I prove muscles make you more attractive. (GTFIH)

That's where you're wrong hamid
go check obesity statistics, diabetes statistics, exercise statistics... they don't lie
just cuz one city in the usa has that fitness culture going on doesn't mean that "every jackass out there has an athletic body"

most guys (even the ones in the 18-30 range aka legit competition) are either skinnyfat or just plain fat
Depends on your location. The young Africans here all have athletic bodies hence it isn't "special".
tbh the mesomorphs should supervise the endos then suck the ectomorph master's cock at the end of the day. Maybe the ectomorph can nut in the mesomorph's mouth and feed him some of that genetic superiority
That means I would be supervising REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Idk, whichever, tbh.
ok dude well ACKSHUALLY not all africans have athletic bodies rather only the ones from west africa / congoid race rest are skinnyfat lanklets so you are wrong and I am right.
now debate me
ok dude well ACKSHUALLY not all africans have athletic bodies rather only the ones from west africa / congoid race rest are skinnyfat lanklets so you are wrong and I am right.
now debate me
Dude, first post a pic of a physique you consider "athletic". West Africans are wide framed beasts, usually endomorphs, they don't look very athletic.
Dude, first post a pic of a physique you consider "athletic". West Africans are wide framed beasts, usually endomorphs, they don't look very athletic.
no gym required

no gym required

If you consider that athletic, then yes, many Africans here that are in their late teens to their early 30s look like that without every touching a weight, hence looking like that here would garner ZERO attention.
If you consider that athletic, then yes, many Africans here that are in their late teens to their early 30s look like that without every touching a weight, hence looking like that here would garner ZERO attention.
There's always this big black guy who bodymogs the whole gym very easily
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obviously not worth it if you are under 2/10
Worth it: If you are low SMV and plan on surgery maxing then fuckin lift, best to get started anyway. If you are 2/10 and dont plan on surgery maxing/stuck working at mcdonalds because of low IQ/you're like 30 then just "rope" (I recommend giving up by purposely getting lost in the woods and trying to survive, signing up for the ZOG military, or committing crimes. way funner and less beta than just killing yourself)
Worth it: If you are low SMV and plan on surgery maxing then fuckin lift, best to get started anyway. If you are 2/10 and dont plan on surgery maxing/stuck working at mcdonalds because of low IQ/you're like 30 then just "rope" (I recommend giving up by purposely getting lost in the woods and trying to survive, signing up for the ZOG military, or committing crimes. way funner and less beta than just killing yourself)
Kek. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Ugly with muscles = Fail.
Atleast average = Makes you way more attractive than before.
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Ugly with muscles = Fail.
Atleast average = Makes you way more attractive than before.
This. This is is exactly what I'm trying to get through to these retards.
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This. This is is exactly what I'm trying to get through to these retards.
Ye. Also forgot to mention height though, i mean you can't be really short and build muscles that will just look like your compensating. Like nobody finds those 5'3 guys with huge muscles attractive. A non-subhuman frame is also needed, muscles on a 10 year old boy wouldn't look good because the frame isn't developed yet. So have an ok frame, be ok looking, have an acceptable height and then just go gymcelling to maximize your attractiveness.
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Ye. Also forgot to mention height though, i mean you can't be really short and build muscles that will just look like your compensating. Like nobody finds those 5'3 guys with huge muscles attractive. A non-subhuman frame is also needed, muscles on a 10 year old boy wouldn't look good because the frame isn't developed yet. So have an ok frame, be ok looking, have an acceptable height and then just go gymcelling to maximize your attractiveness.

Here we have it guys. Just be a good looking tall guy with a good frame, and YOU TOO can get laid by going to the gym.

Of course, you could have got laid anyway with the first 3 stats, which begs the question as to what use the gym is. It apparently can 'ascend' you, but you can't have any negative points like a bad face, a bad height, or a bad frame. One would wonder why you need 'ascension' to begin with...
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also begs the question too, what kinda worries me when I do jump on gear is losing hair etc, I do have a meduim sized forehead already, Im kinda worried that I'll lose or my hairline will go back more, Although Im not prone to male pattern baldness both sides grandfathers have a head of hair in 70s. I could run FIN but there are some bad side affects with it.

like stated to get the maximum out of the gym you kinda need height,frame and an average face, a good body could improve by 1.5-2.
Here we have it guys. Just be a good looking tall guy with a good frame, and YOU TOO can get laid by going to the gym.

Of course, you could have got laid anyway with the first 3 stats, which begs the question as to what use the gym is. It apparently can 'ascend' you, but you can't have any negative points like a bad face, a bad height, or a bad frame. One would wonder why you need 'ascension' to begin with...
If you scroll up I PROVED that muscle makes you attractive. The girls didn't see the face of zyzz nor could they figure out what his height is while looking at him through a cam, zyzz also had a very narrow frame, yet the muscle mattered, yet it made him attractive. I never said frame or height dont matter, all I said was that muscle makes you more attractive.
If you scroll up I PROVED that muscle makes you attractive. The girls didn't see the face of zyzz nor could they figure out what his height is while looking at him through a cam, zyzz also had a very narrow frame, yet the muscle mattered, yet it made him attractive. I never said frame or height dont matter, all I said was that muscle makes you more attractive.

You're falling for the same fallacy that wincel did the last time this was discussed.

Yes, we all have preferences regarding traits, but that doesn't make those traits important to overall attractiveness.

Like I said to wincel - you've probably got a preference for eye colour on foids. Maybe you like blue eyes, maybe you like brown eyes, maybe you like green eyes. So, if all I showed you was a bunch of eyes up close in isolation, and asked you what you preferred, you'd pick the colour that you liked the most.

That's a far cry from saying 'eye colour is an important determiner of attractiveness'. No, what happened is I showed you one thing, and you had to make a choice based on that single variable. Much like the foids did in your video - it's common sense that a body that's jacked is going to be picked over one that is fat, but much like my eye colour example, this doesn't mean that body matters when it comes to attraction - it was just the only thing shown to them.

Back in the real world, body means shit all, which is why attractiveness is judged according to face.
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You're falling for the same fallacy that wincel did the last time this was discussed.

Yes, we all have preferences regarding traits, but that doesn't make those traits important to overall attractiveness.

Like I said to wincel - you've probably got a preference for eye colour on foids. Maybe you like blue eyes, maybe you like brown eyes, maybe you like green eyes. So, if all I showed you was a bunch of eyes up close in isolation, and asked you what you preferred, you'd pick the colour that you liked the most.

That's a far cry from saying 'eye colour is an important determiner of attractiveness'. No, what happened is I showed you one thing, and you had to make a choice based on that single variable. Much like the foids did in your video - it's common sense that a body that's jacked is going to be picked over one that is fat, but much like my eye colour example, this doesn't mean that body matters when it comes to attraction - it was just the only thing shown to them.

Back in the real world, body means shit all, which is why attractiveness is judged according to face.
Giga cope. The foids would have barely reacted if it was "just a preferrece" and if "it's not a variable in determining attractiveness".
Their reaction clearly shows that body is a factor in determining attractiveness. They were clearly attracted to him without having seen his face or know his height. If it was just a preference like eye color they would have shown no reaction.
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Yes, we all have preferences regarding traits, but that doesn't make those traits important to overall attractiveness.
I'm sorry dude but this is a really silly argument. Let me give you another example. Let's say I prefer girls with huge asses right? And then there is this girl who I don't find attractive because her ass is flat but since she reeeealllly wants to impress me she joins a gym, works her ass out and eats in a caloric surplus to grow her ass. I see her again one year later and her ass is huuggggeee. Since I PREFERRED bigger asses her smv will have gone up in my eyes. She will now be attractive to me.


The overall package in life matters, the combo of face height and body/frame. I never denied this. But if you are average height with an average face a muscular body will greatly benefit you.

Btw, you said they reacted the way the did because the body was the only thing shown to them, I can make another thread showing reactions where the girls only get "excited" when zyzz shows them his body AFTER SHOWING THEM HIS FACE.
I'm sorry dude but this is a really silly argument. Let me give you another example. Let's say I prefer girls with huge asses right? And then there is this girl who I don't find attractive because her ass is flat but since she reeeealllly wants to impress me she joins a gym, works her ass out and eats in a caloric surplus to grow her ass. I see her again one year later and her ass is huuggggeee. Since I PREFERRED bigger asses her smv will have gone up in my eyes. She will now be attractive to me.


The overall package in life matters, the combo of face height and body/frame. I never denied this. But if you are average height with an average face a muscular body will greatly benefit you.

Btw, you said they reacted the way the did because the body was the only thing shown to them, I can make another thread showing reactions where the girls only get "excited" when zyzz shows them his body AFTER SHOWING THEM HIS FACE.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this x1000.

You are defo in the right, But I dont think you are gonna change his mindset, let him waste in a skinny fat body and cry on forums while he doesnt go to the gym and get a sick fuckin arm pump! while yes maybe some girls like chubby dad bods they arent the majority though are they, if you go on any social media esp Instagram you are gonna see models, fitness ppl with unreal bodys which is why a body like Conor murphys for example is such a plus, like I said not every girl is gonna think its a plus, but out of the majority of girls they will. also this is why steroids have gotten so popular with young teens even! people will and have died by striving for a body like that abused the drugs and paid the price.
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All that matters is face, and all that matters for facial attractiveness is low bodyfat.
Wrong boyo, Asian girls LOVE muscle, especially if it's on a white dude.


Silly variety show.

They are mocking him.


This is what Asian girls want and this is what I am.

They want soft boy they can feel comfortable with, not big, scary westerner.
View attachment 4493

Silly variety show.

They are mocking him.


This is what Asian girls want and this is what I am.

They want soft boy they can feel comfortable with, not big, scary westerner.
Doesn't look like mocking to me. He is not even big nor scary tbh. He just has a little bit of muscle.
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Doesn't look like mocking to me. He is not even big nor scary tbh. He just has a little bit of muscle.

You see little children that get excited when they go to the zoo and see the big animals?

Those Asian girls are like that, going haha look at that!

But when they want to go have fun, watch a movie, go live they want to do it with a soft boy like me.

But with a gym guy they like to say hey that's cool! and move on

You see little children that get excited when they go to the zoo and see the big animals?

Those Asian girls are like that, going haha look at that!

But when they want to go have fun, watch a movie, go live they want to do it with a soft boy like me.

But with a gym guy they like to say hey that's cool! and move on

View attachment 4496
Maybe you're right, maybe you are coping, tbh I know very little about Korean/Chinese/Japanese girls, ngl.
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Maybe you're right, maybe you are coping, tbh I know very little about Korean/Chinese/Japanese girls, ngl.


Yes they are like children (don't underestimate though, extremely smart and calculating).

They get scared easily and like soft boys, and soft kind of approach.

Western women like rough men, rough handling, rough talk because more primitive being.
View attachment 4500

Yes they are like children (don't underestimate though, extremely smart and calculating).

They get scared easily and like soft boys, and soft kind of approach.

Western women like rough men, rough handling, rough talk because more primitive being.
I'm pretty sure building muscle will provide a negligible increase in smv when dealing with Asian women however, on that zyzz roulette channel, I did see Asian women get as "excited" as western women, but those are in the minority.
I'm pretty sure building muscle will provide a negligible increase in smv when dealing with Asian women however, on that zyzz roulette channel, I did see Asian women get as "excited" as western women, but those are in the minority.


Yes but need lean type of muscle and that's really only good for keeping them. It's all face.

I still go to the gym.

I'm very weak can do shoulder press with 30lb barbell and squat 65lb dumbbell I hold with both hand. Hoping to get numbers up steadily before leave for Tokyo end of December.

I got good tone in biceps though surprisingly, I look kind of strong I'd say in sleeveless. I already bodymog majority of Asian men with noodle arm.

Something I will work on lifelong, I only started last July beginning.
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View attachment 4504

Yes but need lean type of muscle and that's really only good for keeping them. It's all face.

I still go to the gym.

I'm very weak can do shoulder press with 30lb barbell and squat 65lb dumbbell I hold with both hand. Hoping to get numbers up steadily before leave for Tokyo end of December.

I got good tone in biceps though surprisingly, I look kind of strong I'd say in sleeveless. I already bodymog majority of Asian men with noodle arm.

Something I will work on lifelong, I only started last July beginning.
That's good boyo. Being white in Asia alone will give you an advantage over Asian men, being lean and somewhat muscular will make the advantage much, much bigger.
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@future chadlite this.


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JFL when the coping is too strong from users here,
one should only lift if it's fun for them. Why make your free time full of suffering when the rest of the time you're suffering already? I know lifting weights is just pure suffering for some people. Also from a rational perspective it seems low IQ to pick up weights, let them down and do this thousands of times
I forgot how retarded you were acne boy
Why is OP banned?
In other news: The sky is blue.
lazy Anti-gymcells on suicide watch
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Yeah insult others on a looksmax forum, you voicecel.
Can't think of anything to insult me about so you pick the most irrelevant thing ??
Shut up you greasy faced mfer ?
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just spend your whole free time suffering in the gym for years to get 1 minute of online validation theory
suffering? working out is literally fun LMFAO
mega low iq
Can't think of anything to insult me about so you pick the most irrelevant thing ??
Shut up you greasy faced mfer ?
Well your voice is obviously your biggest failo, just like my acne. No wonder you aren't a slayer and instead have a girlfriend. How did you even get this rank? All posts I've seen from you are insulting and low IQ, not once have you said something valuable.
Well your voice is obviously your biggest failo, just like my acne. No wonder you aren't a slayer and instead have a girlfriend. How did you even get this rank? All posts I've seen from you are insulting and low IQ, not once have you said something valuable.
You're literally irrelevant here and irl. Cry more for me

NCT almost as bad as mine. I classify as incel. This guy perceives himself as a Chad. People on here deluded him into thinking he's a Chad. It's absolutely over for this forum if this guy gets helper rank.
You gotta make sure your eyebrows don't fly away bro.
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Everything matters (Body, money, status, hair...), only if your face is average at least. Nobody would fuck an incel tier face with the Best body in the world. Gymcelling is only worth if you are already average.
View attachment 28082
NCT almost as bad as mine. I classify as incel. This guy perceives himself as a Chad. People on here deluded him into thinking he's a Chad. It's absolutely over for this forum if this guy gets helper rank.
You gotta make sure your eyebrows don't fly away bro.
@Nibba gets girls.
It's simple bro. You either slay or not.
@Nibba gets girls.
It's simple bro. You either slay or not.
Yeah idk what he's on about. Trying to do everything he can to make himself feel better ig. I don't take anyone like him seriously especially after seeing the person behind the keyboard
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