Imagine thinking surgery will get you LTR

OP is a retard.
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im not very familiar with surgery downtimes etc. id assumed all this shit may even delay over a year, but even then my point stands still and can be applicable the last past few years of your surgerymaxxing

you completely missed my point it seems. the reason you're frightened is because you're getting closer to the finish line and you aren't sure if it's going to be good enough or how you've been imagining it, daydreaming about sex and intimacy for 20+ years of your life

like my impression of you now is that you've sort of actually given up on females at this point. all you care about is just "fixing" your face just as "perfectly" as you've been dreaming abouut it as means to point middle finger to nature and the world

You make a good point in your post; namely, that I've basically decided to give up on females at this point. I don't think I'd necessarily say that I've given up entirely on them, but I don't think I'm going to put much (if any effort) into actively pursuing them, especially in light of other factors that have become relevant in my life.

For example, one such factor is that I will probably be moving to a huge city next city that is basically known for being the partying and escorts capital of the US. Right now, I live in a small-ish city that has literally NOT ONE upscale escort, so paying for sex isn't really an option for me right now. But after I move, I'll be in a position to pay for sex regularly with hot girls. If I have access to that sort of thing, am I really going to be bothered to put effort into attracting women, especially considering that I'm not even interested in LTRs in the first place?

Also, the city I'll be moving to has literally hundreds of night clubs and bars, but instead of visiting them with the intention of being able to have ONS's with girls, I'm just going to visit them on the weekends just because I enjoy doing that sort of thing (I like engaging in a wide variety of activities -- gym, running, movies, videogames, going out to clubs/bars, etc). And if one of my outings somehow leads to a ONS (doubtful), then that will be great; otherwise, I have relegated myself to accepting that even below-average women are not going to be interested in me -- hence the comments about escortceling.

I look at it like this: if above average-looking guys in their early/mid-20's are having an extremely tough time attracting even just average girls thanks to hypergamy, why in the hell would they ever consider a 30+ guy who doesn't look any better than the 20-something guys?

I disagree with your point that I'm frightened, though; if anything, the surgery results I've had so far have shown me that I most likely CAN achieve the "look" I want to get, which is why I'm so adamant about going back for a revision. It almost feels like I'd be leaving a lot of potential looksmaxxing on the table to leave my implants as they are now. If I didn't think I could get even closer to what I want to look like, I'd just be thankful that I've gotten the improvements I've attained so far and would leave well enough alone. The whole reason I'm looking forward to revising the implants is because it's even more clear to me than it was before that I CAN get what I want.

So if anything, the results I have now have provided a reaffirmation that I'm not chasing a look that's unattainable.

Whether or not the cumulative outcome of all these surgeries will result in me actually being attractive to girls is another thing... but for some reason -- and I honestly can't explain why -- I kind of don't even care anymore at this point. Again, I honestly can't tell you why I don't seem to, as this is something of a recent realization for me.

Look at it like this -- I know you said you don't care either way about my results, but assuming you've seen my most recent post-surgery photos, don't you agree that it would objectively look good if the implants were just a bit more prominent (assuming the surgery itself went ok without any complications)? I can literally grasp the tissues of my upper-cheeks and push them forward by a few millimeters and get the EXACT look I've always wanted. The path forward is just so clear-cut in terms of what needs to be done to get the results I want that it seems like it would be a waste to NOT get a revision IMO.
Tell me your popularity in school, tell me how much friends you have, and tell me how much you use logical thinking instead of emotional when observing people.
Come defend yourself you pussy on my post
You make a good point in your post; namely, that I've basically decided to give up on females at this point. I don't think I'd necessarily say that I've given up entirely on them, but I don't think I'm going to put much (if any effort) into actively pursuing them, especially in light of other factors that have become relevant in my life.

Whether or not the cumulative outcome of all these surgeries will result in me actually being attractive to girls is another thing... but for some reason -- and I honestly can't explain why -- I kind of don't even care anymore at this point. Again, I honestly can't tell you why I don't seem to, as this is something of a recent realization for me.
I'll tell you why (my perspective). It's a natural pre-emptitive inborn coping mechanism in your brain. After so many years, being sexless and miserable have been transcended into something deeper, it's sort of part of your identity in a way now. It's where you feel comfortable and learnt to rationalise things in your own ways. It's a bit similar to these kidnap stories. Where they kidnap girl and held hostage in basement for over 10-20+ years. In several cases their mind literally adapts to the scenario and they deeply fall in love with the man and "in their own way" they sort of enjoy being there and frightened of the world by when a lot of years have passed. You are the kidnapped girl. You see surgery as key see outside, but you aren't even sure if you want to see outside anymore. This is the vibe i get from you. I may not be perfectly correct, but you seem to very confident in explaining why not getting sex is "normal", how being a 32 years old virgin is "normal". No, dude. It's not normal, you should be furious and screaming. That's what's normal and not getting a midface implant revision for extra 5mm thickness. That's not part of "normal" in my brain.

There is probably a lot of hatred and anger within inside you that you've learned to surpress (rationalise in your own ways). You should start some martial arts shit where you can hit people or start some MMA shit (unless your implants prevent you from doing so) and you need to find a good therapist cuz I feel by the path you're on you're going to end up killing yourself within the next 5 years.

Look at it like this -- I know you said you don't care either way about my results, but assuming you've seen my most recent post-surgery photos, don't you agree that it would objectively look good if the implants were just a bit more prominent (assuming the surgery itself went ok without any complications)? I can literally grasp the tissues of my upper-cheeks and push them forward by a few millimeters and get the EXACT look I've always wanted. The path forward is just so clear-cut in terms of what needs to be done to get the results I want that it seems like it would be a waste to NOT get a revision IMO.
I don't know man. Will you be rated better by PSL manlet-indian aspiescientist autists? Probably. Will it significantly impact your chances with women? I highly doubt it does any difference honestly, but you're entitled to your opinion, so am I. You know that i'm very skeptical with surgery "improvements" when it comes to the real world, dating etc. I don't think extra 5mm midface projection will make your chances better in a notable manner compared to what you have now

Getting eye stuff done by taban definitely will since your eye is fucked, so you should probably get that done
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Come defend yourself you pussy on my post

If someone made a thread to hate other person for no reason i pretty sure you already lost, nothing to do or something, can't care.
  • Hmm...
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If someone made a thread to hate other person for no reason i pretty sure you already lost, nothing to do or something, don't care.
The same way you dox people loser
Bull shit yes you fucken did
Then why do you have my photos saved on your phone

I don't, just search "Titbot cry" etc...
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Owlgod you won this round , because you have that fuelcel roused Jefferson in your pocket. The battle is far from over
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I'll tell you why (my perspective). It's a natural pre-emptitive inborn coping mechanism in your brain. After so many years, being sexless and miserable have been transcended into something deeper, it's sort of part of your identity in a way now. It's where you feel comfortable and learnt to rationalise things in your own ways. It's a bit similar to these kidnap stories. Where they kidnap girl and held hostage in basement for over 10-20+ years. In several cases their mind literally adapts to the scenario and they deeply fall in love with the man and "in their own way" they sort of enjoy being there and frightened of the world by when a lot of years have passed. You are the kidnapped girl. You see surgery as key see outside, but you aren't even sure if you want to see outside anymore. This is the vibe i get from you. I may not be perfectly correct, but you seem to very confident in explaining why not getting sex is "normal", how being a 32 years old virgin is "normal". No, dude. It's not normal, you should be furious and screaming. That's what's normal and not getting a midface implant revision for extra 5mm thickness. That's not part of "normal" in my brain.

There is probably a lot of hatred and anger within inside you that you've learned to surpress (rationalise in your own ways). You should start some martial arts shit where you can hit people or start some MMA shit (unless your implants prevent you from doing so) and you need to find a good therapist cuz I feel by the path you're on you're going to end up killing yourself within the next 5 years.

I don't know man. Will you be rated better by PSL manlet-indian aspiescientist autists? Probably. Will it significantly impact your chances with women? I highly doubt it does any difference honestly, but you're entitled to your opinion, so am I. You know that i'm very skeptical with surgery "improvements" when it comes to the real world, dating etc. I don't think extra 5mm midface projection will make your chances better in a notable manner compared to what you have now

Getting eye stuff done by taban definitely will since your eye is fucked, so you should probably get that done

I think you could be on to something with your assessment of why you think I no longer care about attracting girls anymore. I think that I have come to accept that I am simply always going to be that guy whose extent of sexual interactions with women is going to forever be limited to me coming home, watching porn, maybe taking drugs, and jacking off. HOWEVER, the fact that I will be moving to a big city next summer/fall and will have access to high class escorts at least gives me something to look forward to. Maybe getting to have sex with an escort once or twice a week will fill the void I've had my entire life?

At least I'll be making pretty good money for a single guy at that point, so at least I'll have that to look forward to.

To respond to the part of your post where you suggested that getting my eyes fixed with Taban would probably improve my chances with women, here's the interesting thing about that -- I'm not even doing if for that purpose at this point. A year or two ago one of my primary motivating factors for getting all these surgeries would've been to improve my chances with girls, but now I'm just doing all this stuff for myself.

To make a comparison, at this point I'd say I'm like the 400+ lb. fat ass who "runs" in local 5k races that take them 2 hours to complete (not sure how familiar you are with running times, but even 30 minutes is considered fairly slow for a 5k race time). That person realizes they're not actually a formidable competitor in the race and they most likely realize they're just embarrassing themselves, but they're doing the races for their own reasons (for fun, they're just used to running in them, etc.).

That's basically me now when it comes to these surgeries. Even before I wanted to become more attractive to girls, I wanted to get surgery just to be better looking for myself (this is going back 10+ yrs), and I honestly think I have simply returned to that mindset.

So even though I'm still going to move forward with getting eye surgery with Taban, I honestly think you're wrong with your statement that it will improve my chances with girls.

Like I said in my last post, if chadlites in their 20s who don't have to worry about trying to fraud their ages are having a hard time getting girls, why would I stand a chance, even with an overhauled eye area?

I really think you could be right in saying that being a lifelong incel could simply be an ingrained part of my identity at this point.

BTW, I agree that I will probably end up roping at some point. However, I doubt it will take me 5 years. I already own 2 shotguns and have come VERY close to doing it on several occasions over the past few years. TBH, I think the only reason I haven't done it yet is because I have to be around several close family members on a daily basis, but as soon as I move off to a different state, I honestly don't think I'm going to last for more than a few months. I really want to do it already TBH and am not sure why I keep putting it off. At this point it's basically the preferable action to take from a pragmatic perspective.
  • So Sad
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Most legit theory: Just go for eastern euro girls theory
I think you could be on to something with your assessment of why you think I no longer care about attracting girls anymore. I think that I have come to accept that I am simply always going to be that guy whose extent of sexual interactions with women is going to forever be limited to me coming home, watching porn, maybe taking drugs, and jacking off. HOWEVER, the fact that I will be moving to a big city next summer/fall and will have access to high class escorts at least gives me something to look forward to. Maybe getting to have sex with an escort once or twice a week will fill the void I've had my entire life?

At least I'll be making pretty good money for a single guy at that point, so at least I'll have that to look forward to.

To respond to the part of your post where you suggested that getting my eyes fixed with Taban would probably improve my chances with women, here's the interesting thing about that -- I'm not even doing if for that purpose at this point. A year or two ago one of my primary motivating factors for getting all these surgeries would've been to improve my chances with girls, but now I'm just doing all this stuff for myself.

To make a comparison, at this point I'd say I'm like the 400+ lb. fat ass who "runs" in local 5k races that take them 2 hours to complete (not sure how familiar you are with running times, but even 30 minutes is considered fairly slow for a 5k race time). That person realizes they're not actually a formidable competitor in the race and they most likely realize they're just embarrassing themselves, but they're doing the races for their own reasons (for fun, they're just used to running in them, etc.).

That's basically me now when it comes to these surgeries. Even before I wanted to become more attractive to girls, I wanted to get surgery just to be better looking for myself (this is going back 10+ yrs), and I honestly think I have simply returned to that mindset.

So even though I'm still going to move forward with getting eye surgery with Taban, I honestly think you're wrong with your statement that it will improve my chances with girls.

Like I said in my last post, if chadlites in their 20s who don't have to worry about trying to fraud their ages are having a hard time getting girls, why would I stand a chance, even with an overhauled eye area?

I really think you could be right in saying that being a lifelong incel could simply be an ingrained part of my identity at this point.

BTW, I agree that I will probably end up roping at some point. However, I doubt it will take me 5 years. I already own 2 shotguns and have come VERY close to doing it on several occasions over the past few years. TBH, I think the only reason I haven't done it yet is because I have to be around several close family members on a daily basis, but as soon as I move off to a different state, I honestly don't think I'm going to last for more than a few months. I really want to do it already TBH and am not sure why I keep putting it off. At this point it's basically the preferable action to take from a pragmatic perspective.
this is very sad and disturbing to read. you're mentally ill and you know it. you refuse to get help and refuse to get advice that you know may get life on track. i think it goes even deeper in the sense that. "ascending" is not even frightening, rather its making you angry. if you manage to "ascend" and start attracting girls you're attracted to, you will become mad that all it took is few piece of garbage plastic in your face. all these women that ignored you for so long now like you because of this trash. i dont know man, but you're like the prime example of so many of my threads. you're clearly mentally ill and surgery is not going to fix it.

killing yourself is not the solution. that would be accepting defeat from nature. you need to keep fighting and if its surgery that gives you peace of mind, then let it be it, but you should become more pragmatic and drop these extremist kind of views regarding dating market and surgey goals. LTRing a cute girl just based off looks and having a kid with her would give you a peace of mind and beating nature. i hope you reach that goal man, good luck
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@OwlGod killing it itt, one of the best posters Ive seen on a PSL forum

@cocainecowboy Whats @SurgerySoon suppose to do though dude? He cant just "become NT" or "normal" or whatever you want to define it. Yeah its not normal being a 30 something vrigin or obsessing about how much mm projection his revision should be, but again, what's he suppose to do? You cannot fix brain wiring I know first hand his perspective, it's something he needs to accept instead of trying to be something he never can be, he can NEVER be a typical NT normie, none of us can tbh. If we're on this site we're not fucking normal.

Also "getting help" for your mentality or whatever is cope, therapy is cope, anti depressants are cope, the only thing is to fix your fucking problems first hand
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I'm a 4.5 and I can get women, but not the ones I like though.
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I feel like I can LTR a girl but I wanna slay every night with random girls.
this is very sad and disturbing to read. you're mentally ill and you know it. you refuse to get help and refuse to get advice that you know may get life on track. i think it goes even deeper in the sense that. "ascending" is not even frightening, rather its making you angry. if you manage to "ascend" and start attracting girls you're attracted to, you will become mad that all it took is few piece of garbage plastic in your face. all these women that ignored you for so long now like you because of this trash. i dont know man, but you're like the prime example of so many of my threads. you're clearly mentally ill and surgery is not going to fix it.

killing yourself is not the solution. that would be accepting defeat from nature. you need to keep fighting and if its surgery that gives you peace of mind, then let it be it, but you should become more pragmatic and drop these extremist kind of views regarding dating market and surgey goals. LTRing a cute girl just based off looks and having a kid with her would give you a peace of mind and beating nature. i hope you reach that goal man, good luck

Thanks, but I think you are missing one of the points I made in one of my previous posts in another thread (which you may not have seen). I am simply not interested in having an LTR, and I know for a fact that I don't want to get married or have any kids. It's like how you absolutely know whether you want to have a sex change or not, and once you "know," there's no changing your mind on the matter. I've known for years that I wasn't interested in ever having an LTR. About 3 or 4 years ago I realized that all I wanted (in terms of interactions with girls) was to be able to show up on Friday/Saturday night to a nightclub/bar and be able to hookup with a decent-looking girl on a regular basis. That's literally all I want when it comes to women. I don't want to get married or have kids.

That is one reason I'm looking forward to making the move I'll be making next year -- I will be in a city with more clubs/bars than any other city in the US, but even if the whole life goal of hooking up with girls doesn't work out, at least I'll also be in close proximity to countless escorts. Then at that point I'll either accept that for the rest of my life I'll either have to settle for having sex with escorts or kill myself if I'm not happy with those circumstances.

Just curious, why do you think I'm mentally ill? I figured that I just had a brutally realistic view of my circumstances and of where I realistically stood in the dating market. Didn't you even say yourself that at my age, it's basically over? I was under the impression that we actually agreed on a lot of things, so that's why I don't understand why you're calling me mentally ill. In fact, I actually thought that I had a pretty realistic view of what my situation in life was (at least when it comes to my attractiveness towards women and the kinds of encounters I should realistically expect to get from them).

If you don't mind, can you tell me what elements of my post are indicative of mental illness? I mean, how is it mentally ill to say that at age 32, I'll probably have to settle for escortceling since I'm not interested in LTRs or betabuxxing? (Unless there were other aspects of my posts that you consider to be evidence of mental illness...)
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Just curious, why do you think I'm mentally ill? I figured that I just had a brutally realistic view of my circumstances and of where I realistically stood in the dating market.

You're not, he has to say that as a protective mechanism for himself cause he knows reality is brutal af, like the way YOU see it but he has to cope and tell himself YOU'RE the mentally ill one when its him who refuses to accept the harshness of it all

He's basically gaslighting you trying to make you seem like the unhinged one it's disgusting when ppl do that
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You're not, he has to say that as a protective mechanism for himself cause he knows reality is brutal af, like the way YOU see it but he has to cope and tell himself YOU'RE the mentally ill one when its him who refuses to accept the harshness of it all

He's basically gaslighting you trying to make you seem like the unhinged one it's disgusting when ppl do that

Honestly man, I don't even know what the deal is for me at this point anymore. It's like you said in your post just above this one -- it doesn't make sense to try to become something I'll never have the potential to be, so what's the point in all this looksmaxxing shit in the first place for guys like me if you think about it? Would I honestly be better off saving the money that it will cost to get all this surgery and just save it for escortcelling once I make the move we talked about a few days ago?

I mean, it's like you said -- there's no fixing my brain wiring (and the effects that my upbringing and adolescent experiences/lack thereof had on its development) to become more NT and confident. The damage is done at this point.
Honestly man, I don't even know what the deal is for me at this point anymore. It's like you said in your post just above this one -- it doesn't make sense to try to become something I'll never have the potential to be, so what's the point in all this looksmaxxing shit in the first place for guys like me if you think about it? Would I honestly be better off saving the money that it will cost to get all this surgery and just save it for escortcelling once I make the move we talked about a few days ago?

I mean, it's like you said -- there's no fixing my brain wiring (and the effects that my upbringing and adolescent experiences/lack thereof had on its development) to become more NT and confident. The damage is done at this point.

You don't need ideal brain wiring to get ONSs at a bar where drunk chicks will flirt with you cause you're gl. You need brain wiring to maintain LTRs and shit
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Just curious, why do you think I'm mentally ill? I figured that I just had a brutally realistic view of my circumstances and of where I realistically stood in the dating market. Didn't you even say yourself that at my age, it's basically over? I was under the impression that we actually agreed on a lot of things, so that's why I don't understand why you're calling me mentally ill. In fact, I actually thought that I had a pretty realistic view of what my situation in life was (at least when it comes to my attractiveness towards women and the kinds of encounters I should realistically expect to get from them).

If you don't mind, can you tell me what elements of my post are indicative of mental illness? I mean, how is it mentally ill to say that at age 32, I'll probably have to settle for escortceling since I'm not interested in LTRs or betabuxxing? (Unless there were other aspects of my posts that you consider to be evidence of mental illness...)
no i didnt say its over at your age. i said you wasted a lot of time and have a lot of emotional baggage and regret about your life. no we absolutely dont have the same mindset, you have never had sex or intimacy with a woman. you dont even know what you fucking want dude. you never grew up, basically emotional maturity of a teenager.

you're mentally ill bc. of how much you overrationalise your failure at life with blackpill when you don't know shit about your own psyche and dont care to fix. you said you dont see surgery as a means to truly fix your problems its just a thing you literally "cope" with at this point.

anyways its very late where i am, ill answer tomorrow
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Also "getting help" for your mentality or whatever is cope, therapy is cope, anti depressants are cope, the only thing is to fix your fucking problems first hand
For real B, no amount of therapy or whatever is gonna solve your problems, at the end of the day we all have to deal with our own shit.
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suifuel tbh im not even that ugly but every girl that approached me got scared away with the power of my almighty autism
id really like to go -0.5psl to be NT
no i didnt say its over at your age. i said you wasted a lot of time and have a lot of emotional baggage and regret about your life. no we absolutely dont have the same mindset, you have never had sex or intimacy with a woman. you dont even know what you fucking want dude. you never grew up, basically emotional maturity of a teenager.

you're mentally ill bc. of how much you overrationalise your failure at life with blackpill when you don't know shit about your own psyche and dont care to fix. you said you dont see surgery as a means to truly fix your problems its just a thing you literally "cope" with at this point.

anyways its very late where i am, ill answer tomorrow

So you are suggesting I go see a psychiatrist? For what though? If you think about it, what would be the purpose of that? To try and become more NT? Or to try and convince myself that I *do* want an LTR (even though the thought of one doesn't appeal to me at all)?

If you think about it, what's the point in going to a psychiatrist at my age? What would I be trying to achieve when I already look too old for the vast majority of attractive girls?
Yeah, I added to the final of my text this: Well, I'm talking about what I have as background living in a non1st tier country, maybe where you live things can be different. Here where I live is exactly like I said. Mostly girls still with guys who cheats them, they only give up when they find better ones, but it's rare lol.
Imagine don't knowing shit and trying to create lies to don't rope, also, no one care and bragging of lies is so pathetic, keep criyng

View attachment 149274
What's the story behind this cursed image
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  • JFL
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shit thread kys


why is this bluepilled carp even allowed here
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So you are suggesting I go see a psychiatrist? For what though? If you think about it, what would be the purpose of that? To try and become more NT? Or to try and convince myself that I *do* want an LTR (even though the thought of one doesn't appeal to me at all)?

If you think about it, what's the point in going to a psychiatrist at my age? What would I be trying to achieve when I already look too old for the vast majority of attractive girls?
i think u should see someone bc you’ve expressed suicide here and you’re struggling. don’t see a female anything either. go to a well experienced guy. you have mental damage that needs attending to me
  • +1
Reactions: Ekeoma_The_BBC
i think u should see someone bc you’ve expressed suicide here and you’re struggling. don’t see a female anything either. go to a well experienced guy. you have mental damage that needs attending to me

No way, I'm not interested in having someone try to convince me that I should focus on different things in life and tell me that I what I want isn't actually important. That's basically how that shit works
No way, I'm not interested in having someone try to convince me that I should focus on different things in life and tell me that I what I want isn't actually important. That's basically how that shit works
yeah ig. hope you ascend tho bro
yeah ig. hope you ascend tho bro

Thx. I don't think I will but hopefully I will have fun along the way. At least it gives me something to look forward to
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Lil Pump's lyrics are so meticulously crafted; only 25 seconds in and I can tell he has truly mastered the skill of lyricism. This boy is a genius. Some say Shakespeare's ability to write and tell a story are unparalleled, however I feel his skills are being put to the test by this young star. Lil Pump never fails to coax me in with his truly thought provoking lyrics. He is an artist, yet uses words. He is not bound by the materialistic constraints of paint, pen or pencil. He has limitless access to an almost infinite plethora of words and phrases, each of which are malleable to his own liking. One cannot simply concoct a track where only 98 different words are used throughout its ENTIRETY. Though the vocabulary that is used is minimal and far from complex, it doesn't stop him from making his audience ponder. This lack words shows how Lil Pump exceeds the craftsmanship of even the most highly regarded literature authors, as he does not need to excessively use the more complex and intricate words to make his point, this style that he alone has procured has had one of the biggest impacts music history has ever seen. In regards to the impact this young boy has had at only age 17, he can be likened to that of Malala Yousafzai a young Pakistani girl who was shot in the head by militants for daring to go to school in October 2012. She has since dedicated her life to bettering the people of this world, as Lil Pump has. This new young, lively generation has lots to offer. Lil Pump is an exemplary example; he is the hero we need but don't deserve. In the words of Gandhi "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2846
Lil Pump's lyrics are so meticulously crafted; only 25 seconds in and I can tell he has truly mastered the skill of lyricism. This boy is a genius. Some say Shakespeare's ability to write and tell a story are unparalleled, however I feel his skills are being put to the test by this young star. Lil Pump never fails to coax me in with his truly thought provoking lyrics. He is an artist, yet uses words. He is not bound by the materialistic constraints of paint, pen or pencil. He has limitless access to an almost infinite plethora of words and phrases, each of which are malleable to his own liking. One cannot simply concoct a track where only 98 different words are used throughout its ENTIRETY. Though the vocabulary that is used is minimal and far from complex, it doesn't stop him from making his audience ponder. This lack words shows how Lil Pump exceeds the craftsmanship of even the most highly regarded literature authors, as he does not need to excessively use the more complex and intricate words to make his point, this style that he alone has procured has had one of the biggest impacts music history has ever seen. In regards to the impact this young boy has had at only age 17, he can be likened to that of Malala Yousafzai a young Pakistani girl who was shot in the head by militants for daring to go to school in October 2012. She has since dedicated her life to bettering the people of this world, as Lil Pump has. This new young, lively generation has lots to offer. Lil Pump is an exemplary example; he is the hero we need but don't deserve. In the words of Gandhi "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
2C0D003B 6221 4F50 8827 0CA328EFEBA2
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2581
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2846
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2846
Based thread I can't believe I didn't find this till now @Zeta ascended who was the OP who deleted his account?
Based thread I can't believe I didn't find this till now @Zeta ascended who was the OP who deleted his account?
“PrettyBoyMaxxing” if you want to find more of his post, type his name in the search bar and put the name of any member in the “By:” and you will be able to see whoever replied to his post. "cocainecowboy" (he as another alt “freakofnature”) also has opinions you would agree with

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