Is it weird I don't want to breed with my own race?

Self hating vibes tbh, you probs look more curry then you think, arab at best, if you breed with a white woman more likely then not you’ll spawn a weird mutant incel, every white+curry kid I’ve seen is funny looking.

Why not just breed with a white passing curry like you????
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Now I find Curry girls as attractive as any other race
I've attached pics of hot curry girls I'd love to fuck and be with

However I'd think twice if I was to have a child with them

I consider myself extremely lucky to escape curry tax due to being ambiguous.

If I had a child with a curry girl if the kid was more like her especially as a boy (girl wouldn't have as many issues in life) he's gonna have a bad pheno
And be victim of curry tax more than me (and factors have led me to struggle so badly at times, mainly being fat as fuck- it's lucky I'm optimistic and mentally quite resilient)

Another issue is south Asian girls are short on average so my kids will be a manlet again a huge issue, ethnic and manlet in 2020's onwards is giga hard mode

I just can't do that to my kid (I would like to have a kid one day as a legacy, most of you guys are too young to worry about this)

I just hope I don't have female offspring... As they'd be out of control especially intl the he future as things are only gonna get worse hypergamy wise.

Competition is only going to get harder in life for men,
And I don't want my child to endure direct or indirect racism growing up and being incel/outcast due to these factors.

As a result I aim to have kids with middle class white women ideally blonde (example attached)
Kids would grow up med moggers esp with my ambiguous features and white features from mother.

I'm not a self hater I just know I'm one in a million lucky with my form of curry pheno, I can't afford to risk that for my children.
I know the disadvantages of being curry in the west and it can be Fkn brutal if your too curry featured (bug eyes, short height, bad frame, bad muscle building genetics etc) and can't let this happen.

Only way I would have kids with a curry woman is if she has an ambiguous pheno like mine, even then genetic recombination is a big risk....

Mixed raced children have a better chance at succeeding in all areas of life than if I had full raced kids

Mainly applys to Curry's but would be cool to hear black guys thoughts (not as bad due to better reputation, build on average etc but racism can be a problem still)

I would also have kids with a mulatta if she wasn't a whore (example attached,) coz that would be another good ambiguous mix although darker so possibly more issues of racism...


Again it's not something I'm thinking of so much as i wanna enjoy myself while ascended but a thought for the future..

Tagging ethnics/black/med users:
an ethnic wants a blonde white woman?

go stand in line with the billion other pajeets, arabs and chinks. fucking retard.
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  • JFL
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Self hating vibes tbh, you probs look more curry then you think, arab at best, if you breed with a white woman more likely then not you’ll spawn a weird mutant incel, every white+curry kid I’ve seen is funny looking.

Why not just breed with a white passing curry like you????
every half white half Indian person I know are moggers tbh.
  • +1
  • JFL
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every half white half Indian person I know are moggers tbh.
No they are all, pale, hairy, framecels with shit lower thirds.
  • JFL
Reactions: ballskin
No they are all, pale, hairy, framecels with shit lower thirds.
The ones I know have olive/light skin, coloured eyes (80% of the time) and strong bones
Maybe it’s the ugly white women in your area reproducing with less ugly Indians
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14262, Xangsane, Deleted member 9670 and 4 others
The ones I know have olive/light skin, coloured eyes (80% of the time) and strong bones
Maybe it’s the ugly white women in your area reproducing with less ugly Indians
I don’t think so, if it was the case we’d see these guys your talking about on tiktok, however only a HTN normie mixed white and Indian guy got famous because of his coloured eyes (Nik Kaufman), your most likely mistaking them for Arabs or mixed Arabs.
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane and ballskin
Xangsane trys to garner sympathy and validation from.users by saying how he's half ethnic and how badly it effects his life, when the kid looks full fucking white with blue eyes- he's self hating and validation seeking. He's a picky autist.

Don't get me wrong Latinas are my favourite, but where I live there are no/extremely little Latinas so this is why I didn't mention. But yeah totally I'd mix with Latinas more so than white actually, but just being realistic in terms of my location.

We live in West and are gonna be affected by the western Caucasian beauty standard it is what it is. We are TD what is attractive and not- what this whole site is based off.
yeah that's basically his life, and I am.sure now given he has 5000 identical threads that it's just validation seeking.

but if u go.back far enough he used to be a pretty good user, and his IQ is above average. all went downhill when he got obsessed with the white guy in the blue check shirt lol
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Self hating ethnic, wow wow breaking news
You have zero reading comprehension. He doesn't hate who he is, he just acknowledges that is life is harder due to his ethnicity and doesn't want his children to experience the same hardships.
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I don’t think so, if it was the case we’d see these guys your talking about on tiktok, however only a HTN normie mixed white and Indian guy got famous because of his coloured eyes (Nik Kaufman), your most likely mistaking them for Arabs or mixed Arabs.
Why would you assume they’re on TikTok, it’s already rare enough and there’s thousands of chads running around. They’re not arabs I know that but I’m saying that mixed Indians are pretty attractive on average
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This family shows the stark difference between marrying a pajeeta and white woman.
I just wanna breed a gl girl, if she's gl my sons are probably gonna be too :ogre:

Both my parents are gl and I'm gl as well, if I were to impregnate an ugly girl that would be like fucking with my family genetics for no fucking reason, since I'm able to LTR a gl girl if I put some effort into that and shit.
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Reactions: Deprived, Deleted member 14262 and Chadethnic101
Self hating vibes tbh, you probs look more curry then you think, arab at best, if you breed with a white woman more likely then not you’ll spawn a weird mutant incel, every white+curry kid I’ve seen is funny looking.

Why not just breed with a white passing curry like you????
I'm not white passing I'm brown skin, I'm south American passing more so Dominican, Cali- Colombia, Brasil etc

I was approached last weekend by a girl who thought I was Latino so defo have a more unique pheno where I live
Few users who've seen me can attest
@Chinacurry @FailedNormieManlet @ItsOVERBuddyBoyos
Although yes when I grow my facial hair I pass as Arab.

And yeah totally I'd breed with a white passing curry defo
As I said I'm not against dating any race just having children with certain phebos.
  • +1
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He looks very Bengali
To an extent but some Bengalis don't even think I look Bengali so you don't make sense jfl

@FailedNormieManlet @ItsOVERBuddyBoyos says it's my eyes and lips mainly which make me look less south Asian
Again I tell people I'm Bengali I don't lie about it lol
  • JFL
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an ethnic wants a blonde white woman?

go stand in line with the billion other pajeets, arabs and chinks. fucking retard.
I actually get them so no line to stand in buddy boyo
You have zero reading comprehension. He doesn't hate who he is, he just acknowledges that is life is harder due to his ethnicity and doesn't want his children to experience the same hardships.

Why risk that for the children???
The ones I do know who are half south Asian and white are very attractive

You can say same for any mix race eg mulatto
There's good looking and ugly ones.

The point is a half curry is more likely to lead an easier life than a potential pajeet curry (genetic recombination) that's all

I don’t think so, if it was the case we’d see these guys your talking about on tiktok, however only a HTN normie mixed white and Indian guy got famous because of his coloured eyes (Nik Kaufman), your most likely mistaking them for Arabs or mixed Arabs.
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
Honestly racepill is too brutal. There is a chance you get a chad curry son.
, but in general your white passing son will probably be treated better and suceed more in life.
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Honestly racepill is too brutal. There is a chance you get a chad curry son.
, but in general your white passing son will probably be treated better and suceed more in life.

A Chad curry son, I'd have to make sure the mother is tall 5ft7 and above
Has a very good looking face with a very well developed body
White and curry features just work much better together, Caucasoid skulls, exotic factor etc this site sucks off Zayn enough for example
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A Chad curry son, I'd have to make sure the mother is tall 5ft7 and above
Has a very good looking face with a very well developed body
White and curry features just work much better together, Caucasoid skulls, exotic factor etc this site sucks off Zayn enough for example
Yeah the most brutal part is that even the chad curry son would probably face racism.

Its a lot easier to get a 5ft8 nordic girl. Your son will probably be HTN at minimun with good coloring.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14262 and Chadethnic101
Yeah the most brutal part is that even the chad curry son would probably face racism.

Its a lot easier to get a 5ft8 nordic girl. Your son will probably be HTN at minimun with good coloring.
Yeah on point

To even get a curry girl with those stats I need to be rich/famous/ have status lol
As a result of this the curry Stacy would be stuck up and probably bitchy
Rather a cool Nordic girl whose not a bitch lol

Also it's not like I look completely subhuman so kid would defo be HTN minimum hopefully better
You can just adopt white kids, castrate the ethnics and slowly replace the native population.

Damn that sounds messed up but can't think of something else.
Ideally there would be no shitstains in this world.

Steppe warrior moggers running rampant everywhere.
I'm gone for one week, and you guys are still obsessed with curries :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
  • +1
Reactions: Chadethnic101
All male ethnics are fucking disgusting self-loathing rats obsessed with white women. Makes me sick to my stomach
I want to have kids with a black girl to fix my cumskin genes @Martyokart
I'm not white passing I'm brown skin, I'm south American passing more so Dominican, Cali- Colombia, Brasil etc

I was approached last weekend by a girl who thought I was Latino so defo have a more unique pheno where I live
Few users who've seen me can attest
@Chinacurry @FailedNormieManlet @ItsOVERBuddyBoyos
Although yes when I grow my facial hair I pass as Arab.

And yeah totally I'd breed with a white passing curry defo
As I said I'm not against dating any race just having children with certain phebos.
You do not look Latino.
  • Hmm...
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You do not look Latino.
I got approached by that mulatta in the club who asked me first question are you Latino lol
So guess that's your opinion my buddy boyo sofiane abdul
  • +1
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I got approached by that mulatta in the club who asked me first question are you Latino lol
So guess that's your opinion my buddy boyo sofiane abdul
You are though... Latinos can be of any race.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadethnic101
nah thats exactly how i think
But your black though. Even after 3 or 4 generations of miscegenation your kids will still be considered black. But for Indians, Arabs and Latinos. It just takes 1 or 2
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