I’m starting to think being NT and low inhib is so much more important than blackpillers give it credit for.

Deleted member 1212

Deleted member 1212

Mar 9, 2019
Face and height is obviously the most important part of attraction by a mile. However even if you look like a Greek god you can’t do shit with your life if you are a weak submissive beta social outcast. You have to be NT and low inhib to at least create social dynamics, otherwise you will be rotting with no women to fuck.
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Face and height is obviously the most important part of attraction by a mile. However even if you look like a Greek god you can’t do shit with your life if you are a weak submissive beta social outcast. You have to be NT and low inhib to at least have some social dynamics, otherwise you will be rotting with no women to fuck.
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Another day another thread
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If you look like David Gandy girls approach you.

If you are an average person they don't.
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Yes it is, in fact the secret motive of many blackpillers (doesn't apply to the brilliant upstanding blackpill doctors we have on our site obviously) is to justify their lack of trying by believing that its over due to things relatively outside of their control. Very similar to nihilism. Still looks are #1 though.
Also the real nuclear blackpill is that you're not really in control of being NT either lmao
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It fucking is.
Two days ago I went clubbing, and I drank like I've never done before. I was so low Inhib and NT that I didn't feel like I was my real self anymore. And it was the first time I had balls to dance and start talking with foids. I managed to make out with two different girls in the same night, all because I was low Inhib as fuck
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Doesn't matter if you cant escalate
If you are model tier it doesn't matter anymore.
Girls would escalate for you at this point.

I haven't seen it happen to anyone though, I'm just guessing
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If you are model tier it doesn't matter anymore.
Girls would escalate for you at this point.

I haven't seen it happen to anyone though, I'm just guessing
I have been approached but it doesn't matter because I would throw up from nervousness if I had a naked girl in my bed.
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NT wilk not make pussy wet. Sure you can get more sex while being more low inhib and NT but you can't make pussy wet and be really desirable with low inhib behavior
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How NT you are is determined almost entirely by factors outside your control, including how you were socialized as a kid, how high IQ you are (past a certain point its worse to be high IQ), how people treat you based on how you look, etc. etc.
If you are incredibly high on the attractive scale then you have a higher chance of being NT because people treat you so well. Best set-up for a happy life is to be a very attractive person born into a wealthy family with IQ in the 110-120 range.
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I have been approached but it doesn't matter because I would throw up from nervousness if I had a naked girl in my bed.
Jfl go do cb therapy
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Face and height is obviously the most important part of attraction by a mile. However even if you look like a Greek god you can’t do shit with your life if you are a weak submissive beta social outcast. You have to be NT and low inhib to at least create social dynamics, otherwise you will be rotting with no women to fuck.
anyways, i made a threat regards this, will send you later
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I need drugs

Cognitive behavioral
Magic pills aren't actually magic pills. They won't give you the answer to the universe. Only exposure to people can help

I'm not going to follow my advice until I'm gl lel but you have no excuse
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Magic pills aren't actually magic pills. They won't give you the answer to the universe. Only exposure to people can help

I'm not going to follow my advice until I'm gl lel but you have no excuse
Psychedelics will be the closest you will ever be to to seeing the truth. Weed is also good for getting your brain to click
anyways, i made a threat regards this, will send you later
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being nt >>>>>>>> looks

its about time you shutins become bluepilled

the world is better than you think
Psychedelics will be the closest you will ever be to to seeing the truth. Weed is also good for getting your brain to click

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Last time weed didn't do anything to me. Tbh
Psychedelics will be the closest you will ever be to to seeing the truth. Weed is also good for getting your brain to click

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You get to see another perspective/you observe in the third person and see things more loosely but it's still up to him to take action
Checked the guys that liked this comment, of course It's the usual retards
Game or being NT is contrary to popular belief on this site very important to guys in the 4-6.5 range as women have an UNLIMITED supply of men in that range. A woman is going to choose the most charismatic guy and game techniques help you do that. Cold approach is hard but yields more results than tinder. If you catch a girl staring/looking you should approach her as she won't approach you, this is where social skills/game comes in. No matter how much you looksmax, you still have to open your mouth and talk to a woman. Unless you looksmaxx to become a 8, 9 or 10 which is not gonna happen, game techniques and cold approaching are very useful.

However, if a girl sees you as a 3, no amount of game/being NT can help you make her think of you as a 8.

Conclusion: game helps you get girls who are already PHYSICALLY attracted to you. You can definitely turn a girl off by having weird mannerisms or doing weird beta shit like texting her all day or buying her flowers.
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Game or being NT is contrary to popular belief on this site very important to guys in the 4-6.5 range as women have an UNLIMITED supply of men in that range. A woman is going to choose the most charismatic guy and game techniques help you do that. Cold approach is hard but yields more results than tinder. If you catch a girl staring/looking you should approach her as she won't approach you, this is where social skills/game comes in. No matter how much you looksmax, you still have to open your mouth and talk to a woman. Unless you looksmaxx to become a 8, 9 or 10 which is not gonna happen, game techniques and cold approaching are very useful.

However, if a girl sees you as a 3, no amount of game/being NT can help you make her think of you as a 8.

Conclusion: game helps you get girls who are already PHYSICALLY attracted to you. You can definitely turn a girl off by having weird mannerisms or doing weird beta shit like texting her all day or buying her flowers.
Yeah this is a good summary. There are so few 8s 9s and 10s that this stuff can set you apart from your real competition.
This exactly, knowing all 10000 social rules and how people interact and expect you to act in constantly changing social environments is very important.

Also after passing the looks threshold it's mostly about personality regarding getting sex and relationships.

Obviously no personality for face but it's also the reverse unless you are like 3 psl above her in which case you probably won't find her desirable.

The people who say personality doesn't matter at all probably already have good personality or are incel.
If you look like David Gandy girls approach you.

If you are an average person they don't.
If you mog her and the other guys chasing her it'll happen. Otherwise not.
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The OP is me btw ☝️
It's the talent to be low inhib, you are either born with it naturally or not. Drugs made my acquitance more psychopathic rather than geniune low inhib
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It fucking is.
Two days ago I went clubbing, and I drank like I've never done before. I was so low Inhib and NT that I didn't feel like I was my real self anymore. And it was the first time I had balls to dance and start talking with foids. I managed to make out with two different girls in the same night, all because I was low Inhib they were drunken as fuck

Corrected that for you. 😘
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coping to oblivion if you think that if you were to wake up 7psl without a social circle and/or a neurotypical social life that you'd slay women.

the only thing you'll be slaying is the granny across the road.
coping to oblivion if you think that if you were to wake up 7psl without a social circle and/or a neurotypical social life that you'd slay women.

the only thing you'll be slaying is the granny across the road.
If you really woke up at 7 PSL you could just hop on tinder and probably build an entire social life from banging foids on there
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Everybody knows at least one mediocre-looking NT slayer.
And by mediocre-looking I mean objectively worse than what you think are girls' standards.
Stop lying to yourself. Looks without behaviour is overrated. Behaviour without looks has some sort of quality cap in the girls you're getting, but still somehow does its job.
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High IQ post

I can confirm this , all of my 3 GF left me because i was not NT and high inhib plus some degree of social anxiety
i can ASSURE non of them is with CHAD now or not even chad lite
i can ASSURE you all of them were into me sexually attracted

its fucking over for non NT and high inhib , alcohol and stimulants help but for God sake u cant use it all the time ? it will fuck ur dopamine system even further
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The OP is me btw ☝
It's the talent to be low inhib, you are either born with it naturally or not. Drugs made my acquitance more psychopathic rather than geniune low inhib

Just read. I agree to an extent. From that post it seems that all you did was get on some fights.

Most chads I know are aggressive, but have never gotten on actual fights tbh
They are just funny to be around and extremely extroverted.
Yes it is, in fact the secret motive of many blackpillers (doesn't apply to the brilliant upstanding blackpill doctors we have on our site obviously) is to justify their lack of trying by believing that its over due to things relatively outside of their control. Very similar to nihilism. Still looks are #1 though.
Also the real nuclear blackpill is that you're not really in control of being NT either lmao
the blackpill is basically nihilism jfl
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It is for 4 PSL or above
if you look like a Greek god

if you are a weak submissive beta social outcast.
The battle of the Halo effect, with the horn effect.
Will the great looks, halo over the flaws of being and high inhib aspie.
Will the flaws of being and high inhib aspie, horn effect the great looks down.

Probably somewhere in the middle. And dependant how much of an aspie and how high inhib one is.
Just read. I agree to an extent. From that post it seems that all you did was get on some fights.

Most chads I know are aggressive, but have never gotten on actual fights tbh
They are just funny to be around and extremely extroverted.
Well, just be cool man
It fucking is.
Two days ago I went clubbing, and I drank like I've never done before. I was so low Inhib and NT that I didn't feel like I was my real self anymore. And it was the first time I had balls to dance and start talking with foids. I managed to make out with two different girls in the same night, all because I was low Inhib as fuck
Even when I drink really hard I can’t get to that level of low inhib. I always remind myself of black pill and it holds me back. Need to get to black out level I guess.
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Low IQ thread being outgoing is what clowns do and if u are a clown it's because you are ugly
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Low IQ thread being outgoing is what clowns do and if u are a clown it's because you are ugly
There is a difference beetwen someone being truly outgoing, and an autist faking being outgoing
This is extremely true. I am very gl and until I started being more NT and social I had only kissed 2 girls by the age of 17

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