Deleted member 17448

Verified Mogger
Jan 26, 2022
Like I promised here it is. It's so sad that in 2022 we don't have a detailed guide in looksmax about how to fuck bitches from tinder. I will guide you from preparing your profile to fucking the bitches brains out so they will want to see you again. Mods, you better pin this thread in best of the best, shit is going to hit the fan.

We live in the age of social media. It's 2022, you are already late to the party, and ignoring dating apps is something you shouldn't be doing, specially if you live in a big city. I should also give you a disclaimer: dating apps are heavily filled with men and the women who are there are usually just in for validation or insta promotion purposes. So the two keys points of avoiding tinder burnout are: looking at least above average (HTN) and taking the mechanical approach I will explain in this guide. I only use Tinder and Bumble because in my country (Spain) those are the best populated.

This is the same profile photos I use for Tinder and Bumble, rated in For privacy reasons I won't show them, but that's me:
Screenshot 2022 06 30 11 30 06 402

Screenshot 2022 06 30 11 30 12 122
Screenshot 2022 06 30 11 30 19 282

Looking good and having good photos is the cornerstone of OLD, without that you can't even play. But the good news are that you don't need to be into Chad territory to be successful. Every normie can softmaxx himself to HTN status. So if your looks are lacking, work into yourself first, there are LOTS of good quality threads here.

This is my tinder account:
Screenshot 2022 06 30 11 40 55 112

Screenshot 2022 06 29 15 29 56 062

As you can see I'm verified and I have platinum (more on this later). Those matches are in the span of 4 months. My like ratio is around 30%, so I've had nearly 2000 likes in this period.

Already looking decent, now what? I recommend you to contact a photographer and tell him to do a session with you. You could hire one or someone who does it for free. But the most important thing is that you explain to him what are these photos for, if he's blackpilled, experienced and knows how to make them for you to appear more masculine and assertive, that would be the best. Getting two sessions is better than one, so you don't have all the photos with the same outfits. A combination of candids and photos where you are doing stuff you like while looking good are the optimal setup.

Once you have your photos (6 of them) it's time to upload them to the app. NEVER FORGET that you look as good as your worst photo. If a woman is looking at your profile and 5 of 6 photos look good and one significantly worse, probably you will be swiped left. If you only have 3 good photos upload ONLY THOSE, better to have fewer quality photos than fill your profile will more shit which will sabotage your success.

With this out of the way, you should obviously upload your best photo first. It should be one where the woman can see your face clearly and what body type you have. When I'm looking at the profile
of a foid who only has closeups of her face or in weird angles I already know that something is up, usually they are fatties that try to hide it. So if you do shit like this, you will be red flagged the fucking moment your profile shows up. After this it doesn't matter the order of the other photos, if you have a good physique show it in a NT way if you can, if not, try the mirror selfie. But to maximize OLD you should already have a mogger physique.

Now to you bio. This is not very important, your photos are like 90% of your tinder success. Because I treat tinder as a HOOKUP app first, I give with my photos and bio a somewhat of a sexual or fuckboy (was called that several times) vibes. Yes, some women will be turned of by that, but the ones that are DTF will right swipe. If you are 6'0 (183cm) or taller put it in your bio. Whatever you put into your bio make it simple, remember that 90% of your OLD success are your photos. If you have a mogger insta put it in your bio, if not, don't go showing off, lots of women before marching with you will check your insta. If it looks average or bad it won't do you any favors, so be mindful of this.

Before starting you have to understand that in 2022 TINDER IS A PAY TO PLAY APP: overfilled with men, most women just want to promote their insta or get their daily validation fix, tinder greedy business scheme... all this shit will make your experience worse, but between all this pile of shit, I can assure you pussy is waiting for you.

Tinder's algorithm is basically the better you look the more you are shown to goodlooking bitches, the thing is that in big cities the are so many men and not a lot of women, so you need everything at your disposal to be shown faster in women stacks. Women's attention in tinder is fickle, so the faster you match with a bitch, the better, you never know when she will log off and uninstall the app for a time, the opportunity window is small with each woman. For that reason I recommend you to get Tinder Platinum, it's main feature is that you will be shown faster and the time you have to match with a woman will extend from 24h to one week. If you look good TINDER PLAT WILL AMPLIFY YOUR RESULTS.

Now you are ready to start swiping, just swipe right girls you like and try to be active every day (active users are proven to be higher priority than afk ones). You can't work your way around the algorithm, if you want better results change location or look better.

LIke I told you before Tinder is pay to play, you should get at least one boost per week, it will bring you faster results. But because Tinder should be your background radar to get pussy, you don't need to go overboard with them.

You should treat OLD like your passive and effortless way to get pussy. You can have it as your primary way of meeting women, but OLD is a shit show, you will get MOSTLY lower quality than your looks deserve with much more grinding. You should go out to bars and clubs and still try to pull women from there, you will get much more easily your looksmatch. So please, if you already look good don't obsess about how fucked up OLD is: just go in swipe, interact with your matches, and get your effortless lays.

Before continuing check this thread of mine, it has a TLDR too:

You are getting lots of matches of women you would like to fuck. But not so fast, unlike most incels of this forum think, you are not fucking all your matches. In fact, you will only fuck a small percentage of those. For me, on average, I need 40-50 matches for every lay. Now you should start to understand how crazy the numbers game is with OLD. Treat those matches like potential bitches you will fuck, don't let your hopes up, even if they say you are so hot or that they want to be fucked by you.

A match DOESN'T MEAN SHIT, it only means you are above her looks threshold, for all you know she could be there just to promo her insta to hot guys or just to get her ego inflated (those are the majority). Forget about those, you need to find the one ones that are serious about getting fucked.

Because you are a smart man and you understand this concept, your approach will be to use some kind of soft template to message all these women and steer the convo ASAP to get her number and plan a date via WhatsApp/Telegram/Instagram. Forget about jestermaxxing, confortmaxxing or any of that shit. If she's really DTF she will agree with ANY of your advances.

So for the template I use:

1. Opener. I like to use something simple and to the point. Hey sexy, I'm J. How are you? (Whatever she says you don't care, if she says something relevant answer to her briefly before going into the next step, if not, go straight for it).

2. Small Talk. You don't need to go over board. I like to ask about her hobbies because sometimes she is actually interesting and others (most of the time) she's your typical braindead bitch. What do you like to do in your free time? (Again, if she says something interesting or anything that you like too you can exchange maybe 2-3 more messages talking about that, don't be robotic and go with the flow of the convo. But don't delay and go for the next step).

3. Logistics. This is key, specially in a big city. The farther away she is from you, the harder will be to meet. You need to know where she lives so you can start to think how feasible for you two will be to fuck. You are not that far away, where do you live? I'm in X. (Nothing to comment here).

4. Phone number. Now the time of the truth has arrived. You will show your fangs and see if she really complies with your advances. Look, I'm not looking for anything too serious right now, but we should take a drink and see what happens. If you are interested give me your number and we'll talk there 😉 (She could say that she prefer to talk with insta, if she says that go for it, you just want to talk outside Tinder and schedule the date. If she's not DTF she will usually ghost you here).

Have in mind this template is simplistic af, yet is very maleable to your needs or what the convo demands. The thing is that what you say it doesn't really matters (unless you start to go autist mode), you just need an efficient way to move things forward without much thinking. You don't want to be the guy handcrafting each message when you have dozens of matches to take care of.

Good, you got her number or insta. But don't celebrate like a little bitch, women sometimes give numbers when they don't plan to meet, or maybe both of your schedules are busy and things will get cold.

What you need to do is talk to her and plan the date ASAP as both of your schedules permit. Keep the vibes you had during your tinder and propose to take a drink in a bar NEAR YOUR PLACE. If you want to fuck her in the first date you need to have great logistics. If she says she's busy or some vague response and she doesn't offer another day, tell her to hit you up when she has more free time and forget about that bitch (most of the time you will never hear from her). If she says yes, great, feel free to keep talking casually leading to the date of not, whatever you prefer. The day of the date send a confirmation text if you didn't talk, some bitches think you forgot if you don't say anything.

This is getting too long boyos. Stay tuned for part 2 where I detail about the date and the sex part in order to retain bitches. But to get dates and replicate easily the results, this is it. Feel free to ask any questions.



  • Screenshot_2022-06-29-15-29-56-06~2.jpg
    113.5 KB · Views: 0
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  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: T50 Mogger, Magnum Opus, Acne Victim and 22 others
im 5"6 nigga should i just not say anything on my profile? or fraud 5"8 with insoles and shid?

ova for midget currys
  • +1
Reactions: EggKing, aleksander and Deleted member 20618
im 5"6 nigga should i just not say anything on my profile? or fraud 5"8 with insoles and shid?

ova for midget currys
Fraud a bit and don't mention unless asked.
Fraud a bit and don't mention unless asked.
mogger pfp neega

i watched that fight on youtube clips and it was peak so i watched the whole series after
imagine writing guides to help people and making ur compeititon harder FOR FREE

what do u gain from this
  • JFL
Reactions: T50 Mogger and Deleted member 20618
imagine writing guides to help people and making ur compeititon harder FOR FREE

what do u gain from this
Nigga we re worldwide nobodys in his area

Also pretty good guide
  • +1
Reactions: FreakkForLife, |Daddy_Zygos| and Deleted member 17448
imagine writing guides to help people and making ur compeititon harder FOR FREE

what do u gain from this
I help my fellow lookmaxers in times of need. It's all about looks, this is just an automatic and effortless way of getting dates. Without certain looks this WONT WORK.
  • +1
Reactions: zeshama, SurgeryEnjoyer, Zures and 5 others
I help my fellow lookmaxers in times of need. It's all about looks, this is just an automatic and effortless way of getting dates. Without certain looks this WONT WORK.
Your pics are edited, right? What women say
How many foids did you sleep with?
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: Virgin at 29 😔 and Deleted member 18840
How many foids did you sleep with?
Using this approach 16 in 4 months just from Tinder. Having in mind that I work and have life outside fucking bitches. If all my free time was centered into this I could double that number easily.
  • +1
Reactions: FreakkForLife, Virgin at 29 😔 and Xangsane
Using this approach 16 in 4 months just from Tinder. Having in mind that I work and have life outside fucking bitches. If all my free time was centered into this I could double that number easily.
What's your lifetime laycount?
What's your lifetime laycount?
30. Last 7 years were spent in a LTR. The other 14 were from nightgame during uni before my LTR.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: |Daddy_Zygos|, FreakkForLife, Virgin at 29 😔 and 2 others
imagine writing guides to help people and making ur compeititon harder FOR FREE

what do u gain from this
JFL if you think sharing knowledge on this site will have any significant affect on your competition.
  • +1
Reactions: BoneDensity
30. Last 7 years were spent in a LTR. The other 14 were from nightgame during uni before my LTR.
What made you split?
Great guide but I was wondering what type of pictures would you suggest that work the best? Has anyone split-tested this?

Do you think this little list I thought for pictures is dumb or would it be effective?
- First Picture Being The BEST pic you have.
- Second Picture - A picture of you in a social setting, with other people and you, are way taller than them, potentially 1 or 2 attractive women with other men who look worse than you.
- Third Picture - Showing You Are In Shape/Active I would assume if you have a great physique you could go to the beach to get a shirtless picture however, if you are on the skinnier side but you are not fat, I would assume this would help out a bit?
- Fourth PIcture - You in a police uniform, with handcuffs, I saw on tiktok that this was quite effective. Something which suggests you are "kinky". (I was discussing this with a friend but I was wondering if this would be better than you faking a mugshot.)
- Fourth Picture - Going to the dirt bike location and renting out a dirt bike to take a picture. This would give you a more adventurous/bad boy vibe?
- Let me know if you have any more good photo ideas.

Would status help out with getting more matches on tinder? Like you near nice resorts and such? I would assume the more swipes you get the more you are shown to more women so I'd assume it's a win?

Wouldn't having a dog increase chances? Or would it decrease chances? I understand we'd want to give off the bad boy vibe but, just having a dog would surely decrease your chance of success?

I have personally never used any apps but I was thinking would this work with tinder? If you set your profile with a catfish of an attractive guy and set it to a country where you'd win super hard, then you swap your images and switch your location after?
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: boss8055 and Deleted member 17448
Great guide but I was wondering what type of pictures would you suggest that work the best? Has anyone split-tested this?

Do you think this little list I thought for pictures is dumb or would it be effective?
- First Picture Being The BEST pic you have.
- Second Picture - A picture of you in a social setting, with other people and you, are way taller than them, potentially 1 or 2 attractive women with other men who look worse than you.
- Third Picture - Showing You Are In Shape/Active I would assume if you have a great physique you could go to the beach to get a shirtless picture however, if you are on the skinnier side but you are not fat, I would assume this would help out a bit?
- Fourth PIcture - You in a police uniform, with handcuffs, I saw on tiktok that this was quite effective. Something which suggests you are "kinky". (I was discussing this with a friend but I was wondering if this would be better than you faking a mugshot.)
- Fourth Picture - Going to the dirt bike location and renting out a dirt bike to take a picture. This would give you a more adventurous/bad boy vibe?
- Let me know if you have any more good photo ideas.

Would status help out with getting more matches on tinder? Like you near nice resorts and such? I would assume the more swipes you get the more you are shown to more women so I'd assume it's a win?

Wouldn't having a dog increase chances? Or would it decrease chances? I understand we'd want to give off the bad boy vibe but, just having a dog would surely decrease your chance of success?

I have personally never used any apps but I was thinking would this work with tinder? If you set your profile with a catfish of an attractive guy and set it to a country where you'd win super hard, then you swap your ima
How good you look is mostly what matters. You want to look great in all your photos. Looking like you have lot of friends won't help you. Showing your hobbies won't do shit except making curious some chick who enjoys the same as you. First thing you should ask yourself is: do I look like a mogger in all my photos? Obviously your style is important. Dogs, maybe but again, a bitch should want to fuck you, not your dog.

Status could help yeah, that's like having a good insta, most bitches dig that.

And no, that wouldn't help. The only way to improve your elo is to look better and higher status.
  • +1
Reactions: klamus
Like I promised here it is. It's so sad that in 2022 we don't have a detailed guide in looksmax about how to fuck bitches from tinder. I will guide you from preparing your profile to fucking the bitches brains out so they will want to see you again. Mods, you better pin this thread in best of the best, shit is going to hit the fan.

We live in the age of social media. It's 2022, you are already late to the party, and ignoring dating apps is something you shouldn't be doing, specially if you live in a big city. I should also give you a disclaimer: dating apps are heavily filled with men and the women who are there are usually just in for validation or insta promotion purposes. So the two keys points of avoiding tinder burnout are: looking at least above average (HTN) and taking the mechanical approach I will explain in this guide. I only use Tinder and Bumble because in my country (Spain) those are the best populated.

This is the same profile photos I use for Tinder and Bumble, rated in For privacy reasons I won't show them, but that's me:
View attachment 1758537

View attachment 1758538View attachment 1758539

Looking good and having good photos is the cornerstone of OLD, without that you can't even play. But the good news are that you don't need to be into Chad territory to be successful. Every normie can softmaxx himself to HTN status. So if your looks are lacking, work into yourself first, there are LOTS of good quality threads here.

This is my tinder account:
View attachment 1758557

View attachment 1760900

As you can see I'm verified and I have platinum (more on this later). Those matches are in the span of 4 months. My like ratio is around 30%, so I've had nearly 2000 likes in this period.

Already looking decent, now what? I recommend you to contact a photographer and tell him to do a session with you. You could hire one or someone who does it for free. But the most important thing is that you explain to him what are these photos for, if he's blackpilled, experienced and knows how to make them for you to appear more masculine and assertive, that would be the best. Getting two sessions is better than one, so you don't have all the photos with the same outfits. A combination of candids and photos where you are doing stuff you like while looking good are the optimal setup.

Once you have your photos (6 of them) it's time to upload them to the app. NEVER FORGET that you look as good as your worst photo. If a woman is looking at your profile and 5 of 6 photos look good and one significantly worse, probably you will be swiped left. If you only have 3 good photos upload ONLY THOSE, better to have fewer quality photos than fill your profile will more shit which will sabotage your success.

With this out of the way, you should obviously upload your best photo first. It should be one where the woman can see your face clearly and what body type you have. When I'm looking at the profile
of a foid who only has closeups of her face or in weird angles I already know that something is up, usually they are fatties that try to hide it. So if you do shit like this, you will be red flagged the fucking moment your profile shows up. After this it doesn't matter the order of the other photos, if you have a good physique show it in a NT way if you can, if not, try the mirror selfie. But to maximize OLD you should already have a mogger physique.

Now to you bio. This is not very important, your photos are like 90% of your tinder success. Because I treat tinder as a HOOKUP app first, I give with my photos and bio a somewhat of a sexual or fuckboy (was called that several times) vibes. Yes, some women will be turned of by that, but the ones that are DTF will right swipe. If you are 6'0 (183cm) or taller put it in your bio. Whatever you put into your bio make it simple, remember that 90% of your OLD success are your photos. If you have a mogger insta put it in your bio, if not, don't go showing off, lots of women before marching with you will check your insta. If it looks average or bad it won't do you any favors, so be mindful of this.

Before starting you have to understand that in 2022 TINDER IS A PAY TO PLAY APP: overfilled with men, most women just want to promote their insta or get their daily validation fix, tinder greedy business scheme... all this shit will make your experience worse, but between all this pile of shit, I can assure you pussy is waiting for you.

Tinder's algorithm is basically the better you look the more you are shown to goodlooking bitches, the thing is that in big cities the are so many men and not a lot of women, so you need everything at your disposal to be shown faster in women stacks. Women's attention in tinder is fickle, so the faster you match with a bitch, the better, you never know when she will log off and uninstall the app for a time, the opportunity window is small with each woman. For that reason I recommend you to get Tinder Platinum, it's main feature is that you will be shown faster and the time you have to match with a woman will extend from 24h to one week. If you look good TINDER PLAT WILL AMPLIFY YOUR RESULTS.

Now you are ready to start swiping, just swipe right girls you like and try to be active every day (active users are proven to be higher priority than afk ones). You can't work your way around the algorithm, if you want better results change location or look better.

LIke I told you before Tinder is pay to play, you should get at least one boost per week, it will bring you faster results. But because Tinder should be your background radar to get pussy, you don't need to go overboard with them.

You should treat OLD like your passive and effortless way to get pussy. You can have it as your primary way of meeting women, but OLD is a shit show, you will get MOSTLY lower quality than your looks deserve with much more grinding. You should go out to bars and clubs and still try to pull women from there, you will get much more easily your looksmatch. So please, if you already look good don't obsess about how fucked up OLD is: just go in swipe, interact with your matches, and get your effortless lays.

Before continuing check this thread of mine, it has a TLDR too:

You are getting lots of matches of women you would like to fuck. But not so fast, unlike most incels of this forum think, you are not fucking all your matches. In fact, you will only fuck a small percentage of those. For me, on average, I need 40-50 matches for every lay. Now you should start to understand how crazy the numbers game is with OLD. Treat those matches like potential bitches you will fuck, don't let your hopes up, even if they say you are so hot or that they want to be fucked by you.

A match DOESN'T MEAN SHIT, it only means you are above her looks threshold, for all you know she could be there just to promo her insta to hot guys or just to get her ego inflated (those are the majority). Forget about those, you need to find the one ones that are serious about getting fucked.

Because you are a smart man and you understand this concept, your approach will be to use some kind of soft template to message all these women and steer the convo ASAP to get her number and plan a date via WhatsApp/Telegram/Instagram. Forget about jestermaxxing, confortmaxxing or any of that shit. If she's really DTF she will agree with ANY of your advances.

So for the template I use:

1. Opener. I like to use something simple and to the point. Hey sexy, I'm J. How are you? (Whatever she says you don't care, if she says something relevant answer to her briefly before going into the next step, if not, go straight for it).

2. Small Talk. You don't need to go over board. I like to ask about her hobbies because sometimes she is actually interesting and others (most of the time) she's your typical braindead bitch. What do you like to do in your free time? (Again, if she says something interesting or anything that you like too you can exchange maybe 2-3 more messages talking about that, don't be robotic and go with the flow of the convo. But don't delay and go for the next step).

3. Logistics. This is key, specially in a big city. The farther away she is from you, the harder will be to meet. You need to know where she lives so you can start to think how feasible for you two will be to fuck. You are not that far away, where do you live? I'm in X. (Nothing to comment here).

4. Phone number. Now the time of the truth has arrived. You will show your fangs and see if she really complies with your advances. Look, I'm not looking for anything too serious right now, but we should take a drink and see what happens. If you are interested give me your number and we'll talk there 😉 (She could say that she prefer to talk with insta, if she says that go for it, you just want to talk outside Tinder and schedule the date. If she's not DTF she will usually ghost you here).

Have in mind this template is simplistic af, yet is very maleable to your needs or what the convo demands. The thing is that what you say it doesn't really matters (unless you start to go autist mode), you just need an efficient way to move things forward without much thinking. You don't want to be the guy handcrafting each message when you have dozens of matches to take care of.

Good, you got her number or insta. But don't celebrate like a little bitch, women sometimes give numbers when they don't plan to meet, or maybe both of your schedules are busy and things will get cold.

What you need to do is talk to her and plan the date ASAP as both of your schedules permit. Keep the vibes you had during your tinder and propose to take a drink in a bar NEAR YOUR PLACE. If you want to fuck her in the first date you need to have great logistics. If she says she's busy or some vague response and she doesn't offer another day, tell her to hit you up when she has more free time and forget about that bitch (most of the time you will never hear from her). If she says yes, great, feel free to keep talking casually leading to the date of not, whatever you prefer. The day of the date send a confirmation text if you didn't talk, some bitches think you forgot if you don't say anything.

This is getting too long boyos. Stay tuned for part 2 where I detail about the date and the sex part in order to retain bitches. But to get dates and replicate easily the results, this is it. Feel free to ask any questions.

Using candid pics is horrible idea, u have to be literal chad to look good there, selfies are a lot better when u are htn (like me)
Like I promised here it is. It's so sad that in 2022 we don't have a detailed guide in looksmax about how to fuck bitches from tinder. I will guide you from preparing your profile to fucking the bitches brains out so they will want to see you again. Mods, you better pin this thread in best of the best, shit is going to hit the fan.

We live in the age of social media. It's 2022, you are already late to the party, and ignoring dating apps is something you shouldn't be doing, specially if you live in a big city. I should also give you a disclaimer: dating apps are heavily filled with men and the women who are there are usually just in for validation or insta promotion purposes. So the two keys points of avoiding tinder burnout are: looking at least above average (HTN) and taking the mechanical approach I will explain in this guide. I only use Tinder and Bumble because in my country (Spain) those are the best populated.

This is the same profile photos I use for Tinder and Bumble, rated in For privacy reasons I won't show them, but that's me:
View attachment 1758537

View attachment 1758538View attachment 1758539

Looking good and having good photos is the cornerstone of OLD, without that you can't even play. But the good news are that you don't need to be into Chad territory to be successful. Every normie can softmaxx himself to HTN status. So if your looks are lacking, work into yourself first, there are LOTS of good quality threads here.

This is my tinder account:
View attachment 1758557

View attachment 1760900

As you can see I'm verified and I have platinum (more on this later). Those matches are in the span of 4 months. My like ratio is around 30%, so I've had nearly 2000 likes in this period.

Already looking decent, now what? I recommend you to contact a photographer and tell him to do a session with you. You could hire one or someone who does it for free. But the most important thing is that you explain to him what are these photos for, if he's blackpilled, experienced and knows how to make them for you to appear more masculine and assertive, that would be the best. Getting two sessions is better than one, so you don't have all the photos with the same outfits. A combination of candids and photos where you are doing stuff you like while looking good are the optimal setup.

Once you have your photos (6 of them) it's time to upload them to the app. NEVER FORGET that you look as good as your worst photo. If a woman is looking at your profile and 5 of 6 photos look good and one significantly worse, probably you will be swiped left. If you only have 3 good photos upload ONLY THOSE, better to have fewer quality photos than fill your profile will more shit which will sabotage your success.

With this out of the way, you should obviously upload your best photo first. It should be one where the woman can see your face clearly and what body type you have. When I'm looking at the profile
of a foid who only has closeups of her face or in weird angles I already know that something is up, usually they are fatties that try to hide it. So if you do shit like this, you will be red flagged the fucking moment your profile shows up. After this it doesn't matter the order of the other photos, if you have a good physique show it in a NT way if you can, if not, try the mirror selfie. But to maximize OLD you should already have a mogger physique.

Now to you bio. This is not very important, your photos are like 90% of your tinder success. Because I treat tinder as a HOOKUP app first, I give with my photos and bio a somewhat of a sexual or fuckboy (was called that several times) vibes. Yes, some women will be turned of by that, but the ones that are DTF will right swipe. If you are 6'0 (183cm) or taller put it in your bio. Whatever you put into your bio make it simple, remember that 90% of your OLD success are your photos. If you have a mogger insta put it in your bio, if not, don't go showing off, lots of women before marching with you will check your insta. If it looks average or bad it won't do you any favors, so be mindful of this.

Before starting you have to understand that in 2022 TINDER IS A PAY TO PLAY APP: overfilled with men, most women just want to promote their insta or get their daily validation fix, tinder greedy business scheme... all this shit will make your experience worse, but between all this pile of shit, I can assure you pussy is waiting for you.

Tinder's algorithm is basically the better you look the more you are shown to goodlooking bitches, the thing is that in big cities the are so many men and not a lot of women, so you need everything at your disposal to be shown faster in women stacks. Women's attention in tinder is fickle, so the faster you match with a bitch, the better, you never know when she will log off and uninstall the app for a time, the opportunity window is small with each woman. For that reason I recommend you to get Tinder Platinum, it's main feature is that you will be shown faster and the time you have to match with a woman will extend from 24h to one week. If you look good TINDER PLAT WILL AMPLIFY YOUR RESULTS.

Now you are ready to start swiping, just swipe right girls you like and try to be active every day (active users are proven to be higher priority than afk ones). You can't work your way around the algorithm, if you want better results change location or look better.

LIke I told you before Tinder is pay to play, you should get at least one boost per week, it will bring you faster results. But because Tinder should be your background radar to get pussy, you don't need to go overboard with them.

You should treat OLD like your passive and effortless way to get pussy. You can have it as your primary way of meeting women, but OLD is a shit show, you will get MOSTLY lower quality than your looks deserve with much more grinding. You should go out to bars and clubs and still try to pull women from there, you will get much more easily your looksmatch. So please, if you already look good don't obsess about how fucked up OLD is: just go in swipe, interact with your matches, and get your effortless lays.

Before continuing check this thread of mine, it has a TLDR too:

You are getting lots of matches of women you would like to fuck. But not so fast, unlike most incels of this forum think, you are not fucking all your matches. In fact, you will only fuck a small percentage of those. For me, on average, I need 40-50 matches for every lay. Now you should start to understand how crazy the numbers game is with OLD. Treat those matches like potential bitches you will fuck, don't let your hopes up, even if they say you are so hot or that they want to be fucked by you.

A match DOESN'T MEAN SHIT, it only means you are above her looks threshold, for all you know she could be there just to promo her insta to hot guys or just to get her ego inflated (those are the majority). Forget about those, you need to find the one ones that are serious about getting fucked.

Because you are a smart man and you understand this concept, your approach will be to use some kind of soft template to message all these women and steer the convo ASAP to get her number and plan a date via WhatsApp/Telegram/Instagram. Forget about jestermaxxing, confortmaxxing or any of that shit. If she's really DTF she will agree with ANY of your advances.

So for the template I use:

1. Opener. I like to use something simple and to the point. Hey sexy, I'm J. How are you? (Whatever she says you don't care, if she says something relevant answer to her briefly before going into the next step, if not, go straight for it).

2. Small Talk. You don't need to go over board. I like to ask about her hobbies because sometimes she is actually interesting and others (most of the time) she's your typical braindead bitch. What do you like to do in your free time? (Again, if she says something interesting or anything that you like too you can exchange maybe 2-3 more messages talking about that, don't be robotic and go with the flow of the convo. But don't delay and go for the next step).

3. Logistics. This is key, specially in a big city. The farther away she is from you, the harder will be to meet. You need to know where she lives so you can start to think how feasible for you two will be to fuck. You are not that far away, where do you live? I'm in X. (Nothing to comment here).

4. Phone number. Now the time of the truth has arrived. You will show your fangs and see if she really complies with your advances. Look, I'm not looking for anything too serious right now, but we should take a drink and see what happens. If you are interested give me your number and we'll talk there 😉 (She could say that she prefer to talk with insta, if she says that go for it, you just want to talk outside Tinder and schedule the date. If she's not DTF she will usually ghost you here).

Have in mind this template is simplistic af, yet is very maleable to your needs or what the convo demands. The thing is that what you say it doesn't really matters (unless you start to go autist mode), you just need an efficient way to move things forward without much thinking. You don't want to be the guy handcrafting each message when you have dozens of matches to take care of.

Good, you got her number or insta. But don't celebrate like a little bitch, women sometimes give numbers when they don't plan to meet, or maybe both of your schedules are busy and things will get cold.

What you need to do is talk to her and plan the date ASAP as both of your schedules permit. Keep the vibes you had during your tinder and propose to take a drink in a bar NEAR YOUR PLACE. If you want to fuck her in the first date you need to have great logistics. If she says she's busy or some vague response and she doesn't offer another day, tell her to hit you up when she has more free time and forget about that bitch (most of the time you will never hear from her). If she says yes, great, feel free to keep talking casually leading to the date of not, whatever you prefer. The day of the date send a confirmation text if you didn't talk, some bitches think you forgot if you don't say anything.

This is getting too long boyos. Stay tuned for part 2 where I detail about the date and the sex part in order to retain bitches. But to get dates and replicate easily the results, this is it. Feel free to ask any questions.

Also OLD is easier than clubs, in clubs u have 6’6 guys around u
Just be Chad theory with a photographer
  • +1
Reactions: BoneDensity
Using candid pics is horrible idea, u have to be literal chad to look good there, selfies are a lot better when u are htn (like me)
That's why those candids are made by a professional photographer.
  • +1
Reactions: T50 Mogger
Also OLD is easier than clubs, in clubs u have 6’6 guys around u
Yeah mofo, only chads go to clubs, the competition is insane.
jfl at this anime loving normie fag's avi
muh jojo muh sasuke muh idk whatever these weeaboo fags are into :hnghn:
jfl at this anime loving normie fag's avi
muh jojo muh sasuke muh idk whatever these weeaboo fags are into :hnghn:
You fucking mad tough guy, we are out there banging prime bitches left and right while you rot.
  • JFL
Reactions: Growth Plate
Do you really open with. hey how are you?

What’s the response percentage like?
Do you really open with. hey how are you?

What’s the response percentage like?
I tried the tactics of @Enfant terrible terrible. Just say the girls names f. E „lena!“ and they all responded :lul: like 8/10 matches respond
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: BoneDensity, turbocuckcel_7000000 and Deleted member 19445
I tried the tactics of @Enfant terrible terrible. Just say the girls names f. E „lena!“ and they all responded :lul: like 8/10 matches respond
no matches more for me on bumble even with boost :(
100 percent shadow banned now after deleting countless times
  • +1
Reactions: Virgin at 29 😔
no matches more for me on bumble even with boost :(
100 percent shadow banned now after deleting countless times
Bumble is way worse in germany than tinder idk why
Do you really open with. hey how are you?

What’s the response percentage like?
I always try to start flirty with something relevant of her pics or just with the "you are sexy" thing. My response rate is 55% or so.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19445
I tried the tactics of @Enfant terrible terrible. Just say the girls names f. E „lena!“ and they all responded :lul: like 8/10 matches respond
Another day another 6’5 pill
  • JFL
Reactions: fuckedupmanlet and Virgin at 29 😔
  • Woah
  • +1
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Like I promised here it is. It's so sad that in 2022 we don't have a detailed guide in looksmax about how to fuck bitches from tinder. I will guide you from preparing your profile to fucking the bitches brains out so they will want to see you again. Mods, you better pin this thread in best of the best, shit is going to hit the fan.

We live in the age of social media. It's 2022, you are already late to the party, and ignoring dating apps is something you shouldn't be doing, specially if you live in a big city. I should also give you a disclaimer: dating apps are heavily filled with men and the women who are there are usually just in for validation or insta promotion purposes. So the two keys points of avoiding tinder burnout are: looking at least above average (HTN) and taking the mechanical approach I will explain in this guide. I only use Tinder and Bumble because in my country (Spain) those are the best populated.

This is the same profile photos I use for Tinder and Bumble, rated in For privacy reasons I won't show them, but that's me:
View attachment 1758537

View attachment 1758538View attachment 1758539

Looking good and having good photos is the cornerstone of OLD, without that you can't even play. But the good news are that you don't need to be into Chad territory to be successful. Every normie can softmaxx himself to HTN status. So if your looks are lacking, work into yourself first, there are LOTS of good quality threads here.

This is my tinder account:
View attachment 1758557

View attachment 1760900

As you can see I'm verified and I have platinum (more on this later). Those matches are in the span of 4 months. My like ratio is around 30%, so I've had nearly 2000 likes in this period.

Already looking decent, now what? I recommend you to contact a photographer and tell him to do a session with you. You could hire one or someone who does it for free. But the most important thing is that you explain to him what are these photos for, if he's blackpilled, experienced and knows how to make them for you to appear more masculine and assertive, that would be the best. Getting two sessions is better than one, so you don't have all the photos with the same outfits. A combination of candids and photos where you are doing stuff you like while looking good are the optimal setup.

Once you have your photos (6 of them) it's time to upload them to the app. NEVER FORGET that you look as good as your worst photo. If a woman is looking at your profile and 5 of 6 photos look good and one significantly worse, probably you will be swiped left. If you only have 3 good photos upload ONLY THOSE, better to have fewer quality photos than fill your profile will more shit which will sabotage your success.

With this out of the way, you should obviously upload your best photo first. It should be one where the woman can see your face clearly and what body type you have. When I'm looking at the profile
of a foid who only has closeups of her face or in weird angles I already know that something is up, usually they are fatties that try to hide it. So if you do shit like this, you will be red flagged the fucking moment your profile shows up. After this it doesn't matter the order of the other photos, if you have a good physique show it in a NT way if you can, if not, try the mirror selfie. But to maximize OLD you should already have a mogger physique.

Now to you bio. This is not very important, your photos are like 90% of your tinder success. Because I treat tinder as a HOOKUP app first, I give with my photos and bio a somewhat of a sexual or fuckboy (was called that several times) vibes. Yes, some women will be turned of by that, but the ones that are DTF will right swipe. If you are 6'0 (183cm) or taller put it in your bio. Whatever you put into your bio make it simple, remember that 90% of your OLD success are your photos. If you have a mogger insta put it in your bio, if not, don't go showing off, lots of women before marching with you will check your insta. If it looks average or bad it won't do you any favors, so be mindful of this.

Before starting you have to understand that in 2022 TINDER IS A PAY TO PLAY APP: overfilled with men, most women just want to promote their insta or get their daily validation fix, tinder greedy business scheme... all this shit will make your experience worse, but between all this pile of shit, I can assure you pussy is waiting for you.

Tinder's algorithm is basically the better you look the more you are shown to goodlooking bitches, the thing is that in big cities the are so many men and not a lot of women, so you need everything at your disposal to be shown faster in women stacks. Women's attention in tinder is fickle, so the faster you match with a bitch, the better, you never know when she will log off and uninstall the app for a time, the opportunity window is small with each woman. For that reason I recommend you to get Tinder Platinum, it's main feature is that you will be shown faster and the time you have to match with a woman will extend from 24h to one week. If you look good TINDER PLAT WILL AMPLIFY YOUR RESULTS.

Now you are ready to start swiping, just swipe right girls you like and try to be active every day (active users are proven to be higher priority than afk ones). You can't work your way around the algorithm, if you want better results change location or look better.

LIke I told you before Tinder is pay to play, you should get at least one boost per week, it will bring you faster results. But because Tinder should be your background radar to get pussy, you don't need to go overboard with them.

You should treat OLD like your passive and effortless way to get pussy. You can have it as your primary way of meeting women, but OLD is a shit show, you will get MOSTLY lower quality than your looks deserve with much more grinding. You should go out to bars and clubs and still try to pull women from there, you will get much more easily your looksmatch. So please, if you already look good don't obsess about how fucked up OLD is: just go in swipe, interact with your matches, and get your effortless lays.

Before continuing check this thread of mine, it has a TLDR too:

You are getting lots of matches of women you would like to fuck. But not so fast, unlike most incels of this forum think, you are not fucking all your matches. In fact, you will only fuck a small percentage of those. For me, on average, I need 40-50 matches for every lay. Now you should start to understand how crazy the numbers game is with OLD. Treat those matches like potential bitches you will fuck, don't let your hopes up, even if they say you are so hot or that they want to be fucked by you.

A match DOESN'T MEAN SHIT, it only means you are above her looks threshold, for all you know she could be there just to promo her insta to hot guys or just to get her ego inflated (those are the majority). Forget about those, you need to find the one ones that are serious about getting fucked.

Because you are a smart man and you understand this concept, your approach will be to use some kind of soft template to message all these women and steer the convo ASAP to get her number and plan a date via WhatsApp/Telegram/Instagram. Forget about jestermaxxing, confortmaxxing or any of that shit. If she's really DTF she will agree with ANY of your advances.

So for the template I use:

1. Opener. I like to use something simple and to the point. Hey sexy, I'm J. How are you? (Whatever she says you don't care, if she says something relevant answer to her briefly before going into the next step, if not, go straight for it).

2. Small Talk. You don't need to go over board. I like to ask about her hobbies because sometimes she is actually interesting and others (most of the time) she's your typical braindead bitch. What do you like to do in your free time? (Again, if she says something interesting or anything that you like too you can exchange maybe 2-3 more messages talking about that, don't be robotic and go with the flow of the convo. But don't delay and go for the next step).

3. Logistics. This is key, specially in a big city. The farther away she is from you, the harder will be to meet. You need to know where she lives so you can start to think how feasible for you two will be to fuck. You are not that far away, where do you live? I'm in X. (Nothing to comment here).

4. Phone number. Now the time of the truth has arrived. You will show your fangs and see if she really complies with your advances. Look, I'm not looking for anything too serious right now, but we should take a drink and see what happens. If you are interested give me your number and we'll talk there 😉 (She could say that she prefer to talk with insta, if she says that go for it, you just want to talk outside Tinder and schedule the date. If she's not DTF she will usually ghost you here).

Have in mind this template is simplistic af, yet is very maleable to your needs or what the convo demands. The thing is that what you say it doesn't really matters (unless you start to go autist mode), you just need an efficient way to move things forward without much thinking. You don't want to be the guy handcrafting each message when you have dozens of matches to take care of.

Good, you got her number or insta. But don't celebrate like a little bitch, women sometimes give numbers when they don't plan to meet, or maybe both of your schedules are busy and things will get cold.

What you need to do is talk to her and plan the date ASAP as both of your schedules permit. Keep the vibes you had during your tinder and propose to take a drink in a bar NEAR YOUR PLACE. If you want to fuck her in the first date you need to have great logistics. If she says she's busy or some vague response and she doesn't offer another day, tell her to hit you up when she has more free time and forget about that bitch (most of the time you will never hear from her). If she says yes, great, feel free to keep talking casually leading to the date of not, whatever you prefer. The day of the date send a confirmation text if you didn't talk, some bitches think you forgot if you don't say anything.

This is getting too long boyos. Stay tuned for part 2 where I detail about the date and the sex part in order to retain bitches. But to get dates and replicate easily the results, this is it. Feel free to ask any questions.

Good advice having fewer but higher quality pictures + best picture first.
I tried the tactics of @Enfant terrible terrible. Just say the girls names f. E „lena!“ and they all responded :lul: like 8/10 matches respond
Doesn't even sound that bad tbh.

Openers/game probably don't even matter that much, just a way to get her attention. Obv game matters in the sense of not being neurodivergent/coming across as a creep or weirdo.
Good advice also it is smart to use multiple apps and not only rely on OLD. You start working on part 2?
I was thinking about changing location to gook land when setting up the profile and reverting back to my city once i get tonnes of likes and high elo in asia.

would this work? Or is elo reset after changing location? @JOJOcel
jfl at this anime loving normie fag's avi
muh jojo muh sasuke muh idk whatever these weeaboo fags are into :hnghn:
this sasuke shit got me laid few times, idk some hot bitches loves naruto and shit:feelshah:
  • JFL
Reactions: Growth Plate
I was thinking about changing location to gook land when setting up the profile and reverting back to my city once i get tonnes of likes and high elo in asia.

would this work? Or is elo reset after changing location? @JOJOcel
It shouldn't reset.
Good guide dude. It will be lost on most of the idiots here though.

Do you use any smiling pics?

Also one thing I would add is that using overly posed photos is a huge no-no
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17448
Good guide dude. It will be lost on most of the idiots here though.

Do you use any smiling pics?

Also one thing I would add is that using overly posed photos is a huge no-no
That's why I made emphasis on a good photographer that knows his shit. Yes, I have one.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16944
propose to take a drink in a bar NEAR YOUR PLACE. If you want to fuck her in the first date you need to have great logistics
can you please elab on the "great logistics" part @JOJOcel

also,is asking girls out for drinks(if you're planning to fuck them later) a good idea ,rather than coffee , since-
1.girls looking for free drinks might end up ordering expensive liquors and making you pay for it
2.alcohol = impaired judgement = issues in consent/false allegations later ? - dropped but the guy had to go through a lot of shit

@DoctorLooksmax ,I would like to know your opinion on this as well

also jojo,what age range girls do you fuck from tinder,since you're 27
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