Israeli army general admits humilliating defeat in Gaza: "We can't go face to face"

ngl when i wasn't focused in first 2 seconds i thought it arabic speech

goes to show how closely related the languages are
They're both semites
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this is what i mean when i say youre retarded.
1. the f-16s were transfered from nato countries, not us
2. f-16 is a late 70s jet.
F-16E/F is from 1993

Some of the jets were routed through the Netherlands and Denmark to Ukraine, originating from the USA. It was the USA that gave the green light for this as well. And we're not just discussing jets, we're also talking about artillery and much more.
iran would not be in coalition with arab states.
Explain why not? Iran and Saudi Arabia have already reconciled and are moving towards better relations. Other Arab countries will also likely get involved if a war breaks out in that region.
the russian army is a meme.
cope based on nothing.
china does not have the capabilites to stage a full scale contested invasion of taiwan,
It's crazy to believe that one of the largest and most powerful armies lacks the capability to attack a country like Taiwan. You must be more stupid than you appear if you think otherwise.
in such a scenario, the whole of nato, japan, and s. korea would be involved.
NATO will be fully occupied with Russia, as I mentioned earlier. Korea would also be preoccupied with North Korea if a war were to break out, seizing their opportunity. What can Japan and Taiwan do alone against China?
Also keep in mind that Russia and china are not interested in fighting Israel, they probably shake each others hands while your brothers are dying rn, they just fool you into believing you have friends in this war, but you don’t
israel has good relations with russia and china

Did you just say China doesn't have the capacity to fully invade Taiwan? Almost half of the population there is Pro relationships with China anyways, they are conquering them culturally and don't make me laugh militarily. It would last days.

Yeah, the whole NATO is going to sacrifice their biggest trade partner and go to war against them for the sake of a proxy fetish dream of the elites who own a United States that doesn't even align with the interests of the main actors of the coalition in many of the global conflicts except for Britain and France.

Good luck with that, article 5 is just support, not necessarily going to full war, so 90% will send a couple of bag of chips to Biden or Trump and that will be it. Good luck sanctioning China, it didn't even work with Russia which is economically dust compared to the Chinks. Still waiting to see Russians begging for fridges and Putin to die from his 7th cancer and 3rd parkinson
a *contested* invasion of taiwan. learn to read retard. you are confusing polls about a desire among taiwanese to maintain the status quo and not provoke china, with pro-china sentiment, which is not surprising considering the fact you appear to be illiterate.

the usa is europe's biggest trade partner. if russia and china declare war on the usa in response to an iran than you would have to be a retard to think most nato countries do not join.

a labyrynthian set of third party import-export constructions means sanctions are ineffectual, and i hope you realise a full scale naval blockade is different from some opaque sanctions a couple of eu bugmen cooked up.
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F-16E/F is from 1993

Some of the jets were routed through the Netherlands and Denmark to Ukraine, originating from the USA. It was the USA that gave the green light for this as well. And we're not just discussing jets, we're also talking about artillery and much more.

Explain why not? Iran and Saudi Arabia have already reconciled and are moving towards better relations. Other Arab countries will also likely get involved if a war breaks out in that region.

cope based on nothing.

It's crazy to believe that one of the largest and most powerful armies lacks the capability to attack a country like Taiwan. You must be more stupid than you appear if you think otherwise.

NATO will be fully occupied with Russia, as I mentioned earlier. Korea would also be preoccupied with North Korea if a war were to break out, seizing their opportunity. What can Japan and Taiwan do alone against China?
???? the us has twelve carrier groups donkey. again with the reddit tier inferences.

yes, emphatically, it will pose a challenge for china to execute an amphibious operation over twice the length of d-day, many times the complexity, and in heavily contested airspace both by japan, and PACCOM on a mountainous island.

im sure the crypto kikes of saudi arabia and the gulf states will begin resisting against israel any day now. matter of fact, is that they are firmly in us sphere of influence. chiefest among them, the saudi-jews, who are so in thrall to american dollars that even gaza has not veered them away from delayed, but inevitable israeli normalization.

nor are arabs capable of waging a war even if they desired to do so.

its an enormous farce to think that russian military prowess is feared any longer. russia is a formidable threat for sure, but the notion that russia would be able to engage, alone, the entirety of europe is absurd.

your (spurious) argument about ukraine, even taken at face value, is retarded when considering a conflict with russia for reasons already stated.
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By the way in the proof for Islam thread i have one involving Maimonides. In one of his most famous books while making exegesis about a verse of the Old Testament he admitted that a bible prophecy ws about Prophet Muhammad (Salat wa Salam) and he said that it should be hidden from the public.

More on the thread the coming days. I've been procastrinating but Aderrall will make me finish it Insha Allah.
haram bro. Do you think aderral is halal stupid?
  • JFL
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haram bro. Do you think aderral is halal stupid?
I take it by necessity so it's halal. Also was going to get it prescribed but didn't because i forgot my appointment precisely because of ADHD.

Funny enough i don't know if you are joking or not but you achieved making me look up for the ruling of it hahaha

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