Great post. Mirin. Can you tell me how you got sunken cheeks?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22924
Great post. Mirin. Can you tell me how you got sunken cheeks?
you need to mew bro this results can you aspect in 2-3 days
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 24770 and Deleted member 16673
you even type like an abused dog kys op
good progress but 500 mg testo-e a week would do u better
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6128, piscicide, Arditi and 1 other person
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6128, piscicide, Arditi and 2 others
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: Arditi and Deleted member 16673
being a proud sarmsgoblin is in the best of the best? yikers
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Did you retain the gains after all these months, also have you suffered any side effects?
Good job bro but tbh you should really get your training together before u go round 2

SARMs aren't that risky but obviously have some attached so you should get the most from them

I'm your height, same age, training 2 years natty, 100kg (obviously not that lean)
PXL 20230418 2035328234
PXL 20230503 2011531294
PXL 20230418 211515228

I started skinny fat, had no idea bout potential, so I think its worth doing it natty first, especially since you don't have rely on your physique as your face is where it's at

I'm probably going to do a cycle once I cut
Last edited:
Last edited:
good study but no point
do not do this
this encourages a bad habit of not being able to wait to see improvements and growth
not to mention the risk of hair loss and acne which could make or break most people
the gains made were substantial but little point
stick to staying 'natural' (i know sarms are) but its so you understand what you're body is capable of without anything and you understand how long growth takes this is important because you learn to give yourself the time to grow
not be impatient hope the side effects dont effect you and gain a bit extra
1 more month you could have achieved that naturally
i've had 1 year training (8 mo at gym 4 mo at home) and i've never been more tempted
but it's imo pointless due to the side effects and the fact the gains were by no means exponential
stop trying to find easy ways out of the gym and just commit hard to diet and training
good study but no point
do not do this
this encourages a bad habit of not being able to wait to see improvements and growth
not to mention the risk of hair loss and acne which could make or break most people
the gains made were substantial but little point
stick to staying 'natural' (i know sarms are) but its so you understand what you're body is capable of without anything and you understand how long growth takes this is important because you learn to give yourself the time to grow
not be impatient hope the side effects dont effect you and gain a bit extra
1 more month you could have achieved that naturally
i've had 1 year training (8 mo at gym 4 mo at home) and i've never been more tempted
but it's imo pointless due to the side effects and the fact the gains were by no means exponential
stop trying to find easy ways out of the gym and just commit hard to diet and training
Just bulk with 600+ surplus and focus on shoulders back and chest, you will mog no need to go on peds tbh unless you’re giga tall

These were not newbie gains; I had started training 3 months prior and I only put on 2kg of muscle. Pathetic. :feelswhy:
I was eating just above maintenance most weeks and cutting back to 1600kcals/day sometimes to debloat because "muh jb appeal".

I was 181.5cm/5'11 60kg/132lbs before I started my cycle. I puked my guts out on New Year's and was sick so I went from 64kg to 60kg in a week. :lul:

This is what I looked like before:

A skinny twig.
Don't get me wrong, I still had good appeal to foids my age and younger (<=19). I had never been rejected by a foid in the club since uni started in September.

But let's be honest, who was I gonna fuck with that frame?
Do you think girls looked at me and craved sex with me?

If I've learned one thing over the past few months of having a GF (and a few side hoes :sneaky:) and from reading the literature, is that
Women want to be DOMINATED in bed.

Who was I going to dominate looking like that? JFL.
I never was able to give my girl an orgasm. We had been having sex for 2 months, so I was getting kinda worried.

I then imagined her getting pounded by a 6'4 gymmaxxed chad and started to get insecure.
Who would she rather get fucked by? Well that tall jacked dude of course.

Any guy or girl who tells you the contrary is DELUSIONAL.

So I took action. I had been making no progress in so long so I looked at Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs).
As any logical person, I wanted the most results with the least side effects.
And for that reason, steroids were off the table.

I researched Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and in particular RAD-140, as it is often referred to as the most powerful SARM.

Source: naspcenter.org

I took into account the advantages and the drawbacks of RAD-140:

Increased muscle growth​
Suppresses natural Testosterone production​
Faster muscle repair​
Little knowledge on long-term side-effects​
Increased metabolic rate -> burns fat like crazy​
Illegal. Not FDA approved. Still a research chemical. Sold as "not for human consumption" to circumvent laws.​
No water retention unlike most other SARMS. Possible to keep hollow cheeks on cycle​
Reports of hair loss. Does not grow back for a number of people (reddit)​
Cheap. £86 for enough RAD-140 and Enclomiphene Citrate for an 8-week cycle​
Increased endurance​
Increased aggressiveness and irritability​
Risk of shutting down natural T production if Post-Cycle Treatment (PCT) is not taken seriously​
Liver and other organ damage​

The advantages were enough to convince me.

However, could I fight back against the side-effects?
The only thing I could do was keep applying Benzoyl Peroxide (massive cope :ROFLMAO:) to keep the acne under control.
I also planned on taking a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) throughout my cycle to keep a Test base and fight against the suppression.
The SERM I took was Enclomiphene Citrate (enclo).
I also had Dandelion Root supplements for liver health. Most people recommend NAC though.

How did the cycle go?
I started my cycle on Jan 17th. I started by taking 10mg every day, as that's what most people recommend.
I drastically changed my diet too. I started eating 3500kcal a day with approx 230g of protein and 400g of carbs.
You can check your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) here, and find the best macros for your goals (cutting, maintaining, bulking):
I also spent 2 hours in the gym, every day.
My split was Push-Pull. Yep. No legs (cope :forcedsmile:), no rest days.
The fast muscle repair allowed me to maintain this split throughout my cycle.

Reminder of my day 1 stats:
5'11/181.5cm, 60kg/132lbs, approx 10-12% bf (assessed visually).

First week:
  • +4kg. Likely water retention from all the carbs (350g+/day) I started eating.​
  • crazy sex drive + a lot of cum​
  • Feeling very aggressive​

Second week:
  • +1kg. Comfortably sitting at 65kg.​
  • Liquidy cum (meaning low sperm count)​
  • Low energy​
  • Low sex drive​
  • Acne getting bad​

The second week is when suppression started to hit hard.
As I have a very horny girlfriend, I could not keep dealing with the sexual side effects.
I started taking enclo (6.25mg every day) on the first day of week 3.

Third week:
  • +2kg​
  • Cum still quite liquidy, yet less.​
  • Cum tastes like "chemicals". Tastes like "it doesn't come from me". Source: my gf​
  • Sex drive still not ideal. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) occurred twice this week.​
  • Acne still bad, getting worse on forehead. Skin doesn't seem to heal.​
  • Wanting to beat anyone up for the stupidest reasons​

By this time, I had ordered Melanotan II (MT2) for two reasons.
First, to get a tan in winter while all these cumskins are paler than my ass.
Second, to increase libido and get rock-solid erections. MT2 is used to produce erections in men with ED. Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9679884/

Fourth and fifth weeks:
  • +5kg​
  • Bumped RAD-140 up to 15mg a day​
  • Bumped enclo up to 12.5mg a day on the first day of week 4​
  • Acne stabilising. Having to deal with the acne scars from previous weeks.​
  • Sex drive better. A few more occurences of ED.​
  • Cum still tastes weird according to my gf​
  • even i found it to taste weird ngl
  • More respect from dudes in clubs and the gym​
  • Started beating my girlfriend :dafuckfeels:

Sixth week:
  • +2kg​
  • Sex drive not good but better.​
  • Acne stopped.​
  • Still very irritable. My mum pointed it out on week 1 and she hadn't FaceTimed me since. Spoke again on day 5 of sixth week, and we argued jfl. she doesn't want to see or call me anymore :trepidation:
  • My ED got really bad and girlfriend started to get embarassed and insecure.​
  • I therefore decided to stop the cycle early and not go on for the full 8 weeks.​

For the next two weeks I kept taking 12.5mg enclo every day to get my hormones back to pre-cycle levels.
However I'll never know if they actually are because my broke-student ass is not paying £200 to get my bloods checked.

Also, keep in mind I was seeing my gf 3 days a week and having sex around 4 times every time we met up.
Of course my sex drive is altered by my heavy sexual activity.
But anyway, I doubt most of you reading this will have the same problem :ROFLMAO:.

I'm grateful to not have experienced any hair loss.
Most people who experience hair loss from their RAD-140 cycles are either people who got scammed and bought pro-hormones instead of RAD-140, and/or people who were prone to Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and suffered from it because the increased T from the enclo induced higher amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion.
It is common knowledge that DHT causes hair loss.

According to most experts (i.e. redditors), running a SARM + SERM cycle is the best way to go.
  • It effectively fights suppression.​
  • You don't run the (very slim) risk of getting shut down.​
  • It prevents from losing gains post-cycle.​
  • PCT is no longer necessary. No need to suffer the side effects from PCT.​
  • You get a temporary (often 2-week) test boost after the cycle while you keep taking enclo.​
I agree.
The suppression did hit me quite hard, but running the enclo alongside my RAD-140 made it a lot less noticeable.
I am 20 days post cycle and I haven't noticed any muscle loss!

I now weigh 74kg/163lbs.
My bf% is still the approximately the same (assessed visually).
I can only assume that I put on 14kg/30lbs of pure muscle, but that would be crazy.
Usually people gain 4-9kg/9-20 lbs of muscle on a 8 week cycle of RAD-140 alone (some run it with MK-677 and get more gains, but they get water retention so no thanks).
I don't want to give false hopes so I'll stay on the safe side and say I gained 12kg/26lbs of muscle in 6 weeks.

Still, this is absolutely crazy.

I went from a pathetically skinny twig to a dude with a respectable physique.
I mainly focused on my shoulders, arms, upper pecs, and lats.
My pecs are still utter shit :ROFLMAO:, but at least they bulge out now. I realised mid-cycle how shit my insertions and genetics were JFL.

Everyone, I mean everyone, has noticed the drastic change.
My mum cried when she saw me on FaceTime on week 6 because of how much I changed LOL.
Dudes have a lot more respect for me; I was clubbing with my girl last night, and while I went to the toilet, some htn tried getting close to her.
As soon as I got back and saw him trying to put his hand on my girl (who hadn't seen him because he was behind her), I started yelling:
"Get the fuck away! Get the FUCK away!"

I kept walking towards him and he had to walk backwards with his hands in front of his chest saying "sorry man. I'm sorry bro". The club was quite crowded so he stepped on people's shoes and they all got mad at him too JFL. :forcedsmile: I followed his ass for at least 4 meters across the club.
That dude was slightly taller than me so damn did it feel good to know that he feared me.
Anyway he could tell that I mogged him back to the ghettoes of Birmingham or whatever shithole his anglo-cumskin-ass comes from, so he just accepted the BRUTAL mog and chickened out.

People tend to downplay this a lot and shout "muh muscles are male gaze", but actually being respected by other men is arguably as important as appealing to women.
How is your girl supposed to feel safe with you when literally 9/10 dudes on the street could pin your skinny ass to the ground and beat the living shit out of you all while groping your girl with their other hand. :feelsuhh:

Keep your girls safe guys.
Some men out there are cruel and ruthless. You need to be able to fight back or even better, make them not want to fuck with you in the first place. That's what gymcelling should be for: commanding respect.
...Then you can also dominate your girl in the bedroom and make her know she is submitted to you. That's what they crave!
Even the most femenist-militant women you know go home every day and crave to be brutally fucked by chad.
They want to feel like objects!
I say this with great respect to all the females out there. It is just logical from an evolutionarily standpoint for them to want a dominant partner.

Who would your oneitis rather get pounded by?

View attachment 2113742
A 6'2 world-famous supermodel and "PSL GOD"


View attachment 2113743

A gymmaxxed normie

Enough said.

Back to my journey.
If there's one thing that I enjoyed the most about my RAD-140 cycle, it's that I was able bulk all while keeping hollow cheeks!
The main reason I never really bulked or even lean bulked was because of the water retention caused by the ridiculously high amount of carbs needed.
On RAD-140, my muscles were consuming all those carbs like crazy, so I could be eating 3500kcal a day with 400g of carbs and still be debloated.

Also, I was allowed to have cheat days!!!
Remember this thread?
Well, I was perfectly fine. No bloat the next day, no issues or whatsoever!

Yes, sometimes I did get bloated because of my high sodium intake on some days (more food --> more sodium) but I had my furosemide (80mg) on-hand to counter it and reset back to debloated hollow cheeks.

Also, I think I've found a hack to having hollow cheeks all year round, regardless of calorie, carb and sodium intakes. No fake prescriptions needed this time either!
But that's for my next thread...


:soy:"Muh not that impressive"
Well yeah no shit dawg. I started at 60kg. I was severely underweight and had little to no muscle.
I'll hop on another cycle in a few months and get some real definition this time.

Anyway, I hope you learned something and that you are now about to hop on your first RAD-140 cycle.
If you don't have a girlfriend (ie no need to have a functioning dick for a few weeks) then you have absolutely no reason to not go for it.
Of course, do some more research before considering it.

My last tip is to ONLY buy from reputable sellers. Don't try to save a few bucks by getting your RAD-140 from some unknown vendor. There are a lot of fakes on the market that could really fuck your health up. Spend the extra money, for your safety. This stuff is dangerous!

Ask the all the questions you need. I'll answer what I can.

I wish you the best boys!


It’s hard to trust you after the syringe into your cheeks post
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 8365
im on my 2nd week rad and have almost 0 sides
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8365
yeah, best you dont do anything this troll says.
almost did one of his till I checked his previous posts
  • JFL
Reactions: pentamogged9000

almost did one of his till I checked his previous posts
its not false the syringe in cheeks method actually works, pneumo showed me while he did it, he went out later that night and slayed from how sunken his cheeks were
its not false the syringe in cheeks method actually works, pneumo showed me while he did it, he went out later that night and slayed from how sunken his cheeks were
shut yo ass up nigga
You should have done first cycle of LGD-4033 and second cycle RAD-140, reasoning is that RAD is pretty dry sarm while lgd is great for bulking and putting on serious mass
Lgd mogs in my books
You should have done first cycle of LGD-4033 and second cycle RAD-140, reasoning is that RAD is pretty dry sarm while lgd is great for bulking and putting on serious mass
lgd bloats you and he didnt want the bloat
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8365
Just bulk with 600+ surplus and focus on shoulders back and chest, you will mog no need to go on peds tbh unless you’re giga tall
push ups for chest is enough?
and the 600+ surplus is only the day you workout right?
push ups for chest is enough?
and the 600+ surplus is only the day you workout right?
No, calisthenics don’t substitute raw weight lifting but if your goals aren’t to get big and just have some good shape overall then yeah

Also no, you’re supposed to be eating in a surplus everyday if you want to gain the weight consistently, try not to miss any days
No, calisthenics don’t substitute raw weight lifting but if your goals aren’t to get big and just have some good shape overall then yeah

Also no, you’re supposed to be eating in a surplus everyday if you want to gain the weight consistently, try not to miss any days
Thanks Man
I just want a bruce lee type body
How is this in botb
It absolutely was newbie gains 3 months is fucking nothing and it sounds like you weren't doing things "optimally" in those 3 months
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: infini, Deleted member 6128, currybrah and 1 other person
how'd you get clomid? dr checked your crashed test?

These were not newbie gains; I had started training 3 months prior and I only put on 2kg of muscle. Pathetic. :feelswhy:
I was eating just above maintenance most weeks and cutting back to 1600kcals/day sometimes to debloat because "muh jb appeal".

I was 181.5cm/5'11 60kg/132lbs before I started my cycle. I puked my guts out on New Year's and was sick so I went from 64kg to 60kg in a week. :lul:

This is what I looked like before:

A skinny twig.
Don't get me wrong, I still had good appeal to foids my age and younger (<=19). I had never been rejected by a foid in the club since uni started in September.

But let's be honest, who was I gonna fuck with that frame?
Do you think girls looked at me and craved sex with me?

If I've learned one thing over the past few months of having a GF (and a few side hoes :sneaky:) and from reading the literature, is that
Women want to be DOMINATED in bed.

Who was I going to dominate looking like that? JFL.
I never was able to give my girl an orgasm. We had been having sex for 2 months, so I was getting kinda worried.

I then imagined her getting pounded by a 6'4 gymmaxxed chad and started to get insecure.
Who would she rather get fucked by? Well that tall jacked dude of course.

Any guy or girl who tells you the contrary is DELUSIONAL.

So I took action. I had been making no progress in so long so I looked at Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs).
As any logical person, I wanted the most results with the least side effects.
And for that reason, steroids were off the table.

I researched Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and in particular RAD-140, as it is often referred to as the most powerful SARM.

Source: naspcenter.org

I took into account the advantages and the drawbacks of RAD-140:

Increased muscle growth​
Suppresses natural Testosterone production​
Faster muscle repair​
Little knowledge on long-term side-effects​
Increased metabolic rate -> burns fat like crazy​
Illegal. Not FDA approved. Still a research chemical. Sold as "not for human consumption" to circumvent laws.​
No water retention unlike most other SARMS. Possible to keep hollow cheeks on cycle​
Reports of hair loss. Does not grow back for a number of people (reddit)​
Cheap. £86 for enough RAD-140 and Enclomiphene Citrate for an 8-week cycle​
Increased endurance​
Increased aggressiveness and irritability​
Risk of shutting down natural T production if Post-Cycle Treatment (PCT) is not taken seriously​
Liver and other organ damage​

The advantages were enough to convince me.

However, could I fight back against the side-effects?
The only thing I could do was keep applying Benzoyl Peroxide (massive cope :ROFLMAO:) to keep the acne under control.
I also planned on taking a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) throughout my cycle to keep a Test base and fight against the suppression.
The SERM I took was Enclomiphene Citrate (enclo).
I also had Dandelion Root supplements for liver health. Most people recommend NAC though.

How did the cycle go?
I started my cycle on Jan 17th. I started by taking 10mg every day, as that's what most people recommend.
I drastically changed my diet too. I started eating 3500kcal a day with approx 230g of protein and 400g of carbs.
You can check your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) here, and find the best macros for your goals (cutting, maintaining, bulking):
I also spent 2 hours in the gym, every day.
My split was Push-Pull. Yep. No legs (cope :forcedsmile:), no rest days.
The fast muscle repair allowed me to maintain this split throughout my cycle.

Reminder of my day 1 stats:
5'11/181.5cm, 60kg/132lbs, approx 10-12% bf (assessed visually).

First week:
  • +4kg. Likely water retention from all the carbs (350g+/day) I started eating.​
  • crazy sex drive + a lot of cum​
  • Feeling very aggressive​

Second week:
  • +1kg. Comfortably sitting at 65kg.​
  • Liquidy cum (meaning low sperm count)​
  • Low energy​
  • Low sex drive​
  • Acne getting bad​

The second week is when suppression started to hit hard.
As I have a very horny girlfriend, I could not keep dealing with the sexual side effects.
I started taking enclo (6.25mg every day) on the first day of week 3.

Third week:
  • +2kg​
  • Cum still quite liquidy, yet less.​
  • Cum tastes like "chemicals". Tastes like "it doesn't come from me". Source: my gf​
  • Sex drive still not ideal. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) occurred twice this week.​
  • Acne still bad, getting worse on forehead. Skin doesn't seem to heal.​
  • Wanting to beat anyone up for the stupidest reasons​

By this time, I had ordered Melanotan II (MT2) for two reasons.
First, to get a tan in winter while all these cumskins are paler than my ass.
Second, to increase libido and get rock-solid erections. MT2 is used to produce erections in men with ED. Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9679884/

Fourth and fifth weeks:
  • +5kg​
  • Bumped RAD-140 up to 15mg a day​
  • Bumped enclo up to 12.5mg a day on the first day of week 4​
  • Acne stabilising. Having to deal with the acne scars from previous weeks.​
  • Sex drive better. A few more occurences of ED.​
  • Cum still tastes weird according to my gf​
  • even i found it to taste weird ngl
  • More respect from dudes in clubs and the gym​
  • Started beating my girlfriend :dafuckfeels:

Sixth week:
  • +2kg​
  • Sex drive not good but better.​
  • Acne stopped.​
  • Still very irritable. My mum pointed it out on week 1 and she hadn't FaceTimed me since. Spoke again on day 5 of sixth week, and we argued jfl. she doesn't want to see or call me anymore :trepidation:
  • My ED got really bad and girlfriend started to get embarassed and insecure.​
  • I therefore decided to stop the cycle early and not go on for the full 8 weeks.​

For the next two weeks I kept taking 12.5mg enclo every day to get my hormones back to pre-cycle levels.
However I'll never know if they actually are because my broke-student ass is not paying £200 to get my bloods checked.

Also, keep in mind I was seeing my gf 3 days a week and having sex around 4 times every time we met up.
Of course my sex drive is altered by my heavy sexual activity.
But anyway, I doubt most of you reading this will have the same problem :ROFLMAO:.

I'm grateful to not have experienced any hair loss.
Most people who experience hair loss from their RAD-140 cycles are either people who got scammed and bought pro-hormones instead of RAD-140, and/or people who were prone to Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and suffered from it because the increased T from the enclo induced higher amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion.
It is common knowledge that DHT causes hair loss.

According to most experts (i.e. redditors), running a SARM + SERM cycle is the best way to go.
  • It effectively fights suppression.​
  • You don't run the (very slim) risk of getting shut down.​
  • It prevents from losing gains post-cycle.​
  • PCT is no longer necessary. No need to suffer the side effects from PCT.​
  • You get a temporary (often 2-week) test boost after the cycle while you keep taking enclo.​
I agree.
The suppression did hit me quite hard, but running the enclo alongside my RAD-140 made it a lot less noticeable.
I am 20 days post cycle and I haven't noticed any muscle loss!

I now weigh 74kg/163lbs.
My bf% is still the approximately the same (assessed visually).
I can only assume that I put on 14kg/30lbs of pure muscle, but that would be crazy.
Usually people gain 4-9kg/9-20 lbs of muscle on a 8 week cycle of RAD-140 alone (some run it with MK-677 and get more gains, but they get water retention so no thanks).
I don't want to give false hopes so I'll stay on the safe side and say I gained 12kg/26lbs of muscle in 6 weeks.

Still, this is absolutely crazy.

I went from a pathetically skinny twig to a dude with a respectable physique.
I mainly focused on my shoulders, arms, upper pecs, and lats.
My pecs are still utter shit :ROFLMAO:, but at least they bulge out now. I realised mid-cycle how shit my insertions and genetics were JFL.

Everyone, I mean everyone, has noticed the drastic change.
My mum cried when she saw me on FaceTime on week 6 because of how much I changed LOL.
Dudes have a lot more respect for me; I was clubbing with my girl last night, and while I went to the toilet, some htn tried getting close to her.
As soon as I got back and saw him trying to put his hand on my girl (who hadn't seen him because he was behind her), I started yelling:
"Get the fuck away! Get the FUCK away!"

I kept walking towards him and he had to walk backwards with his hands in front of his chest saying "sorry man. I'm sorry bro". The club was quite crowded so he stepped on people's shoes and they all got mad at him too JFL. :forcedsmile: I followed his ass for at least 4 meters across the club.
That dude was slightly taller than me so damn did it feel good to know that he feared me.
Anyway he could tell that I mogged him back to the ghettoes of Birmingham or whatever shithole his anglo-cumskin-ass comes from, so he just accepted the BRUTAL mog and chickened out.

People tend to downplay this a lot and shout "muh muscles are male gaze", but actually being respected by other men is arguably as important as appealing to women.
How is your girl supposed to feel safe with you when literally 9/10 dudes on the street could pin your skinny ass to the ground and beat the living shit out of you all while groping your girl with their other hand. :feelsuhh:

Keep your girls safe guys.
Some men out there are cruel and ruthless. You need to be able to fight back or even better, make them not want to fuck with you in the first place. That's what gymcelling should be for: commanding respect.
...Then you can also dominate your girl in the bedroom and make her know she is submitted to you. That's what they crave!
Even the most femenist-militant women you know go home every day and crave to be brutally fucked by chad.
They want to feel like objects!
I say this with great respect to all the females out there. It is just logical from an evolutionarily standpoint for them to want a dominant partner.

Who would your oneitis rather get pounded by?

View attachment 2113742
A 6'2 world-famous supermodel and "PSL GOD"


View attachment 2113743

A gymmaxxed normie

Enough said.

Back to my journey.
If there's one thing that I enjoyed the most about my RAD-140 cycle, it's that I was able bulk all while keeping hollow cheeks!
The main reason I never really bulked or even lean bulked was because of the water retention caused by the ridiculously high amount of carbs needed.
On RAD-140, my muscles were consuming all those carbs like crazy, so I could be eating 3500kcal a day with 400g of carbs and still be debloated.

Also, I was allowed to have cheat days!!!
Remember this thread?
Well, I was perfectly fine. No bloat the next day, no issues or whatsoever!

Yes, sometimes I did get bloated because of my high sodium intake on some days (more food --> more sodium) but I had my furosemide (80mg) on-hand to counter it and reset back to debloated hollow cheeks.

Also, I think I've found a hack to having hollow cheeks all year round, regardless of calorie, carb and sodium intakes. No fake prescriptions needed this time either!
But that's for my next thread...


:soy:"Muh not that impressive"
Well yeah no shit dawg. I started at 60kg. I was severely underweight and had little to no muscle.
I'll hop on another cycle in a few months and get some real definition this time.

Anyway, I hope you learned something and that you are now about to hop on your first RAD-140 cycle.
If you don't have a girlfriend (ie no need to have a functioning dick for a few weeks) then you have absolutely no reason to not go for it.
Of course, do some more research before considering it.

My last tip is to ONLY buy from reputable sellers. Don't try to save a few bucks by getting your RAD-140 from some unknown vendor. There are a lot of fakes on the market that could really fuck your health up. Spend the extra money, for your safety. This stuff is dangerous!

Ask the all the questions you need. I'll answer what I can.

I wish you the best boys!


This dude is shakespeare
clomiphene doesn't close growth plates, and i saw someone say that enclo shouldn't either, becasue they are quite similar...i

chemyo and receptorchem are 100% legit.
Not 100% about UKSarms though…
Bro wont enlco cause a raise in t levels which than will convert to estrogen the causing a closing of growth plates. And why arent you taking any HGH??

These were not newbie gains; I had started training 3 months prior and I only put on 2kg of muscle. Pathetic. :feelswhy:
I was eating just above maintenance most weeks and cutting back to 1600kcals/day sometimes to debloat because "muh jb appeal".

I was 181.5cm/5'11 60kg/132lbs before I started my cycle. I puked my guts out on New Year's and was sick so I went from 64kg to 60kg in a week. :lul:

This is what I looked like before:

A skinny twig.
Don't get me wrong, I still had good appeal to foids my age and younger (<=19). I had never been rejected by a foid in the club since uni started in September.

But let's be honest, who was I gonna fuck with that frame?
Do you think girls looked at me and craved sex with me?

If I've learned one thing over the past few months of having a GF (and a few side hoes :sneaky:) and from reading the literature, is that
Women want to be DOMINATED in bed.

Who was I going to dominate looking like that? JFL.
I never was able to give my girl an orgasm. We had been having sex for 2 months, so I was getting kinda worried.

I then imagined her getting pounded by a 6'4 gymmaxxed chad and started to get insecure.
Who would she rather get fucked by? Well that tall jacked dude of course.

Any guy or girl who tells you the contrary is DELUSIONAL.

So I took action. I had been making no progress in so long so I looked at Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs).
As any logical person, I wanted the most results with the least side effects.
And for that reason, steroids were off the table.

I researched Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and in particular RAD-140, as it is often referred to as the most powerful SARM.

Source: naspcenter.org

I took into account the advantages and the drawbacks of RAD-140:

Increased muscle growth​
Suppresses natural Testosterone production​
Faster muscle repair​
Little knowledge on long-term side-effects​
Increased metabolic rate -> burns fat like crazy​
Illegal. Not FDA approved. Still a research chemical. Sold as "not for human consumption" to circumvent laws.​
No water retention unlike most other SARMS. Possible to keep hollow cheeks on cycle​
Reports of hair loss. Does not grow back for a number of people (reddit)​
Cheap. £86 for enough RAD-140 and Enclomiphene Citrate for an 8-week cycle​
Increased endurance​
Increased aggressiveness and irritability​
Risk of shutting down natural T production if Post-Cycle Treatment (PCT) is not taken seriously​
Liver and other organ damage​

The advantages were enough to convince me.

However, could I fight back against the side-effects?
The only thing I could do was keep applying Benzoyl Peroxide (massive cope :ROFLMAO:) to keep the acne under control.
I also planned on taking a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) throughout my cycle to keep a Test base and fight against the suppression.
The SERM I took was Enclomiphene Citrate (enclo).
I also had Dandelion Root supplements for liver health. Most people recommend NAC though.

How did the cycle go?
I started my cycle on Jan 17th. I started by taking 10mg every day, as that's what most people recommend.
I drastically changed my diet too. I started eating 3500kcal a day with approx 230g of protein and 400g of carbs.
You can check your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) here, and find the best macros for your goals (cutting, maintaining, bulking):
I also spent 2 hours in the gym, every day.
My split was Push-Pull. Yep. No legs (cope :forcedsmile:), no rest days.
The fast muscle repair allowed me to maintain this split throughout my cycle.

Reminder of my day 1 stats:
5'11/181.5cm, 60kg/132lbs, approx 10-12% bf (assessed visually).

First week:
  • +4kg. Likely water retention from all the carbs (350g+/day) I started eating.​
  • crazy sex drive + a lot of cum​
  • Feeling very aggressive​

Second week:
  • +1kg. Comfortably sitting at 65kg.​
  • Liquidy cum (meaning low sperm count)​
  • Low energy​
  • Low sex drive​
  • Acne getting bad​

The second week is when suppression started to hit hard.
As I have a very horny girlfriend, I could not keep dealing with the sexual side effects.
I started taking enclo (6.25mg every day) on the first day of week 3.

Third week:
  • +2kg​
  • Cum still quite liquidy, yet less.​
  • Cum tastes like "chemicals". Tastes like "it doesn't come from me". Source: my gf​
  • Sex drive still not ideal. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) occurred twice this week.​
  • Acne still bad, getting worse on forehead. Skin doesn't seem to heal.​
  • Wanting to beat anyone up for the stupidest reasons​

By this time, I had ordered Melanotan II (MT2) for two reasons.
First, to get a tan in winter while all these cumskins are paler than my ass.
Second, to increase libido and get rock-solid erections. MT2 is used to produce erections in men with ED. Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9679884/

Fourth and fifth weeks:
  • +5kg​
  • Bumped RAD-140 up to 15mg a day​
  • Bumped enclo up to 12.5mg a day on the first day of week 4​
  • Acne stabilising. Having to deal with the acne scars from previous weeks.​
  • Sex drive better. A few more occurences of ED.​
  • Cum still tastes weird according to my gf​
  • even i found it to taste weird ngl
  • More respect from dudes in clubs and the gym​
  • Started beating my girlfriend :dafuckfeels:

Sixth week:
  • +2kg​
  • Sex drive not good but better.​
  • Acne stopped.​
  • Still very irritable. My mum pointed it out on week 1 and she hadn't FaceTimed me since. Spoke again on day 5 of sixth week, and we argued jfl. she doesn't want to see or call me anymore :trepidation:
  • My ED got really bad and girlfriend started to get embarassed and insecure.​
  • I therefore decided to stop the cycle early and not go on for the full 8 weeks.​

For the next two weeks I kept taking 12.5mg enclo every day to get my hormones back to pre-cycle levels.
However I'll never know if they actually are because my broke-student ass is not paying £200 to get my bloods checked.

Also, keep in mind I was seeing my gf 3 days a week and having sex around 4 times every time we met up.
Of course my sex drive is altered by my heavy sexual activity.
But anyway, I doubt most of you reading this will have the same problem :ROFLMAO:.

I'm grateful to not have experienced any hair loss.
Most people who experience hair loss from their RAD-140 cycles are either people who got scammed and bought pro-hormones instead of RAD-140, and/or people who were prone to Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and suffered from it because the increased T from the enclo induced higher amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion.
It is common knowledge that DHT causes hair loss.

According to most experts (i.e. redditors), running a SARM + SERM cycle is the best way to go.
  • It effectively fights suppression.​
  • You don't run the (very slim) risk of getting shut down.​
  • It prevents from losing gains post-cycle.​
  • PCT is no longer necessary. No need to suffer the side effects from PCT.​
  • You get a temporary (often 2-week) test boost after the cycle while you keep taking enclo.​
I agree.
The suppression did hit me quite hard, but running the enclo alongside my RAD-140 made it a lot less noticeable.
I am 20 days post cycle and I haven't noticed any muscle loss!

I now weigh 74kg/163lbs.
My bf% is still the approximately the same (assessed visually).
I can only assume that I put on 14kg/30lbs of pure muscle, but that would be crazy.
Usually people gain 4-9kg/9-20 lbs of muscle on a 8 week cycle of RAD-140 alone (some run it with MK-677 and get more gains, but they get water retention so no thanks).
I don't want to give false hopes so I'll stay on the safe side and say I gained 12kg/26lbs of muscle in 6 weeks.

Still, this is absolutely crazy.

I went from a pathetically skinny twig to a dude with a respectable physique.
I mainly focused on my shoulders, arms, upper pecs, and lats.
My pecs are still utter shit :ROFLMAO:, but at least they bulge out now. I realised mid-cycle how shit my insertions and genetics were JFL.

Everyone, I mean everyone, has noticed the drastic change.
My mum cried when she saw me on FaceTime on week 6 because of how much I changed LOL.
Dudes have a lot more respect for me; I was clubbing with my girl last night, and while I went to the toilet, some htn tried getting close to her.
As soon as I got back and saw him trying to put his hand on my girl (who hadn't seen him because he was behind her), I started yelling:
"Get the fuck away! Get the FUCK away!"

I kept walking towards him and he had to walk backwards with his hands in front of his chest saying "sorry man. I'm sorry bro". The club was quite crowded so he stepped on people's shoes and they all got mad at him too JFL. :forcedsmile: I followed his ass for at least 4 meters across the club.
That dude was slightly taller than me so damn did it feel good to know that he feared me.
Anyway he could tell that I mogged him back to the ghettoes of Birmingham or whatever shithole his anglo-cumskin-ass comes from, so he just accepted the BRUTAL mog and chickened out.

People tend to downplay this a lot and shout "muh muscles are male gaze", but actually being respected by other men is arguably as important as appealing to women.
How is your girl supposed to feel safe with you when literally 9/10 dudes on the street could pin your skinny ass to the ground and beat the living shit out of you all while groping your girl with their other hand. :feelsuhh:

Keep your girls safe guys.
Some men out there are cruel and ruthless. You need to be able to fight back or even better, make them not want to fuck with you in the first place. That's what gymcelling should be for: commanding respect.
...Then you can also dominate your girl in the bedroom and make her know she is submitted to you. That's what they crave!
Even the most femenist-militant women you know go home every day and crave to be brutally fucked by chad.
They want to feel like objects!
I say this with great respect to all the females out there. It is just logical from an evolutionarily standpoint for them to want a dominant partner.

Who would your oneitis rather get pounded by?

View attachment 2113742
A 6'2 world-famous supermodel and "PSL GOD"


View attachment 2113743

A gymmaxxed normie

Enough said.

Back to my journey.
If there's one thing that I enjoyed the most about my RAD-140 cycle, it's that I was able bulk all while keeping hollow cheeks!
The main reason I never really bulked or even lean bulked was because of the water retention caused by the ridiculously high amount of carbs needed.
On RAD-140, my muscles were consuming all those carbs like crazy, so I could be eating 3500kcal a day with 400g of carbs and still be debloated.

Also, I was allowed to have cheat days!!!
Remember this thread?
Well, I was perfectly fine. No bloat the next day, no issues or whatsoever!

Yes, sometimes I did get bloated because of my high sodium intake on some days (more food --> more sodium) but I had my furosemide (80mg) on-hand to counter it and reset back to debloated hollow cheeks.

Also, I think I've found a hack to having hollow cheeks all year round, regardless of calorie, carb and sodium intakes. No fake prescriptions needed this time either!
But that's for my next thread...


:soy:"Muh not that impressive"
Well yeah no shit dawg. I started at 60kg. I was severely underweight and had little to no muscle.
I'll hop on another cycle in a few months and get some real definition this time.

Anyway, I hope you learned something and that you are now about to hop on your first RAD-140 cycle.
If you don't have a girlfriend (ie no need to have a functioning dick for a few weeks) then you have absolutely no reason to not go for it.
Of course, do some more research before considering it.

My last tip is to ONLY buy from reputable sellers. Don't try to save a few bucks by getting your RAD-140 from some unknown vendor. There are a lot of fakes on the market that could really fuck your health up. Spend the extra money, for your safety. This stuff is dangerous!

Ask the all the questions you need. I'll answer what I can.

I wish you the best boys!


Your gf is disgusting
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 20399
beaugoss la transformation fréro ta meuf doit adorer
par contre je comprend pas pourquoi tu fais vraiment pas les jambes ou c'est une blague ?
look at how my bizygo/bigonial ratio changed. now it's 1:1, meaning my lower third is what really changed here.
so yeah, training masseters definitely did more that what i'd like to think.
my chin did get broader, but if it isn't because of bonesmashing or natural growth then i have no clue...
bonesmashing prolly since my chin got noticeably longer and broader from bonesmashing taking d2 and k3 and bonesmashing ascends chin and zygo but prolly only works in ur teens since im a teen aswell

These were not newbie gains; I had started training 3 months prior and I only put on 2kg of muscle. Pathetic. :feelswhy:
I was eating just above maintenance most weeks and cutting back to 1600kcals/day sometimes to debloat because "muh jb appeal".

I was 181.5cm/5'11 60kg/132lbs before I started my cycle. I puked my guts out on New Year's and was sick so I went from 64kg to 60kg in a week. :lul:

This is what I looked like before:

A skinny twig.
Don't get me wrong, I still had good appeal to foids my age and younger (<=19). I had never been rejected by a foid in the club since uni started in September.

But let's be honest, who was I gonna fuck with that frame?
Do you think girls looked at me and craved sex with me?

If I've learned one thing over the past few months of having a GF (and a few side hoes :sneaky:) and from reading the literature, is that
Women want to be DOMINATED in bed.

Who was I going to dominate looking like that? JFL.
I never was able to give my girl an orgasm. We had been having sex for 2 months, so I was getting kinda worried.

I then imagined her getting pounded by a 6'4 gymmaxxed chad and started to get insecure.
Who would she rather get fucked by? Well that tall jacked dude of course.

Any guy or girl who tells you the contrary is DELUSIONAL.

So I took action. I had been making no progress in so long so I looked at Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs).
As any logical person, I wanted the most results with the least side effects.
And for that reason, steroids were off the table.

I researched Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and in particular RAD-140, as it is often referred to as the most powerful SARM.

Source: naspcenter.org

I took into account the advantages and the drawbacks of RAD-140:

Increased muscle growth​
Suppresses natural Testosterone production​
Faster muscle repair​
Little knowledge on long-term side-effects​
Increased metabolic rate -> burns fat like crazy​
Illegal. Not FDA approved. Still a research chemical. Sold as "not for human consumption" to circumvent laws.​
No water retention unlike most other SARMS. Possible to keep hollow cheeks on cycle​
Reports of hair loss. Does not grow back for a number of people (reddit)​
Cheap. £86 for enough RAD-140 and Enclomiphene Citrate for an 8-week cycle​
Increased endurance​
Increased aggressiveness and irritability​
Risk of shutting down natural T production if Post-Cycle Treatment (PCT) is not taken seriously​
Liver and other organ damage​

The advantages were enough to convince me.

However, could I fight back against the side-effects?
The only thing I could do was keep applying Benzoyl Peroxide (massive cope :ROFLMAO:) to keep the acne under control.
I also planned on taking a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) throughout my cycle to keep a Test base and fight against the suppression.
The SERM I took was Enclomiphene Citrate (enclo).
I also had Dandelion Root supplements for liver health. Most people recommend NAC though.

How did the cycle go?
I started my cycle on Jan 17th. I started by taking 10mg every day, as that's what most people recommend.
I drastically changed my diet too. I started eating 3500kcal a day with approx 230g of protein and 400g of carbs.
You can check your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) here, and find the best macros for your goals (cutting, maintaining, bulking):
I also spent 2 hours in the gym, every day.
My split was Push-Pull. Yep. No legs (cope :forcedsmile:), no rest days.
The fast muscle repair allowed me to maintain this split throughout my cycle.

Reminder of my day 1 stats:
5'11/181.5cm, 60kg/132lbs, approx 10-12% bf (assessed visually).

First week:
  • +4kg. Likely water retention from all the carbs (350g+/day) I started eating.​
  • crazy sex drive + a lot of cum​
  • Feeling very aggressive​

Second week:
  • +1kg. Comfortably sitting at 65kg.​
  • Liquidy cum (meaning low sperm count)​
  • Low energy​
  • Low sex drive​
  • Acne getting bad​

The second week is when suppression started to hit hard.
As I have a very horny girlfriend, I could not keep dealing with the sexual side effects.
I started taking enclo (6.25mg every day) on the first day of week 3.

Third week:
  • +2kg​
  • Cum still quite liquidy, yet less.​
  • Cum tastes like "chemicals". Tastes like "it doesn't come from me". Source: my gf​
  • Sex drive still not ideal. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) occurred twice this week.​
  • Acne still bad, getting worse on forehead. Skin doesn't seem to heal.​
  • Wanting to beat anyone up for the stupidest reasons​

By this time, I had ordered Melanotan II (MT2) for two reasons.
First, to get a tan in winter while all these cumskins are paler than my ass.
Second, to increase libido and get rock-solid erections. MT2 is used to produce erections in men with ED. Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9679884/

Fourth and fifth weeks:
  • +5kg​
  • Bumped RAD-140 up to 15mg a day​
  • Bumped enclo up to 12.5mg a day on the first day of week 4​
  • Acne stabilising. Having to deal with the acne scars from previous weeks.​
  • Sex drive better. A few more occurences of ED.​
  • Cum still tastes weird according to my gf​
  • even i found it to taste weird ngl
  • More respect from dudes in clubs and the gym​
  • Started beating my girlfriend :dafuckfeels:

Sixth week:
  • +2kg​
  • Sex drive not good but better.​
  • Acne stopped.​
  • Still very irritable. My mum pointed it out on week 1 and she hadn't FaceTimed me since. Spoke again on day 5 of sixth week, and we argued jfl. she doesn't want to see or call me anymore :trepidation:
  • My ED got really bad and girlfriend started to get embarassed and insecure.​
  • I therefore decided to stop the cycle early and not go on for the full 8 weeks.​

For the next two weeks I kept taking 12.5mg enclo every day to get my hormones back to pre-cycle levels.
However I'll never know if they actually are because my broke-student ass is not paying £200 to get my bloods checked.

Also, keep in mind I was seeing my gf 3 days a week and having sex around 4 times every time we met up.
Of course my sex drive is altered by my heavy sexual activity.
But anyway, I doubt most of you reading this will have the same problem :ROFLMAO:.

I'm grateful to not have experienced any hair loss.
Most people who experience hair loss from their RAD-140 cycles are either people who got scammed and bought pro-hormones instead of RAD-140, and/or people who were prone to Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and suffered from it because the increased T from the enclo induced higher amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion.
It is common knowledge that DHT causes hair loss.

According to most experts (i.e. redditors), running a SARM + SERM cycle is the best way to go.
  • It effectively fights suppression.​
  • You don't run the (very slim) risk of getting shut down.​
  • It prevents from losing gains post-cycle.​
  • PCT is no longer necessary. No need to suffer the side effects from PCT.​
  • You get a temporary (often 2-week) test boost after the cycle while you keep taking enclo.​
I agree.
The suppression did hit me quite hard, but running the enclo alongside my RAD-140 made it a lot less noticeable.
I am 20 days post cycle and I haven't noticed any muscle loss!

I now weigh 74kg/163lbs.
My bf% is still the approximately the same (assessed visually).
I can only assume that I put on 14kg/30lbs of pure muscle, but that would be crazy.
Usually people gain 4-9kg/9-20 lbs of muscle on a 8 week cycle of RAD-140 alone (some run it with MK-677 and get more gains, but they get water retention so no thanks).
I don't want to give false hopes so I'll stay on the safe side and say I gained 12kg/26lbs of muscle in 6 weeks.

Still, this is absolutely crazy.

I went from a pathetically skinny twig to a dude with a respectable physique.
I mainly focused on my shoulders, arms, upper pecs, and lats.
My pecs are still utter shit :ROFLMAO:, but at least they bulge out now. I realised mid-cycle how shit my insertions and genetics were JFL.

Everyone, I mean everyone, has noticed the drastic change.
My mum cried when she saw me on FaceTime on week 6 because of how much I changed LOL.
Dudes have a lot more respect for me; I was clubbing with my girl last night, and while I went to the toilet, some htn tried getting close to her.
As soon as I got back and saw him trying to put his hand on my girl (who hadn't seen him because he was behind her), I started yelling:
"Get the fuck away! Get the FUCK away!"

I kept walking towards him and he had to walk backwards with his hands in front of his chest saying "sorry man. I'm sorry bro". The club was quite crowded so he stepped on people's shoes and they all got mad at him too JFL. :forcedsmile: I followed his ass for at least 4 meters across the club.
That dude was slightly taller than me so damn did it feel good to know that he feared me.
Anyway he could tell that I mogged him back to the ghettoes of Birmingham or whatever shithole his anglo-cumskin-ass comes from, so he just accepted the BRUTAL mog and chickened out.

People tend to downplay this a lot and shout "muh muscles are male gaze", but actually being respected by other men is arguably as important as appealing to women.
How is your girl supposed to feel safe with you when literally 9/10 dudes on the street could pin your skinny ass to the ground and beat the living shit out of you all while groping your girl with their other hand. :feelsuhh:

Keep your girls safe guys.
Some men out there are cruel and ruthless. You need to be able to fight back or even better, make them not want to fuck with you in the first place. That's what gymcelling should be for: commanding respect.
...Then you can also dominate your girl in the bedroom and make her know she is submitted to you. That's what they crave!
Even the most femenist-militant women you know go home every day and crave to be brutally fucked by chad.
They want to feel like objects!
I say this with great respect to all the females out there. It is just logical from an evolutionarily standpoint for them to want a dominant partner.

Who would your oneitis rather get pounded by?

View attachment 2113742
A 6'2 world-famous supermodel and "PSL GOD"


View attachment 2113743

A gymmaxxed normie

Enough said.

Back to my journey.
If there's one thing that I enjoyed the most about my RAD-140 cycle, it's that I was able bulk all while keeping hollow cheeks!
The main reason I never really bulked or even lean bulked was because of the water retention caused by the ridiculously high amount of carbs needed.
On RAD-140, my muscles were consuming all those carbs like crazy, so I could be eating 3500kcal a day with 400g of carbs and still be debloated.

Also, I was allowed to have cheat days!!!
Remember this thread?
Well, I was perfectly fine. No bloat the next day, no issues or whatsoever!

Yes, sometimes I did get bloated because of my high sodium intake on some days (more food --> more sodium) but I had my furosemide (80mg) on-hand to counter it and reset back to debloated hollow cheeks.

Also, I think I've found a hack to having hollow cheeks all year round, regardless of calorie, carb and sodium intakes. No fake prescriptions needed this time either!
But that's for my next thread...


:soy:"Muh not that impressive"
Well yeah no shit dawg. I started at 60kg. I was severely underweight and had little to no muscle.
I'll hop on another cycle in a few months and get some real definition this time.

Anyway, I hope you learned something and that you are now about to hop on your first RAD-140 cycle.
If you don't have a girlfriend (ie no need to have a functioning dick for a few weeks) then you have absolutely no reason to not go for it.
Of course, do some more research before considering it.

My last tip is to ONLY buy from reputable sellers. Don't try to save a few bucks by getting your RAD-140 from some unknown vendor. There are a lot of fakes on the market that could really fuck your health up. Spend the extra money, for your safety. This stuff is dangerous!

Ask the all the questions you need. I'll answer what I can.

I wish you the best boys!


Did u grow any taller ?
This is so fucking stupid.
No, u have not gained 12kg of muscle.
You have definitely not gained 12kg of muscle in 6 weeks.
You have definitely not gained 12kg of muscle with a sarm.
You have definitely not gained 12kg after newbie gains.
You have definitely not used your newbie gains, I can tell by your pictures.

Steroids or Sarms put on a great amount of water weight. I didn't read the whole thing but I am pretty sure you have no idea of muscle building, diet, training and steroids.
Stop utilizing drugs if you have no idea how they affect your body.
Stop using drugs if you have no idea about training and diet.
this is pure cringe.

You made progress, congrats. But this is just bs.
  • +1
Reactions: alriodai

These were not newbie gains; I had started training 3 months prior and I only put on 2kg of muscle. Pathetic. :feelswhy:
I was eating just above maintenance most weeks and cutting back to 1600kcals/day sometimes to debloat because "muh jb appeal".

I was 181.5cm/5'11 60kg/132lbs before I started my cycle. I puked my guts out on New Year's and was sick so I went from 64kg to 60kg in a week. :lul:

This is what I looked like before:

A skinny twig.
Don't get me wrong, I still had good appeal to foids my age and younger (<=19). I had never been rejected by a foid in the club since uni started in September.

But let's be honest, who was I gonna fuck with that frame?
Do you think girls looked at me and craved sex with me?

If I've learned one thing over the past few months of having a GF (and a few side hoes :sneaky:) and from reading the literature, is that
Women want to be DOMINATED in bed.

Who was I going to dominate looking like that? JFL.
I never was able to give my girl an orgasm. We had been having sex for 2 months, so I was getting kinda worried.

I then imagined her getting pounded by a 6'4 gymmaxxed chad and started to get insecure.
Who would she rather get fucked by? Well that tall jacked dude of course.

Any guy or girl who tells you the contrary is DELUSIONAL.

So I took action. I had been making no progress in so long so I looked at Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs).
As any logical person, I wanted the most results with the least side effects.
And for that reason, steroids were off the table.

I researched Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and in particular RAD-140, as it is often referred to as the most powerful SARM.

Source: naspcenter.org

I took into account the advantages and the drawbacks of RAD-140:

Increased muscle growth​
Suppresses natural Testosterone production​
Faster muscle repair​
Little knowledge on long-term side-effects​
Increased metabolic rate -> burns fat like crazy​
Illegal. Not FDA approved. Still a research chemical. Sold as "not for human consumption" to circumvent laws.​
No water retention unlike most other SARMS. Possible to keep hollow cheeks on cycle​
Reports of hair loss. Does not grow back for a number of people (reddit)​
Cheap. £86 for enough RAD-140 and Enclomiphene Citrate for an 8-week cycle​
Increased endurance​
Increased aggressiveness and irritability​
Risk of shutting down natural T production if Post-Cycle Treatment (PCT) is not taken seriously​
Liver and other organ damage​

The advantages were enough to convince me.

However, could I fight back against the side-effects?
The only thing I could do was keep applying Benzoyl Peroxide (massive cope :ROFLMAO:) to keep the acne under control.
I also planned on taking a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) throughout my cycle to keep a Test base and fight against the suppression.
The SERM I took was Enclomiphene Citrate (enclo).
I also had Dandelion Root supplements for liver health. Most people recommend NAC though.

How did the cycle go?
I started my cycle on Jan 17th. I started by taking 10mg every day, as that's what most people recommend.
I drastically changed my diet too. I started eating 3500kcal a day with approx 230g of protein and 400g of carbs.
You can check your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) here, and find the best macros for your goals (cutting, maintaining, bulking):
I also spent 2 hours in the gym, every day.
My split was Push-Pull. Yep. No legs (cope :forcedsmile:), no rest days.
The fast muscle repair allowed me to maintain this split throughout my cycle.

Reminder of my day 1 stats:
5'11/181.5cm, 60kg/132lbs, approx 10-12% bf (assessed visually).

First week:
  • +4kg. Likely water retention from all the carbs (350g+/day) I started eating.​
  • crazy sex drive + a lot of cum​
  • Feeling very aggressive​

Second week:
  • +1kg. Comfortably sitting at 65kg.​
  • Liquidy cum (meaning low sperm count)​
  • Low energy​
  • Low sex drive​
  • Acne getting bad​

The second week is when suppression started to hit hard.
As I have a very horny girlfriend, I could not keep dealing with the sexual side effects.
I started taking enclo (6.25mg every day) on the first day of week 3.

Third week:
  • +2kg​
  • Cum still quite liquidy, yet less.​
  • Cum tastes like "chemicals". Tastes like "it doesn't come from me". Source: my gf​
  • Sex drive still not ideal. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) occurred twice this week.​
  • Acne still bad, getting worse on forehead. Skin doesn't seem to heal.​
  • Wanting to beat anyone up for the stupidest reasons​

By this time, I had ordered Melanotan II (MT2) for two reasons.
First, to get a tan in winter while all these cumskins are paler than my ass.
Second, to increase libido and get rock-solid erections. MT2 is used to produce erections in men with ED. Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9679884/

Fourth and fifth weeks:
  • +5kg​
  • Bumped RAD-140 up to 15mg a day​
  • Bumped enclo up to 12.5mg a day on the first day of week 4​
  • Acne stabilising. Having to deal with the acne scars from previous weeks.​
  • Sex drive better. A few more occurences of ED.​
  • Cum still tastes weird according to my gf​
  • even i found it to taste weird ngl
  • More respect from dudes in clubs and the gym​
  • Started beating my girlfriend :dafuckfeels:

Sixth week:
  • +2kg​
  • Sex drive not good but better.​
  • Acne stopped.​
  • Still very irritable. My mum pointed it out on week 1 and she hadn't FaceTimed me since. Spoke again on day 5 of sixth week, and we argued jfl. she doesn't want to see or call me anymore :trepidation:
  • My ED got really bad and girlfriend started to get embarassed and insecure.​
  • I therefore decided to stop the cycle early and not go on for the full 8 weeks.​

For the next two weeks I kept taking 12.5mg enclo every day to get my hormones back to pre-cycle levels.
However I'll never know if they actually are because my broke-student ass is not paying £200 to get my bloods checked.

Also, keep in mind I was seeing my gf 3 days a week and having sex around 4 times every time we met up.
Of course my sex drive is altered by my heavy sexual activity.
But anyway, I doubt most of you reading this will have the same problem :ROFLMAO:.

I'm grateful to not have experienced any hair loss.
Most people who experience hair loss from their RAD-140 cycles are either people who got scammed and bought pro-hormones instead of RAD-140, and/or people who were prone to Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and suffered from it because the increased T from the enclo induced higher amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion.
It is common knowledge that DHT causes hair loss.

According to most experts (i.e. redditors), running a SARM + SERM cycle is the best way to go.
  • It effectively fights suppression.​
  • You don't run the (very slim) risk of getting shut down.​
  • It prevents from losing gains post-cycle.​
  • PCT is no longer necessary. No need to suffer the side effects from PCT.​
  • You get a temporary (often 2-week) test boost after the cycle while you keep taking enclo.​
I agree.
The suppression did hit me quite hard, but running the enclo alongside my RAD-140 made it a lot less noticeable.
I am 20 days post cycle and I haven't noticed any muscle loss!

I now weigh 74kg/163lbs.
My bf% is still the approximately the same (assessed visually).
I can only assume that I put on 14kg/30lbs of pure muscle, but that would be crazy.
Usually people gain 4-9kg/9-20 lbs of muscle on a 8 week cycle of RAD-140 alone (some run it with MK-677 and get more gains, but they get water retention so no thanks).
I don't want to give false hopes so I'll stay on the safe side and say I gained 12kg/26lbs of muscle in 6 weeks.

Still, this is absolutely crazy.

I went from a pathetically skinny twig to a dude with a respectable physique.
I mainly focused on my shoulders, arms, upper pecs, and lats.
My pecs are still utter shit :ROFLMAO:, but at least they bulge out now. I realised mid-cycle how shit my insertions and genetics were JFL.

Everyone, I mean everyone, has noticed the drastic change.
My mum cried when she saw me on FaceTime on week 6 because of how much I changed LOL.
Dudes have a lot more respect for me; I was clubbing with my girl last night, and while I went to the toilet, some htn tried getting close to her.
As soon as I got back and saw him trying to put his hand on my girl (who hadn't seen him because he was behind her), I started yelling:
"Get the fuck away! Get the FUCK away!"

I kept walking towards him and he had to walk backwards with his hands in front of his chest saying "sorry man. I'm sorry bro". The club was quite crowded so he stepped on people's shoes and they all got mad at him too JFL. :forcedsmile: I followed his ass for at least 4 meters across the club.
That dude was slightly taller than me so damn did it feel good to know that he feared me.
Anyway he could tell that I mogged him back to the ghettoes of Birmingham or whatever shithole his anglo-cumskin-ass comes from, so he just accepted the BRUTAL mog and chickened out.

People tend to downplay this a lot and shout "muh muscles are male gaze", but actually being respected by other men is arguably as important as appealing to women.
How is your girl supposed to feel safe with you when literally 9/10 dudes on the street could pin your skinny ass to the ground and beat the living shit out of you all while groping your girl with their other hand. :feelsuhh:

Keep your girls safe guys.
Some men out there are cruel and ruthless. You need to be able to fight back or even better, make them not want to fuck with you in the first place. That's what gymcelling should be for: commanding respect.
...Then you can also dominate your girl in the bedroom and make her know she is submitted to you. That's what they crave!
Even the most femenist-militant women you know go home every day and crave to be brutally fucked by chad.
They want to feel like objects!
I say this with great respect to all the females out there. It is just logical from an evolutionarily standpoint for them to want a dominant partner.

Who would your oneitis rather get pounded by?

View attachment 2113742
A 6'2 world-famous supermodel and "PSL GOD"


View attachment 2113743

A gymmaxxed normie

Enough said.

Back to my journey.
If there's one thing that I enjoyed the most about my RAD-140 cycle, it's that I was able bulk all while keeping hollow cheeks!
The main reason I never really bulked or even lean bulked was because of the water retention caused by the ridiculously high amount of carbs needed.
On RAD-140, my muscles were consuming all those carbs like crazy, so I could be eating 3500kcal a day with 400g of carbs and still be debloated.

Also, I was allowed to have cheat days!!!
Remember this thread?
Well, I was perfectly fine. No bloat the next day, no issues or whatsoever!

Yes, sometimes I did get bloated because of my high sodium intake on some days (more food --> more sodium) but I had my furosemide (80mg) on-hand to counter it and reset back to debloated hollow cheeks.

Also, I think I've found a hack to having hollow cheeks all year round, regardless of calorie, carb and sodium intakes. No fake prescriptions needed this time either!
But that's for my next thread...


:soy:"Muh not that impressive"
Well yeah no shit dawg. I started at 60kg. I was severely underweight and had little to no muscle.
I'll hop on another cycle in a few months and get some real definition this time.

Anyway, I hope you learned something and that you are now about to hop on your first RAD-140 cycle.
If you don't have a girlfriend (ie no need to have a functioning dick for a few weeks) then you have absolutely no reason to not go for it.
Of course, do some more research before considering it.

My last tip is to ONLY buy from reputable sellers. Don't try to save a few bucks by getting your RAD-140 from some unknown vendor. There are a lot of fakes on the market that could really fuck your health up. Spend the extra money, for your safety. This stuff is dangerous!

Ask the all the questions you need. I'll answer what I can.

I wish you the best boys!


That signature jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16673
Nobody notice blud said his girl could not cum when he was a twink, but forgot to update that with his 6 week cycle results! JFL

Nice cope. Either she doesn't cum at all or you are still not gl enough, it is cope.

Girls can cum with sex with twinks you moron.

You mention this as if it is a problem with being skinny yet never updated the FAQ LOL either forgot or didn't want to go back there.
water retention is not muscle bro, 14kg of pure contractile tissue would have turned you into zyzz

These were not newbie gains; I had started training 3 months prior and I only put on 2kg of muscle. Pathetic. :feelswhy:
I was eating just above maintenance most weeks and cutting back to 1600kcals/day sometimes to debloat because "muh jb appeal".

I was 181.5cm/5'11 60kg/132lbs before I started my cycle. I puked my guts out on New Year's and was sick so I went from 64kg to 60kg in a week. :lul:

This is what I looked like before:

A skinny twig.
Don't get me wrong, I still had good appeal to foids my age and younger (<=19). I had never been rejected by a foid in the club since uni started in September.

But let's be honest, who was I gonna fuck with that frame?
Do you think girls looked at me and craved sex with me?

If I've learned one thing over the past few months of having a GF (and a few side hoes :sneaky:) and from reading the literature, is that
Women want to be DOMINATED in bed.

Who was I going to dominate looking like that? JFL.
I never was able to give my girl an orgasm. We had been having sex for 2 months, so I was getting kinda worried.

I then imagined her getting pounded by a 6'4 gymmaxxed chad and started to get insecure.
Who would she rather get fucked by? Well that tall jacked dude of course.

Any guy or girl who tells you the contrary is DELUSIONAL.

So I took action. I had been making no progress in so long so I looked at Performance-Enhancing Drugs (PEDs).
As any logical person, I wanted the most results with the least side effects.
And for that reason, steroids were off the table.

I researched Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and in particular RAD-140, as it is often referred to as the most powerful SARM.

Source: naspcenter.org

I took into account the advantages and the drawbacks of RAD-140:

Increased muscle growth​
Suppresses natural Testosterone production​
Faster muscle repair​
Little knowledge on long-term side-effects​
Increased metabolic rate -> burns fat like crazy​
Illegal. Not FDA approved. Still a research chemical. Sold as "not for human consumption" to circumvent laws.​
No water retention unlike most other SARMS. Possible to keep hollow cheeks on cycle​
Reports of hair loss. Does not grow back for a number of people (reddit)​
Cheap. £86 for enough RAD-140 and Enclomiphene Citrate for an 8-week cycle​
Increased endurance​
Increased aggressiveness and irritability​
Risk of shutting down natural T production if Post-Cycle Treatment (PCT) is not taken seriously​
Liver and other organ damage​

The advantages were enough to convince me.

However, could I fight back against the side-effects?
The only thing I could do was keep applying Benzoyl Peroxide (massive cope :ROFLMAO:) to keep the acne under control.
I also planned on taking a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) throughout my cycle to keep a Test base and fight against the suppression.
The SERM I took was Enclomiphene Citrate (enclo).
I also had Dandelion Root supplements for liver health. Most people recommend NAC though.

How did the cycle go?
I started my cycle on Jan 17th. I started by taking 10mg every day, as that's what most people recommend.
I drastically changed my diet too. I started eating 3500kcal a day with approx 230g of protein and 400g of carbs.
You can check your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) here, and find the best macros for your goals (cutting, maintaining, bulking):
I also spent 2 hours in the gym, every day.
My split was Push-Pull. Yep. No legs (cope :forcedsmile:), no rest days.
The fast muscle repair allowed me to maintain this split throughout my cycle.

Reminder of my day 1 stats:
5'11/181.5cm, 60kg/132lbs, approx 10-12% bf (assessed visually).

First week:
  • +4kg. Likely water retention from all the carbs (350g+/day) I started eating.​
  • crazy sex drive + a lot of cum​
  • Feeling very aggressive​

Second week:
  • +1kg. Comfortably sitting at 65kg.​
  • Liquidy cum (meaning low sperm count)​
  • Low energy​
  • Low sex drive​
  • Acne getting bad​

The second week is when suppression started to hit hard.
As I have a very horny girlfriend, I could not keep dealing with the sexual side effects.
I started taking enclo (6.25mg every day) on the first day of week 3.

Third week:
  • +2kg​
  • Cum still quite liquidy, yet less.​
  • Cum tastes like "chemicals". Tastes like "it doesn't come from me". Source: my gf​
  • Sex drive still not ideal. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) occurred twice this week.​
  • Acne still bad, getting worse on forehead. Skin doesn't seem to heal.​
  • Wanting to beat anyone up for the stupidest reasons​

By this time, I had ordered Melanotan II (MT2) for two reasons.
First, to get a tan in winter while all these cumskins are paler than my ass.
Second, to increase libido and get rock-solid erections. MT2 is used to produce erections in men with ED. Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9679884/

Fourth and fifth weeks:
  • +5kg​
  • Bumped RAD-140 up to 15mg a day​
  • Bumped enclo up to 12.5mg a day on the first day of week 4​
  • Acne stabilising. Having to deal with the acne scars from previous weeks.​
  • Sex drive better. A few more occurences of ED.​
  • Cum still tastes weird according to my gf​
  • even i found it to taste weird ngl
  • More respect from dudes in clubs and the gym​
  • Started beating my girlfriend :dafuckfeels:

Sixth week:
  • +2kg​
  • Sex drive not good but better.​
  • Acne stopped.​
  • Still very irritable. My mum pointed it out on week 1 and she hadn't FaceTimed me since. Spoke again on day 5 of sixth week, and we argued jfl. she doesn't want to see or call me anymore :trepidation:
  • My ED got really bad and girlfriend started to get embarassed and insecure.​
  • I therefore decided to stop the cycle early and not go on for the full 8 weeks.​

For the next two weeks I kept taking 12.5mg enclo every day to get my hormones back to pre-cycle levels.
However I'll never know if they actually are because my broke-student ass is not paying £200 to get my bloods checked.

Also, keep in mind I was seeing my gf 3 days a week and having sex around 4 times every time we met up.
Of course my sex drive is altered by my heavy sexual activity.
But anyway, I doubt most of you reading this will have the same problem :ROFLMAO:.

I'm grateful to not have experienced any hair loss.
Most people who experience hair loss from their RAD-140 cycles are either people who got scammed and bought pro-hormones instead of RAD-140, and/or people who were prone to Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) and suffered from it because the increased T from the enclo induced higher amounts of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion.
It is common knowledge that DHT causes hair loss.

According to most experts (i.e. redditors), running a SARM + SERM cycle is the best way to go.
  • It effectively fights suppression.​
  • You don't run the (very slim) risk of getting shut down.​
  • It prevents from losing gains post-cycle.​
  • PCT is no longer necessary. No need to suffer the side effects from PCT.​
  • You get a temporary (often 2-week) test boost after the cycle while you keep taking enclo.​
I agree.
The suppression did hit me quite hard, but running the enclo alongside my RAD-140 made it a lot less noticeable.
I am 20 days post cycle and I haven't noticed any muscle loss!

I now weigh 74kg/163lbs.
My bf% is still the approximately the same (assessed visually).
I can only assume that I put on 14kg/30lbs of pure muscle, but that would be crazy.
Usually people gain 4-9kg/9-20 lbs of muscle on a 8 week cycle of RAD-140 alone (some run it with MK-677 and get more gains, but they get water retention so no thanks).
I don't want to give false hopes so I'll stay on the safe side and say I gained 12kg/26lbs of muscle in 6 weeks.

Still, this is absolutely crazy.

I went from a pathetically skinny twig to a dude with a respectable physique.
I mainly focused on my shoulders, arms, upper pecs, and lats.
My pecs are still utter shit :ROFLMAO:, but at least they bulge out now. I realised mid-cycle how shit my insertions and genetics were JFL.

Everyone, I mean everyone, has noticed the drastic change.
My mum cried when she saw me on FaceTime on week 6 because of how much I changed LOL.
Dudes have a lot more respect for me; I was clubbing with my girl last night, and while I went to the toilet, some htn tried getting close to her.
As soon as I got back and saw him trying to put his hand on my girl (who hadn't seen him because he was behind her), I started yelling:
"Get the fuck away! Get the FUCK away!"

I kept walking towards him and he had to walk backwards with his hands in front of his chest saying "sorry man. I'm sorry bro". The club was quite crowded so he stepped on people's shoes and they all got mad at him too JFL. :forcedsmile: I followed his ass for at least 4 meters across the club.
That dude was slightly taller than me so damn did it feel good to know that he feared me.
Anyway he could tell that I mogged him back to the ghettoes of Birmingham or whatever shithole his anglo-cumskin-ass comes from, so he just accepted the BRUTAL mog and chickened out.

People tend to downplay this a lot and shout "muh muscles are male gaze", but actually being respected by other men is arguably as important as appealing to women.
How is your girl supposed to feel safe with you when literally 9/10 dudes on the street could pin your skinny ass to the ground and beat the living shit out of you all while groping your girl with their other hand. :feelsuhh:

Keep your girls safe guys.
Some men out there are cruel and ruthless. You need to be able to fight back or even better, make them not want to fuck with you in the first place. That's what gymcelling should be for: commanding respect.
...Then you can also dominate your girl in the bedroom and make her know she is submitted to you. That's what they crave!
Even the most femenist-militant women you know go home every day and crave to be brutally fucked by chad.
They want to feel like objects!
I say this with great respect to all the females out there. It is just logical from an evolutionarily standpoint for them to want a dominant partner.

Who would your oneitis rather get pounded by?

View attachment 2113742
A 6'2 world-famous supermodel and "PSL GOD"


View attachment 2113743

A gymmaxxed normie

Enough said.

Back to my journey.
If there's one thing that I enjoyed the most about my RAD-140 cycle, it's that I was able bulk all while keeping hollow cheeks!
The main reason I never really bulked or even lean bulked was because of the water retention caused by the ridiculously high amount of carbs needed.
On RAD-140, my muscles were consuming all those carbs like crazy, so I could be eating 3500kcal a day with 400g of carbs and still be debloated.

Also, I was allowed to have cheat days!!!
Remember this thread?
Well, I was perfectly fine. No bloat the next day, no issues or whatsoever!

Yes, sometimes I did get bloated because of my high sodium intake on some days (more food --> more sodium) but I had my furosemide (80mg) on-hand to counter it and reset back to debloated hollow cheeks.

Also, I think I've found a hack to having hollow cheeks all year round, regardless of calorie, carb and sodium intakes. No fake prescriptions needed this time either!
But that's for my next thread...


:soy:"Muh not that impressive"
Well yeah no shit dawg. I started at 60kg. I was severely underweight and had little to no muscle.
I'll hop on another cycle in a few months and get some real definition this time.

Anyway, I hope you learned something and that you are now about to hop on your first RAD-140 cycle.
If you don't have a girlfriend (ie no need to have a functioning dick for a few weeks) then you have absolutely no reason to not go for it.
Of course, do some more research before considering it.

My last tip is to ONLY buy from reputable sellers. Don't try to save a few bucks by getting your RAD-140 from some unknown vendor. There are a lot of fakes on the market that could really fuck your health up. Spend the extra money, for your safety. This stuff is dangerous!

Ask the all the questions you need. I'll answer what I can.

I wish you the best boys!


Bruv got his noobie gains and blames it on rad-140
  • JFL
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  • Love it
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No rad-140 for your face
using roid and still looking like a dyel, the state of gen z and gen alpha
  • JFL
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