If you're actually racist, why?

  • JFL
Reactions: cobicado901
I think races have evolved in different environments to have different strengths and weaknesses, on average.

I also think men and women, on average have different strengths and weaknesses.

There are jobs, and roles in society for every type of person, and if some one wants to do something that their genetics aren't the best for, the human brain and body are very adaptable so they can still be good at that job/career but unlikely to be among the best in the world. To be clear, I think any one of any race, who isn't disabled, can learn to be a scientist or mathematician, or police man, or firefighter, or artist, or salesman if they want it enough.

But there's a lot of genetic flow between races, so just because some one is of a particular race doesn't mean their strengths and weaknesses will be the same as that race. Other things like Skull-shape, and body size and proportions help to show what that person is evolved for.

For example, those evolved for brawling and fighting have sloped foreheads, shorter necks, and thicker cheekbones.

You can search for "The best X in the world", where X can be anything from chess to basketball and see common physical characteristics.

Also much of it comes down to Education. Ai educators/teachers can help maximize human potential for every one. Ai can also help guide kids away from drugs and crime, so their lives have a positive direction, for all races of kids.
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  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 107111
The problem for racists is that they haven't spent enough time getting to know people of other races, so they don't have empathy for them.

Same for sexists.
  • WTF
  • +1
Reactions: Lord Shadow and Deleted member 107111
Im not racist towards everyone but i will generalize you based off of skintone because thats natural. Araps have done irrepairable damage to my country
What country is that
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 107111
I'm a "racist" insofar as stereotypes are generally true. But, I wouldn't reject a person of color for friendship if he was a decent dude.
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 107111
The term racist was created by the Jews. This term is used to oppress Caucasian nations and force them to accept an invasion of non Caucasians into their lands and accept them no matter how badly they destroy their nations and people.

I am a race realist meaning I realize the differences of all races. Each race should have a right to preserve and protect their culture, heritage and genetics. The only race not allowed to do this is Caucasians who are forced to accept 100's of millions of non Caucasians into their countries and to let them destroy their nations over time.

There is no one race that is superior in every aspect to every single race. Each race does have at least one trait they're better than every single race. These differences in terms of IQ, height, facial appearance, penis size, athleticism, wealth, crime rate, creativity, etc are all very qell studied and proven at this point. Acknoqledging these differences doesn't mean one should enslave the other races or oppress them. It simply means qe should have the right to accept them in our nations or not (even if it's citizenship or just being a tourist).
  • +1
  • WTF
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Because your brown and talk funny.
  • +1
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it's human biology to be racist
  • Woah
Reactions: FascisstChad
I want to live in an homogeneous country with people i cant trust. Thats it
This is illegal for Caucasians. That's Y the Jevvs declared war on Germany in 1933 as The National Socialists desired an all German Nation and that's not allowed by the Satanic Jevvs. If you say the US should be all qhite you'll be called a racist immediately as that's all Jevvish programming.
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 107111
it's human biology to be racist
By the current definition GOD is a Caucasian Racist/supremacist, sexist, homophobe, Xenophobe, Islamaphobe, etc.

Edit: I have no idea qhy this fact makes people angry.

God doesn't permit race mixing.
God puts man at the head of the household
God doesn't qant his chosen Israelites to worship any God except him.
God for the most part kept his Israelites in a Nation of their own unless in captivity.
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  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: Sprinkles and Deleted member 107111
I’m not
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 107111
many soyfags call me a “racist” because I believe in stereotypes.

Which is amusing since it is
simply pattern recognition.

Such as shitskins in the USA who are 13% of the population but commit half the crime.

or kikes and their mischievous behavior surrounding banks and other positions of power (not to mention “metzitzah b’peh”)

Also I do believe some races are inferior, such as dravidians, kurds, indo-aryans, etc
This is illegal for Caucasians. That's Y the Jevvs declared war on Germany in 1933 as The National Socialists desired an all German Nation and that's not allowed by the Satanic Jevvs. If you say the US should be all qhite you'll be called a racist immediately as that's all Jevvish programming.
Throw Niggers from Santas Sleigh Groyper
its dumb to be genuinely racist
being racist is a sign of low iq same for homophobia etc. and they always try their best to sound all smart and scientific to mask their stupidity.
Mods ban this faggot
pointing out crime statistics isn't racist, and no, it can't be excused that simply
pointing out fake crime statistics (muh 13% muh 50% when it's not real, it's 13% 26%) only to justify your hatred
why do racists have to justify their hate of another race? just say you think they look like absolute shit and look inferior to other races, it makes more sense to think this way from a lookism POV since we're on a blackpill forum
instead niggas be using excuses "uh muh joos got kicked of all tribes, uh muh muzzlims arabs are terrorist sand niggers, uh muh blacks commit crime uh this" why can't you guys just actually be real about the reasons, but all of you niggas are the same NPCs with debunked arguments
Ethnics have inferior genetics, low iq, and they like to cause unwarranted problems.
see, look at this nigga who said what he thinks, he just thinks they got inferior genetics and low iq and cause problems for no reason, nigga is not justifying his hatred using fake stats and fake excuses to still feel like he has the moral high ground for his hatred, he just does it for the love of the game
Im not talking about the users who use slurs and say they're racist to be edgy, thats just regular chronically online social outcast behaviour.

Im also not talking about anyone who feels they have a slight bias towards their race, I guess it can have the same effect as racism in some scenarios, but its very common.

Im talking about the people who genuinely, seriously believe that a race/races are superior/inferior or have a deep hatred for other races. They might pull up stats to try definitively prove things (e.g. crime for blacks) but I feel like any data that points to a race being inferior in any aspect can easily just be attributed to correlation with poverty, glass ceiling, poor living environments etc etc etc.

The ones that really puzzle me are the ones who are hardcore racists, but also religious??? If this is you please explain because I do not understand how that makes any sense :lul::lul: Racist christians will read the bible where Jesus tells them to "love thy neighbour", then the day after they're doing their best Mark Wahlberg impression by beating up random asian people and chucking rocks at black kids jfl.

Michael Jordan Lol GIF by ESPN

I honestly don't get how it can be so hard to just see everyone as equal, obviously looks, intelligence, height and other factors separate people but to think race (in a vacuum) makes someone fundamentally different from another is pretty dumb. Probably biased because of my religious beliefs (Im christian), but still, outside of my beliefs I still don't get it, the only explanation I can think of is that its out of insecurity/cope. In the same way Chad/Tyrone/Chadpreet/Chang doesn't put down anyone because he has full confidence in himself, if you had full confidence/were comfortable with your race you would feel no need to view other races negatively.

Does that make sense or am I being retarded?

I don't even care this thread will probably get 0 replies and no rep anyways, Im washed, gonna go watch Dexter now
being geniuenly racist in a blackpill community where it's supposed to be men from all backgrounds/races/religions sharing their experienced about how their shit looks affects their life and how to imrpove them will always be insane to me, niggas here do the same shit they accuse foids and normies of doing and then wonder why they're lonely and want to kill theirself

people here are so low IQ its over
  • +1
Reactions: Latinus, Sovvton and AlbinoMaxxer
I hate being a swarthy deathnik:ogre:
pointing out fake crime statistics (muh 13% muh 50% when it's not real, it's 13% 26%) only to justify your hatred
26.9% is the percentage of arrests.

If you know enough black people in the U.S., you know they commit a ton of crime they never get arrested for such as, drug use, selling drugs, fights, public intoxication, Loitering, stealing, murder, rape, rape by deception, and disturbing the peace. 50% of crimes is a fair estimate.

a "No snitch" culture is common in the black community.

Then there's all the crimes they commit while in prison.

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  • +1
Reactions: pinkcel
u too smart for here man, move on. everything is about money.
26.9% is the percentage of arrests.

If you know enough black people in the U.S., you know they commit a ton of crime they never get arrested for such as, drug use, selling drugs, fights, public intoxication, Loitering, stealing, murder, rape, rape by deception, and disturbing the peace. 50% of crimes is a fair estimate.

a "No snitch" culture is common in the black community.

Then there's all the crimes they commit while in prison.

and you'd know that black people are more likely to be wrongly arrested and convicted statiscally speaking, tagging your boyfriends won't change that fact, and the whole argument is that "13% commit 50% of violent crimes (arrested)" which is just fake, and since when did white people all of sudden care about gang members and drug dealers killing other black gang members and drug dealers?

and yeah, i guess all white people are sexual pedoes predators that need to be jailed asap since white men are 30% of the population and make up over 80% of child sexual abuse convictions (not arrests):feelswat:
and you'd know that black people are more likely to be wrongly arrested and convicted statiscally speaking,
An estimated 5% of people in jail are innocent. It doesn't' change the stats significantly.

tagging your boyfriends won't change that fact,
I tagged that other user because he was the one who originally brought up the 50% statistic.
and the whole argument is that "13% commit 50% of violent crimes (arrested)" which is just fake, and since when did white people all of sudden care about gang members and drug dealers killing other black gang members and drug dealers?
So you admit 50% could be true, and now your claim is that white people shouldn't care?

Black victims deserve just as much protection and care as white victims. Just because some one is a different color, doesn't mean you shouldn't care about them.

Recognizing the problem is step one in creating solutions that make people feel safer, including black victims.

and yeah, i guess all white people are sexual pedoes predators that need to be jailed asap since white men are 30% of the population and make up over 80% of child sexual abuse convictions (not arrests):feelswat:
There's probably more black pedo's as well but because of the no snitch culture, there's less of them in prison.

Black people have way more sex at all ages with pretty much every one.
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So you admit 50% could be true, and now your claim is that white people shouldn't care?
didn't say that at all, how did you even get that from what i said?

your whole response is just assumptions about stupid shit culture, do you geniuenly think that every black person is a ghetto lowlife retard that lives in the hood? or do you realize that's what your perception of them since the only media your algorithm shows you about black people is that image itself

and you don't care about "black victims", you're just justifying your hatred toward black people, if you did you wouldn't go thru debunked alt right talking points about them
The term racist was created by the Jews. This term is used to oppress Caucasian nations and force them to accept an invasion of non Caucasians into their lands and accept them no matter how badly they destroy their nations and people.
JFL. You are obsessed with Jews.
It's unbelievable that there are still people who believe that Jews rule the world in 2025. I will copy paste my post on another thread.

''They dont control anything. If it's as you say, how did they get to those positions? If the Allies hadn't saved their asses they were almost wiped out 80 years ago. If they have the power, why did this happen to them? Even then it was the Germans, not the Americans, who declared war.

Why would people of any religion would unite and have bad intentions for humanity? JFL.

Do they have superpowers? JFL.

Not chosen either.
Braindead post ww2 antisemitic propagandas.''

There are some antisemitic neo-nazi flyers i have seen on the web. The information on them is either wrong, distorted or out of date.

For example:

Even their logo resembles swastika. JFL. Dumbass neo-nazis.

''6 Jewish Corporations own 96 of media'' JFL. Hell no.

I saw on a website -quora or reddit i dont remember- that listed the ethnicity of most of the executives of major media companies. The percentage of Jews was around 40%. Not the 96 percent like this flyer claimed.
Im not racist
  • JFL
Reactions: piec
your whole response is just assumptions about stupid shit culture, do you geniuenly think that every black person is a ghetto lowlife retard that lives in the hood?
No. I don't believe that at all.

or do you realize that's what your perception of them since the only media your algorithm shows you about black people is that image itself
My perception is from meeting lots of different people from lots of different backgrounds. That's what I said in my post.

Human experience meeting people, not social media.

There are general patterns of behavior, between different races. You can't deny that.

and you don't care about "black victims", you're just justifying your hatred toward black people,
I care about every one.

if you did you wouldn't go thru debunked alt right talking points about them
I didn't say anything that's a debunked alt right talking point.

You must have me confused with some one else you're talking to.
because they are genetically inferior, lower iq, more violent, loud
Im not talking about the users who use slurs and say they're racist to be edgy, thats just regular chronically online social outcast behaviour.

Im also not talking about anyone who feels they have a slight bias towards their race, I guess it can have the same effect as racism in some scenarios, but its very common.

Im talking about the people who genuinely, seriously believe that a race/races are superior/inferior or have a deep hatred for other races. They might pull up stats to try definitively prove things (e.g. crime for blacks) but I feel like any data that points to a race being inferior in any aspect can easily just be attributed to correlation with poverty, glass ceiling, poor living environments etc etc etc.

The ones that really puzzle me are the ones who are hardcore racists, but also religious??? If this is you please explain because I do not understand how that makes any sense :lul::lul: Racist christians will read the bible where Jesus tells them to "love thy neighbour", then the day after they're doing their best Mark Wahlberg impression by beating up random asian people and chucking rocks at black kids jfl.

Michael Jordan Lol GIF by ESPN

I honestly don't get how it can be so hard to just see everyone as equal, obviously looks, intelligence, height and other factors separate people but to think race (in a vacuum) makes someone fundamentally different from another is pretty dumb. Probably biased because of my religious beliefs (Im christian), but still, outside of my beliefs I still don't get it, the only explanation I can think of is that its out of insecurity/cope. In the same way Chad/Tyrone/Chadpreet/Chang doesn't put down anyone because he has full confidence in himself, if you had full confidence/were comfortable with your race you would feel no need to view other races negatively.

Does that make sense or am I being retarded?

I don't even care this thread will probably get 0 replies and no rep anyways, Im washed, gonna go watch Dexter now
because every puerto rican ive met is a dick
JFL. You are obsessed with Jews.

I am simply preaching truth as did Jesus Christ and exposing the Edomites/Canaanites as Liars, hypocrites, vipers, children of the devil, responsible for righteous blood lost, etc. If you condemn me for my good deeds then you would've done the same to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Shame on you.
It's unbelievable that there are still people who believe that Jews rule the world in 2025. I will copy paste my post on another thread.
It's absurd there are still brainqhashed people that still believe the Edomites/Canaanites rule the world as God prophesied in the old testament if us Israelites didn't slaughter all the tribes he told us to (due to fear) in 2024. But It's believable because since the Edomites/Cannanites control the mainstream media, social media, indoctrination camps, search engines, etc then it's obvious all people are brainqashed to believe their propaganda and lies unless they use their brains, have an open mind and conduct just a tiny amount of research themselves. Add in the post.
''They dont control anything. If it's as you say, how did they get to those positions? If the Allies hadn't saved their asses they were almost wiped out 80 years ago. If they have the power, why did this happen to them? Even then it was the Germans, not the Americans, who declared war.

Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs in the letters of Albert Pike are behind all these Qars and used the NAZIS and Hitler as a Rothchild Jevv Agent to give them Israel. Without Hitler there is no Israel.

Thanks for your hypotheticals. The Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs declared qar on Germany in 1933. Poland at the time had been slaughtering 10's of thousands of ethnic Germans. Germany sent them many peace treaties to stop but Britain and France told them to not sign the peace treaties. Eventually after 100 thousand + ethnic Germans had been slaughtered, Germany retaliated to defend itself from Germany. Britain and France then declared war on Germany. Germany brought France and Britain to it's knees and sent out 13 peace treaties. The Edomites/Canaanites persuaded them to not sign the peace treaties and said they'll give them America if Britain gives them Palestine. To this day that letter still exists as proof from the royal Crown to Lord Rothchild the land of Palestine was gifted to the Rothchild's. For thousands of years these Edomites never had their own lands and were parasites mainly in Israelite/Caucasian lands as they have the curse of Canaan. Also, you must look into what the Americans did before Germany declared war.

Why would people of any religion would unite and have bad intentions for humanity? JFL.

Are you serious? Many false religions Unite to destroy humanity but the qorse of all is the Edomites/Canaanites that are luciferean and taking direct orders from Lucifer qhich the end game goal is to destroy all of humanity, enslave them, and collect their souls. The Edomites/Canaanites believe Lucifer is the good guy and are his seed line and the more evil they do the more gifts they receive in the end. This is per their belief system in the Talmud.
Do they have superpowers? JFL.

They have the backing of the god of this world in Lucifer (per Jesus Christ). They're tribal and have been scheming and planning for thousands of years to bring forth their one world government paradise. You see, in our current reality the non Edomites/Canaanites that desire power, fame,, fortune, status, etc need to sell their souls and the more evil deeds they do the more earthly rewards they receive.
Not chosen either.
Braindead post ww2 antisemitic propagandas.''

Semitic means a language derived from Shem (billions of people on earth are from Shem (Arabs, Caucasians, Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs, etc).
They're the chosen ones of Lucifer per Jesus Christ.
There are some antisemitic neo-nazi flyers i have seen on the web. The information on them is either wrong, distorted or out of date.

For example:
View attachment 3349792
Even their logo resembles swastika. JFL. Dumbass neo-nazis.

They're actually controlled opposition. The guy that's creating these and his own site similar to youtube he's simply a Jevv and used as controlled opposition. That being said the information is mostly solid and exposes the Edomites and the things they have control of. Yes I posted all of these on my thread that exposes many of the things the Jevvs have control of, the thousands of times they been deported that aligns with the thousands of atrocities they've committed over time.
''6 Jewish Corporations own 96 of media'' JFL. Hell no.

I saw on a website -quora or reddit i dont remember- that listed the ethnicity of most of the executives of major media companies. The percentage of Jews was around 40%. Not the 96 percent like this flyer claimed.
LMAO reddit or Quora. Come on man you have to be freaking joking here.
High t shit, it's natural in humans, i was already racist as far as i can remember, i just want to be with my kind
Im not talking about the users who use slurs and say they're racist to be edgy, thats just regular chronically online social outcast behaviour.

Im also not talking about anyone who feels they have a slight bias towards their race, I guess it can have the same effect as racism in some scenarios, but its very common.

Im talking about the people who genuinely, seriously believe that a race/races are superior/inferior or have a deep hatred for other races. They might pull up stats to try definitively prove things (e.g. crime for blacks) but I feel like any data that points to a race being inferior in any aspect can easily just be attributed to correlation with poverty, glass ceiling, poor living environments etc etc etc.

The ones that really puzzle me are the ones who are hardcore racists, but also religious??? If this is you please explain because I do not understand how that makes any sense :lul::lul: Racist christians will read the bible where Jesus tells them to "love thy neighbour", then the day after they're doing their best Mark Wahlberg impression by beating up random asian people and chucking rocks at black kids jfl.

Michael Jordan Lol GIF by ESPN

I honestly don't get how it can be so hard to just see everyone as equal, obviously looks, intelligence, height and other factors separate people but to think race (in a vacuum) makes someone fundamentally different from another is pretty dumb. Probably biased because of my religious beliefs (Im christian), but still, outside of my beliefs I still don't get it, the only explanation I can think of is that its out of insecurity/cope. In the same way Chad/Tyrone/Chadpreet/Chang doesn't put down anyone because he has full confidence in himself, if you had full confidence/were comfortable with your race you would feel no need to view other races negatively.

Does that make sense or am I being retarded?

I don't even care this thread will probably get 0 replies and no rep anyways, Im washed, gonna go watch Dexter now
i am cause they made hypergamy
Im not racist
You're a race realist.

Saying an Average black African has an IQ of 70 is factual. Saying blacks in all the nations they reside in, have the loqest income levels and highest crime rates is facts not racist. Saying the Jevvs have control and power over things like the mainstream media, social media, banks, central banks, Stock market, governments aka corporations, indoctrination camps aka schools, etc is factual. Telling the truth is illegal at this point and you're cancelled, boycotted, imprisoned, called names, etc for telling the truth. Jesus told the truth and was crucified by the Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs so what do you think they're going to do to you in end times?

Have no fear in telling the truth because the truth will set you free.

God bless you
I am simply preaching truth as did Jesus Christ and exposing the Edomites/Canaanites as Liars, hypocrites, vipers, children of the devil, responsible for righteous blood lost, etc. If you condemn me for my good deeds then you would've done the same to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Shame on you.

It's absurd there are still brainqhashed people that still believe the Edomites/Canaanites rule the world as God prophesied in the old testament if us Israelites didn't slaughter all the tribes he told us to (due to fear) in 2024. But It's believable because since the Edomites/Cannanites control the mainstream media, social media, indoctrination camps, search engines, etc then it's obvious all people are brainqashed to believe their propaganda and lies unless they use their brains, have an open mind and conduct just a tiny amount of research themselves. Add in the post.

Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs in the letters of Albert Pike are behind all these Qars and used the NAZIS and Hitler as a Rothchild Jevv Agent to give them Israel. Without Hitler there is no Israel.

Thanks for your hypotheticals. The Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs declared qar on Germany in 1933. Poland at the time had been slaughtering 10's of thousands of ethnic Germans. Germany sent them many peace treaties to stop but Britain and France told them to not sign the peace treaties. Eventually after 100 thousand + ethnic Germans had been slaughtered, Germany retaliated to defend itself from Germany. Britain and France then declared war on Germany. Germany brought France and Britain to it's knees and sent out 13 peace treaties. The Edomites/Canaanites persuaded them to not sign the peace treaties and said they'll give them America if Britain gives them Palestine. To this day that letter still exists as proof from the royal Crown to Lord Rothchild the land of Palestine was gifted to the Rothchild's. For thousands of years these Edomites never had their own lands and were parasites mainly in Israelite/Caucasian lands as they have the curse of Canaan. Also, you must look into what the Americans did before Germany declared war.

Are you serious? Many false religions Unite to destroy humanity but the qorse of all is the Edomites/Canaanites that are luciferean and taking direct orders from Lucifer qhich the end game goal is to destroy all of humanity, enslave them, and collect their souls. The Edomites/Canaanites believe Lucifer is the good guy and are his seed line and the more evil they do the more gifts they receive in the end. This is per their belief system in the Talmud.

They have the backing of the god of this world in Lucifer (per Jesus Christ). They're tribal and have been scheming and planning for thousands of years to bring forth their one world government paradise. You see, in our current reality the non Edomites/Canaanites that desire power, fame,, fortune, status, etc need to sell their souls and the more evil deeds they do the more earthly rewards they receive.

Semitic means a language derived from Shem (billions of people on earth are from Shem (Arabs, Caucasians, Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs, etc).
They're the chosen ones of Lucifer per Jesus Christ.

They're actually controlled opposition. The guy that's creating these and his own site similar to youtube he's simply a Jevv and used as controlled opposition. That being said the information is mostly solid and exposes the Edomites and the things they have control of. Yes I posted all of these on my thread that exposes many of the things the Jevvs have control of, the thousands of times they been deported that aligns with the thousands of atrocities they've committed over time.

LMAO reddit or Quora. Come on man you have to be freaking joking here.

Jesus Christ never existed.

Nonsense, without any basis, fabricated, bullshit schizo christian ramblings.

So called ''leaders of Jews and this world'' would laugh hard to this bullshit assumptions about them.
because i care about truth, it's really that simple. if social behavior and culture was not governed by biology/genetics, and blacks were not disproportionately violent retarded criminals, and jews weren't disproportionately white collar criminals, i wouldn't be racist at all. what's the point? there is no social benefit to being racist. it only costs me to be racist. so obviously, it's about principles and being honest. non/anti racists are all liars
pointing out fake crime statistics (muh 13% muh 50% when it's not real, it's 13% 26%) only to justify your hatred
why do racists have to justify their hate of another race? just say you think they look like absolute shit and look inferior to other races, it makes more sense to think this way from a lookism POV since we're on a blackpill forum
instead niggas be using excuses "uh muh joos got kicked of all tribes, uh muh muzzlims arabs are terrorist sand niggers, uh muh blacks commit crime uh this" why can't you guys just actually be real about the reasons, but all of you niggas are the same NPCs with debunked arguments

see, look at this nigga who said what he thinks, he just thinks they got inferior genetics and low iq and cause problems for no reason, nigga is not justifying his hatred using fake stats and fake excuses to still feel like he has the moral high ground for his hatred, he just does it for the love of the game

being geniuenly racist in a blackpill community where it's supposed to be men from all backgrounds/races/religions sharing their experienced about how their shit looks affects their life and how to imrpove them will always be insane to me, niggas here do the same shit they accuse foids and normies of doing and then wonder why they're lonely and want to kill theirself

people here are so low IQ its over
i'm generally not a hateful person, and what you're describing is colorism. i don't give a shit what others look like and i may be a loser although i'm not some basement dwelling degenerate that truly cares about the appearance of others

you mistake me for a raging racist that looks for every opportunity to put others down although all i'm saying is that the people apart of the problem are the ones who should be held accountable for their actions. there is literally nothing wrong with that

in other replies you ask that other dude if they think all black people are just retarded hoodlums and the problem is a lot are. it doesn't have to do with your race. it's just common due to where and how those people grew up

do you like gang violence? why shouldn't people care about black on black crimes? if i was as dense as a neutron star i'd say that those problems solve themselves although they don't because it's essentially just a loop of misery. people kill eachother, the same shit areas stay the same, and more people are born to said areas

i severely dislike people with a "gang attitude". there's no better word for it, it isn't always black people- do you not see retarded white teenagers trying to act gang? do you not see the glorification of it? pussies who grew up in the suburbs with a loving single mother glorify that type of stuff. open ur eyes

notice how i didn't say shit about excusing racism when replying to this thread, i just pointed out how if certain crime statistics are true there's absolutely fucking nothing wrong with pointing them out. that's literally all i said :lul: i'm not here to argue because i have no point in doing so. humans are fucked and i don't give a shit if you aren't caucasian
I am simply preaching truth as did Jesus Christ and exposing the Edomites/Canaanites as Liars, hypocrites, vipers, children of the devil, responsible for righteous blood lost, etc. If you condemn me for my good deeds then you would've done the same to Jesus Christ the Son of God. Shame on you.

It's absurd there are still brainqhashed people that still believe the Edomites/Canaanites rule the world as God prophesied in the old testament if us Israelites didn't slaughter all the tribes he told us to (due to fear) in 2024. But It's believable because since the Edomites/Cannanites control the mainstream media, social media, indoctrination camps, search engines, etc then it's obvious all people are brainqashed to believe their propaganda and lies unless they use their brains, have an open mind and conduct just a tiny amount of research themselves. Add in the post.

Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs in the letters of Albert Pike are behind all these Qars and used the NAZIS and Hitler as a Rothchild Jevv Agent to give them Israel. Without Hitler there is no Israel.

Thanks for your hypotheticals. The Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs declared qar on Germany in 1933. Poland at the time had been slaughtering 10's of thousands of ethnic Germans. Germany sent them many peace treaties to stop but Britain and France told them to not sign the peace treaties. Eventually after 100 thousand + ethnic Germans had been slaughtered, Germany retaliated to defend itself from Germany. Britain and France then declared war on Germany. Germany brought France and Britain to it's knees and sent out 13 peace treaties. The Edomites/Canaanites persuaded them to not sign the peace treaties and said they'll give them America if Britain gives them Palestine. To this day that letter still exists as proof from the royal Crown to Lord Rothchild the land of Palestine was gifted to the Rothchild's. For thousands of years these Edomites never had their own lands and were parasites mainly in Israelite/Caucasian lands as they have the curse of Canaan. Also, you must look into what the Americans did before Germany declared war.

Are you serious? Many false religions Unite to destroy humanity but the qorse of all is the Edomites/Canaanites that are luciferean and taking direct orders from Lucifer qhich the end game goal is to destroy all of humanity, enslave them, and collect their souls. The Edomites/Canaanites believe Lucifer is the good guy and are his seed line and the more evil they do the more gifts they receive in the end. This is per their belief system in the Talmud.

They have the backing of the god of this world in Lucifer (per Jesus Christ). They're tribal and have been scheming and planning for thousands of years to bring forth their one world government paradise. You see, in our current reality the non Edomites/Canaanites that desire power, fame,, fortune, status, etc need to sell their souls and the more evil deeds they do the more earthly rewards they receive.

Semitic means a language derived from Shem (billions of people on earth are from Shem (Arabs, Caucasians, Edomites/Canaanite Jevvs, etc).
They're the chosen ones of Lucifer per Jesus Christ.

They're actually controlled opposition. The guy that's creating these and his own site similar to youtube he's simply a Jevv and used as controlled opposition. That being said the information is mostly solid and exposes the Edomites and the things they have control of. Yes I posted all of these on my thread that exposes many of the things the Jevvs have control of, the thousands of times they been deported that aligns with the thousands of atrocities they've committed over time.

LMAO reddit or Quora. Come on man you have to be freaking joking here.

god isn't real and if you consider yourself a pro-jew you're just a white supremacist end of argument jfl

people hate on jews a lot, way too much. but it's so funny how they always play victim. it isn't 1940, you have rights. just because some pissy retarded teenager spray painted a swastika under a toilet doesn't mean you're going to die the next day. jews are just privileged arabs that use their ethnicity as a excuse to be a bitch

and don't get me started on how much i hate the term "antisemite". do people just coin terms when intoxicated ? does nobody know what semite means ??? i don't see a word for antiwhite... oh, right, maybe that's because antisemitic is just hating on whites. again. not different, stop crying
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god isn't real and if you consider yourself a pro-jew you're just a white supremacist end of argument jfl

people hate on jews a lot, way too much. but it's so funny how they always play victim. it isn't 1940, you have rights. just because some pissy retarded teenager spray painted a swastika under a toilet doesn't mean you're going to die the next day. jews are just privileged arabs that use their ethnicity as a excuse to be a bitch

and don't get me started on how much i hate the term "antisemite". do people just coin terms when intoxicated ? does nobody know what semite means ??? i don't see a word for antiwhite... oh, right, maybe that's because antisemitic is just hating on whites. again. not different, stop crying
Nothing doesn't create everything therefore GOD is real. Even atheists are acknowledging this so they're moving the goal posts and saying infinite alternate realities, aliens bro, simulation theory bro, etc.

I'm pro Israelite
I'm anti anti-Christ's which happens to include all Talmudic Edomites aka Jevvs

I'm a white supremacist because I'm pro Jevv? TF are you smoking.

The rest of your incoherent and illogical ramblings make zero sense. At no time did you formulate anything that represents a solid point. Everyone is now dumber for reading your comment. It may be the dumbest thing I've ever read in my entire life. I give you no points and may God bless your soul.
Omfg this thread is still alive 😭😭 @Sovvton
  • JFL
Reactions: Sovvton
Nothing doesn't create everything therefore GOD is real. Even atheists are acknowledging this so they're moving the goal posts and saying infinite alternate realities, aliens bro, simulation theory bro, etc.

I'm pro Israelite
I'm anti anti-Christ's which happens to include all Talmudic Edomites aka Jevvs

I'm a white supremacist because I'm pro Jevv? TF are you smoking.

The rest of your incoherent and illogical ramblings make zero sense. At no time did you formulate anything that represents a solid point. Everyone is now dumber for reading your comment. It may be the dumbest thing I've ever read in my entire life. I give you no points and may God bless your soul.
cuz jews are basically whites :)

do you think i'm an atheist because i want to be? you don't know if it was just nothingness before "everything"
  • JFL
Reactions: King Solomon
False, there was a beginning to our material reality and this is agreed with by all top scientists (atheists and Christians). Now the question is qhat is the intelligence behind the design.

I have created a thread just for you. Thank me later. Let me know when you're ready for me to baptize you.

Societal behaviors, looks level, my personal experience with races

I live in Canada, there are a lot of different people here. Just a 20 minute Bike ride to a black neighborhood is completely fucking different than going to a white neighborhood. Two completely different people buddy, not near equal in terms of social standing and contributions to civilization.
That's more a reflection of anglo-saxon post-colonial culture which is heavily into racial and social segregation.

Let's be honest, I see a lot of americans complain about niggers but they wouldn't be hood rats if they weren't in hoods in the first place. If you put a bunch of poor, unaducated people segregated, what kind of culture do you think will emerge in there?

Crux of the issue is assimilation. A lot of racial tension in america could've easily been solved with assimilating blacks in the american society as opposed to segregating them. As long as the ''civilized'' portion of society is the majority, people will assimilate to that.

How do I know that? Just go to any other western country with a significant black population. Black people in Germany, although few, don't behave like animals, as in North America. Turks and Arabs here do, though. Although in this case it's not Germany's fault, religion plays a huge role in how well someone can assimilate into a culture too (and muslim and christian societies are completely different).
  • +1
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cuz jews are basically whites :)

do you think i'm an atheist because i want to be? you don't know if it was just nothingness before "everything"
Scientists (theists and atheists) unanimously agree there was a beginning to our material universe.

You're atheists due to going through the world's brainwashing/indoctrination has a hold of you from birth to today. Everything in our current society is designed to turn people aqay from God especially Christianity. I was an atheist also but had to conduct research for myself. I qas more than an athiest I hated Christians and thought they qere all retards because I believed in my brainwashing indoctrination camps.

Jevvs are from Esau, the brother of Jacob. Esau married 4 different Canaanite females and these people became Edomites and in 150 BC they became Idumeans and in the 17th century this name changed to Jevvs. They're brothers from around 3,500 years ago but race mixing turned them into completely different tribes even if they share similar skin color.
But that's funny, somehow elites in america back in the day were so scared of the slight possibility if blacks mixing with whites (as if that would even matter when 80% of your population is white, if anything in the hypothetical of all blacks in america somehow mixing, by now we wouldn't have any trace of them) they didn't mind risking the whole country in some racial conflict that would last decades

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