have <250 kcal a day for the past seven weeks so 400 gram of fried chicken along with the heavy sauce (shit’s so cash) is gonna be >1000 kcal. That’s like four days’ worth of eating.
Have fun in hell bragging fuck.
Have fun in hell bragging fuck.
How am I bragging? :hnghn: And I already knew I'd be in hell, asshole. No need to rub it in my face.
How am I bragging? :hnghn: And I already knew I'd be in hell, asshole. No need to rub it in my face.
Why don’t u turn to Christ instead of worshipping a violent pedophile?
  • JFL
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Why don’t u turn to Christ instead of worshipping a violent pedophile?
I am not worshipping a violent pedophile so wtf are you smoking? :ogre:
You think Christ didn’t even get crucified.
He didn’t die on the cross because his soul was taken before they could harm him. It only seemed that way for the unbelievers, they were celebrating even though they did nothing.
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Good. Time to die.
He didn’t die on the cross because his soul was taken before they could harm him. It only seemed that way for the unbelievers, they were celebrating even though they did nothing.
“it is finished”

Is this a bullshit quote?
Christ said that at the end of his crucifixion.
How do you know he said that, and that no one else added that in later? :feelsokman:
  • JFL
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  • Ugh..
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Keep coping. Your “prophet” is unable to since he’s in hell.
Why are christcucks always so hateful? Is this what your religion teaches?
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Why are christcucks always so hateful? Is this what your religion teaches?
the Bible actually does teach hate. I’m 100% serious on this. Hating is something the Bible tells people to do. Of course the hate is to be directed at things that are bad. But hate is something Christians are supposed to do.
the Bible actually does teach hate. I’m 100% serious on this. Hating is something the Bible tells people to do. Of course the hate is to be directed at things that are bad. But hate is something Christians are supposed to do.
the Bible actually does teach hate. I’m 100% serious on this. Hating is something the Bible tells people to do. Of course the hate is to be directed at things that are bad. But hate is something Christians are supposed to do.
I think you just made up your own religion. :feelsautistic:
  • Hmm...
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Show me the verses of your holy book that say you have to be a hateful prick.:hnghn:
Romans 12:9 in the Bible says, "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good"

Psalm 26:5 says, "I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked"
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Romans 12:9 in the Bible says, "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good"

Psalm 26:5 says, "I abhor the assembly of evildoers and refuse to sit with the wicked"
They are talking about deeds; not people. You are supposed to hate their deeds. You know christcucks are too far gone when a muzzie has to explain what their holy book is saying. :hnghn:

@Autismcel @PrinceLuenLeoncur @MaghrebGator @eternal_ (rip) @emeraldglass
  • Hmm...
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They are talking about deeds; not people. You are supposed to hate their deeds. You know christcucks are too far gone when a muzzie has to explain what their holy book is saying. :hnghn:

@Autismcel @PrinceLuenLeoncur @MaghrebGator @eternal_ (rip) @emeraldglass

IMG 7117

Don’t help those who hate God.
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Not helping people and hating people are two different things. :hnghn: You’re not following Christianity by being hateful to people.
can you love the flowers without hating the weeds?
can you love the flowers without hating the weeds?
Don’t get philosophical to justify you not living by your book. As long as you hate people, that’s un-christianlike behavior.
Don’t get philosophical to justify you not living by your book. As long as you hate people, that’s un-christianlike behavior.
Nope, there are people God hates. I bet u don’t believe that either.
Nope, there are people God hates. I bet u don’t believe that either.
Why would God hate people? We are too insignificant to cause such a severe reaction. The only one that might evoke hatred would be Satan and even then it’s illogical as He is all-powerful. The strong don’t hate the weak, they pity them.
Why would God hate people? We are too insignificant to cause such a severe reaction. The only one that might evoke hatred would be Satan and even then it’s illogical as He is all-powerful. The strong don’t hate the weak, they pity them.
Are u gonna defend trannies?

IMG 7118

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