I've decided to narcymaxx/delusionmaxx around normalfags



Sexy incel
Dec 1, 2018
The title is self explanatory, but around normalfags, I'm acting as narcissistic and delusional as possible.

In a believable way of course, I'm not outright acting like arceus and saying that I'm better than everyone else, I'm just acting like a chad and trying to give people the impression that I look down on them. I know that normalfags will hate me for it, but I don't give a fuck because they probably hate me anyway no matter how I act.

Why? I'd rather do this than act pathetic and try and seek their sympathy. They have absolutely zero sympathy for an ugly guy like me in my situation, but if I girl cries about not having a boyfriend for a week and flaunts her ass and tits, hundreds of horny fucks will flood her inbox (including some girls).

So yeah, fuck them. What's the point of being humble when you get no reward for it? I'm gonna make the world my bitch from now on, even if it means deluding myself. Fuck being humble.

Don't worry, I'll be humble and down to earth around you guys. But around them? Forget about it.
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Examples? Cuz even the lowest of inhib won’t just say “I’m good looking” out the cut
Examples? Cuz even the lowest of inhib won’t just say “I’m good looking” out the cut
I updated my snapchat story to say, "I think I'm going to take myself out for valentines day and get myself a box of chocolates. I'm handsome as fuck tbh."
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I updated my snapchat story to say, "I think I'm going to take myself out for valentines day and get myself a box of chocolates. I'm handsome as fuck tbh."
Fucking LOL.
I think you need to biblemaxx tbh. You’re gonna end up in a bad way trying this narrcy stuff
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I updated my snapchat story to say, "I think I'm going to take myself out for valentines day and get myself a box of chocolates. I'm handsome as fuck tbh."
Not even close to my narcissistic levels. Pathetic
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I do shit like this all the time. It’s no doubt extremely aspie to do. You get to the point where you just larp irl and laugh at how people respond to you.
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I do shit like this all the time. It’s no doubt extremely aspie to do. You get to the point where you just larp irl and laugh at how people respond to you.
I legit told my friend to “just be confident bro” In that fast paced sarcastic way and started smirking
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most legit theory there is
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I legit told my friend to “just be confident bro” In that fast paced sarcastic way and started smirking
Or hold a camera up to someone and when they ask if you’re taking a picture of them show them you’re taking selfies and call them narcissistic
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Not even close to my narcissistic levels. Pathetic
That's the spirit tbh.
Show me your ways, o master of unwarranted confidence

I do shit like this all the time. It’s no doubt extremely aspie to do. You get to the point where you just larp irl and laugh at how people respond to you.
I'm actually very good at bullshitting people though, even though I have autism. If I try to act as if I'm genuinely convinced that I'm good looking, then they'll know better than to think I'm just fucking around.

Eventually, acting that way becomes second nature, and it becomes a part of you. Playing a role will eventually build on you, and you as a person will genuinely change to match that fake persona, as long as you enjoy doing it.
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That's the spirit tbh.
Show me your ways, o master of unwarranted confidence

I'm actually very good at bullshitting people though, even though I have autism. If I try to act as if I'm genuinely convinced that I'm good looking, then they'll know better than to think I'm just fucking around.

Eventually, acting that way becomes second nature, and it becomes a part of you. Playing a role will eventually build on you, and you as a person will genuinely change to match that fake persona, as long as you enjoy doing it.
It’s funny you notice it with a lot of actors and media personalities who end up losing sight of their true character
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Fucking LOL.
I think you need to biblemaxx tbh. You’re gonna end up in a bad way trying this narrcy stuff
It’s funny you notice it with a lot of actors and media personalities who end up losing sight of their true character
That's why doing stuff like that is so dangerous, because it can change your core values and beliefs without realizing it.

A lot of kids go into hollywood, thinking "not me, I'm not going to be a rich, spoiled brat like all the other celebs, I'm different", but eventually the wealth and power gets to their heads, and they become those same entitled spoiled brats that they once hated.

The easiest way to change your character is to play a role that you enjoy playing. If you hate it, it won't work. It will do the opposite.
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That's the spirit tbh.
Show me your ways, o master of unwarranted confidence

I'm actually very good at bullshitting people though, even though I have autism. If I try to act as if I'm genuinely convinced that I'm good looking, then they'll know better than to think I'm just fucking around.

Eventually, acting that way becomes second nature, and it becomes a part of you. Playing a role will eventually build on you, and you as a person will genuinely change to match that fake persona, as long as you enjoy doing it.

We in the same boat brother, the feeling of knowing you can deceive somebody at will is euphoric as a girl moaning your name.
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  • +1
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The title is self explanatory, but around normalfags, I'm acting as narcissistic and delusional as possible.

In a believable way of course, I'm not outright acting like arceus and saying that I'm better than everyone else, I'm just acting like a chad and trying to give people the impression that I look down on them. I know that normalfags will hate me for it, but I don't give a fuck because they probably hate me anyway no matter how I act.

Why? I'd rather do this than act pathetic and try and seek their sympathy. They have absolutely zero sympathy for an ugly guy like me in my situation, but if I girl cries about not having a boyfriend for a week and flaunts her ass and tits, hundreds of horny fucks will flood her inbox (including some girls).

So yeah, fuck them. What's the point of being humble when you get no reward for it? I'm gonna make the world my bitch from now on, even if it means deluding myself. Fuck being humble.

Don't worry, I'll be humble and down to earth around you guys. But around them? Forget about it.
I did this when i was skinny and ugly tbhtbh
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Normalfags are submissive towards me irl,former friends and shit
They beg for my attention
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Was this before, or after you looksmaxxed?

What effect did this have on people? Did it piss them off?
after,but it was before too in 2016-2017,just not as much as now
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What effect did this have on people? Did it piss them off?
i earned respect from males and people thought i was cool and funny, but i was also always pretty tall
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Delusionmaxx. Women do this ALL THE TIME.

Can't do this.
Refuse to do this.

That's why doing stuff like that is so dangerous, because it can change your core values and beliefs without realizing it.

A lot of kids go into hollywood, thinking "not me, I'm not going to be a rich, spoiled brat like all the other celebs, I'm different", but eventually the wealth and power gets to their heads, and they become those same entitled spoiled brats that they once hated.

The easiest way to change your character is to play a role that you enjoy playing. If you hate it, it won't work. It will do the opposite.

Well I used to be well on my way to becoming a neck beard atheist. But when you actually pick a religion (doesn’t matter which one they’re all the same I realised) and study it for yourself things change big time. For example Christianity, don’t beleive what people say when they take everything literally in the bible, it was never intended to be like that. But once I started properly reading the bible IN CONTEXT I realised just how redpilled and ahead of its time it was and how basically if the world was to live by its basic pillars, there would be a lot fewer problems. The bible is a manual for life basically. Problem is evangelicals and people use it incorrectly.
For example I used to think gays were not too bad and couldn’t understand the logic behind the bible having an issue with it. It wasn’t until I looked into how damaging and dangerous homosexuality actually is that I realised the bible prohibits it in the interest of society and people. Mark my words, the bible is extremely red pilled.
I was raised in a pretty atheist environment so it was a massive change for me.
One of the turning points was when I realised Charles Darwin who came up with the theory of evolution was actually a catholic.
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For example I used to think gays were not too bad and couldn’t understand the logic behind the bible having an issue with it. It wasn’t until I looked into how damaging and dangerous homosexuality actually is that I realised the bible prohibits it in the interest of society and people. Mark my words, the bible is extremely red pilled.
I was raised in a pretty atheist environment so it was a massive change for me.
One of the turning points was when I realised Charles Darwin who came up with the theory of evolution was actually a catholic.

Could you maybe elaborate a bit on "how damaging and dangerous homosexuality actually is"? dangerous for what? I'm curious to hear your homophobic bullshit
The title is self explanatory, but around normalfags, I'm acting as narcissistic and delusional as possible.

In a believable way of course, I'm not outright acting like arceus and saying that I'm better than everyone else, I'm just acting like a chad and trying to give people the impression that I look down on them. I know that normalfags will hate me for it, but I don't give a fuck because they probably hate me anyway no matter how I act.

Why? I'd rather do this than act pathetic and try and seek their sympathy. They have absolutely zero sympathy for an ugly guy like me in my situation, but if I girl cries about not having a boyfriend for a week and flaunts her ass and tits, hundreds of horny fucks will flood her inbox (including some girls).

So yeah, fuck them. What's the point of being humble when you get no reward for it? I'm gonna make the world my bitch from now on, even if it means deluding myself. Fuck being humble.

Don't worry, I'll be humble and down to earth around you guys. But around them? Forget about it.

What you gonna do if in group situation everybody including the girls laugh at you
and big chances that it'll happen if you act above your level
people hate when others act above their level and they will want to hurt and socially humiliate you lol
basically this only works if you are getting validated which you're not
Well I used to be well on my way to becoming a neck beard atheist. But when you actually pick a religion (doesn’t matter which one they’re all the same I realised) and study it for yourself things change big time. For example Christianity, don’t beleive what people say when they take everything literally in the bible, it was never intended to be like that. But once I started properly reading the bible IN CONTEXT I realised just how redpilled and ahead of its time it was and how basically if the world was to live by its basic pillars, there would be a lot fewer problems. The bible is a manual for life basically. Problem is evangelicals and people use it incorrectly.
For example I used to think gays were not too bad and couldn’t understand the logic behind the bible having an issue with it. It wasn’t until I looked into how damaging and dangerous homosexuality actually is that I realised the bible prohibits it in the interest of society and people. Mark my words, the bible is extremely red pilled.
I was raised in a pretty atheist environment so it was a massive change for me.
One of the turning points was when I realised Charles Darwin who came up with the theory of evolution was actually a catholic.
Concetrated autism + gnostic heresy. The Bible is about God, his Son Christ, and the Holy Ghost you dip.
I'm curious to hear your :soy::soy:homophobic:soy::soy: bullshit
I think you're in the wrong place. The door to reddit is down the hall and to the left, faggot.
Don't let it hit you in the boipussy on the way out.
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Could you maybe elaborate a bit on "how damaging and dangerous homosexuality actually is"? dangerous for what? I'm curious to hear your homophobic bullshit
You look into it for yourself man. I used to be just like you if not worse. I was one of those people that went to rallies and stuff with rainbow flags. Homophobic or not, it is what it is. Tbh I don’t really care what you beleive, but you don’t have to look too hard to be convinced. So don’t come at me with the homophobic bull shit, because I was one of you once upon a time
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This will unironically make your life better. Congratulations!
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Concetrated autism + gnostic heresy. The Bible is about God, his Son Christ, and the Holy Ghost you dip.
Stfu man I’ve not only read it but examined it in context.
You look into it for yourself man. I used to be just like you if not worse. I was one of those people that went to rallies and stuff with rainbow flags. Homophobic or not, it is what it is. Tbh I don’t really care what you beleive, but you don’t have to look too hard to be convinced. So don’t come at me with the homophobic bull shit, because I was one of you once upon a time

great answer - well done.
I think you're in the wrong place. The door to reddit is down the hall and to the left, faggot.
Don't let it hit you in the boipussy on the way out.
just lol at assuming that a site for looksmaxing must necesarily also hate gays without explanation, and if you question it, well fuck you xD
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just lol at assuming that a site for looksmaxing must necesarily also hate gays without explanation, and if you question it, well fuck you xD
  • +1
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just lol at assuming that a site for looksmaxing must necesarily also hate gays without explanation, and if you question it, well fuck you xD
just lol at assuming that a site for looksmaxing must necesarily also hate gays without explanation, and if you question it, well fuck you xD
No it’s not about hating gays. Hate the sin not the sinner.
Anyway, aids is not damaging at all to society is it?
  • +1
Reactions: JellyBelly and BornAgainChad
oh yes, nothing more manly than incel rage, homophobia and low self esteem ;) much testosterone on your part
I think your wife's bull is calling, why don't you go and take a nice, long, soylent break?

Somebody ban this infiltrating faggot.
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ahaha i'm speechless at the rage I caused xD message received, don't question the blatant homophobia.
Concetrated autism + gnostic heresy. The Bible is about God, his Son Christ, and the Holy Ghost you dip.
No the Bible is a MGTOW lifestyle handbook. Have you even fucking read it? And you're still a fundamentalist?
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ahaha i'm speechless at the rage I caused xD message received, don't question the blatant homophobia.

Dont care about them they are just triggerd snowflakes
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Reactions: BornAgainChad
ahaha i'm speechless at the rage I caused xD message received, don't question the blatant homophobia.
Pic here is literally you.
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The absolute gall to do this. I wish I was that low inhib tbh.
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just lol at assuming that a site for looksmaxing must necesarily also hate gays without explanation, and if you question it, well fuck you xD
fuck gays mate, there is no explanation to hating people who stick their dicks into shitholes and cry because they want us to accept them
  • +1
Reactions: BornAgainChad
fuck gays mate, there is no explanation to hating people who stick their dicks into shitholes and cry because they want us to accept them
haha and what about guys who stick their dicks in female shitholes? Are female shitholes more acceptable? or fuck those guys too?
haha and what about guys who stick their dicks in female shitholes? Are female shitholes more acceptable? or fuck those guys too?
obsessing about female butts is shitty too, but its still done to a female not someone else with a dick lol, only virgins who watch HD porn think anal is cool, its a shithole whether its male or female, there's a reason why ANAL is a sin in every religion (youdont have to agree with religion)
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haha and what about guys who stick their dicks in female shitholes? Are female shitholes more acceptable? or fuck those guys too?
No normal guy fucks another guy. either something is mentally wrong with your brain or your trying to fit in and be quirky
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fucking leftist shitheads with their jew gay shit
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fucking leftist shitheads with their jew gay shit
Don't hate on him and him riding his black boyfriend's dick, silly inkel, it's 2019! Love is love! xD
#downwithhate #trolingdrumftardsepicstyle #freethebutthole
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why do you think im being more narccy? i was bitching for the longest time now i just act better and narccy because i dont benefit from being a bitch on youtube. I know im not that great but its better to show people you wont take any shit than being a bitch boy and complain about everything constantly. It might get me hate but at least its better than high inhibition me.

They wanted me to stop being sensitive. well here it is.
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Don't hate on him and him riding his black boyfriend's dick, silly inkel, it's 2019! Love is love! xD
#downwithhate #trolingdrumftardsepicstyle #freethebutthole
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