I've yet to see a gl asian male


I legit think a lot of height is genetic based. I never understood the stereotype of curries being short. There's so many tall curries in my school. They height mog white guys hard.
Stereotypes once again, curries from some Indian villages grow retardedly tall, im taller than the stereotyped curry at 5'10, lighter skinned no retarded accent, good bones, wide frame. Most Indians have 18 inch bideltoids I'm at ~20.5 to 21 inches. Goes for any race, BBC is untrue for blacks they are on par with dick size to every other race.
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Blacks look by far best bald. You cant deny that tbh.
Blacks are utter moggers some of the highest sex appeal alongside exotic chadpreets and chaddams. Mostly immune to balding as well high t and dom.
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There's a reason why it's so easy to get laid in Asia.
You're competing against panfaced dicklets with zero masculinity.
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Stereotypes once again, curries from some Indian villages grow retardedly tall, im taller than the stereotyped curry at 5'10, lighter skinned no retarded accent, good bones, wide frame. Most Indians have 18 inch bideltoids I'm at ~20.5 to 21 inches. Goes for any race, BBC is untrue for blacks they are on par with dick size to every other race.
Yeah stereotypes are retarded. Theres no joke a 6ft 8 curry in my school, and many 6ft+ ones, so i find it funny how people say all Indians are manlets.
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Yeah stereotypes are retarded. Theres no joke a 6ft 8 curry in my school, and many 6ft+ ones, so i find it funny how people say all Indians are manlets.
Curries have some of the lowest base looks imaginable but their potential alongside mulattos and chaddams is the highest. And yeah I've heard some people say that people in haryana grow extremely tall, india is way too big and varied but again stereotypes fuck us all :(
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Yeah stereotypes are retarded. Theres no joke a 6ft 8 curry in my school, and many 6ft+ ones, so i find it funny how people say all Indians are manlets.
Average Urban Curry is 5'8- 5'9 most of the people pull out stats from early 2000's when average height was 5'5 curries. Modern Curries with Good diet are on average 5'10 to 6 ft.
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Indeed she looks HQNP. Perfect for BDSM.
Bro. I have something against these girls who seem HQNP. I always have a feeling they are the biggest sluts in reality.
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Bro. I have something against these girls who seem HQNP. I always have a feeling they are the biggest sluts in reality.
True ngl. Face can be deceiving.
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Average Urban Curry is 5'8- 5'9 most of the people pull out stats from early 2000's when average height was 5'5 curries. Modern Curries with Good diet are on average 5'10 to 6 ft.
Some obscure villages in India also have like people at NBA height all the male villagers at least, too varied tbh, sadly the stereotypes made us look like 5'2 manlet's or some shit lmao.
True ngl. Face can be deceiving.
Yeah. Its retarded to base face of if a girl is HQNP. I remember I had a legit Chad friend, like a total slayer, good with girls, hot girlfriends the total package.

He starts simping for this HQNP girl.

Gets completely cucked and betrayed.

Joke world.
Its because the beauty standard is totally different in the west and asia.

S13287247482515474 1

This guy is considered as a not attractive man in asia. He was one of top model in the west but nobody knows him in his country

Art 15719749855326

And this guy either.
In asia squared jaw/wide zygo/hollowed chick are unattractive traits so they shave their own jaw/zygo and inject fillers on their chick jfl.
Literal self-looksmin
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Even the girls that like kpop would rather date Latino or white here, srsly asians always stick to their own clique and their girls don't even date them, the ricewhores would rather be single (they get rejected frequently Asian women are femcels here jfl) than date dorks that talk about mobile games and league of legends all day jfl.
Where do you live where Asian women are femcels JFL
Greycel olmana rağmen bende
Bu greycel muhabbetini pek anlamadım. Aktiflikle mi alakalı? Ben genelde okuyup geçiyorum. Sitede fazla kalmıyorum.
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Bu greycel muhabbetini pek anlamadım. Aktiflikle mi alakalı? Ben genelde okuyup geçiyorum. Sitede fazla kalmıyorum.
Rütbe gibi
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Latin america, 1 had a mental breakdown becauss htn pretty boy rejected her
In the rest of the world they have over the roof SMV while their looksmatch is a genetic dead end
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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In the rest of the world they have over the roof SMV while their looksmatch is a genetic dead end
their smv is thru the roof because of desperate white men that cant have success within their own race so they go to SEA and get noodlewhores, and these noodlewhores get an ego about good looking men because these subhuman white guys blow smoke up their ass. nothing else rlly. I hate asians and would never ever date one, thye get rejected plenty here their smv is the lowest both female and male.
Ive never seen a Chang Irl. Not even a Chang lite.
Ive never seen a Chang Irl. Not even a Chang lite.
you probably think they are white. When I told ppl I'm part Asian, they are always like "No wayyyy I thought you were >insert random ethnicity<"
The rices capacity for coping is amazing. I mean every time I see asians in night clubs they are just beaming with optimism, talking To everyone. Finnish normies just sit in their own corner among friends.
The rices capacity for coping is amazing. I mean every time I see asians in night clubs they are just beaming with optimism, talking To everyone. Finnish normies just sit in their own corner among friends.
This is not the case of rices being confident, it's the case of the Finnish being autistic
their smv is thru the roof because of desperate white men that cant have success within their own race so they go to SEA and get noodlewhores, and these noodlewhores get an ego about good looking men because these subhuman white guys blow smoke up their ass. nothing else rlly. I hate asians and would never ever date one, thye get rejected plenty here their smv is the lowest both female and male.
I shouldn't be happy because I'm rice but this got me a smile NGL, seeing that ugly noodlewhores are not gassed up everywhere
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I shouldn't be happy because I'm rice but this got me a smile NGL, seeing that ugly noodlewhores are not gassed up everywhere
Yeah, everyone hates Asian females here. I have never seen one that dates outside of their race (let alone date anyone) here, if they date it's always between other asians which I respect, never seen a different racial dynamic in my time living here. Always between their own race or nothing and the asians here are very strict about it from what I've experienced.
  • +1
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Yeah, everyone hates Asian females here. I have never seen one that dates outside of their race (let alone date anyone) here, if they date it's always between other asians which I respect, never seen a different racial dynamic in my time living here. Always between their own race or nothing and the asians here are very strict about it from what I've experienced.
Yeah tbf asians outside of North America asians tend to marry in their own, but I see this changing in Europe and ofc girls outmarry guys.

I'm neutral to race but since not once in my life I had a crush on an asian girl I honestly cannot see dating within my race as an ascension goal.
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I would argue it's even worse. At least the good looking black girls have a pretty huge following online and have thirsty niggas all over their posts and commenting and simping all the time.

The very few Chang posts I see online barely get any traction, likes, or comments, and of the few comments they get, are usually their friends complimenting and boosting whatever little confidence they have. There aren't any random women that post heart emojis under their posts.

Meanwhile there are numerous pages dedicated to Chads and Tyrones and get millions of followers.

Changs are destined to never win in this soyciety.
Chang posts = those kpop guys nowadays and they get millions of likes per post
  • JFL
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Yeah tbf asians outside of North America asians tend to marry in their own, but I see this changing in Europe and ofc girls outmarry guys.

I'm neutral to race but since not once in my life I had a crush on an asian girl I honestly cannot see dating within my race as an ascension goal.
That's fair, I'd date within my own race, I have a preference for North Indian, med/Arabic or South European girls. I feel for ricecels very shit to have your own race shit on you.
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Indians have lower smv but ChadPreet>>Chang.

Chaddam and ChadPreet are the only ones that can go head to head against white Chad.
whats the difference between chaddam and chadpreet?
  • +1
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whats the difference between chaddam and chadpreet?
Chaddam and northern chadpreet have similar caps, chaddams just have more variation with coloring as some mixed with South Europeans. Really pretty similar tbh, most women will think northern chadpreet is same to chaddam. Both have similar exotic halo
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Chaddam and northern chadpreet have similar caps, chaddams just have more variation with coloring as some mixed with South Europeans. Really pretty similar tbh, most women will think northern chadpreet is same to chaddam. Both have similar exotic halo
oh ok i see thanks
  • +1
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Chaddam and northern chadpreet have similar caps, chaddams just have more variation with coloring as some mixed with South Europeans. Really pretty similar tbh, most women will think northern chadpreet is same to chaddam. Both have similar exotic halo
i heard there are too many arabs in latin america.How are they there compared to the asians?. Some levantine arabs looks like White people
  • +1
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i heard there are too many arabs in latin america.How are they there compared to the asians?. Some levantine arabs looks like White people
I don't think there are many Arabs in Latin America, at least where I live. More asians than anything.
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@GigaChang Your Avi looks insane though...
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@GigaChang Your Avi looks insane though...
I've changed it now. The guy was angle frauding and coping with side profile, he looked like shit in candids
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Where are you from?
Genetical heritage is mostly Gulf Arabs, some North Indian heritage as well, my grandma on moms side was levantine and Grandpa was a chaddam with green eyes. Family from sindh area in India.
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Chang posts = those kpop guys nowadays and they get millions of likes per post
1a. K-pop fags aren't Changs. They are trannies that ugly landwhale teenage girls who can't snag a white Chad or Tyrone themselves settle to liking because they were bullied by stacy-tier blonde white girls for their looks and shit and have to resort to anime to cope with their loneliness. Have you seen the girls who like anime? GOD they're ugly as FUCK. Also because they are bullied to no end they have a lot of time on their hands as they are not going to parties drinking their ass off, nor are they getting a train run on them by hundreds of Chads. So what do they do in their spare time? Make multiple IG/Twitter/Facebook accounts to spam and like all the kpop posts.

1b. Don't believe me? Go to a kpop IG post, and look at the list of the people who liked it. See if you can find a single white blonde girl on there. See if you can find a single good looking girl that liked a kpop post. You won't find any. They're all profiles with kpop or anime avis. I'm sorry but even the low-tier becky level girls don't like asian guys.

2. What I meant by Changs, are Asian guys who are 6'+, muscular, six-pack abs, probably financially successful. Maybe wearing a suit here or there. Have you seen those types of IG posts? You don't. You know why? No one ever looks for them, so why would the Instagram algorithm ever need to promote those types of pictures in people's Discover pages? When have you ever heard a hot white/latina girl say "I'm gonna google hot asian guys"? Never. It never happens. Period.

3. Conclusion: Changs = white normie tier. If that. Sorry not sorry. Facts don't care about feelings, for any ricecels reading this.
The guy in my avi is frauding hard and coping with side profile

I've never seen a legit Asian Chad that looks good in every picture

inb4 @Effortless posts that one unknown guy from Instagram that gets mogged by average 6.5 psl chad
Doesn't matter if he looks good or not. Can he seduce? That's the real question.
their smv is thru the roof because of desperate white men that cant have success within their own race so they go to SEA and get noodlewhores, and these noodlewhores get an ego about good looking men because these subhuman white guys blow smoke up their ass. nothing else rlly. I hate asians and would never ever date one, thye get rejected plenty here their smv is the lowest both female and male.
JFL @ noodles thinking they're actually good looking
  • JFL
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