If you guys still don’t think western women are whores



Sep 13, 2019
I was talking to a foid back in gr 12 during class. She told me all her friends already had herpes due to them sleeping Around.

A study was done in my city (major city in North America), the results that came back showed that 50% of foids in relationships were talking to other men and had them as backups in their contact list.

women are whores, never forget this. Even bluepillers acknowledge this by not even interacting with the argument anymore and just call you a slut shamer as a counter argument. The whole trope of women being innocent is Bluepilled nonsense.

every foid is a whore, every single one. Even religious ones are the type of people that get fucked up the ass because getting fucked in the vagina would get them in trouble and be seen as a “sin.” They’ll Do anal, give BJ’s, etc and still count themselves as full virgins.

Your oneitis isnt what you think she is. She likely gets fucked by a dominant chad while you have dreams about her. Take the blackpill. Next to no women are modest. Especially in big cities. Niggas were in @Amnesia’s thread surprised and shocked at how much women sleep around, which shows even people here still haven’t fully stepped into reality.

it’s over. The west is finished. Most Women Don’t want to pair bond anymore and largely can’t pairbond after the age of 18 Due to rampant amounts of sexual activity. They won’t be able to hold down an LTR, let alone a marriage. We will see the full repurcussions of this within the next 15 years.
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Water is wet
50% of foids in relationships were talking to other men and had them as backups in their contact list.
surprised its not higher. I would bet money it is
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50% who weren’t ashamed admitted it. Probably 70-90% in reality. Women really are whores
The odd thing is, when I was redpilled, I thought they couldn't all be bad. But lol they ALL are.
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I feel very bad for the LTRcucks, or the ones that long for a LTR with a faithful wife
would be more realistic to dream about flying and shooting lasers from your eyes :lul:
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Fuck this gay earth
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Don't call them women btw

Don't call them foids either

Call them what they are: toilets
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In other news: fire is hot.
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western yeah but there are exceptions. eastern serious religiouscel are still a bit protected for the next few decades.
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Yes western whores are nothing but cumdumpsters and as you said op even the Muslim ones. The only hope is to find a religious god fearing poor girl from a third world country from a conservative family where the family does not the let the girl leave the house. Those are the only virgins that exist, never forget guys women have very easy acesss to sex compared to males. They can get laid anytime they want. That's why I believe Muslim hoejabis or thotjabis are all fake. They suck white chad/normie dick all the time, none of them are Godfearing, it's over the west.
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All women are deep down like that. It's just the mens fault for allowing this kind of behaviour.
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Yes western whores are nothing but cumdumpsters and as you said op even the Muslim ones. The only hope is to find a religious god fearing poor girl from a third world country from a conservative family where the family does not the let the girl leave the house. Those are the only virgins that exist, never forget guys women have very easy acesss to sex compared to males. They can get laid anytime they want. That's why I believe Muslim hoejabis or thotjabis are all fake. They suck white chad/normie dick all the time, none of them are Godfearing, it's over the west.
I'd say 99% is a degenerate and the 1% is already claimed by Chaddams.
based thread
Even bluepillers acknowledge this by not even interacting with the argument anymore and just call you a slut shamer as a counter argument.
You know that’s a pretty good point, didn’t think about that
I was talking to a foid back in gr 12 during class. She told me all her friends already had herpes due to them sleeping Around.

A study was done in my city (major city in North America), the results that came back showed that 50% of foids in relationships were talking to other men and had them as backups in their contact list.

women are whores, never forget this. Even bluepillers acknowledge this by not even interacting with the argument anymore and just call you a slut shamer as a counter argument. The whole trope of women being innocent is Bluepilled nonsense.

every foid is a whore, every single one. Even religious ones are the type of people that get fucked up the ass because getting fucked in the vagina would get them in trouble and be seen as a “sin.” They’ll Do anal, give BJ’s, etc and still count themselves as full virgins.

Your oneitis isnt what you think she is. She likely gets fucked by a dominant chad while you have dreams about her. Take the blackpill. Next to no women are modest. Especially in big cities. Niggas were in @Amnesia’s thread surprised and shocked at how much women sleep around, which shows even people here still haven’t fully stepped into reality.

it’s over. The west is finished. Most Women Don’t want to pair bond anymore and largely can’t pairbond after the age of 18 Due to rampant amounts of sexual activity. They won’t be able to hold down an LTR, let alone a marriage. We will see the full repurcussions of this within the next 15 years.
The west ist best btw

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