I look good in the mirror but weird in mirror selfies?

Actually thought you were trolling but I wouldn't be surprised the dude you LARPed as would be incel because of hypergamy. Chadlites and chads are too easy to access by women.
yeah no shit that's why i'm trying to say all the time when i say i'm short at 5'10

i also am NW2 so both of these immediately made me incel
youre prolly aspie tbh. vc me sometime on discord tbh im curious to see what youre like outside of texting
That is cope. A guy showed his face to girls and they called him subhuman.

Autism is developed as a response to poor treatment due to sub-par looks anyway.
  • +1
Reactions: DrTony and DivineBeing
That is cope. A guy showed his face to girls and they called him subhuman.

Autism is developed as a response to poor treatment due to sub-par looks anyway.
why do u say im larping then you have evidence that what i say is true
why do u say im larping then you have evidence that what i say is true
I can't believe anybody could be this retarded on purpose. Also, you haven't posted proof. No new pics either.
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
it's much easier to cope that hypergamy doesn't exist or the world is just than to accept reality

even on this forum some people cling onto delusion because they are weak-willed
You’re a literal autist who doesn’t understand that his struggles are caused by the autism and nothing else

speak when spoken to, you don’t even have a little bit of an idea how the world works. Seriously, you live in a fantasy land.

Nigga, you have 8x6 if your sig is true. You have been getting by on dickpill. I am going to need extenders to get to 7-7.5.
dick size does literally nothing for slaying, girls don’t know the size of your dick before you tell them. Dick lets me keep girls more easily and nothing else.

who cares about LTR it's absolutely subhuman and a waste of time

can't get laid regularly while girls can get laid regularly which means hypergamy

have you ever thought that it's problematic you need to do so much to get laid? it's economically inefficient
uh if you’re above average looking and nt you should have absolutely 0 issue getting laid regularly. If you’re normie and nt you should be getting laid regularly with some (not excessive) effort. Guys here need to stop and understand that the problems they’re facing are not universal.
  • Love it
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You’re a literal autist who doesn’t understand that his struggles are caused by the autism and nothing else

speak when spoken to, you don’t even have a little bit of an idea how the world works. Seriously, you live in a fantasy land.

dick size does literally nothing for slaying, girls don’t know the size of your dick before you tell them. Dick lets me keep girls more easily and nothing else.

uh if you’re above average looking and nt you should have absolutely 0 issue getting laid regularly. If you’re normie and nt you should be getting laid regularly with some (not excessive) effort. Guys here need to stop and understand that the problems they’re facing are not universal.
if someone talks shit i put them back to their place

you're gaslighting a 5'5 psl 3 paki that he can get laid. that's what i call truly toxic. how is his autism a cause?

i'm 5'10 chadlite and was incel. what the fuck are you on about? i had 4000 lifetime tinder matches with only 12 lays. IRL i had 0 absolute 0 chances with girls. IRL was nightmare mode and impossible
That is cope. A guy showed his face to girls and they called him subhuman.

Autism is developed as a response to poor treatment due to sub-par looks anyway.
Never listen to a girl’s words, ever, this is day one shit.

they’ll call a guy ugly and then get down and suck him off 2 minutes later. They say shit to get a reaction.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16346
I can't believe anybody could be this retarded on purpose. Also, you haven't posted proof. No new pics either.
well then me "larping" doesn't have to do anything with whether what i say is true or not right?

you're convinced that a 5'10 chadlite can be incel nowadays right? well then i dont care further since thats the message i want to convey
if someone talks shit i put them back to their place

you're gaslighting a 5'5 psl 3 paki that he can get laid. that's what i call truly toxic. how is his autism a cause?

i'm 5'10 chadlite and was incel. what the fuck are you on about? i had 4000 lifetime tinder matches with only 12 lays. IRL i had 0 absolute 0 chances with girls. IRL was nightmare mode and impossible
I’m talking about YOU, not him. I’m telling YOU that you’re autistic and that is why you struggle with girls. Provided you’re not a retard larping, put any remotely nt guy in your body and he lives life on easy mode.

it’s awkward even talking to you online, I can tell your autism is ridiculously bad.

i mean i already know you’re larping a BIT whether you’re actually aware of it or not, there is no such thing in this world as a chadlite incel.
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
Why not escortcel? It's far more efficient than looksmaxxing. IDK why I am bothering with surgeries. I have been emailing surgeons all week and trying to contact them on insta but they don't respond. Maybe my goals are delusional.
This is the reason I would probably not use any surgery, even though I might benefit from rhino.

I already escortmaxx and buy Stacies. I probably already fucked more of them than any Chad.

However, the softmaxes like fillers or skincare are always useful to do: it is just pleasant to see yourself in the mirror, and feel the confidence that you look the best today.

Yeah, maybe we re not Chad, but 5-6/10 is more than enough to live a fulfilling life. For kids, I can go later for a 30 y.o. Becky. For sex, I just need to moneymax, so I can buy those 20 y.o. Stacies.

Food for thought, bro...:unsure:
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
Never listen to a girl’s words, ever, this is day one shit.

they’ll call a guy ugly and then get down and suck him off 2 minutes later. They say shit to get a reaction.
Why would they? He wasn't even in the same room with them. They have no reason to lie. If they thought he was attractive, they'd say it. Maybe girls do shit talk chads as part of their game. But if you show a picture of a dude to a couple of girls and ask for their opinion, they are likely honest.
  • +1
Reactions: DivineBeing
I’m talking about YOU, not him. I’m telling YOU that you’re autistic and that is why you struggle with girls. Provided you’re not a retard larping, put any remotely nt guy in your body and he lives life on easy mode.

it’s awkward even talking to you online, I can tell your autism is ridiculously bad.

i mean i already know you’re larping a BIT whether you’re actually aware of it or not, there is no such thing in this world as a chadlite incel.
i had 11 lays within 3 months or so at my peak

then i stopped online dating and never got laid again

so i'm incel now until i start online dating after my HT and LL

what's so hard to understand
Why would they? He wasn't even in the same room with them. They have no reason to lie. If they thought he was attractive, they'd say it. Maybe girls do shit talk chads as part of their game. But if you show a picture of a dude to a couple of girls and ask for their opinion, they are likely honest.
he's mentally ill

girls wouldn't lie if you ask why would they
I’m talking about YOU, not him. I’m telling YOU that you’re autistic and that is why you struggle with girls. Provided you’re not a retard larping, put any remotely nt guy in your body and he lives life on easy mode.

it’s awkward even talking to you online, I can tell your autism is ridiculously bad.

i mean i already know you’re larping a BIT whether you’re actually aware of it or not, there is no such thing in this world as a chadlite incel.
He is a troll dude. I am not. @DivineBeing I am not 5'5" bro. That was a LARP.
  • +1
Reactions: DivineBeing
This is the reason I would probably not use any surgery, even though I might benefit from rhino.

I already escortmaxx and buy Stacies. I probably already fucked more of them than any Chad.

However, the softmaxes like fillers or skincare are always useful to do: it is just pleasant to see yourself in the mirror, and feel the confidence that you look the best today.

Yeah, maybe we re not Chad, but 5-6/10 is more than enough to live a fulfilling life. For kids, I can go later for a 30 y.o. Becky. For sex, I just need to moneymax, so I can buy those 20 y.o. Stacies.

Food for thought, bro...:unsure:
what a pathetic outlook to settle at 30 with beckies and breed subhuman children

fucking subhuman
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16380
i had 11 lays within 3 months or so at my peak

then i stopped online dating and never got laid again

so i'm incel now until i start online dating after my HT and LL

what's so hard to understand
Tbh I might actually believe you then, because your autism is SO bad that only a chadlite could manage to get even 11 lays when you’re THAT bad socially.

if anything you prove how easy it is for normal good looking men, you just have 0 awareness of the world around you so you don’t get it.
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
This is the reason I would probably not use any surgery, even though I might benefit from rhino.

I already escortmaxx and buy Stacies. I probably already fucked more of them than any Chad.

However, the softmaxes like fillers or skincare are always useful to do: it is just pleasant to see yourself in the mirror, and feel the confidence that you look the best today.

Yeah, maybe we re not Chad, but 5-6/10 is more than enough to live a fulfilling life. For kids, I can go later for a 30 y.o. Becky. For sex, I just need to moneymax, so I can buy those 20 y.o. Stacies.

Food for thought, bro...:unsure:
I probs settle for rhino+genio. And then fillers. That's it. And then I'll gymcel, dickmax and do all the normie softmaxxes. It should be enough for an LTR with a becky.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16380 and DivineBeing
agree @loksr is a troll he shold stop
No retard. You are a troll. @loksr is probably a 5 PSL + white dude who is tall NT with a big dick. Obviously, he is gonna be a bit bluepilled.
  • +1
Reactions: DivineBeing
Tbh I might actually believe you then, because your autism is SO bad that only a chadlite could manage to get even 11 lays when you’re THAT bad socially.

if anything you prove how easy it is for normal good looking men, you just have 0 awareness of the world around you so you don’t get it.
no i'm aware of it i talked about my face investment banking and surgery with almost all my lays

i've also never in my life complimented a girl unless she was a model or i slept with her multiple times

but i'm still incel without online dating with 0 success irl

i'm more aware of the world than you faggot
He is a troll dude. I am not. @DivineBeing I am not 5'5" bro. That was a LARP.
I believe him now
Someone who’s THAT autistic would need to be chadlite+ to get 11 lays

he’s proof of the blackpill
what a pathetic outlook to settle at 30 with beckies and breed subhuman children

fucking subhuman
At least I am not a troll like you :p

What a pathetic outlook to settle at this forum with 3413 posts and and continue breeding subhuman comments :feelskek:

right, @DivineBeing ?
At least I am not a troll like you :p

What a pathetic outlook to settle at this forum with 3413 posts and and continue breeding subhuman comments :feelskek:

right, @DivineBeing ?
i'm still more successful than you will ever be that's the real intelligence blackpill

you retard i lay in bed as a permarotter and earn 6-figures and am ahead of almost all my peers career wise at 22

i've saved >$50K and am about to save $100k+ more for plastic surgery to ascend

how is that a bad outlook at all?

i have no friends no one telling me anything positive i only get abused all day as well. despite that i lifemog

i can rot and rot and rot even a whle year i'll still get ahead of others. because all of you are inferior subhumans destined for a 9-5 shit life with dumb unaccomplished kids, a house in the countrysed of redneck texas and an ugly wife
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16380
I believe him now
Someone who’s THAT autistic would need to be chadlite+ to get 11 lays

he’s proof of the blackpill
Nah. He claims to be some big entrepreneur with some 8 figure business while he spends most of his time rotting here. Also, spams the same pics and gets defensive when asked for proof. He is a LARP. Trust me. Or IDK. He is trolling. Anyways, his opinion doesn't really matter as he comes across as extremely retarded. But it's absurd to claim that tinder and social media has fucked up women's standads for men. Maybe it's not as extreme as I had stated, but imo is getting LTRs with decent looking women is hard for most normies.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing and Deleted member 16380
no i'm aware of it i talked about my face investment banking and surgery with almost all my lays

i've also never in my life complimented a girl unless she was a model or i slept with her multiple times

but i'm still incel without online dating with 0 success irl

i'm more aware of the world than you faggot
Lmao, you wish. You’ve actually deluded yourself into thinking you need a ht and a ll when literally all you need is to practice you social skills

at this point I’m pretty sure you ARE shitposting here, but that your story of being a massively autistic chadlite is indeed true tbh
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
At least I am not a troll like you :p

What a pathetic outlook to settle at this forum with 3413 posts and and continue breeding subhuman comments :feelskek:

right, @DivineBeing ?
Ignore. He is a LARP or a troll.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16380
i'm still more successful than you will ever be that's the real intelligence blackpill

you retard i lay in bed as a permarotter and earn 6-figures and am ahead of almost all my peers career wise at 22

i've saved >$50K and am about to save $100k+ more for plastic surgery to ascend

how is that a bad outlook at all?

i have no friends no one telling me anything positive i only get abused all day as well. despite that i lifemog
Nice story, bro... :feelskek:

Unfortunately it is your FANTASY 😢
Nah. He claims to be some big entrepreneur with some 8 figure business while he spends most of his time rotting here. Also, spams the same pics and gets defensive when asked for proof. He is a LARP. Trust me. Or IDK. He is trolling. Anyways, his opinion doesn't really matter as he comes across as extremely retarded. But it's absurd to claim that tinder and social media has fucked up women's standads for men. Maybe it's not as extreme as I had stated, but imo is getting LTRs with decent looking women is hard for most normies.
No, all that I’m sure is nonsense larp, I just think he probably actually is an above average looking giga autist
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
Nice story, bro... :feelskek:

Unfortunately it is your FANTASY 😢
that's a compliment if you think this is some kind of fantasy. i regard it as a subhuman life forced on em because i'm short and have NW2 hair
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16380
Lmao, you wish. You’ve actually deluded yourself into thinking you need a ht and a ll when literally all you need is to practice you social skills

at this point I’m pretty sure you ARE shitposting here, but that your story of being a massively autistic chadlite is indeed true tbh
Don't buy it. A chadlite would not develop severe autism like that. He also sounds too retarded to make six figures.
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
Don't buy it. A chadlite would not develop severe autism like that. He also sounds too retarded to make six figures.
my nigga it's time to wake up and find out what kind of people are high earners and what kind of people are subhumans stuck at a shit tier job with a $200k ceiling
Why would they? He wasn't even in the same room with them. They have no reason to lie. If they thought he was attractive, they'd say it. Maybe girls do shit talk chads as part of their game. But if you show a picture of a dude to a couple of girls and ask for their opinion, they are likely honest.
You need to just trust what I tell you when it comes to things like this

don’t ever try to apply logic to it, it won’t work. They themselves never know what they actually want, all the girls that say bluepilled stuff DO actually believe it, and then they get confused when they fuck guys who are just good looking and nothing else.

in their heads they think going “he’s not my type teehee” will make them look cool to whoever is asking the question, it’s nothing to do with game, it’s just an instinct. Any genuine chad she rates as ugly would be able to bed her ridiculously easily in person, it’s just a fact.

they just don’t like to come across certain ways.
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
Don't buy it. A chadlite would not develop severe autism like that. He also sounds too retarded to make six figures.
why would chadlites be saved from autism? is there some kind of protection for mental illnesses for better looking people?
Don't buy it. A chadlite would not develop severe autism like that. He also sounds too retarded to make six figures.
Autism happens at birth, I know a 6 year old who’s autistic like that. Not everything is based around looks theory, some shit actually does just happen to peoples’ brains as a result of their genetics.

his six figures entrepreneur blah blah stories are 100% larp
You need to just trust what I tell you when it comes to things like this

don’t ever try to apply logic to it, it won’t work. They themselves never know what they actually want, all the girls that say bluepilled stuff DO actually believe it, and then they get confused when they fuck guys who are just good looking and nothing else.

in their heads they think going “he’s not my type teehee” will make them look cool to whoever is asking the question, it’s nothing to do with game, it’s just an instinct. Any genuine chad she rates as ugly would be able to bed her ridiculously easily in person, it’s just a fact.

they just don’t like to come across certain ways.
@Pakicel how can you think that i can be more toxic than replies like these

assumption over assumption that get more andmore ridiculous

"girls don't know they're attracted to 6'3 chads bro, they just happen to approach them in clubs due to instinct. girls are retarded they don;t control themsleves they aren't sentient bro"

what a joke of a coping subhuman you are @loksr
Autism happens at birth, I know a 6 year old who’s autistic like that. Not everything is based around looks theory, some shit actually does just happen to peoples’ brains as a result of their genetics.

his six figures entrepreneur blah blah stories are 100% larp
why would that be a larp that's unimpressive no one irl cares about it besides old men that either see themselves in you or want to invest

low 6-figures is also a bad graduate salary for a H/Y/P grad. it's slightly above average if it even is. i actually underperformed salary wise

just because you come from a shit tier commnunity college or state school and your dream is cracking 6-figures doesn't mean other people think so the same. stop projecting your low and laughable standards on others and stop coping
@Pakicel how can you think that i can be more toxic than replies like these

assumption over assumption that get more andmore ridiculous

"girls don't know they're attracted to 6'3 chads bro, they just happen to approach them in clubs due to instinct. girls are retarded they don;t control themsleves they aren't sentient bro"

what a joke of a coping subhuman you are @loksr
You didn’t understand what I was saying, like at all. Also, you wouldn’t know anything about even male social psychology, let alone female social psychology.

like I said, speak when spoken to, autist
You need to just trust what I tell you when it comes to things like this

don’t ever try to apply logic to it, it won’t work. They themselves never know what they actually want, all the girls that say bluepilled stuff DO actually believe it, and then they get confused when they fuck guys who are just good looking and nothing else.

in their heads they think going “he’s not my type teehee” will make them look cool to whoever is asking the question, it’s nothing to do with game, it’s just an instinct. Any genuine chad she rates as ugly would be able to bed her ridiculously easily in person, it’s just a fact.

they just don’t like to come across certain ways.
I wish they'd be straight up to subhumans. Some women unironically are. Maybe not directly but I have seen some of them imply their friends ugly to their face. Bluepilling dudes just leads to disappointment. If everyone was blackpilled from the beginning, there'd be more of an incentive for plastic surgeons to up their game and ascend people. It's pretty much a joke in it's current state.
  • +1
Reactions: DivineBeing
You didn’t understand what I was saying, like at all. Also, you wouldn’t know anything about even male social psychology, let alone female social psychology.

like I said, speak when spoken to, autist
Don't respond to him. He is a troll.
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
You didn’t understand what I was saying, like at all. Also, you wouldn’t know anything about even male social psychology, let alone female social psychology.

like I said, speak when spoken to, autist
what's there to understand. nothing of that is sophisticated or based or backed by psychological principles or proofs like studies. you just pulled shit out of your ass and feel smart for being able to put a sentence together that makes sense.
why would that be a larp that's unimpressive no one irl cares about it besides old men that either see themselves in you or want to invest

low 6-figures is also a bad graduate salary for a H/Y/P grad. it's slightly above average if it even is. i actually underperformed salary wise

just because you come from a shit tier commnunity college or state school and your dream is cracking 6-figures doesn't mean other people think so the same. stop projecting your low and laughable standards on others and stop coping
Literally could not care less about any of that, seriously, complete wrong tree to be barking up
I just know a larp when I see one

Gl with the ll and ht though mr. 6 figures LMAO
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
what's there to understand. nothing of that is sophisticated or based or backed by psychological principles or proofs like studies. you just pulled shit out of your ass and feel smart for being able to put a sentence together that makes sense.
“Feel smart” you have a weird obsession with people perceiving you as an intellectual, stop projecting it
  • JFL
Reactions: DivineBeing
Literally could not care less about any of that, seriously, complete wrong tree to be barking up
I just know a larp when I see one

Gl with the ll and ht though mr. 6 figures LMAO
you seem bitter based on your comments.

you're replying like a conditioned dog so don't claim like u dont care.

it's pathetic.
Autism happens at birth, I know a 6 year old who’s autistic like that. Not everything is based around looks theory, some shit actually does just happen to peoples’ brains as a result of their genetics.

his six figures entrepreneur blah blah stories are 100% larp
Don't think that's the case in my situation. I developed an introverted personality because I was bullied by my classmates for being a truecel with horrific acne. It stopped after I ascended to subhuman. I am not saying all autists ended up that way due to ugliness but I def see this correlation holding true. Uglier dudes are less outgoing and more neurotic than the attractive ones. They come across as more awkward too.
I wish they'd be straight up to subhumans. Some women unironically are. Maybe not directly but I have seen some of them imply their friends ugly to their face. Bluepilling dudes just leads to disappointment. If everyone was blackpilled from the beginning, there'd be more of an incentive for plastic surgeons to up their game and ascend people. It's pretty much a joke in it's current state.
It’s not that they’re lying, in their ideal world that IS who they’d be attracted to and for what reasons

it’s just that the reality is all your body cares about is how hot someone is
you seem bitter based on your comments.

you're replying like a conditioned dog so don't claim like u dont care.

it's pathetic.
Schizophrenia on top of the autism? I don’t even want to know how you’re perceiving my replies jfl
“Feel smart” you have a weird obsession with people perceiving you as an intellectual, stop projecting it
that's exactly what you're trying to achieve. it seems you're projecting.

look at how i write and my language

where am i trying to come off as an intellectual?
Don't think that's the case in my situation. I developed an introverted personality because I was bullied by my classmates for being a truecel with horrific acne. It stopped after I ascended to subhuman. I am not saying all autists ended up that way due to ugliness but I def see this correlation holding true. Uglier dudes are less outgoing and more neurotic than the attractive ones. They come across as more awkward too.
Introversion is not the same thing as autism
A lack of experience is not the same as an inability to discern

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